Peter Pan and Adam

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Dec 22, 2008


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.

DEDICATED TO: Anthony Art Ch

Peter Pan and Adam


G. Cutter

Introduction: I've long been an admirer of the artist and owner of the site Anthony-Art.Ch... I've been waiting a long time for him to put his versions of Peter Pan and his bestest mate Adam Homeless into some really sexual situations but it's not happend yet. Maybe it never will. This shorty short is my version of how they met and how their friendship blossomed. A 'PWP' as so many of mine are.

The following is pure fantasy if you haven't worked that one out by now...


Peter Pan lay back in his hammock under the shade of the palm tree and thought deep thoughts. The fact that Darling children had returned to their homeworld was first and foremost in his mind, he had enjoyed their company and their adventures together. He'd also got that strange feeling in his his belly for Wendy which some of his Lost Boys had called a 'crush'. It had also involved even stranger feelings lower than his belly, he'd even felt his pee-pee react in a way that he believed to be both naughty and dirty. Tonka Boy, the fairy had surprised him one morning and saw 'it' in the flesh and had nearly passed out with shock. Tonka had berated him all day in what he assumed was a fit of jealousy. He'd claimed that he 'was growing up' whereon the fairy got even more annoyed telling him that he was the everlasting boy... he couldn't be growing up. If he was, Neverland and all it stood for was ending and that was clearly not so.

He supposed he'd miss the companionship, maybe not so much of the Darling boys but certainly Wendy even if Tonka was jealous. One thing that was for sure, he was finding Tonka's company more and more irksome, he was around him every minute of the day, even when he wanted to sleep, bath or even go to the toilet. Perhaps he wasn't getting older physically but mentally he'd learned a lot from Wendy on the ways of 'real' humans and realised that there were things to take pleasure in other than food, drink and playing with the boys. He felt a certain distance from his little gang now although they would be having a party tonight if the weather held. He was down or 'blue' as Wendy would say... he'd get over it.

The weather in Neverland was normally summery but there were occasional storms which brought the refreshing rains and looking at the darkening skies he rather thought they were due one that very night. Mind you, with Hook vanquished yet again they could party. Hook would reappear, he always did but he'd have to get out of that crocodile this time around, Peter silently laughed as he rolled from his hammock to go down to his boys. It was a good night made merry by some of the boys singing and the close pals Snitch and Snatch, although they weren't their real names, cavorting around and at one stage one of them lost his trousers displaying his all. Mind you, Peter felt that twinge again as he watched the naked boy, he noticed that as the small boy ran around bare bottomed he seemed to have a few admirers, very odd. Even Redskin who was probably around Peter's age although slightly taller was fumbling with his loin cloth and Peter wondered what ailed his friend, too many sweet fruits he assumed. he had been thinking of asking Redskin to move up the hill and into his small house but Tonka had said that it wouldn't be 'seemly' whatever that meant. he knew Tonka Boy was one of the originals on the island and he normally heeded his advice but he did seem to know a lot he wasn't willing to share. Annoying really.

It was past sunset when the party split and the boys wandered off to their solo and shared huts, Redskin was alone and Peter was on the verge of inviting him home but then Redskin trailed off with Snitch, Snatch and a couple of the younger ones who lived in what they called their Den.

The storm did indeed bring the rain, a veritable downpour but Peter's small house was well built as he'd filched timber from the harbour and it was a lot sturdier than others. Tonka had clearly got himself into a huff but Peter wasn't too sad to have some peace and quiet and be on his own for a while. He did miss Wendy but his mind kept straying back to Redskin who deep down he felt was better looking than Wendy, Wendy was a girl after all. Redskin had been swimming a few days ago and Peter thought back to the boy's naturally reddish skin water beaded and shining in the sun as he slipped in and out of the water like a fish. Redskin had abandoned his loin cloth but out of respect to the offworlders had kept his skimpy breech clout on not that it covered too much. Peter wished that he'd take it off and gone naked but banished the thought as not 'proper' as the irritating fairy Tonka would say. Peter groaned in some bemusement, he couldn't get the image of Redskin's water dappled and beautifully rounded bottom out of his mind. 'Beautifully rounded bum', he whispered the phrase to himelf, he must have a touch of the sun. Perhaps he needed to fly more offworlders in, maybe a little older and no girls. He reached down and felt himself hard which was happening more and more lately. He suspected that with some of the older boys something happened 'down there' now and then and this seemed like a now. His house was pitch black by now as the rainclouds blocked the moon and starlight which always provided enough light to see by. All the same he slowly and carefully lifted the light smock he wore for sleeping and pushed his briefs down. He felt relief as his stiff tube of flesh popped free and he clasped it's warmth and surprising thickness. Wendy had told him that he was probably around fourteen in human years which Peter had fixated on. Thirteen was an unlucky number in Neverland but as Peter held and squeezed his stiff pee-pee it seemed to get harder. He knew that it was childish to call it a pee-pee and Redskin and some of the other called it a dicky or cock but he liked the old name. He wrapped his hand around himself and moved the loose skin up and down feeling his dick getting harder. Dick sounder more appropriate he decided as he felt his internal warmth and a pleasant tingle in his balls. He had noticed that particular area seemed to get tighter whenever he had one of his erections, weird. Thinking of Wendy in her near transparent dress he felt his dick jerk and then seem to get even harder but moving his hand up and down seemed to help ease the ache if not the stiffness.

'Wendy,' he moaned and wriggled on his bunk shucking his briefs down further and praying that Tonka Boy wasn't going to unexpectedly appear. 'Red,' he groaned without thinking but imagining the tall redskinned figure outlined as he stood ready to dive into the clear blue of the lagoon. 'Redskin...' he groaned again as he moved his hand faster. The handsome Indian's face filled his mind's eye, the boy's dark eyes, perfectly straight nose and thin lips... parted... 'Ooooh,' Peter sighed as he pumped. What the hell was happening, as he ran his foreskin over his swollen knob he felt the smear of something slippery and slimey.

Peter gave up. He kicked his briefs off over his feet and bent his knees pumping up into his hand. He didn't know what he was doing but it all seemed so natural. He jerked away at his hard boy dick and felt heat and an intense itching in his organ and then a burning sensation right in his balls, at the base of his cock and then the heat shot up his shaft. He sobbed as he felt something spurt from the tip, some even landed on his jaw and then he had another spurt which trickled over his knuckles.

'Oh, oh, oh...' he breathed deeply as if he'd just swam a race and felt the mess on his belly and his fist. He sniffed it and it wasn't pee, it was thicker and he saw it gleam in the near dark. Tentatively he licked his hand and pulled a face. Weird. He scooped the splash off his chin and after a moment of hesitation stuck his finger in his mouth and sucked it. Weird again. Almost tasteless but slightly yeasty like breadfruit... not unpleasant he decided and definitely not pee. He smeared the rest over his dick and balls taking a somehow forbidden pleasure in doing something that must be extremely naught but it felt nice. He pulled bis briefs back on and pulled his coverlet over himelf. The rains still came and it was a lot cooler. He snuggled into the funk of his own making and slept to dream and the dreams were all of Red.

He was awoken just before dawn or the proper dawn, he could hear the rain and wind which had been at full blast last night easing and put his daywear on. Now the Darlings were out of it he could afford to be more casual so he tugged on his blue jean shorts and his open green tunic, he looked at his green cap which Wendy seemed to love and gave it a holiday... why the hell did he feel it necessary to dress just to please other people. It was still breezy and that curious half light illuminated their camp site but all the huts were quiet. Boys slept like logs and in spite of the storm they seemed to be running true to form. He looked into the Den and saw a huddle of bodies, Redskin was missing so he must be in his own hut. Peter ambled acros the clearing and silently opened Red's door and peered in. Red was in bed covered by furs and a tousled head was alongside his, looking closer Peter saw that it was young Ralph. Slightly miffed he silently closed the door, he frowned and then grinned... he was jealous of a little boy, how sad. All the same the thought of being snuggled up in the warmth with Red gave him a tingle down below. He pushed down his burgeoning arousal with a grunt. He must be going mad. He walked up the hill to the top of the small cliff which oversaw the beach thinking that he'd have to get the lads to tidy up later but enough of that, Redskin would cope, he was a natural second in command even if Tonka Boy wasn't too fond of him. 'Sod him, bloody fairy,' he muttered giggling at his naughty words he'd learnt from one of the Darling boys. He idly wondered what was so bad about a sod, it was only a lump of turf after all.

As he got to the top of the rise he saw that the beach was full of wrack and flotsam, happy hunting for the younger boys. In the distance he saw a white object which aroused his curiosity so he wandered down the path onto the golden sands noting that the sea was now calm, it was perfect splash, paddle and play weather. No sign of any ships but the pirates would be in harbour or Plunder Bay until they selected a new captain. Still mystified he walked down the beach and suddenly broke into a run, his feet kicked up sprays of sand as he neared what he now knew to be a body. Unfortunately, it wasn't on the beach proper but a smalll sandy bank offshore a little which Peter knew would be covered as the tide came back in. Making sure no one was watching he lifted off and flew the fifty yards or so necessary and landed on the damp sandbank. Peter knelt by the outstretched body and studied it. Probably a little older than himself the pale skinned boy lay on his back with eyes closed. Peter remembering previous occasions when boys had got themselves into water troubles rolled the supine body onto it's side and was delighted to see water trickle from the boy's mouth. He gave the boy's chest a couple of flathanded pumps and more water burbled from the still open mouth. He lay his ear against boy's lips and grinned as he felt the faintest of breaths. The boy, and Peter assumed that if he was fourteen then the stranger could be fifteen or even sixteen. He was bulkier than Peter and well muscled wearing only white duck trousers as the younger pirates did and a tattered sleeveless shirt. Peter reached out and gently stroked one pink nipple visible in a tear in the shirt. What to do? He was over a mile from his own camp and he remembered what Redskin had done to one of the younger boys some time past.

Pinching the inert boys nose tightly he lay his lips onto the other's and blew. Nothing. He blew again and there was a flutter in the boy's chest. He blew again and suddenly the boy coughed and sprayed water from his mouth. Peter sat back and watched as the pale body's form coughed and choked and flopped onto it's side. His tight whites stretched over a muscular bottom which distracted Peter as he grabbed the boy and dragged him into a crouching position and massaged his shoulders.

'Gaaah...' the ash blond boy shook his head and Peter jumped back. This could be a young pirate, one of the local villagers, in fact, he could be almost anyone... what he wasn't was one of Peter's Lost Boys. 'Where the hell am I,' the voice was a boyish treble with the touch of manliness showing through. 'I feel like shit.'

Peter froze. He'd heard all the words before but not from boys, these were bad words spoken by bad people, this was pirate talk. The boy suddenly collapsed onto the sand, rolled onto his back and drew air in huge gulps as if trying to flood his lungs. Peter noticed something else which he wouldn't have normally noticed, the boy's white ducks were tight at the front and positively bulging, Peter wondered what was inside. Well, he knew what was inside... he wanted so see it as this boy was demonstrably larger than he was and quite possibly Redskin as well.

'You are on Neverland Island,' Peter finally spoke. 'Where are you from? What is your name?

'Adam also called Homeless from the good ship Venturer... I was cabin boy and the cook's assistant.'

'Were you attacked by pirates?'

'No, I was swept overboard last night in the storm, no one saw me go,' the boy, Adam looked at Peter with interest. 'I've never heard of Neverland Island, where is the nearest mainland?'

'Who knows,' Peter smiled. 'We have our island, we have everything we need, what else is there?' He looked around and decided it was time for this Adam person to be awakened to where he was. The boy had clearly defined pointed ears clearly visible with his short hair so he was elven or of elven stock. He wasn't a pure human and Peter wondered if he knew. 'Climb on my back,' he ordered.


'Climb on my back,' Peter repeated with a smile. 'We are taking a little trip . Clamp your legs around my waist and hold on... the boys call it piggy backing.'

'We call it something else where I come from,' Adam laughed for the first time but did as he was bid.

Peter staggered a little but managed to lift off as Adam called out with surprise. 'What do you call flying where you come from?' Peter shouted as they lifted ten feet, twenty and then thirty above the golden sands and the narrow channel between the islet and the beach.

'Amazing,' Adam called out gleefully. 'I owe you big time and I don't even know your name.'

'Peter, Peter Pan.'

'Right. Peter,' Adam clung to Peter as they moved inland over the grasslands towards the woods and Peter's home. 'I must show my appreciation later on, my gratitude.' Peter nearly did a nose dive as he felt his passenger's dry lips brush against his neck and Adam's groin press against the small of his back. God, what was happening? He laughed in the wind, it was nice all the same, he could swear he could even feel Adam's hard pee-pee pressing against him. He should have brought his fairy dust out with him but didn't normally use it on the island. One quick puff and Adam could have flown beside him... great fun. He did some swooping and diving above the Lost Boy's Camp and when he saw some of them including Redskin looking up he gently landed.

'You'd better lie down and have some nourishing soft food,' he whispered to Adam before the lads scampered over to him and their new playmate.

'Greetings, Peter,' Red greeted formally looking at the tall blond suspiciously. He bowed to the visitor or guest. 'Greetings, stranger.'

'Greetings,' Adam replied feeling a little out of his depth and still feeling the lithe warmth of the flying boy against his belly and penis. He owed this kid and was determined to pay what he owed. Peter Pan would remember Adam Homeless for a long time to come. Peter and the boys seemed rather childish and innocent but Adam wasn't, nor was Redskin. Adam had noted the red skinned boy's eyes drop as he'd stood alone. Redskin wasn't a child and neither was Peter, the difference being that Peter seemed to be away with the pixies, Red certainly wasn't.

'Adam was washed overboard and nearly drowned in last night's storm,' Peter explained to the goggled eyed younger boys. 'So, don't pester him... not just yet,' he grinned. 'Red and I will get him fed and then bedded down.'

The two older boys took Adam and warmed up some vegetable soup which Adam thought was disgusting but Red swore it contained invigorating herbs and then they convinced the tall blond to lay down on Peter's bed and relax. The funny thing was Adam felt as right as rain and really wanted to investigate this little band of boys. He'd heard rumours as his ship had travelled the West African trade routes, he'd always put these stories down to old salty tales along with mermaids, trolls and goblins but he had flown on a boy's back and that wasn't a dream, it had actually happened. He was in a hut in a semi jungle surrounded by boys who should have been at school and the hut was as fully furnished as his father's big house in the great port of South Hampton.

Adam had been serving time as a dog's body on one of his father's ships learning the trade from the bottom up as his father had said. What dear daddy had neglected to mention that on a small cargo ship there was a lot more 'bottom' than 'up' during the long night watches. 'I need to show my appreciation,' Adam stretched out on the surprisingly comfortable bed.

'You've said that before,' Peter grinned and sat on the edge of the bed looking down at his guest. 'I can send a pair of the boys down the harbour to ask after your ship. It may have put in for repairs.'

'Thank you,' Adam glanced at the redskinned boy still standing in the corner of the room. He swore he saw the well built kid wink but it may have been his imagination, but what wasn't imagined was that the boy was a doll. As tall as Adam himself which made him slightly taller than Peter this kid was beautiful in every way. Adam felt a tingle in his groin which wasn't bad, he was just about returning to the land of the living.

' I should look after the younger boys,' Red looked at Peter. 'I'll keep them away from you two,' he gave Peter a knowing smile which was lost on our Peter but not on Adam the Horny also called the Homeless.

'Alright,' Peter agreed. 'We always have one of the older boys look after the babies, the really young ones,' he explained to Adam, 'just in case they get into trouble but the older boys normally run around in pairs for the same reason.'

'Makes sense,' Adam looked at Red willing him to leave and it must have worked as Redskin gave them both another smile and left after promising to return later in the afternoon.

'Seems like a nice kid,' Adam commented as Red disappeared and closed the outer door.

'He is, he's my best friend,' Peter grinned. 'He looks after the boys if I have to go away.'

'Oh,' Adam nodded not really understanding why Peter would need to go away and not understanding the setup either but the title of Head Boy and Deputy seemed to fit the bill, just like at school.

'How do you feel now?' Peter stood and looked down at his guest, he particularly took in the tattered shirt and the tight white trousers with it's bulky groin. How he would like to see his new friend naked and lo! Adam played right into his hands (doesn't it always happen in these stories).

'I feel all itchy, all salty,' Adam wriggled around on the bed, even a dummy like the light brown haired and slighly dim Peter had to take the hint.

'Oh, that's easy,' Peter laughed. 'You can have a nice warm shower, the tank must have warmed by now.'


'Yes, I have one on the roof and the sun warms the water. There's a shower through here,' Peter opened a light interior door displaying what seemed to be a bathroom or maybe just a shower and bath, there was no toilet visible.'

'Ah, great,' Adam swung his feet off the bed. It was pretty clear from the way Peter was performing he'd have to push the pace. If their positions had been reversed he would have had his 'saved boy' naked by now and would be paying some close and personal attention to that boy's body. 'Push, push, push?'


'Nothing, just talking to myself.' Adam laughed peeling his tatty shirt off displaying his muscular and pale skinned torso. He heard Peter stiffle a gasp and grinned. 'You'll have to show me how it works.'

'Yeah,' Peter croaked.

Slowly and deliberately Adam peeled his tight trousers down and then stood in the skimpiest of briefs, Peter just stood there open mouthed. Adam ignored him and just as slowly and sensually peeled his briefs down allowing his fully extended and blood gorged penis to flop free. He gave Peter a grin and stepped through into the shower room. 'Show me how it works then,' he looked at the complicated brass wheels and levers. The thing looked like the construct of someone with demetia.

'I better take my clothes off,' Peter bleated. 'I need a shower anyway.'

'Great,' Adam blatantly stared at what he could see of Peter disrobing in the next room. The boy had a firm boyish chest and Anthony felt his penis filling out. Before he could watch Peter drop his shorts he had to turn away, he didn't want to scare his prey off.

'This is so embarassing,' Peter muttered but Adam heard him move into the shower room.

'If it's a stiffy, don't worry, it happens,' Adam chuckled. 'Have you never showered with another boy... in private.'

'Never,' Peter groaned and Adam felt the brush of Peter's warmth against him, soft and bouncey. He almost laughed out loud, Peter Pan had slipped into the shower backwards leading with his bum so Adam promptly turned around. He wrapped his strong arms around the slighter boy and Peter squealed.

'Calm down, calm down,' he soothed the boy. 'I owe you, I'm going to make you feel good... alright?'

'Alright,' Peter's voice shook as he surrendered to the strange sensations rushing through his body and the warmth and firmness of the other boy's larger body pressed against his. He could feel Adam's hardness pressing against the top of his bottom at the base of his spine and looking down he could see that his own boy cock was at full stretch in sympathy. 'Mmmm...' he tentatively pressed back hearing Adam groan with pleasure.

As the warmish water started to trickle from the jerry rigged shower both boy's realxed and Adam upped the stakes. He slowly moved against Peter feeling the boy's tenseness leave him and the shorter boy seemed to relax in his embrace. 'That Redskin fancies you, you know, Peter.'

'Fancies me?' Peter's voice broke again.

'Does he sleep with you?'

'No,' Peter denied emphatically.

'You should let him, you'd have fun,' Adam took a gamble and reaching around took a firm grip on Peter's hardness. 'Nice one.'

'Adam,' Peter squirmed in the larger and stronger boy's arms, he knew he had the power to slip free and flee but he didn't want to. He never knew that playing with another boy in this way could become much fun, in fact, it was only in his dreams that it had ever occured that boys might possibly do things together. Now his wild imaginings had come to life. He could feel Adam's stiffness pressing against him as they crammed in the small shower... it couldn't end here.

'I feel desalted,' Adam kissed the side of Peter's slender neck and our hero nearly fainted. 'Now, I want to pleasure you properly.'


'Follow my lead,' Adam smiled and turned Peter around. Peter blushed as he felt his hardness slip against the other boy's bigger one. Adam wrapped his hand around both and slowly moved them to and fro. 'Bed... just let me lead.'

'Alright,' Peter surrendered totally and alowed himself to be partly dried off and then guided to the bed and laid in the centre. He wanted this and was totally limp in Adam's hands, well, almost limp. Adam lay the boy onto the bed and crouched between Peter's parted legs with his big dick swinging looked directly into Peter's blue eyes. Grey eyes met blue and they both smiled slightly, Adam in anticipation and Peter in pleasure mixed with a little fright. What next?

He soon found out, Adam reached out placing his hands either side of Peter's torso and lovered himself. As Adam's face came down onto his Peter closed his eyes as he felt warm lips meet his and then kiss him. He wriggled under the marooned boy but Adam's tongue probed at his lips and Peter opened his mouth to admit the boy's flickering tongue. After long minutes of breathe taking and frantic lip munching they broke for air and Peter looked into Adam's grey eyes and blushed deep red.

'We shouldn't be doing this,' he whispered and flinched as Adam's lips lightly brushed his nose.

'Why not, we're in private,' Adam nuzzled at Peter's smooth neck getting the boy sqirming gain. 'Three questions: Like it? Hate it? Stop or carry on?'

'Don't stop,' Peter giggled and stroked Adam's smooth chest and rubbed his thumbs across hard pink nipples. He didn't know what was happening but he wanted more, he was a bit wary of where the 'more' would lead but he was an adventurous boy and this was a great adventure. The problem was all the time Adam played with him he kept getting images of Redskin in the same position... very strange.

'I did say I owed you and I hoped to pay you back just a little,' Adam stared at Peter and awaited a response.

'Yes?' Peter felt his voice break again.

'Here' goes... just lay back and enjoy.' Adam's head dropped and Peter jumped as he felt warm and now wet lips and teeth on his nipples making them slippery and surprisingly enough hard. He held the boy sailor's blonde cropped hair and his head as it moved down his body. Suddenly he froze having the first suspicion of what was about to happen.

'Adam,' Peter moaned as he felt the blond's wet tongue lap down onto his belly and then horror. He heard Adam telling him to relax but the boy had grasped Peter's erection and held it upright. Without a word he swiped his tongue across the bulging knob removing the bubble of clear precum and then very slowly and deliberately sank his mouth over Peter's dark red cock's end. 'Aaaaaaah...'

Peter didn't know if he was in heaven or hell, this sort of thing was totally outside his experience. Adam's hands were running up and down his torso and even slipping under him clasping his bottom and all the while the warm, wet suction was on his cock sucking and salivating. It was heaven, he was in heaven he finally decided and stroked Adam's hair which now dried out stuck up in an unrtidy bristle. 'Adam...' he sighed and took a tentative prod up into the boy's mouth.

'That's more like it,' Adam gobbled and cupped Peter's ballsac now tight under his body and gently rubbed the fleshy nuggets together. Peter wasn't listening however, he was feeling the same feeling when he'd squirted in the night. The tighness below, the aching and then the burning.

'Adam, Adaaaah...' Peter groaned and tried to push the blond boy's head away but Adam stayed glued to his desire. He sucked as he felt the slippery shaft harden even more and then took Peter right in deep as he felt the first splat of creamy goo hit his tonsils. Again and again, Peter's cock jerked and Adam swallowed the boy's thick, pearly semen. He tasted it and liked it, sugar and spice and all things nice, he remembered the rhyme. He allowed Peter's softening cock to slide from his mouth feeling a splash on his cheek and then ducked again sucking up the spillage and lapping Peter's small pubic patch clean. Peter for his part just lay there panting and feeling totally and utterly drained. He'd squirted the white stuff again but much, much more, he'd cum, he knew that much but Adam had actually swallowed it, his new friend had drank his white pee.

'How was that?' Adam lifted himself on one elbow and looked at his younger lover. 'OK?'

'Fantastic,' Peter smiled wearily. 'Incredible.'

'Good,' Adam slipped back up alongside and kissed Peter, this time the boy who never grew up returned it with feeling. This was new, this was great.

'I'll have to rescue you again,' Peter murmured and laughed.

'What's funny?'

'That...' Peter wiped a bead of his boy juice from Adam's jaw and looked at it. It wasn't as watery as the last lot, it was thicker and whiter.

'Virgin cream,' Adam gave a chuckle and taking Peter's hand sucked the cum clean.

'Ew,' Peter pulled a face which made him feel bad, he had tasted himself before. He decided to make amends to his new friend. He didn't know if he could muster the courage to suck it but there was one thing he knew he could do. 'Can I hold it,' he glanced down Adam's belly at the fleshy white fleshed spike jutting upwards. The skin had gone and Adam's pee-pee looked decidedly angry, it was bulging and the knob was dark red and sporting a bead of thick white pee.

Peter knew all his words were wrong but he had a feeling Adam would educate him, this boy, the boy he had saved clearly knew things Peter didn't and it was Peter's job to learn on behalf of the other boys. That was his reasoning at least and he reached down taking the hot mass into his hand.

'Yeah, nice,' Adam groaned and stretched out on the bed like a big cat. 'You don't have to do this, Peter.'

'I want to,' Peter's reply was short as he got a good grip and started to move his hand up and down in what he later learned was called a wank. Being even more daring he wiped the trickle of cum clear and slowly took it to his mouth closely observed by Adam who lay there with slitted eyes. 'Nice,' he echoed Adam's word. The blond semed to sigh with relief and it was, he'd rather assumed that seducing Peter would be a long job but maybe not all that long. 'You can teach me things,' Peter ducked his head and carefully slipped his tongue across the tip of Adam's penis without taking it in.

'Music to my ears,' Adam whispered and ruffled Peter's unkempt brown hair. 'Kiss me again.'

'Alright,' Peter smiled brightly and kissed the tip of Adam's hardness and then slowly slid his lips over the bulging helmet.

'Ooooooh...' Adam wailed. 'On the lips I meant.'

'Sorry,' Peter gobbled around the thick meat in his mouth. He knew perfectly well what the seemingly older boy meant but had taken the plunge. He slipped his lips up and down Adam's thick shaft feeling the stiffness and warmth and then the gentle movement as Anthony started to slyly fuck. Peter was past caring now, he copied Adam's movement so that he was crouched over the supine boy and reaching under clasped the firmly muscular buttocks.

'You want it?' Adam clenched his bum cheeks in Peter's hands. 'You can have it tonight... more reward.'

'Want what?' Peter looked up and then ducked his head again and continued with his task. Adam seemed to have got bigger, his erection was like an iron bar, Peter's head started to move up and down until he had the meaty knob right in the back of his throat.

'I'm gonna cum,' Adam cried out and before Peter could remove his mouth he blasted surge after surge of his hot spunk deep into Peter's throat. Peter choked but swallowed and sucked again as Adam spent himself in thick gooey squirts. As Peter pulled off his lips gleamed with cum and giggling he allowed himself to be pulled up alongside Adam and then the blond's tongue met his and they exchanged their sweet fluids.

'So, you've never done this sort of thing with any of your boys?' Adam asked as they later lay side by side exploring each other's bodies.

'No.' Peter looked shocked.

'That Redskin would do it with you, he fancies you,' Adam looked at his newest lover. 'I'd let him do me.'

'What? Wank you?' Peter was picking up the jargon.

'Shag me as well,' Adam laughed.

'Well, I've got an idea how to do it with a girl but you can't do that sort of thing with a boy. Shag means make love, right?'

'Spot on,' Adam laughed. 'I reckon that Redskin is doing it with one of the other kids or at least playing around but he really does fancy you.'

'How do you know that?' Peter scowled although he was secretly delighted. Doing what he'd done with Adam was great, how much better would it be with Red?'

'The way his eyes follow you. Who do you reckon he's doing things with.'

'Maybe Ralph, they seem to spend a lot of time together, they're great friends.'

'Well, that's the one then,' Adam laughed. 'Cuddle up,' he'd spotted that Peter was rising to the occasion again, maybe a time for a little more instruction. 'Come on cuddle up... I feel chilly.' He tried to look the shipwrecked mariner part and Peter took pity on him. As Adam lay on his side facing away Peter snuggled up and somehow his hardness seemed to find it's own way between Adam's snowy white cheeks. Adam raised his leg a little and when he felt Peter's hardness under his balls he dropped his leg neatly trapping the novice between his thighs.

'Golly gosh,' Peter moaned and clutched Adam's broad back as he felt the heat and tightness clamp on his slippery cock. This was all too much for him now and with a newly aroused sexual appetite he moved slowly to and fro enjoying it more and more as Adam gently pushed back onto his thrusts.

'Slow down, Tiger,' Adam chuckled. 'If Redskin comes in, he'll want to join in.'

'I don't mind.'

Adam laughed. Peter had clearly never heard of a daisy chain and certainly not realised that he was the obvious target if there was a third member .

'Sleep,' Adam whispered and closed his eyes. What a night and what a day: Swept overboard from his ship, half drown, rescued by a boy and a flying boy at that and now he was on the cusp of taking that boy's virginity. The Gods must be smiling on him.

When Peter next awoke Adam was still sleeping. He got up and hurriedly covered his sleeping guest. He was wasn't ashamed of what he'd done with the blond boy but all the same he was nervous, he didn't want the younger boys to know he'd been kissing, holding and doing other things with Adam. The shipwrecked boy was a complete stranger after all and he wasn't one of them. That was the main thing, the world passed by but the Lost Boys were eternal. From his brief conversations between their 'snogging' and groping' (so many new words) he'd gathered that there was a world outside and apart from Neverland and it was a world he wanted no part of.

With what he'd learned and was going to learn life would become better, there was Redskin for one, Ralph maybe and others... such fun to be had. The next time he visited Wendy's world he wouldn't be collecting any girls with yappy little brothers he'd be going for a young 'street kid' that Adam had spoken about. Maybe one or two a year, he stiffled a laugh as he stepped from his hut to catch up on his boys.

Camp was deserted but he knew where to find them, taking the track to the beach he soon heard the laughter and yelling as his little crew came into view. He soon found what he was looking for, Redskin was squatting by the big tidal pool where he liked to dive and swim and he was alone, he looked up as Peter strolled up and welcomed him with what Peter thought was a strained smile.

'The big boy is well?' Redskin asked.

'Sleeping,' Peter replied briefly. 'A very interesting boy, he has many curious ideas,' Peter faltered, this conversation was going to be difficult especially as Red had been in the water and was clad only in his pouch that barely covered his private pieces, Peter felt his eyes drawn to the tight black pubic hairs that protuded over the top of the tiny garment.

'Yes, he seems quite nice... quite attractive,' Redskin spoke haltingly and Peter realised that the redskinned boy was just as nervous and uncertain as he was. 'How long is he staying?'

'I don't know,' Peter grinned. 'Long enough for you and I to get to know him better.'

'Aah,' Red lay back and looked at the sky. What exactly did that mean?

Peter gulped, as Red lay there his soft penis seemed to bulk at his groin and Peter wondered if it was growing, his was that was for sure but he'd put on his floppy knee length breeches which hid his burgeoning boyhood. Very nervously he reached out and ran one finger along the side of Red's super smooth thigh. Red flinched then sat up and looked around, seeing that the other boys were at the edge of the jungle and some distance away he turned in and gazed at Peter with his dark brown eyes.

'Don't forget, Peter. I'm your best friend. This Adam is just a stranger, another Wendy and boys... a visitor.'

'True,' Peter grinned and shuffled in just a little closer. He was going to risk it, he was going to make his move, he just hoped that Adam knew what he was talking about. He reached out and cupped Red's balls in his hand feeling the warmth and bulk through the soft material of the pouch that covered them. He could see Red's boy dick filling out and suddenly the dark red, almost purple head slipped from it's covering. 'Nice,' Peter whispered and Red moved a little closer. This time it was Peter's turn to look up but the kids had moved further away. 'Very nice,' he freed Red's now rapidly hardening organ from the pouch and held the shaft in his fist. The head was bulging and he could see the smear at it's tip as he slowly moved the loose skin up and down.

'Peter,' Red croaked. 'He's been teaching you things.'

'Yes,' Peter replied. 'It should have been you, I thought you said you were my bestest friend.'

'I am,' Red suddenly moved and his lips were on Peter's and Peter tried to squeal but Red's tongue was in his mouth and he felt the hot lump in his hand get harder and bigger. 'There...' Red moved his head back and smiled.

'Don't take this wrong,' Peter looked at Red and smiled nervously. 'Don't get upset,' he ducked his head and kissed Red on the chest and before the taller boy could moved he placed a couple of butterfly kisses on Red's flat belly with the hint of hard muscles showing through and then licked across Red's slippery glans and took the sweetmeat into his mouth .

'Upset?' Red croaked and smiled lazily as he felt Peter's mouth began to slide up and down his rampant shaft. He'd have to get close and uptight with this Adam, the kid was a damn good instructor. Peter was sucking better than Ralph ever had.

From the edge of the woods Adam wearing only a gaily coloured wraparound observed the pair on the sands. The main bunch of kids were down the beach screaming and yelling but not these two. He smiled as he saw what appeared to be a kiss and then he saw Peter go down. 'I taught him too much,' he muttered and felt his own penis thickening. 'I might have done myself out of a virgin,' he grinned ruefully and turned to return to the hut. What happened next was in the lap of the gods as they say but there was a small boy blocking the path. Well, the boy wasn't all that small, he was probably one of the older ones and he was the boy that Adam had seen with the Redskin earlier in the day.

'Looks like they're making friends at last,' the kid grinned at Adam and his eyes dropped to the tent in Anthony's sarong. 'My name's Ralph.'

To be continued.

This one ran away with me so I shall press on with a Part Two to complete. I have a few Anthony Art Peter and Adam's in a zip. If you would like it send me an EMail. They are 3D Sims and are all 13+. If you wish to visit his site ask for a link and you can perv his 18+ as well.

I'll submit Part Two to Nifty between Christmas and the New Year.

Next: Chapter 2

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