PC in the UK

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Apr 1, 2020


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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PC in the UK Chapter 1

A well deserved vacation and business trip. I had made friends with someone online many years ago. He was an investment banker in London. I am from Georgia in the United States. About ten years ago I transferred a small amount of money to him for an investment scheme. It was only a few thousand so I figured if I lost the money it would not be that bad. At the time it was a large sum for my budget but I had plenty of years to make up for it if it did not pan out. We had never met in person but chatted online, on the phone and I was definitely pleased with his web cam shows. Yes I am gay and I love to see naked men and this guy is HOT.

The time came for the investment to mature. I was shocked at how well my investment had paid off. I had to ask him a few times if this was real or did he put some of his money in to make it look better. I knew that he was a millionaire in his own right but he assured me that this was all proceeds from my small investment. I had always been excited if I was able to save and maintain fifty thousand dollars in my savings. To say I was shocked with the spread sheet would be an understatement. I had never dreamed of or expected to be a millionaire. For a brief couple of days until I began to transfer some of the money and had to pay taxes I would be that. A millionaire. Barely but that didn't matter. After I paid for my round trip tickets and hotel costs that account would have lost it's million dollar status but I was in no way complaining.

I arrived in London for my first trip. I am shy when it comes to my personal life. My friend offered to take time off work to show me around. I was afraid to ask so I just told him that it would be nice to just have dinner with he and some of his friends. He knew that I thought he was one of the hottest men alive but I was not about to make any moves. Once we met I knew that it probably would not happen. Though we had never met in person it was just like seeing one of your best friends after a couple of years even though you had never met. I did have to drool every time I saw him. Plus I had seen his large girth, almost nine inch cock many times on cam. I had realized after seeing facebook posts that I was not his type anyway so I was not disappointed.

I had three meetings in his office with him and his partners to close out the investment. Luckily for me he was a hugger. His smell and body heat sent me back to my hotel room a few times for a slow and pleasurable jack off session. Going to dinner with his friends was enjoyable too. All but one treated me like we had been friends for years also. That one did not concern me because you know there has to be at least one in every group. My friend apologized to me a few times for his friends actions. I assured him that I had dealt with a lot worse and his friend was just a speck of dust in my life. I could tell after the third day that my visit was putting a strain on his plans and social life. I never suggested any meeting or dinners. He tried his best to make me feel welcome. I did feel very welcome but the shy side of me was screaming that I was wearing out my welcome.

The last evening that I was staying in London I felt like my trip was worth the money. I was invited to his flat while he prepared to go out that night. It was Friday night and he and some of his friends planned to take me out to dinner and then some of the gay bars. I am not much of a bar person and my shy goes into overdrive. He walked around his large flat naked for almost an hour before dressing. I wanted to run, not walk back to my hotel room and shove three fingers up my ass and slowly jack my cock with my other hand. I almost lost the battle when he walked up and pulled me in for a tight hug. He was still naked and he thanked me for not being like others that he met. "The first thing they want to do is get on their knees and suck my dick or bend over thinking I am ready to fuck them. You are truly a man of honor and a true friend." he said. Yep that's me. My body wanted to go to my knees or grab my ankles but I am not one to start an encounter. I am sure that I have missed lots of pleasurable sex in my life because I was not the aggressor.

I boarded the train with a sigh of relief. My friend could relax and remember my visit as a pleasant one and not a dick and ass grab fight. I also hoped that he appreciated me trying to give him all the free time he wanted. One part of me kept saying that he made a lot of commission off me so I should not care but money is not that important to me. My house back home is paid for finally. My vehicle is paid for so I had minor monthly bills. This had allowed me to save plenty of money to splurge on my trip. When I began to get uncomfortable about taking up my friends time I went online and made reservations at Cavendish hotel in Exmouth that claimed to be a sea side resort. The end of my train ride would let me know if I had wasted my money or not. I had planned to be in the UK for two weeks and had been there five days. My plan was to work my way around so that I would be back in London in time for my flight home. I had planned to treat my friend and his friends to one last dinner the night before I flew home so I would have one more night in London.

I was very pleased with my choice. A shuttle met me at the train station to carry me to the hotel. I enjoyed a couple of days of sight seeing. My friend had told me to get a hire car. I was not accustomed to driving laws in the UK and I knew that I would end up on the wrong side of the road or always try to get in the wrong side of my rental car to drive. I felt it safer just to spend my money on taxis. The concierge was very helpful in getting cabs for me to go anywhere I wanted to go. The Great Western Railway had also been a pleasant trip. Exmouth was one hundred seventy five miles from London. Even though the train was traveling at a high rate of speed I was able to enjoy the England country side. American television portrays England most of the time as rainy, dreary and foggy. I was very pleasantly surprised at the great weather and beautiful country.

My last night in Exmouth I had been told about a small pub and restaurant that was a favorite of locals. I had ordered a cab to drop me off for dinner at the Harbour View Cafe. The grilled Monterey Chicken and chips hit the spot. It was even more enjoyable since I could eat outside and watch the ocean. A travel agent friend had told me that my best bet was to get a little bit of cash and get a prepaid credit card. Buy a prepaid cell phone just in case I had any issues. There would be no personal information that someone could steal. I had went to the Department of Motor vehicles and gotten an ID card so that I would not have to carry my Driver's license around. Luckily I had some cash since they did not accept cards. Plus I figured the cabs would not either. I could never get a clear answer as to who and who not to tip in the UK. In the USA everyone expects a tip so I just tipped like I would if I were at home. The sun had just set and the waitress was very helpful in calling a cab to carry me back to the hotel.

The cab arrived and I was a little concerned. It was not as clean or as new as the ones that I had been riding in. I figured that the short trip back to the Hotel I would be safe enough. The driver was also very animated so I figured the ride would be interesting. The trip down took about five minutes. I noticed the driver was taking a different route on my return trip. We were almost ten minutes in and nothing looked familiar. As we started through a round about he almost hit a lorry. He just laughed it off. Moments later there were blue lights reflecting through the windows of the cab and I could hear a siren behind us. The driver's accent was very heavy and I only made out a few words. The curse words were very easy to understand.

The driver pulled over into, what I found out later was called, a lay by. I saw the form of the officer as he walked by the window towards the driver's window. He was a very tall guy looking to be probably six foot three or close to it. "Yes sir officer." the driver said. "Do you know why I have stopped you ?" the officer asked. "No officer." the man said. "My ANPR camera flagged your auto. The computer says that you do not presently have insurance and that your MOT has expired." he said. The officer gave his name but all I caught was his first name, Gareth. "If you will hand me your keys and join me in the back of my patrol car we can get this taken care of." PC Gareth said. He then opened the back door to speak to me.

"I am sorry for your delay sir. Hopefully we can clear this up in moments and you can be on your way." Gareth said. My heart sank and my stomach went to my throat. The most handsome man, to me, in the world had just leaned in the back of the cab and smiled at me as he talked. "No problem sir." I said. "Say that again." he said and smiled. "No problem sir. I am in no hurry." I said. "Your American right ?" he said. "Yes sir. I am from Georgia in the US. The deep south. Cotton fields, peaches, peanuts, tobacco farms. That type thing." I said and smiled. "I love the accent." he said before turning his attention back to the driver.

Gareth went to remove the driver from the front. The driver stumbled and then laughed. "Have you been drinking sir ?" Gareth asked. "Just a pint at the pub." the driver said. Gareth sat the man back in the seat of the cab and returned to his patrol car. He came back with a small hand held devise. "Sir I am detaining you at the moment to submit to a breathalyzer. If you refuse it will be an automatic arrest." Gareth said. The man blew into the machine until Gareth told him to stop. I had to smile to myself. Gareth told the man to "blow.. blow.... blow... blow." And all I could think was yes ... yes ...yes... anytime." After a couple of moments Gareth turned the machine towards the man.

"Sir I am arresting you for drink driving. UK law allows you to drive as long as your breath alcohol is under thirty five. Field test has revealed a one hundred two. You are almost three times over the legal limit." Gareth said. I was really listening close to the conversation at this point. My heart sank moments later. "I have a paying yank." he said. "I am afraid that your passenger will have to find another way to his destination. You are being arrested for drink driving and your cab is being seized for no insurance." Gareth said. My heart almost stopped. "What the fuck am I suppose to do now." I thought. Gareth took the man's arm and stood him up again. My thoughts had gone from fear to seeing a beautiful firm ass almost up against the window of the cab. "What do we have here ?" Gareth said bending over stretching the already tight fabric over the firm ass.

"You are also being detained for section twenty three of the misuse of drugs act. You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defense if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence." Gareth said in a stern voice. Gareth said. "Take it easy bloke. You know we have to keep our customers happy." the driver said. "Well "bloke" it seems you are in possession of what looks like Class A and Class B drugs. I also detect the odor of cannabis." Gareth said. Gareth turned the man against the side of the car and pulled his arms back and cuffed him. "So you have any sharp items on your person that may harm me ?" Gareth asked. The answer from the man was not audible and I watched as Gareth quickly patted the man down before taking him to his patrol car. "Do I just sit here ?" I thought.

Before we move on to the next step I need to divulge a little about myself. I am a fifty year old white man from Georgia. I am all about comfort. I am extremely hairy ao I refuse to wear underwear. Any very hairy men know that elastic and hair are not a good match. I am neither fat nor fit so I am just an average man. My chest and stomach are not defined but not flabby. The issue with the underwear is that I have probably average or less than average cock. Flaccid most days probably two inches. A few days of no attention and it shrinks to one. What I don't have in cock I make up for in balls. A friend measured a few years ago and totally relaxed they hung just over six and half inches. I have aged since that measurement so I am fairly certain they may hang even lower.

My mind snapped back quickly as the back door of the cab opened. "Sir I am PC Gareth. I am with the dog handler unit. I need to have my dog Finn search the vehicle. I would ask that you submit to a search and pat down for both my safety and yours. You are not being arrested but as the cabbie stated he kept drugs for the pleasure of his customers." Gareth said. "You are welcome to search anything you want. I am not one of his drug customers. In fact I have never tried any illegal drug in my life. And by the way my name is Alan." I said.

Once out of the car I placed my hands on the roof. "What was your destination tonight Mr. Alan ?" Gareth asked as he ran his hands across my bare arms to my shoulders. "I am staying at Cavendish Hotel. I took a taxi to Harbor View Cafe for dinner. They called me a cab to carry me back." I said. "Sir both the Hotel and Cafe are on Esplanade road. This is High street. Are you sure you were not headed anywhere else ?" Gareth asked before resuming his search. "I guess he figured I needed the scenic route since I had no clue where I was." I said. "Yeah I guess the shit was trying to run the meter on you." Gareth said. "Probably so. Tourists are usually easy targets." I said and laughed.

Gareth began his search. When he got to my hips he patted a few times. Wearing thin cotton shorts I guess it was obvious I was not wearing underwear. "What brings you to the UK ?" he asked. "I have a friend in London that invested some money for me. I came to close out that account." I said. "Decided to visit Exmouth did you ?" Gareth asked. "I had planned to be in the UK for two weeks. I was afraid of wearing my welcome out in London so I decided to do a little traveling. I have six days left before I fly home. My friend and his friends like the bar scene in Soho. Bars are not really for me." I said. "What bars did you visit ?" Gareth asked.

I was not ready to reveal that I was gay not knowing how it would be accepted in this part of England but I divulged anyway. "One night went to Village Soho. Another night we went to both Circa Soho and I think it was called The Yard bar." I said. "Yep my radar was right. He is gay. I need a good man frisk tonight." Gareth thought. Gareth worked his way down my bare legs as though I may be hiding something. Coming back up one leg he had one hand on the inside and one on the outside. His hand quickly moved under the cloth of the leg and I could feel his cool fingers as they made contact with my bare low hangers. "I am fucked now. Literally." I thought. My body eased as I felt his other hand go up my hairy bare ass cheek and linger skin to skin. He moved his fingers and ran them down the crack of my ass as his other hand searched for anything hidden under my ball sack.

Gareth then removed his hands and did the other leg the same way. This time he massaged the as cheek a little and once again fondled my ball sac. Once satisfied I had nothing to hide there he moved to my upper body. He pulled the t shirt out that I had tucked in my shorts. He reached under the shirt and took his time as he ran his hands slowly up my hairy back. He then reached around and began running his hands over my chest. I got the feeling that my now hard nipples interested him. I cold feel his breath on my neck and smell the mint on his breath that he had apparently been sucking on. Moving further down his hands circled and rubbed my hairy belly and belly button. He then took his hands and ran them down inside the elastic of my shorts. I moaned as his fingers grazed across my leaking cock. i could have sworn that I heard him lick his fingers. From the contact they made and the circle around the head of my cock they had no option but to be coated with the fluid I was leaking.

"I am sorry Mr. Alan if that seemed a little invasive but I had to be careful for both our safety." Gareth said. "Don't stop on my account. I need to get in trouble in the UK more often. I may not feel as lonely. The only other search I am afraid I would be arrested for Indecent Exposure." I sad. "Indecent Exposure ?" Gareth asked. "I think you just charge it as Exposure. A cavity search is all that's left." I said and laughed. Gareth then emptied my pockets onto the trunk of the cab. A little over seventy pounds in cash, my Georgia ID card, prepaid visa and prepaid cell phone were all that was there. Oh yes my room key. "Room two forty five." Gareth said. "That's me." I said biting my tongue wanting to ask if he cared to visit after his shift. About that time the police wagon drove up to take the cab driver to the station. "For both our safety I need to cuff you. Do you object ?" Gareth asked. "Never been in cuffs. Could be fun." I said and laughed.

Gareth cuffed me very loosely and then helped me to sit on the curve. He returned from the back of his car with the most beautiful German Shepherd I had ever seen. "This is Finn and he is trained to search for people, weapons and drugs." Gareth said. Another officer stood between me and Gareth as Finn did his job. There were several stashes of different drugs found all over the car. There was also a pistol found which was highly illegal. The cab driver was secure in the back of the van and the other officers stayed clear of Finn as he worked. Finn reacted to multiple areas so once he was done Gareth took him to the sidewalk and told him to sit and stay. He had been given his favorite toy as a reward for a job well done. The two men seemed to tear the cab apart before the recovery truck got there.

The cab was being taken to the police station for further inspection. Gareth took my items from the trunk lid and put them in my lap. I still sat quietly in cuffs on the sidewalk. Once the cab was headed up on the rollback Gareth turned and shouted "FINN" fearing the dog may have wandered off. "Over here." I shouted. Gareth stepped back to see Finn laying beside me with his head in my lap. One of the other officers walked towards the two of us and Finn lifted his head and growled. "Don't you dare spook him." I said quite sternly to the officer. As he backed off Finn placed his head back in my lap but did not take his eyes off the officer. Gareth just smiled and rubbed his hand on his shaved head and smiled. "Almost through here guys. If you will carry him to booking I will be right behind you." Gareth said. Gareth had retrieved Finn and placed him back in his cage. As the van began to pull off he walked up and helped me up so that he could remove my cuffs. His fingers did a little search and find game through my shorts as he picked up the items from my pockets before standing me up.

"I am sorry about this Mr. Alan. I hope this does not give you a bad impression of our great country." Gareth said as he unlocked the cuffs. To my surprise he placed the items back in the same pockets he had removed them from. One small change. His free hand was down the elastic of my shorts holding the opposite bare hip while he made sure that each item was quite safe and secure in each pocket. He then pulled the elastic of my shorts out and gently tucked my t shirt back in. Yes the fingers did get wet again from pre cum and each ass cheek got a good but quick massage. "Finn surprised me. When he is out of the car he is trained to take all other than his handler as a threat other than small children. I have never seen him act that way before." Gareth said. "First off I am fifty years old so it's Alan." I said. "I am fifty two." Gareth said. "Finn was a great comfort and like I said. If I could get frisked this way every night from a man as handsome as you I would be a regular customer." I said. "Oh fuck. I just said out loud he was handsome." I thought. "The pleasure was all mine." Gareth said.

"You said earlier that I was not even on the right street for the Hotel." I said. "This is High Street. Esplanade is back that way." Gareth said. "Any ideas of how to get there ?" I asked. "If we were allowed I would be glad to deliver you safely to room two forty five but we even have to call a van to carry in ones we arrest." Gareth said. "Well it's a nice night. Is there a pay phone near and I can call the Hotel and ask them to find me a taxi ?" I asked. "There is a call box further up High Street on the corner." Gareth said. "Thank you PC Gareth for all your help and your "thorough" job." I said and smiled. "Anything to help our allies from across the pond. And it's just Gareth, Alan." Gareth said. "I will promise you that you were the highlight of my trip and I thank you." I said and held my hand out to shake his. The hand shake was slow and lingered but I did not complain. "Enjoy the rest of your visit Alan from Georgia from room two forty five." Gareth said before getting in his patrol car and heading off.

As Gareth pulled off I waved goodbye. My heart seemed to sink as the patrol car went out of site. As I began to walk my mind went to the hunk of a PC that had just groped me but with no complaint from me. He was probably six foot two and half or three. He seemed to look fit but you could not tell under the vest over his uniform shirt. I did see a little bit of chest hair come out of the opened button of his uniform. As he walked away there were two perfect ass globes that seemed so firm that every muscle had to move with them just to keep up. As he walked back there was what seemed to be a really nice package that moved with the tight uniform pants. Those dreamy hazel eyes had me captive. That beautiful smile melted me. "Get a grip Alan. He is gone. Now get back to the room for a two finger fuck and jerk off while it's still fresh in your mind." As I walked and dreamed I was jolted back to reality. "Oee.. Got a couple of bob to spare their bloke ?" Someone shouted. Before I could answer I felt a breeze behind me and then it felt like an axe went through my brain and all went black.

Gareth sat in the station at a desk. The taxi driver was known to the police and had been booked in and placed in a cell. Gareth sat there with his mind back on high street. He rubbed the tips of his fingers together remembering the feel of the large balls and the loose skin around them. "Damn that little taste of leak I got tasted like cotton candy." He thought. Another officer walked into the room and broke him back the job at hand. "Nice going there Gareth. Great hall there buddy." the officer said. "Yeah I pulled him over for no insurance and then it went to drink driving and just seemed to water fall from there." Gareth said and began to write out his report.

"Yeah I heard he had some bloke that was a tourist in the cab." the officer said. "Yeah his name was Alan and he was from Georgia in the US." Gareth said with a little smirk. "Down boy. You only got two hours left and you can go find him. I heard Finn took a liking to him too." The guy said. "No need in me searching. He is headed back tomorrow. Yeah I was shocked at Finn. He even growled at Tuck when he started that way." Gareth said. "Hell we all growl at Tuck. Damn sure an ugly bloke." the guy laughed. "Yeah Tuck was a little gobsmacked that Finn just crawled over and placed his head in the bloke's lap." the other officer commented.

Gareth was comfortable in the fact that the officers in his district and all the higher brass knew that he was gay and accepted it. That fact had never caused an issue with any prisoners but he had also never had the urge to grope one as he did Alan. Gareth began to remember Alan's accent and his smell. He stopped when he realized that his cock was beginning to strain against the already tight fabric of his uniform. "You need to go find him and get him to stay. You got one more shift and then a few days of holiday. He may want to stay around and keep your copper pole greased." the officer said. "Is that all you think about ?" Gareth laughed. "Sure is. Ask my wife." he laughed. Gareth had just finished his paperwork as his shift came to an end. Finn was fed, watered and happy in the kennel area. A few from the next shift had heard of Gareth's haul and congratulated him as he headed to his personal vehicle. Gareth made good money but only splurged on one thing. The police force drove mainly BMW vehicles and he had bought himself a BMW X5 SUV.

Gareth started up his X5 and took a deep breath. It was a relief to get the vest off and his primary thought was to get home and pound out his built up load on the shower dreaming about sliding his cock deep in the hairy ass cheeks he had fondled. Gareth was not a local police but a district officer. His district covered three counties around the coast. His home was is Cockwook which was about thirty minutes away. He chuckled to himself when he saw the Cockwood arrow sign that his cock sure was wood at the moment. He detoured around high street and then around LED Phear park before working his way to the A376 to head home. He was half way around the park when a vague object caught the corner of his eye. He slowed his X5 down and realized it was a person laying in the edge of the bushes. As he got closer his heart sank because he recognized the color of the short and shirt. The give away was the tennis shoe style crocs that Alan had been wearing.

Gareth quickly stopped the SUV and turned on the flashers. He jumped from the drivers seat and ran across the grassy area. Alan's head and shoulders were under a bush. Sliding to a stop on his knees he quickly assessed Alan. He did not seem to be contorted and he did not see any blood. That was until he pulled his head up from the bushes. There was a small stream of dried blood that had ran from Alan's lips and into his goatee. He felt something moist and he lifted his head and found a little fresh but mainly dried blood on the back of Alan's head. "Oh fuck. Please. Alan, Alan please wake up." Gareth said as he placed his head in his lap. Gareth checked for his pulse and it was strong. Alan was unconscious. His arm had a very angry red area. Gareth saw blue lights lighting up the still dark sky.

"Oee Gareth. Is that you. Where you at bud ?" A voice called out. It was a local officer from the station named Damon. "Call 999 Damon. I need an ambulance." Gareth called out. He could see the torch light flashing up and down as the officer ran towards the voice. "Are you hurt ?" Damon shouted out. "No his name is Alan. He is a tourist from America. I need an ambulance." Gareth said. Alan moaned and opened his eys just a little. "Alan, Alan. Wake up. What happened ? Please wake up." Gareth said.

"Oh my head. There he is. My sexy police man. Wait. His eyes aren't flirting. They look angry and he is shouting. Ah fuck he realized I was gay. Now he is angry and shouting. Why the fuck am I not back in Georgia." Alan thought before blacking out again. Gareth was not sure why but realized that he needed to calm down. Apparently Alan had felt his stress because when he closed his eyes he saw a couple of tears escape. "No, no , no I want to help. I am not angry." Gareth whispered. "Shift change is in thirty. All the units are out on call. They will get the first one out they can. Might be an hour." Damon said.

"Fuck that. Help me get him in my car. I will take him to A and E myself." Gareth said. Damon squatted to see how was best to help Alan up. "Damn this fucker hung like a bull. Look at them things." Damon said. Gareth had not even looked to see Alan's balls exposed. He quickly placed his hands over them. "Help me get him up. The bloke is hurt. No time to be talking testicles." Gareth said. "Calm down buddy. I like mine missing their balls." He said as he bent over to help lift Alan to his feet. Gareth quickly scooped Alan up. Open the door. Help me strap him in and I will carry him to A and E myself." Gareth said.

Damon agreed to give him and blue light escort to the Emergency room. Gareth reached over and found an exposed ball and lightly rubbed it. "Hang in there Alan. I just found you. Don't go clocking out on me now." Gareth said. Damon had apparently phoned ahead and there was a stretcher waiting for them at the entrance to the Accident and Emergency Room. Gareth sat in the waiting room with his hands on his knees and his face buried in his palms. "Gareth. He is asking for you. He is still out of it and they are going to sedate him so you better hurry." the nurse said. Gareth was on his feet in a second and through the doors. Alan was somewhat relieved when he saw a smile this time on Gareth's face. "I am so sorry." Alan whispered. "You have nothing to be sorry for. Can you tell me what happened?" Gareth asked. "I was headed to the call box and some one shouted and asked if I had a spare bob. I felt a sharp pain in my head and it all went black." Alan said. "What were you doing in the park ?" Gareth asked. "I was on the street a few feet from where you left me." Alan said. "I am sorry I had to leave you." Gareth said. "You were doing your job. You didn't hit me." Alan said before slipping back out again.

The doctor stepped in to ask if Gareth had any information about the patient. Gareth racked his brain. He had studied the state ID closely. One because he had never seen one and the other because he wanted to remember every detail. He gave the doctor Alan's name. The six foot and one hundred seventy pounds was not important. He gave the doctor the name of the town that he thought Alan's ID said. Alan had been relieved of all of that including the cell phone before they left him bleeding. "We will take it from here. Thank you PC." the doctor said.

"He is a stranger in a strange country. He is traveling alone and has no family. I want to know every step of what is going on and how he is." Gareth said. "I don't know that I can do that." the doctor said. "PC Gareth badge 2452 is the contact for any and all information in this case." a voice said. "And who are you ?" the doctor asked. "I am Police Superintendent Knowles assigned from Scotland Yard. PC Gareth is one of my officers. I have authority through the county council to assign any officer to injured tourist or John Doe's." he said. "As you wish." the doctor said. "Thanks Super." Gareth said. "No thanks needed just don't get to attached son. He is a yank remember." The man said and slapped Gareth on the shoulder.

The doctor spoke to the men in the lobby. "We are sedating him to try to help to keep his brain from swelling. He took a nasty blow to the back of his head but it does not require stitches. He had blood in his mouth, nose and one ear. We will x ray to make sure there is no damage to his jaw or nose but at this point we feel the blood was just from the trauma to the head. There are a couple of areas. Two on his arm and one on a hip that will probably bruise. It seems he had the presence of mind to protect himself. He will be out for at least twenty four hours so any questions you have will have to wait." the doctor said. "I will wait with him." Gareth said. "It will take that long to do the full battery of test I have him set up for. He will not be waking up until we are done and satisfied that his brain will not swell. Go home and rest because he will not even be put in a general room for about twenty four hours." the doctor said.

Gareth sat back down and rubbed his head before burying his face in his hands again. "Go home and rest PC. That's an order. I have assigned an investigator to this case. Your last shift before holiday will not be on patrol. You collect Finn and come to the hospital. You will be called out only if needed." the man said. "Thank you sir. He was staying in room two forty five at Cavendish." Gareth said. "We have already contacted them and entered the room. It seems undisturbed but we are putting a plain clothes officer in the lobby in case they try to use the key to get in so go home and get some rest." he said. Gareth followed the man into the car park. The man sat and waited until Gareth pulled away and headed home.

Author's Note: I have never been to the UK so please forgive me if any of the slang in this story is incorrect. I hope that you understand what I was trying to get accross... lol. Please enjoy.

Next: Chapter 2

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