Peter and Jay

By ku.oc.liamtoh@rewotelcaert

Published on Nov 2, 2009



Comments, feedback, etc. are always welcome and very much appreciated -


Part 13

After ten days Peter was reduced to begging on his knees in front of his sister for some sexual relief, much to her embarrassment - she had to tell him to get lost or he'd never be free. His days turned into weeks and then dragged on. Peter continued to flirt with, smooch and sexually torment Jay but they had never spoken about being caught in the fashion they were. Jay had loved the thrill of potentially being caught but he was secretly pissed off that his boyfriend's genitals were now off-limits.

The more Peter pestered Lucy, the more she "tightened" the strap inside his belt that forced his penis downward. This led Peter to believe his genitals were being slowly crushed, even though it was purely psychological and Lucy hadn't actually done anything. She was determined that if Peter was going to be tormented, he may as well be tormented properly and not allowed any sort of erection. A subsequent add-on squeezed the boy's penis in such a fashion it hurt him to urinate. Lucy saved that for days when Peter had really irritated her with his constant whining about needing relief.

This arrangement between the siblings didn't stop Jay having Peter service his sexual needs though. In his spare time, Peter used the Internet to seek out new and exciting things to do to and with Jay, unable to know how good they felt to his boyfriend. The pretty much permanent chastisement was driving Peter up the wall and one day, something clicked inside his head while he was gazing at Jay's erect penis. Peter knew there and then he couldn't wait until they were both 16 - he wanted it now.

Without any prompting, Peter repositioned himself in a good enough fashion pretty much squatting on top of Jay. Oral sex was about as good as it was going to get so Peter fed Jay's genitals into his mouth and began to stimulate him with his tongue, much like Jay had done to him previously.

Jay, who had laid down half preparing to fall asleep, tried to sit up abruptly at the sensation of what he thought was a stray dog licking him. Peering round, he could see from Peter's body and the body language exactly what was going on. Peter found this situation sexually exciting and painful as his horny penis strained against its restraining tube that wasn't going anywhere, putting a damper on the erection prospect. Never to mind, Peter bought Jay to climax albeit with searing pain in his groin. He could feel watery semen running over his tongue and towards his throat. It felt so good but did nothing for his own sexual frustration and Jay wasn't complaining.

Peter's sexual frustration drove him to do other things in the meantime. Since he couldn't masturbate, which was all his teenage mind ran on at his age, Peter diverted his agony into other outpourings. Having been inspired by gay erotic fiction online, he put fingers to keyboard, created two gay teenagers and a sequence of events full of stereotypes and predictable results. Okay so he wasn't the next J K Rowling, but his own creation turned him on and that was good enough for Peter. Feedback from on-line "wierdos" (according to Jay) also into this stuff filled the boy's inbox with mostly positive comments.

Later the same day, Peter spotted some fiction from somebody else that he wanted to bring to life so he took a print-out of the story, Jay and a bunch of accessories down to the basement of the Beale house, where hardly anybody ever went. It ultimately transpired that the lights didn't work either so Peter had to go back and find a powerful enough light that would effectively flood the entire area, with no success. He ultimately returned with a torch, some candles and their holders.

When he was back below, he shone the torch in Jay's direction and uttered some commands. Jay, who had managed to read a small portion of the story by nothing but the back-light on his mobile phone, was terribly intrigued by what he'd seen and couldn't wait for this. If Peter couldn't masturbate, why should Jay not have the fun? He followed Peter's orders, shed his clothes and waited.

Jay watched as Peter surveyed the scene, then lit the candles, putting them in a neat semi-circle. Their combined light was good enough for Peter to see Jay's legs. Ultimately Peter completed a full circle with the candles, lighting up Jay's anatomy from all angles.

Above their heads were some wooden beams that were free-standing, they weren't connected to anything else bar the floor so as far as Peter was concerned if they broke those then the entire house wouldn't cave in and crush them to death. He had arranged the candles in a large circle around the most central of these beams. Deliberately deciding to skip over all the character development, relationship building and other fluffy drivel in the story, Peter began to tie rope around Jay's wrists. Throwing the rope over the beam he tied the other wrist and pulled it tight. A second rope was fed between Jay's tied wrists, over the beam and away. Peter pulled it and Jay's arms went up in the air. He continued to pull until Jay was standing on tiptoe.

Peter tied the rope off to a metal hook he'd found in the nearest wall, trapping Jay in this position. He went back to the now defenceless boy and eyed his entire anatomy up by candlelight. Jay had developed a slight erection which Peter stimulated until it could grow no bigger. He then placed his tongue on Jay's chest and began to gently move downwards. Peter could only just about feel hair on his tongue from doing this, and he could feel Jay's heart thumping away in the boy's chest.

By the time Peter arrived at Jay's penis, the bound boy was shaking, either from lactic acid build-up in his arms, high sexual frustration in his testicles, or more likely both. Peter guided Jay's organ into his mouth and began to masturbate the boy once again. Jay was finding the entire situation a really heavy turn-on and couldn't control himself any longer. Without any effort on his part, Jay ejaculated a load of semen into Peter's mouth while panting heavily. In between pants he heard a rather satisfying swallowing sound from Peter.

Peter jumped back up and went to kiss Jay. This in itself was active and involved copious head and body movements. Eventually it was all over, and Peter fell to the floor happy, content but really horny. After a few minutes he stood up again and untied Jay who also promptly fell to the floor with pain in his arms. The two boys continued to roll around on the floor in each other's arms for a few minutes as they recovered.

Over the next few days the saga of the basement continued, with Peter gradually building an increasingly impressive-looking suspension system with which to hold Jay in. It didn't take long before the boy was totally suspended six foot off the floor with only his penis hanging down. Peter alternated between sucking off and masturbating Jay on a daily basis, and while Jay loved everything to do with suspension, his favourite position was simply being hung upside-down by his ankles, nothing more complicated than that. His only issue with this approach was that his hands ended up on the floor.

Peter hit upon the idea of handcuffing Jay's hands behind his back while upside down and looping some rope underneath the link chain and tying it to the rope that held his body up. This kept Jay's arms out of the way and prevented him from defending his genitals from Peter's mouth. Being masturbated upside down was an entirely different kettle of fish to normal practices.

Peter took full advantage of the upside down Jay as it saved him having to kneel down, just adjust the height and go straight in. Because Jay was still maturing, Peter was able to fit the boy's entire penis into his mouth, roll it around with his tongue and tease it gently with his teeth. Peter did try to fit Jay's entire penis, testicles and all into his mouth but couldn't do it without inflicting damage on his boyfriend, or at the very least, gagging.

The notion of being masturbated to climax ten days on the go was getting to be a drag for Jay, as each session was taking longer and longer. It wasn't anybody's fault, just the fact his body couldn't keep up and his penis stung from all the attention. Peter was eventually able to get Jay's entire penis into his mouth without gagging, but his subject by now was totally depleted of any semen, making the art of fitting Jay's organ into his mouth pointless.

While all of this was going on, Peter had his own belt curtailing his own sexual urges. The more he turned Jay on, the more it hurt Peter. It had taken great discipline, willpower and sheer determination not to go crying to Lucy. He had let Jay attempt to pick the lock with various implements with no success, though Jay was able to poke the boy's penis with a paper-clip. The mechanism had been designed in such a way to defuse this sort of behaviour, and Peter had read horror stories online about having to get power drills out to get these belts off without a key. The visions of Jay waving a power drill around Peter's genitals was a very scary one.

Towards the end of the school term, Lucy spontaneously decided Peter had suffered enough and removed the belt from his body early one morning. It had been sixteen long weeks. When Peter awoke he could feel his genitals once again. His first reaction was to masturbate but he decided to make the bed, have a shower first and then get Jay over to satisfy him.

A now clean Peter wore only his dressing gown, he checked the back door was unlocked and that Jay could get upstairs without any hassle. He placed a call to Jay and then set himself up to surprise his boyfriend. While Jay was on his way, Peter removed his dressing gown and lay naked on the bedspread, his hands behind his head.

While he waited for Jay to arrive, Peter could feel no end of sexual tension bubbling up inside him. It was taking great willpower not to beat himself off already never mind keep his own hands away. He gazed at his own surprisingly still limp penis and pictured himself shoving it up Jay's backside and ejaculating inside of him. Peter wanted that more than anything else. It was probably the only thing he hadn't told Jay.

"Hello?" came the cry from Jay.

"Up here," replied Peter. "My room." Now he felt nervous and ever more desperate for relief. Sixteen weeks since he'd last had a proper wank, a few more minutes wouldn't hurt. As he heard Jay's feet on the stairs, Peter tensed up. The door swung open.

"Pete!" exclaimed Jay. "Fucking hell! You've got your bollocks back!"

"Got them back this morning," said Peter, shuffling around on the bed. "I need to see if they still work?"

"You locked your hands up?" asked Jay. In response Peter pulled his hands out from behind his head. His first instinct was to go straight for his horny penis but he gently took hold of Jay's hand instead. "That a no then? Good job I bought some. Proper ones like."

"Proper?" enquired Peter. Jay rolled Peter onto his side and secured his hands behind his back, deliberately stopping Peter from rolling onto his front, for he knew Peter would start to hump the bed given half a chance and Jay would lose control. An opportunity to be in charge could never be passed up.

"You deaf? Yeah, proper like, like what the feds use, like. I'm nicking ya, Peter Beale."

"What for?"

"Being a wanker," replied Jay as he pulled Peter back on the bed and swung round to sit on the edge of the mattress.

Peter could tell from the ratchet noises that these were not sexual bondage handcuffs; they were much colder for a start and a little heavier. They could only be real police handcuffs that Jay had somehow found from somewhere - considering the Square was crawling with police most of the time, it was only a matter of time before one of them dropped a pair of handcuffs, and a universal key for them was easy to find on auction websites at a price either boy could afford. These on his wrists were an added bonus. Eventually a more pressing need came to the front of Peter's mind - his hormones.

When Peter was secure, Jay whistled. Peter heard the door glide open and in came Ben Mitchell, hanging around Jay like a bad smell. Peter's first reaction was naturally try and cover his genitals up, but the freshly applied handcuffs put paid to that. Peter could only watch as Ben wandered in and simply stare at him with wide eyes, keen to see what was going to happen.

Jay and Ben sat either side of Peter, each holding one of his arms firmly. They simply looked at Peter's penis for a while, passing copious remarks and insults between them about the boy's tiny and for the most part hairless organ. Although he had been told not to become erect, the concept of his genitals being visually inspected in this fashion was a step too far for the horny Peter. He was already tanked up on testosterone as it was.

Eventually it was his two peers who led to Peter's undoing. Jay had bought some sturdy feathers with him, so he gave one to Ben and between them they dusted Peter's penis with the feathers. Eventually an erection in the naked boy was forthcoming and Peter couldn't stop it. After a while, Jay sent Ben out to fetch something from downstairs. In Ben's absence, Jay used both feathers to ensure every available part of Peter's sensitive organ had been stimulated. Peter was in for the shock of his life though when Ben returned.

The two boys held Peter's arms securely again, while Jay wrapped a freezing cold ice pack around Peter's erect penis and scrotum. The boy winced, gasped and thrashed around as the cold sensation hit him hard. Jay held the pack in place to stop Peter shaking it off as Ben lay Peter back down on the bed. After a short while Peter's erection began to go down but the chills hurt the boy bad.

Jay indicated to Ben to get set up, and the Mitchell youth set about preparing Peter for the wank of his life and then some. While Jay continued to hastily chill Peter's penis with the ice pack, Ben's first job was to secure Peter's feet. This he did by pulling them through appropriately sized gaps in the footboard of the bed, and tying rope around the boy's ankles. The rope was then looped around the nearest corner and back around the ankle it had came from. From there the process was repeated on the same piece of rope with Peter's other ankle. When Ben was done Peter couldn't pull his feet free at all. He ran his finger up Peter's sole to prove this.

The plan had been for Jay to masturbate Peter slowly while Ben tickled him. He however wanted to attack Peter's upper torso instead. Because Ben couldn't be in two places at one time, he solved the problem by drifting in Peter's younger half brother Bobby Beale and his sleepover friend Colin to tickle Peter instead.

The two older boys shielded their "game" from Bobby and Colin as best they could, while the two youngest boys were given feathers and toothbrushes by Ben. Their falsehood was a game of "clean Peter's feet" and they were not to move without asking first.

Peter. who was actively crying by now due to the coldness, felt movement on the soles of his feet and his immediate reaction was to try and pull away, with no success so he simply waved his feet around as best he could trying to diffuse the tickle attack, for what difference it made. He tried his absolute utmost best not to make a sound but failed miserably as soon as Ben started.

Meanwhile, Jay finally removed the ice pack and had Peter's incredibly horny (and chilly) penis held tightly in his hand, and Ben tickled Peter across his chest and upper body. For every stroke Jay made of Peter's organ, Ben complemented with a tickle. Peter was full of mixed messages and didn't know what he should try to concentrate on and what to ignore. Powerful sensations of young fingers, toothbrushes and feathers across the soles of his feet conflicted with a strong need to ejaculate after weeks of sexual denial. To top this off, Ben was working his way round to Peter's ticklish underarms and stomach, another sensation that demanded attention. Every which way Peter squirmed provided no relief.

It didn't take long for Jay to bring a sweaty Peter to a point of no return, and Jay milked this situation for all it was worth. As Ben slid his hands down to attack Peter's sides, Bobby and Colin moved their toothbrushes to the underside of Peter's toes. This was too much for him to take, and as he let out a small scream in-between pearls of laughter, Jay moved to kill off all Peter's hope of any mercy, by putting one of his fingers into Peter's belly button and wriggling it around. He knew Peter loved this one on its own.

By now the writhing Peter was complete putty in the hands of Ben, Jay, Bobby and Colin. If it weren't for the fact he had a rock hard erection Peter knew he'd have wet himself long before now. Mixed messages confused him heavily. He could see Jay, who could read Peter's body language like a book, in deep concentration, manipulating his subject for maximum effect. Peter could also see Ben, who was rather enjoying this a little too much with an erection of his own. In his mind's eye Peter could see his little half-brother Bobby attacking his soles.

Peter began to breath deeply, pant and giggle. He looked down his body at his penis again. By now Peter could feel it throbbing. He lay back down on the bed as he felt the release of semen from his testicles, and the boy began to vocally moan, laugh and gasp. Peter closed his eyes and grimaced as the pressure built down below, trying desperately to ignore the tickling. With pin-point accuracy, Jay took hold of Peter's penis with his hand and in one straight stroke, sixteen weeks of sexual denial came to a head.

It finally happened. It only took ten minutes but to Peter it felt a lot longer. The pressure in his testicles was too much and Jay moved to finish Peter off. As Ben moved his hands down Peter's ticklish body to attack his stomach and sides, Jay gave Peter's penis a tight squeeze and a slight tug. Peter could feel his load travelling from his testes to his penis, but this was drowned out by the sensations of tickling and his own laughter. Peter ached from all this laughter, his upper body muscles hurt, his ankles and legs hurt from all the thrashing around and his arms hurt.

With another tight squeeze and a full stroke, Jay forced Peter to ejaculate, and ejaculate hard. As Peter scrunched his face up tightly and tried desperately not to scream, he could only watch as semen flew out of his erect penis to land on his chest, and splattered all up the boy's stomach, also landing on Ben's arms. Jay continued to stroke Peter's penis to encourage as much semen out as possible. By the time he was done semen was running down the side of Peter's organ.

Ben put paid to the art of "cleaning Peter's feet" and discreetly sent Bobby and Colin out in order for Peter to recover. The teenager lay quietly on the bed, with closed eyes. He could feel sweat all over him.

"Jay," grimaced Peter, not really caring about Ben's presence. "I need to ask you something." Now was as good a time as any. He could see his penis being cradled in Jay's warm-blooded hand.

"Yeah mate?" replied Jay, snuggling up close to him again.

"I wanna shag you. Right here, right now." Peter came straight out with his wish, catching Jay off-guard. "This wank," whispered Peter, "I wanted it to come out up your bum."

"Fucking hell!" exclaimed Jay, sitting up quickly. "Not yet though." Peter's face fell at this point. "Not yet as in, you can't shove that up me arse just like that, you twat! Me bum needs smaller things first!"

"Oh okay," said Peter, feeling somewhat deflated.

"Look at us," whispered Jay, looking deep into Peter's eyes. "I know you wanna shag us and I ain't got a problem with that like, but I wanna shag you as well. I'd rather we get vibrators or summat and shove those up our arses. Come off it Pete, if your cock broke off up my jacksy you'd be a bit pissed off and I'd have to go to hospital to have your dick taken out of my arse!" He began to stroke Peter's face.

"I'll shag you," said Ben, coming in on the end of the conversation.

"I don't think so," said Peter.

"I wanna screw you Peter," whispered Jay, kissing Peter on the forehead. "Up the arse, of course, like. Start small, work up then I'll treat you to the biggest fucking monster of all things to shove up Pete's arse - my cock!"

"Your dick's no bigger than mine!" exclaimed Peter cheekily. Jay gave him a playful punch on the arm.

Peter lay there, still handcuffed, breathing deeply. He felt much happier now having relieved all the tension that had built up, and all he could do now was watch Jay as he tried to hopelessly control the puddle of semen that was beginning to run down the sides of Peter's body.

Jay knew how Peter and his body would react to most situations of this type and it was this knowledge he'd soaked up over the last couple of years that enabled him to precisely manipulate the Beale offspring like a character in a computer game. He hadn't given much away to Peter when the situation was the other way round but Jay was happy to get his kicks being in control of Peter. This relationship was so rock solid in the trust department that Jay was sure he'd be able to get away with murder.

Jay dipped his finger in the puddle of semen that had built up above Peter's penis, scooped a bit up and licked it off, trying to look like a porn star with his mannerisms. He drew some random shapes on Peter's chest using the puddle of semen like an artist, then began to draw on Peter's face. Once Jay had tired of that he knelt down either side of the boy's chest.

Leaning forward in a somewhat painful looking position, Jay went to kiss Peter on the cheek. The bound boy turned his head to the side to allow Jay to kiss him passionately on the lips, a kiss that lasted a good few minutes and produced erections in both boys.

Peter watched as Jay sat up again and masturbated himself using only his hands. As Jay pumped, Peter found the entire saga strangely hypnotic and horny to watch. He could feel his erection demanding attention once again. Once Jay was close to climax he shuffled up the bed, held his penis over Peter's mouth and continued to masturbate himself. A few moments later Peter opened his mouth to receive the sample.

"What the bloody hell?" came a voice Peter recognised straight away...

-- All feedback appreciated. :)

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