PC Support

By moc.liamtoh@4sivadl

Published on May 6, 2010



PC Support F/F Bnd by Laura Lynn Davis ============================= After I graduated from college I went to work in the PC Support area of a large financial services company. I was twenty-two years old and one of a half-dozen women working in the unit which had a total of fifteen employees. I was the youngest and I'm not bragging when I say I was clearly the best looking woman in the group. It's not that I'm extraordinarily pretty; there

just wasn't that much competition. I was also the only Asian in the group, male or female. My name is Grace Wu and I was born in Vietnam but raised in California. My parents were one of the many Chinese families to leave Vietnam in the late 1970s. I was born in February 1978 and my parents left Vietnam in August. We lived in California for ten years before moving east to be closer to my father's brother who was living in Boston at the time. My parents effectively disowned me when I was a senior in college. My father announced that he'd found a husband for me and was stunned when I informed him that I wouldn't go thought with the marriage. Nice Chinese girls don't defy their fathers that way. He was even more stunned when I told him I wouldn't marry any man he found. "However, if you find me a nice Chinese girl..." Needless to say, my father didn't see the humor in it and I was packed off back to school the next morning. Actually, I had no interest in finding a nice Chinese girl. My tastes ran to Caucasian girls, tall taut-bodied blondes with long sleek legs, to be more specific. I stood 5' 5" barefoot and weighed 116 pounds. I was a slender tomboy with short black hair, big brown eyes, and a smooth amber complexion, but I was a pretty tomboy with nice slim legs and a tight little butt that looked good in tight pants. Anyway, after college I found the job I mentioned before and settled down in a nice little apartment just a few miles from the office. I liked the work, liked the people, and, except for a terrible social scene, liked the area. Openly gay bars were few, those that catered to lesbians fewer still. By fall I was still living a mostly celibate existence and I was getting cranky. Mr. Happy wasn't doing it for me emotionally and the cost of batteries was astronomical! Then, in late September, I was crawling around under a desk on Friday afternoon, checking the wiring, when I heard a female voice say, "If you're going to get down on the floor like that you might want to wear pants or jeans." I backed out from under the desk and looked around. A blonde woman in her mid-twenties was sitting on a chair in the next cubicle. She was wearing a very short skirt that showed a lot of thigh, a lot of very nice thigh. She smiled and said, "Hi, I'm Stacy Hill. That's my desk you're under." "Oh, hi. Grace Wu. The help desk sent me to check your connectivity." I shook Stacy's hand and then I went back under her desk to replace her network cable. I was very conscious of the fact that she was sitting there watching. When I finished replacing the cable she was able to connect to the network and log in. Problem solved. Stacy gave me a dazzling smile. "Thanks! I haven't been able to get a thing done this morning." I was about to make a move when I noticed the wedding band on her left hand. I mumbled something appropriate and turned to go. "Wait." I stopped and turned toward her. "Can I buy you a drink after work? To thank you." I glanced pointedly at her left hand and said, "Thanks, but there's no need. I'm sure your husband will be expecting you at home." She grinned. "I'm not married. I just wear this for protection from the wolves." "In that case, I'd love to have a drink." We discussed where and when for a couple of moments and finally agreed to meet at a sports bar not far from the office. "See you at 5:30." I turned and left, practically skipping down the aisle. The day passed quickly and at exactly 5:30 I walked in the bar and found Stacy sitting at both in the back. A couple of guys were hitting on her but as I approached they glanced at me, shook their heads, and walked away. Stacy got up and intercepted me before I reached the booth. "Let's go, I think I just wore out our welcome." She grabbed my arm and hurried me back toward the door. When we were outside I asked her what she'd said to them. She shrugged. " I just told them that I didn't think you'd like me dating men." We laughed. "Follow me, I know another bar that's not too far. I'm driving that blue Accord." So I followed her to another bar called Raven's. It was a quiet little place, not a gay bar, but Stacy told me that a lot of women, gay and straight, preferred it because the owner enforced a strict code of tolerance. Anybody violating it was banned for life. I glanced at her as we walked to the door. "Which group do you fit into? Gay or straight?" She shrugged. "I'm not sure. Maybe you'll help me find out." We went inside and sat down at the bar. After we ordered we chatted about work while waiting for our drinks. After they came our discussion became more personal. I told Stacy a little about my family and myself. And she told me about leaving her bridegroom at the altar because she wasn't certain of her own sexuality. She had just turned twenty-five and had been at the company for just a year. At one point, I put my hand on her knee and made a face. "What?" I smiled. "I just hate the feel of nylon. I much prefer smooth bare skin."

She glanced down at her lap. "Would you like me to take my pantyhose off?"

I nodded. "Oh, yes. I'd like that a lot." As she slid off her stool I leaned close and whispered, "Your panties, too." She glanced at me and blushed. She walked away without a word and was gone for almost five minutes. When she got back she slid onto her stool and her skirt rode high on her sleek, bare thighs. I put my hand on her knee and squeezed gently. "Very nice! What took you so long?" She blushed again. "I had to think about what you asked." "And?" She took a sip of her drink. "I took them off." I was elated! She was submissive. "Good. Give them to me." She glanced around. "Here? Now?" I nodded. "Here. Now. Give them to me." She opened her purse and took her panties out, balling them up in her hand. She passed them over and I held them in my hand for a moment. They were damp and I knew she'd been aroused before she took them off. I handed them back. "Go back and stuff them up inside yourself." She stared at me wide-eyed for a moment. Then she slid off her stool and disappeared. When she returned she glanced at me and blushed furiously. "I' ve never done anything like this!" Her voice was low, barely audible above the music. I stroked her smooth thigh, enjoying the soft warm feel of her skin under my palm. "When they're good and wet I'm going to take them out and put them in your mouth." She shook her head and whispered, "No." But her voice lacked conviction and I knew she wouldn't resist. Not too much, anyway. We continued to talk, exchanging personal information mostly. After another drink I glanced at her. "Are they good and wet?" She hesitated, and then nodded. "Yes. They're soaked. I can feel it." I stood up and threw some money on the bar. "Let's go then." She followed me outside and we walked over to her car. She stood there, facing the car, her hands resting on the fender, while I lifted her skirt from behind and eased my forefinger into her pussy. I pulled her panties out and they were soaked with pussy juice. She refused to open her mouth until I told her I'd spank her right there in the parking lot. When she opened up I pushed the panties into her mouth and watched her eyes widen in surprise as she tasted herself for the first time. She clamped her mouth shut and nodded when I asked, "Taste good?" I had her follow me to my apartment. I told her she could take the panties out of her mouth as soon as we were on the road. At my place, I parked in my space and walked over to the visitor's parking area. It was just getting dark. Stacy rolled her window down as I approached. "I'm not sure I want to do this." I leaned against the car and glanced down at her. She tugged her skirt down as much as she could. "Don't want to do what? Be submissive or be with a woman?" Her black thong panties were lying on the passenger seat. "Either. Both. I'm just not sure." She glanced up at me with a pleading look. "Do you understand?" "Sure, I understand. Go home, little girl." I turned and walked away without looking back. "Wait, please!" I ignored her and continued walking, but I was smiling. I heard her car door open and close and then the sound of rapid footsteps. I wiped the smile off my face just before she grabbed my arm. "Wait. Give me another chance. Please." I glanced down at her hand and she released me and took a step back. " Another chance for what?" She dropped her eyes. "Another chance to be ... your .... uh .... your friend." I shook my head. "I don't want a friend. I want a submissive girlfriend. A totally submissive slut." She stepped back as if I'd slapped her. "Noooo." I shrugged. "Then go home and be safe." I started to turn away but stopped when she said, "Wait. Please." I turned back. "What do you want me to do?" I grinned. "Beg." Her eyes widened and she began to shake her head. But she didn't say anything. "On your knees." I paused for a second. "Naked." She glanced around. We were about ten feet from the back door of my building. Most tenants didn't use it because it was too far from the elevator. I used it because running up the back stairs to the fourth floor was good exercise. It was fairly well lit but there wasn't anybody around. "Here?" I nodded. "Here. You have ten seconds." She stared at me for a moment and then she kicked off her shoes and began to unbutton her blouse. It took longer than ten seconds for her to be on her knees, naked, begging me to give her a chance. I walked up to her and stroked her hair. "Good girl. Get up and put your skirt and blouse on." She obeyed and didn't hesitate when I told her to leave her blouse unbuttoned. She picked up her shoes and bra and carried them in one hand as she followed me inside and up the stairs to the fourth floor. She was puffing slightly when she reached the landing on the fourth floor so I knew I'd have to get her working out to get her into shape. I waited for her and when she stepped onto the landing I deliberately pushed her blouse aside and fondled her firm, bare tits. She was a good 34c and her pink, perfect nipples were very sensitive. She closed her eyes and moaned as they hardened against the palms of my hands. She blushed as I handled her and whispered, "What if someone comes?" I smiled and kissed her lightly on the lips. "It's not your concern. You' re mine now. I'm responsible for your behavior, not you." She blushed as I lifted her tits, squeezing gently, to test their weight and firmness. "I feel like such a slut!" "You are a slut. My slut." I turned and opened the fire door, holding it for her. She walked past me, her bare tits bouncing nicely with each step. We walked down the hall to my apartment and I made her strip completely again before I let her inside. I know she expected me to rape her the moment the door was closed and locked so I confused her by treating her like any other guest. I showed her around and offered her a drink. She accepted a cup of tea, with milk and sugar. I made two cups and we settled down on the sofa. It was a very normal scene if you discounted the fact that she was nude. Her body was excellent. She was carrying about ten extra pounds but I knew I could work that off of her in short order. She was on the borderline between very pretty and beautiful. The only think that held her back was her slightly too-wide mouth and her slightly crooked nose. But I thought these gave her face character and made her more attractive than if she'd been perfect. She told me her nose had been broken in college, during a basketball game. As our discussion continued she seemed to relax. She sat back on the sofa and began talking about how much she disliked her supervisor. I noticed that she was careful to keep her knees together, something else I was determined to change. Then she called her supervision a fucking bitch and I saw an opportunity to test my control. I stood up and said, "I don't like hearing that language. Come with me." She put her cup down and stood up. "Why? Where are we going?" I slapped her, a light slap but one that stunned her. She held her hand to her face as she followed me across the room. "We're going to the bathroom where I'm going to wash your mouth out with soap." "You've got to be kidding!" I turned and slapped her again. "Be quiet. You've got a lot to learn." That was the moment where she could have rebelled and decided she wasn't going to obey. But when I turned and continued on to the bathroom s followed, docile and silent. I knew then that I had won. I had her sit on the toilet, straddling it, facing the wall, gripping the edge of the seat with her strong thighs. "Clasp your hands behind your back and don't let go or I'll punish you severely." She obeyed and sat there staring at the wall in silence while I ran warm water over a bar of Ivory soap. When it was good and wet I grabbed her ponytail with one hand and pulled her head back until she was staring straight up at the ceiling. I could see tears welling up in her eyes. "Open your mouth." She hesitated and I hissed, "Open it or I'll pinch your nose and force you." She blinked a couple of times and then her mouth opened, slowly, reluctantly, but it opened. I pushed the bar of soap into her mouth and moved it around, rubbing it against her teeth and tongue while she gagged and spluttered. Finally, I made her bite off a little corner and chew it. She obeyed and sat there with tears of humiliation streaming down her cheeks. Her hands were still tightly clasped behind her back. She was mine to command, to use, to abuse, as I saw fit. I made her wait five minutes before I gave her permission to rinse her mouth. I sat on the edge of the tub and watched her closely for the entire time. She sat quietly, staring at the wall and I saw from her expression that she was totally cowed, all signs of rebellion gone. To make sure, after she rinsed her mouth, I said, "We might as well clean the other end out too. Get down on your knees while I fill the enema bag." I left her there on her knees while I went to the kitchen to fill the enema bag. I filled it with two quarts of warm water after putting in a teaspoon of liquid hand soap. When I returned I hung the bag from the shower rod and rolled up the bath mat in case of an accident. I had her stretched out on her belly, feet toward the tub, and then draw her knees up under her belly until her butt was raised at a convenient angle. I admired her firm, round buttocks for a long moment before I crouched and spread them with one hand. I heard her moan as I gazed at her tightly puckered little anus. It was a beige rosette, perfectly round and lovely to look at. I dipped my finger in an open jar of petroleum jelly and spread some over her anus. She moaned and whispered, "God! This is so embarrassing." I ignored her. I didn't have to lubricate her anus. I could have just dipped the nozzle in the petroleum jelly but this was more interesting, more humiliating. She whimpered as I pushed my finger into her rectum and spread the petroleum jelly around the inside rim of her anus. Finally, I slipped the nozzle into her ass and released the clamps. She whimpered as the warm, soapy water flooded her rectum. The bag was barely half-empty when she whispered, "Please, stop it. I can't take anymore." I ignored her and the water continued to flow. I reached under and rubbed her swelling abdomen. She groaned and whimpered until the bag was empty. I slipped the nozzle out of her ass after warning her to clench and hold. She groaned but she obeyed. I made her kneel up straight and hold for five minutes while I fondled her big, firm tits and stroked her thighs. I licked and sucked her nipples, purposely arousing her to distract her from her discomfort. When the full five minutes had passed I said, "Go and sit on the toilet." She got up and hurried the four steps to the toilet, hunched over, groaning. She saw that I wasn't going to leave and she began to cry. She voided her bowels in an explosive rush, sobbing in total humiliation. I left her then and let her clean herself in private. I went into my bedroom and slipped my clothes off. When she came out of the bathroom she found me on the sofa, watching CNN, wearing a short silk robe. She walked into the living room with a hesitant look on her face. I patted the sofa cushion and she came and sat down next to me, curling her legs up under her and letting her head rest on my shoulder. "Are you okay?" She nodded and whispered, "Yes, thank you." "Tell me your reaction to what's happened tonight." I heard her sigh gently and she didn't answer right away. I didn't push it. She slipped her hand inside my robe and let it rest on my belly. "While things were happening I felt awful. I was embarrassed and totally humiliated. I hated what you were doing while you were doing it." She paused and took a deep breath. "But now, looking back, thinking about it, arouses me. What

arouses me even more is the thought of you doing it again. And I get aroused by what you might do - spank me, fuck me..." She paused and glanced at me with a frightened look. "Sorry! I forgot I'm not supposed to use four-letter words." I turned my head and kissed her on the forehead. "I'll let it go this time, slut." She shivered. "Thank you. I've never been with a woman but the idea of having sex with you, being forced to have sex with you, excites me." I chuckled. "Are you wet?" She nodded, "Yes, very wet." "Show me." She hesitated for a moment and then dipped her left hand between her legs. When she withdrew it her middle finger glistened with cunt juice. I nodded. "Clean it with your tongue." She lapped her cunt juice off her finger, clearly enjoying the act and the taste. When she was done her head returned to my shoulder and her left hand found my belly again. "I like it when you call me slut. And other names."

I grinned. "What names?" "Slave. Whore. Cunt. Bitch. Cocksucker." She giggled. "I suppose those days are over." I nodded. "Yes, your cocksucking days are over. You're a licker now." She began to rub my belly and I sighed with pleasure. Then I sat up and pushed her hand away before I lost control of the situation. I made her get down on her belly and lick my feet to demonstrate her complete submission. She clearly wanted to refuse but didn't dare to do so. I wished she had because I dearly wanted to spank her. I wanted to make her cry. I wanted to hear her beg for mercy. It suddenly hit me. I didn't need an excuse. I grabbed her ponytail and pulled her up and over my lap. I spanked her until she was sobbing and pleading for mercy. The only reason I stopped was because my hand was hurting. Her ass was red and the tears were streaming down her face when I sent her to kneel in the corner while she regained her composure. She stayed on her knees for almost ten minutes before she stopped crying and rubbing her butt. I made her come back on her belly, crawling, and she had carpet burns on her knees afterward. She licked my feet and asked what she'd done wrong. "Please, tell me. I'll be a good girl but I need to know what I did wrong." I nudged her with my foot. "Get up her and stretch out on the sofa." I positioned her on her belly with her head resting in my lap and I rubbed her back gently while I explained that she hadn't done anything wrong. "I just wanted to hear you cry and beg for mercy." She lifted her head and stared at me in silence for a moment. Then she put her head down and lay there while I continued to rub her back. Her skin was soft and silky and I enjoyed touching her. After a while she fell asleep and I watched the news while continuing to rub her back and buttocks. She slept for an hour and when she woke up she looked up and me and whispered, "Please, I want sex." I took her to bed and made love to her with my fingers and tongue. She arched her back and screamed wordlessly as she came. Her body was marvelously responsive. Just the touch of my tongue on the soft skin high on the inside of her thigh made her whimper with pleasure. I teased her to the edge of orgasm several times, backing off each time until she was sobbing in frustration, running her hands through my hair, frantically begging me to let her come. When I nipped her clit gently her body trembled in a spasm of pure pleasure as an intense orgasm rocked her. Later, I tried something I'd heard but never believed. Someone had told me that a woman could reach orgasm by just having her tits fondled. I never did but Stacy did. It took a while, about twenty minutes, but she finally came just from having her tits fondled and her nipples licked and sucked. She told me it wasn't as intense as a vaginal orgasm but it was still pleasurable. At one a.m. I patted her butt and suggested she go home. She shook her head sleepily. "Don't want to go home!" She burrowed under the covers and I let her be. After all, neither of us had to get up and go to work in the morning. I hadn't been sleeping too well since moving into the apartment but with Stacy there I slept like a baby. I woke up once during the night. Stacy was curled up next to me, her head on my pillow, her breath warm on my neck, her left hand cupping my vulva. Her middle finger was inside me. I wiggled against her hand and then fell back to sleep. In the morning I woke to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. I slipped my robe on and stumbled into the kitchen. Stacy was sitting at the kitchen table reading the paper. She was wearing the blouse she'd worn to work the previous day. She looked up and smiled. "Can I get you a cup of coffee?" I sat down and groaned when I saw that it was only 7:30. "Yes, please. Why in God's name are you up this early?" Then an awful suspicion bloomed in my mind. "You're a morning person!" She grinned as she place a full cup down in front of me. "Guilty as charged. You make it sound like it's on a par with being an axe murderer!" I shook my head. "No, it's much worse! At least axe murders are human. That hasn't been proved about morning people." She giggled and I shook my head. "Remind me to beat you later." I sipped the coffee and found that it was excellent. I sighed with pleasure and set the cup down carefully. She was standing nearby. I smiled up at her and said, "Coffee's excellent! All your sins are forgiven. Come here." She came and leaned against my chair, her hip bumping my arm. I slipped my hand under her shirt and caressed her bare buttocks. I took another sip of coffee while I fondled her. Then I glanced up and said, "I want you naked unless I tell you to put something on." She nodded and immediately removed her shirt, tossing it onto the counter behind her. I patted her bottom and said, "Go. Sit. Enjoy your coffee while it's hot."

She went and sat and sipped her coffee while we chatted. Except for her being naked we could have been any two roommates chatting over coffee. At one point I smiled at her over my cup and she said, "What? Why are you smiling at me like that?" I grinned. "I was just smiling because you have such beautiful big tits." She blushed. "Do you really think they're beautiful?" I nodded. "Them and you." She blushed. "May I ask you a question?" I nodded and sipped my coffee. " What happened to your pubic hair? You're too smooth there to have shaved or had it waxed." "Laser treatment. It's expensive and painful but once you're done you're done. Forever." I let her think about it for a moment. "I'd want to have you done if you decide to accept me as your master." She frowned. "I thought I did that last night?" I nodded. "You did but I want to be fair and give you a chance to reconsider in the cold light of day." She sipped her coffee and her eyes wandered around the room. "That's very fair of you." She put her cup down and slipped off her chair. She came to me on her belly and licked my feet. After a moment she paused. "Is this answer enough?" I leaned forward and ruffled her hair, "Yes, it is. Now go back and finish your coffee. It might be your last opportunity to sit on chair and drink out of a cup." She scurried back to her chair and sat down. We sat and drank our coffee in silence for a few minutes; each of us content with the way things had turned out. After we finished I took her back to bed and fucked her with a strap-on, doggy-style, while she lay on her belly with her hands laced behind her neck. It was a very submissive position and she seemed to enjoy it. She obediently cleaned the dildo with her mouth afterward. Then I stretched out on the bed, keeping her on her belly in the same position. "What do you want out of this relationship, Stacy?" She didn't answer right away and I ran my finger down her spine and down the crease between her buttocks. She shivered. "Ummm, that feels so good! What I want is to be protected, taken care of, told what to do and when to do it. I want mind-boggling sex. I want pain and humiliation. I want to be owned and used." She paused and I saw tears in her eyes. "I want someone to care about me." Her voice was barely audible. "I want someone to love me." I smiled. I think I can handle all of that. The End

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