Perfect Muscle God

By Ash Eater

Published on Oct 31, 2022


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My great powerful ever growing MuscleGod, I submit to you. My great powerful ever growing MuscleGod I worship you, My great powerful ever growing MuscleGod I'm owned by you.

The great powerful ever growing , powerful triumphant controlling victorious MuscleGod I adore you

It was 9 am Saturday morning . The MuscleGod had just woken up his bladder was full and needed emptying. Being a weekend he knew that there was an eager urinal waiting for him there in the gloom. He turned on the light. There kneeling in front of his empty posing plinth was the slave. Chanting rhythmically, it was music to the MuscleGod's ears. He Rubbed his chest as the prayer to his strength and power filled his studio.

The slave had arrived late the previous evening , as it did every Friday, and after an intensive worship session , had been left in the dark for the last twelve hours. It had spent that time either sleeping or chanting. The last two hours had been spent chanting, the MuscleGod knew this as an alarm would have gone off at 7 to wake the slave.

"Thirsty lad?" without breaking from his chanting the slave nodded. He moved forward to the MuscleGod and opened its mouth."Drink you God's piss, lad, absorb my power, submit to my power" Eventually the MuscleGod's bladder was empty. He slid his dick out from the slave's throat and flicked the remaining drops of piss hitting the slave in the face. "Thank You Master"

The slave responded with a smile, before returning to its chant praising his Master's greatness.

The MuscleGod left his slave chanting as he went to shower and get dressed. In his bedroom he looked in the mirror and flexed his muscle, and smiled, some precum formed at the tip of his cock. He was so vain that he turned himself on, and why shouldn't he was at the peak of his game, and he intend to be there for some time yet.

"Slave I expected my boots to be polished by the time I'm back"

"Yes Master"

The MuscleGod was heading out, it was a rest day for hm so it was kick off with some coffee and cake. Even in jeans, t-shirt and trainers he knew that he exuded power and authority.

He stepped on to a crowded tube carriage, within minutes a young nerdish man said "Please Sir ,take my seat" The MuscleGod knew how embarrassing it would have been for the man to publicly declare his submissive nature. He only added to it by saying "Call me Boss, not Sir understood" "Yes Boss" After a couple of stops the carriage emptied and the young man could have found a seat half way down the carriage but he felt trapped as he stood there his eyes locked in contact with the MuscleGod.

Three stops later it was MuscleGod's turn to get off. He stood up, he pressed his hard dick into the nerd's right leg He breathed into his ear, before saying "Stay standing there lad, don't even think about sitting" "Yes Boss" As the tube carried on its journey MuscleGod watched and knew that someday their paths would cross again and when they did that he would a willing sub ready to serve.

When he finally reached the cafe , he was annoyed to find that all the tables were taken, however he only had to stand and look around for a few minutes silently flexing his muscles for a man of a similar age looked up and offered an opportunity to share a table. As MuscleGod approached the man immediately offered to buy MuscleGod's Saturday morning treats.MuscleGod sat opposite the man, In such close proximity the two men's legs could not help touch. and quickly MuscleGod had the other man under his spell. In the space of fifteen minutes the man revealed he lived with his husband a few streets away. That was all MuscleGod needed. "Do you want to see more of this?" He asked grabbing the man's hand and rubbing it against his hardening dick. "Please Boss"

"Let's go then" The man started to um and ah as if he was reluctant, realising that taking someone home when his husband was in was probably not wise. "Do you want it or not?" The MuscleGod said, his face breaking into a smile that disarmed the man. "Yes Boss" He stood up. "I'm ready Boss"

The two men walked the ten minutes or so to get to the man's flat in silence, MuscleGod leading the way when they arrived at the destination the man again started to hesitate, but MuscleGod only had to flex his right bicep and he was being ushered into the building and the flat.

As the door closed behind them a voice came from inside the flat. "Your'e back early" The man speaking walked into the hallway to find his husband keeling with Musclegod's left hand on his head.

"Hello you can call me Boss" MuscleGod flexed the muscles in his right arm. Within the space of a minute MuscleGod had two me kneeling besides him, both now feeling his leg muscle. "Two of you. It's my lucky day"

He pulled out his dick. You're going to make this feel very welcome. But first the reason I'm here. "You wanted to get getter acquainted with this body. " He removed his T shirt, his muscular frame was now on full display.

"Like what you see" "Yes Boss" and you he turned to the still slightly dumbstruck husband. "Do you like this": The man nodded. So which one of you am I going to fuck, and which will be the cuck, He smiled as he saw both men adjust their trousers, he had certainly picked the right table earlier.

Stand up, and strip. MuscleGod was annoyed that there didn't seem to be a mirror in the room, but having two middle aged men submit and worship his body was going to be enough to feed his vanity. The man from the cafe raised his hand and began to feel MuscleGod's chest. A groan was just about audible. "What the fuck you waiting for" Musclegod looked at the husband " I have a lower half too. Get these trousers off, and worship those legs properly. Now both of you get down grovel and work your way up"

MuscleGod looked down and watched as the men began to kiss his feet., and then slowly worked their way up his legs. He grounded as his calves and then his thighs were massaged. "Slowly I said savour my greatness, my power my authority. Understood?" "Yes Boss" they said in unison Both men were now intoxicated by MuscleGod's aroma, and were willing to obey any instruction that he gave. Eventually they had worked tier way up to the top of his thighs, once of the sources of his power, The sweat and testosterone here was potent, he looked down and realised that both had started to wank himself. "None of that nonsense, your hands are here to worship me. Understood" "Yes Boss"

"Feel this."He grabbed two hands and placed them on his stomach."Feel that hard muscle" He grabbed them by their necks and pulled them on to their feet. "This is what you brought me home for isn't it. You wanted to adore and worship this Perfect MuscleGod" He turned to the man in the cafe and spat in his face. "Yes Boss." As he rubbed MuscleGod's torso, he wanted to explain how as soon as he had seen him standing there waiting for a seat that he wanted to submit and worship, but he was unable to articulate. All that he could say was Yes Boss, otherwise any other noise was just an animalistic grunt.

"And you. Are you glad your husband brought Me home, a real man, a MuscleGod?" He spat in the husbands face as he silently nodded. "Of course you are. MuscleGod lifted both arms, now smell and inhale before you get to work on my tits. Both men started to lick the sweat from MuscleGod's pits before they slowly in total synchronisation moved along and began to suck on his nipples. As they did so his dick hardened and more precum fell down his leg. He's usually make one of them lick it up, but have for now had something else on his mind.

"Take me to your bedroom." He pushed both men back on the floor . As they walked in front of him he looked at their arses trying to figure which one of them he was going to fuck. He instructed the husband to lie at the end of the bed. "You" he addressed the cafe man. kneel there and watch."Your husband is going too get the best fuck he's ever had"

Over the next ten minutes the room was filled with grunts and screams as MuscleGod thrust his dick into the husbands surprisingly tight arse, "Thank You Boss" the husband screamed as the pace quickened. The screaming hardened MuscleGod's dick which made the thrusts harder, which in turn increased the intensity of the screams. "Ask me to stop and I will" "Don't Stop Boss, please don't stop" MuscleGod smiled he briefly turned and saw the cafe man who was obviously turned on by the sight of his husband being turned into a screaming bitch. He'll get his reward soon enough. Finally the MuscleGod could hold it back no longer and filled the husbands arsehole with his cum. Clicking his fingers he ordered the cafe man to his side. He withdrew from the husbands arse, and then forced the cafe man's head on to his hard slick, cum covered dick. "Clean it " It wasn't long before his status turned from dick cleaner to urinal as MuscleGod emptied his bladder down an eager obedient throat.

A quarter of an hour later MuscleGod was heading back to the tube, knowing that he had two additions to his cohort of worshippers. The journey home was uneventful, and he was soon home. Down in the studio surrounded by perfectly polished boots the slave chanting

My great powerful ever growing MuscleGod, I submit to you. My great powerful ever growing MuscleGod I worship you, My great powerful ever growing MuscleGod I'm owned by you.The great powerful ever growing , powerful triumphant controlling victorious Muscle God I adore you.

MuscleGod looked in one of the mirror that surrounded the studio, and smiled.

Next: Chapter 5

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