
By Roy Reinikainen

Published on Aug 25, 2008


Phalen - Finding Happiness

By Roy Reinikainen

Chapter 28

"Onnellista uutta vuotta." Jeff shouted, wishing everyone a happy new year. Greg, David and Margit echoed the new year's wish, joining everyone in throwing their blue and white ribbon streamers into the air as fireworks boomed in the distance. Both Larry and his son hesitated only a fraction of a second before joining the others. They could read the reason for one another's hesitation, and grinned at its cause.

Phalen glanced around the sunroom as he brushed away a blue streamer which had draped itself over his head, noticing that his father was also wiping away his own share of blue and white. "I hope it's not a Finnish custom to toss champagne glasses against the wall, or something," he muttered for Jeff's ears alone, as his glass was filled with champagne. His eyes followed as Jeff moved about the room, pouring from the large green bottle. "If it is, you're gonna have to clean the mess up," he continued, only half-jokingly. Jeff merely rolled his eyes skyward and smiled at his brother's snort of amusement.

"No, dear." Margit took pity on the perpetually tidy young man, disengaging another streamer from Phalen's hair, hiding her amusement as he almost crossed his eyes trying to follow what she was doing. "We just throw those streamers, have a glass of champagne, take a sauna . . ."

"Don't forget pnavyicting," David added, wrapping an arm around his wife's waist, grinning at Phalen's hesitation.

"You guys do that sort of thing in public?" Phalen asked, glancing at Jeff's father over the rim of his champagne glass. "I thought you Finnish guys were supposed to be sorta stodgy."

"You should know better than that," he heard Greg say in the background.

"Pnavyictging is a tradition where small bits of tin are melted, then dropped into a container of water. Supposedly, whatever shape they take when they cool tells the person's future." Phalen regarded David dubiously, searching for a hint of being teased.

"We're not intending to melt anything, lover," Jeff laughed, drawing Phalen close with an arm around his waist.

"I like the sauna idea better," Phalen muttered, leaning into Jeff's embrace. "That way we can be nekkid." He nudged Jeff with his hip, belatedly following Jeff's lead and raising his half-filled champagne glass in a traditional toast. "Hey," he began, intent on complaining about not being given a full glass. Before he could continue, he was interrupted, first by Jeff's arm tightening around his waist, then the toast.

"Kippis," Margit, David, and their sons said, as their glasses touched. Phalen grinned, while Larry looked on, slightly perplexed by the toast.

"Means, cheers," David murmured in an aside, explaining the toast. Unlike Phalen, Larry was not accustomed to the constant changes in language. "Don't worry," he continued. "You're not only getting a lover in my son, you're going to be exposed to a whole new culture." Larry gave David an uncertain smile, turning to Greg for confirmation.

"We'll have you speaking like a pro in no time," Greg teased, as Phalen poured himself a second glass of champagne, frowning when Jeff gently retook control of the bottle.

"To friends and lovers." Larry raised his glass for a second toast. He looked to Greg for a translation.

"Ystavilleni ja rakastaja," Greg supplied, the words echoed by everyone in the room except Phalen, who had finished his glass and was reaching for the champagne bottle Jeff was holding at arm's length.

"C'mon, Cowboy," Greg murmured, setting both his and Larry's glass on a nearby table. "I want a New Year's kiss." Larry had only a moment to flick Greg's parents a slightly panicked look before he was in Greg's arms.

Margit pursed her lips in a soundless, amused whistle, followed almost immediately by a brief grin. 'This is my son?' she asked herself, glancing in her husband's direction, seeking her own New Year's kiss to join Larry and Greg's and Jeff and Phalen's. "Ahem," she hinted, trying to draw David's attention away from the kissing men. "I halua suudelma liian," she murmured, moving close, asking for her own kiss.

David's smile softened, and his embrace, as well as his kiss, left no doubt in Margit's mind of his love.

Along with everyone else, she watched until Phalen finally released Jeff, leaving her youngest son flushed and slightly out of breath. "The effect is the same every time we do that," he murmured, his obvious satisfaction totally at odds with his faint blush and slight shrug of embarrassment.

She attempted to stifle a yawn, with a look of apology cast in Jeff's direction, her attention momentarily arrested by Greg and Larry's parting from their second, or was it their third, kiss, and her husband's amused snort at Larry's flushed appearance, so much like Jeff and Greg's satisfied expression.

"You're encouraging them, David," she muttered, holding her hand to her mouth as another yawn threatened to overwhelm her. She glanced from one couple to the other, a smile playing about the corners of her lips. "I believe we're witnessing some sort of competition."

"My dear, they do not need any encouragement. What I believe we're witnessing is a lifetime of pent-up emotion. The dam has yet to burst."

Margit theatrically shuddered. "I pray that I am far away when it does. I'm not sure I would like to be caught in the wake."

His response of, "Oh, I'm not so sure," was met with a long-suffering snort. In the background Phalen murmured.

"Well, I hope I am around. I think it'd be way cool, huh, Jeff? Just imagine how much fun it'd be. Sorta gets me all excited, just thinking about it." He smiled unrepentantly in Jeff's direction.

"We'll be sure to send you an invitation, Phalen," Larry said, mildly uncomfortable to have someone publicly dissecting his love life. 'On the other hand,' he thought. 'I'm glad to have a love life for someone to talk about.' With that thought, his smile reflected that of his son.

"An invitation?" Phalen asked, his eyes alight, not missing his father's smile. "Really?"

"I want an invitation too," David piped in, setting his and his wife's empty champagne glasses on a table, and murmuring to Jeff that he thought it was time for he and Margit to get back to their hotel. Now that the celebratory toast had been given, everyone but Phalen seemed to be standing around awkwardly, as if wondering what to do next. The room, lit only by the flicker of the fireplace and two dim table lamps, seemed to be ripe for romance. As much as he hated leaving, David knew he and Margit were preventing the real party from starting.

"Going so soon?" Phalen asked, from where he had sunk into the cushions of an easy chair, with a slightly glazed expression, his hand clutching the stem of the empty champagne glass.

"Sweetheart, we've been here all day." Margit's response seemed to cause Phalen to think.

"Oh yeah. Must be all the booze." He ignored Larry's amused snort and held the glass in front of him, swirling the few remaining drops of champagne. "In a minute, I'm probably gonna start laughing and getting horny, and stuff."

"How are we to tell when it starts?" Greg asked Larry, while Jeff hustled to get his parents' coats. "Seems to me that's the way he is twenty-four hours a day."

Phalen flicked a glance at his father's amused snort of agreement.

Margit smiled and ignored her oldest son's comments as she accepted Jeff's help with her coat. "Keep that boy away from alcohol, dear," she teased. "I'm not sure the neighborhood is ready for a horny, laughing man carousing the streets."

Without looking up, Phalen mumbled. "Jeff won't let me go outside after I've had a drink. He thinks I'll do something to embarrass him." He snickered. "He forgets, I don't have to have had a drink to do that." His smile brightened as an idea quickly took form. "Wanna see?"

"Phalennnn." Jeff's drawled warning was echoed by Larry's.

"Awww," David grumbled, slipping into his coat. "I was hoping for a juicy story." Phalen's eyes brightened, but one look from his father was cause for him to sink back into the chair, with the barely audible complaint.

"No fun."

In a mercurial change of mood, Phalen stood. "I seem to remember someone mentioning getting nekkid and taking a sauna?" He looked around the room. "I'm ready! Anyone want to join me?"

"Oh dear," Margit leaned closer to give Phalen a closer look. "Is this boy for real?" she asked, looking toward Jeff with an equal mix of curiosity and unease.

"Quick, Margit," David playfully warned, hustling his wife in the direction of the front door. "Any minute now he's going to strip off. We'd better leave and let the guys handle him."

Phalen ignored the laughter. "If you guys wanna stay, you're welcome," he called in a muffled voice, while pulling his sweater over his head.

"Ever the considerate host," David muttered, captivated by Phalen's unwitting performance.

"Yep," Phalen responded with a bright smile, as he folded his sweater and laid it over the back of his chair. "That's me. Always willing to have a good time." He wiggled his eyebrows and grinned lasciviously at David, knowing an appreciative audience when he found one. "I'm also thinking that I'd like to have a good time with lots of friends.

"Oh geez. I'm horny!" He said in a slightly lower voice, squirming slightly, ignoring Jeff's amused look of exasperation.

Margit stared, dividing her attention between Jeff, who obviously wished Phalen would be quiet, and her husband, who, equally obvious wished Phalen would continue. She was unsure whether to laugh or run. "We're certainly seeing a different side of him, aren't we?" she commented, looking toward Larry, who seemed perplexed by his son's behavior.

"A different side?" Phalen seemed to focus on the words. "Wanna see?" he asked, brightening and beginning to fumble with the buttons of his shirt. "Just a sec."

David urged his wife out the door and into the courtyard, casting a wistful glance over his shoulder as Jeff hovered close to Phalen, unsure what to do. "Come on, dear," he urged his wife. "If we don't hurry, you're going to see more of Phalen than you've bargained for."

"Really?" She craned her neck to look past her husband as they headed toward the courtyard gate. "I've already seen him naked," she complained, curious what the young man would do next. "What more is there to see?" As she and David crossed the courtyard, she could see Jeff making an effort to escort Phalen from the room. All she could see was Phalen's bare buttocks, and his slacks and jock bunched around his ankles as he waddled alongside Jeff.

"Hey, big man," Phalen complained, as he tried to step out of his slacks and walk at the same time. "Leave off! I can't walk." The complaints stopped as Jeff and Phalen disappeared into the bedroom, leaving Greg and Larry standing in the midst of the blue and white streamers and empty champagne glasses.

"Were you aware he was like this?" Greg asked, turning to a bemused Larry. "His reaction to liquor must be because he has absolutely no body fat."

Larry shook his head, running his hand over Greg's back. "I don't think so. I believe my son is perfectly aware of how he's behaving."

"You mean . . ."

Larry nodded. "I believe it's an act." Larry's analysis was interrupted by Phalen's call from the bedroom, and, as his father had predicted, Phalen's voice contained no trace of slurred speech.

"Hey Dad, Greg," Phalen called again. "Turn out the lights and come in here. It's time for that old Finnish New Year's tradition. It's time for all of us to get naked!"

The two men looked at one another, Larry unsure how to proceed. Phalen's invitation could only mean one thing. If he did what Phalen asked, he would soon find himself in a sexual situation with his son . . . and with the man he'd fantasized about for months. He'd dreamt of being in such a situation with Jeff, but that was before meeting Greg. He'd never contemplated having sex with his son. He'd considered what it might be like for Phalen to watch him having sex or, better yet, to watch Phalen and Jeff, but . . . "I'm not sure . . .," he began, glancing toward the dim light coming from the bedroom, then toward Greg.

"Larry," Greg interrupted, taking his hand and speaking in a low voice, sure not to carry as far as the bedroom. "Phalen and I have talked about this." He glanced toward the dim yellow light, barely casting a glow through the open door. "He thinks, and I agree, that we all need this."

Larry raised an eyebrow, inviting an explanation.

"You have always wondered what it would be like to be with Jeff. Not necessarily having sex with him," Greg hastened to add, when he saw Larry's expression become wary. "You've wanted to at least see him naked and hard as he fucks Phalen. I'm right, aren't I?"

Larry compressed his lips and nodded. "That was before meeting you."

Greg shook his head. "Knowing me doesn't change the fact that you still want to watch Jeff fuck your boy. You're curious. Hell I'm curious. But, tonight is about more than that." Greg lowered his voice even further.

"Phalen has told me he believes Jeff needs our help. Not only mine; Yours too; perhaps, especially yours. We need to be with him, to show him that he's surrounded by people who love him." Greg looked toward the courtyard and the lighted acacia tree, whose lacy branches shifted in the slight breeze. "I wish Dad could be here too, but there was no way to make that happen." Greg's attention returned to Larry.

"I need you to be here too, Larry. Jeff's not the only person who has never learned to completely trust the person he's with. He and I have arrived at the same spot for different reasons, but the result is the same. My brother and I are very much alike. Both of us, for different reasons, have never learned to trust." He blew out his breath slowly. "Neither of us has ever been fucked. Tonight's the time to change that." He grinned at Larry's sudden interest.

"I'm also thinking that, after tonight, both of our fantasies involving Jeff and Phalen will have been fulfilled."

"Your fantasies?"

Greg nodded. "I've always . . . even before coming to the States . . . wanted to be with Jeff. I've wanted to hold him, to suck him, kiss him, do everything with him. Then, I met Phalen. At first, I was jealous of what he had with Jeff that I didn't. But, I also envied Jeff.

"I don't want Phalen or Jeff . . . permanently. However, I do get an erection wondering what sharing them would be like. Now, with you here, my fantasies have compounded. I want to watch Phalen and Jeff have sex, but I want them to watch us too." He grinned. "Perhaps both of us will be able to do more than watch, eh?" He grinned, and took Larry's hand. "This may not be more than a one-time thing, but it needs to happen, at least this once."

He stepped close and began nibbling on Larry's earlobe. "Tell me the truth, Cowboy," he murmured, nuzzling closer. "Haven't you ever fantasized about kissing Phalen, or sucking him?" Greg massaged the growing mound in Larry's groin. His breath was warm against Larry's neck, the pressure of one hand firm against Larry's growing erection, while the other squeezed the tight muscle of one of his buttocks. "What about playing with Phalen's beautiful butt, or tasting his sperm . . . or his hole?" Larry's reaction to Greg's words was a breathless moan.

"What about him doing those things to you?" Greg continued, teasing an earlobe with his tongue. "What about Jeff?" he whispered, squeezing Larry's erection tighter, causing him to gasp with pleasure.

"I would like it to happen," Greg said, backing away slightly. "Phalen would like it to happen, and from how hard you are, I can't but think you would like it to happen, too. Am I right?"

"Guys!" Phalen interrupted. "Jeff and I are naked. We're waiting for you."

"C'mon, men," Jeff called, his lower voice joining Phalen's tenor.

Larry glanced toward the bedroom and nodded once, allowing Greg to take his hand and lead the way. As Phalen had said, both he and Jeff were naked. Jeff was lying on his back in the middle of the king-size bed, his legs spread wide. He and Phalen broke off a kiss and looked up, both smiling, when they sensed the newcomers. Jeff's lips were wet, his erection pulsing as it rested on his belly.

"Are you cool with this?" Larry asked, mesmerized by the sight of Jeff's erection. It was much like Greg's - thick and straight, its skin a creamy white, lighter than the rest of their body. It was still glistening with saliva, from where Phalen must have been sucking it only moments earlier. Larry had seen Jeff naked many times, and had always admired the thick spread of his black pubes. Somehow, the black patch was even more exciting when he saw Jeff fully erect.

Larry drew his attention back to his earlier question. "I mean, really okay?" There was a brief moment of silence.

"Yes." Jeff glanced from Larry to his brother, and back. "I'd like you both to stay with Phalen and me tonight." His gaze rested on Phalen for a moment and then returned to Greg. "You guys may think that I can't intuit what Phalen's got planned." He swallowed. "I'm not sure I can do it, but . . . but, having you guys here, with me, tonight, would help me banish what I believe is my last ghost."

"No morning regrets about us staying, okay?" Larry asked, questioning both himself and the two men on the bed. Jeff closed his eyes and nodded agreement.

"No, no regrets about you guys. I can't say . . . about the other."

"C'mon, Dad, lose the clothes and climb aboard. I'm thinking I'd like to see both you and Greg hard."

"Me, too," Jeff added, with a chuckle. "I don't only want to see," he added, his voice partially muffled from where he was nuzzling Phalen's neck. "I also want to touch."

Phalen gave his father an encouraging smile from where he lay, sprawled across Jeff's chest. For his part, between kisses, Jeff was idly running his fingertips up and down Phalen's bare back, luxuriating in his sense of personal freedom. He'd worked so hard to learn to touch, and be touched, to overcome the panic and the flinching and the hyperventilation of being close to someone. Being here, with Greg, Phalen, and Larry, was like a test of how far he'd come since those early days; the night sweats, and the frightening memories which would sometimes overwhelm him, even during the daytime.

Phalen had never demanded anything of him that he couldn't give. That was one of the reasons he trusted his judgement about what he'd planned. The two of them had come to their relationship as sexual and emotional virgins. Neither knew what to expect. From the very first, he'd felt safe with Phalen. His bright smile, happy laugh, and ever inquisitive personality had dispelled any sense of fear Jeff might have felt, even before he realized what was happening. His relationship with Phalen was perfect, except for one thing. He had never allowed Phalen to penetrate him.

He had progressed enough to welcome Phalen's tongue as it probed his hole. Enjoying Phalen's fingers inside him had taken longer, but he'd mastered even that. Phalen would never hurt him. Not like those men . . .

He lay on the bed with Phalen partially atop him. There was background laughter . . . He could feel Phalen's warmth, his weight, his breath . . . just like . . .

He couldn't help himself. He tensed. 'Stop!' he ordered himself, only moments before the shortness of breath began. Even so, he knew Phalen had detected the telltale signs of his anxiety. 'Stop,' Jeff told himself once more. 'Phalen would never do anything to hurt you. If you hurt, it's only in your mind. You're imagining something that doesn't exist. Besides,' he told himself, 'Phalen is nowhere near as big as those men.' He bit his lower lip, concentrating on forcing the memories back into the dark corner of his past.

'Phalen probably is as large as those guys,' he thought. 'It's just that I'm looking at him through the eyes of an adult, and I was looking at those men through the eyes of a frightened child.'

He rolled his head to the side, pleased that Phalen had thought to dim the lights to little more than candle-brightness. Apparently, neither of the newcomers had sensed his disquiet. Greg was already naked, his clothes lying in a heap at his feet, his erection standing proud and straight between dark-clipped pubes, and his heavy scrotum. Watching his brother was almost like watching a mirror image of himself, only with Larry's hands caressing his bare butt rather than Phalen. He felt his erection twitch, both at the sight of his brother, and at the thought of getting closer to Larry.

He had hardly let himself imagine what being with Larry in a sexual situation might be like. Now, it seemed, he was to find out, and he was excited.

"C'mon, Cowboy," Greg murmured to Larry. "Stop stalling. Get naked so we can join the party."

Phalen turned to Jeff. 'Cowboy?' He silently mouthed the word, surprised his father would tolerate a nickname, even from Greg. Jeff winked and kissed the tip of Phalen's nose, causing him to make a face.

"You okay with all this?" Phalen murmured. "I mean, really okay? I felt you go all tense, and I don't want you to play along just to please me."

"The time is right," Jeff murmured, close to Phalen's ear. To the side of the bed, Larry and Greg were wrapped in one another's arms, loudly, and sloppily, kissing. "I'll never be in a more supportive environment."

"My thoughts," Phalen replied, glancing up as Greg reclined next to him and Jeff. "But, if you become too overwhelmed, tell us to stop, and we will."

"This isn't just for fun, little brother," Greg murmured, falling into the soothing tone of voice Phalen had been using as he ran a hand over Jeff's chest. "For both of us . . . you and me . . . tonight is about as serious as one can get. We both have to learn to trust."

Jeff paused a moment, then nodded once before glancing to the opposite side of the bed where Larry, now naked, had laid down. He scooted closer, until the head of his erection rubbed across Jeff's thigh, causing them both to flinch at the unexpected touch.

Jeff took Larry's hand and gently squeezed. "You guys are the most important people in my life," he murmured. "Thanks for this . . . and everything."

Phalen spoke into the emotionally laden silence. "C'mon, Big Man. Don't get all teary-eyed on us." He teased Jeff's penis, from where he knelt between Jeff's outspread legs. "We're here for sex." He wiggled his eyebrows, causing Jeff to chuckle. "And," Phalen continued. "to fulfill some fantasies." He glanced toward his father, then Greg. "Right, men?"

"Speaking of fantasies," Greg murmured, drawing Jeff's attention. "I've had one for years." He grinned, the merest curve of his lips. He leaned closer, until he was only inches from Jeff's face.


"Shhh," Greg murmured, as he leaned closer and touched his lips to his brother's. After only a moment, Jeff responded, parting his lips and welcoming his brother's tongue.

"Damn, that's hot," Phalen said in the background. Jeff could feel Phalen move from between his legs. A moment later, the bed moved, as Phalen sat next to his father.

"Dad?" he asked, reaching for his father's unresisting hand. "Would you kiss me?"

Jeff and Greg broke their kiss and looked toward father and son. "Phalen," Larry asked. "Are you sure about what you're asking?"

"You don't want to kiss me?" Phalen asked, his voice tinged with hurt.

Larry reached out with his free hand and rested it on Phalen's shoulder. "I would love to kiss you, my little boy, but I want you to be sure of what you're asking."

Phalen chuckled. "Dad, before the night's over, I'm thinking that I'm going to be asking you to do a lot more than give me a kiss."

Jeff snorted amusement.

"Forward little bugger, isn't he?" Greg observed, tenderly kissing Jeff's cheek before reaching his lips.

"I sure am," Phalen replied, scooting closer to his father, reaching for his erection. "C'mon, Dad. I wanna taste your tongue." He flicked a glance in Greg's direction. "The horny doctor and his brother shouldn't be the only ones having fun."

"What a wonderful evening," Margit sighed, leaning back against the headrest of the sports car David had rented. "It's so nice to finally see both of the boys happy." She turned to her husband.

"Does that mean our mission to the States has been accomplished and we can go home? The people at the Embassy are probably wondering how long you intend to stay away from work, and I'm absolutely dying for a good sauna."

"Are you also dying to return to the long nights, the cold, the wind howling in off the sea, the humidity, the ice and snow?" David shuddered. "Not me. A sauna can only do so much to make me feel warm. I feel as if I spend close to six months of each year chilled to the bone, fumbling about in the dark."

"It's not that bad." Margit patted his hand as he held the steering wheel. "You're just all hyper because of all the daylight and the good time we've been having."

He turned to her and grinned. "I have been enjoying myself." He raised a hand to ward off a reaction he knew would be coming.

"I know. I know. Helsinki is home. That's where our friends are. That's where the sauna is." He grinned in her direction. "But, our sons are here, not Helsinki. I've been with the State Department long enough to retire if I choose to. We could make new friends, here . . . build a sauna of our own, or invite ourselves over to use Jeff's. I could get another job." He glanced in her direction. "We could be happy here."

"You've thought about this a great deal," Margit ventured.

"No, not a great deal; only some."

"If we had grandchildren I wouldn't hesitate for a moment," Margit sighed. "But, it doesn't look like that's in the offing."

"Who knows, dear. Maybe our doctor-son can work up some sort of hocus pocus magic. Hmmm?"

"And whip us up a grandchild or two?"

David shrugged. "Who knows? Stranger things have happened. When it comes to our sons, I've learned recently to expect the unexpected. Who would have guessed that Greg would fall in love with Phalen's father?"

"He seems to be a wonderful person; just like his son." Margaret yawned. "I'm sorry, sweetheart, but I am completely exhausted. I'm finding that I can't keep up with Phalen." She lay her head back and closed her eyes, leaving her husband to his own thoughts. He glanced in her direction, reaching for her hand and linking fingers, pleased when her fingers tightened in his.

The city streets were surprisingly empty, whatever New Year's revelry remained, happening elsewhere. David slowly drove back to the hotel, wearing a contented smile.

Jeff tried to hide the totally involuntary shiver which coursed through his body. A worm of fear hid in his belly, making him want to press his fingers to his temples, seeking coherence for his seething brain and the memories which threatened to overwhelm him. It seemed as if he were afloat on a river, being taken somewhere against his will. It didn't matter that the destination was a place he'd always dreamt of he still felt out of control.

Greg propped himself up on his elbows, first glancing at Larry and Phalen, still engaged in a slow, sensuous kiss, before his attention returned to Jeff. He had felt the tremor, and the rapid beat of Jeff's heart and, after one look at his brother's grim, closed-eyed expression, had no doubt about Jeff's thoughts. He snuggled closer, laying an arm over his brother's chest, and murmured.

"It's okay, Jeff. I'm here. You've got nothing to fear."

Jeff, still with eyes closed, nodded once, and tried to smile his appreciation. When words failed him, he pulled his brother closer and sought his mouth with his own.

'He's scared senseless,' Greg thought, even as Jeff's tongue found his. 'Those bastards did this to him.' He seethed. 'I hope they rot in the darkest recesses of Hell.' He, Larry, and Phalen were asking for Jeff's trust. He'd willingly given someone that trust as a child, and had been betrayed. No wonder it was difficult for him to relax, especially knowing what was coming. 'How has he managed to live with this burden all these years?'

Larry sank to Jeff's side, replacing Greg who had begun licking a broad trail over his brother's chest and belly, heading for Jeff's throbbing erection, and the small puddle of sticky pre-cum which was forming beneath the prominent head.

"Larry?" Jeff asked, hating the little-boy sound of his voice. Larry snuggled close, pressing his erection against Jeff's bare skin, and lovingly ran his splayed fingers over Jeff's chest. He paused a moment to tweak one of Jeff's nipples to erection, and was pleased when Jeff pulled him closer.

"I'm here, Handsome," he murmured, gently kissing Jeff's neck, still unwilling to commit himself to kiss the man who had, for so long, been the unreachable object of his desire. He had masturbated countless times, imagining the two of them lying naked in one another's arms, yet never dreamt that his fantasies would someday take shape. He could feel the slight stubble of Jeff's beard against his chin and the lingering, spicy scent of his aftershave. He ran his fingers through Jeff's thick hair and was rewarded with a shuddering sigh of pleasure.

"Kiss me?" Jeff asked, in a small voice.

"G'on, Dad," Phalen urged, from where he now lay between Greg's splayed legs. He held Jeff's brother's erection and, as Larry watched, he licked up the underside and across the broad head. The prominent piss slit spread wide, oozing a thick pearl of pre-cum. Phalen studied the sight for only a moment, then licked across the head of Greg's cock, gathering up the clear liquid with his tongue. He smiled as Greg thrust his hips forward, and sighed with pleasure. "G'on," Phalen repeated, glancing at his father as he licked his lower lip, hopeful of tasting more of Greg. "He wants you to kiss him."

Phalen returned his attention to Greg's cock, and Larry leaned closer to Jeff. He could feel Jeff's warm breath against his skin. 'I never knew his eyes were so green,' he thought to himself, a moment before both men closed their eyes and his lips touched Jeff's, causing all other thoughts and concerns to be swept away, as if by a strong wind.

Jeff suddenly took a deep breath through his nose.

"That's it, Greg," Larry heard his son say. "Suck your brother at the same time I'm sucking you."

Larry thrust his tongue into Jeff's mouth, imagining Greg sucking on Jeff's penis. He imagined the widely flared head, so much like Greg's, disappearing into Greg's mouth, and gliding over his tongue. He imagined what Jeff's pre-cum must taste like, and wondered if Jeff produced the same prodigious amount he had learned to expect from Greg.

Jeff arched his back, then pulled away from the kiss and opened his eyes. "Lemme suck you, Larry," he begged. "Kneel over me."

"Ohhhh yeah," Phalen exhaled, as he watched his father straddle Jeff's chest on hands and knees, watching as the length of his father's erection disappeared into Jeff's mouth. He could see Jeff's throat expand and contract as Larry slowly rocked his hips.

"Damn, I wanna get fucked," Phalen said, to no one in particular. He crawled over Jeff on hands and knees, then reached behind himself, positioning Jeff's cock at his butt hole. He took a deep breath, then sat back on the cock, impaling himself in one movement.

"Oh geez," he shuddered, as he paused a moment to become accustomed to the invader. No matter how many times Jeff penetrated him, he was always amazed that he could stretch wide enough to accommodate it.

In front of him, his father's ass cheeks spread wide and closed in rhythm with each thrust down Jeff's throat. His father's hole seemed to pulse in time to each stroke he made down Jeff's throat. Beneath the hairless butthole, Larry's smooth testicles swung.

After first lovingly running a finger over his father's anus, his prominent perineum, and scrotum, Phalen leaned forward and buried his face between his father's ass cheeks, while he continued to slowly slide up and down on Jeff's cock. Larry took a sharp breath and looked over his shoulder.

The sight and feel of his son sinking his tongue deeply into his hole was pushing him dangerously close to what promised to be a massive orgasm. "C'mon Phalen," he urged, in a voice rough with emotion. "Lick my asshole." He jumped as Phalen tried to probe deeper. "You think you might like to pump a load up my butt?" Larry asked, getting off on talking dirty to his son. "What about you, Jeff?" he asked, feeling daring, and not caring. "Would you like to have your . . . thick . . . load join Phalen's? Then you, Greg?"

Larry glanced up with a glazed expression as Greg knelt and rubbed his drooling cock head across his parted lips. "Suck it, Cowboy," he ordered. "I'm gonna fill your stomach; then later, I'm gonna add a full load of my sperm to Jeff and Phalen's. Your hole is gonna be so full the sperm will be oozing out and running down your legs. Then, each of us are gonna lick you clean." He held Larry's head as he slowly fucked his warm mouth. "You're gonna be fucked so many times tonight, that you'll be walking funny for a week."

Phalen slapped his father's pale ass cheeks with the flat of his hand. "C'mon, Dad." Another loud smack, this time with his other hand. "C'mon, Dad," he repeated. "Jeff's dying to taste your sperm. Shoot so much that he can't swallow it fast enough. I'd like to see your stuff running out of the corners of his mouth."

Phalen reached between his father's legs and cradled his balls with one hand, while inserting a finger of another hand deep into his father's anus. Larry jumped, then made short jerky thrusts, each one sending a spray of sperm into Jeff's mouth. With the first taste of Larry's sperm, Jeff arched his back, thrusting his cock deep into Phalen's butt hole, and began to unload.

Greg was only a moment behind. He groaned loudly, threw his head back, and, with tightly closed eyes, began to pump his seed into Larry's mouth.

The smell of sex in the air, and the feeling of his father's pulsing sphincter gripping his forefinger, was all it took for Phalen's first jet of sperm to splash against the cheeks of his father's ass, a thick stream of white over the pink blush of Phalen's hand prints. Phalen's second shot hit squarely on his father's asshole. Then, as Phalen and everyone else tried to regain their breath, the thick glob of sperm slowly left a glistening trail over Larry's perineum and testicles before it dropped, with a soundless splat, onto Jeff's chest.

David couldn't sleep. He'd tossed and turned, until Margit complained. Then, he'd gotten up and began pacing to and fro in the adjoining sitting room of their suite. He paused in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the Tempe Lake. The lights of the city wavered in kaleidoscopic colors on the still water. In the distance, a stray exploding firework would blossom for a moment, before fading away. 'Still celebrating,' he thought to himself, wondering what type of celebration his sons, Larry and Phalen were having at the moment.

'This isn't healthy for me,' he thought, turning away from the window and running his fingers through his hair in irritation. 'I shouldn't be feeling this way about any of those men. Two of them are my sons. The other two are my son's partners.' He flopped onto the room's sofa, sprawling and watching his nude reflection in the darkened glass of the window. 'None of those men are appropriate for me.' He snorted, a soft sound. 'No man is appropriate for me.' He rested his head on the sofa's back, closing his eyes. 'If I start this type of behavior again, all the hard-won progress Margit and I have made over the years, may be lost.' Still, the thought of his sons, Phalen and Larry, all naked, having sex with one another, was overwhelmingly enticing.

He sighed, admitting to himself why he was attracted to any, or all of them. 'They're safe,' he thought. 'I know I can't have an affair with any of them. I can't become involved like I have in the past. At the end of the day, they would go home, as would I.'

He scooted forward on the sofa's cushion, spreading his legs wide and leaned his head against the back of the sofa. 'That's assuming one of them would be willing to see me as a sex partner.'

He sank further into the cushions. 'I know they're having sex, probably at this very moment.' He closed his eyes and imagined the scene taking place in Jeff and Phalen's bedroom.

to be continued

Thank you for taking the time to read my work. I always welcome your email and enjoy hearing your thoughts. If you would like me to send a pic of the character(s), please ask.

In addition to the first 'Phalen' story, I have three other stories you may want to read. 'Owen', 'Leith' and 'Chris' are located in the Nifty College Section. 'Jess' is located in the Incest section and Wesley',is located in the Adult Relationships section. I hope you enjoy them all.

Roy Reinikainen

Next: Chapter 58: Finding Happiness 29

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