Phantom of Aurora

By John Ellison (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 28, 2003


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons alive or dead is coincidental. The venue is fictional and any resemblance to actual bases, locations, is coincidental.

This story takes place in 1976 Canada and reflects the mores, traditions, customs, etc., of the times. I urge all of those who read this story to remember that what is "politically correct" today, was not thought of back then. If you are Lib-Left, politically correct and have jumped on the bandwagons of whatever causes are the fads of the month, please do not continue past this point. This also applies the so-called "Religious" Right and "Moral" Majority. I respectfully remind you that the "Good Book" also contains proscriptions, restrictions, do's and don'ts that I don't see or hear any of you thumping bibles about. Write me, I'll be glad to give you some excellent web sites. To all the anti-this and anti-that, Bible Thumpers, Libertarians and the ACLU, the bankrupt and increasingly irrelevant United Nations, please do not send me e-mails espousing whatever cause you're touting. I have no time for claptrap.

As this work contains scenes of explicit sexual acts of a homosexual nature, if such erotica offends you, please move on to a tamer site. If your mainstay in life is Bible-thumping cant, please move on. If you are not of legal age to read, possess or download writings of an erotic nature, or if possession, reading, etc., is illegal where you live, please move on.

This story is written in an age without worry, and as such unprotected sex is practiced exclusively. I urge all of you to NEVER engage in sexual acts without proper protection. The life you save will be your own.

I will respond to all e-mails (except flames).

The Phantom of AURORA: Chapter 18

The Phantom sat in the forest shadows directly across from the door leading to the Petty Officers Mess, trying to recover from what had been a most enjoyable session with Mike. "Dear God," thought The Phantom, "the guy was a veritable cum factory, hell bent on making up for years of frustration." Mike might have the smallest parts in the province, but he certainly made up for his lack of dick with enthusiasm. It took three orgasms for Mike's thick four-incher to return to anything approaching near normal.

He glanced down at his wrist, looking for his watch and frowned. For days he had been missing his watch, searching his bedroom, the galley and locker room to find the damned thing. He took it off only to - suddenly he remembered hurling the timepiece across the shack and cursed mildly. Forgetting the anguish he had felt when he had thrown it he was relieved to know where it was.

The Phantom glanced up at the barracks, debating whether he should continue his foray. It was very late, he knew. He also knew that tonight would be the last opportunity for him to visit his favourite cadets for the next four days. Tomorrow they would be off to Victoria for the British Columbia Day Parade and would not return until very late on Monday night. A Duty watch would be left behind, but the Watch consisted of Sea Puppies and General Training Cadets, none of whom The Phantom was interested in. Chef, recovered from what he called his night of wassail at the wet downs, and feeling penitent, had given The Phantom the weekend off. Chef, together with Randy and Joey would hold the fort.

The euphoria of last night's wet down and today's meeting with Tyler had long since worn off. The Phantom, rather than sit at home in an empty house feeling sorry for himself, had gone home, showered, changed and returned to visit first Ray, and then Mike.

The Phantom did not know if it was the general excitement generated by the promotions or the anticipation of getting away from the ship for a long weekend, or perhaps Ray had merely been extraordinarily horny because he had responded with an intensity he had never shown before, so much so that The Phantom had almost succumbed to Ray's stroking hand which, before The Phantom could react, had slid down the front of his jeans and into his boxers. He had very quickly moved his hips and managed to extricate his raging boner from Ray's squeezing hand. He lip washed Ray from his nipples down to his ball sac, sucking the boy into near unconsciousness before his lips slowly enveloped his rampant boner. With his tongue The Phantom washed Ray's blood-enlarged, purple mushroom, licking rapidly and bringing Ray to a body twitching, jerking orgasm. Ray's orgasm so powerful and plentiful - the most massive so far - that The Phantom had trouble swallowing all of Ray's deliciously sweet teenage nectar.

Like most boys after a mind-blowing orgasm, Ray's helmet was so tender and sensitive that he growled and squirmed as The Phantom tried to clean him, his face twisting and contorting as a cyclone of pleasure roared through him. Ray gasped as he felt the pressure building again deep within his groin. As every nerve ending in his body screamed with ecstasy, Ray was once again lost in Nirvana, his hardon pulsing and jerking rapidly until his balls pumped and another massive flood of his sperm flew from his slit.

The Phantom chuckled at the memory of Ray's second orgasm. A far cry from their first session, when Ray had lain there, breathing harshly, never uttering a sound as he soared and exploded from the exquisite pleasure of his very first blowjob.

His smile grew wider as he thought of Mike's reaction to his ministrations. If Ray had been intense, Mike had been enthusiastic. Refusing to be satisfied with just one orgasm, tonight had been a replay of their first meeting, with Mike determined to exact as much pleasure as he could and demonstrating that while he might have the dick of a gerbil he had the balls and the stamina of a centaur.

Mike's first orgasm had been massive, a body-convulsing, bumper-crop experience for both of them. As the Phantom lay between his legs, feeling Mike squirm and shudder as his dick was sucked clean, his huge hand had covered the back of The Phantom's head and for a moment The Phantom had thought that Mike might try the frantic face fucking so many guys seemed to want to do. But Mike was a kind and gentle giant who just rubbed the back of The Phantom's head, murmuring softly. After his first shuddering, fantastic orgasm, Mike did not lose his hardon. As The Phantom sucked and cleaned him his sap began to rise again and he began to thrust gently in and out of the warm mouth. Within two minutes Mike had produced yet another load of warm, thick, sweet semen.

As far as Mike was concerned his second orgasm was as good, if not better, than the first. He had thrown his head back and groaned as his balls emptied some hidden reservoir of his seed. Whoever was working on him knew how to suck a dick and produced pleasures and feelings that Mike had never dared to believe existed. Mike never wanted those feelings to leave him and when he felt the warmth and wetness leaving his member he begged for more. The wetness remained and his dick remained as rigid as ever although the smoothly curving helmet-shaped glans of his penis was so sensitive that he writhed and shuddered each time the velvet tongue slid slowly across it. Within minutes of his second orgasm, Mike had his third, which left him totally drained and all but overcome with delightful sensuality.

When the boy who had pleasured him leaned forward and kissed him gently, Mike's arms embraced him and he whimpered as the visitor's hand reached down and slowly massaged his glowing corona, still spasming from his ejaculations, slowly pleasuring until finally Mike pulled away, his penis too sensitive, too overcome for him to continue. Mike felt warm lips on his, a final kiss, and the visitor was gone.

Smiling happily The Phantom idly stroked his rock hard penis, willing himself not to go too far. He had not cum since yesterday, when he had jerked off in the shower before going to work, and he knew that when he did, finally, allow himself the ultimate pleasure, which would come much later, after he visited with Tyler and Val, it would be mind-altering and massive.

Thinking of the Chiefs visit his face hardened and his dick began to shrink. They had had the courtesy to come and thank him for what he had done. Joey and Randy had proclaimed him their honourary big brother. Sandro had kissed him and Ray had hugged him and had quite definitely given his butt a feel. The Twins had come by after Secure. They had been so impressed with what he had done that they had not copped a feel, even though they had the perfect opportunity to do so when they hugged him. The Phantom considered this was high praise indeed.

Only one person, the only person he wanted to at least hear from, did not approach him in any way. The Gunner, as was his custom, had visited Chef in the galley for their afternoon beer. He had nodded to The Phantom, but said nothing.

"He had to know," thought The Phantom. The Gunner knew everything sooner or later. In this case he would know because Chef had dragged the full story out of Ray. If Chef knew the story, it was only a matter of time before he told The Gunner.

There was also the matter of The Gunner kissing Harry. The Phantom's emerald eyes flashed and sparkled at the memory. "The Gunner could at least have tried to kiss me," thought The Phantom, quite forgetting that it was he who had rebuffed the man when he came to wet him down.

The Phantom knew that he was jealous and cursed himself for it, just as he knew, deep down, that there was nothing to the kiss. Still he burned with jealousy. That kiss might just have been a guy thing to Harry, but to The Phantom it merely confirmed his belief that he would never be held in The Gunner's arms.

He sat idly watching the thickening clouds roll across the moonlit sky. Although rain was predicted - again - it was in reality a pleasant night, with a soft wind from the east sighing gently through the trees.

Unlike many of the cadets The Phantom actually loved this place. Not because of its location or the pitiful amenities it offered. He loved this place for the boys, boys who had given him their love and respect, boys who had accepted him as one of their own, without question. He loved this place for the camaraderie and warmth that seemed to be an integral part of the fabric of the place. The cadets' ready acceptance of him as a Chief had confirmed their respect, if not their love, for him, and he was determined not to let them down.

The Phantom sighed deeply. It would all end in a few weeks. The cadets would pack their kit bags and suitcases, board the buses that would take them to Comox Aerodrome, and would be gone. Summer training would be over. The Gunner would pack his bags, close his small apartment, and drive south to Victoria, to resume his duties with the Fleet, gone from The Phantom's life forever.

"Not a happy prospect," thought The Phantom. He would be alone again. Well, not entirely alone. There was Sam. But Sam had never been entirely comfortable with what they had done together and the tribal prohibitions were so strong that Sam was not about to disobey them, not when the alternative was expulsion from the Tribe and the only future left to him was drugs, booze, and selling his body on Skid Row in Victoria.

There was also Jeff. He hadn't been around much all summer, although The Phantom had seen him occasionally, tooling around town in his convertible, usually with some girl parked in the front seat beside him. He had not seen Robbie at all since that day when the boy had rushed into the house for a pee and then offered to suck him off.

"Now there," thought The Phantom, "is trouble with a capital 'T'." Sooner or later Robbie would proposition the wrong boy and all hell would break loose. As much as he wanted to put the moves on Jeff, The Phantom decided that he was not about to start anything so long as Robbie was in the picture. Robbie caught meant Robbie talking, and if Robbie talked his relationship with his brother would come out. Society - and the law - took a dim view of an 18-year-old boy sucking his 12-year-old brother's dick until his head exploded, unless Jeff had finally succumbed to Robbie's threats or blandishments and was now fucking his brains out. There was no way for The Phantom to know and he had no intention of trying to find out. Robbie was a piece of work and The Phantom did not trust him. As much as he was tempted to take Jeff up on his offer of a Coke, or something, there would be no late night couplings with Jeff Jensen so long as Robbie was in the picture.

The Phantom looked across to the barracks. Inside were two boys who would welcome him, who would cause no trouble because they wanted what he gave them. Boys, who would, when they left AURORA, take home with them the memories he gave them. He stood up and began walking to the other end of the barracks block, wondering if, in the middle of a cold winter's night, Val and Tyler would lie in their separate beds, reach down, put their hand between their legs, and remember.

The Phantom slowly pushed the door to the Gunroom open and walked quietly down the short corridor, passing the Chiefs Mess door. He stopped and listened intently for any sound that was remotely out of the ordinary. He heard nothing but the sound of teenage males sleeping: soft snuffles, a groan, the shuffling of legs under starched sheets. He took in the mingled odours that gave the Gunroom a distinctive flavour: good, strong, soap, musk and body oils, the wonderful aroma of hard-muscled, teenaged males.

The Gunroom was very dark. The rain clouds had covered what little moon there was and no moonlight streamed through the bare windows. He saw that there was no distinctive ruby aura from the emergency lights. Someone had removed the light bulbs from the red-glassed domes that lined the side bulkheads of the Gunroom. The Phantom peeked carefully around the corner of the Chiefs Mess and saw the Twins, each in his own bunk, curled up with the just the tips of their golden heads showing above the blue-checked counterpanes that covered their wonderful bodies.

Across from where The Twins lay sleeping Thumper lay in relatively solitary splendour. Fred, Two Strokes and Greg were not sleeping in the Mess tonight. Fred was Duty Petty Officer and Two Strokes and Greg were with Kyle and Andy. They had left AURORA shortly after 1600, on their way to Victoria, to finalize the plans for the Corps visit to the capital.

The Phantom took the few short steps back down the dim corridor and opened the door to the Chiefs Mess. Val lay uncovered on top of his bunk. He lay on his back, with his legs spread. He was wearing his trademark tartan boxers and white socks.

The Phantom moved slowly into the cabin and sat on the edge of Val's bed. He bent down and smelled the musky odour of Val. Under the thin fabric of his underpants Val's genitals were faintly outlined. Using just the tips of his fingers The Phantom traced the outline of Val's soft cock and then slowly drew his fingers across Val's wonderful balls. He continued his gentle tracing and Val's cock began to stiffen. Val's boxers tented as his dick pushed outward from the fly of his underpants, seeking freedom. His cock began leaking precum and a large damp spot appeared just below the head of his cock.

When the Phantom reached down and pulled on Val's retracting balls, Val slipped his hand down the front of his underpants and adjusted his hardon so that it lay straight up, flat against his belly, with just the barest hint of his dark crimson helmet showing above the wide elastic waistband of his shorts. With the flat of his right hand The Phantom slowly rubbed up and down on the solid outline of Val's dick pressing against the gaudy material of his underpants. With his left hand he fondled and rolled Val's balls.

With each downward motion of The Phantom's hand the friction of cloth against flesh was so pleasurable that Val began thrusting upward. His engorged helmet, bright red from extreme arousal, slowly rose above the top of his boxers. With each rubbing slide of the hand down his engorged and throbbing boner he groaned loudly.

The Phantom took the curving head of Val's cock and perhaps one inch of his thickened shaft into his mouth, sucking softly, his tongue sweeping the precum that gushed from Val's hot crown. All but overcome with lust and anxious to have his whole, desperately throbbing dick in the sucking mouth, Val reached down and frantically pushed his boxers down.

With his tongue The Phantom probed Val's pee slit. He felt it open slightly as Val, his body responding to the wonder that caused him to gasp and groan, stiffened as if a huge jolt of electricity had passed through him. His cock spasmed and an almighty load of his sweet, teen nectar blew into The Phantom's mouth. He sucked wildly as Val bucked and thrust, each thrust squirting another stream of semen into his waiting mouth.

As Val's orgasm rose and peaked, he clutched the sheets, his mind reeling as wave after wave of excruciating pleasure assaulted him. He continued to convulse until the last, final, drop of his juice oozed from his swollen helmet.

The Phantom pushed his mouth downward, easing every bit of Val's still hard seven inches into his warm, moistness, only stopping when his nose became buried in Val's pubic hairs. He began to withdraw, tightening his hold on the velvet smoothness of Val's shaft, his tongue lapping and circling the hot flesh. As he drew his tongue and lips over Val's highly sensitive helmet Val's legs kicked out and his body arched. He let out a long, low moan, his hands ripping at the sheet on which his writhing body lay.

When the warm mouth left him Val lay quietly, his dick continuing to spasm from the after effects of his orgasm. He did not dare to move as he heard the sound of soft rubber-soled sneakers shuffle across the deck. Before very long he heard the sounds and knew that Tyler was being pleasured. As he listened to the moans of ecstasy from the other side of the room he slipped his hand down and fisted his wonderfully hard cock.

Tyler lay on his bunk listening to Val's moan and grunt as he laboured noisily toward orgasm, and then turning his head to watch through hooded eyes as the slim, dark, shadowy form's masked face snuffled and probed Val's crotch.

As Val moaned and groaned his way toward a stupendous ejaculation, Tyler found himself so stimulated that his dick stiffened to form a huge bulge in his white, tight, formfitting briefs, and his balls ached painfully. He reached down and quickly adjusted his iron boner, feeling the dampness as his briefs absorbed the sticky, clear precum that pumped spasmodically from his dick as it spasmed and jerked in time with his short, shallow, breaths. He watched as Val's body convulsed and heard Val's long, guttural moan as an awesome orgasm avalanched through his body.

Tyler was almost afraid to breathe as he waited for the dark form to leave Val's jerking body. He lay as quietly as he could with his eyes tightly closed and his huge erection straining against the soaked fabric of his briefs. After what seemed like an eternity he felt the coverlet that shrouded his flushed body being slowly drawn down, the starched cloth stimulating his hardened nipples, and sending a ripple of delight through him as it passed over the underside of his erection. He felt the warm hand as it began its tentative probing of his iron-hard, bullet-shaped erection and he sucked in his breath sharply as the hand stroked him. When another hand joined the first, kneading and rolling his balls in their tightening sac Tyler spread his legs, giving the massaging hands greater room to explore his leaking, lust-driven boner and then arched his body as warm lips pressed against the thick base of his hardened penis, offering his entire being as the sensual delights he so desperately wanted to feel began to engulf him.

As his mouth and hands sent incredible pulses of ecstasy surging through Tyler's body, The Phantom inhaled the wonderful scent of a man, the mixture of musk, sweat and body oils that Tyler's cock and balls secreted, filling his nostrils with the intoxicating odour of a man. While his hands continued to knead and rub Tyler's massive erection and tight balls The Phantom moved his head and began to nuzzle and nip at Tyler's inner thighs, tasting the salty rime of sweat that coated his hairy, warm flesh.

The effect of The Phantom's mouth on his body caused tremors of delight to roll though Tyler, rolling upward from his groin and causing his legs to scissor and twitch as the rippling wonder passed through him.

Leaving Tyler's thighs The Phantom began to lick and nibble the Master at Arms' beautifully circumcised cock head through the saturated briefs, lapping and sucking up and down the length of Tyler's thick, hot shaft. Tyler raised his hips higher, moaning deliriously as more and more mind-blowing ecstasy rose from deep within his balls and crashed through him. His briefs were so sodden from the precum that seeped from his engorged helmet in an almost never ending stream that the thin cotton material was almost translucent, so much so that even in the dim light The Phantom could see in clearly outlined detail Tyler's tan and pink penis, his darkened and wrinkled testicles, and his coppery pubic patch.

The Phantom, his nostrils filled with Tyler's scent, his mouth exploding with the pleasure of the boy's wonderful taste, took each testicle in turn into his mouth, savouring their sweetness through the drenched cotton of Tyler's briefs.

"Oh, God, Oh, God, Oh, God," groaned Tyler through clenched teeth. His face contorted, and his muscles tightened as he strove to contain his building orgasm. His eight-inch hardon thickened and his reddened helmet strained against the elastic waistband of his briefs, pulsing and jerking as The Phantom's tongue lashed it unmercifully. Tyler placed his hand lightly on the back of The Phantom's head, pressing gently, silently begging for relief from the monumental pressure thickening his dick and causing his balls to slowly retreat into his body.

In response The Phantom sucked the length of Tyler's iron hard cock. His lips found the oozing mushroom, slimy from the precum leaking the gaping slit of Tyler's spongy hard crown. With his nose pressed tight against Tyler's hard stomach he pushed aside the restraining band of elastic and took the Master at Arms' hot, pulsing erection into his mouth. He reached up and hooked his fingers under the waistband of Tyler's briefs, pulling them down.

The Phantom fisted the thick base of Tyler's sticky, hot, magnificence, and his tongue, slick with saliva and Tyler's precum twirled and swirled across and around Tyler's spewing glans, causing the handsome teenager such unimaginable pleasure that he bucked and thrashed, his hands clawing at the bed sheets. From deep within his soul Tyler felt the waves building. With manic thrusts his hips pushed upward, desperate to empty his swollen balls into the deeply sucking mouth.

As the first wave of the most sublime pleasure he had ever experienced crashed and broke, Tyler groaned loudly. His thickened cock head jerked, sending a thick stream of his teen nectar geysering from his throbbing slit. "Ohfuckohfuckohfuck," he moaned loudly as a deluge of hot ambrosia erupted from his spasming cock. He thrust and jerked madly as ever-decreasing jets of cum issued forth, his body rigid, every muscle taut, as the stupendous orgasm he was experiencing threatened to send him into unconsciousness. As the high tide of his ejaculation ebbed from his body, Tyler's muscles relaxed. He panted heavily as The Phantom licked and sucked his softening dick clean, grunting as the moist lips cleansed his super sensitive helmet. As he luxuriated in the wonderful afterglow of an orgasm he never conceived to be possible, Tyler felt warm lips touch his. For the first time he tasted another boy's maleness and he savoured deeply the sweetness of the lips and his own glorious juice.

The lips withdrew and Tyler felt the coverlet being drawn modestly over his naked body. He heard the soft footfalls receding. The Mess door opened and closed softly, and he sighed happily.

Cory grunted as his eyes snapped open. He had been deep in sleep when a series of soft thumps penetrated his dormant brain. He listened a moment and then sat up. He pressed his ear against the bulkhead, grinning broadly, recognizing the sounds. He got out of bed and quickly shook Todd.

"Wha . . ." asked Todd groggily.

"Toddy, Tyler's getting his rocks off," whispered Cory. "Quick, listen."

Todd was suddenly wide-awake. He sat on Cory's bunk and listened intently. Then he smiled and nodded. "It sure sounds like Tyler's enjoying himself," he said quietly.

"Jesus, listen to him. He must be getting the mother of all blowjobs," Cory agreed. They continued to listen until they heard Tyler's cum cry. Todd gestured toward his bed. "Get in bed, quick. It's got to be that phantom guy. When he comes out we'll follow him."

Cory nodded abruptly and dove under the covers of Todd's bed, pulling them over his head, leaving just his eyes and forehead uncovered, barely daring to breathe while he waited for whoever it was in the Chiefs Mess to come out.

They did not wait long. Presently they heard the door from the Chiefs Mess open. As they listened they heard soft footsteps enter the Gunroom. Through slitted eyes Cory and Todd saw the dark figure standing at the foot of Thumper's bed.

Whoever he was, he was obviously male, slim and standing just over five-and-a-half feet or so tall. The spectre was dressed all in black and had what looked like a ski mask over his head. With his back to them the Twins could not see anything that would identify the intruder.

As they watched the figure moved slowly between Fred's bunk and Thumper's, then reached down and pulled back the counterpane, revealing a sleeping boy's body. Then the dark figure bent down, and buried his face in Thumper's groin.

Regulating Petty Officer Thomas Matthew Vernon, affectionately known as Thumper, was not a particularly heavy sleeper, and when he felt a warm hand envelope his genitals and ease them through the slit of his boxers, he slowly opened his eyes. He saw only a dark figure, a dark figure whose hand was slowly stroking his dick into hardness.

Thumper was not naive when it came to sex. He knew full well that there were ways for boys to give pleasure to other boys, although he had never given another boy the same pleasure he felt when he jacked off, nor had another boy ever given him pleasure. Out of fear he had never taken up the two or three veiled invitations he had received. Thumper had been eager to experiment but he would not take the chance that the other guy would not talk. Better to use his own hand than to risk being called a faggot.

All fear left him, however, as he felt the hand slowly rubbing his boner. A wave of pleasure rose from his balls and he arched his body, gasping as the thumb of the hand crossed his tumescent helmet, massaging his hard, smooth crown with his own precum. A jolt of electricity passed through Thumper and he jerked with each pass of the thumb over his steaming mushroom. Jesus, it never felt this good before! It never felt like this when he thumped his pump in the dark of night!

The Phantom lowered his head and drank in Thumper's unique scent, a slightly musty perfume touched with just a hint of the salty odour of stale semen. The Phantom remembered that the other cadets all teased Thumper for his nightly habit of jerking off before going to bed and realized that tonight had been no exception.

"Thumper," thought The Phantom with a pleased grin, "has a perfectly sized dick." Thumper had been loosely circumcised and two thin rolls of skin, one pale pink and matching his dick's rosy colour, the other a pale tan, nestled just under the boy's crisply defined glans. His balls, perfectly shaped ovals, were contained in a soft, low-hanging sac of smooth skin sparsely dusted with thin, short hairs. As The Phantom stroked Thumper's penis lengthened and thickened, forming a wonderfully sleek, perfectly proportioned rod of warm, pulsing flesh. Thumper, The Phantom decided, had a dick meant for sucking slowly and lovingly.

With his right hand The Phantom gripped the base of Thumper's erection. With his left hand he fondled and rolled Thumper's hard balls while his tongue traced the length of Thumper's thick erection, licking the sensitive skin just where the shaft joined the crown. The Phantom slowly drew his tongue over the boy's mushroom, pausing to probe the gaping slit with the tip of his tongue.

For Thumper the powerful waves of pleasure crashing through his quivering body were so extraordinarily wonderful that he lost all sense of space. Every fibre of his being, every nerve ending, seemed to be concentrated in his groin as tsunami after tsunami of exquisite, almost unbearable ecstasy rolled upward and crashed over him. His heart was pounding like a bass drum and when the warm wetness took all of him in, he gasped. He was being given a blowjob - he knew that much - and never wanted the soft sucking motion that caused him to moan and whimper to end. Try as he might Thumper could not stop the inevitable from happening and he felt the warm tingle of his impending orgasm building and strengthening deep inside him, so overwhelming in its intensity that his head rolled back and his toes curled. Suddenly Thumper could wait no longer and the gates crashed open, sending the first liquid harbinger of a monster load of semen rocketing through his raging dick and exploding from his distended slit.

As his balls pulsed and the first huge blast of his sperm skyrocketed from his dick Thumper, so surprised at the force of his ejaculation and so overcome with feelings that he had never experienced before, sat up and squeaked, "Oh Shit!" Then he flopped back down on his bed and began to furiously fuck The Phantom's face.

The Phantom was so surprised that he lost his mouth lock on Thumper's spewing organ. Thumper's dick was pumping and twitching as he emptied his load in thick, strong jets and while some of his load flew into The Phantom's mouth, much more of it landed on Thumper's chest and stomach as his dick jerked back and forth, a berserk fountain of boy juice spraying out. The Phantom quickly recovered and fisted Thumper's pulsating cock, drawing Thumper's jerking dick into his mouth and swallowing as much of the boy's ever decreasing load as he could.

Even as his dick began to shrink, his supply of semen finally depleted, Thumper continued to thrust and grunt as the painful pleasure continued.

When he was finished cleansing the last drop of Thumper's cum from his still spasming dick, The Phantom hastily threw the coverlet over the still thrusting boy and quickly left the Gunroom, not knowing that two very interested spectators had witnessed Thumper receiving his first blowjob.

Todd, ignoring the still twitching Thumper, quickly jumped out of his bunk. Cory, who was grinning like an ape, followed suit. They quickly pulled on the shorts and T-shirts that they had dropped on the deck when they first went to bed, and hurried from the Gunroom.

"Holy fuck!" ejaculated Todd as they rushed into the barracks yard full of disbelief. He had seen guys blow their load before, but never with such passion. "Come on, Cory, we have to hurry," he said, grabbing Cory's arm.

"Where are we going?" asked Cory, hurrying after Todd.

"After him," returned Todd, pointing into the darkness. "If we're careful we'll get him and find out who he is."

"But we don't know where he's going!" Cory was not averse to catching the fellow, not after having seen what he had done to Thumper. "And what do we do with him if we do catch him?"

"He's either a cadet and is going to go into one of the barracks, or he's a civilian and he's going off the Spit." Todd hurried his pace. "Hurry up and be quiet!"

As closely as they dared the Twins followed the dark shape as it navigated its way through the shadows, past the Headquarters Building and the first of the cadet barracks. Using the same shadows the Twins watched as the figure left the shelter of the Mess Hall and, ducking low below the level of the causeway, hurried along the beach and up onto Comox Road, where the figure paused, looked hurriedly around, and then rushed across and disappeared into the trees.

"Shit, he's gone into the woods!" swore Cory. "If he's got a car, we're fucked in trying to catch him!"

They stopped on the rise just before the roadway and lay down, waiting, catching their breath. Todd expected to hear the roar of a car's engine, followed by the squeal of tires as the phantom figure fled. When nothing happened he tapped Cory's shoulder and gestured for him to follow across the road. "I'll bet that bastard went into that shack we found," he whispered. "Come on, if he's in there, we've got him."

They slowly entered the woods and walked along the trail leading to the wooden shack where they saw a gleam of light glowing from under the closed door. "He's in there," murmured Todd. "We've got him!"

The Twins approached the shack slowly and carefully, not wanting to make a sound and frighten the person inside into doing something desperate. They stopped before the closed door and Todd pressed his ear against the weathered wood, listening carefully.

"What?" asked Cory.

Todd turned and grinned. "He's in there and he's having a hell of a time. From the sound of it, he's beating off."

"You're kidding!" gasped Cory.

Todd shook his head and slowly opened the door. The pale light cast by the kerosene lamp revealed the supine figure of a boy lying on the bed, furiously masturbating and groaning. It was The Phantom.

"Jesus Christ!" exploded Todd, not believing what he was seeing.

****** The Phantom sat up with a jerk and glared at the Twins. He did not know if he should be angry, or afraid. "What . . . what . . . what are you doing here?" he sputtered angrily as he quickly stuffed his softening penis into his jeans and then zipped up.

The Twins entered the shack, closing the door behind them. They stood beside the bed, looking at The Phantom, their hands primly crossed over their crotches. Todd explained, briefly, how they had discovered The Phantom's hideaway.

"We also found your watch," added Cory. "It's on the table beside the lamp."

"That's a good place for it!" snapped The Phantom. "What do you want?" he demanded, his voice knife-edged.

The Twins ignored The Phantom's rudeness. "Well, Phantom, I must say . . ." began Todd.

"We never expected that you would . . ." continued Cory.

The Phantom held up his hand. "Stop the bullshit. Say what you have to say."

The Twins shrugged together, and then sat down on the bed, Cory at the head of it, Todd near the foot. "As we were about to say, Phantom, before we were so rudely interrupted, we never suspected that it was you roaming the countryside in the middle of the night giving blowjobs to all and sundry," said Todd calmly.

"And, from the sound of them, very good blowjobs, indeed," offered Cory.

"I do not give blowjobs to all and sundry," retorted The Phantom hotly. "Just a few guys I happen to think a lot of."

"Who just happen to be the hunkiest guys on board," sniffed Todd.


"Tyler and Val, for starters. They are hunks of the first water," smiled Cory.

"They're not the only ones," admitted The Phantom. "Most of them were, and are, just plain guys."

"Were? How long has this been going on?" asked Todd, dumfounded that The Phantom could be doing such a thing for so long without anybody knowing about it.

The Phantom's initial apprehension faded in the face of the Twins' light-hearted and nonchalant demeanour. He shrugged expressively. "Two years. I started last year. This year I started the night after the first draft of senior cadets came on board." There was no point in lying or trying to hide. "I don't fuck around with the Makee-Learns or the Sea Puppies. Just the older cadets, the ones who've been around a Dog Watch or more."

Cory rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "So, this was not some knee-jerk reaction to The Gunner being such a prick to you?" he asked.

The Phantom shook his head. "The Gunner had nothing to do with it. And he wasn't a prick to me. The Gunner lied to me. I can't stand a liar."

Cory, like a moth to the flame, gazed at the handsome bulge The Phantom's basket made in the front of his tight, black jeans. He lay beside The Phantom and propped himself on one elbow. "You want to talk about it?" he asked as he reached out and stroked The Phantom's face.

The Phantom smiled warmly at Cory. "I don't know who I like more, you or Todd."

"Obviously me," proclaimed Todd. "I'm older, smarter, and a much better lover than Cory will ever be."

Cory snorted disdainfully. "Self praise is no recommendation."

"His balls are bigger," snickered The Phantom.

"True," agreed Cory. "But my technique is better."

Todd groaned. "Let's get back to The Gunner. What happened?"

The Phantom's eyes clouded as he told the Twins what had happened. He closed his eyes, remembering every detail.

"So, you have no idea who the guy is?" asked Todd when The Phantom had finished speaking.

"The Gunner never told me the guy's name," answered The Phantom with a shake of his head.

"Were they lovers?" Cory's put his hand on The Phantom's chest and began massaging gently.

"I asked The Gunner if he was fucking the guy. He wouldn't tell me. He told me it was none of my business." The Phantom sniffed, rubbed the back of Cory's head, and smiled. "The funny thing is, I was going to stop all my night visits. I thought that the guys I was doing deserved better. Then I thought, fuck it, at least they want me, even if The Gunner doesn't."

"They must like what you're doing. No one has said a word about it." Cory's hand moved south, and he began rubbing The Phantom's belly.

"You guys knew about me?" gasped The Phantom.

Todd nodded. "Cory overheard Dylan and Brian having words about it and, to be truthful, Tyler is not the quietest thing on earth when he blows his wad."

"Plus we saw you give Thumper the best night of his life." Cory began laughing. "I don't know who was more surprised when he blew his load, you, him, or the two of us."

The three boys laughed at the memory of Thumper's thrashing dick spewing cum all over the place. Cory's hand continued to drift south until it touched the tip of The Phantom's erection growing under his jeans. "It would appear that you made a lot of guys very happy," said Cory with a snicker.

"There really weren't all that many," protested The Phantom. "Last year, the first time I did it, the guy woke up so I rolled under the bunk beside his and hid, scared to death. Then the Duty Hand came clumping through. Shit, I was so scared I took off and damned near didn't come back."

"But you did come back," murmured Todd.

"Yeah, I came back. I did a few guys last year, and some this year. Maybe a dozen all told. As I said, I just did guys that I really liked, and guys who I knew wouldn't talk about it later."

Cory looked at Todd, who nodded, and began to rub The Phantom's leg. The Phantom was about to be taken to a new level of sensuality. "Sex is like money. People who have it don't talk about it," said Cory, grinning. He moved his hand and began rubbing the impressive bulge in The Phantom's black jeans.

The Phantom looked down at Cory's massaging hand, and then looked at each Twin in turn. "I guess it's time, huh?" he whispered huskily.

Cory reached over and unbuttoned The Phantom's jeans. He pulled the zipper down and began to feel the thick bulge in The Phantom's underwear. Todd undid the laces to The Phantom's sneakers and slipped them off his feet. He pulled off the Phantom's black socks and threw them to one side. Then Todd reached up and began tugging on the boy's jeans. "Lift up your hips, Phantom. Cory, push his pants down so I can get them off," he instructed.

Both boys did as they were told. When his jeans and underwear joined the sneakers on the dirt floor, The Phantom pulled his T-shirt over his head. He was completely naked. Cory and Todd quickly stripped off and climbed onto the bed, Cory lying on one side of The Phantom, Todd on the other. Cory laid his head on The Phantom's stomach and grabbed his dick at the thick base. His tongue flicked out and traced the faint circumcision ring that encircled The Phantom's classic penis. "Beautiful," murmured Cory as his tongue traced the length of The Phantom's throbbing erection. "So beautiful." He began to pump slowly.

At the touch of Cory's hand The Phantom arched his hips. The sensations coursing through him were indescribable. Todd moved down the bed and started to lick and suck The Phantom's smooth, oval testicles, and then his inner thighs, The Phantom moaned and spread his legs, giving Todd better access to his balls.

Cory began lip sucking the length of The Phantom's raging hardon. When he reached the blood-engorged head he traced the crisp, curling ridge of The Phantom's crimson helmet, then began sucking gently, gathering the precum that leaked in small rivers from the slit, oozing over the crown and down the shaft.

The Phantom lay back, breathing heavily as the Twins worked their magic on him, his chest heaving as the pleasures coursed through him. His eyes were tightly closed, his mind reeling, and he did not see Todd move again. He felt his legs being pushed back to his chest. He opened his eyes and watched as Todd buried his nose in his crack.

A new sensation coursed through The Phantom's body as Todd's hot and very wet tongue lapped in circles around his puckered, pink and brown hole. Todd's tongue, laden with saliva, circled, licked and then probed, a sharp, hard, moistness entering The Phantom's body. The Phantom yelped as a shock of electricity passed through him. He had never felt such pleasure before, certainly not when he had fingered himself.

Cory sucked the entire length of The Phantom's cock into his mouth, and then slowly withdrew. The Phantom groaned and arched his body. He could feel, deep within his balls, his orgasm building. As Cory continued to lick and kiss his trembling, thick shaft, and Todd licked and sucked his hole, The Phantom moaned and groaned, his body tightening as he approached the peak.

Cory's lips and tongue concentrated on the small bundle of tissue gathered just under the head of The Phantom's cock where it joined the shaft, his tongue licking frantically. He felt The Phantom's cock thicken and pumped his hand faster as he held The Phantom's magnificent erection straight out from his body.

The Phantom felt the waves rolling outward from his groin, engulfing his entire being and he thrust violently upward as Cory slid his tongue up and down the underside of his shaft from his circumcision line to just under the head of his dick.

"Aaaaaagggggh," A loud, strangled grunt rose from The Phantom's throat as his dick jerked and, deceptively, a small bubble of cum oozed from his slit. Then, as he bucked and twitched, his slit gaped and a huge stream of his creamy nectar rocketed out, rising high into the air, arcing and falling with a huge splatter across his naked chest. The Phantom thrust his hips as an equally large jet flew upward, quickly followed by another, and then another.

Cory continued to pump The Phantom's cock, watching wide eyed as jet after jet of semen flew upward, until just a few small drops oozed from the spasming slit of The Phantom's dick. When it was obvious no more cum was going to come spewing out, Cory began to lick and suck the turgid organ clean. The Phantom yelped and pulled back. He hands flew downward and covered the sensitive mushroom-shaped head of his dick.

The Twins sat back and waited until The Phantom's breathing calmed and his hands left his crotch. They had never seen a boy cum with such force and power. "Jesus, Phantom, what have you got in there, Old Faithful?" asked Cory, astonishment written on his face. Todd reached out and touched The Phantom's shrinking organ. "Man, you could win jerk-off contests with that thing."

The Phantom, still recovering from the effects of a massive orgasm, grinned weakly. "I should have warned you. That happens when I don't cum for a while."

"When was the last time you came?" asked Cory as he began licking The Phantom's cum from his body.

"Hey, save some for me!" Todd growled as he moved up the bed and joined Cory in cleaning The Phantom.

"Thursday morning, after I got up. I jerked off in the shower."

"Fuck, if it does that after one day, I'd hate to be around when you do it after not cumming for a week," exclaimed Cory.

The Phantom laughed and pulled the Twins close to him. They snuggled against him and while Cory began to play with The Phantom's hard nipples, Todd reached down and cupped his balls, feeling the weight of them, and the soft, smooth skin of his sac.

The Phantom kissed each Twin in turn, and then sat up. He took Cory's stiffened penis in his hand and slowly pushed down until the skin of Cory's dick was stretched and very tight, the thin, sensitive skin under his cockhead almost transparent. The effect of The Phantom's hand caused Cory to moan and he tightened his ass muscles involuntarily. As he kept a strong hold on Cory's dick, gripping only the base, The Phantom moved his head down and, using just the tip of his tongue and his soft lips, moved slowly up and down Cory's shaft, barely touching the rose-coloured, taut, skin.

Cory closed his eyes and concentrated on the feelings that coursed through him. He felt as if the softest of down feathers was being drawn slowly up and down his dick. Next he felt what appeared to be the softest silk cloth being drawn over his crimson mushroom. His concentration was such that he was aware of nothing but the softness caressing his cock. From deep within him the wellspring of ecstasy began opening, flooding his body. His head arched back, and he pushed his hips upward as his orgasm began building, flowing upward from his crotch, the intensity of it growing second by second. He groaned loudly as his orgasm smashed through him, barely aware of the cum sluicing through his shaft and bubbling out of his slit. He groaned louder as yet another orgasm, stronger than the first, quickly followed. His entire body seemed to spasm as yet another, then another, powerful, mind-altering orgasm crashed through him.

Todd watched wide-eyed in amazement as Cory moaned and arched as orgasm followed orgasm, his body totally consumed by the whispered caresses of The Phantom's tongue and lips.

Finally, The Phantom released Cory, who collapsed, totally drained, breathing heavily and moaning deliriously. "Oh . . . my . . . fuck . . ." moaned Cory loudly. His body convulsed, his dick jerked, and a tiny, pearl drop of semen slid from his slit.

"Are you all right?" gasped Todd.

Cory groaned. "Fuck, Toddy, I think I just crossed over the river." He curled in a ball and lay groaning for a few moments. Then he straightened. He pulled The Phantom to him and kissed him deeply. When they drew apart Cory smiled warmly. "I have never experienced anything like that. I came at least four times. I mean I actually came at least four times."

"That was the general idea," grinned The Phantom.

Cory reached down and felt his sensitive dick. It was slimed with his cum. "I'm a mess." The Phantom grinned. "Todd, hand me my shorts. I'd really like to lick him clean but I know how sensitive a guy's dick is after I do that to him." As Cory moaned and purred softly, enjoying the after effects of the most incredible blow job he had ever had, Todd nodded and hopped off the bed. He bent down and held up the white boxers he and Cory had found earlier. The Phantom shook his head. "No, they're not mine. Use the black ones." Todd looked at The Phantom. "So who owns these?" he asked, arching an eyebrow."

"Just a guy I know." Like the night, The Phantom held many secrets and the Twins did not need to know that the soiled boxers were Brian's.

Todd grinned. "You are a pisser, Phantom. You had Cory and me convinced that you were as straight as a die and here you've been entertaining a gentleman caller."

The Phantom returned the grin. "I stole them from one of the cadets the first time I took him across the river. He's never been here. Nobody has, except for a friend of mine from school, and all we ever did was jerk each other off." He took the boxers that Todd handed to him and began to gently clean Cory's body.

They lay together and talked for a while. Cory, finally recovered, asked why The Phantom had never come to them. "You knew we were gay, and you knew we liked you. Hell, we even offered to sleep with you."

The Phantom smiled. "Cory, to be truthful, yes, I wanted to sleep with both of you. When I first met you two I used to jack off at night thinking about you. Then, when you came out here this year I thought, wow!"

"Why wow?" asked Todd, his surprise registered on his face. None of the boys he and Cory had been with had ever admitted to being so fascinated with them.

The Phantom hefted Todd's soft dick and balls in his right hand. In his left hand he hefted Cory's soft dick and balls. "Last year, when I first saw you, you were okay, but, to be honest, a bit skinny. Then, all of a sudden, when you came back this year, I couldn't believe my eyes. You . . . like, you filled out, and got taller, and had such wonderfully tanned bodies, with muscles in all the right places. I guess you'd stopped being boys and became young men. You guys are . . . well, you're fucking beautiful! Not girl beautiful, but guy beautiful. You are beyond handsome. Harry is handsome. Tyler and Val are handsome. You two go way beyond that."

"We do?" marvelled Todd. He knew that Cory and he were handsome, and desirable, boys, but he never imagined that they could be such objects of frank admiration.

The Phantom imagined it. He groaned and nodded. "Fuck, Todd, everything about you and Cory is so fucking wonderful. I'd see you guys walking down the path, going to the beach, and, well, let's face it, before you decided to go into your seminarian mode . . ."

"Our what?" asked Cory.

The Phantom explained, and then continued. "I'd see everything and I'd think, God, if only they'd stop and maybe smile at me. Then I'd think, fuck, what would they see in me? I'm sure not a hunk. I have an okay dick, and I'm not all that bad looking, and my body is pretty good. I just didn't think you two would even give me a second look."

Todd laughed and began to fondle The Phantom. "Proved you wrong didn't we?"

The Phantom chuckled. "Yes. Then, of course, when you two finally did start to be my friends I'd already started my night rounds, and I thought, well, truthfully, I thought two guys like you, rich, intelligent, handsome beyond belief, you wouldn't want to have anything to do with a guy who goes around in the middle of the night sucking other guys dicks."

"I haven't heard anybody complaining," said Cory with heavy emphasis. He reached down and began to finger The Phantom's semi-hard dick. "If I'd known what you could do, I'd have knocked you down and dragged you out here long ago."

Todd grinned and fondled The Phantom's soft balls. "Me too."

The Phantom chuckled and pulled Todd to him. "I want you to fuck me, Todd." He saw the troubled look on Todd's face and continued gently. "Todd, I want to experience the fullness of what I am; I need to know what pleasures, if any, I am capable of feeling." He placed two fingers against Todd's lips, preventing any protest from the blond god he had adored for two years. "Give me those pleasures, Todd."

Todd looked at Cory, who nodded solemnly. There was no need for words. He understood how The Phantom felt, and what the boy needed to fell.

"You don't mind, Cory?" asked The Phantom apprehensively.

"No," replied Cory, getting off the bed. "Todd is a wonderful lover, and a very good teacher." He gave The Phantom a quick peck on the cheek. "Besides, you took me across the river."

"We'll need some lube," muttered Todd, moving between The Phantom's legs and spreading them apart. "Do you have any?"

The Phantom nodded. "In the saddle bag on my bike." He was breathing heavily in anticipation.

Cory left the shack and returned with the Vaseline. He also had a pair of semen-stiffened grey boxers with a USMC logo printed on them. "Another conquest?" he asked slyly as he handed the Vaseline to Todd.

"They're mine," replied The Phantom. "I forgot that I left them in there."

Todd terminated any further conversation by leaning forward and kissing The Phantom deeply. Then he withdrew and put a large dab of Vaseline in on his finger. He pushed The Phantom's knees back until they were touching his chest. With one finger he began circling and pressing against the tight, puckered opening of The Phantom's love channel. The Phantom panted heavily as Todd's finger slipped inside of him, moving slowly in and out in a twisting, pistoning motion. Todd leaned forward again and kissed The Phantom, sucking his tongue into his mouth as his finger slid in and out of The Phantom's hole. The Phantom groaned as a slow river of indescribable pleasure oozed through him and then he wrapped his legs around Todd's middle. His arms reached out to embrace Todd's neck. "Not yet," whispered Todd. The Phantom released him and pulled his legs back, hard against his heaving chest. Todd lubed up two fingers and pressed them against The Phantom's orifice. He leaned down and took The Phantom's dick into his mouth, sucking slowly and carefully, his two fingers moving in unison with his sucking. The Phantom grunted as the two fingers entered him. There had been pain at the initial penetration, but it was abating, and the more Todd fingered him the less pain he felt.

Todd continued his twisting motion with his fingers and when they brushed across The Phantom's prostate he groaned and spasmed. Todd withdrew his fingers and lay on The Phantom, grinding his raging hardon against The Phantom's balls and rigid cock. Then he propped himself up and stared into The Phantom's eyes.

The Phantom was frankly afraid of what was about to happen to him. His fear lessened when he looked into Todd's clear, sparkling, blue eyes. There was no lust, just love, and a tenderness that told The Phantom that Todd would never hurt him.

Todd gazed into the wonderful, emerald depths of The Phantom's eyes. He saw a touch of lust, of anticipation in those eyes. But beyond that, he saw . . . trust. Phantom trusted him not to hurt him, to never hurt him in any way. Todd kissed The Phantom again, his tongue passing teasingly across The Phantom's smooth lips. Then he broke the kiss. "We don't have to, if you don't want to," he murmured kindly. "I don't want to hurt you, Phantom, but you have to know, there will be some pain."

The Phantom nodded. "I understand, Todd. Please, do it. I want to do it," he finished emphatically. Todd smiled softly and then reached down and pressed the hot head of his dick against The Phantom's hole.

The Phantom wrapped his arms around Todd's neck and his legs embraced Todd's waist, waiting. He felt the pressure of Todd's hard penis as the head entered him and whimpered softly as a searing, burning pain flashed through his body.

Todd heard the whimper and knew what was happening to The Phantom. He waited patiently, with just the spongy, warm head of his penis inside of Phantom, waiting for the boy to become accustomed to what was inside him. When he saw The Phantom's face relax he pushed slowly forward. Now he had a third of his dick inside of him.

The Phantom felt the fullness engulfing him and, as the pain subsided, pushed back. He felt Todd's well-lubricated shaft slide further into him. He felt the pressure in his rectum build and suddenly he knew that Todd was completely inside of him.

Todd waited again and then leaned down and rubbed his stomach across Phantom's rock hard organ, which was slick from the natural lubricant that oozed from the head of his throbbing penis. The feeling of Todd's soft treasure trail as it passed over his erection caused The Phantom to groan loudly.

Todd began to move his hips slowly and carefully, withdrawing until just the head of his cock was inside of The Phantom. He pushed slowly upward and the head of his dick bumped The Phantom's prostate. The Phantom groaned louder as a thrill of wonder passed through him. His legs gripped Todd's straining body and he squeezed Todd against him, his ass muscles tightening around Todd's magnificent, pistoning dick. Todd was breathing in huge, rasping gasps as he continued. With each upward thrust his dick stimulated The Phantom's prostate, filling him with such conflicting feelings that his senses clashed alarmingly.

The Phantom felt his orgasm building deep within him. "I'm gonna . . . I'm gonna cum," he moaned loudly as the slow orgasm building in him sped up, a rampaging freight train of pleasure. Suddenly his dick jerked and spasmed and he began spurting a monster load all over his stomach and Todd's chest.

Todd was rapidly approaching his own orgasm. His breathing increased dramatically and he began to drive his hard dick firmly into Phantom's body. As The Phantom came he involuntarily squeezed his ass muscles around Todd's dick, causing him to shudder as he reached the peak. Twice more The Phantom ejaculated and squeezed. Todd crashed over the edge and moaned as his dick swelled and his load of slick cum spewed out. He lunged fiercely as each spurt of his semen blasted from his dick and into The Phantom's body and then, with a final shudder, collapsed, holding The Phantom closely until his breathing returned to normal. He moaned and kissed The Phantom's lips and neck. Soon his soft dick dropped out of The Phantom's body and he rolled to the side, his body flushed. As Todd lay groaning in post-orgasm ecstasy, The Phantom turned and saw Cory sitting at the bottom of the bed, slowly fisting his glorious, deliciously pink erection. The Phantom motioned him forward and Cory inched his way on his knees to the head of the bed. The Phantom smiled and reached out. He guided Cory's deep pink erection, into his mouth and began to suck contentedly.

The three boys lay holding one another and sighing contentedly. "I wish we could go on, but I have to tell you, Phantom, my balls are empty," groaned Todd, his body flush from his multiple orgasms. "And there is no way I could stand being taken across the river again tonight. I think if you tried my dick would explode."

All three boys roared with laughter.

"And I'm going to have to give up sex until Labour Day, because the way I feel right now, when I go to Seattle and Nathan and me get together, it's going to take me until then just to refill the tanks," moaned Cory.

"You two should talk!" retorted The Phantom with a grin. "My balls are so empty they feel like a couple of dried up prunes!"

Cory reached down and felt The Phantom's balls. "Nope, nice and smooth."

The Phantom giggled and hugged Cory. Then he hugged Todd. "God, that was good," he sighed happily. "I never knew it could be so fucking good!"

Todd chuckled. "That's one of the reasons nobody is going to complain about what you do with them. They love it because it makes them feel so good."

"I figured that out for myself," smiled The Phantom. "I also figured out that they want me to do it. Believe me, I only do it with guys who want to do it."

"You ever have anybody say no?" asked Cory. He leaned over and began to lick The Phantom's right nipple.

"Cory, you keep that up and you just might miss your bus for Victoria," groaned The Phantom. "And yes, one guy did say no."

Cory nuzzled The Phantom's now hard nipple. "Can't help it if I'm a nipple man," he muttered as he nipped gently at the firm, brown flesh.

"Who said no?" asked Todd as he rubbed the soft hairs of The Phantom's treasure trail.

The Phantom shook his head. "Just a guy, and anyway, later on, he didn't say no." He grinned lasciviously and then groaned as Todd's hand moved south and cupped him.

"You've got a nice set of upper deck fittings, Phantom," said Todd as he moved down the bed. He began licking The Phantom's balls with long, wet strokes of his tongue.

"Jesus, you guys are too much," laughed The Phantom as he reached down and gripped Cory's once again hard cock. "What makes you think I can . . . Fuck, Todd, that's feels . . ."

"Well, Phantom, maybe you can, maybe you can't, but we're sure going to have fun finding out," snickered Cory. He reached out slowly ran his hand up the inside of The Phantom's naked leg, stopping when his fingertips touched the soft skin of his descended scrotum. He rubbed his finger up and down gently, watching as The Phantom's penis began to stir. The Phantom squirmed and whimpered softly as Cory's fingers teased his balls and dick and he arched his body when Cory replaced his fingers with his wet, warm tongue, licking the underside of his throbbing erection. "God, Cory," he managed to moan through the shivers of ecstasy trembling through his body.

With excruciating, tantalizing slowness Cory's tongue traced the length of The Phantom's flushed body until finally he softly lay atop him. He gently kissed first The Phantom's eyes, then the tip of his nose, then his chin. He pulled his head back and looked deep into The Phantom's eyes. "Phantom?" he asked softly, his voice a silky whisper.

The Phantom felt Cory's soft breath on his lips. "Yes, Cory?"

Cory reached down to gently clasp The Phantom's pulsing cock. "Will you make love to me?"

Finally, they all agreed that enough was enough. The Phantom was blissfully exhausted. The Twins admitted that they had met their match. "I have to admit, Phantom," Todd said as he pulled on his shorts, "that you are a regular fucking machine."

"Not to mention giving me the best blowjob I ever had," agreed Cory as he started to dress. As he pulled up his shorts the smooth fabric crossed the underside of his deep pink, sex-flushed penis, sending a tremor through him. He smiled wickedly at The Phantom and then grinned evilly at Todd. "You'd better be careful, brother dear, the lad is a quick study and is going to make some man very happy." He waggled his eyebrows at The Phantom. "He managed to find some places that even you never found."

Todd took umbrage at Cory's remark. "Perhaps I wasn't looking for them," he retorted acidly.

Cory responded by looking pointedly at his brother's crotch. "Perhaps you weren't using the right tool!"

Todd gave his brother a disgusted look. "Are you saying Phantom's is a good lay?" He was secretly pleased that Phantom had given Cory so much pleasure, but he was not about to let Cory know.

Cory nodded enthusiastically. "He is a very good lay." He snuggled closely to The Phantom and sighed contentedly. "A very good lay, indeed."

Before Todd could respond The Phantom intervened. "Will you two stop?" he growled. He looked at each Twin in turn. "Hell and sheeit! You two sure know how to ruin a moment!" He shrugged Cory away. "This has been a super week. You two get promoted to Chief Petty Officer . . ."

"And we didn't even have to take off our clothes!" interjected Cory.

"Be still!" The Phantom gave Cory's parts a deliberate squeeze. "Chef got drunk, we all had a great wet down, I lost my cherry . . ." A quizzical look came over his face. "Or is it I lost my cherries? After all, I got my first blowjob, and I actually fucked for the first time . . ."

"Let's just say that you are no longer a virgin," said Todd with a wry look on his face. He did not care for the act of love to be debased by so crude a word as fucking.

The Phantom snickered. "Well, anyway, most guys in the movies are so mellow that they only want a cigarette afterwards, but not you two!"

"Aw, Phantom we were only funning!" declared Todd. He looked at Cory. "We really didn't mean anything."

Cory nodded. He had been quite serious but now was not the time to get into an argument over the comparative lovemaking techniques of his brother and Phantom. "We weren't really arguing. We were just chucking shit," he said, neatly sidestepping the issue. He shot a glance at Todd. "Todd's a good teacher and you are a very good student!" He grinned at Todd. "There, that should keep you happy," he thought.

Todd opened his mouth to speak but The Phantom beat him to it. "Well, I hope so!" The Phantom said with a soft laugh as he stretched and rubbed his sore balls. "Don't sell yourselves short because, hell and sheeit, you both know how to set a guy's bits and pieces to tingling!"

"And you sure know how to set the Change Bells to ringing in the rest of him!" insisted Cory. Could he help it if The Phantom was a good lay?

"It takes a guy to please a guy," replied Todd knowledgably. He was, for the first time a little jealous. He had watched The Phantom and Cory making love and . . . when it came to the art of making love The Phantom was a master and it was no wonder that Cory looked as flushed and pleased as he did. Todd pushed aside his feelings and said, "Common sense. A guy knows all the right buttons to push and all the right places to lick on another guy." His eyes slid over to where Cory was standing. "And you managed to find them all."

The Phantom rolled off the bed and started looking for his shorts. "As if you two didn't?" He found his black briefs where one of the Twins had thrown them and pulled them on. "In a way I'm glad all the guys are off to Victoria and won't be back until late Monday night. I need the rest."

The Twins laughed and hugged The Phantom. "Won't you be lonely without us, or the others that you, um, visit?" asked Cory. "Unless there's someone on the Duty Watch . . ."

The Phantom shook his head. Strapping his watch onto his wrist he continued, "There are four guys, now, that I like being with. They're all going to Victoria. When they come back, well, I'll visit them." He grimaced. "I've seen the weekend Duty Roster. The Watch on Deck is all Makee-Learns and Sea Puppies and . . ." He shuddered expressively. " . . . Little Big Man is the Duty Petty Officer. Frankly, I'd rather be lonely."

Laughing, the three boys finished dressing. As The Phantom collected the extra underpants - he would return them to Brian eventually - Todd shut off the lamp and Cory led them outside to sit down, their backs against the weather-beaten walls of the shack. "You said four guys, now," said Cory. "What happened to the others?"

The Phantom shrugged and grinned. "They made other arrangements."

Todd returned Phantom's grin. "You mean they found their own summer love."

"Yes," replied The Phantom, his grinning turning to a wistful smile.

"What I'd like to know is, how did you, why did you . . ." asked Cory.

"Pick them?"


"Well, at first it was just find a dick, stroke a dick. As to why? Well, fuck, Cory, this place is full of dicks, big ones, little ones. Where else would I find them?" The Phantom put his arm around Cory's shoulder. "At first, I just beat the guy off. Last year all I did was beat the guys off. This year, at first, I beat the guys off. Then I tried sucking my first dick, and I discovered I loved it. After that, although there were a couple of guys I beat off, now I just visit a few guys and I blow them. As to who I choose to suck off? That's hard to say. I have to like the guy, and there has to be something in him that I like. I can't explain it. He just has to appeal to me, I guess. Mostly they were, and are, just ordinary Joes. There is nothing all that special about them. Only two of them are what you would call a stud . . ."

"Tyler and Val," interrupted Cory. "Sorry, but Tyler is rather . . . um . . . exuberant . . . when he pops his puppy. We figured that if you were doing Tyler, you were probably doing Val."

"Yeah, well, okay, I'll admit to them," smiled The Phantom. "But the others, they're just nice guys who somehow appealed to me."

"And The Gunner?" asked Todd. "Does he still appeal to you?"

The Phantom's face grew hard. "That's over."

"It never got started, so how can it be over?" asked Cory, always the realist. He turned his head and stared at The Phantom. "I love The Gunner. I know I can't have him because he loves you. You can have him if you'd come down off your high horse and listen to him."

"Cory . . ." warned Todd. He did not want Cory to start a fight with the best lover he'd ever had aside from his own brother.

"NO, Todd!" Cory stood up, angry. "Phantom, you've been mooching around here for a week. I for one am getting pissed off! I love you, Phantom, and what we did tonight was great. You are a wonderful lover, almost as good as Toddy . . ."

"Well thanks a bunch, Cory," complained Todd.

"Shut up, Toddy!" snapped a thoroughly irate Cory. He sat down again and grasped The Phantom's shoulders. His anger had lessened and he spoke softly. "Look, Phantom, you've got to make up your mind what you want from The Gunner. You love him and you want to sleep with him. But now you won't let him get close to you because you think he lied to you when all he did was basically what you did tonight."

"Which is?" asked The Phantom sceptically.

"He told you that his relationship with whoever the guy is was none of your business. You lay in this shack and you talked about the guys you visited, but you never said a name and you never said a time, and you never said how they reacted. You said a lot, but you really said nothing!"

"That's because I . . ." It finally dawned on The Phantom what Cory was getting at.

"Yes," said Cory, releasing The Phantom. "What you do, and whom you do it with, is none of our business. Just as whom we sleep with, and what we do when we're sleeping with them, is our business."

The Phantom shook his head sadly. "I understand, Cory. But, I still can't get it out of my mind that while he was making me feel that he loved me like no other person, he was out fucking some other guy."

"Do you know that for sure?" Cory ran the back of his hand across The Phantom's face. "How do you know that he was screwing some other guy? >From a picture you saw on his living room table? And when did he have the time or the opportunity to do it? He's always here. Was the guy lying on the bed with his ass in the air?"

"Don't be silly, Cory," giggled The Phantom.

"Why not, you are," said Todd quietly.

"Hell and sheeit, not you too," muttered The Phantom in exasperation. "Another country heard from!"

"Yes, me too." Todd cupped The Phantom's chin and kissed him gently on the lips. "We love you, Phantom, and not just because of what we did tonight. And because we do love you we're trying to get you to see reason. From what you told us The Gunner did not say he was sleeping with that guy, now did he?"

"No," admitted The Phantom. "All he said was that the guy was 28, a civilian, and that he lived in Vancouver. When I asked The Gunner if he was fucking the guy he said it was none of my business."

"And you very promptly jumped to a whole bunch of conclusions, threw a tantrum, and stormed out of his place," said Todd firmly. "So who, Phantom, is the silly one." The Phantom pushed his head back and stared at the cloud-covered night sky. "Last night, at our wet down, when he tried to talk to me, I blew him off. Jesus!"

"He was trying to communicate with you, fool!" growled Cory. "He loves you, and sooner or later he'd have come around. But, like you said, every time he tried to talk to you, to make nice to you, you gave him the cold shoulder. You let your imagination, and your temper, get away from you and as much as I love you, and I do, I'm not afraid to tell you that you're a prime, proven, jerk."

The Phantom smiled wanly. "Well, Cory, you always did speak your mind."

"Fuckin' aye on that!" Cory stood up and gestured to Todd. "We have to get back. If the Duty Roundsman goes into the Gunroom and sees our bunks empty, we're fucked."

Todd kissed The Phantom's cheek. "Phantom, we love you and all we want is to see you happy. I'm not as blunt as Cory, but I have to agree with him. You have no one to blame but yourself."

The Phantom nodded. "You're right. I should have let him explain. But I didn't and it's over."

"Maybe not." Cory also kissed The Phantom. "He still loves you, very much."

"You haven't said anything to him?" snapped The Phantom sharply.

"Calm down, Tiger," replied Todd calmly. "You asked us not to, so we haven't."


"We have to go, Phantom. Are you going to be all right?" asked Cory as he gently stroked The Phantom's face.

The Phantom nodded. "I'll be fine. I'm going home. I have the weekend off to think."

"Think long and hard, Phantom," advised Todd.

As they walked along the beach Todd turned to Cory. "We were a little harsh with him, you know."

"So? He needed to hear it." Cory was unrepentant. "We only told him the truth, about himself, and about The Gunner. One down and one to go."


"Next stop, The Gunner."

Next: Chapter 22

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