Perfect Muscle God

By Ash Eater

Published on Nov 16, 2022


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MuscleGod put his phone down, he had just texted the slave, instructing it to be ready to serve and worship that night. He'd be home by 7pm he'd expect the slave to be ready on the doorstep waiting. It was Friday almost a fortnight since the slave had been used by him in the leather bar and it was time that it repaid him for his generosity that night.

MuscleGod was not in the best of moods. Work was busy which meant he'd not had the opportunity to go to the gym for days. No gym meant no opportunity to dominate by his mere presence. MuscleGod thrived on feeding his vanity, and resented days when this opportunity was denied him. He raised his hand to his chest and began to rub, as he flexed his pecs some of his frustrations disappeared.

The slave responded almost immediately "All powerful MuscleGod I obey you" MuscleGod smiled knowing that the slave's work day was now interrupted and that its mantra was at the forefront of its mind. It's excuse for a dick was probably leaking too as it had pressed send. How much more would it leak in the next five hours MuscleGod wondered .

A short while later MuscleGod was in an office toilet, as he walked in someone he hadn't met before was washing his hands. The man looked at MuscleGod, and kept looking. MuscleGod smiled, raised his eyebrow and rubbed his hands. "Hello " The younger man nervously said Hello, which was after a nervous gap followed by Sir. MuscleGod knew his luck was in, he walked into on elf the cubicles, and deliberately left the door open, leaning against the partition wall he looked at the man as he finished drying his hands. After finishing the young man turned and walked out of the bathroom.

MuscleGod counted silently, and slowly 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, the door opened again , and by the time MuscleGod was on 12 the man was with him in the cubicle. "Hello again, and its Boss not Sir understand?" "Yes," `Yes Boss" Yes Boss " he stuttered nervously. MuscleGo d unzipped his trousers, and pulled out his dick.He folded his arms which resulted in the muscles in his arms straining against the fabric of his tight fitting shirt. "I think you know what you need to do. You look as if you need a drink"

The young man crouched down and looked at MuscleGod's dick before taking it in its mouth. As his bladder emptied MuscleGod wondered if he had at last found a new office piss pig, his last one had moved on a few months earlier after years of use. The young man gurgled and gulped the piss down with enthusiasm. "I think I have" he thought.

"Stand. Did you like that?" "Yes Boss" "Do you want to do that again? Be a regular piss pig when I'm in the office?"

The young man nodded. He told MuscleGod where he worked in the building this was his first week , and which department. MuscleGod smiled as he knew that young Man's director was equally fond of filling twenty something stomachs with his piss. "I don't think you'll ever go thirsty as long as you work here son. Just make sure that you are here crouching and waiting for me within five minutes of me telling you I need to use you. Understood? Of course you do. " MuscleGod opened the cubicle door and went to wash his hands.

Back at his desk MuscleGod was busy texting "Andy, that new boy that's just joined your team. Less of a boy more of a piss pig" MuscleGod knew that within the next five minutes the young man would be on his knees again drinking the piss of his director. Proof came quickly when a video of the young man face looking up in anticipation at a large uncut dick, It wasn't long before the dick was in the young man's throat .The gurgling sound and Andy's low guttural groans of appreciation mean that the young man's future in the company was all but secure.

Finally MuscleGod left the office. There was just one other man in the lift. A total contrast to MuscleGod. One was scruffy dressed in an ill fitting suit, scuffed shoes and to put it uncharitably in need of a good wash. The other was MuscleGod, perfectly polished shoes, perfect hair, gleaming teeth, and a well tailored and perfectly fitted suit. MuscleGod smiled, the man lacked everything that MuscleGod had, power , authority , vanity and confidence. Usually MuscleGod would have expected the man to have let him out first but felt so sorry for him, allowed him to run out as fast as he could to save him from any further embarrassment.

The slave was heading for the tube, work had been less than productive since its Master had ordered it to be available that night. It had been a difficult fortnight not being in MuscleGod's presence, not being able to look, touch taste and smell him, all that had helped him was memories of that night in the leather bar. Two things has sustained him memories of that night had sustained him throughout that period, and one of MuscleGod's jockstraps. The slave had had it in its possession for oner two months but the scent of his Master was still strong, every fibre was infused with a mix of MuscleGods' sweat and testosterone.The slab was convinced that the scent got stronger with the passage of time. tonight he would get to experience the real thing again, get to bow down, worship to, serve and be used, less public than last time, but just as rewarding. Tonight was going to be less public but as rewarding. It would be in its Master's presence and get to bask in his glory.

Master and slave approached MuscleGod's home at almost the same time. By the time MuscleGod reached his door the slave was already kneeling. MuscleGod opened the door, as he watched the slave crawl in he wished he had his riding crop with him so he could whack its arse. I've had a tiring week, you are going to take care me tonight. MuscleGod walked into his living room. He turned to the slave "Stand and take the jacket off me"

The slave stood , he first unbuttoned the jacket, briefly looking up and catching his Master's eyes. Even that simple a task excited him seeing his Masters chest muscle under the well tailored shirt. He then walked round and helped his Master take off the suit one arm at a time. He Took the jacket and placed it carefully on a chair. Returning to his Master he placed his hands on his neck and began to massage. His Master's broad back stiffer a day in the office relaxed to his touch. The slave tenthly moved forward and breathed in, his Master's musky scent hit him, as it always did, "Good lad, now kneel there. " MuscleGod sat down raised his legs and rested them on a low table, The slave was almost directly in front of his feet. He looked directly at the slave maintaining eye contact, after a two week absence it was necessary for him to reassert his authority. He the powerful perfect MuscleGod, it the pathetic yet obedient worm.

As the slave knelt MuscleGod lent forward and tapped the sole of one of his shoes. "You can begin" The slave eagerly began to lick the rough surface of MuscleGod's shoes , slowly moving on t the leather uppers, creating a slick shiny surface with its spit. "Take them off." It carefully unlaced the shoes sniffing the inside of each before placing them on the floor. The same ceremony was repeated with the socks. Expensive dress socks, damp with MuscleGods' sweat, sweat that the slave was doing its best to suck up and absorb.

"Perfect MuscleGod I adore you" a deep inhalation of his Master's scent. It's dick hardened within the confines of its cage It massaged its Master's feet, as it slowly removed each of the socks, placing each one against its nose he breathed in, and groaned.

"Described that smell?" "It smells of power Master, control, authority. It reminds me of my place my reason to live"

Watching the slave squirm and grovel on the floor as it had meant MuscleGod was hard, He rubbed his dick through the fabric of his trousers, thank goodness he had full control he had no intention of cumming just yet.

The slave now began to worship the bare feet, the fleshy soles, the long arch that led to his Master's perfectly long toes, each one given individual attention. Master and slave's eyes connected as the latter's eyes darted between the gap between the big toe and its neighbour Each toe individually fellated as if they were a sources of life enhancing cum."My perfect MuscleGod I adore you" was just about audible.

"Help me with this shirt the slave moved closer and slowly undid the buttons on his Master's shirt sleeves, and then unbuttoned the shirt itself. Slowly it removed the shirt, and almost cried on seeing the mass of muscle that was now present. It began to massage and worship, its hands caressed MuscleGod's chest and arms, after an absence of a fortnight it wanted to lie its head against the perfect muscular frame, and inhale the testosterone that seeped out of each one of his Master's pores.

"Like that lad" The slave silently nodded.Looking down MuscleGod could see that the slave craved to be in his presence, the adoration in its eyes said more than a single word could. As it worshipped the slaves hand slipped and glanced across MuscleGod's hard dick, It looked into its Masters eyes a nod, was all that it needed. It bent down and began to worship the dick through the fabric. The slave's tongue went along the whole length of the shaft, before going the fabric was so wet that it was clearly visible. MuscleGod undid the belt and unzipped "Worship lad" He grabbed the slave by the back of the had and guided it down, Master and slave groaned in unison. Musclegod lay back on the sofa. "Nice and slow lad, nice and slow, your'e not in any hurry":

MuscleGod sat back and watched the slaves head slide back and forth along his dick, whilst not necessarily the best cock sucker it was an eager one and after a year of regular use its throat had become a perfect fit. The slaves hands were massaging his thighs, proving that even after a few days absence from the gym the power of his physique was undiminished that the weaker man would always be there to submit and worship. MuscleGod laughed, as he watched the back of the slave's head was that really a man there between his legs.

"Stop" MuscleGod pushed the slave's head away, and stood up. His trousers fell to the floor, as he stepped out of them MuscleGod instructed the slave to go to the studio, it was time for his first serious muscle worship session of the weekend. "But before you do lick that ups" On the floor between them the slave's cage had failed to contain a significant leakage of watery cum, Embarrassed the slave licked it up.

"Side chest, front double spread, most muscular" MuscleGod transitioned from one pose to another as the slave's hands moved mover his body. "Feel me, worship me, smell, taste me" The slave was in a trance as it worshipped his Master. He slowly moved up from the big toe on the right foot up towards its Master's shoulder and neck working down the other side down to the big toe on the left. "Worship me well lad, or I'll crush you under my feet like the worm you are" The slave was in such a trance that it would have willingly sacrificed itself; in such a manner, he yearned to be under his Master's perfect feet. The transitions continued. MuscleGod would occasionally look at the slave , his ego increasing as the slave's submission deepened, but for the most part he focussed on himself. Having weaker men submit to his power undoubtedly turned him on, but seeing the reason for that submission in is mirror fed his vanity and increased his feelings of power, and tonight they turned him on.

"Kneel" the slave moved off his Master's plinth, and looked up at him, as the poses continued. MuscleGod's dick grew and hardened, he beckoned the love to come closer. The slave's mantra changed from a murmur it was now clearly audible, the desperation to serve and submit clear to speaker and listener. MuscleGod with a single finger traced the length of his dick, that was enough to make him cum. He watched as it fell on the floor, and continued watching as the slave licked it up almost as quickly before returning to a kneeling position its mouth open ready as more cum fell and dropped into it.

It wasn't yet 10pm. the night had only just begun.

Next: Chapter 8

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