Permanent Bondage

By ID Zervit

Published on May 11, 2023


A note to readers: Thank you ALL for your comments. I REALLY enjoy hearing from you! Your comments are most welcome! For those of you who are anxious for the torture and bondage to begin, well, be patient, and remember, good foreplay makes good sex! This poor slave has the rest of his life to endure whatever Master has planned for him. In Episode 6 you will learn what the satchel and the bucket contain...hang in there. Rob


We met, the four of us, in Master's living room. I eyed the two witnesses carefully, knowing that they were full participants in whatever future Master had planned for me, including inheriting me if Master died! After brief, perfunctory introductions, we moved to the dining table, Master indicating where each one of us should sit. At my place there was that envelope I had seen on the last visit. My heart did the first of several leaps it would make over the next while...and so did my cock! They all sat the same way as if it were planned (perhaps it was)...their elbows informally laid on the table, their hands clasped before them, and gazing blankly, but seriously at me. I put my slightly trembling hands on the table on either side of the envelope, trying not to look too relaxed, and awaited instructions. After a few moments of silence, Master produced a pen and laid it on the table beside him. Looking me right in the eye, he asked,

"Are you prepared to sign the document?"

"Yes..." I tried to say, but it stuck in my wndpipe and I only let out a pitiful squeak. Quickly clearing my nervous throat, I continued, "Yes Sir."

"Open it," he said. I fumbled it open, laid the envelope aside and spread the contract out on the table before me. "Read it again," he instructed. I did...

As I read through it carefully, for the last time before signing, pertinent words leapt off the page and sent pangs of both fear and excitement through my entire being: kept clean, Master's whim, completely naked perpetually, absolute control over genitals, bondage implements, restraints... I made my way slowly through Point One, Point Two, Point Three, The CONCLUSION. I was finished reading, but I hesitated for a few tense seconds, exercising my last little bit of control, but merely putting off the inevitable. I had already decided to sign. I swallowed deeply and slowly and, finally, looked up at Master indicating that I was through. He immediately handed me the pen. I took it in trembling hands and signed all the places indicated. I pushed the document over toward him. He carefully inspected all of my signatures, signed it himself, and, in turn, passed it to the two witnesses. Their heretofore solemn faces now sported the slightest smiles. This had obviously been a tense moment for them too! But it was over. The contract was signed and witnessed and I was his and, in fact, theirs.

"Wait here," Master said to me, then escorted his two friends to the door. They spoke briefly and softly. I didn't even try to listen. I was engrossed in my own briskly racing thoughts. What had I done? Was I sure? Too late! I could run. I was still dressed. I could "escape" out the back. But I sat and waited as commanded. When he returned his demeanor was different. He looked at me sitting at the table. I thought that I should perhaps know what he expected, but I didn't.

"Stand up," he commanded, not harshly, but firmly. He was taking command. This is what I had longed for. "Follow me," he added tersely. I did. We stopped at the door to the basement. He turned to face me. I was following him so closely that I almost ran into him. Stumbling slightly, I regained my stance just in time, even though my knees had turned to butter! He put his hands on my shoulder to steady me. "Relax," he said, "You're doing the right thing. Now, just trust me. Before we go downstairs," he continued, "let me give you some instructions. Listen very carefully, you will only hear this once, and there will be no speaking for quite some time after this!" He paused. I regained my composure, looked at him longingly, and listened intently. I am his slave now, I thought. He owns me! It felt good already, even though I didn't know fully as yet what it meant. I would learn.

"Initially," he explained, "your captivity will consist of a transition period, with varying schedules and routines. You will lose track of time as you know it now. After this you will be settled into a regular, very detailed schedule. Nothing will ever be explained to you, you will never be made aware of anything other than what to do and when to do it. You will learn through punishment and reward just what I like and what I expect, and when you have pleased me! There are two rules: 1. Never speak unless I tell you to!, and 2. Do what I say immediately and without hesitation. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir," I said, and my cock stiffened. He allowed me to continue to gaze into his eyes. I knew in that moment that he would sense all my needs, that I would not need to ask questions! I would work so hard to please him, but I would also welcome punishment for not pleasing him. I shivered again with delight. He lowered his hands from my shoulders where he'd kept them. He reached around me, pulled me to him and hugged me reassuringly. I loved him.

"Alright then," he said, "come, it is time. I followed him down the basement stairs. At the bottom of the stairs there was a 5 gallon plastic utility bucket, unmarked and covered with a lid, and a small black satchel. Motioning to them, he said, "Bring these along." I picked them up, one in each hand, and we walked the length of the storage space and up to the huge wooden door. The small table where I had placed my clothes had been replaced by a garbage can with a plastic liner. At his instruction, I put down the bucket and the satchel and began to remove my clothes. Getting naked was always a rush for me, especially if someone was making me! This was the last time I would strip. I did it slowly, savoring the rush, welcoming the coolness against my skin, the cold floor against my bare feet. Putting my clothes and shoes into the garbage sent me over the edge. My cock was totally stiff now. Master looked at my cock, then looked me in the eye and said, "We'll have to get that under control, won't we?" I shivered again.

He swung open the large door. I picked up the bucket and the satchel, and followed him inside. He closed the door and secured it with a huge combination lock. There was the answer to one of my questions; if I changed my mind and wanted to escape, even if I were not otherwise bound, I would not have the combination to that massive lock. I was completely caught now, naked and locked in his dungeon. My knees were butter again, I almost fell from the weight of my load. He directed me to put the bucket and the satchel down, took me under my arms for support and led me over to the cleaning area. He directed me to step into the wash basin. I noticed a single chain hanging down from over my head. He cuffed my hands with simple metal handcuffs. He then operated a mechanism on the wall beside us which lowered the ceiling chain. The handcuffs were attached to the chain and pulled up just over my head. "Kneel", he said, and, with some difficulty, I did. Pulling my head forward, he wet my hair with warm water. He sat down in front of me, took out a razor and began to shave my head. I was weak with the joy of it. He was cleaning and shaving me, getting me ready to be bound into his service. It was a delicious sensation to know that I know longer had to make plans or have any concerns at all, other than to please him. I was now completely his!

Next: Chapter 6

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