Permanent Bondage

By ID Zervit

Published on Jun 9, 2023


I couldn't move anything except to breathe and blink my eyes. Even my toes were individually bound to a foot board at the lower end of the work table. The soft nylon rope was laced up and down each leg and arm. The leather harness I wore was tied down tightly using the many D-rings which were attached to it.

I was totally encased in a web of rope and leather. My head was completely immobile. I could only open my eyes and view myself in the overhead mirror. I was basically comfortable. Nothing was too tight. But small muscle cramps inevitably set in here and there. I tried to relax by slowing my breath. It helped. I tried closing my eyes for awhile. I could feel the warmth of the overhead spotlights. The light was directional, only lighting me and the table. Everything else in the dungeon was in darkness. I could hear the ventilation system gently circulating air through the dungeon. The fan was always on. Perhaps Master was concerned that I might use the cycling on and off to measure time. He was right, I would have! I was obsessed with calculating the passage of time. I began to sweat slightly under the hot spotlights. I rested, if you can call it that, for what I think amounted to several hours more or less.

I heard a noise at the dungeon door. It opened and in came Master.

He came over to me and checked me all over for circulation problems. My eyes followed him eagerly, but he didn't acknowledge me at all, treating me as an object to be inspected. I wondered where the piercer was. My question was soon answered. In the overhead mirror I sensed another figure emerging from the surrounding darkness. He came to my head, removed a black cap, and stared blankly and directly into my eyes. His face was upside down to me, giving it a sinister appearance, strangly lit and shadowed as it was by the overhead spots. This was the person who would be sticking needles into me. He widened his eyes ominously, continuing his awesome stare, then pulled suddenly away and reappeared at my feet. My attention was diverted back to Master who was doing something with my balls. He tied a bit of rope around my ballsack, stretched it downward, and attached it to the table between my legs. I could see all this in the mirror. He then reached under the table and, opening a small trap door, fiddled with the end of the dildo which protruded from my ass. When he came out from under the table and attached two electric wires to a machine on a wall shelf nearby, I realized what he had done. The dildo was obviously equipped with electrical contacts so that the inside of my ass could be stimulated. I had never experienced electricity, but I had always wanted to. It looked like I would get my chance. I wondered how this would interplay with the piercing.

I dreaded the piercing more than anything. The piercer was near my feet, apparently getting ready. I saw the occasional glint of metal objects as he took equipment and supplies out of a bag on the floor and placed them onto a cloth-covered tray placed on the table between my spread-apart legs. My attention alternated between Master and the piercer. The piercer, apparently finished with his preparation, came back to my head, reached over to my nipples, took them between his fingers and began to manipulate them, rubbing them between his fingers, twisting them, gently pulling on them. I guess he was getting them ready for the needle, but it was turning me on tremendously. Master reached up to the machine on the shelf, turned a small dial, and a gentle, pulsing current filled the inside of me. The current came in waves and seemed to start at the base of the dildo near my asshole and then gently pulse upward until it tickled my prostate. It then exited upward and through my dick. My long ignored dick immediately sprang to stiff attention. While the piercer continued to manipulate my tits, Master started working on my dick. Was I in heaven? Was Master going to allow me this unbelievable pleasure? Was this a prelude to an abrupt application of tremendous pain. If so, that would make the pain even worse! Master continued, slowly stroking the length of my very happy dick. As he pulled upward, it pulled against my tethered balls, stretching them, and adding to the pleasure my dick was experiencing. Master and the piercer worked together, communicating with nods and glances. The two of them, along with the electric dildo managed to get me to cum very quickly...but they continued the stimulation. I have always been VERY sensitive immediately following ejaculation. Now I remembered telling Master this fact! Now I knew why he had been so willing to have me cum quickly...he was just getting started. Together the trio stimulated me close to the pass-out point! My overworked dick was a uselessly limp when they finally stopped manipulating me and turned off the current. I couldn't get hard if I wanted to now. I suddenly remembered that piercing of the genitals, especially the dick, requires a flacid member! So that was it. I was going to have my dick pierced. The sudden realization caused me to strain uselessly at my bonds. Master gave me a rare face to face look. Sensing that I was at least partially privy to their sinister plan, he gave me a short, almost evil smile. He then turned to the piercer who had moved down toward my feet and was inspecting his tray.

"Are you ready," he asked. "Yes," the piercer replied, glancing toward me. The piercer continued his preparations, setting out gleaming tools and huge rings which I could only assume would soon be a part of me. Master fiddled with the machine on the shelf connected to my dildo. He stretched a long wire down to the floor and attached it to what looked like a foot pedal. Placing his foot on the pedal, and making eye contact with me, he pressed down with his foot. The current returned to my ass, gentle at first, then more and more intense as he pushed down on the foot pedal. My eyes widened. He had gotten my attention. What this had to do with piercing I couldn't guess.

They both donned latex gloves and stood over me, one on each side, looking like doctors with their sterile hands held aloft. The piercer began fiddling with my nose. I was going to get a nose piercing. I've heard they hurt, but then, ALL piercing hurts! Master modulated the current in my ass to a gentle stimulation. It had no effect on my dick which had been pumped dry, but it did serve to divert my attention away from my nose. I watched intently every move the piercer made. They made sure to stand aside so that I could see their every action in the overhead mirror. He used some type of foul-smelling disinfectant to clean my septum. He worked with my breath, carefully avoiding getting it into my nasal passage. After he was satisfied that the area was clean, he placed a clamp device onto my septum. It had holes that the needle could go through. I began to breath spasmodically. He paused and instructed me to control my breathing, to breath deeply and slowly. He pick up a chrome-colored metal ring and handed it to Master. Master held the ring close to my face for a moment, allowing me to consider it.

It looked to be about 2 inches in diameter and of a thick guage. It was a solid ring, twisted slightly apart to allow insertion. Master moved it away and the piercer approached my nose with the needle. As the needle touched my skin, I slammed my eyes shut. A bolt of lightening went up my ass. I opened my eyes wide! Obviously I would be required to watch! The needle felt like a fire stick as it slammed through my septum. I instinctively closed my eyes again. Again the bolt of lightening shot up my ass. Thereafter, if I closed my eyes except to blink, a warning current was administered to remind me to keep them open.

The pain of the needle spread away from my nose and into my sinuses. It was severe, but it dissipated quickly. Master approached with the ring. The piercer used gauze to soak up blood...there wasn't much which surprised me. He pushed the needle through until it was almost out, then placed the ring behind the needle and followed it through. He lay the ring against my lips and let me rest a moment. There was still a slight stinging, but the pain was over thankfully! Taking each end of the open ring in rubber-lined pliers, the piercer bent the ring slowly and carefully until both ends connected and completed the circle. He laid the ring against my lips. It reached almost to my chin, encircling my mouth. I was ringed and it was permanent! Master and the piercer each took a nipple and began the cleaning ritual. Obviously my tits were next!


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