
By Roy Reinikainen

Published on Apr 15, 2006


This story contains portrayals of homosexual actions and lifestyles. There may be references to, or explicit descriptions of, sex between consenting adults.

If homosexuality, sexually explicit language, or swearing offends you, or if reading material that contains these topics violates any law or personal or religious beliefs, or if you under 18 years of age, please leave now, without proceeding further.

This story is entirely fictional, and any resemblances to actual persons are completely coincidental. Actual locations are mentioned, and are used for 'background' only.

You are also welcome to read my newest story, 'Leith,' also located in Nifty's Gay College Section.


Phalen - Chapter 20

Jeff pushed the front door closed with his foot, sitting his laptop bag carefully on a nearby chair and then dropping everything else onto the floor in a heap. Both he and Phalen had been anxious to get home after the confrontation with the would-be stalker, and were breathing heavily. He walked into the living room where Phalen had placed everything he had been carrying on the sofa table before hanging his sport coat over the back of a chair. He turned, puffing out his lips and expelling a slow stream of air, then smiled as Jeff approached.

"Still horny, big man?" he asked, barely above a murmur, holding out his arms and pulling Jeff into a loose embrace. He buried his face in the crook of Jeff's neck, inhaling the fragrance of aftershave and rubbing his cheek against the fabric of the jacket.

"Hmm umm. I want you so bad." Jeff tilted Phalen's face toward his, looking into the clear blue eyes before leaning close and kissing him. It was a gentle kiss belying the emotions he was feeling. Their lips had hardly parted before Jeff once again drew Phalen close for another kiss, their tongues seeking each other out. The emotions were beginning to surface. Phalen no longer saw the man who would wait for someone else to make the first move. Jeff was now a man who knew what he wanted and wasn't afraid of going after it. The two men groaned as they thrust themselves against each other.

Jeff stepped back slightly and took off his sport coat, putting it into the waiting hand. While Phalen hung the coat over the back of a chair, Jeff stripped out of his tie, throwing it in the general direction of the sport coat and began unbuttoning his shirt, licking his lips once and breathing heavily. He pulled the shirt out of his pants and once again took Phalen in his arms, for a demanding kiss. Phalen moaned, running his hands over Jeff's back beneath his shirt.

"You know what I wanna do?" Jeff breathed into Phalen's ear after he had been stripped of his shirt. Phalen shook his head, returning for another kiss. "Ohhh, lover." The words were barely more than a warm breath on Phalen's ear. "I want to do something we've never done." He nuzzled Phalen's neck, gently kissing the smooth skin and shivering at the touch of Phalen's strong hands against his bare back, hissing in pleasure at the light touch on his nipples.

"I'm ready for whatever you've got in mind, big man." He watched with lust filled eyes as Jeff stepped back, his mouth slightly parted and his chin wet from the attention he had been giving Phalen's neck.

"Yeah? You sure you're ready?" Jeff breathed, reaching out to unfasten the buttons of Phalen's shirt. The shirt was quickly tossed aside, a puddle of white on the polished brick floor of the house. Jeff dropped his own slacks, shucking his socks, and ran his hands over his own chest, pausing a moment at each nipple before pushing his jock strap down to the floor and kicking it aside.

Phalen raised his eyebrows and grinned when Jeff stepped out of his white jock allowing his penis to spring free. Jeff stood before him totally erect, his penis drooling a long strand of precum. Phalen reached out and rubbed a finger once over the head of the penis catching the liquid and bringing it to his mouth. He licked the finger then hurriedly dropped his own slacks. He stepped out of the clothing and kicked everything away, for once not caring whether things were hung in a closet.

Jeff took him by the shoulders running his fingers lightly over his smooth chest, pausing a moment at Phalen's sensitive nipples before moving over the flat stomach. He hooked his fingers in the waistband of the yellow jock and pushing it down. Phalen's penis leapt free, already moist in anticipation.

"Shiiiit," Jeff breathed into Phalen's ear, holding Phalen close and reaching between them to hold his partner's stiff cock, rubbing it against his own. "I've fantasized about this day. Ever since the night we met I've dreamt of holding you like this and having sex with you." He looked into the clear blue eyes before adding. "Real sex." Phalen shivered in anticipation, and at the feel of Jeff's broad hands squeezing his butt cheeks.

"I'm a different man than the one that left the house this morning," Jeff murmured into Phalen's ear, and then leaned back slightly, speaking in wonderment. "I made peace with one person and more importantly, I've stood up for myself." The last words were said as if he still didn't quite believe everything that had happened in front of the architecture auditorium less than an hour before. He chuckled in amazement. "I feel like I can do anything." Phalen watched as Jeff once again became serious.

"None of that is as important as you though." He kissed Phalen on the tip of his nose, smiling at the face he made. He always made a face when the tip of his nose was kissed, claiming he was being treated like a little boy. Jeff brushed a finger over the tip of Phalen's nose. "Standing up for myself back there was important to me because I think I'm ready to no longer be half a lover to you."

"Shhh." He quickly put a silencing finger over Phalen's lips. "I know what you were going to say, but it's true. I've never felt like I could be your true lover. I would always freeze up."

Phalen couldn't help himself. "So, does this mean that now you're hot?" His lips twitched as he tried to suppress a smile.

Jeff snorted with laughter. "Damn right, I am. . . . For you."

"Do I get to be the bottom this time?" Phalen teased, mischief making his eyes twinkle at the answering nod. He broke out of Jeff's embrace, grabbed the surprised man by the hand and walked quickly into the bedroom. He threw off the bedspread and turned back to Jeff, slightly spreading his arms out to his sides. "It's your show, big man."

Jeff climbed onto the bed on his hands and knees. "Wait," Phalen ordered, putting a restraining hand on Jeff's pale butt. He smiled at the slight shiver his touch caused. Jeff quickly looked back over his shoulder before remaining on his knees and resting his head on a pillow. Phalen reached out and began to caress both cheeks as he knelt on the floor licking over the cheeks of Jeff's butt. At the first touch of the tongue, Jeff sighed and then pressed himself back against Phalen's face, groaning at the soft touch of Phalen's tongue as well as the fingers toying with his cock.

"You gonna put this thing in me, big man?" Phalen cooed, grasping the cock while swiping a tongue once again across Jeff's hole, causing a low groan. "You gonna cum way up inside me?" He once again slowly and deliberately licked over Jeff's anus which was reacting to each touch as if it were trying to capture Phalen's tongue. "I want to feel your dick as it pulses inside me, filling me with your cum." Another swipe of the tongue. He gently caressed Jeff's penis while forcing his face against the pale skin of Jeff's butt. The groans had taken on an urgency as Phalen teased him with both his words and tongue.

"Ohhh." Jeff shuddered once again, this time when Phalen penetrated him with his tongue while continuing to slowly masturbate him. "You wanna hear my fantasy, lover?" He pushed back against Phalen's face as he spoke. "I want to watch the head of my cock slooowly stretch your hole open," he murmured, his head still nested in the pillow. "I've imagined pausing a moment for you to get comfortable, the head still not all the way in. You're sooo tight." He shuddered at another swipe of the tongue. "When you're ready . . . oooooh yeah, that's the way to do it, lover," he interrupted himself. "When you're ready, I'll slowly slide it in until your anus grabs my full length in a tight embrace." Phalen groaned loudly, resting his cheek against Jeff's butt then turning to kiss the smooth skin."

"You gonna cum in me?" Phalen asked again, pausing to run a finger tip over the end of Jeff's penis collecting evidence of Jeff's growing excitement on the tip of his finger. "Please."

"Ohhh yess," Jeff breathed a sigh.

"Then I'm ready, big man. I've always been yours. After today I'll be totally yours." He climbed onto the bed, laying on his back and drawing his knees back to his shoulders.

Jeff moved to kneel between the spread legs, the head of his cock resting on Phalen's smooth hole in a silent promise. He leaned forward and tweaked each of Phalen's nipples with his lips, and then leaned even further and kissed him, his shoulders holding Phalen's knees back.

"Do it, Jeff," Phalen urged. "We've both been waiting for this. Do it." Jeff moved back and began to lick Phalen's anus, preparing it for his cock. With each lap of Jeff's tongue Phalen would buck his hips and groan, urging Jeff on, begging him to, "do it."

He moved closer, rubbing the precum off of Phalen's cock where, with a single stroke of his hand, it joined his own, providing additional lubrication. He took both of Phalen's ankles in his hands and spread his legs wide, slowly pushing the head of his penis against Phalen's hole. He slowly began to push inside, the anus stretching wide, just as he had fantasized. For a moment, he paused, looking up to Phalen's face then back to what he was doing. A slight frown flashed across Jeff face. He bit his bottom lip, glancing once again at the man he had under his control.

Phalen sensed that this was the actual 'moment of truth' for Jeff, almost as important as standing up to the stalker. He continued to stare transfixed at the head of his penis beginning to penetrate the smooth widely stretched hole. Phalen smiled reassurance when Jeff glanced at him once again, and then without warning bucked his hips, pulling Jeff toward him at the same time and forcing himself onto the penis. Jeff gasped as he sank more than half way into Phalen.

He glanced up with a stricken look on his face, only to see Phalen's eyes filled with lust . . . and surprise, his mouth forming a silent 'o'. He swallowed, grinning reassurance. "Do it, Jeff," he urged in a husky voice. "All the way . . . now. . . . We're both ready for this." Not needing any more encouragement, Jeff slid the rest of the way in, and after only a moment's pause began to move his hips in a steady rhythm while he leaned forward and the two men began kissing.

"Faster," Phalen gasped, wrapping his legs around Jeff's waist and urging him on. "Harder. Don't worry, you're not hurting me. C'mon, big man, cum in me!" Phalen gasped as he began shooting onto his own stomach, his cock sandwiched between himself and the man fucking him. Jeff knew Phalen was cumming as the muscles tightened around his cock. He plunged in the way in one last time, shouting with joy at the same time he emptied himself into Phalen's blazingly hot insides.

"Damn," Phalen sighed, half laughing, holding onto Jeff who had collapsed on top of him. "You were driving my prostate crazy. I swear, your finger was never like that!" He wiggled a little from side to side. "I'm ready. Let's do it again," he teased, wiggling his eyebrows. Jeff raised himself up on his elbows and smiled, shaking his head.

"In a little while, lover. You take a lot out of a guy." Phalen snickered at the bad joke and teasingly slapped Jeff's shoulder. They kissed once again before he moved back into a kneeling position resting against his heels, his cock pulling free of Phalen's grasp.

Jeff looked down at his softening penis, seemingly transfixed by the sight of his sperm beginning to ooze out of Phalen. He licked his lips, and while continuing to hold Phalen's legs back, inserted his finger, making Phalen jump and hiss as his sensitive prostate was massaged once again.

"Wha . . ." His eyes were wide at the new sensation and at the sight of Jeff slowly raising the ringer to his mouth and sucking off the thick liquid. "Me," he whimpered when Jeff once again inserted a finger and began to massage the ultra-sensitive gland. Jeff grinned, running his fingers through the jiz on Phalen's chest, scooping up some of it to join his own. He held his coated fingers near Phalen's face, but not close enough for him to reach by moving his head. Both watched as some of the collected cum dripped onto Phalen's chest. Jeff merely smiled, once again inviting Phalen to 'come and get it,' with a slight movement of his eyebrows. Phalen lowered his legs and sat up reaching out to take Jeff's hand in both of his. He sucked the fingers clean and then moved so he could do the same to Jeff's penis, humming in satisfaction.

"Thank you," he murmured, finally laying back on the bed with his hands behind his head, flashing one of the biggest smiles Jeff had ever seen. "I've been waiting all my life for the right man to come along and do that." Phalen looked up and grinned. "There was never any doubt that you were the right one."

What had been an enigmatic smile could no longer be contained. Jeff fell on the bed at Phalen's side and began to howl with laughter, slapping the bed with both hands and rolling his head from side to side. Phalen turned to watch in puzzled amusement.

"Why are you laughing? Did I do something funny?" Jeff looked at him, shaking his head, unable to stop laughing.

"It's just that I'm soooo happy," he managed to say. "I've never felt anything like what I'm feeling right now. It's indescribable." He sniffed and wiped his eyes. "I can't tell you. . . . It's like I've been followed around by ghosts all my life. I've always felt as if they were about reach out and pounce if I let my guard down for just a second." He looked around the room as if he were searching for the things he had spoken of. "Just a few moments ago, I realized they're gone."

He lay back, his arms at his side. A single tear slid from the corner of his eye leaving a glistening streak until it fell onto the bed. "I am soooo lucky to be with you . . . and so happy!" He appeared totally spent. Phalen continued to watch silently. After a few moments of silence, Jeff wiped his teary eyes and propped himself up on an elbow, leaning close to kiss the tip of Phalen's nose once again. He grinned when Phalen automatically made a face.

"Phalen, you have helped me chase away those ghosts." It seemed as if wanted to say more but was fearful of being overcome with emotion. He reached out and took one of Phalen's hands, bringing it to his lips for a gentle kiss and murmured. . . . "At last, I'm a free man."

"Nice guys," Curt said, turning to Brad and smiling as they climbed the stairs to their apartment following Jeff's presentation and confrontation with the guy on the mall. "About as nice looking as the man I live with." Curt lightly groped Brad's butt as he followed him into the apartment, pulling him into an embrace as soon as the door closed. "C'mere, lover-boy. Lemme taste your tongue." Both men sighed as their lips parted.

"You really look beat." Curt frowned at the dark circles under Brad's eyes as he continued to hold him in a loose embrace. Brad smiled wanly, enjoying the feeling of Curt's arms around him. He snuggled close and rested his head on Curt's shoulder.

"I am, a bit. You holding me like this helps a lot though." He heaved a sigh and then backed up, kissing Curt lightly as he moved away. "I think I'd better take a nap. There's been too much excitement and stuff going on lately." He turned toward the bedroom, beginning to shuck his clothes as he walked down the hallway, dumping them into the hamper as he passed the bathroom.

"Are you hungry? I can make something quick to eat," Curt offered, trailing Brad down the hall and standing in the bedroom doorway watching Brad strip out of his black boxer briefs. He grinned to himself, as Brad stretched and yawned, standing before him naked. He had always been drawn to Brad's smooth body, his sparkling eyes and mischievous smile. The cock and butt were pretty nice too, he thought to himself.

"Ya know, Jeff said I'm lucky to have you as a lover." He walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, slowly rubbing a hand over Brad's chest. "I think so too." He leaned on an elbow, bringing his face closer. Brad watched him feeling almost too tired to smile, or to try and figure out why Curt was acting as he was.

"I love you, you know," he said, just before his lips touched Brad's in a tender kiss.

Brad sighed in pleasure as their lips parted. "Curt, I can't tell you how wonderful it is for me to hear those words, and forgive me for asking, but . . . why now?" He held Curt's hand, feeling his warmth and strength. "There have been times I would have given anything to hear you tell me you love me. . . . Why are you telling me now?"

Curt bowed his head and swallowed. "I'm saying it because I mean it." He paused a moment longer, seemingly unaccustomed to speaking of his feelings. "I . . . I know, I haven't always . . . treated you right, and . . . I'm sorry for my behavior. Like I said last night, sometimes it's as if I can't control myself." They kissed once again. "I'll try and be better . . . I promise."

"I love you too, Curt." Brad reached up and ran his hand over Curt's cheek. "Ohhh, how I love you." His finger tips trailed over Curt's slightly parted lips. "Can we cuddle for a while?" Without a word, Curt stood up and began to strip, dropping his pants and underwear in one move. Brad's eyes lit up at the sight of Curt's muscular butt and legs with their light covering of dark hair, below the white Polo he was beginning to pull over his head. He walked back to the bed, absently scratching his crotch, returning Brad's smile.

"You like what you see?" he teased, crawling over Brad on hands and knees, his penis dragging first over Brad's groin then over his stomach. "Hum?" he asked, looking down into Brad's eyes.

"Um hum. I sure do," Brad chuckled low in his throat, opening his mouth to Curt's tongue. As they kissed Brad began lightly stroking the length of Curt's penis as it hung from his kneeling position. When they broke their kiss, Brad sighed, and Curt moved to lightly suck each of Brad's nipples.

"Wanna cum?" he asked, looking up at Brad who was laying with his eyes closed and a smile on his face.

"I can't move. I'm too tired to do anything but lay here."

"That's okay. If you wanna cum, I can do all the work," he murmured, once again sucking on Brad's nipples. Brad studied his partner through his partly lowered eyelids, continuing to wonder at the changed man he was witnessing.

Curt remained kneeling, but reversed his position and began to suck on Brad's hard dick. 'He always was a great cocksucker,' Brad thought to himself as Curt buried his face in Brad's pubic hair and worked the cock with the muscles of his throat. Brad licked across Curt's low testicles as they swayed above his face and then moved his arm so he could massage his partner's prominent perineum. Curt groaned at Brad's firm touch and began moving faster.

Brad knew he wasn't going to last much longer. He hadn't cum in days, and Curt was an expert at what he was doing. He could already feel his orgasm building and his balls contracting preparing for his coming release. Curt had once again buried his face in Brad's pubes.

Brad licked his forefinger then ran it across Curt's exposed anus, moving across it once, and then slowly entering Curt far enough to begin massaging his prostate. With the first stroke, Curt inhaled sharply and began to shoot onto Brad's chest. With the first touch of Curt's sperm on his chest, his own orgasm swept over him. He arched his back and thrust into Curt's mouth, filling it with his thick sperm.

Curt remained on hands and knees straddling Brad, breathing through his nose and slowly milking Brad's softening cock. Brad was almost in a stupor, but continued to lightly massage Curt's butt, continuing to feel the penis above him drip onto his chest. When Curt released him from his mouth, Brad tilted his head up and saw Curt once again repositioning himself, beginning to suck up his own load from Brad's chest. He watched in fascination as Curt knelt over him, their mouths only inches apart.

Curt's eyes were smiling as he brought a finger to Brad's mouth and slowly inserted it, instructing him to open wide. He groaned in anticipation as Curt drooled out a thick strand of sperm, dangling it for a moment over his open mouth before it dropped to coat his tongue. Curt chuckled and lowered himself to kiss Brad, licking up some sperm that had run out the side of Brad's mouth. They could each hear the other swallow. He moved to lay at Brad's side, and watched as he licked his lips, flashing one of his mischievous grins.

"All relaxed now?" he asked, snuggling close to Brad, throwing an arm over his chest.

"Um hum." He watched as Brad closed his eyes and quickly fell into a deep sleep with a contented smile on his face.

For some time, Curt continued to lay quietly, studying his partner's profile, but found it difficult to sleep. Finally, he gently disengaged himself and padded to the bathroom, then down the hall into the living room. He sat down, leaning back and throwing one of his legs over the arm of the chair. He continued to be restless, moving from one position to another. Nothing seemed to make him comfortable. Finally, he stepped into the kitchen and slowly reached for the telephone. He stood for a moment, staring at the receiver before he pressed a number he had memorized earlier. The phone rang once. There was a pause, followed by another ring before the person answered.

"Hello, Phalen," he said, after biting his lip. "This is Curt."

~ To be continued ~

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read and comment on this story. I've been overwhelmed at the response to 'Phalen,' and love to hear from each of you.

If you would like me to send you a pic of the guys that inspired the main characters in this story, email me.

Sisu (SEE-sue) Mina rakastan sinua (I love you) Mita (what) Anteeksi (I'm sorry)

I would like to thank Carey for his ceaseless efforts to make me a better writer, Gwynne for her daily doses of humor and her insights into the characters, and Larry in Finland for helping me with the Finnish language and for being a good friend. Writing may be a solitary endeavor but the thoughts of each of these people, as well as you, the story's readers, affect the story's course.

A number of readers have written asking for the correct pronunciation of the character's names. They are:

Phalen (FAY-lin) Kerin (KEAR-in) Thian (THE as in Theater (THE-in)

Thanks for reading.


Next: Chapter 21

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