
By Greg S

Published on Mar 14, 2024


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Disclaimer: If you aren't 18 years of age, or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenagers and is for adults only! The acts are consensual. This story is complete fiction, all descriptions, and names are also made up. Any similarities are purely coincidence. This story also contains violent scenes including force, bondage and humiliation. If this bothers you, please do not read any further!

Perceptions - Chapter 33

The ride back to Boston was exhausting. Despite the extreme events, Jason had truly come alive, embracing his beta personality and his new Master. He sought answers to things I had no experience with. "You'll figure it out" I just kept saying as his energy matched that of a new puppy.

Now out of yesterday's extreme scene, and with the objectivity distance provides, Jason ventured, "That was all amazing." he beamed. "Everything?" I questioned. Fumbling over his words a bit he admitted, "Laith is sooo intense........ but very HOT!" I chuckled, "Yeah, I know. I see that you liked that you pretty whore" I teased as he blushed. Then asking the question I asked myself yesterday, I inquired, "Do you think it's fucked up that we let him do that to us?" Comparing stories, Jason wanted to know, "Was he that rough with you before?", maybe hoping to win an award for the most brutal fuck-down by Laith. "Well, you got it pretty rough, but when he tied me to his bed, it was to prevent my survival responses because it felt like he was taking my life", I shared a little over dramatically.

"Hey" Jason responded, "you don't have to clean my room when we get back. I won't say anything to MT" (MT was Jason's shorthand for Master Tack, especially in public places). "It was a direct order from MT for me to clean your room when we get back to school" I said. Wanting to stress the importance of what he was going through, I advised him, "Jason, don't ever disobey your Master. Not ever. If you can't do something, admit it and take the punishment, but N-E-V-E-R Lie, it will kill the relationship." Jason looked like he heard me. "Anyway", I continued, you are MT's #1 slave boy now and he is gonna take care of you, so using me to help you is gonna be part of my duty. I'm the lowest slave" I added. Jason rolled his eyes and you could tell he was overwhelmed with his whole new status as MT's boy.

Looking a little sheepish, Jason inquired "But, did I screw things up between the two of you. Maybe you feel like I screwed up what you two had." Feeling like I saw things for what they really were today, versus my jealousy yesterday, I replied, "Nah, we never had what you two have" and Jason blushed. "I'm still finding what's right for me" I offered. We got to travel in silence a little while, until Jason excitedly wanted to relive the last day's events once more and ponder his future.

Happy for Jason and his new relationship, I focused on school and expanding my social group; as he spends most weekends and one weeknight with MT. We still get to spend a lot of time together, and I still have my duties to him as one of MT's slaves, but they spend most of their time one on one. Sure, I miss that part of myself, my sexual submission to a superior man, but I keep busy with other things as I ride out this slow cycle.

I also got most of my information about the Masters from Jason now, which was very little. Tack was keeping Laith away from Jason, so there was no news about him. I hadn't heard anything about Captain Greg either, until last weekend when Jason told me that MT commented that `he might be getting his balls back'. I had no idea what it meant, but it sounded like a good thing.

Time passed fast as I got involved in wrestling club, and some other groups at school, and was getting through the load of studying necessary for classes. Before I knew it, we were into November and I was planning to go home for Thanksgiving break.

Next: Chapter 34

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