
By Roy Reinikainen

Published on Apr 2, 2005


This story was originally posted in February 2005 in the College section on Nifty. This new version "fleshes-out" many of the characters and seeks to address items I felt were lacking in the original. The essence of the story remains the same.

This story contains portrayals of homosexual actions and lifestyles. There may be references to, or explicit descriptions of, sex between consenting adults.

If homosexuality, sexually explicit language, or swearing offends you, or if reading material that contains these topics violates any law or personal or religious beliefs, you must exit now without proceeding further.

If you are under 18 years of age, you may not read this story because it is against the law.

This story is entirely fictional, and any resemblances to actual persons are completely coincidental.


Phalen, Chapter Two

I have no idea how long we lay in each other's arms, though the moonlight had now drifted over us. Neither of us felt a need to speak. All of our emotions were conveyed with moans, sighs or the occasional brief chuckle.

From time to time, Phalen would move slowly from laying at my side, to covering me with his entire body, then back to my side, moaning as he worked his way over me, while I rubbed his back and we kissed. At one point he looked at me giving me a shy smile. I grinned, and tried to pull him closer as he snuggled his face against my neck, his breath teasing my ear.

"You know, my dad warned me about dirty old men like you," he said in a husky voice, showing his emotions. "He didn't tell me though that I'd, wanna spend lots and lots of time with the guy, or that I would love the taste of pizza on his tongue, and the taste of our mixed-up jiz on his stomach."

Raising himself up on his elbows, again looking into my eyes, he ran his fingers slowly through my hair. "Nope, dad never warned me that the twinkle in this guy's green eyes could make me laugh, and at another time those same eyes could make me ache because I wanted so much for him to hold me."

"He never told me that I could, like come to love this guy if given half a chance," he said as he returned to nuzzling my ear."

"Did your father ever tell you that you're a hopeless romantic?" I said gently? "I'd bet that he also didn't tell you that some dirty old men are romantics too, did he sexy boy?"

In an instant he was back on his elbows, face close to mine. "You are?" he said with some of his former exuberance. "I was afraid that you'd think I was being too mushy or something if I told you what I'm feeling," he continued, rubbing a finger along my jaw then across my lips.

"Phalen, I have to tell you in all seriousness that meeting you has got to be the very best thing that has ever, I mean ever happened to me. --- For years, I have known that something was missing from my life. I thought it might sex," I chuckled as he pecked my nose. "But it was more than that. What was missing from my life was you, your gentleness, and your humor. Sex is only a small part of what I'm liking. There's so much more to you." I said as I started to choke up.

"Likewise --- for sure," he grinned, speaking like a kid again. "Does that mean that I haven't run you off by being mushy?"

I shook my head.

"And --- for telling you that you had pepperonis and pizza sauce on your shorts, when you really didn't, just so I could get you naked?" He giggled squirming to get away from me.

"You what?" I shouted. "I thought you had more experience than you claimed! And there I was scared stiff that I would do something wrong. --- I thought you were a virgin!"

"Scared stuff! I get it. That was a joke, huh?" he said.

"Jeff," he said, looking me in the eyes seriously. "I really hate to tell you this, but we are both still virgins! Shooting a load and making out does not mean we qualify as 'men of the world,' he said in a make-believe deep voice.

"We still have lots of stuff to try out. I'd like to learn those things --- with you, if that's, okay," he said becoming serious again.

"Way cool," I said imitating him."

"Hey, are you making fun of me?" he asked, reacting to my imitation. "I can speak as well as you --- dude," he said with a grin.

"I know you can, and I'm not making fun of you. I think the way you speak is cute --- just like you."

"Hello --- anyone home?"

We both sat up as Larry called from the front door.

"Oh shit," I muttered. Phalen just put his hand on my arm and squeezed.

"Easy Jeff. Here, cover yourself up," he said handing me a pillow.

"We're in here dad," Phalen shouted. I wanted to sink into the floor. I hadn't even moved in yet and my neighbor discovers me having sex with his son.

"Whoa guys," said Larry as he stood looking down at us. I was wondering what my body language was saying to Larry. If I hadn't known better, I would have thought that Phalen went through something like this daily. He was so calm, sitting on the floor obviously naked, with a pillow in his lap, looking up at his father. I didn't know what to expect.

"Hi dad. Hope you're okay with what you see and aren't going to freak."

"Jeff, Phalen, do you mind if I sit down? Do you still have any of that beer that I sent over?"

"Sure dad, out by the pool. Help yourself."

Larry stood still for a few moments then walked out and came back in with a couple beers. He had already opened one. "He's trying to figure out what to say to us," I thought. He sat on the floor facing us and took another long drink from the can.

"What happened to the pizza?"

"We were wrestling, and I pinned Jeff on top of it," said Phalen. "We'd finished most of it before that happened though."

"And the pepperoni floating on the pool?" he continued.

"That got there when Jeff pushed me in, then jumped in after me. Jeff's a pretty good wrestler."

"Busy night," Larry continued to stall.

"Well dad, say something. Don't keep us in suspense."

"First of all, Jeff sit up straight. Things are okay. You can look at me. This is taking a moment to sink in, that's all. One thing for certain, you guys know how to surprise a guy. You always did have the knack Phalen. Now that you've got a side kick, I don't know that I'll survive."

I started to say something, but Larry held up his hand, stopping me.

"Don't say anything yet Jeff. You either Phalen. I need to talk." He took another drink from the can and sat for a moment longer looking down collecting his thoughts.

"I don't want either of you to apologize to me," he said looking up. "First, because there's nothing to apologize for, and secondly because you are both adults capable of making your own decisions.

"I need to know one thing though. Are you guys playing safely?"

We both nodded.

"Good, because if you weren't then I would be upset.

"Phalen, may I ask if you've been sexually active for long?"

"No, Jeff is the first."

"Jeff, what about you?"

"Same here. I hate to say it but it's true, twenty-one and still a virgin." Larry didn't need to know about my sordid past.

"I believe you. Jeff I told you it's okay to look at me. You guys have to learn that you are not second-class citizens. Look people in the eye. You have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of or to be sorry about."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Here was a straight man telling us to stand tall. I kept thinking something was backward here.

"So, Larry, you're okay with this?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm okay. I'm a little surprised, but I know Phalen and he's not going to do anything that he doesn't want to. Jeff you don't know it, but Phalen is one of the most responsible and observant people I know. I trust his judgment. I know that he thinks things through before taking any action. You may not be aware of it, but I'm sure he thought things out this evening before doing anything.

"Before my son begins to think he can do wrong though, you should also know that he is headstrong, opinionated, loud at times, and a bitch to be around in the morning. My advice is to watch out or he'll roll right over you.

"What are you smiling at Phalen?"

"I already did."

I looked up in surprise and punched his shoulder.

"I don't need to know the details," said Larry. "But I'm not surprised. Jeff, you never had a chance!

"I'm proud of you guys, you know? Whether you think so at the moment, or not, you stood up to me. You stood up by not making excuses, blaming each other or yourselves, or apologizing for your actions. Don't think I'm a push over. I'm not.

"Because of your sexual orientation, some people can try to make things difficult for you. I'm sure you're already aware of that. I'm glad that your first experiences have been pleasant ones. It'll make you better able to cope with the bad ones that might arise."

I felt as if I had been hit broadside. Larry had no way of knowing that he had just said the worst possible thing, referring to my "first experience." I had been able to overcome those experiences tonight, yet now my past had reared up and slapped me in the face.

The color must have drained from my face because Larry said, "Jeff, you're white, are you okay? You don't have anything to fear from me," you know."

"Um --- yes Larry. I'm okay. You just made me think of something, that's all."

Phalen had looked over at me while I was speaking, and then put his arm around my shoulder. I reached up and gave his hand a squeeze acknowledging his support.

"If either of you need to talk in the future, together or alone, I'm always available to listen. If things come up, I want you to talk about them --- to me, or each other, or someone else. Just talk. Don't let things fester, understand?

Now Phalen, get up and give me a hug."

Phalen pushed the pillow aside and jumped up wrapping Larry in a bear hug. "You are absolutely the best, dad," he said squeezing Larry tightly.

"Jeff, would you feel comfortable giving me a hug as well? I mean you're a nudist so being naked shouldn't bother you," He smiled. Come on, I don't bite."

"I do," said Phalen quietly.

"Phalen," Larry said. "Not now!"

I got up and approached Larry. He extended his hand and gave me a firm handshake then drew me into a tight hug.

"Thank you Larry," I said.

The minute Larry let go of me Phalen said, "I didn't know you are a nudist!"

Larry and I both shook our heads.

"Okay, you guys can sit down now if you wish. We have one more thing to talk about.

"Phalen, how do you propose you tell your mother that you're gay? Have you thought about it?"

"No dad, I haven't. When I came over here this afternoon, I never expected to be having this talk with you. What do you think? I want her to know. I've been unhappy because I knew I was gay but didn't think there was any reason to talk to you and mom because I hadn't acted on my feelings. Now that I have, if I don't tell her, I'd be living some sort of lie. I don't want to do that."

"Good boy. That was well said."

I put my hand on Phalen's arm and squeezed. I agreed with Larry.

"I would suggest that you do it in stages. Let her meet and get to know Jeff or the person you intend to spend some time with. Once she's comfortable, proceed from there. But, by all means, don't let her walk in on you guys like I did. She would go ballistic. I'm not saying to wait for an extended period, just don't spring it on her.

"It's going to take her some time to come to terms with this new reality, but she'll handle it. Is it a deal?"

"Deal dad, and like I said you're the best. I'm lucky."

"We both are Phalen. -- So are you Jeff."

I just nodded. I didn't quite believe what I had just witnessed. I mean, here I am -- naked -- giving my new next-door neighbor a hug as his son's cum is drying on my stomach, and he's okay with it! Phalen's mother wasn't the only one that was going to have to cope with a new reality.

"Now, one last thing and I'll leave. Phalen, I called your cell, but it must be turned off. That's why I came over. Your mother and I are leaving for a few days. You'll be in charge while we're gone. Cool?"

"Cool dad. Be safe."

"And Jeff, you really should close your front door. You never know who might walk in," Larry said. I nodded still dumb struck. I didn't think I would leave the door to both the courtyard and the house open. Very strange.

"Thanks Larry -- for the stuff you sent over earlier, and -- everything else too. You're a great guy."

"Thank you Jeff. Now, I'm outta here. See you guys when we get back. Don't get up. I'll close the door.

After the courtyard door closed we sat in silence for a moment, then I had to ask, "Phalen, what just happened?"

"Were you asleep? We just came out! Pretty good feeling, huh?

"Are you sure you're only 18? You handled things wonderfully."

"No, not really. I just know dad. He's cool. Mom, I'm not so sure about. She's so serious and unbending. CPA's can be like that, I'm told. She thinks that there are rules and we all should know exactly how to fill in the blanks. The rules don't change. Those ideas make it difficult for her to adapt.

"Jeff, am invited to stay with you tonight? I've been acting like you've already asked me."

"You bet you can stay. I'd probably block the door or something if you wanted to leave. Besides you're going to help me move, remember?"

"Oh yeah. I forgot. I was kinda hoping we could lie out by the pool and fool around all day. Say, when do you expect to have a bed in this place? I'm not complaining, the air mattress is better than the floor, I guess. With all the bouncing around you did though, I thought the mattress might spring a leak!"

"I wasn't doing any bouncing. I was on my back!"

"That's another thing. Do you know yet if that is your preferred position?" Phalen said raising his eyebrows, mimicking me.

"How should I know? You've never given me a chance to be on top! Phalen, you're crazy, you know that?

"Did you really have everything figured out tonight? Your father seems to think I didn't have a chance. What do you think?"

"Jeff, of course you had a chance, and a choice both. When I shook your hand as dad introduced us, I knew immediately that I had to know you better. I can't explain it, but I wanted to hold you and comfort you for some reason. You were trying to get me to relax, but it was you that was on edge. --- You still are, in fact. I was attracted to you because you seemed so vulnerable, but also because you're super sexy. If I was a girl I'd be screaming, 'fuck me silly big boy. I want to have your babies!'

"That's supposed to be a joke Jeff. You have my permission to laugh. You don't have to look so serious."

"Phalen, be serious. Are you okay with what just happened with your father? I can't believe that it hasn't had some effect on you."

"Of course it had an effect. I didn't know that dad thought that I'm opinionated. --- Okay, Okay, you're right," he said. "I just joke around sometimes. I can't help myself. What about you? How do you feel?

"Truthfully, I'm amazed," I said. "I don't think my dad would have behaved that way. I think both of us are lucky. We saw a man dealing with strong emotions tonight. He didn't let them get the best of him."

"He's trained to do that Jeff. Lawyers have to deal with emotions all day. He handled things well in front of us, now he'll go home and come to grips with things. He'll be fine."

"Phalen," I said after yawning. "I hate to say it, but I'm about ready to pass out, I'm so tired. Could we cuddle some then go to sleep? I can't handle any more momentous events tonight."

"You got it Jeff, but only if I get to kiss you again." Phalen turned out the lights, and laid down next to me. "You know Jeff, I've only known you for a few hours and I already think you're pretty special."

"Likewise sexy man," I said. "You'd better hurry up and kiss me because I'm almost ready to pass out. This has been a pretty full day, you know?"

"For me too, big man. Have I told you in the last few minutes how sexy you are?" he mumbled as he nuzzled my neck then gave me a long gentle kiss.

"Night Jeff, pleasant dreams," he said as he snuggled close to me.

"Mina rakastan sinua, Phalen" I whispered, as he moved to spoon against my back, his fingers idly toying with the hair on my chest.

"If you want me to move just say so," he murmured against my neck. "What's it mean?"

"Just something. I'll tell you later. It's been a big day, and I'm exhausted from the workouts you've been putting me through."

"Ummmm --- my kind of workouts," he said, trying to snuggle closer. When his breathing slowed and his hand stopped moving on my chest, I knew he had fallen asleep.

Even though I was exhausted, sleep wouldn't come for me though. "I can't be feeling like this," I thought. --- "I've just met the man! And he's three years younger than I. --- What's going to happen when he wants to fuck, and I freeze up? --- I should be going slower. --- What have I gotten myself into?" My rapid-fire thoughts were going to keep me awake, I was sure of it.

I listened to Phalen's steady breathing and watched the moonlight move further up the wall. It was so late even the sound of the crickets had faded.

I had to admit that I loved being held by him. I realized tonight that no one had ever really held me. --- I had lived my entire life without being held! Then along comes Phalen, a man generous with his affection, and made me realize what I've been missing. It seemed that he would reach out to touch me at the slightest provocation. "Like now," I thought. "He's deeply asleep and he's still holding me. --- I can't give that up. Now that I know what I've been missing, I can't go back."

I couldn't believe Larry's reaction to seeing us sitting naked, obviously just having had sex. I wondered what my father would have done in a similar situation. It was impossible for me to even guess.

It's not fair to Phalen to burden him with my troubled past. He deserves better than that. --- I should tell him about me so it wouldn't hurt so much if he moved on to someone who doesn't have so much emotional baggage. But, how can I tell him about it? I can barely think about it myself.

I don't know what to do. He's so nice. I feel so good when he's holding me.

Phalen must have sensed my unease because as he shifted position he kissed my neck and mumbled, "Go to sleep lover." When he began his regular breathing again, I wondered, "Is that what I am? His lover?" I laid there watching him as the moonlight climbed higher on the wall. For the first time tonight his expressive face was relaxed. "A beautiful face I thought, with his gorgeous blue eyes and wide smile that makes my knees weak." Even now, while asleep, his lips were slightly turned up as if he were amused. --- "That's a smile that will light up the proverbial room," I thought, "and he's been smiling at me! --- ME, Jeff the social misfit. How could I be so lucky?" I thought, suddenly feeling much better. "I can handle this. Phalen will be here to hold me if things get tough. Or, I will hold him when he needs it --- or maybe just for the fun of it." I grinned as I leaned over and gave him a soft kiss, drawing another smile.

"Things will be okay," I thought as I closed my eyes and laid my arm over his chest.

"Jeff! What kind of place is this? There's no freeking coffee!" Phalen yelled from the kitchen. "I can't do anything in the morning without coffee first," he continued. "And, I don't want to hear any smart cracks from you! --- You always this cheerful in the morning?" he said as he blinked, not yet really awake.

"Yep, a morning person here. I take it you're not?" I teased, trying to give him a good morning kiss while he squirmed around trying to avoid me. I finally managed to give him a small peck somewhere near his right cheek, just before he eluded my grasp. He absently wiped at his cheek as he stared around the living room.

"I see we're going to need a coffee maker ASAP. Is it really as bad as you're letting on?

He nodded, as he wiped his eyes with the back of his hands, looking up at me with sleep-spiked hair. I gave him a tentative smile. In return, he stuck out his tongue and comically crossed his eyes.

"Every morning this bad?"

"Um huh," he grumbled. "So if I'm going to be over here in the morning very often, you've just gotta get used to it! Just like I have to get used to your puny attempts at whistling. You can't whistle! And don't try singing. I'm told that you can't do that worth shit either."

"Who told you that?"

"You did, right before you started telling me about all of the other things that you can do with your lips. If you've never had sex before, how do you know what your lips are capable of? And don't try telling me you play the trumpet! Just don't try singing. --- Please."

"Go jump in the shower. It'll make you feel better."

He shook his head, continuing to rub his eyes and scratch his crotch. "No soap, remember? --- There's nothing in this place! I shoulda waited until you had finished moving before I came over," he grumbled to himself. "And don't suggest I jump in your pool. I bet pepperonis are still floating around out there --- and sauce. Yuck!"

"Well, do whatever you want." I slapped him on the butt as he passed me, wandering around trying to find his clothes. He finally located his wet shorts just where we had left them last night. Grumbling to himself all the time, he tugged them on and started to walk past me to the front door. "I'm going next door. Dad and mom have probably left by now, so I'll can get some clothes for both of us and some coffee. I'm sure something I've got will fit you. How much bigger are you than me, anyway?"

"About an inch," I grinned as I held my fingers apart to show him how much.

"Morning people! I hate 'em!" he groused as he stalked out the front door. "Anything else we need? Tell me now!" he yelled from the courtyard.

"Cups." I answered quickly. "For the coffee --- remember?" While he was gone I wandered from room to room, touching things that had only been lines on paper a few months before. "This was mine!" I thought, wondering if Phalen would like to share my good fortune.

"Time enough to think about that later. Delivery people will probably start showing up soon so I'd better stop hanging around and get busy," I thought.

A few minutes later I heard the courtyard door slam and he came trudging back through the front door carrying a coffee maker, its cord trailing on the ground, coffee cups hanging from two fingers, some clothes and who knows what else in his other hand. I couldn't help it. I started to laugh as he came inside.

"Wha . . .," he began as he looked up. "Don't just stand there. Gimmie a hand with this junk," he said, still cranky. "I've got some clothes here. Get out of those; he said pointing to the damp ones I had on. There's a pair of shorts somewhere here for you. They're dad's, so I think they'll fit. He's bigger than me too," he said as I quickly shed my shorts and stood waiting for him to find the things he was looking for.

"Here, cover yourself up," he said as he dropped the shorts at my feet, walking into the kitchen. I could hear him grumbling to himself. "This place better have some fucking water or I'm going home." A couple minutes later I caught the first smell of coffee in my new house! Damn, I was happy! Gone were the worries of last night. It felt like I was beginning a new and wonderful life. Even grumpy Phalen was cute as he struggled to get his wet shorts off. Nothing seemed to be coordinated for him this morning. I stood there grinning as he searched for something in the clothes he brought over.

He tossed me another piece of clothing. "Here's one of dad's t-shirts. It'll have to do until we can get some of your clothes. --- What are you grinning at?" he said as he pulled on a t-shirt of his own and bent over looking for the shorts.

"I'm just really really happy," I said. "And of course, I think your naked butt is pretty sexy. You shouldn't turn your back on me dressed like that though. You never know what I might do," I said as I leered at him and wiggled my eyebrows.

"Well you can't have it, he said standing up and turning around to face me --- at least not now. I need some coffee," he said as he pulled on a pair of shorts. "There, that's better," he said as he looked up and smiled at me. "Sorry to be such a pain, but I really hate mornings," he grumbled, trying to sound civil.

"What are you snickering at?" he said as he saw me smiling.

"You've got your t-shirt on inside out."

"Morning people!" He groaned as I watched him strip off his shirt. "Hey, make yourself useful. Get us some coffee. I don't know how you like it, but today you're taking it black! I wasn't lugging a carton of milk and the sugar bowl over here too."

"Great! That's the way I like it," I said as I handed him a cup of what appeared to be very strong coffee. --- Wow, it was very strong. "Surely he didn't drink coffee this potent every morning," I thought.

"Phalen, just curious," I asked. "Have you ever made coffee before?"

"No, why?"

"Just taste it, you'll see," I said, handing him a cup. Warily, he took a sip of the drink. "What's wrong with it?" he asked, trying to not make a face. "It's just like I like it." Having gotten his t-shirt back on, right side out this time, he went into the kitchen. I could hear water running as he diluted his drink.

"Something's always ringing," I thought. This time it was my cell. Phalen had answered the call and had spoken to the caller for a couple minutes while I was handling another delivery. He handed me the phone, saying it was Thian calling. While I spoke with Thian, Phalen became the traffic cop. The place was a shambles with furniture wrapped in plastic and big boxes scattered wherever the delivery guys could find a place to put them.

As a result, we now had nothing but a few paths that allowed us to move around.

Thian was calling to offer his and Kerin's help for the afternoon. I gave them directions to the house and went back to work. I told Phalen, as he escorted another delivery person out, that we were soon going to have some help.

"Great, we could use some more hands to begin shifting this stuff around. Say, what store did you buy out? This place is beginning to look like a furniture warehouse. Any idea how much more is coming?"

I just shook my head. I had purchased everything a couple months ago and it was beginning to seem that I might have bought too much.

Phalen was right. Everything had begun arriving at the same time. Sometimes the delivery trucks seemed to be lined up, waiting to unload their contents.

I was more glad than ever that Phalen was helping me sort through everything. I would never have been able to do it by myself. The only trouble was that we spent as much time in each other's arms as we did working.

"If you don't need me for a bit I'm going to run out and get something to eat and drink. Now that the frig is here we can put something in it," he said carrying all the packing material he had just stripped off of the refrigerator.

"Sounds good, but don't think I don't need you. After last night you should know better."

"Likewise, for sure," he said giving me a brief kiss and dodging another delivery guy who turned to stare at us. I told the guy where to leave the box he was carrying, and signed the delivery receipt. The guy seemed only too happy to be leaving.

While Phalen was gone, Thian and his brother Kerin showed up and began trying to move boxes to the correct rooms. It was a logjam though. The place was so full we could barely move.

Kerin was a carbon copy of his brother. It was eerie facing two identical looking people. If they stood still I could see no way to tell them apart. Thankfully for me, Kerin seemed to always be talking.

I imagine they were accustomed to people staring at them. They were exactly what one would expect of a gymnast, beautiful bodies of course, but in addition to that they both exuded an air of confidence in the way they moved.

Their eyes transfixed me. I had never seen the light brown eyes that these guys had. They seemed to look right through a person, and when combined with their blond hair and ready easy-going smile, they were spectacular.

"Hey, nice to meet you Jeff, It's great to finally meet the guy Thian's been talking about so much. We're making it easy for you to identify us today. Thian's the guy with the tight shorts, and I'm the one with the red t-shirt.

"You both are wearing tight shorts."

"Yeah, but I'm the one with the red T. Thian will probably take his shirt off in a few minutes. He likes to show off," he said in a stage whisper.

"C'mon K, don't start up already. Tell us what you want us to do Jeff?" his brother said apparently already exasperated.

Kerin continued talking as he and Thian picked up a couple boxes and moved them into the bedroom. "You know you're a show-off, Thian. I bet the mirror at home is tired of seeing you! Ow, that hurt!"

I just smiled and shook my head. For the first time today there were no delivery people around. It was quiet except for Kerin talking in the bedroom.

"Jeff, I'm home!" Phalen called, carrying a couple bags of groceries. "This place still looks like a warehouse. I think you bought too much. Have the guys showed up yet?"

Thian and Kerin came back from the bedroom as Phalen was giving me a kiss. "Oh, hi, I didn't know anyone else was here," he said turning and giving them a smile. The twins stood staring at us. I wasn't sure if they were shocked at seeing me kiss another guy or what.

"Phalen, these are the two guys I told you were coming over to help out," I said, wondering what the expression on Thian's face meant. After giving a quick look at his brother, Kerin was once again smiling. "Thian is the person in blue and Kerin is wearing red," I continued. "They dressed differently to help us tell them apart.

"Guys, this is Phalen, my next door neighbor. Phalen sat the groceries down and shook hands with both of the twins. I could see that Kerin was instantly smitten. Thian seemed to move on autopilot. He shook Phalen's hand but was looking at me as he did so.

"It's nice to meet you Phalen," Kerin said, "Does everyone get a kiss like Jeff?"

"No, just Jeff," Phalen laughed. "Would you guys like something to drink? Since we now have a frig, so we don't have to settle for warm drinks. If you guys are hungry I've got some stuff for sandwiches too."

Kerin followed Phalen into the kitchen to help him unload the groceries and get a couple drinks.

Thian and I were left in a room full of plastic-wrapped furniture, looking at each other. Something was going through his mind, but I had no idea what it might be. "I didn't know you're gay Jeff," said Thian as he absently toyed with something he had picked up.

In the silence before Thian began to speak I realized that I no longer heard the guys laughing in the kitchen.

"It's pretty recent news to me too," I said. "I mean, I knew that I was gay, it's just I had never done anything with anyone. Does my being gay have a bearing on us being friends?"

"No, none. Kerin and I are both into guys too. --- After I met you the other day, I hoped that you might be gay but I didn't know how to ask. --- You've never had sex with a guy before?"

"Not until last night, no," I said finding that I was still embarrassed by the fact.

"What's your relationship with Phalen? Are you guys lovers?"

"No, we're not lovers. We don't really have a relationship as such, yet. Actually we just met yesterday afternoon. His father introduced us. Phalen's helping me take care of things while we're both on Spring Break."

"What's the problem Thian? Something's going on. If my being gay doesn't freak you, what's going through your mind? It's okay if you look at me. If I can help you, I will.

"Nothing's wrong Jeff. I'm just an ass is all."

"What? What are you talking about?


"Thian, talk to me. All of a sudden you've become a different person. Did I do something? You told me you were intense, but this is something else. What's going on?"

I grabbed Thian's arm as he started to walk past me. "Thian, let me know what I've done."

"Jeff, let go of my arm."

"No. Not until you tell me what's wrong. --- Thian, stop looking at the floor and look at me."

"Damn it Jeff, like I said, I'm an ass. That's the only thing wrong."

"That's crazy. Why do you think you're an ass? You're a great guy. You've always been brimming with confidence, why the change?"

"Because, --- I was hoping --- you and I . . .," he finished looking down at the floor again.

"Oh, Thian --- I'm sorry. I don't know what to say, other than you are definitely not an ass. I've got to tell you that after I met you at lunch a couple weeks ago you became my jack-off fantasy. You still are a fantasy, you know. I couldn't get you off my mind. In fact, every time I would see you I would get stiff imagining what it would be like to be with you. --- If one of us had said something before, we might not be having this conversation. I don't know. But now . . . "

"Do you guys have a commitment?"

"No, not really. Thian, we've known each other less than twenty-four hours. I think we both have an expectation though. Thian, don't ask me to do something that would hurt Phalen. I want to be your friend --- a good friend, I hope. But if I can help it, I won't hurt him. He's become really important to me, very quickly. In fact, I think he's probably more important to me than I even realize. Things have been happening so fast, with the move and all, that I haven't been able to sort through all of my emotions."

"All this happened since yesterday, your feelings and everything?"

"Thian, when I shook Phalen's hand, they happened instantly. It sounds stupid, or like something one reads in a cheap novel, but there it is. --- Are we still going to be friends? I hope so."

"What if he didn't care?"

"Thian, I'm not going to ask him if he would care. It's me that would care. That's all that matters. Please don't keep this up. I won't be unfaithful to Phalen. If he and I decide that it would be better to not to have a sexual relationship, then I would welcome your attention. Hell, I'd probably jump you the next time I saw you. I don't know. But until that time comes, I won't do anything to hurt him or to jeopardize the happiness that I'm feeling right now. Thian, my entire life I've been looking for something. I'm realizing how dumb I'm sounding here, but last night, I think I've found it. I don't even know what it is yet, but I feel happy for the first time in my life.

"I really would like to have you and Kerin both as good friends. Can we both work on that?"

"I'd like that too Jeff. I'm just feeling all mixed up right now. I felt the same way about you after meeting you at lunch. I couldn't stop thinking about you. Kerin's gotten tired of listening to me talk about you. It's going to take me a little while to change gears, that's all. I'll work on it, okay? It was dumb of me to make assumptions, and worse still to expect that you would go along with those assumptions. Hell, I didn't even know you were gay. --- Just give me some time, okay? And --- I'd like to be your friend, and Phalen's too. Can I at least get a hug from you?"

"Sure Thian. You and Kerin can get a hug from me anytime." I drew Thian close to me, thinking how much different hugging Thian was from hugging Phalen. When I would give Phalen a hug, I could tell that all of his thoughts and emotions were experiencing that hug. As I held Thian close, I could feel his muscles, and his warmth, but he was holding something back. Phalen never held anything back, whether he was telling a story, giving me a hug or having sex. He would throw himself totally into the experience.

We held each other for a few moments, and then I looked up at him. "You okay?"

He nodded, looking at me with misty eyes. "Good, I'm glad," I said, and gave him a brief kiss on the mouth, before releasing him.

He looked at me surprised as I let go of him then reached out and gave my shoulder a squeeze. I knew that Thian would be fine, but I was also happy that Phalen was the man in my life.

"Weren't we going to get something to drink?" Thian said changing the subject and backing away after taking another moment to compose himself. He sniffed and wiped his eyes. "Thanks Jeff."

"I seem to remember something about food too," I said raising my voice.

As if on cue, "Did I hear someone say food?" asked Kerin as he and Phalen came back into the living room. We've got some sandwiches and chips. Jeff is it okay if we eat outside? You guys can pick up the drinks from the kitchen." Kerin also was giving his brother a moment to compose himself, by his continuous dialog.

"Outside's great, at least today we have some furniture. If it's still wrapped in plastic, just rip the stuff off. Better watch out though, Phalen's quite the wrestler. If you don't watch out you'll find yourself lying on your lunch. Last night, he pinned me down on top of the pizza!"

"You're gonna tell everyone about that aren't you?" Phalen said in mock exasperation. C'mon Thian, let's go outside. We can start eating while those guys get the drinks," he said putting his arm around Thian's shoulders and leading him out to the pool.

"You guys heard?" I asked Kerin.

"Yeah, Phalen wanted to interrupt. I wouldn't let him. I wanted him to hear what you said. I knew you would say exactly what you did.

"How could you know? We just met."

"I didn't need to know you for long to know that you're a good guy, Jeff. I knew that Phalen had nothing to worry about, but Phalen needed to hear it. Otherwise he would always wonder and compare himself with my brother. It can be pretty tough to compare oneself to Thian. I didn't want Phalen to always be wondering if you would rather be having sex with Mr. Muscle.

"Thanks Kerin. It's strange standing here and having this conversation with you. I could easily get mixed up and think I'm talking to Thian."

"We may look alike Jeff, but we are very different," he said seriously. "I may joke about it, but you'll never get us mixed up. We are alike in one way though," he said with a smile. "If you weren't involved with Phalen, you'd have both Thian and me chasing after you. I envy Phalen. Hell, I envy you, Phalen is so sexy, and he doesn't even realize it, does he?"

"Speaking of Thian being Mr. Muscle," I said trying to lighten the mood, "Since you guys are twins, wouldn't you be considered Mr. Muscle too?

"Hey Jeff, I'm glad you noticed! You know of course, that mine are bigger than his?"

"That's funny, Thian was just telling me what a wimp you are. A pushover I think he said, or was it easy to push over? I don't remember."

"Easy! --- I wonder who talked."

"Hey guys, better hurry up, there won't be anything left," yelled Phalen from the patio. Shake a leg Jeff, Thian and I want our drinks. Stop gossiping and join us."

"Hey T," Kerin said as we sat down. "I understand you told Jeff that I was a pushover, or easy or something."

"I don't remember the pushover part, but everyone definitely knows that you're easy. Just ask around, if it doesn't wear a dress, you're interested."

Kerin gave us one of his abashed looks. "I never knew that so many women wore pants!" he said in a hushed voice. --- "I guess that I'm going to have to start looking higher than the waist, huh? --- You know guys; I've had some nasty surprises --- nasty. Some of them have almost unmanned me!"

"Does that mean that they tried cutting off your dick?" said Phalen with a smile.

"Hey guys, we have a wise ass among us!" Kerin shouted.

"Two would be more like it," muttered Thian.

"Just you wait T. When we get home I'll wrestle you down and have my way with you. After all, I know I won't be surprised by what you've got. All I have to do is look at myself."

"Enough Kerin," said Thian looking at his brother.

"Hey Phalen, I didn't tell you that Thian and Kerin are on the university gymnastics team," I said trying to break the silence.

"Yep, we're the stars," said Kerin, trying to avoid Thian's swat. "Okay, T, you don't have to hit me. I take it back; we're not both stars. It's too bad you didn't qualify T. I wonder what went wrong."

Thian shook his head. Phalen and I laughed. Kerin's innocent expressions were priceless.

"Guys, Phalen just got a scholarship to play baseball for ASU. I hadn't realized until now that I'm surrounded by jocks," I laughed.

"Not surrounded," said Kerin. "I'm wearing underwear. You wear a jock all the time Phalen? Thian does."

"Mostly, I think I've got some underwear for occasions like church, funerals, that kind of thing. They make me feel like I'm dressed up."

"Congratulations about the baseball scholarship. --- Hey Phalen, you aren't the baseball guy who squats down and grabs a feel are you?" Kerin said with a sly expression. Before Phalen could figure out what he was being asked, Kerin slapped his forehead and said, "No, I'm getting baseball confused with football! I wonder who thought up the way that the quarterback gets the ball? You know --- how he bends over and puts his nose in another guy's butt then reaches between the guy's legs to be handed the ball. --- Funny how all those jock guys like to play with balls --- isn't it?"

"Spare us K. We don't need to hear the whole routine!" said Thian. You have got to get some new material!"

"Would you guys believe that Jeff has never seen a baseball game," Phalen asked.

"It's not just baseball, I've never been to a gymnastics game either," I said.

"Meet Jeff," said Kerin correcting me.


"Gymnastics meet, spelled M E E T. Though maybe "meat" is appropriate as well. --- Quit giving me dirty looks T. I'll be still. You just need to do a little more talking, so I don't have so much void to fill."

Thian just shook his head, while Phalen and I laughed. Kerin gave us another innocent look, and then winked.

"Hey guys, I think the deliveries are over for the day, would you both like to stay for a swim?" I asked.

"Thanks Jeff, but Thian and I had better be getting home. Can we get an invitation to come back another time? Besides, if we stay you might ask us to help unload some more boxes!" he said laughing.

"It was nice to meet you Thian, said Phalen. Can I give you a hug before you leave?

"You too Phalen. Maybe next time I'll be in a better mood, and thanks --- for the hug."

"Just listen to your brother Thian. He'll get anyone out of a bad mood," Phalen said. "I guess you want a hug too, huh Kerin?" Phalen said with a smile.

"You bet," laughed Kerin. "Hey T, I've got to learn to hug like Phalen. And look at him blush! Phalen, you've got to get over blushing if you're around Thian and me very often," he laughed.

"You're a couple of lucky guys," said Kerin again as he lagged behind his brother who had already walked into the courtyard. "Give Thian a little time, okay? He's just had his fantasies shattered. He'll come round.

"Well my ride is waiting, so I better go. See you both later," he said waving as he left. As soon as he was outside he put his arm around Thian's shoulders."

"Are you sure no more deliveries are expected today Jeff?

"It's after five, so I don't think so. Why?"

"I figure if I'm in a nudist's house, then I'm going to be nude. Join me okay?" he said starting to strip. In just a moment he was naked and wiggling his dick at me with a smile on his face.

"Phalen, Kerin said you heard Thian and me talking."

"Yeah, let's talk about it outside. I want to sit on the edge of the pool and soak my aching feet, and I want you to hold me as we talk. Okay big man?" Phalen said.

"You got it, and why 'big man'?" I said stepping out of my briefs.

"Cause you're big, why else," he said giving my penis a quick caress.

"Phalen, you're unbelievable." I laughed.

"Thanks I always thought so. And you're handsome as well," Phalen said as he sat on the mat at the edge of the pool, making waves with his feet. C'mon sit down. I want to feel you close to me.

I sat down behind him with my legs on either side. I put my arms around his chest and pulled him back to me. He sighed at my touch. I held him tightly, resting my cheek against his back. We sat like that for quite some time, not speaking. I could hear his heart beating and felt him take each breath.

"I love this," he said quietly as he began to relax, absently running his hands up and down my legs.

"Me too."

"Jeff, Kerin and I heard your conversation with Thian," he said still facing forward.

"I know, Kerin told me."

"I wanted to come in, but he stopped me. I think he wanted me to hear what you told Thian. You know, you've made quite an impression on Kerin."

"On Thian also, apparently," I said.

"Yeah. --- Thian's right though. We don't have any kind of commitment to each other. We're both free, you know. If you had sex with Thian, I wouldn't complain or think less of you."

"Would you be hurt if I had sex with him, Phalen?"

"I guess -- some."

"Then that's reason enough for me not to. --- Phalen I don't want to hurt you. Yesterday before I met you I would have jumped at the chance to go to bed with Thian. Hell, for weeks I fantasized about him every time I beat off. I had the two of us doing all sorts of things. It was great. Then I met you and I haven't thought about Thian sexually since. Today, when I hugged him, I was thinking how much more I like hugging you."

"You're sweet Jeff."

"Thanks, but I mean it. I want Thian and Kerin as friends --- close friends, but I would like to try and be more than a friend to you."

We continued to sit in silence, until I felt Phalen shudder and felt drops of water land on my arms.

"Phalen, are you crying?"

He barely nodded.

"Why, are you okay?" Again, he nodded, then took a deep breath and sniffed.

"Actually," he said, "my nose is running."

"Ewwww. That's gross," I teased him back.

"Jeff, did you know that the twins have a sexual relationship with each other?"

"I suspected that they did after hearing some of the things that Kerin said today. Why, does that bother you?

"No, I think it's hot. I'd like to watch 'em. Does that make me kinky or something?"

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, I am. It's a fantasy I guess. I think I'd get off watching other guys have sex. Wouldn't it be hot for the four of us to have sex sometime?" --- Don't look at me all weird Jeff. I can tell how you're looking at me. I feel you staring at the back of my head. --- I'm not saying we should have sex with them only that I think it would be really hot to watch them, and have them watch us. I bet we could teach 'em a few things, huh? Besides I'd like to show you off. They'd be way jealous, I bet."

"Phalen, you surprise me. I would never have suspected that you would come up with an idea like that."

"Does that mean you think it's a bad idea, or a kinky idea," he said reaching back to feel my cock. "Oh ho!" Your dick speaks for you. Kinky's the answer, huh? You think it would be sexy too don't you?"

"Yeah, maybe it would be fun sometime, but right now Thian has to get over his thing and you and I need to learn more about each other. So you like watching, huh?"

"Yeah, I like watching --- you for instance."


"Yeah, like last night when you were sleeping. I lay there and watched you. I got hard just watching you sleep, you know. I'd like to watch you beat off sometime too. You are so sexy Jeff; you drive me out of my freeking mind. But you're more than just sexy. You're smart, and gentle, and you laugh at my jokes!

"This is all new to you, isn't it Jeff?" he said quietly after a few moments. --- "Not only me and the sex. I mean laughing and being relaxed?"

I rubbed my cheek against is back in response to his question.

"Poor Jeff," he murmured. "You've never laughed much have you?" he continued, as he leaned back against me.

I didn't say anything, but realized that Larry was right. Phalen was observant. He had analyzed me and found where I was vulnerable. He wasn't probing though. He only wanted me to know that he was aware of my vulnerabilities, and would be there when I needed him.

'Mina rakastan sinua, Phalen," I murmured as I pulled him closer to me, and began rubbing my hands over his chest.

"You've said that before Jeff. What's it mean? Something like 'you're a dumb ass, Phalen,' or something I bet?"

"No, nothing like that. You should let me teach you Finnish, then you'd know."

"Finnish, I haven't even started to learn English. Just tell me what it means, okay?"

"Nope, not yet. See if you can figure it out," I said as he began squirming.

"What's up Phalen? Are you uncomfortable?"

"Yes I'm uncomfortable," he said as he squirmed harder. You're playing with my nipples and I'm getting really hard. My nipples are one of those sex zones I've read about."

"Sex zones?"

"Yeah, places where you get turned on if they're played with."

"Oh, erogenous zones."

"Whatever, you keep that up and I'm gonna shoot. I can cum big-time without even touching my dick. Just touching my nipples is enough. C'mon Jeff stop, please. Just cause I can cum without touching my dick doesn't mean that I don't like to have my dick touched."

"Hey Phalen, since you like watching other people, does that mean you also like being watched?"

"Yeah, I guess. Why?"

"I want to watch you beat off, and I want to play with another of your zones, okay?"

"Another zone? Tell me what to do, he said trying to push me back so he could stand up."

When he finally was standing I lay down flat on my back. He looked down at me questioningly.

"What do I do now Jeff? Just watching you laying like that is so hot. I'd like to watch as I shoot onto your chest."

"Another time. Right now, stand with a foot on each side of me," I instructed, as he moved to obey. Now squat down. I want to play with your butt hole while I watch you beat off."

"Yeah Jeff," sounds hot he said. I watched the muscles on his legs tighten as he slowly lowered himself into a crouching position with his legs spread wide apart. I ran my hands over his chest, then down to his flat stomach. I caressed his low hanging balls before moving on to run my fingers along his perineum and finally to his hole.

"Shit, this is so cool," he said as he started stroking himself.

The first time I ran my fingers across his pucker he gasped. "Fuck Jeff, I won't last long --- with you --- doing that," he said in rhythm to his moving hand. His eyes were closed, shutting out everything but the sensations he was experiencing.

"C'mon Phalen," I murmured as I circled his hole putting pressure on the target each time I passed over. "I want to see you shoot. --- You like me playing with your butt hole don't you, hot man?"

"Shit, yeah," he said beginning to speed up and breathe faster.

"You like me watching you too, I bet?"

"Um hum, I love it."

"The only thing that would make it better would be for a bunch of guys to be beating off while they watch you masturbate, telling you how hot it is to watch me rubbing my finger over your asshole, huh Phalen? --- You'd like that wouldn't you? --- They're standing around us now Phalen, masturbating while they're watching you getting ready to shoot.

"Shit Jeff. I love what you're doing. I'm about there, man."

"C'mon Phalen, everyone wants to see how much you can cum. C'mon man, show 'em how far you can shoot your load. --- They're 'bout ready to cum. Are you ready to cum Phalen? --- They want to shoot their loads all over you. Would you like to be covered in their cum? --- To have it running down your chest as the first guy shoots --- then onto your back as another guy unloads --- then your face. You like the feel of their cum Phalen?"

"Shit yeah, their sperm's hot running down my cheek. I want 'em to lick it off me. --- Fuck Jeff --- I'm 'bout there."

"They'd like that too Phalen. --- Do you like the feel of a couple guys licking their sperm off of you while their buddy shoots his thick load onto your face? --- Feel that hot sperm Phalen? --- It's getting close to your mouth. --- Go ahead, lick it off, man." --- I could tell he was close. He had squeezed his eyes even tighter and had thrown his head back as his feelings intensified. He began pushing against my finger, urging me on. Just as I thought he was going to unload, I slipped the tip of my finger into is open hole and brushed my other hand against his testicles.

He gasped, "Fuck Jeff, that's so good."

"C'mon Phalen, show us your load, big boy. We all want to see you shoot."

"Oh, damn --- here --- I come," he said as he squatted down further on my finger grasping my finger, and began pumping his balls empty, grunting with each pulse, shooting first over my shoulder, then onto my face and finally my chest, as he exhausted himself.

He continued to massage his penis after he came, slowly squeezing it and running his fingers over the tip then smearing the remaining jiz over his stomach.

After a few moments he collapsed next to me spent, and began to laugh.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"I never knew what an exhibitionist I am!" he laughed. The thought of all those guys watching me jack off and unloading onto me was so cool. It was like you hypnotized me. I could hear them urging me on and I could feel their cum as it hit me and began to run down my body. --- It was so hot. Someday we've gotta do that for real.

~End - Chapter Two~

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to comment on this story. I love to hear from you and appreciate your input and your constructive criticism.

There are a few words and phrases in Finnish that appear in "Phalen." Computers whose keyboards are configured for the English alphabet are unable to correctly reproduce a number of the letters in the Finnish alphabet with their associated punctuation. I have therefore chosen to use the closest equivalent letters in the English alphabet. To any Finnish speakers, my apologies.

My thanks to Larry S. for his assistance with the Finnish language, and to Evan Bradley and John Flemming for helping me make "Phalen" a better story.

Thanks for reading.


Next: Chapter 3

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