Physics of Infatuation

By Remy

Published on Aug 20, 2006


He didn't ace the test, but at least he didn't fail. It was definitely a step in the right direction. The next few months passed in a blur. It became a regular thing to hang out, sometimes we'd fuck around, other times we'd just watch movies and talk until we crashed. Either way, we'd always wind up in bed curled up with one another.

I wish I could say that we figured out our 'definition', but it just started to seem like an everyday friendship with a few added perks. All my friends graduated the year before, so Chaz was my social life. It was an ideal situation in a warped way, I got a non-complicated relationship and I think he got to satisfy his curiosity. We both got a pretty good friendship out of it.

Finals were in full swing and we both bogged down. He practically moved in with me for the two weeks. I didn't mind having him around, always good having a study buddy. We would sit on the living room floor with our textbooks sprawled out while we studied and watched random independent films.

He looked up from his book and glanced at me, "Thanks."


He got that look, the one that said he was trying to say something sentimental. It was cute watching him trying to push aside the macho façade, "For everything."

"Cook breakfast tomorrow and we'll call it even."

He just gave me a smile and went back to his book. Tomorrow was the last day of finals and I think this was the start of good-bye. I wish I could say it didn't bother me, but I knew walking into this what would happen. Still, the lovesick puppy in me knew it'd be weird going back to the single life.

We finally finished studying, "I'm going to call it a night," I said, "I think I've studied more for tomorrow than I have any other test."

"Yeah, you actually opened the book for once," he gave me that grin.

"You bastard," I replied, knocking him on the shoulder.

I stood up and headed to the bathroom, "I'm going to take a shower before bed," I left it at that. I walked into the bathroom shutting the door, but not making it latch. It was the general, "If you want to join, come on in" gesture.

I stepped into the shower and began soaping myself when I heard the door open. The curtain drew back and there Chaz stood naked. He stepped into the shower and I watched as the water matted down the hair on his chest. I wrapped my arms around him, letting the water fall over us as I kissed his neck.

His hands cradled my face as we began kissing. I let my hands glide down his back until they rest on his ass, massaging his perfect fuzzy ass. I wanted this moment to freeze, I couldn't ask for more, a hot man and hot water: this was heaven. He began kissing down my neck until he reached my collarbone. I could feel his teeth as he began to bite into my skin. It hurt like a bitch, but it was mixed with an expectation of what's to come and it only managed to arouse my lust even more.

I had to kneel down a bit to escape his mouth. I began kissing his torso grabbing his love handles, pulling him against my mouth as I worked a trail downward. The water was splashing over my head as I stared at his half hard cock. His pubes were cut short to match the rest of the hair on his body and it just made his dick look bigger.

I ran my fingers along his sac and watched his body tense. The foreskin began to pull back from the head of his dick and I pulled it the rest of the way back showing his head. I swallowed it all, letting my tongue play on the underside of his hardening shaft. I could feel the blood fill his dick as it began to expand in my mouth.

I held the base of his dick as I left just the head in my mouth, taking long licks around the corona. Looking up, his head was tipped back a bit; biting his lower lip I could feel the anticipation leaking from his body. I wrapped my hand around his balls and plunged down on his dick letting it push into the back of my throat. I could hear the moans escaping his lips, but all I wanted at that moment was his dick unloading in my mouth.

I bobbed back and forth feeling the foreskin roll back over the head as I licked the tip of his dick, tasting the precum. He leaned forward; bracing his hands on the shower wall and began bucking his hips against my face. I loved when he picked up the tempo and face fucked me. He never asked if I could breathe, he just continued using my mouth which turned me on even more.

I slid my hands onto his ass and began rubbing my thumb over that tender spot just below his hole causing him to thrust even harder into my mouth. He grabbed the side of my head and held me very still and slowly pulled his dick out of my mouth, "Don't want to end yet," he said.

He lifted me up and turned me around, pressing his body into mine so that his dick slid between the cheeks of my ass. He positioned the head of his cock at my hole and I could feel him gently begin to push. He stroked his dick at the entrance to my ass letting the precum build up, every stroke pushing into me a little more.

It was only a few minutes before I felt the head slide in. I let out a low moan; every time he penetrated me, the sensation was amazing. He waited for a few moments while I adjusted. I began to squeeze the head of his dick and he firmly pushed the rest of the length in until I could feel his balls slap against my ass.

I bent over and placed a foot on the edge of the tub as he began giving me long strokes. My dick got harder as he grabbed my hips and thrust all the way in making me gasp for air each time. I began pushing back against him letting him know it was time to start the real fucking.

He pulled all the way out and spread my ass open as he slammed back into me. He leaned on top of me and started with short jabs into my ass knowing just how to rub that special spot. Every few strokes he would pull all the way out and shove it back in making my cock twitch.

I reached down and grabbed a hold of my dick and began stroking, "Wait," was all he said as he continued pounding my ass.

I braced my hands against the wall so I could shove back against his thick dick. He began to slow down and I knew it wouldn't be much longer before he spewed inside of me and filled my ass.

I tightened down my ass determined to get a load out of him, "Damn," he said as he slowly thrust into my ass. His hands tightened on my waist and I could feel his dick stretch my ass even more. He began to grunt as he filled my ass. I could feel his pent up load flooding my ass.

He pulled out and I stood up to kiss him under the falling water.

"Finish up showering and I'll see you in the bedroom," Chaz said with a devilish grin.

He hopped out of the shower and I was left wondering what he might have in mind. I finished the shower faster than I ever had before. I dried off and tried to ignore the slight pain from my battered ass.

I walked into the bedroom and there was a sight I never thought I would see. Chaz was lying on his stomach; knees slightly bent so his ass was propped up in the air with a bottle of lube lying next to him. In all the time we had been fucking around he had never once offered up his ass to me. I knew he enjoyed having it played with, but I just figured that was a taboo he wasn't willing to explore. Considering I never bottomed this much I was quite pleased at the sight, be a chance to show him what he had been missing.

The muscles on his back were flexed and it still amazed me just how buff he really was. I climbed onto him and let my body pressed against his, my dick rubbing against his sack as I kissed down his back. I could feel how tense his body was, he might be willing to let me fuck him, but he was a bit worried.

"Relax, I'll be gentle," I said as I nipped at his ass cheeks.

"Sure you say that to all the boys," he chimed in.

"Nah, I like to hear the others scream."

I spread his ass so I could see his hole and without warning I dove in. I pushed my tongue into his hole and I could hear him moan into the pillows. I spread his cheeks further apart and began licking around his hole and then sliding my tongue in deep.

He began pushing his hips further back and I buried my face in his ass. I could feel his body begin to relax as my tongue began working deeper into him. I let the spit run feely, lubing him up for the big finale.

"Holy shit."

I just smiled at the appreciation.

"Never had that done before."

I only responded by sliding my finger into his ass while still lapping around his hole. My finger worked itself in easily and I slowly started trying to insert a second while giving him a tongue-lashing.

My second finger slid in with little resistance. I popped the cap off the lube and started lubing his hole, working it in with my fingers. I kept twisting them slowly, trying to get his ass to relax.

"How's that feeling?"

"Different," he mumbled, "and tight."

My finger passed over his prostate and I could hear him grunt into the pillow. I started working that spot with my fingers slowly, dragging out his pleasure. I wish I knew how long I kept this up, switching between fingering and tongueing his ass. I'm sure it took the better part of a half hour, but it only felt like minutes.

"I think I can do it," he said in an uncertain voice.

I grabbed the lube and continued to apply a generous amount to his ass and my dick. I rested the head at the entrance to his ass and just waited until his body gave me the cue to go forward.

I pushed the head against his hole and felt it open up. I waited a moment, listening to Chaz try to control his breathing. He pushed his ass back a bit and the head of my dick slid in. I wish I could say that was the worst of it, but the shaft of my dick is nearly as wide as the head.

Without warning Chaz raised his hips shoving the rest of my dick into his ass. His body froze and I could feel his ass clench around the base of my dick, "God damn you have a big dick."

"You got it all in."

I rested there for the next few minutes while his ass unconsciously milked me. After several minutes he rested back down onto the bed, "Do it."

I pulled out slowly and even more slowly pushed my dick back in. I can't describe how tight he was; even for a virgin his ass gripped my cock tight. This wasn't going to last too long, his ass was so wet and hot and gripping my dick like it was meant to be pounded.

I picked up the pace sliding back and forth in his ass until I could feel his body finally relax. I finally pulled my dick out until only the head was in his ass and shoved it back in. I could hear him grunt every time I bottomed out in his ass.

I lied down on his back and began giving him short fast strokes. I repositioned my hips so I could rub his prostate while I fucked his tight ass. I couldn't believe this, here I was balls deep in this beautiful football player.

He began squeezing his ass, tightening around my dick. I sat up on my knees and started pulling all the way out and slamming back into his ass.

"I'm close."

"Finish," he said into the pillow shoving back against me.

I could feel my dick start to expand as I started fucking him as hard and fast as I could. I positioned my knees between his and spread his legs further as I punch fucked him.

"I'm going to cum."

I could feel my sack tighten as I started cumming into this stud's no-longer-cherry ass. I don't think I had ever cum so much before. I continued fucking my load deep into his ass. I grunted loud as I emptied out into his ass.

He pulled off my dick fast and rolled onto his back and started jacking his dick quickly, "I'm going to shoot."

I leaned down and took his dick in my mouth as he shot another load. I pushed his dick as far into my throat as it would go as I drank his load. He had worked up a pretty good load and I could feel it filled my gut.

We both lay there panting in our post sex haze, "Holy shit that was intense," he said as his dick began softening.

"Yeah it was," I said laying in his lap trying to catch my breath.

"Alec," he said.


"My ass hurts," he laughed.

"Now you know how mine's felt for the past two months."

We lay there laughing for a few minutes. I crawled up next to him and he turned over so I could spoon up against his back. I wrapped my arms around him and we fell asleep shortly afterwards.

I got an A in the class like I expected. Chaz called me from the airport before he left to let me know he passed. I could hear in his voice that he was putting off the goodbye until the last moment.

"Can we skip the goodbye?" I asked.

"Yeah," I could hear the sigh of relief, "Can I tell you something personal?"

"Of course."

He cleared this throat, "Thanks," he paused, "for helping me figure shit out. I wish I could say things would turn out differently, but you know."

"Yeah, I knew what was going on."

"You asked me that night if I thought it was just about sex," long ass pause, "it wasn't really. You're the best friend a guy could have."

"Thanks Chaz," I could feel the tears start on that one.

"Boarding call," he said, "I guess I should be off."

"Take care man, looking forward to hearing from you."

"Same to you."

That was goodbye.

Life went back to normal pretty quick. I missed him, missed the company and missed the great sex, but things eventually went back to normal. I wish I could say we had the Brokeback Mountain relationship and went fishing every few months, but it never happened. He wrote every now and then to let me know how life was and I'd write back to keep him up-to-date.

Two years later, we still write pretty frequently and call every now and then to catch up on life. The big surprise was the wedding invitation that came in the mail. I thought it would feel like a kick in the gut, but I was genuinely happy for the lug, he deserved somebody that would make him happy. Attached to the invitation was a small note that said, "Somebody told me that college was a time for exploring, I'm thankful I did just that."

That's the end for this story guys. Hope you enjoyed reading and managed to work up a few good loads. For those that have asked, there are some elements of truth in this, I'll let you figure out what they are. Comments are always welcome:

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