Peacock Photographic Studio

Published on Nov 1, 2013


Peacock Photographic Studios 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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I was embarrassed at my reaction to sex with Gustav and Samuel. I thought of myself as an intelligent man. I couldn't believe I had so greatly underestimated the importance of sex in my life, or in life in general. I intellectual I knew some men were greatly excited by it, but I assumed they were overstating the case. My own sexual experiences had been good, and sometimes very good. They had never reached the levels that other man said they achieved.

I was wrong about that. Gustav induced feeling that were other worldly. I had never achieved ecstasy before. I thought it was a fantasy related to the ancient world. I knew better now. Samuel and Gustav understood. Samuel wanted to understand it from an anatomical point of view. Gustav wanted to do it again. I was willing to help both men.

Marcus and Delmar helped us with that. They didn't directly help, but their approach to life and sex helped. They were comfortable with sex and discussing sex. I think most men wouldn't consider speaking openly about sex, but Marcus had given me some training. Marcus was open and unashamed of his sexual interests and was free in his conversation.

Gustav was good about it too. He wasn't an attractive man, sex with me was good, but he wasn't accustomed to being praised for his sexual skills. His tool was oversized. That was admired but it was too big for most men. His sexual connections were rare anyway. I didn't know it at first, but his cock was the perfect fit for my ass.

He was also use to having a quick interlude and never seeing his playmate again. I was really excited and very much wanted to see him regularly. I discovered the intimate sexual connection made a mental and emotional connection too. Gustav wanted to please me. He knew when I responded to his probes and made sure he hit the good spots again.

I wanted to make it better for him too. When I rotated my ass and tried to grab his sex tool, he responded with enthusiasm. The enthusiasm was contagious. Over the course of two or three weeks Gustav, Samuel and I became close friends. We shared common sexual, professional and personal interest.

The sexual connection was greatly enhanced by the growing personal affection. It seemed that it was impossible to have a deeply satisfying sexual experience without emotional attachment. Samuel was interested in this. It was clear that lower level organisms felt no attachments. The more sophisticated and complex the animal, the deeper the emotional attachment.

Samuel was puzzled that many advanced animals only copulated, without any emotional attachments. He also noted that humans and other primates alone had sex for recreational purposes. It seems that all others had intercourse for procreation only.

He reasoned that recreational sex was thus a basic human characteristic. Needless to say, that sort of thinking might cause problems with religious leaders, but it would not have been a problem with the Greeks and Romans he thought.

I had never met a man whose thoughts were so original and unorthodox. Samuel was a revelation to me. Gustav was an entirely different sort of man. I had been brought up to believe that that intellectual pursuits were of a higher order than manual trades. Gustav's work with optics seemed to be different. He understood the science, but was also able to turn the science into an implement. His new camera could take detailed, close-up images that had been impossible before. I could see things I had never seen before.

Making a wagon required some skills, but a locomotive or a steamship were vastly more complex. Was a complex camera of a new level an intellectual achievement? Gustav was imaginative and manually skilled. If I told him something that that I thought would be of interest or use, he could make it. Of course his close up camera was useful for me, but it was more useful to others. Samuel took it back to the university and the biologists were excited.

Marcus and Delmar loved the close up photographs. We created a series with both normal views and close up shots. Marcus had some skills that made this possible. He could maintain an erection without difficulty. His cock was long and cock head bulbous. It was easy to slip the knob into the dark side of Delmar's sphincter.

We mounted the close up camera on a rolling platform. I would take a view on the standard camera, and then roll in the platform and take the close up view. Sometimes Marcus stayed in Delmar's ass. Other times he would pull out. He knew Delmar's ass so well, he could reinsert his cock to the exact spot he had been in the previous image.

"It's easy to pop through the sphincter," Marcus said. "Delmar is very muscular and I can feel exactly where I am in love tunnel."

"Are their other landmarks in your lover's ass?" Gustav asked.

"Not exactly, but Delmar lets me know where I am. I can't feel his prostate until just before his climax. He shivers when my cock head rubs it. He also shivers when I rub it on the out stroke."

We also discovered that the close up camera could capture sperm drooling from a cock after the orgasm. It was not able capture the actual ejaculation, but it could get the post orgasmic drool.

Our Parisian distributer found that most attractive, as did I. I have a little confession to make. I had been experimenting making artificial sperm. I assumed that if the camera couldn't catch the cream, I could make some and add it to the model after the actual orgasm. My experiments were unsuccessful. Some looked like scrambled eggs, other like a pudding. Getting the right consistency was difficult, as was the color. My own concoctions looked both too clear and watery, or like a tapioca pudding.

I also tried to collect some semen from Clive and use that. It was never convincing. Clive tried retouching spurting sperm on the photographs. That was most unsuccessful. It looked like a small waterfall emanating for Delmar's cock.

The close-up camera solved these problems. Gustav, or more correctly Gustav's cock eventualy became the star of the close up shots. His cock had was large and had a wide slit. When he was sexually excited the lower part of the slit opened to allow his sex juices to escape. While his first couple of ejaculations were forceful, the later ones were not and the cream drooled, lava like from his slit.

His semen was thick and creamy. While some of the photographs were blurred, most were clear. The men who frequented my studio were most experienced sexually, and they all could easily identify the real semen from my own sperm substitutes.

Discussing my efforts at making artificial sperm may seem silly, but it had a considerable impact on my business. Photography and erotic photography seem to have been created at about the same time. While some nude photographs were artistic in their intent, many more were purely erotic.

Many of these faked the situations and the actual sexual contact. Many were laughably inept. The men who bought these photographs felt cheated and deceived. Once my photographs appeared in Paris, they were an immediate success. If truth be told, being both erotic and in focus would have been considered a success.

You could tell that my sexual photographs were of actual sex and that the men involved were lovers. They were not just models who were paid to do the deed. They were handsome artistically too. I assumed the market for such photographs was limited, but I was wrong about that. Many were interested and willing to pay a premium. My dealer in Paris was an honest man who understood the market and had a reputation for selling high quality works. I assumed I would make hundreds of dollars on my works. The actual amount was in the thousands.

I opened a second studio in downtown Philadelphia for my conventional portraits photographs. This too became a great success. I never retouched my portraits. One client told me that I had a knack for capturing my clients on a good day. They looked their best, without artificial enhancements. Another mentioned I had caught the kindly glint in her father's eyes.

Of course I kept my two studios strictly separate. Each had its own staff. My Parisian agent was the sole of discretion. My checks were sent to a German company and then transmitted to me as payment for my close up cameras.

The photographs were profitable and enjoyable to make. It was one of those rare situations when the photographer, models and even the men who helped set up the scenes all enjoyed it. There was one problem and another situation that would be best described as an opportunity.

Watching men have sex is both inspirational and a bit frustrating. Eventually I realized that men are not naturally observers; we want to participate. Samuel saw this situation as an opportunity to study sex and to develop an understanding of the anatomy of sex. A room with six or seven excited men was an opportunity for him.

Curiously I found this thought appealing. I had a conventional upbringing and all that pleasure seemed a bit suspect to me. Samuel's interest in the anatomy of sex made my own pleasure more acceptable.

Marcus had mentioned he could feel Delmar's prostate when he withdrew his cock for Delmar's ass. Quite frankly I didn't know what a prostate was, not to mention what it did. I did have a friend who mentioned the "magic nut" in his ass, but I didn't know its technical name. Samuel wanted to know if the prostate functioned as a sperm repository just before the final ejaculation.

Samuel also wanted to know if it functioned the same way in other men. Delmar was a libertine and was perhaps exceptional. After a photographic session on a hot summer day Samuel asked if he could examine our prostates. The summer sun provided beautiful light, but also made the conservatory studio very hot. Wilson, Al and Rex were there too. Officially they were helping set up the poses. In reality they were observers and sometime participants. We were all nude in response to the temperature.

Delmar was willing of course. He was willing to do anything sexual. Samuel was always interested and exited. Lubricated his fingers and probed Delmar's ass. As a physician Samuel was careful and gentle. He said the anus and the rectum were delicate and tender. He caressed Delmar's anus. We had seen it stretched wide by Marcus' cock many times. In some way it seemed as if Samuel was trespassing on Marcus' property.

This thought excited me a little. Soon Samuel's finger was in the hole. A little later there were two fingers.

"Tell me when I touch it," Samuel said. Delmar moaned. Samuel smiled. "That's it. I can feel it. I'm going to massage it little. Tell me if it is too much."

"It's fine." Delmar said, "It's nice." Delmar was a responsive man and you could see that he enjoyed the experience. Samuel continued his slow massage. Delmar's cock responded. After a few minutes, Samuel exclaimed, "It's coming! It's filling up!" A second or two later, Delmar popped.

Marcus was there and his lips enveloped the cock just after the first ejaculation. I had never seen him take his friend's load before. It was beautiful.

Samuel pulled his fingers from Delmar's ass. He looked at the men watching. "Who's next?"

It was a mark of how comfortable we were with sex that Al and Wilson volunteered. By the time Samuel returned to his home that night, he had come to the conclusion that the prostate provided much of the pleasure men felt in anal sex.

He reasoned that since the male sex organs were all exposed, it was of interest that the prostate, which was a part of the male genital apparatus, was just below the surface. "Is not interesting that the prostate is essentially buried a cock's length in the body?" Samuel observed.

I sensed that Samuel's taste for the Presbyterian belief in predestination was playing a role in his thinking. I admitted that it seemed to me that the cock was particularly conveniently located.

I spent the next day at the downtown studio. I was doing a family portrait and the children were a handful. It was a difficult day. When I was ready to return home, Gustav was waiting in front of my studio. He wanted to discuss an adjustment to the camera that allowed closer shots, with greater clarity. My sexual photographs needed no more clarity, but Gustav was thinking that it would be useful for scientific studies.

We had dinner together and he invited me to visit a Turkish bath, the Aladdin Palace. It was located only a few blocks from my studio. I had never been to a bath before. It was in a quite ordinary building, but the interior was an oriental fantasy in multicolored tiles. In the gas light it appeared quite exotic.

It had a new feature I had not encountered before, a shower bath. It was essentially artificial rain, and was pleasant. The shower room had six shower heads. Much to my surprise there were no curtains or screens and the thus I showered with four nude, complete strangers. This was exciting. We then went to a steam room. It was a cloud of steam and I couldn't tell how many men were in the room.

Gustav had been to the baths before. We went to the back corner of the room.

"Gussy, it's nice to see you again," a disembodied voice said. "Who's your pal?"

"This is the photographer friend, Horace. Horace this is Virgil Summers. He is an old friend," Gustav said. Virgil is the Summers is the Summers of Summers' Locomotive Works. We are good friends."

Virgil slipped closer to me. Instead of shaking hands he fondled my genitals. I returned the gesture.

"Your friend is not shy," Virgil said. With that comment the other men in the room came closer. All were nude and most were erect. I didn't know what to do, but the other patrons did. One man dropped to his knees and began sucking me.

He was skilled. I was both shocked an excited. Gustav was talking with a friend in German. The men were all strangers but they were friendly. I saw that most of the men were now engaged sexually, but the atmosphere was calm and relaxed. I assumed this was an orgy, but there was no sense of menace. Virgil told me the men met here regularly and thus they knew they would be satisfied before they left.

"Are you a shy man?" he asked.

"I used to be shy, but recently I seem to be shedding that characteristic," I replied.

"There is a room to the rear where we may enjoy ourselves without the heat," Virgil said. "The room is not private, but it is more comfortable." We went back to the shower and then to the room.

There were six men in the room. One looked up. "Hello Virgil, you have found a new one!" he said.

"This is my friend Julius," Virgil said. "I would hate to insult him, but Julius is what one might call over sexed. He is an enjoyable friend." We went over to him. Instead of shaking hands, Julius leaned over and began to suck me. I was briefly shocked, until I realized that Julius was a gifted cock sucker.

At my studio the focus was on taking pictures and the sex was somewhat incidental. I concede it was a very enjoyable incidental activity. In the back room of the bath the sex was the main activity and the bath aspect was minor.

This left me uneasy. As a Quaker and an American the idea of just enjoying sex was shocking concept to me. It took me a while to get use to this. While I thought about it later I was eventually able to understand it. While I was there, the flood of sensations at the baths was overwhelming. I realize now that intense sexual stimulation is not conducive to deep thought.

I did come to realize that there was far more variety in sexual activity than I had thought. Each man at the bath seemed to have his own technique and tastes. I also found that men responded to very different stimuli. While the cock was the focus of sexual activity, some men had sensitive nipples, balls and some seemed to have sensitive asses.

I was unsure about the baths when I left that night. I thought it was too much. A week later Gustav asked me to have dinner and visit the baths again. Much to my surprise I agreed. I actually agreed with enthusiasm.

It was the same night of the weeks as my previous visit. This was the night for older men. Most nights the baths were the domain of younger men. Many of the patrons were effeminate. This was the night for men who liked men, not boys.

In the locker room, I was the youngest man there except for a student named Rudolph Smith. Rudolph was twenty-two, solid, tall and muscular. While he was young, he was also very hairy. He came over to me. He was wearing a towel around his waist.

"I'm new to this," he said. "Do you know what is expected? What are the rules?"

"I've only been here once but I didn't notice any rules," I replied. Rudolph looked shocked. "It was enjoyable, I wouldn't worry about rules. The men I've met here seem to be nice."

"I heard about this place from a friend. He said it was enjoyable," he said. "I'm surprised to discover I'm timid and a bit scared. I'm a wrestler at school. I didn't expect to be scared."

"I understand, nothing in my background prepared me for this. It seems strange to be nude with other naked men," I said. "Once you get accustomed to it, all is well." I leaned close to him. "When I was here the last time, I didn't need to do anything. The other patrons did it all." Gustav was listening to our conversation.

"Why don't you stay near us," he said. "We can be your guides." Rudolph looked unimpressed when he glanced at Gustav. When he looked down he saw Gustav's semi-erect cock. He smiled and joined us.

I knew the men were friendly, but I hadn't realized how friendly until I saw them react to Rudolph. In the showers, I wouldn't say they were drooling over him, but they were clearly excited. They were not overly aggressive. Indeed they were polite and gentlemanly. If it weren't for their excited genitals, you would not have known their true interests.

Rudolph shared the same interests, so all was well. No one made a move, and Rudolph realized he had a choice of potential playmates. He relaxed. His cock responded to the sexual potential by becoming fully erect. The men liked that.

We adjourned to the steam bath. It was more private there in the thick steam. Julius and Virgil were there. We talked and discovered Rudolph was interested in electrical studies. I soon discovered the men at the baths were educated and deeply interested in the science of electricity. I tended to think of electricity as a mere parlor trick. The men understood the full potential of the new power source. We were naked in the middle of an animated conversation on modern science.

I also discovered that animated scientific discussion did not preclude sexual explorations. Julius slipped onto the floor and gave Rudolph's cock a tongue bath. Eventually we all took a break from our scientific speculations for sexual adventure.

I tended to think of sex as a base instinct associated with persons of the lower orders. These were all intelligent and cultured men. The sexual drive was obviously the same for all men, and was not just the sort of thing the common folk did.

As I write this I find it hard to believe how uninformed I was then. Sex was never directly mentioned in my family home when I was growing up. Indeed it wasn't even alluded to. I was entirely ignorant of even the rudiments of sex and the role it played in human life. I was a good student, and it was assumed I would eventually meet an appropriate woman, or become the typical bachelor professor.

There were many bachelor uncles and maiden aunts. I assumed they led chaste, sexless lives. Most of the men at the baths were bachelors, but they weren't chaste or virginal. I knew chastity was considered a great virtue. That was assumed to be the case, but it wasn't clear to my why it was a virtue. Of course woman could get pregnant, but men had no problem with that. Sex between men had no impediments like pregnancy.

Next: Chapter 4

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