Peeta and Finnick

By billy samuels

Published on Mar 17, 2013


Peeta and Finnick


This story is pure fiction. Any elements of truth are purely coincidence. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of any actors/characters involved.

Peeta and Katniss had just stepped of the train outside the training centre in the capitol, still not quite believing that they're both back here for a second year in a row, not for mentoring, but to compete. They walked up to the door at the back of this huge 14 floor building; a lobby, the training floor in the basement and of course a floor for each of the two tributes from the 12 districts. After their train ride they of course knew all of the tributes they would be facing in the arena and there was certainly one that Peeta had his eye on.

Yes, Peeta was engaged to Katniss but only he knew that he was not actually in love with her, because he was the only person to know that he was gay. yes gay. Oh how he had fantasised over Gale back in the district and Cato from the games last year whilst he slowly jerked himself in his empty victors house back home. But this year he had already decided that he was going to get a bit of action from one of the other male tributes and finaly feel the touch of another persons hand on his thick 7 inch cock for the first time in his life. However, after seeing the other male tributes that had been reaped for the Quarter Quell, Peeta knew that he only wanted the 24 year old, hottie of the humger games, Finnick O'dair.

So Peeta and Katniss rode up to the top floor of the training centre to meet their prep teams and get ready for the chariot ride around the Capitol square before the training would start tomorrow. Of course Ocatavia, Flavius and Venia await excitedly for Katniss but Peeta finds only Portia waiting for him on the other side of the elevator and as it turns out the rest of his prep team are all starved and exhausted because they can't get all their favourite foods because of the winter shortages, which Peeta and Katniss both assume are because of the rebelling in certain districts.

After the teams have finished prepping both Katniss and Peeta are blindfolded before put into their costumes ready for the parade and once they are on they are both revealed at the same time infront of full length mirrors. They're both dressed identically in at what first seems a very simple get up that consists of a plain black jumpsuit with a black crown and simple black shoes, however, when Cinna and Portia come over and simultaneously push a button on the neck of the costumes they light up and start to shimmer in a orangey, yellow kind of colour with a hint of blue, it gives of the effect that they're both burning embers.

"wow" says Katniss "they're stunning"

"they really are" follows Peeta

"I thought you might like them" Cinna says before turning them of again to save the battery.

Haymitch and Effie turn up just in time to see them before they're turned off and then escort them down to the lobby of the training centre where they're found to be the last ones to get there, which is unusual seeing as Effie always insist on them getting everywhere early, but everyone must have arrived extra early to meet up and have a chat because, of course, everyone knows eachother from all the previous games. Except Katniss and Peeta who know nobody.

They walk over to their two jet black horses that stand ready to pull their chariot through the streets of the Capitol when the one and only Finnick O'dair comes over to greet them, wearing what can only be described as a fishing net draped over him. Peetas mouth drops at the sight, this is exactly what he wants, though he quickly has to hide his lust over the hottie of the games he ontinues to stare at the fully defined pecs and abs of the well groomed body until he gets to the groin area which only has a thin piece of netting to cover it up and Peeta becomes all to aware that the slight dusting of pubic hair he can see through the net, along witht he pecs, abs and of course the beautiful face, is giving him a raging boner which will be impossible to hide in this tight fitting, lycra jumpsuit, so much to his annoyance he turns hes gaze to the eyes of the horse stood beside himand starts stroking its long black nose.

Whilst Peeta had been concentrating on hiding his little (or should I say BIG) problem, Finnick and Katniss had been having a quite normal conversation, for two people who had never met before, about the engagement, until Peeta suddenly snapped back in to reality and hear Finnick's soft, lucious voice asking him a question

"I bet you're excited for the wedding aren't you, Peeta?"

somehow he manages to stumble out a reply, "yeah, definitely its what I've been waiting for my whole life, but I didn't really expect it to ever happen" Finnic is just about to reply, probably witth another question, when his mentor comes over and tells him that the procession is about to start and its time to get ready in the chariots but as he walks away Peeta notices that his arse, his lush, hairless, beautiful arse, is bare, open for the whole world to see and he can only hope that the lycra is tight enough to keep his penis from showing too much as he climbs in to the chariot and reaches down his hand to help Katniss join his side.

After President Snow has finished his speech about the treaty of the treason and the hunger games, and the procession has come to an end, the chariots lead themselves back into the lobby of the training centre where the tributes disembark and start to fill up the elevators to get back to their floors, obviously Peeta is at the back because he is in district 12 but somehow so is Finnick which Peeta finds strange seeing as he is from district 4 and should be fairly close to the front but he just asumes he wandered back to talk to someone. Peeta suddenly realises that Katniss, Effie, Haymitch and the prep teams have already left the lobby, they must've got in one of the first elevators, strange of them to leave Peeta behind.

So Peeta is waiting at the back of the queue for the elevators and he is just about to step into one but soon realises its full and decides to wait for the next one which comes soon after. He gets in alon and the doors are just closing when Finnick comes running around the corner looking as if he is trying to tuck his cock and balls back into his costume and shouting for Peeta to hold the door for him, Peeta wanders where he's been and most importantly why he had his cock out but obliges to the request and pushes his hand inbetween the door and the wall to stop it from closing and Finnick climbs in.

He presses the button for the 4th floor and the elevator starts to ride up, but then, out of no where, Finnick flips the switch on the control pannel that turns the elevator of and they're plunged into semi-darkness, the only light coming from the distant party lights of the city through the glass walls of the elevator.

I hope you enjoyed my story! it is the first chapter of many hopefully so e-mail me at and feel free to give me any criticism/feedback or ideas for furture chapters :) see you next time.

Next: Chapter 2

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