Perverted Pleasures Station

By Trans Gender

Published on Aug 23, 2004


These stories are written by Tash (myself), the owner of the email address. Please feel free to forward etc, as long as you credit me :)

If you would like to chat about the stories, offer constructive criticism, or suggest scenes that you want to see Michelle go through, please email me immediately... I'd love to hear from you! (I'm also on yahoo messenger). All communication will be handled discretely :)

Also let me know about any other scenes that you would like to see from the station, and I'll write short stories separate from the main storyline to include them :)

(The story so far... Michael Desi, owner of the sex-droid space station emporium "Perverted Pleasures Station", is currently on the run from board members trying to make a VERY hostile takeover. While evading capture, he was accidentally moved into the body of a barely 13-year-old girl. After several sexual adventures in the slum-equivalent sublevels of the station, he (or rather she) has managed to get ahold of a subdermal chip (all space travellers have them, the equivalent of an id book) confirming his identity as a young girl. The new chip is in his hand... he still has a chip in his elbow holding his old identity (The chip was transplanted from his old body).

Michael... or rather Michelle... is now standing in the main station lobby before the lifts, dressed in a rather rumpled evening dress with matching heels (and a slid that rises above her hip), and no underwear. She's trying to make her way to the safety of the penthouse level, to reveal her true identity and take back control of the station. To get there, however, she has to run the gamut of the thousands of levels of sex scenarios that make the station famous, without using her real identity chip, in case the mysterious grey-suited mercenaries catch her.

And now, on with the story...)


Michelle stepped into the elevator as it stopped and waved her hand over the sensor. A series of buttons lit up on the console and she bit her lip in dismay. The highest floor she had access to was at best only a third of the way up. She shrugged and pressed the top button, then settled back as the lift hummed and the slight pull told her that it was rising.

After several minutes of climbing there was a sudden lurch and the hum stopped. She realised that the lift had paused, and glanced up at the counter. She was about a quarter of the way up the station, between floors. Abruptly, a voice sounded over the intercom.

"Honoured guests, please remain calm. We have received information suggesting that a criminal wanted by the station is somewhere in the upper levels. You are in no danger. We simply wish to keep as many people as possible in place so that we may scan your id chips. We apologise for the inconvenience, and assure you that this small delay is entirely to assure your safety."

Michelle looked around frantically, then scurried over to one of the wall panels. Slipping off one of her heels, she hammered frantically at the panel, eventually cracking it. After some tugging, the plastic panel splintered and broke away from the bolts holding it, leaving her a small gap to squeeze through.

She found herself perched on a small ledge on the outside of the lift, overlooking the vertiginous depths of the elevator shafts. Black space spread around her, hemmed in by the sheer walls on either side of the lift. After a moment of panic she saw the walkways nearby, catwalks intended to allow access to the underfloors of each scenario floor.

Pulling off her other heel and stuffing the shoes into her bundle, she braced herself and then leapt out. She crashed into the catwalk, teetering briefly over the frightening drop before managing to grab hold of a support beam. Her bundle was knocked out of her hands and clattered down the shaft, followed by her curses. Fortunately her credcard was still tucked into her hair, but everything else she had managed to gather was in that bundle.

She sighed and shrugged, then moved along the catwalk to the first doorway, ducking inside, she found herself in a small, low hallway. The two doors leading from the hallway were both locked, but above her head was a trapdoor. Hardly daring to breath, she pushed upwards... the trapdoor moved, swinging open to reveal a dark space above. Grabbing hold of the edges, she managed to pull herself up into the darkness.


There was a loud tearing sound, and a sudden coolness at her back. Cursing, she realised that she'd hooked the dress on the edge of the trapdoor. The cheap material had simply given away. As she stood up, the dress fell to the floor, leaving her naked in the dark.

Fumbling around, she managed to find a light switch, flooding the small area with a light that made her flinch and blink. It was a broom closet. More than that, it was one of the supply areas for the scenario area, containing packages and uniforms for the droids. In this case, she realised, it contained packages for the customers as well.

Picking one up, she started to examine it curiously. It was a large box, apparently containing clothing and a small commpad. She picked the pad up and pressed the power button, watching lines of text scroll across the screen.

'Welcome to the school years scenario! You have selected 'Schoolgirl'... congratulations on an excellent choice! Please check that the following items are in your package: One school uniform skirt, one school uniform blouse, one small pair of white panties, one pair of socks, one tie, one small adjustable bra, and one pair of school shoes. The rest of your items will be at your new home, where your new parents will be waiting with open arms to welcome you, their daughter.'

Michelle realised that this was a scenario designed for women who wanted a schoolgirl fantasy. Other packages would be for the role of teacher and schoolboy (Men wanting to be schoolgirls were on a different floor). The 'parents' would be droids, as would the rest of the school and neighborhood that weren't already taken by guests. Somewhere one of the drones would be quietly shutting down, to be replaced by her. Glancing at the pad, she realised that she would be a 'new student' at the school.

She pulled out the clothes, and examined them with a sinking heart. They were far too big to fit her... the scenario was designed for women who were only pretending to be girls. Actual young girls were rare... the people who could afford new bodies normally went to the higher levels.

Glancing down at the pad, she saw her details scrolling across the screen. She realised with some annoyance that the pad had scanned the chip in her hand for the information. After a moment, she smiled... maybe that was helpful after all. She moved to the door and opened it slightly, peering out.

As she thought, she was in the school itself, near the entrance. Through the main door of the school she could see outside, where complex holograms and backgrounds gave the illusion of a planet-side town. There was a girl nearby that seemed roughly her size, and looked a lot like a droid. She called out softly.

"Customer level command. Approach me quietly"

The customer level commands overrode the droid's personality. It was a safety measure, to ensure that the personality didn't cause a dangerous situation. It could also be abused, as Michelle was about to do.

"Customer level command. Give me your clothes, and then call for resupply and go into stasis mode."

The droid immediately undressed, then stood in the corner and froze into immobility. Michelle tried to ignore the fact that she seemed to be standing in a closet with a naked young girl, and gathered up the clothes. The closet was quickly filled with more soft cursing.

She should have been a little more careful with whom she chose. This girl was smaller than her... the skirt was tight, and rode higher than it should do (although it was pretty high to start off with. The panties were definitely too small to fit, and the blouse fit snugly enough to magnify her budding bosom (as well as revealing the lack of bra. Her nipples, small as they were, showed clearly through the material). The little white socks and the shoes barely fit, and weren't very comfortable. The tie at least was one size for all.

Sighing, she squared her shoulders and stepped out of the cupboard. At least she was dressed, however barely. She nearly fell over in fright when a loud male voice boomed from just behind her.

"And what are you doing in there, young lady?!"

She squeaked in shock and spun around. Behind her was a man in black robes, brandishing a cane. She recognised the face... he was one of their best repeat customers, at least at these levels. He liked to play the headmaster, working his way through a number of girl droids a day. Michelle thought fast. He had to accept her as normal, or a flag would raise on the monitors. Complex algorithms ran monitoring equipment throughout the station, watching for trouble. She put on a nervous expression.

"N.. nothing Sir!" she said as she looked down, flushing slightly as she realised again how short the skirt was. If she bent over, her butt would be almost completely revealed. As it was, she was sure that the lower curve of her bottom peeked below the material. She was acutely conscious of her lack of underwear.

The 'headmaster' looked her up and down.

"Look at the state of your uniform. You better follow me, young lady, to my office!"

Michelle's mind raced furiously as she followed the man. She couldn't see any other option than going along with him. He obviously assumed that she was one of the droids, and she had to be compliant the way a droid would be.

The office had an impressive desk, and a thick pile carpet. She stood nervously before the desk while the headmaster sat on the edge, examining her again.

"Turn around." He said sternly and she revolved slowly, aware of his eyes on her.

"I... I'm new here, Sir," she stuttered, her heart beating fast.

"Being new is no excuse. You're dressed like a little tramp! I'm afraid you will have to be punished."

"No, please, Sir, I'll be good..." Her heart beat faster. A droid could take more punishment than she could, if he decided to spank her or cane her.

"Too late, bend over. Now!"

She bent over slowly, the skirt sliding up to reveal her bare bottom. He walked around behind her, and she heard his slight intake of breath as he realised she was pantyless.

"Please Sir, I'll do anything you ask, please don't cane me!" she quavered, genuinely frightened.


"Yes Sir!"

He sat back on the edge of the desk and motioned her over.

"Turn around and bend over."

The blood rushed to her face as she bent over again, feeling his eyes on her slim legs and rounded rump. She jumped as his hand suddenly touched her, sliding over her smooth skin, then suddenly pressing against the folds of her pussy. She gasped at the totally unexpected sensation of fingers entering her, moving inside her body, but the strangeness was quickly overridden by the sheer pleasure of the fingers sawing in and out. There was no real resistance... she was already very wet.

"Hmm, you want it, don't you, girl? So wet, you're a real little slut, aren't you?"

With the sheer sensation flooding through her, it was only a partly to maintain the illusion of being a droid that she said yes. She found herself pushing back onto the fingers, rolling her hips to increase the pressure on the sensitive nerves. She almost cried out with frustrated need as the fingers suddenly slipped out of her.

Hands grabbed her waist and swung her around, bending her forward over the desk. She heard the sounds of his pants being unzipped, and arched her back, spreading her legs wantonly. She knew what was going to come and wanted it, needed it... all of the sex that had been surrounding her since her new body had wound her to a fever pitch. She needed a release.

Both of them moaned loudly as his cock entered her. He was a decent size, and firm, and she shuddered as she felt him stretching her opening, nuzzling inside her. She clenched her inner muscles in reflex and heard him groan, and then he sunk all the way into her. Slowly he pulled out, and then started pumping.

She was lost on a sea of sensation, her whole body rocking with each thrust. She felt possessed, dominated and taken by the body behind her, holding her down and penetrating her with the hot shaft. She thrust her ass back onto him, trying to take him deeper and faster. Overcome by the sight of this perfect, wanton girl writhing underneath him he came quickly and the jerking of his cock inside her triggered her own orgasm.

The sensations rushing through her almost caused her to black out.


The world slowly stopped spinning around her as her breathing slowed. She moaned again, softly, feeling the emptiness of her vagina without the cock filling it, the slightly cool trickle of cum down the insides of her legs. She was dimly aware of his muttered instruction to return to class as he left, buckling his pants.

Slowly she pushed herself up, trying vainly to tug her skirt a little lower. She found a small bathroom just off the office and cleaned herself up as best she could, then rinsed her face and hands and headed for the door. She knew she should feel violated, and upset, but she couldn't... the sensations were indescribable. She had heard that these sex-specific bodies magnified the reactions somewhat, and could only assume that that was what had happened. A feeling of lethargy was filling her whole body, as if she was soaking in a warm bath, and little aftershocks of the orgasm still made her breath catch.

She had managed somehow to keep hold of her pad through the whole experience, and she turned it on. After scrolling through the options she managed to find the class she was supposed to be at and followed the map it drew for her. She arrived just as the class was supposed to be starting and filed in with everyone, finding a desk right at the back, in a corner. Slumping down, she tried to look as inconspicuous as possible and eyed the rest of the class.

There were two men and one woman, dressed in school uniforms. The rest, as best she could tell, were droids, including the teacher. She noticed a few stares her way, from both boys and girls, and the teacher eyed her as well. She tried vainly to tug down her skirt again and settled back to listen to the lesson.

A half hour later and the bell rang. By the aimless flow of the crowd of students, she gathered that it was lunch time. She didn't feel like braving the cafeteria in her current garb, so she wandered aimlessly until she found a quiet corner to settle down in and think. She couldn't do anything until she got some money, to buy her way further up the chain of elevators, and while the scenarios had a pseudo-economy with real money, it was unlikely that a schoolgirl would be able to make the kind of money she would need.

Just then a shadow fell over her. She looked up and realised that it was one of the adult 'boys', the real humans taking on the role of schoolboy. He was dressed in an oversize schoolboy costume, complete with slightly tight shorts and a rumpled tie.

"So, you're the new student, huh?"

She cursed inwardly... of course there would be interest in the ' student' scene. He obviously thought she was another droid. She nodded hesitantly and he grinned.

"You look like a real slut. Kicked out of your old school for whoring, huh? Yeah... what I gotta do for a piece of that action?"

She flushed and started to stammer a denial, before the realisation that she could make some money snapped her mouth shut.

"A hundred credits for a BJ," she said finally.

She had expected a storm of complaint... it was actually a lot of money, the sums she had been making in the sub-levels were ridiculous... but to her surprise he nodded, pulled a hundred-cred note out of his pocket, and leant over to tuck it down the front of her blouse. He grinned at her and started undoing his pants. Her mind spinning, she moved to her knees and reached out for his cock. The situation abruptly caught up with her and she was about to pull away, when he caught the back of her head and pressed his cock against her lips.

Her thoughts ran wild, demanding to know what she was doing. She wasn't a girl, let alone a prostitute. Her lips, however, opened automatically and the sensation of warm smooth flesh filling her mouth swept away her turmoil. The orgasm earlier had only fueled her sexual excitement and each further sensuous touch wound it a little further. After a breathless moment she found herself sucking hard and rocking her head back and forth like a pro in a porn movie.

It wasn't long before the man was gasping, his cock shuddering in her mouth as his cum shot into the back of her throat. She swallowed it easily, licking up the last bits from his softening shaft. It still tasted good to her, and again she wondered if part of the body design was to make cum taste good. The body was certainly designed to over respond to sexual stimulus.

"Thanks babe," the guy grinned, "That was well worth it. I'll be seeing you again."

"Sure, and tell your friends." She said back before she could stop herself. Only part of the response was from her financial need... she actually wanted more, and not just in her mouth too. Her pussy was still warm from the fucking it had received earlier, and she was starting to wonder how the body would handle something penetrating its ass.

A few minutes later she was back in class, but this time she was smiling at the others when they looked across at her. She realised that the droids would probably also pay her money... the mechanism of receiving money from droids was to credit the money to her account, and she would have to pay it back on leaving the station. However, she wasn't planning on leaving the station...

/-- Continued in Part Three

Next: Chapter 3

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