Phoenix Reborn

By Adam Mcdonald

Published on Aug 31, 2009


The same disclaimers and warnings from my last stories are in effect.

This chapter is probably the MOST important part of what I'm going to write. Simply put, I have to walk a fine line with what's going to happen, and I want to do it in a way that enriches the story. I thank you all for taking the time to read this series.

I'm still standing there, arms locked around Tim, awestruck that my wildest and most unlikely dreams have come true. I never thought that I would be embracing my true love so long as I lived, yet here I am in the happiest moment of my life.

Sobs wrack my body, and Tim pulls away asking, "Are you ok, babe?"

"Yes!" I stammer through my tears, "I just thought you were gone forever, and I still can't believe you're here in my arms! How can this be real?"

Tim's smile falters for a moment before responding, "I have to be honest with you, babe, this isn't ENTIRELY real."

"What, WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" I demand as I release him, suddenly angry.

"No, no!" he says, "This IS real, so long as you believe it is!"

"I ... I ... don't understand."

Tim sighs, softly and shakes his head, before continuing, "That day, years ago, I DID die, and at that moment, you WERE imbued with the powers of the Phoenix Force ..."

"So Xavier WAS right," I say softly, "Erik just lied to me the whole time."

"Well,a bit of both. You see, you ARE a mutant, your powers just never became apparent when you hit puberty as most mutants' will. Your abilities WERE there, just so subtle that neither you, not anyone else, picked up on them. Why do you think you are such a great salesman and manager?"

"It's just my gift! I'm just good with people," I respond, somewhat lamely.

Tim smiles before saying, "Well, that's PART of it, but your mutant power is to subtly influence and affect people's emotions. Most mutants have some kind of 'crazy' power that befuddles humans, but your power is much more gentle, and therefore, much more effective than you, or anyone else, could imagine. Basically, you're a level 1 telepath, and since you didn't know and thus didn't learn how to develop your gift, it never progressed more than that. On that day when ... when ... well, when I died, you inadvertently pushed those powers past their limits as you searched for help in the horrible situation you were stuck in. At that exact moment you did that, Jean sacrificed herself and the Phoenix Force was set free from its host and because of the power you were radiating, it found and settled in you, but since it was so damaged by the death of Jean, it took years to finally exert its power."

"Then how was I able to attack the people who were at graduation?"

"The Phoenix still had most of its powers. It's saving you and your friends used the last of its reserves before settling into a dormant state inside you. It has a symbiotic relationship with you, as it has spent the last few years slowly absorbing your mutant energy to feed and heal itself. When your emotions spiked at the memorial service, the Phoenix was finally ready and able to come out of hibernation, if you will, and exert its influence on you and the world around you. All you have been doing since then, is training yourself how to use its abilities for your own purposes."

Tim's words slowly sink into me. Crazy as it sounds, it all, suddenly, made sense, and the world I had created to explain my circumstances collapsed and reformed, as the truth, in an instant took hold and shook me to the core.

I WAS a mutant, and I AM the host of this incredible creature.

"What do I do now?"

Tim's smile completely fades as he admits, "I really don't know. You're creating all this, so it's up to you."

THAT shook me, "I'M CREATING ALL THIS?" What the FUCK does THAT mean?"

"I really did die that day," Tim responds, "You're the one who just recreated me and is keeping me here to explain things to you."

"Oh, so you're just some ghost then!" I yell angrily, "Some phantom I created to haunt and torture me with .. with .." and here I break down again, "a fascimile of the man I love and have missed for so long!"

"NO!" Tim yells frantically, "I AM me!"

Tim rushes back over and strongly grabs me, "Yes, I DID die! But, my soul didn't. It floated free throughout the universe. All you have done is give it physical shape again! I AM me! You just made it so!"

I'm struggling right now. How do I know if what is happening is a hallucination or real life. I WANT to believe so much that this is really Tim here with me, but with all the crazy shit that has been going on lately, I can't be sure.

"Can you touch a ghost?" Tim asks softly.

'I've never met one, so how can I know?"

"Stop being cynical! You know it's me! How can I prove it to you?"

I close my eyes, and focus on blocking out a memory ... a very specific one that means everything to me, and one that only Tim would know. With that memory locked as far away into my mind as to not exist, I present Tim with the test, "Ok, tell me EXACTLY how the first night we met went."

I wave my hand, and the two of us find ourselves standing on the patio of a suburban tract home. All that is on the balcony aside from us are 2 chairs and a CD player.

"If you are really Tim, you'll know how the rest of this goes, so fill me in."

Tim smiles and begins, "One of my best friend's birthday was that night, and you knew her cousin, so you came over to sat hi to him. The moment you walked in, I totally fell for you, but you were wearing a Notre Dame jersey and acted all straight, so I had no idea you were gay. You came outside to smoke, and we made small talk ... finding out we had a lot of different interests in common. Your friend came out, all drunk as hell, and kissed you, which peaked MY curiosity, as you didn't push him away, but pretty much kissed back, and when he did the same to me, I saw a light come on in your eyes. We spent the next hour or so just talking and sharing stories and such before you mentioned that you lived right across the way and would I like to come back to your house with you. You said your parents were out of town, so it would be fine, so I said yes. As we walked the 2 blocks back to your house, we held hands and you said, "I don't know what it is, but I really hope this ISN'T a one night stand.

When we got to your place, we grabbed 2 beers and cracked them open on the patio we're now standing on. We talked for another hour or so before you asked me if I had heard the new Linkin Park. When I said 'no', you walked over to this CD player and said you'd show me."

As he says this, Tim pushes play on the CD player. A familiar song starts to drift from its speakers as the song "Shadow of the Day" begins to play.

Tim puts his arm around me, "And as the song started, you asked me to dance with you, and admitted you didn't know why, it just felt right. And we danced."

Tim lays his head into my shoulder, and we begin to dance as well as the song plays.

And the shadow of the day Will embrace the world in gray And the sun, will set on you now. ** Tears stream down my face, "I don't know why I did that. I felt really embarrassed askng you to dance with me, but it just felt right."

Tim continues to dance with me, "I know, you told me. But that was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done with me. Most guys would just take me right to their room and try to get it on. You made this special. You proved your point when you said this meant more to you than just sex."

I laugh through my tears, "As I remember, we didn't even have sex that night. Just only fooled around a little bit."

Tim chuckles, "Well, you are WAY hot, so I knew SOMETHING was gonna happen! But NO, we didn't ... and I stayed till the next morning, and then the next, and the next, remember?"

The clouds of doubt surrounding me lifted as there was no way anyone BUT Tim could have known that, "Oh, babe, it IS you!" And we began to kiss passionately as that song played in the background.

We quickly moved from the balcony, through the house and into my bedroom. Our lips never lost contact even as our hands roamed each other's bodies, searching and yearning and carressing. We fell onto the bed as my hands found their way under his shirt grabbing his chest and back.

We pulled each other's shirts over our heads before embracing again ... skin touching skin finally. He tasted just as sweet as I remembered, and his scent sent my mind reeling!

I reached my hands down the back of his pants and grabbed his ass firmly as he turned and started to nibble my ear. Soft moans of anticipation escaped me, "Oh my God! Tim I love you so much!"

He stopped and gasped, "I love you too, babe!"

Time seemed to speed by, but last for an eternity, as we explored each other's bodies. It had been a lifetime since we had been together and the joy and ecstacy of the moment was completely overwhelming! Our kisses devoured each other and our moans and pantings of desire drowned out the world.

We were both rock hard, and Tim slowly slid his hand down my pants, grabbed me and started slowly stroking me. Gasping, I slid my hands around, grabbed him, and began to match his speed and rythym.

Within moments, pants and underwear were discarded, and we embraced, naked, slowly grinding each other.

I flipped him on his back, and began to slowly kiss my way down his chest and onto his stomach. As I made my way through his treasure trail, I found his throbbing cock, and kissed my way down it before taking him into my mouth.

He gasped in pleasure and sighed contentedly as I slowly, and then with greater furvor, took him further and faster into my mouth. His smell and taste was intoxicating as I pumped faster and faster as he cried out in ecstacy.

Moments later, he gently grabbed my chin, and pulled me back up into another passionate kiss

"Do you want me?" he asked breathlessly.

"More than anything in the world!"

He gently laid on top of me and slowly teased my hole with his throbbing cock. Gently, he began to press it against me, and with each thrust, he entered into me a bit more. Each time, the thrill of pleasure raced through me, and I arched my back and cried out in pleasure.

Soon, he had completely entered me, and was slowly thrusting in and out while he bent forward and covered me with kisses.

With his lips locked on mine, my moans were somewhat drowned out as he began to drive deeper and deeper within me while stroking my cock.

He began to move faster and faster, the sounds escaping him now eclipsing mine as he neared the edge of no return.

His pace on my dick quickened to match his thrusts, and I grabbed onto him even tighter as I came and exploded the biggest load ever over my chest and his.

Within seconds, his cock expanded inside me, as he splashed his own seed deep within me.

I finally opened my eyes and looked deep into his as I reached up and kissed him on the lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I couldn't help but smile as the weariness of the day suddenly overwhelmed me.

"You'll be here when I wake up, right?" I asked, somewhat nervously.

"Of course!" Tim replied, "Where else would I be?"

He pulled out, and I rolled over before he envelopped me in his arms.

"This feels nice," I said, dreamily as sleep began to roll over me.

"I know. For me too. Good night, babe."

For the first time in 5 years, I slept peacefully.

"It's about to happen," said Liz wearily.

"What took so long?" demanded Magneto.

"I had to convince him that what he was seeing was reality and not a figment of his imagination, or his 'powers'," responded Liz, "That wasn't an easy task."

"But all is ready for this final battle?"

"Yes," Liz responded quietly, "All is ready."

Magneto smiled grimly, "Good ... let's give the child a few more moments of happiness, he deserves it."

Once he had exited the room, Liz broke down in tears as she let the pain and emotion in the encounter she had just experienced finally wash through her.

That's it for this part. I hope you enjoyed it, as I was very nervous about writing a sex scene (never done it before). I hope it didn't show, and that you can get past my shortcomings. I actually get a day off work, and I've already got the next part written in my head, so I hope to get it up ASAP. Feedback, as always, is welcome at

Next: Chapter 16

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