PC in the UK

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Apr 4, 2020


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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PC in the UK Chapter 2

Gareth lay in his bed and tried to sleep. Usually he slept in boxer shorts and a t shirt. Tonight his cock would not seem to go down and just the feel of the cloth on his chest and back was not comfortable. He did enjoy the feel of the sheets on his naked body. He was beyond frustrated. When he would close his eyes he would begin to relive his hands roaming all over Alan's body. He had never had an automatic attraction to someone like he did Alan. Once he would start to feel the joy of his fist on his hard cock he could see the stark blue eyes Alan had and he could feel the soft hairy ass cheeks but then he could look at Alan's face again in his fantasy and see blood. The urge then went away and he just lay there. He finally dozed off but it was not a restful sleep.

Gareth had transferred to this district about twelve years ago. He had neglected to tell Alan that he knew of the gay bars he spoke of. Gareth began his carrier in London. He and his partner at the time were both cops. They were together over fifteen years . His partner at the time was almost hairless with a swimmers build. His attraction to Alan's hairy body was a surprise to him but he did not question it. His partner was caught and then fired for smuggling contraband into jail to a prisoner. One midnight shift Gareth was called to a disturbance at the jail. The prisoner had blocked the door and the officers tried to get through the block. They all watched through the small opening as the prisioner fucked Gareth's partner. Once in the room the officers found out that Gareth's boyfriend had supplied the blocks for the door so that the he and the prisoner could have sex. After investigating they found out that the prisoner had been Gareth's partners drug supplier. Gareth felt the only way he could overcome the shadow was to transfer. He had bought a house on the coast and lived a solitary life. Finn was his mate and he felt like the animals unconditional love was all he needed. That was until now.

Gareth rose from the bed and headed to the shower. He had one more ten hour shift and then he would be on holiday for a few days. He had thrown himself into work and was made to take some of his time in lieu of extra pay for some of his hours. In the US we call it comp time. Gareth was able to carry over his time in lieu and had built up over seven weeks of paid leave and this did not count the four weeks holiday pay he already received due to his years of service. As Gareth dried off he was finally relieved that his cock had finally deflated. "It's about bloody time mate." Gareth said looking down at his cock. Gareth had nothing to be ashamed of in the groin department. He was not as big as Alan's friend in London but was not ashamed. Flaccid his cock hung close to four inches. Once hard it is about eight inches maybe just a little over. Girth wise it was about two fingers across with a well pronounced mushroom head. Gareth felt that he was rare as a youth. His father was very poor at genital hygiene and his mother hated it. She was determined that Gareth and his brother would be different and had both of them circumcised. In the showers at school there could be up to forty boys and Gareth and maybe one other would be the only ones with cut cocks. Gareth did like the look of his cut cock in the mirror though.

Gareth's last shift was a ten hour shift. He had to report in and collect Finn at eight and would complete his shift at six that evening. The day before he had pulled a twelve hour shift. Gareth left home by six for the thirty minute drive to work. His first stop was at the hotel to find out what needed to be done since his impression was that Alan was suppose to check out that day. The hotel had agreed to keep the room free for at least two days for the police investigation. They had placed an alert on their computer to alert them if anyone used a key to get inside. The manager had been informed that Gareth had been placed in charge of Alan. "Bloody shame. He has been a great guest. Since the room is staked out in case the offenders try to break in I am a little concerned. Is it possible to get his items out of the room in case they slip by us. We can store them or you can take them. We will hold his items in the safe until he can collect them but I would like for you to sign the inventory." he said.

Gareth contacted the lead investigator. The investigator asked if he would inventory the safe and give him a copy. He also asked if he could bring everything from the room and they would inventory that and either lock it up there or intrust it to Gareth. Gareth was a little aggravated because he had planned to go directly to A and E but by the time he had Alan's suitcase and other items in his SUV it was time to check in and pick up Finn. He did calm down a little when he realized that his boss had said he would be stationed at the hospital for his shift. Once at the station it only took minutes for the investigator to inventory Alan's personal belongings. Gareth was getting more and more aggravated at the delays. He softened quite a bit when he got Finn from the kennel and did their usual before shift play and run.

"Alright buddy. I will be out every hour to check on you and let you out. I am headed in to check on your buddy Alan." Gareth said as he put water in the bowl for Finn. Finn whined and licked the back of Gareth's hand before wagging his tail. "What was that for ? You have never done that before." Gareth said. Gareth rubbed Finn's head as he drank. "Time to check on your mate Alan." Gareth said. Once again Finn licked the back of his hand. "Oh I see. You like him too." Gareth said. Finn wagged his tail and barked.

Gareth took a deep breath as he entered the A and E. The nurse at the desk recognized him. "He is in A and E four at the moment. They are taking him back for more tests. He is still sedated but it seems so far they have not found any damage other than the concussion. The sedation is working and his brain is not swelling. They said we would start waking him up around six or seven. The doctor said he will probably still have a hell of a splitter." she said. "Can I go back ?" Gareth asked. "Sure. Probably be at least a fiver before they come get him for the next tests." she said.

Gareth took another deep breath before stepping inside the curtain. He smiled as he looked at Alan peacefully sleeping. They had cleaned up the dried blood but had a bandage wrapped around his head. He could see that they had not shaved Alan's head. Apparently the wrap was just to keep the bandage over the cut on his head in place. Gareth walked over and pulled a chair up beside the bed. He sat in the chair and reached out and took Alan's hand and held it with both his hands.

Gareth felt like there was electricity going through his body into Alan's and the same coming back into his. Alan moaned and lightly licked his parched iips. "Sleep handsome. I am going to make sure you recover, don't you worry." Gareth said. Gareth looked over and saw a bucket of ice chips. He took one and rubbed it on and inside Alan's lips. He could hear the staff just outside the curtain talking about the next test. Gareth quickly stood. He looked to the curtain to make sure no one was coming through before leaning over and lightly kissing Alan's lips. As he leaned back up he looked down at Alan. "It felt like you were kissing me back. You get well and I promise you a proper cuddle if you want it." Gareth said.

Gareth had to leave a couple of times during the day as Finn's services were needed. He was back at the A and E around five. His shift would end in an hour. He was counting down the seconds when a call came in. "Dog handler needed. Robbery and assault suspects on the run between Cavendish Hotel and LED Phear Park. Two suspects headed towards the park." the radio said. "Hotel, park, robbery, assault. The bastards went to the hotel." Gareth thought. Gareth ran out the door into the car park and as he entered his patrol car he shouted to the back. "They have them running Finn, Time for you to get a chunk of baddie ass." Gareth said. Finn felt the excitement and began to bark. When they reached the area Gareth grabbed Finn's lead. When he opened the gate to the cage Finn bolted and began to sniff. Before Gareth could put the lead on his he was off.

Gareth tried to call Finn back but just began shouting. "Officer with dog. Lay flat on the floor with hands out reached." Gareth shouted as loud as possible. About three minutes of running later Gareth heard the screams of a man. Getting closer he could hear Finn growling. As he cleared the small crop of trees he saw a man on the ground and Finn had his arm in his teeth. Every time the man went to move Finn would jerk his head with the man's arm in it to let him know that he was in charge. Gareth landed with his knee going into the middle of the man's back knocking the air from the man. Gareth cuffed him before he said a word. Gareth had gotten Finn off of the man's arm and another officer arrived. Finn barked and spun in circles. "He hasn't been arrested yet." Gareth said trying to catch his breath. Once he stood Finn was off in another mad dash.

Gareth chased Finn realizing that he had not taken the opportunity to put the lead on him while he could. About five minutes later he heard another man shouting. As he rounded the corner he saw Finn had a man by the leg and was pulling him out from under some bushes. The more the man resisted the more damage Finn's teeth did to his bare leg. This one took more convincing to make Finn let go. Gareth got Finn off the man's leg and pulled him from the bushes. The man spun with his fist balled and Finn attacked the arm. Finn had more strength than anyone realized. He was dragging the man across the ground by his arm. Gareth was shouting at Finn and thought he may have to forcefully get Finn off him. Gareth finally got Finn to lay down. Once an officer has the prisoner Finn normally just watches. The entire time he was in a stalking position and growling. The man twisted again and Finn lunged and nipped his side. "FINN." Gareth shouted. Finn paid no attention and moved further around and took the same stalking position. "Is this the one that hit your buddy Alan, Finn ?" Finn wagged his tail and barked before focusing back on the man and growling. "How the fuck that mutt know that ?" the man said. "See Finn. He just confessed. Good boy, good boy." Gareth said as another officer arrived to take over. Examining the contents of the man's pocket they found Alan's state ID card. "Good job Finn." Gareth said as he tossed Finn his prized toy.

Gareth made it back to the A and E to find out that they were moving Alan to a private room. "You can see him in about an hour or so." the nurse said. Gareth left so that he could hurry to the police station and turn in his patrol car and put Finn in the kennels. The other P C's involved could sense that Gareth was in a hurry. We will handle that paperwork. You go. Get him better and enjoy your holiday. Gareth had forgotten to leave his vest in his locker. He took it off and tossed it in the back seat of the X5. Back at the hospital he entered the hospital through the A and E. As he headed down the hall to the elevator he heard a man shouting. "Fucking beast bit me the damn wanker." the man shouted. Gareth headed to the sound to see if the attendants needed help. This man was the one that had hit Alan over the head because he cursed that the dog had bit him in the ass too. Tugging the leg apparently did not have the desired affect for Finn and he had bitten the man in the ass too. He saw a constable outside the curtain and just waved. "Should have let him bite your balls you dumb bastard." Gareth whispered.

Gareth entered the private room. A nurse was standing over Alan and had just pulled a needle from his arm. "This should start waking him up. It may take three of four hours to take affect. " she said. "Thank you." Gareth said. Once the nurse had left Gareth pulled a chair up beside the bed. "Don't you worry handsome. Finn took care of those wankers for you. Even bit one in the ass." Gareth said as he reached out and took Alan's hand.

Alan began to wake and his blood went cold when he felt a hand on his bare hip. Finally able to focus he looked to his side. Gareth sat leaned over towards the bed with one hand under the cover and the hospital gown with his hand resting on Alan's hip. His other arm lay across that arm with his forehead resting on it. Alan took his hand once he realized it was Gareth and lightly rubbed his hand around Gareth's shaved head. He was still a little groggy when Gareth woke and began to lift his head. Alan moved his hand back quickly. "Sorry." Alan whispered. "Sorry for what mate ?" Gareth said smiling. "You were mad at me. I should not have done that." Alan said. "Mad at you ? What are you talking about ?" Gareth asked. "I remember opening my eyes and you were holding my head. You were shaking me and shouting at me. I guessed you figured out I was gay." Alan said and turned his head.

Gareth did not remove his hand from Alan's hip but moved it around so that it was resting on Alan's bare ass cheek. He took his free hand and turned Alan's face so that he was facing him. "I was scared. You were unconscious. I was trying to wake you up. When I saw you laying under that bush I was afraid that the ambulance would pronounce you as life extinct on scene. When you opened your eyes my heart could finally beat again and I could breath." Gareth said and leaned over and kissed Alan. "I am so sorry you got hurt. I should have carried you to the Hotel even though it was against the rules." Gareth said.

"I am fine. If getting hit over the head gets me a kiss like that I need to find them and get them to do it again." Alan whispered. "As for being mad at you about being gay. I hope by now you have figured out that is the last thing I would be mad about. I would have to be mad at myself too." Gareth said. "The frisk had me wondering." Alan said and smiled. "I am sorry about that. I don't search that way but I just could not help myself." Gareth said. "My trip has been worth the search and the kiss." Alan said.

"Finn will be real happy. He has never fancied anyone like he did you. I have been his handler for four years. He has never licked my hand but every time I mention your name he licks my hand. He caught the two that did this to you and got in some good bites." Gareth said and smiled. "Remind me to give him a hug after I get out." Alan said. "That can be arranged but if you will allow it I need a proper cuddle first." Gareth said. "You can have anything you want handsome." Alan said. About that time there was a knock on the door.

The doctor entered the room. "I see our patient from across the pond is awake." he said. "Groggy but awake." Alan said. "All your tests have come back good. You do have a concussion. When were you planning to fly back to the states ?" the doctor asked. "Four days I think, maybe five. I would have to look at my ticket." Alan said. "I had rather you not fly due to the altitude pressure for a fortnight but if you have no choice I need to make sure you are taking an anti inflammatory. You will be on one anyway but I need to increase it the four days before you travel." the doctor said. "Fortnight ?" Alan asked. "Two weeks." Gareth whispered. "Oh crap. Travel. I was scheduled to check out today. I hope they have not thrown my luggage out." Alan said. "All sorted." Gareth said. Alan had a questionable look but he let the doctor continue.

"They are bringing you something to drink shortly. It tastes bad but we need to make sure you are good and clean for the last test. Should not be an issue since we have already cleansed and you have not eaten but we just want to be safe. There was a shadow on the original test but we think it was just the angle of the CT scan so we are doing one more just to be thorough. Once we have that test and know that you will not have cramps then we will have you sorted and discharge you. That will be in the morning at the earliest." the doctor said. "I guess that will give me time to call the Hotel and see if they have a room available. "All sorted." Gareth said. About that time the nurse came in with a pill for Alan to take and an eight ounce glass of liquid. "Bottoms up mate. Pretend it's the last pint of the night at the pub." she said. Alan took the pill and drank the fluid.

"Be back in about thirty minutes. That pill should have sedated you some and then we will be ready to prep you for your test." the nurse said. "How long will he be out ?" Gareth asked. "They will give him enough after the test to knock him out until morning before we bring him back. If all goes well and we can get him all sorted he will be discharged in the morning." she said and turned to leave. Gareth looked back at Alan and saw tears in his eyes. "Hey, hey. What are those for ?" Gareth said. "I don't know what to do. I don't have my phone so I can't call my friend in London and I would hate to ask him for help. I am in another country and do not know what to do next." Alan said. "I have your luggage. The Hotel said that you could leave your valuables in the safe as long as you needed. I am on holiday for at least the next week, maybe longer. Do you trust me ?" Gareth said. "Yes." Alan said. "I would be honored if you would be my guest until you go home." Gareth said. "I can't ask you to do that. I would be putting you out." Alan said.

Gareth leaned over and slid his hand under the covers and the hospital gown. "Now if you plan to bolt and make off I will have to sick Finn on you but if you are willing I would be thrilled if you would come stay with me. I live in Cockwood about thirty miles away." Gareth said. "Cock wood ?" Alan said slowly and smiled. "Yeah and the name fits you cheeky thing." Gareth said. "Are you sure about this ?" Alan asked. "That bed is not big enough for that proper cuddle you owe me." Gareth said. "I will under one condition." Alan said. "Name it." Gareth said. "I have enough money to stay in a Hotel. IF you ever feel like I am wearing out my welcome you will tell me and I will go to a hotel. No bad feelings. Agreed ?" Alan said. "Damn you yanks are a tough bunch." Gareth said. "Definitely not a Yank. Red neck maybe but not a yank." Alan said. "Red neck ?" Gareth said. "I will explain later." Alan said.

Gareth stayed even under protest until they came to get Alan. He had planned to stay at the hospital over night but the nurse assured him that Alan would not wake until after breakfast in the morning. Since Gareth was taking so much time off he alternated leaving Finn at the kennel and taking him home with him. He decided that if he were bringing Alan to his house that he needed to leave Finn at least until the next day. He knew his house was fairly clean but a quick tidy up would not hurt.

Gareth went by the station before heading home. A search of one of the guys homes had given up a treasure of stolen items. The cell phone was recovered and they had found the ID in his pocket. The lead detective released the items found of Alan's to Gareth. They had been photographed and cataloged so they were no longer needed. Gareth had just walked into his house when the cell phone rang. It was Paul, Alan's friend in London. The battery was about to die so Gareth gave him his cell number and asked him to call that number while he charged Alan's. He put the kettle on while he talked to Paul. He explained to Paul what had happened and assured him that he did not need to come and take care of Alan. After talking a few minutes they both realized that they knew each other from Gareth's bar days in Soho.

They chatted for a few minutes catching up on old friends and what had happened. Gareth found out that one of his old club friends had died of a heart attack and that his own ex had been released but arrested two days later for possession with intent to supply and was serving five years. "I had hoped that Alan would hit it off with one of my buds but they are more into the club twinks." Paul said. "He seems to be a super guy." Gareth said. "He is." Paul said. Paul went on to explain that he had known Alan for at least twelve years. He would not say that Alan was lonely but he was a loner. Apparently someone had hurt him bad many years ago. Paul could not remember him dating or being in a relationship with anyone since he had known him. "I have told him many times over the years he needed to just go have a good fuck and clear the cob webs but Alan is not that type. He is one of those fairy tale guys. He won't give it up just for the sake of getting laid." Paul said. "He admitted he was shy." Gareth said. "It's not shy. It's careful." Paul said.

Gareth and Paul talked for another thirty minutes. Paul made Gareth promise to have Alan call him the next day. He got Gareth's address and told him that the would transfer some of Alan's money into an account on a card and he would overnight the card to Gareth's house. "He won't need money." Gareth said. "One quick lesson with Alan. If you don't allow him to pay his fair share while he is there you will wake up and he will be gone." Paul said. "I guess I need to stock up before he gets here then. The cupboard is quite bare. I just don't know what he eats." Gareth said. "He use to make a living cooking so he can make something out of anything you buy." Paul said. "I called him a yank. He said he was no yank but a red neck. What the bloody hell is a red neck ?" Gareth asked. "Alan is from the south in the US. You know Gone with the wind and Fried Green Tomatoes south. A lot of southerners use to take offense if you called them a yankee." Paul said. "Hell we call them all from the US yanks." Gareth laughed. " Red neck there is more like yokel or bogan to us." Paul said. "Alan is no Yokel." Gareth said. "We both know that but it's the type term used in the states for the part of the country he lives in." Paul said.

By the time the call ended Gareth had finished his first cup of tea and prepared a second. He had also made a simple sandwich. As he sat to eat he got a whif of the sweat from the earlier chase coming through his uniform. Before eating he went to the bedroom and stripped. Placing the uniform in the hamper he turned to get a pair of boxers. "What the hell." he said and walked back into the kitchen area naked. The night was nice and Gareth decided on a cup of coffee next. He then went up stairs and went out onto the deck so that he could look out into the bay. The deck was on the second floor and situated so that passers by nor anyone else could see that he was naked.

It was still early for all the night life people but Gareth was an early riser. Finishing his coffee he stretched his arms out and leaned back against the chair. As he stiffened his muscles and then relaxed them his chest bone popped. "Damn I was tighter than I thought." Gareth laughed. Back inside he started the shower. Long lists were running through his head of what all he needed to do and get. He then took his hands and ran them across his face and looked in the mirror from the glass shower. "Guess you will have to do. Hope Alan likes what he sees." Gareth said to his reflection. The warm water relaxed him even more and his cock began to grow. "Figured you would show up." Gareth laughed. He used the soap and wrapped his fist around his now hard cock. He leaned back against the wall of the shower and closed his eyes. He relived the search of Alan's body and the smile and beautiful eyes. To his relief this time there was not bloody Alan. Gareth realized he was getting close and decided to stop. "Not right now. You have to wait." he said looking down at his beautiful large cock.

Gareth dried off and headed for his boxers and t shirt once again but once again changed his mind. "I hope he plans on sleeping in here and I didn't see any nighties in his kit. If he sleeps buff then I plan too." Gareth said. Gareth lay back on the bed and started to get comfortable. "You can be a bent knob sometimes." he said looking at his cock standing tall and proud. Gareth closed his eyes and could almost feel his finger tips as they ran across Alan's hairy nipples. He then could feel and almost see his hand massage the soft ass cheeks. He leaned over and took the bottle of lube from the night stand. "You win." He said. Gareth began to slowly jack his cock. Usually he would wank out a quick one to relieve the pressure and go to sleep. Tonight was different. His mind raced to reaching up Alan's shorts and massaging his ball sack. "Oh fuck yeah Alan. Take that knob up that sweet arse." Gareth said as he moaned and closed his eyes.

Gareth lost all track of time. His usual five minute wank had turned into a slow and sensual thirty minute stroke. "Oh fuck yeah I am going to bugger that sweet bum like it has never been buggered before. You gone and got me all randy and I am going to fill that sweet bum with copper batter." Gareth growled. "Oh yeah baby. Bounce that big ball bag on my belly. Fuck yeah they are so gorgeous. Oh yeah that's right Alan. Ride that copper knob." Gareth whispered. Gareth opened his eyes when he felt his orgasm build. His usual small shot and dribbles from his quick wank sessions paled in comparison. "FFFFuuuccckkkkkkk," Gareth shouted as the first and second shot of his seed arched at least twelve inches above the head of his cock and then splattered on his chest. The next four shots went at least six inches high. The last and final cleared the knob of his cock by about an inch. "Holy shag. That was the biggest orgasm I have had in YEARS. See what you do to me Alan from Georgia room two forty five.." Gareth said and he lay back trying to catch his breath.

The next morning Gareth was up early with an even happier step to his motions. A quick shower and he dressed for the day. He decided to make Alan feel better. He had never gone commando but he figured he would be safe with board shorts. "I like this feeling. You behave down there or you will get nicked in boxers again." Gareth laughed and said. The bed was stripped and the sheets in the wash. It was only six in the morning so he had time to finish his tidy up before leaving to go see Alan. He hoped that Alan would be coming home with him later that day. Groceries would have to wait. He was not sure what to buy. About eight he had the bed made with the freshly washed sheets. He emptied the coffee pot and cleaned it along with his cup. He smiled to himself as he sat in the seat of the X5. He had to raise his hips and re adjust a little since there were no boxers to keep everything in it's place.

Gareth entered through the A and E again and headed to the room Alan had been in. When he walked in the door Alan was not in the room but he then heard the shower running. He knocked on the door but got no answer. He sat in the chair in the corner waiting for Alan to return. Alan came out with a fresh hospital gown on. As he walked towards the bed Gareth just grinned. Alan had not seen him at this point. The back of the gown was not tied and he finally got to see the ass cheeks he had dreamed of in motion. Alan pulled up the gown as he started to climb in the bed. Gareth moaned when he saw the huge low hanging balls in person for the first time. The moan caught Alan's attention. As he looked up he saw Gareth sitting in the corner. He quickly covered himself and pulled the covers up and blushed. "I didn't see you there." Alan said. "Don't mind me. I was enjoying the show." Gareth said as he got up and moved the chair closer to the bed. "They removed the bandage from my head so they said I could shower." Alan said. " I should have gotten here early so I could wash your back. " Gareth said and winked.

Gareth told Alan about talking to Paul the night before. He revealed to Alan that he had known Paul back in his bar days in Soho. "He is or was a great bloke back then." Gareth said. "He still is." Alan said. Gareth told him that Paul was transferring some money to an account and overnighting a card that would be here the next day. "I have about three hundred pounds in the safe at the Hotel. Well I use to. Plus I have an emergency credit card in there." Alan said. "No worries. We will get your things from there. They have been cataloged so that nothing comes up missing." Gareth said. "Do you treat all your violence victims this way ?" Alan asked. "Only the sexy ones. Besides if I didn't Finn might bite me in the arse." Gareth laughed. "I am sorry about the strip show earlier." Alan said. "I quite enjoyed it. Seldom I get to see what I searched." Gareth said causing Alan to blush again. "Well I guess you have seen and touched it all. I have nothing to hide." Alan said. "Not all but give it time. The day is early." Gareth said and winked causing Alan to start leaking.

The doctor opened the door just after the conversation. "I am pleased to say that all your tests came back fine. The last test showed that it was just a shadow on the earlier test. All your blood work was clean. No diseases, drugs or alcohol. Hell I don't think the labs machine knows how to print a result that clean. I will still like for you to wait a fortnight before flying but if you can't wait that long at least wait ten days. I have you a prescription for anti inflammatories. There had been no swelling so you may be alright without it but I had rather be safe. I will give Gareth the prescription so he can have the chemist fill it. You can do that here at the hospital. I think you are all sorted. You can go back to normal. I would suggest when you two have sex that at least for the ten days you don't hang upside down. We have some quite randy PC's around here." the doctor said. "Watch it Doc." Gareth laughed while Alan blushed. "With that being said I have turned in your paperwork to release you into the capable hands of PC Gareth here. I want to see you back day after tomorrow though. It won't take but five minutes." the doctor said. "My clothes ?" Alan said.

"You were unconcious so we ended up cutting them off but the dressing gown is courtesy of the hospital. I am sure that Gareth here can get you all sorted. Besides it's low enough to cover your dangly bits. Barely but it's low enough." the doctor laughed causing Gareth to smile and Alan to blush. "They should be here in about five minutes with a wheel chair. Red carpet delivery in and out for our over the pond royalty." the doctor said. "Thank you doctor. You have an great hospital here." Alan said. "We try but thanks for the thumbs up. A lot different than the US health care system I bet." the doctor said. " A hell of a lot better. Ours is a joke." Alan said. "I have heard some of the horror stories." the doctor said. " I am guessing the ones you heard were the mild ones too." Alan said. "Let's hope not." the doctor said. "You would be surprised." Alan said. "Alright. We have you sorted. I am putting you in capable hands. Take this to the chemist and get it filled and then get your car from the car park. He will be at A and E entry in about ten minutes." the doctor said and left the room. Gareth walked over and leaned down and kissed Alan. "Don't do a runner one me." Gareth said. "Dressed like this. No way." Alan said. "I need to remember that." Gareth said and turned to leave.

Gareth met the nurse and Alan at the edge of the car park. Gareth held the back of the gown together as Alan got into the X5. When they got to the street Gareth stopped before pulling out and reached over and pulled the gown out that was tucked under Alan's legs and ass. "This is embarrassing enough." Alan said. "No need in that. Besides it was a little to restraining for my taste." Gareth said as he slipped his a hand under the gown touching the tip of Alan's cock. As he pulled out into the street he had to pull his hand from under the gown. He realized that Alan had started leaking. Licking the two coated fingers. "Cotton candy from across the pond." Gareth said and winked. "You sure are cheeky." Alan laughed. "Don't worry. When we get out on open road and I get this in high gear I will have that cotton candy all sorted by the time we get home." Gareth said. "Doubt that. The more you smile the more it leaks." Alan said. "Gonna be lots of smiling then." Gareth said and flashed his best smile. Yep the smile worked. Alan could feel his cock leaking.

Next: Chapter 3

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