Pete Finds a Dom

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 2, 2021


"Hey, Sheldon, this is Jake Gold. How are ya?" Jake was speaking to the head of the endocrinology department at the lead hospital in the city. ""JAKE GOLD. It's been too long. GOD. When did we last speak? That fiasco about the laser treatment for pediatric atrophied glands?" Jake began to laugh. "Who the hell thought that a laser could bring back what was already dead?" "Well, he believed in the rapture too, so..." "Touche'. Hey, Sheldon, I wanted to talk to you about something, maybe plant a seed in your brain. And I owe you lunch just for listening. You guys do work in endocrine immunology, don't you? " "Yeah, we do. Ming Xiao has been the head of that group for a while.

She's bloody brilliant. I think she goes to bed thinking of the stuff, dreams about it, and wakes up thinking about it.". We've also got a resident here who's doing some serious work: Gabe Landfelder. Came to us from St. Louis on a placement. I think I'm gonna lose him eventually, but for now, he's brilliant." "Well, I was calling because I know someone - full disclosure Sheldon - he was my lover for a while - he's finishing his dissertation in biological sciences. I would be a fool to try to explain the details, but I know it involves immunology and endocrinology, and I was just wondering: you guys looking for anyone in the department." Sheldon was silent for a minute. "Hmmm. You know, we get a lot of resume's, CVs, etc, for that department. Everyone has heard of Ming, and she chews em up and spits em out. How far along is he?" "I think he said he's three chapters done, two more to go." Sheldon sucked his teeth. "It would be hard, Jake. A lot of our people have experience at, oh, I don't know, Harvard, Boston Children's , Philly Pediatric...." "I know. I know. I just thought I would ask. OH, one thing I forgot to tell you. You remember Heinz? Heinz Pfeiffer?" "OH YEAH. Brilliant man. What a shame to lose him so soon." "I know. I still keep his notes. I just bring him up because this guy - his name is Pete - he's Heinz' son." Now there was a pause on Sheldon's end of the line. "Heinz' son? So that means Melissa Pfeiffer is his mother?" "That's right, Sheldon." "She's the one with more money than France. Gives it to.." "Well, it used to be all to our physics department. Now it's 50/50 with the biology department, since her son started. I just thought I'd bring that up." Sheldon laughed. "I wish you had at the start, Jake. No one would ever accuse you of wasting time. This DOES change things. Tell you what? Gimme his particulars, and I'll call. Let's see what happens. And I'll take you up on lunch when I can get away from this damn lab."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "Hello, is this Pete Pfeiffer?" "Yes , it is. Who's calling?" "I'm Sheldon Witz. I'm the head of the endocrinology department at City Hospital." Pete paused. "Is this a joke?" He heard the laugh. "No, Pete, it's not. You can call the number back if you like to check." "No, that's ok. I'm just curious why you would call." "Pete, I got a call from Jake Gold the other day. He told me you were close to defending your dissertation, and that you might be a good fit for our department." Pete felt a little weak at the knees. He needed to sit down. "I'm... I'm flattered Dr. Witz" "Please call me Sheldon, Pete. If you're half as good as Jake said you were, I hope we'll be working together and it's always first names in the lab." "Well... I'm, I'm still overwhelmed." "Ha ha. You've probably been putting together job application packages, writing cover letters, yadda yadda. Listen, here's what I suggest. Talk to your sponsor, because you shouldn't send those chapters without doing all the legal niceties. If you can, I'll circulate them, and then... we'll talk." "Well, ok. Thank you." "If you see Jake, remind him he owes me lunch. " He paused. "For what it's worth Pete, your father was a DAMN good scientist. I can't speak for him as a man or a father, but his science was impeccable. Hope we'll be talking."

That night, after Doug came home, pete told him what had happened. Doug wasn't completely enthusiastic. "Jake did this? You'd take something like this from Jake?" "DOUG. I didn't ask him to do it. He saw my proposal defense in the faculty newsletter, and he called. That was it. I SWEAR. I had nothing to do with this." Doug made a wry face. "You have to understand: I don't want to be indebted to Jake for anything. NOTHING." "Doug.... do you want me to tell them I'm not interested?" That caught Doug by surprise. "Let me sleep on it, pete. " He came over and hugged him. "I would like nothing better than to see you with a job in NYC. It would solve a lot of problems, relieve a lot of tension. But... Geez, I've heard him referred to as 'Jake the Snake," but I never saw why. Until now."

In fact, Jake did NOT have any ulterior motives. His life with anthony had, shall we say , "mellowed" him. In a way, he regretted embarrassing pete the way he had when pete thought they were getting back together. Learning to live with anthony, taking care of him, paying attention to what he needed: it made Jake realize how self centered he had been with pete. He wasn't at the point where he was ready to apologize, but he was trying to make SOME amends, and this was how. He didn't know any other way. He'd speak to anthony when they saw each other that night. Maybe he had some ideas.

After dinner, Doug and pete were sitting together on the sofa, Doug's arm around pete. pete snuggled into his lover's side. "You know, I told Travis and Tyrone I was possessive. I am. I'm ridiculously possessive pete, and... well... I don't want anyone getting in my way with you. I don't want to have to compete with a tenured professor who's supposed to be a madman in bed." pete twisted just a bit, so that he could stroke Doug's little beard. "You're not competing with anyone, Doug. NO ONE. Not a professor, not a dean, not a pope, NO ONE. " He paused. "You said you wanted to marry me. Let me be clear. If you ask me, I'm going to say yes. I'm waiting for that. GOD am I waiting for that. I already belong to you. I wanna make it permanent. " pete twisted out of Doug's arms to spin around. "Now kiss me. Kiss me to show me that I belong to you." "MMMM. I think I have to do that... horizontally." "I was hoping you'd say that." They went off to the bedroom. "And I think I need restraints because... I have a slight surprise for you tonight pete. But some kissing first." Doug just locked down pete's wrists, and then he began kissing him: gently, then harder, and then with his tongue. "That's my Doctor pete. MMMM. I'm gonna be married to a PhD." pete answered weakly, "so am I," as Doug began opening his shirt. He kissed both of pete's nipples, and he played with his hair. "You should trim this 'fro before your interview." "If I get it." "You'll get it. And as part of that..." Doug smiled and pulled out a barber's shears. "I've been wanting to manscape you for a while pete... Not gonna leave my initials, just gonna make you nice, and smoooth. pete pulled at the wrist restraints even though he knew it wouldn't work. Doug had the shears in one hand, and his balls in the other. "Hope I don't slip pete stud." He used broad, even strokes as he took pete's chest hair. When he finished, pete let out a sigh of breath. "Oh, not done yet, stud... Gotta go lower." "WHAT? NO.. NO NOT THE PUBES NOT... OH SHIT..." Doug smiled and went lower. "Don't move too much pete. Oh, and when they grow back.. hee hee hee.

Let's just say you'll think of me constantly." "COCKSUCKER!" pete yelled at Doug, realizing after he did, what a ridiculous comment that was. "Hmmm. Did we just switch rolls, sweet pete? OH, this looks SO HOT. SO FUCKING HOT." "Ok, ok, you're done, right?" "Uh, nope. You got the hairiest hole of any bottom I've ever fucked, so... let's get those legs up. "NO. I'M GONNA KICK YOU TO DEATH." Doug grabbed his balls. "No you're not, bitch. You're gonna do what I said, and you're gonna keep very, very still. Cause tonight, I am NOT fucking a hairy manpussy." pete remembered that Doug was gonna fuck him and he held onto that. "Ok sir. I'm sorry. I'll be quiet. " Doug changed the settings on the clipper, and in less than 3 minutes, pete's butt was clean. "One more space. Actually two." pete had figured it out. "OH SHIT. The pits." "BINGO. Count on a biologist to figure that out." It didn't take Doug long. He did change the head on the shearer, since it had done so much work that night, and since it had touched pete's butt. He didn't want to possibly spread infection. pete HAD taught him something! He put down the clippers, breathing hard. "You may not believe me, pete, but you look even hotter now than you did." He licked at pete's neck and lips. "PROVE IT TOP MAN!" "Heh heh. Planning to. Doug got his own clothes off first, and then he slipped off pete's jeans and briefs. He was smiling at pete, as he licked his fingers. First, he ran his whole hand up and down pete's crack, which made pete jump with stimulation. "HOLY MOTHER. YOU NEVER DID THAT BEFORE. " "I am a man full of surprises," smiled Doug, before he slid one, then two, and then three fingers into pete's hole. All pete could do was moan. Doug fucked like a demon, but when he finger fucked pete - it was like pete went to a new world. "FUCK ME STUD. FUCK MY SHAVED ASS. TAKE ME YOU ANIMAL." "GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" was Doug's response. His cock was almost scarlet, as he began entering his man. pete sighed. DAMN. After this day, he wanted this, he needed it. And Doug was giving it to him. "OH FUUUUUUUUUUCK. Have you ever gone that deep before SIr?" Doug was breathing harder and said "I think I can see my cockhead through your left nostril." "Yeah, I feel it. HOLY. GOD IT'S LIKE YOU'RE A PLUMBER AND I'M A CLOGGED DRAIN." Doug didn't answer. Somehow he was gonna have to get across to pete that he didn't have a sense of humor. What he DID have, was a great ass, and it was HIS. HIS ALONE. "I'M FUCKING MY MANPUSSY." He yelled. MINE. MINE FOREVER. " He screamed as his jizz flooded pete. When he fell on pete, the contact was enough to set off pete, who shot big. All of his emotions for the day came out. He was gently sobbing as he said to Doug. "I want this job, babe. I REALLY want it now." Doug whispered "you'll get it . Don't worry. Just get your hair cut, I'll lend you one of my ties, and you'll be fine.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx pete's sponsor approved of the sending of the chapters the next morning. He was smiling. "You know, you may not know it pete, but working in that lab is a plum position. You're gonna work your ass off, but it'll be good for you." He sat down at his desk, and sent off the chapters. A week later he got a call from Dr. Witz' secretary. She wanted to know his availability so she could pull together Sheldon, Ming, and Gabe to meet with him. pete gave a silent fist bump, and then his schedule. An hour later, Wanda called back. He was meeting with the three of them on Thusday at 6pm. "I better schedule that haircut" he told himself. He made the appointment the next day, and then he stopped at a haberdasher's, looking at neckties. When he told the clerk "job interview," he took pete away from the brighter, garish ties he was looking at, and showed him the more sober numbers. pete settled on a navy blue one, with a pattern of interlocking golden chains. He had to. He just had to.

When Doug saw it, he laughed. "You're a piece of work, pete. It's a gorgeous tie, but there you are, broadcasting." pete reddened. "You think they'll know." "Ha ha. I'm teasing you. They'll never get it. " Gabe did. But he didn't say anything. pete sat down for his presentation, and it was clear, the three of them had read the chapters, and read them carefully. Not surprisingly, Gabe asked the most clinically applicable questions. Ming was concerned about his work ethic, whether he minded early or late hours, and asked if he kept a clean or dirty lab space. Sheldon asked the most theoretical questions. After an hour and a half, he stood up. "Thank you pete. I'm sure you're going to defend with great distinction. I'm going to confer with Ming and Gabe, and we'll be back to you in a week." "Oh, pete." "Yes, Dr. Witz? I'm sorry. Sheldon." "Are Gabe or I wearing ties?" "Uh, no." "No ties. Casual lab. " While pete was waiting at the elevator, Gabe came and joined him. "HEY. Great presentation. Really interesting work. You'll be a good fit here." "Thank you. It'll be fun working with you if I get the job." Gabe laughed. "Well, it'll be from a distance. I'm leaving in six months. " "YOU ARE? To do what?" "Private practice. I like the hospital but I need to be in charge." He looked at pete's now loosened tie and smiled. "I have a feeling you know about being in charge." pete blushed. "it's kind of the other way." "Ha ha. that's cool. " They got in the elevator. "Hey," Gabe asked. "you're at the university uptown right?" "yeah, been there for a while." "My alma mater too. I did a PhD in ancient history before I switched to medical school." "Ancient history? How interesting. My partner and I just met a really sweet undergrad in the department. Guy named dave king." Gabe had learned to be poker faced, but he couldn't be so completely here. "Oh yes. I know dave. I was his TA when he was a freshman. If you see him, tell him I said hello, and I'd love to see him again."

Three days later, Wanda called again and put Dr. Witz on the phone. pete had an offer at the hospital.

Next: Chapter 9

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