Phoenix Rising Series

By Tony James

Published on Jun 21, 2020


Hi guys, here's part 10 of my fictional adventures with Baby Austin. This is a short chapter, but next week will be longer. As always, I don't know Baby Austin, Jack/Jack or Nick Jonas personally. Nor do I know their sexual preferences. Enjoy!


I ask for another drink and Austin is grateful for the opportunity to mentally shower himself down. I'm definitely starting to feel a buzz, but I can still function. I take a sip and realize that I have to take a leak. Austin offers to help me and I accept. The bathroom is equipped with metal grab bars which are strategically placed around the shower stall and toilet. Once I am on my feet, Austin slips an arm around my waste. I go to unzip my jeans, but Baby Austin gets there first. He fishes out my dick and aims it. His fingers are warm and his touch is extremely distracting. I begin to swell, but fortunately my need to piss is greater then my need to get off. When I'm finished, Austin shakes my dick and unnecessary number of times and I stiffen even more. "Stop! I want to finish my story before I nut all over your face." That gets Austin's attention. His fingers freeze mid-stroke. "You don't know how hard that makes me." Austin tucks me back in after he samples the precum leaking from my dick.

-- "If we die, we will die in battle ... together" MK2 Lu Kang CHECK OUT MY BLOG: HOUSEOFSURPRISES.BLOGSPOT.COM

Next: Chapter 11: Phoenix Rising 11

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