
By Greg S

Published on Apr 19, 2024


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Disclaimer: If you aren't 18 years of age, or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenagers and is for adults only! The acts are consensual. This story is complete fiction, all descriptions, and names are also made up. Any similarities are purely coincidence. This story also contains violent scenes including force, bondage and humiliation. If this bothers you, please do not read any further!

Perceptions - Chapter 54

Jason must have had his dorm room loaded with video cameras for our 3-way. By midnight the evidence was out. Jason had leaked videos of me with the words `FAGGOT g' written across my chest in red marker, begging to be used, admitting my whorishness, uselessness and weakness while seemingly enjoying being pounded senseless by a hot cock. The videos were edited to prevent Bax and Jason from being seen, while i was front and center identifiable in every frame. The clips went out to the most devastating of contacts, including my family, classmates from high school and college, teachers and friends. I was done, Jason had broken me.

i found out at around 1:00 AM as the information started hitting my feeds. i went numb seeing the news that was made available for the world to spread about me. I got dressed and went to Jason's room, and trying the door I found it was unlocked. Walking in I saw Bax laying on the bed while Jason rubbed and massaged my Master's body and attended to him as he happily accepted the attention. I was beyond anger. I wondered if they had any remorse. "Did you plan this?" I asked my Master Bax. Smiling and hesitating, Bax explained, "No, i didn't plan it, but after you left Jason showed me the film and expressed his interest in being my #1 slave. He had a plan. I agree with him." I held back tears but inside i was crying as Bax stood up walked to me and told me to assume a position on my knees before him. "See" Bax continued, "You are below a slave. Jason will need your help to serve me and you will be part of my stable. Jason will be your master, and i am your master of course too." Huffing a breath, I questioned, "You expect me to serve you and him? After what you did? Why?" Replying, Bax continued to tutor me, "I don't expect it, I demand it. From now on you are our servant, our whore, our pig." "What about the fallout?", i spat in exasperation. "I'll be thrown out of school" i cried. "You won't be thrown out of school. It's a sex tape not a bomb, and this is U Mass, not Dartmouth", Bax said trying to cut a little deeper. You are going to deal with the fallout, and more importantly you will be my property and continue to serve both of us. It's what you want, isn't it?" Bax asked me staring intently into my eyes as i kneeled next to him. Looking up, i nodded in agreement. "Yes Master, i got everything that i deserve Sir, and i want everything that is happening to me Sir." Smirking, Bax replied, "Good." Then looking over to Jason, he said, "Come piss in your slave's mouth." Jason seemed to be navigating this in between world pretty well as he pulled up in front of me, lowered his jock, set his cock head on my tongue and proceeded to pour his piss down my throat while i gobbled it up. Finally sending me back to my room, Bax said "this summer you'll be spending most of it with me on Long Island. It'll be good for you to get away from the people you know for a while." I nodded in agreement. Before I walked back to my room, Bax advised, "You have a lot of cleanup to do this week, so get to work on it faggot." Then he sat down next to Jason, as Jason reached hungrily for his body, attending to his new Master again.

Calls started pouring in the next morning. The first was from Tack and Laith demanding, "What the fuck happened to you? Was Jason involved?" I explained what had happened and told them I knew something weird was happening with Jason, and i called Greg to find out, but got no answer. Both of them acknowledged that Greg has been pretty out-of-it and reclusive lately. I told them i was going to call them after what happened last night, but the video was out before i even had a chance. Their first response was to fight, sue and destroy. I calmed them down first, and then explained that I'd already agreed to be a slave to both Bax and Jason, and to be part of Bax's slave stable. Both of them were in shock and thought I was crazy. Well, at least Tack did. I let them know that i really needed to pursue this, at least for now and that as bad as it seemed, I needed to do it and i could survive it. I wished them well, thinking for a moment that i might never talk to them again.

I wish i could say the other calls, especially the one with my parents went well, but they didn't. Ash did text though, saying Welcome to your new world homo. See you soon.' I simply responded, thanks'.

Next: Chapter 55

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