Peters Clueless Seduction

By Johnny Manipulator

Published on Sep 9, 2006


Recap (and apologies for the delay - this might not make much sense if you've not read the previous parts): Peter and his flatmate Nick have been slowly influenced by Nick's psychologist mate Martino and his hypnotism tapes until they are in a constant state of innocence and vulnerability about their sexual needs. When Nick's rugby friends come to visit he finds his straight arse relentlessly fucked, and Peter's intentions of rescuing his flatmate are weakened by the rugby lads' fingers in his arse and mouth. When Peter's brother James comes to rescue him, his plans are scuppered when the hypno tape leads to his own arse being played with.

James kept jabbing his tongue up his brother's arse as he tried to impart his message in morse code. He felt like a proper secret agent, really getting one over on these rugby boys who he'd brilliantly distracted with his own meaty arse. Peter was now pushing himself down onto James's face, which James took as encouragement that his message was getting through, and so redoubled his efforts.

The door to Nick's bedroom suddenly opened. Peter looked over and the two big men, Nick and Steve-o, came out, Steve-o dressed in a pair of boxers, Nick in tight briefs. Steve-o was swaggering and confident as ever, like the cat who'd got the cream. Nick was flushed and walking bow-legged, a little dazed. Peter gave them a cheery hello, his voice breaking a little as his brother's tongue shot up his arse. Steve-o went for a piss and Nick came over to see what was happening on the sofa. He didn't recognise Peter's brother James at first, what with his face being covered by his brother's muscular bottom. But when he realised who it was, he shook James's hand and began chatting away to him. James was unable to reply, stifled as he was by his brother's bum. At the other end of the sofa the two rugby lads, Thomas and Henry, were having a great time slipping their fingers in and out of James's helpless butt.

Peter was curious what Nick and Steve-o had been up to all this time and why Nick had been walking funny. Nick patiently explained that Steve-o had been carrying out a thorough exploration of his bottom, like blokes do, and these things take time. And he denied he was walking funny. Steve-o returned from a massive piss and sat on the armchair watching the action on the sofa like it was a tv programme for his entertainment. James was flat on his back, legs in the air, the two rugger lads inserting naughty fingers and giggling, Peter sitting on James's face and holding his brothers legs in the air. Steve-o needed filling in on who James was, and when he realised he was Peter's brother he seemed to find that very interesting, especially given their relative positions. Peter couldn't understand what all the fuss was about.

Nick was standing about striking very masculine poses, chatting to his flatmate. Steve-o patted his knee and invited the big muscular man to sit on his lap. Nick looked extremely embarrassed and uncomfortable at this suggestion, but the rugger lads told him it was perfectly normal. Eventually he was convinced there was nothing other than extreme manliness from sitting on Steve-o's knee. He tried to balance on his knee, but in seconds he was sat right on Steve-o's lap, muscular arse settled firmly on Steve-o's crotch. Nick moaned, as if his bottom was sore. Steve-o reached out to make sure the big man didn't slip off his lap, latching onto Nick's now rather red-looking and erect nipples. Nick squirmed a little, but that only brought the big man down firmer into Steve-o's welcoming lap. Steve-o kept hold of those big nipples just to keep the big rugger player safe on his lap.

James suspected his brilliant plan wasn't working. As much as he darted his tongue up his brother's tight shaved hole and felt those arselips pressed against his own mouth it seemed that his brother wasn't springing into action from this morse code message. Furthermore, although he was glad he'd distracted the rugger guys with his meaty bottom he wasn't sure they would remain fooled for long. He needed to think of a better way to distract them. He wriggled out from beneath his brother's muscular butt, face red and flushed and sticky with saliva. He said hello to his brother's big flatmate Nick, who looked equally red faced as he sat on the lap of one of the rugby boys. Peter stood up and wandered off to the kitchen to make coffee, a slightly dazed look in his eye and a cooling wetness between his arse cheeks. James shook the free hands of Thomas and Henry, whose other hands were occupied between his thighs playing with his tight hole. He struck up a friendly banter with them as they pushed his legs above his head and inserted fingers into his manly bum. His plan was to distract one of them and split them up so that he would stand a better chance of rescuing his brother. James began to compliment Thomas on the skill he was showing exploring his arse. Thomas was clearly pleased, though Henry looked a little put out as Thomas began showing off, twisting his fingers inside James until Henry had to pull out altogether to allow his rugby mate full access.

James suggested he and Thomas go and explore as Steve-o and Nick had. He was surprised how quickly Thomas pulled him to his feet and pushed him onto Peter's bed before slamming the door shut. James's brilliant plan was working! Henry looked crestfallen and sat on the sofa. James almost immediately could be heard saying no to Thomas repeatedly and in an ever more insistent tone of voice. Peter returned with the coffee and the four big men drank it as they listened to James protesting, struggling and yelping. Steve-o kept whispering in Nick's ear, and Nick kept squirming. Peter was glad to see that Steve-o was thinking safety first and was holding Nick firmly by the chest so he didn't fall off his lap. Nick was looking more and more hot and bothered as they could hear James call out and yell, seemingly in a rhythm. Peter was worried that his brother was having something bad happen to him, but the other men calmed him down, made sure he realised that James had asked for it and was getting what he wanted and needed. Peter was still worried. His brother was grunting and swearing. Surely that wasn't right? But his friends told him that these were manly noises and James was just proving what sort of man he was to Thomas. This pleased Peter. James was a big man and he was glad these men were taking him so seriously.

Henry and Peter watched Nick squirming on Steve-o's lap, with Steve-o's big hands slowly manipulating Nick's large nipples in time with the yelps and grunts from the other room. Henry suggested to Peter that he should do some relaxation exercises as he was so tense listening to his brother's cries and pants. Peter agreed, and Henry suggested Peter should do a hand stand on the sofa. Peter grinned and showed them what he could do. He rested his head on the cushions and hauled his body up so it was above his head, arms holding himself steady. The three rugby players applauded his show of strength and flexibility. Henry said he'd teach Peter some new variations. As Peter stood there, on his head on the sofa, grinning at Nick and Steve-o, Henry grabbed Peter's legs and began to bring them down in front of him towards his face. Peter gasped as he was handled by Henry, and was surprised when he saw his knees come to rest on the sofa cushions by his own upside-down head. He was almost curled up in a ball like this. Henry said he thought Peter's cock and balls would be crushed between his legs like this, and before he could protest whipped Peter's jockstrap off, leaving the big innocent lunk naked and staring up at his own flaccid penis, inches from his face. Henry grabbed the flaccid cock between his thumb and forefinger and began bobbing it about, doing a voice as if it was talking to Peter, backchatting him. Everyone laughed. Peter thought it was hilarious having his cock telling him off like that, and Henry's fingers were very clever at manipulating it. His cock kept going on about how small he was, which was funny but also made Peter blush. The three big rugby players were laughing and laughing about his silly little dick, and Peter found himself laughing along with them, embarrassed but glad he could make his mates laugh.

What was strange was that the more embarrassed he got, the more he felt his dick twitch. He was extremely worried that the men would notice his cock was twitching and wanted Henry to stop his puppet show, but he carried on, his growing cock still chatting to Peter's blushing face. Everyone had noticed it was growing, and Henry kept making more and more jokes about it, until the other rugby players were howling with laughter at Peter's dick. There was nothing Peter could do to stop it, the bloody thing was getting big and hard. He'd never really studied his cock that hard before, not this close up, and had never appreciated just how big it was when hard. As it grew it seemed to him that he owned a monster he'd never even noticed. It might not have been as massive at Nick's too big cock, but it was certainly bigger than he remembered it. And then something ever more humiliating happened. As Henry fiddled with it and it waggled around in the air just above Peter's face, a thick drop of clear liquid oozed out of the tip of his cock and hung there. Everyone was transfixed. He was sure Henry would stop now, but instead he seemed to be finding this new game fascinating, and started to go on about how Peter's little cock was crying because he wasn't a real big boy like his friends. Peter wanted to wriggle away now, but Henry was so funny and clever that he couldn't help stay there and be embarrassed even more by this humiliating puppet show. As his cock shook with violent sobs thanks to Henry the drop of precum began to ooze down in a long thick string from the tip towards Peter's red face. In an effort to hide the evidence he opened his mouth and the string slipped straight in and onto his tongue.

Annoyingly at this point his cock surged and lengthened, and the laughter from the rugby players had abated. It was almost as if they were waiting for something, thought Peter, as his stiffening cock crept nearer his lips. He couldn't think what. A thicker glob of precum oozed out and slid towards his lips, Peter almost cross-eyed now it was so close. Henry had stopped playing with it, and it grew and hung right by Peter's mouth with no encouragement. Peter asked if he was doing the exercise right, and Henry said almost, and gently placed a big rough hand on his smooth muscular upturned arse. The gentle pressure brought Peter's hardon down to bump his lips. Peter closed his lips and the precum oozed over them. Henry taught Peter a quick chant that the New Zealand rugby players did before every match, and Peter joined in. As he chanted the precum began to slip between his lips again, and then so too did the head of his cock. Peter stopped chanting but Henry slapped his arse so he carried on, and the slap and the chanting brought about an inch of the thick cock into his mouth. He was finding it really hard to chant with the cock lodged there, but Henry encouraged him to continue. He kept it up and his lips and tongue kept closing and slipping round the hard and swollen head of his cock. This only seemed to make matters worse, as the head of his cock was oozing even more now, and it was pumping straight into his open mouth. He looked up past the length of his cock and his spread legs and arse, and saw Henry's smiling face and eagerly staring eyes. Henry told him he was doing very well, but that his cock shouldn't have slipped so far into his mouth. To Peter's relief, Henry gently pulled his hips back with a finger in his hole like he was pulling a ringpull. The cock popped from his mouth and hung there just above his lips, drooling.

Henry apologised as it had pulled too far out, and let go of his arse. Peter's cock immediately plugged straight back between Peter's questioning lips. Peter's eyes watered, this was a strange position to be in and his precum tasted strong. Henry apologised again and slipped a finger into Peter's arse and eased his hips back. Once again his cock pulled out from his mouth. The rugby players all cheered Peter and told him he was doing very well. Peter smiled innocently up at them all, as they crowded around to see. Henry patted his arse in a friendly way, but that bounced Peter's cock back into his open mouth again, deeper this time. The guys all murmured in admiration. Henry thought too much had gone in and pulled him back again, and the process was repeated again and again, his cock plunged into his mouth, lips and tongue trying to speak with his mouth full and instead stimulating the big head of his cock, and then his hips were pulled back and it would pop out again, before plunging back in again. Peter wasn't sure when it happened, but as a mark of respect Steve-o and Nick had stripped off their undies and were resting their massive thick stiff cocks on his face as his own cock slipped in and out of his mouth. Soon his face was covered in precum, three different sorts continuously oozing over his face as he stared up at the smiling rugby players.

From the other room Peter's brother James was calling Peter's name, sobbing it sounded like, his sobs and calling interrupted with regular moans and the slap of sweaty flesh. Peter was in no state to go to his brother's assistance though, with his body doubled on itself, his hard cock plugged in his mouth and two massive hardons drooling precum all over his face. Peter felt so respected by these guys, it was so great they were all teaching him such a cool new exercise. Of course, whenever he went to speak and tell them, his tongue and lips simply licked and sucked the end of his cock, but he though they understood. Then he felt something else, something big and hard rubbing along the crack of his upturned spread arse. As he looked up and smiled at Henry, he saw Henry's face momentarily hidden. A big blunt shape was poking out in the gully between his cheeks, something fat was sliding snakelike between his buttocks and blocking his view of Henry. It looked like a cock, Peter realised. Henry was gently rubbing his hard member against his hole and along the exposed valley. Bizarre, thought Peter, as he took his own cock back into his mouth and smelled the strong manly scent of the thick cocks rubbing over his face. What was Henry doing with his cock on his spread, exposed and shaved arse? If only he could ask him, without licking his own cock. From the other room James was yelling out, sounding like a broken man. Peter smiled up at Henry, that beautiful innocent grin plugged with a thick cock. These were good friends. He was lucky.

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Next: Chapter 5

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