Phoenix Rising Series

By Tony James

Published on May 31, 2020


hi everyone, here's part 7 of my story where I explore a fictional relationship with my baby boy AKA Austin Mahone. Like I said, this is fiction. I don't know any of the people mentioned herein and its for entertainment only. enjoy and don't forget to drop me a line

Elevator Fuck

Baby Austin hit the stop button on the elevator control panel. The cab came to a smooth halt suspended between floors. "Stand up if you can." He guided my hands to the grab bar which ran along 3 sides. I did as I was bid. I heard Austin fumbling with his jeans. There was a soft cling as they hit the floor. Next second, I felt Austin's hands unbuckling my own jeans. I grew rigid at once. His breath is warm on my neck as he growls in my ear, " I promised you that I would make love to you and I will." When he had unzipped my jeans, Austin pushed them to the floor. " I want your ass now though!" "Do you have lube?" I asked him breathlessly. He eased a knee between my legs and nudged them apart. Austin's voice was sharp as he commanded: "Gerwyn. Lube. Now!" Gerwyn slapped the lube into Austin's hand. Austin spread a generous amount on his dick and my asshole. I whimpered as he touched me. Precum leaked from my dick. Austin lines himself up with my hole. He kisses my neck. "If I don't fuck you now, I feel like I'm going to explode." When Austin pushed forward I experienced little pain. Austin had done well to eat me out in the bathroom earlier. !" " His fuck stick sank balls deep in my ass after only a few experimental thrusts. We both cried out at the intense sensation. Austin's hand wrapped around my drooling dick. He pumped it in sync with his thrusts. "Fuck yeah Austin!" I panted. "Fuck me boy! Give me every fucking inch!" Austin was fucking me with long deep strokes that he knew I loved from our previous encounter in his dressing room. "your ass is so fucking tight!" He growled in my ear. "I love having my dick in your boy pussy. You want my dick boy?" He growled in my ear as he continued to plow my ass. "give it to me baby Austin!" I moaned. "tell me how much you want it." My only answer was another moan. "I want your cock baby Austin! Please give me every inch. I love having you inside me." Austin continued to pound my ass for another few minutes. "fuck I'm going to cum soon!" He panted at last. "me too." I agreed. "You want my come up your ass boy?" Austin asked rhetorically. "Give it to me!" I answered anyway. "Breed my ass. I want your babies." Austin thrust in a few more times. "fuck I'm cumming! He buried his dick balls deep up my shoot. Austin throbbed inside me and I could feel his warm juices flood my guts. With that sensation, I also exploded. Austin had not stop stroking me all this time and now I blasted out sticky ropes of jizz. I fired six, seven, eight, nine times. My cum hitting the wall of the elevator. Austin cursed as he felt my ass milk a couple more shots from his dick. We took a few minutes to come down from our respective highs. I could feel Austin's dick soften and slip out of my ass. He pulled away. I felt some of his milk leak out. My legs were spasming badly. In fact, I would've fallen over sideways if Dillon hadn't been there to prop me up. "I got you." He assured me as he wrapped a strong arm around my waist. "wow, that was quite a show." Gerwyn remarked as he handed his boss some paper towels. "I'll say." Dillon agreed. Austin cleaned himself up first. I felt the paper touch my skin. I whimpered softly as Austin used the paper towels to soak up his batter from around my hole. He had taught me on a previous encounter to close my sphincter as soon as possible after he had withdrawn. I was thankful for his teaching since I was able to continue to enjoy his warm seed even after his dick was no longer in me. We took a few minutes putting ourselves back together. Austin suggested jokingly that we should all strip and stroll down the public hallway as though nothing was unusual. Even though I was kind of in favor of this idea, I still vetoed it. " I really really don't want to have to spend my last night with you in the pound. That would suck dick worse than I do." Austin took the elevator off hold and we completed our ascent.

-- "If we die, we will die in battle ... together" MK2 Lu Kang CHECK OUT MY BLOG: HOUSEOFSURPRISES.BLOGSPOT.COM

Next: Chapter 8: Phoenix Rising 8

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