Picking Up the Pieces of My Life

By JC Fanfic

Published on Mar 1, 2005


A Work of Fiction by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications (c) Copyright 2004

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

E-mail me at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Picking the Pieces of my Life: Chapter 19

"Do you think he will be out of the hospital in time for Christmas?" Josh asked Dr. Ratigan

"I certainly hope so," Dr. Ratigan replied. "I would love to see his red cell count up a little. His white cell count is still up. Not to mention I would like to see him get his appetite back. He is not eating enough because his mouth is so sore due to the chemo therapy. And not to mention that he is so weak from the treatments too. If he doesn't start eating more we might have to put a tube down him."

"A tube down him?" I yelped. "Donny has enough stuff going on with him without having a tube shoved down him."

"He is going to need to have nutrition put in him one way or the other," Dr. Ratigan explained. I knew that Dr. Ratigan was right. I just didn't want to put Donny through anymore stuff than he had to go through.

"What do we need to do to get him to eat?" I asked.

"Milkshakes," Dr. Ratigan replied. "They are usually cool and soothing for him to swallow and you can pack a lot of nutrition in them as well."

"Ok we can do that," I replied. "But what are we going to do if he is not well enough to go home for Christmas?"

"If his red cell count is up than I'll send him home with you," Dr. Ratigan said. "But if his count is still down than no way is he leaving." I knew the doctor was right. I mean he did take care of me when I was sick and I survived. Josh's arms surrounded me and some how I felt better. I leaned against him and nodded.

"Yea you're right of course Doctor. I'm just so worried about Donny. He has lost so much weight and he is always so sick. I guess I just want my happy cute donny back," I sniffled lightly.

"I know you do Don," Dr. Ratigan sighed heavily. "And in a few weeks we should know if he has gone into remission. And if he hasn't we might want to talk about a bone marrow transplant."

"That means we are going to have to find a donor," I said shivering. "That could take a lot of time. What if Donny doesn't have time?"

"Why don't we cover one base at a time. He may go into remission and not need one," Dr. Ratigan said. "In the mean time I think a certain four year old wants to spen some time with his family." He opened the door to Donny's room and ushered us in. I heard the very welcome sound of Donny's giggle. It was weaker than usual but it was cheerful. I looked down at him and smiled softly. There snuggled in bed with him was both Ben and Jesse. Ben and Jesse were engaged in a video a game. Donny was laughing at them.

"Can anyone join this party?" I asked. Donny looked up at me and grinned his usual wide grin. "Hey buddy how are you feeling?"

"I wanna go home!" Donny said with a small pout. "I miss the christmas tree and I have to make sure that Spot and Trixy are being good so Santa will come and give them presents too!" I felt so sorry for him. He really loved christmas and he had to spend a good part of it in the hospital.

"Well I have an idea," Josh spoke up. "Why don't we bring a Christmas Tree here."

"Yea that will be fun!" Donny exclaimed clapping his little hands together. "Now all the other kids will be able to have a tree too!" That was so like Donny. Always thinking of other kids. And it gave Donny something to do. In no time at all he would be bossing us all around again as we decorated ward at the hospital. When we approached the nurses on the floor they jumped at the chance to brighten up the floor. And Josh being a sweetie that he was announced that he was going to donate everything that was needed. He was working quietly with Donny as they compiled a list. Donny had already put Ben and Jesse to work and they were headed out to the local wall mart to start loading up on decorations. I was glad that Donny had something to do to keep him occupied. "Daddy!" Donny exclaimed. "We have to call Santa Clause so he knows that all the children are here!" I looked at Donny and saw his worried expression on his face. He was really worried about whether or not the kids were going to get presents from Santa or not. I looked at Josh's face and saw his amused expression on his face. Josh stepped in and made sure he assured Donny that Santa would know where all the good boys and girls were. He was so enjoying watching Donny getting all excited about Christmas again. I sat down with Donny and Josh to help them get the hospital ready for Christmas.

Later from Josh's point of view.

After a long day of working at the hospital decorating Don and me were in bed after making love. We were wrapped up in a huge fluffy comforter watching the flickering of the fireplace. The room was full of a warm glow that made everything seem so magical. Than again anytime I got to spend with Don was magical in deed. I let out a huge yawn as I tried really hard to stay awake. I wanted to spend some real quality time with Don. I was not ready to surrender to sleep just yet.

"Are you tired love?" Don asked me as he wrapped his arms around me.

"That little boy is a little slave driver," I replied. "He is turning into a little version of you."

"And that would be a bad thing?" Don asked kissing my bare shoulder. We were both naked of course. I was still feeling the after affects of our lovemaking session. "You should've seen him and his little dry marker board as he charted as to who was going to do what to the pediactric ward. He even had poor Dr. Ratigan putting up garland around the nurses station." I snuggled closer to Don trying to hang onto that warm and fuzzy feeling that you have just after making love. I loved that feeling with Don. It felt so right. I heard a grunt at the foot of the bed and looked down to see Spot laying at the foot of the bed. He looked so sad. I wondered if maybe he missed Donny. Trixy was down stairs with Ben and Jesse. They had kinda sorta adopted him while Donny was in the hospital.

"No I think it will be great to have him healthy and working side by side with you as you two drive me crazy," I giggled looking up into Don's shocked expression. "I love the way you two drive me nuts."

"I hope that it is a good thing," Don said frowning at me.

"Oh yes dear," I smiled at him. "It is a very good thing indeed." The phone rang and I reluctantly picked it up . "Josh here!"

"Daddy Josh!" squealed Donny. "I miss you!"

"I miss you too," I replied wincing at his loud voice. "What are you doing up?"

"I can't sleep," Donny complained. "Uncle Justin and Uncle Danny are gone and now I'm all lonely!" I could almost see the pout on his cute little face. "When are you guys coming over tomorrow?"

"We are going to have breakfast first and than we will be at the hospital," I assured him. "Do you want to talk to daddy?"

"Yes please," Donny replied. I smiled as I handed the phone over to Don. I leaned back against Don as I listened to Don talk to his son. Every once in a while Don would laugh at whatever Donny was saying. It was nice to hear Don laugh. He didn't do it very often ever since Donny had gotten sick. He always wore this really scared look on his face. And Don was so good looking. He should never have to wear a scared look on his angelic face and I wanted so badly to take that pain away.

"Ok I love you son," Don said softly. "I'll see you in the morning." He handed me the phone.

"Good night Daddy Josh!" Donny yelled in my ear. I winced at his loud voice.

"Good night buddy," I said smiling at Don. I heard the phone click off and I laid it back down on the bedside table. I turned and reached out to hold Don. He slid into my arms and pressed his face up against my chest. I could feel the wetness of his tears on my bare chest. He was crying softly. "We will get through this sweetie," I whispered in his ear. "Some day soon Donny will be back to his normal self again. I promise."

"Josh don't make promises you know you can't keep," Don said sadly. "I know you want to make the hurt go away. But this is something that has to play out the way God wants it too." I nodded forcing myself to agree with him. "Now what do you way we get some shut eye?"

"That sounds like a very good plan to me," I replied reaching over and turning off the light. Don snuggled even closer to me and I wrapped my arms around him and soon we were both sleeping very soundly.

From Ben's point of view.

Jesse continued to thrust in and out of me with what seemed to be a sence of urgency. At least that is what it seemed like to me. He was making love to me like someone starved to death or someone who was making love for the last time. That was a good thing. That meant really hot sex and really hot sex was just what I needed. His body was slick with sweat and so was mine. His moans and whimpers were driving me nuts with lust and desire. I longed to hear him groan out his orgasm like he did. Whenever he did it pushed me over the edge. "God Ben!" he moaned out. "I'm so close!"

"Cum for me Jesse!" I begged him as I clung to his plunging body. I was thankful that it was my body that he was using to pleasure himself. I looked at his face as he threw his head back and moaned loudly. His intire body began to tense up and God did he look hot. I could feel his cock swelling in me. My orgasm was fast approaching too. I tried so hard to hold it back.

"Cum for me Ben!" Jesse whimpered out. I yelped really loud and soon I was shooting my load in between our sweaty bodies. This sent my lover into orgasm. I heard the moans that told me that Jesse was cumming. I felt his cock jerk in side of me and shooting his hot seed shooting into me. We clung to eachother as our bodies continued to quake and shiver. Our moans and whimpers filled our room making a music that only we could understand. Finally we stopped quaking and shivering with lust and desire. I was vaguely aware of Jesse's sweaty body laying on top of mine. I could feel every aspect of his chest and arms and legs laying across me. I loved the feel of his body against mine. I didn't mind the sticky feeling after one has sex. I relished in it. Jesse looked up at me with tired eyes and damp hair. He looked so cute all tired out. I pulled his face down to mine and pressed my lips to his. Our tongues gently massaged eachother's mouths as we continued to come down from our sexual high. "Wow!" he breathed out as he moved some damp hair from my face. "You were so hot!" His smile took on that crooked sexy grin that he knew drove me wild. For some reason it made me blush. "You have nothing to blush about," Jesse whispered to me as he latched his lips onto my neck. He started to suck really hard and occasionaly his teeth would nip at my skin causing me to whimper softly. But for the most part I allowed him to have his way with me. After all I was Jesse's lover. And it was my duty as his lover to give him as much pleasure as I could. I did that willingly. Finally he lifted off my neck licking his lips. He looked at the new hickey that he had given me. "All done!" he said very proudly.

"Oh yea?" I asked grinning my own version of a naughty grin. "And what if I am not done with you?"

"Oh really?" Jesse asked as he rolled off of me. I shivered as the chilly air touched my still wet skin. "What, pray tell is my lover going to do to me?"

"First thing I am going to do is take you into the bathroom and we are going to take a nice long shower. Than I am going to fill the hot tub and we are going to move this little party to the hot tub where I will have my way with you," I replied grinning my own innocent grin.

"I like the sound of that," Jesse eagerly agreed.

Later in the shower I was at Jesse's feet on my knees sucking his cock. I loved doing this. I loved his cock sliding down my throat. I longed to hear him moan and whimper and I longed to feel and taste his seed shooting down my throat. But Jesse was being naughty and was pulling out every few seconds to hold off his orgasm. I growled at him in frusturation.

"Is something wrong?" Jesse asked as he grinned down at me. He knew he had control of me. He rubbed his erect cock along the side of my face. I whimpered as I tried to get hold of it. "Oh no my lover boy. This is not going to end yet."

"Please Jesse," I pleaded with him.

"Please what?" Jesse asked. "Do you want this?" He asked as he continued to rub his cock along the side of my face. I nodded licking my lips. "What?" Jesse giggled. "I can't hear you."

"Please Jesse," I begged again. "Let me suck your cock!" He giggled as he slid his cock down my throat again. I sighed happily as his length filled my mouth and throat. By now he was thrusting in and out of my mouth.

"Oh yea," Jesse rasped out. "Take my cock! I'm going to shoot my cum down your throat!" Jesse knew he was talking dirty and he knew that I loved it. I could feel his cock getting really hard and I felt it jerk. "Ohhh fuck!" he screamed out. "Take my load! Swallow my cum baby!" The first shot shot all the way back to the back of my throat. I quickly swallowed the cum that only belonged to Jesse. Finally the flow stopped. After licking him clean I hurried and cleaned the rest of my lover. After I finished cleaning him Jesse took care of me too. Needless to say when we were done in the shower I was very sleepy when we headed to the hot tub. That was when Jesse talked to me about the subject that I wasn't very happy about. "So umm you know I leave tomorrow," Jesse stated as he wrappes his arms around me. I leaned back and enjoyed the feeling of his body against mine.

"Yea I remember," I replied with a small pout.

"I have to see my family sweetie," Jesse said as he started work on another hickey.

"I got you a present," I said shyly.

"Oh really?" Jesse asked. "I like presents!" I giggled at his eagerness. "What?" Jesse asked all innocent.

"So when do you want it?" I asked. I was so worried that Jesse wasn't going to like it. I mean I had money. Eversince Grampy had told me that I was going to inherit most of his money he had set up a really nice trust fund. I could draw money from any time I wanted too. This was the first time I had used it. I was so happy to go shopping. This time I took Don shopping. It was so much fun! You see Don is this major shopping holic. To have the chance to drag him around for a change was so much fun. He of course was happy to go along and help me pick out the perfect gift for my Jesse. It also gave me a chance to see what he wanted for christmas too. Oh yea back to Jesse's gift. I slid out of the hot tub and walked over to the dresser and pulled open the top drawer and took out a wrapped gift. I hurried back to my lover. I handed him the gift. I hoped he would like it. Jesse's eyes lit up as he took my offered gift. He looked like a kid as he eagery tore off the wrapping. I bit my lip when he opened the box. His eyes lit up.

"Oh baby it is beautiful!" he breathed. He took out the chain. It was pure platnium with a cross on it. I knew Jesse loved crosses. On the back of it was engraved, "Ben Loves Jesse." "Here put it on!" Jesse eagerly instructed me. I had so much fun slipping behind him and rubbing up against him. My cock was instantly hard and I deliberately made sure that Jesse knew that too. "You are so bad!" Jesse giggled.

"Hey!" I replied eagerly. "I love to feel my skin against you," as I slid the chain around his neck. I couldn't help planting a kiss on his succulent neck. He giggled as I tickled the back of his neck with my lips. I latched my present around his neck and than wrapped my arms around his chest and laid my chin on his shoulder. I smiled as I saw his erection. It had seemed that Jesse was all excited again. He turned around looking me in the eyes. "Yes?" I asked looking down at his erect cock. "You want something?"

"I want to make love to you right here and now," Jesse said with this very serious look on his face. I spread my legs and welcomed him into me. I wrapped my arms around him as he slid into me filling me with the part of Jesse that made him so wild and loving.

"I love you Jesse!" I whimpered softly as I pulled him as close to me as I could. Soon Jesse was sliding in and out of me making love to me and bringing me to heaven. Some thirty minutes later he shivered and whimpered as he shot his seed deep into me. I shivered too as I shot in between our bodies. I clung to his shuddering body as my lover came down from his orgasm.

Later we were wrapped up in a huge fluffy comforter in front of the fire place. Jesse was feeding me strawberries and bannanas dipped in chocolate. Oh yea he was spoiling me. I was wearing my present too. A very nice robe. It was so soft and comfy. Jesse knew I loved soft comfy things.

"Here have some sparkling cider," he said as he poured me glass. He handed me glass as he took one too. We both took a sip and than snuggled closer to each other. Soft Christmas music was coming out the speakers. This was a private Christmas party. Jesse was leaving tomorrow to go home to his family. I was so going to miss him. But if I knew Don and Josh they would keep me occupied. I had to make sure that I didn't show that I missed him. I didn't want to make Don's and Josh's Christmas sad with me mooping around. After all they had enough to worry about with little Donny in the Hospital and all. "What are you thinking about?" Jesse asked as he kissed my shoulder.

"I'm thinking how lucky I am," I replied leaning against him. "I mean I have my health, and a pair of great Foster Dads and a very sexy and cute and loving boyfriend." That got me another kiss. "I just wish that Donny would get better so that he could come home for Christmas."

"I have a feeling that you and alot of other people are thinking the very same thing," Jesse replied. "I know I am."

"I know you are sweetie," I said looking up into his blue eyes. "And I know that all the prayers that people are sending Donny's way are racing straight to God's ears right now." At this point I realized that I was very sleepy and yawned really wide just as Jesse was leaning down to kiss me. He giggled at me. "I don't want to be sleepy."

"Why is that?" Jesse asked as he blew into my ear. I shivered with delight.

"Because if I go to sleep morning will come faster and you will have to leave me," I replied with a pout.

"And it also means that as soon as we do go to sleep the fast I get to wake up and make love to you again," Jesse reminded me with his trademark naughty grin. I blushed at his intense stare. It was so sexy! "Come on lover boy, let's go to bed."

In another part of town two sweaty bodies have just finished making love. They are now snuggled infront of the fireplace gently kissing eachother. From Danny's point of view.

"When do you want to be at the hospital tomorrow?" Justin asked me as he kissed me on the bare shoulder.

"I'm not going to the hospital tomorrow," I replied. "I have som work to do on JC's new CD. I want to get the first three tracks done before Christmas."

"But what about Donny?" Justin asked frowning. "Isn't he going to miss you?"

"Donny will be fine. He will have Don and JC with him and his older foster brother too. I have to get this work done. JC is paying me good money to do a good job."

"I think Josh will understand if you don't want to work right now," Justin gently prodded me. I sighed heavily. "What?" Justin asked. I could hear the irritation in his voice.

"I have to work," I said sharply. "I have to have money comming in on a monthly basis. I have bills to take care of. I have to pay back my student loans. Not to mention a car payment, a house payment in florida. I don't have millions of dollars in a bank some where."

"I can take care of all those bills for you," Justin gently reminded me. I sighed again. We have had this conversation so many times that I was starting to get mad. I sat up and managed to pull myself away from Justin's clingy grip. I saw the look of hurt in his eyes but I held firm.

"Justin, how many times do I have to tell you that I want to take care of all of my financial duties!" I said to him rather loudly. "You are rich! I get that. I make good money doing what I do and I love doing what I do. I love you so much that you want to help and all but let me take care of my bills!"

"Ok," Justin said sighing. "I won't bring it up again. But just so that you know the offer is still out there. All you have to do is ask." We were quiet for a few minutes when the phone rang. Justin picked it up and I laughed softly when I heard the high pitch voice Donny.

"Uncle Justin!" Donny yelped out. "I miss you!"

"Hey buddy," Justin said grinning softly. "What are you doing up?"

"I can't sleep!" Donny complained. "I keep thinking about Christmas!"

"Are you exited about Christmas?" Justin asked grinning at me.

"I want to come home for Christmas!" Donny complained. I could almost see the pout on his face. My heart went out to Justin as I see him swallow hard and tear roll down his face. I wrapped my arms around him.

"I know you do buddy," Justin said softly. "But you have to get well first."

"I don't want to be sick anymore!" Donny said.

"Do you want some company?" Justin asked. I knew that Justin and I were going to be having a slumber party at the hospital. Jusitn was taking his duties as Donny's adopted uncle very seriously. And I loved seeing Justin like this. I had met his little brother Johnny and he was so cute. Justin was cute too. Seeing him with children always made him act just like a child. That was what was I loved about Justin. After Justin hung up I looked at me with tears in his eyes. "I hate this!" Justin shouted as he got up out of bed. "What kind of God puts an innocent child through this kind of hell?" I got up and wrapped my arms around him. He tried to pull away and I held fast. Finally he leaned back agaisnt me. "He is just a kid. He doesn't deserve to be sick like this. He should be having fun. He should be running around bossing us around as we decorate the house. He should get the chance to be a kid!" By now Justin was shouting and crying at the same time. I really didn't know what to do so I just held him. Finally he broke away and sat back down on the bed.

"Ummm what do you want to do?" I asked softly. Justin looked up at me with that expression that had made me fall in love with him. He looked just like a little boy who was lost. But I knew better. He wasn't lost. He knew where he was and he knew that a little four year old boy depended on him to help make his life a little better. He was always ready to help Donny. He was always ready to bring a smile on that little boy's face. He would go through hell to make his adopted nephew happy.

"We should go over there and help get him to sleep. He needs his rest," Justin said as he swung out of bed. His body still glistened with the sweat from our love making. He looked so hot. I wanted to have my way with him again. But I knew that we had work to do. And that work involved getting a sick little boy to sleep. This was not going to be easy.

The next morning from JC's point of view.

Sighing I turned over and tried again to get myself away from Don. That was easier said than done. He had done his octupus thingy and was clinging to me. I had to go pee and I wasn't going to get out of bed any sooner. "Don?" I asked softly. He moaned my name and humped me and clung to me tighter. He was horny again. And he had no intention of letting me go. I finally resorted in kissing him breathlessly. He finally opened his eyes and smiled his sleepy smile at me. "Good morning sexy," I whispered kissing him on his nose. He snuggled closer to me. "Uh uh," I smiled softly down at him. "Josh Jr. has to go pee."

"But I am all warm and comfy," Don said pouting.

"I promise to come back," I said grinning down at him. He finally let loose and I slid out of bed. He whistled at me. I shook my head as I headed into the bathroom. I heard the phone ring and I knew that Don would get it. And if I was correct that would be a certain four year old demanding our attention. I smiled as I wondered what he was going to boss us around about today. I frowned as I also wondered how sick he was going to be today. Yesterday was a pretty good day. Donny was almost his cute bossy little self as he bossed everyone around as we all decorated the hospital ward. I quickly finished and headed back into the bedroom. Don was laughing his head off as he held the phone to his ear. I could hear Donny on the phone. I wondered what Donny was saying that would make his daddy laugh like that. Don looked at me and grinned his crooked smile as he continued to talk to his son. I slid back into bed and snuggled up to him. I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes as I listened to father and son talk. I also took this time to look at Don's beautiful body. He was limp now and I wanted to get him all excited again. But that wouldn't be a very good idea.

"Oh really?" Don asked grinning. "What did you do to Justin?" I knew this was going to be good so I perked up and listened to him. "Oh no you didn't!" Don laughed. I picked up the other phone and listened in.

"Yea and Uncle Danny helped me!" Donny said. "He had shaving cream all over his face." I snorted back a laugh. "Daddy Josh!" Donny exclaimed loudly.

"In door voice sweetie," Don said softly.

"Ok daddy!" Don whispered loudly. "Daddy Josh! "When you comming over?"

"Well I have to do some work on my new cd," I replied. "Than I will be over."

"Why can't I listen to you other cd?" Donny asked. Don snorted back a laugh. Don and I had this conversation a long time ago. My CD was a little on the rated R side and we decided that Donny wasn't quite old enough to listen to it just yet.

"Well son it is a little adult sounding," I said softly. "You have to older to listen to it."

"Ok Daddy Josh!" Donny said not missing a beat. "So I get to listen to your other cd right? Justin said I have to listen to all of your cds. Even when you were singing with Unlce Justin, Uncle Joey and Uncle Lance!"

"You mean you don't have our NSYNC cds?" I askes shocked looking at Don. Don actually blushed looking down. "Well we are definately going to have fix that." We talked alittle more about what we were going to do today. I had to promise him several times that I would take him Christmas Shopping for his daddy and all of his uncles. Yea I was knew it was going to be a very long day. I had already talked to Dr. Ratigan and gotten permision to take Donny to the mall. I had already picked out the stores that we were going too and had arranged to have the stores close for him. He was a little celebrity now with Uncle Justin hanging with him. And he didn't need all the attention.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Don asked as he kissed my chest.

"I was thinking about this shopping spree that I am taking our son on," I replied kissing him back.

"Yea he is so excited about it," Don replied. "I guess we should get ready to go."

"Well you have to get there early. I have to stay here at the house and meet with Danny. We have those tracks to lay down. I really want to get a good start on my next cd before the new year," I gently reminded him. "I'll be there sometime after lunch."

"Will you join me in the shower?" Don asked looking naughty. I knew that I was going to have let Don have his way with me. Not that I minded. He was such a hottie.

Later after I had showered and made love to Don I was in the living room. The door bell rang and I got up and opened it. "Hey Danny," I said letting him in. "You ready to get to work?"

"Yea I have some ideas about your latest song," Danny said as he headed for the kitchen. "Do you have coffee?" I smiled at his request. Thanks to Don and Ben's addiction to caffine our house has kinda sorta become a coffee house.

"Yea," I said as I followed him. "I just put a fresh pot on." We walked into the kitchen. We saw Ben sitting at the table. He had a pout on his face. "Hey Ben," I said softly as I wrapped my arm around his shoulders. "What's wrong?"

"Jesse headed back to his family for the holidays," Ben said softly staring into his cup of coffee. Poor Ben looked so sad sitting there all alone with out Jesse.

"Well I know what you need," I said grinning.

"And that would be?" Ben asked looking alittle worried.

"Shopping at the mall with out any crowds!" I said grinning happily.

"Oh no not the shopping holic thingy again," Ben groaned while grinning at Danny.

"Hey!" I said pouting. "It is Christmas time!"

"And that is an excuse to go shopping?" Ben asked giggling.

"Of course it is," I replied. "Now if you will excuse us we have to go to work."

"Can I watch?" Ben asked.

"Sure," I replied.

Two hours later we finally finished with what we were doing. That was when we heard the door open. Than we heard the laughter that made me smile. I looked up at the door and counted the seconds. Sure enough I heard the running of little feet. "Donny!" I exclaimed as he came running into the room. He jumped into my arms. I shivered with delight when I wrapped my arms around the little boy who had adopted me into his life. This was one of his very special hugs that he only reserved for those very special people. I kissed him on the top of his head. "What are you doing home?"

"Well his red cell count is up and his white cell count is down," Don said as he walked into the room. "Dr. Ratigan said Donny could come home. And he thinks that maybe Donny is going to get better."

"Does he think that maybe Donny is in remission?" I asked hopefully.

"It is too soon to tell," Don replied. "But we have our son home for Christmas! And hopefully he will be home for alot longer than just a few days." At this point Don yawned really wide. I realized at this point that it had finally all caught up with Don. The many sleepless nights that Don had spent worrying over his sick son. I looked at his face and even though I saw the happiness in his eyes. I also saw the tiredness on him. It was sad to see him like this. He spent all of his time trying to be so brave. Now it was time for him to take some time off. I sighed as I put Donny down. I walked up to Don and wrapped my arms around him. He leaned against me. I felt his shoulders start shaking. I knew from experience what he was doing. I took his chin and gently brought his face up to mine. I lovingly wiped the tears free.

"The shopping can wait," I said softly. "I will take our son shopping. I will step out of the store long enough for our two sons to buy us our Christmas Presents. And you my love are going to go up stairs and lay down and take a nice long nap."

"I got an idea," Justin spoke up. "Why don't Danny and I take Ben and Donny shopping and both of you spend time together?"

"That sounds like a very good idea," I said looking down at Don. His tired eyes looked so happy and relieved. He nodded and smiled as he layed his head on my chest. It was a simple moment that we had shared so many times before this. But for some reason it meant so much for me. Time seem to stand still for us. A few monents later we realized that we were all alone. Justin and Danny had managed to usher Donny and Ben out of the house. "Ummm it looks like we are all alone." I had to smile at Don's naughty glint in his eyes. But sex, as good as it was and as hot as it was I knew that it was going to have to wait. "Oh no you don't my lover," I said kissing him on his nose. "You are going to follow me upstairs and allow me to undress you and put you do bed."

"And will you be joining me in bed?" Don asked.

"Yes I will be join you in bed," I replied. "But to hold you while you sleep. Baby you are so tired. You need to rest. And now that Donny is feeling much better you can sleep to your hearts content. You also get to listen to music and snuggle in bed, watch the fireplace. Drink sparkling cider too."

"You are spoiling me rotten," Don said as he started to walk up stairs.

"Well that is my job," I replied grinning as I happily followed him up stairs. Yea this was going to be a good day. Donny was home again. And this time maybe he was here to stay for a very long time. I hoped beyond hope that Donny's illness had gone into remission.

"Joshy!" Don called down. I quickly finished the treck up stairs and started laughing as I saw Don all naked by the shower door. "I'm ready to be spoiled."

"And spoiled you shall be my love," I purred as I pulled off my shirt. I laughed as I saw him swallow hard as he looked at my chest. Yea I knew how to get Don all riled up.

From Ben's point of view.

"Where is Jesse?" Donny asked as we walked into the mall. I had to really fight not to cry. I was so lonely without him at my side.

"He is spending Christmas with his family," I replied bravely.

"Do you mmiss him?" Donny asked looking up at me with those incredible eyes of his. There was no way I could possibly lie to him.

"Yes little Brother," I sighed. "I miss him."

"Why do you miss him?" Donny asked looking so serious. I was starting to see why everyone loved this little guy. I was really loving him.

"Because I love him," I replied.

"You mean you love him like Daddy loves Daddy Josh?" Donny asked still wearing that very serious look on his face. I nodded quietly.

"Than when we go to see Santa you can tell him and he can bring him home for you!" Donny said happily. "Santa can do anything!" Leave it to a little boy to believe in Santa.

"Ok that sounds like a good idea," I replied. I noticed that Justin was trying really hard not laugh. "What?" I asked.

"Ummmm you know we are all going to have to tell Santa what we want," Justin informed me. Ok so now I was a little worried.

"You mean we have to actually see Santa?" I asked looking down at Donny. He of course was all smiles.

"Of course we have to see Santa!" Donny announced. "How else will Santa know what to bring us?" He took my hand and started to drag me towards the throne where Santa was sitting. Justin just laughed as he pulled a reluctant Danny along too. Yea this was going to be a very long day. "Hi Santa!" Donny said as he sat down on Santa's lap. "I brought my Foster Big Brother!"

"Well hello Donny," Santa said grinning down at him. "Have you been a good boy this year?" Donny's head was knodding up and down so fast that we all thought that it was going to fall off. "Well good, why don't you tell Santa what you want."

"I want you bring Jesse home for Ben this year!" Donny announced. I looked for a place to hide.

"Oh really?" Santa asked. "Is Jesse important to Ben?"

"Oh yes Santa!" Donny raddled on. "They really like eachother a whole bunch!" Thankfully the mall was empty for us. I was really blushing now.

"Well I have to see what I can do," Santa winked at me. I breathed a sigh of relief. But unfortunatley This was far from over. When it was all said and done all of us had to tell Santa what we wanted. After all Donny was making us do this. Finally we were able to go shopping. And that was another adventure. Little Donny was very busy running all over the mall trying to find the perfect gift for his family. When he was to tired Justin quickly voluntered to carry Donny on his shoulders. It made a very cute pictured indeed. When it was all said and done we had a car full of packages and a very happy four year old boy who was now napping in the limo with us. We were all very quiet. Donny may have been feeling better but he still tired out very easy. He looked really cute as he was snuggled up next to his Adopted Uncle Justin. Justin was holding Danny and kissing him lightly on the lips. I was so lonely that I wanted to cry. But I didn't dare cry. My cell phone rang. I picked it up and answered it.

"Hi Sexy!" a voice purred out at me. For some reason I blushed. Justin giggled and I glared at him.

"Ummm hi," I stammered.

"You are not alone are you?" Jesse asked. I could almost see his crooked grin.

"No not really," I replied.

"What are you doing?" Jesse asked.

"Well we went shopping with Donny," I replied. "We all had to umm tell umm Santa what we wanted." Jesse snorted back a laugh. "Hey!" I said with a pout. "We had to! Donny said so."

"So what do you want?" Jesse asked.

"I want you to come back," I said as a tear fell down my face. "I miss you."

"Well you might get your wish," Jesse muttered.

"Why what is wrong?" I asked concerned.

"Mom and I had a fight," Jesse replied. "She doesn't think it is a good idea that I date."

"I thought that she was ok with you being gay?" I asked. Already I was getting upset. I didn't want to loose Jesse. Now that I have found the love of my life no one was going to take him from me.

"Oh she says that she is ok with me being gay," Jesse said in a sassy tone of voice. "But she is worried about my career. She thinks that if we are openly gay it will ruin my career."

"Wait a minute!" I blurted out loudly. Justin raised a finger to his lips. I mouthed sorry to him. "Did we talk about us coming out of the closet?"

"I want to!" Jesse said loudly. "Dont' you want too?"

"Of course I want too baby," I said trying to sooth him. "But your mother is right. You have to think of your career."

"I don't care about my career!" Jesse shouted. "I love you!"

"I know you love me," I whispered loudly. "But don't you like singing? Don't you like acting?" Jesse was really quiet. "Baby?" I asked softly. "You still there?" I heard him sniffle. I wanted to be there to hold him so bad. "I love you Jesse. I'll support you in anything you want to do."

"I want to be with you," Jesse sobbed. "I want to be with you. I want to hold you. Mom doesn't understand me!"

"Have you asked your mother if you could come back early?" I asked.

"She says she doesn't care," Jesse sniffled. "She says that it is my life and I can do anything I want too."

"Then why don't you come back?" I asked.

"Are you sure?" Jesse asked. "I mean I don't want to mess up your Christmas."

"I love you! Why do you think that you comming back early is going to mess up my Christmas. If you want to come back early than I'm going to be very happy!" By now I was shouting. Justin was glaring at me and Donny was still sleeping. Danny was looking a little worried. But I was interested in calming down my lover. "Hey!" I scolded Justin. "My Jesse is upset and if I need to yell at him to get him to realize that I love him than I am going to yell!"

"Ok ok," Justin said backing down. "I'm sorry for glaring at you. But Donny is still recovering. He needs his rest."

"I'm sorry," I apologised.

"No worries," Justin smiled. "You're a teenager. Teenagers always go through the drama."

"So we are normal?" I asked shocked.

"Hello!" Jesse shouted from my cell phone. "I'm still here!"

"Oh I'm sorry sweetie," I said blushing. "So you are coming back?"

"Yes, I'm comming home," Jesse replied. "I'm catching the next flight."

"I love hearing you call this home," I smiled.

"I feel at home when I am with you," Jesse cooed in my ear. "I love you."

"I love you more," I cooed back.

"Nuuuuh uuuuhhh," Jesse whined back. "I love you more!"

"Not possible," I giggled. "I love you the most!"

"Ok you both love each other," Justin sighed as he took my phone from my hand. "Jesse get your ass on the next flight back so you and Ben can get laid and get all happy again!"

"Justin!" I whined loudly as I blushed.

"What?" Justin asked acting all innocent.

"Justin sweetie," Danny said scolding Justin lightly. "Stop teasing the love birds."

"Fine take away all my fun," Justin replied pouting. Jesse and I continued to talk and make plans until the limo pulled up to the house.

"I have to go sweetie," I cooed at Jesse. "I have to wrap my foster families presents!"

"Ok have fun," Jesse said. "I'll be there in a few hours."

"I love you," I said smiling.

Justin groaned loudly as he picked up Donny and cradled him gently against him. "Young love!" I just giggled at him and continued to talk to Jesse making all the lovey dovey noise that I wanted to. Yea I was being mean but Jesse was coming home to me!!!! When we got in side we noticed that it was very quiet inside. Josh and Don was no where to be found. "They are probably upstairs sleeping where I am going to take Donny right now. Than we have to wrap these presents and put them under the tree." Danny and I headed into the living room. "Oh yea and don't forget the tuxedo fitters will be here in an hour to fit both of you for your tuxes! Don't go anywhere!"

"Yes daddy," I said in a sassy tone of voice. Danny giggled loudly and covered it up quickly as Justin looked at him scolding him with his look. But anyone could see the humor and love behind that look. Yea Justin had it sooo bad for Danny. And I got to tease him about later. Well he teases me! And they make love alot and keep me awake! Oh yea it was time to wrap presents.

Later from Don's point of view.

I tried to get up but found that Josh's arms and legs were wrapped around me. "Um Josh honey?" I asked softly.

"No," Josh mumbled as he snuggled up to me. "Don't go."

"I have to go," I replied grinning at him. He was so cute when he was this way.

"I'll be lonely," Josh whimpered. I knew he was asleep but it was so cute to watch him like this.

"I promise to come back," I said kissing him on his very attractive face. He loosened up to allow me to get up. After all I wanted to make sure that Josh's wedding present was all ready. Yea I was being very sneaky about this. And no you are not going to get to know what it is until my Joshy does. I peaked inside Donny's room and smiled at the sight. There all snuggled in the bed with just about every stuffed annimal in the room. I leaned against the door jam and sighed happily. He looked so happy home. He was still a long way from his normal happy hyper self. But I could tell he was back on the mend. And that made me happy. I wasn't too sure how long I was standing there but at some point I felt a pair of arms wrap around me kiss my neck. I shivered with delight as I smelled his scent.

"I thought you were going to come back?" Josh's silky voice sounded in my ear as he nipped at it. "I was lonely."

"I'm sorry," I whispered leaning agaisnt him. "But he looks so peaceful and happy that I couldn't take my eyes off of him."

"Well you have to now," Josh said softly. "You have to go down stairs and get fitted for you tux, and Ben and Danny are down there right now and having fun doing this fitting thing."

"This I have to see," I giggled taking my lover's hand and dragging him down stairs. We rounded the corner and watched as Ben was throwing a minor hissy about how the color was all wrong for him. Danny was laughing hysterically at him. Justin was rubbing his temples.

"Tell me again why I volunteered to help with your wedding?" he asked giving me a mock glare.

"Because I'm so cute and you can't say no to me cause I am so cute," I replied snuggling up to him. "Oh yea and I am so cute." Justin shook his head at me. "What?" I asked all innocent. "I am cute! Tell him Josh. Tell him I am cute!"

"Oh you are cute," Josh agreed with me. "You are very cute. Very sexy and very cute."

"Auuuugggghhhh!" Justin yelped out. "You two are impossible!" I just grinned at him. "I should get paid for this you know!"

"I'll pay you in chewing gum,"I snickered. Ben looked at me like I was nuts. "I'll tell you later. You look great in that color."

"I do not!" Ben whined. "Blue is all wrong for me!" Justin whimpered as he continued ot rub his temples.

"Ok, what color would you like to have?" I asked.

"Red!" Ben said grinnning. "Now that would be a really cool color for you and Josh!"

"Than red it will be," Josh spoke up. "I mean after all we have to have our foster son looking hot."

"But it is your wedding," Ben spoke up. "You should have the colors you want."

"And we will," Josh replied. "Trust me, Don will have his blue and I will have my dark greens and browns. Our wedding planner will make sure that it all comes together and looks great." Leave it too Josh to make it easier on Ben. We wanted Ben to be part of our family so bad. Ben really was fitting in a lot easier since we had welcomed him into our family. "Ok sweetie," Josh said as he walked into my arms. "It is time for you to get fitted."

"And you my lover can't see me in my tux until the wedding," I said lightly pushing him out of the room.

"I wanted to see you get undressed," Josh said with his usual naughty look in his eyes.

"When we go to bed you can watch me get undressed," I assured him. "But right now I have to get fitted and you can't see." Finally we got seperated so we could get fitted. I deliberately got Justin aside with me. After all I had a honey moon to plan.

"So Justin where should Josh and I go for our honeymoon?" I asked as Justin fretted over my tux. It was so cute to watch Justin freak out about how I was going to look. This was usually my role when I was working with Justin.

"Well he loves to ski," Justin said.

"I love to ski too," I said grinning. "Can you recommend a good ski resort?"

"There is one right here in Denver," Justin replied.

"No I want to go somewhere away from the house. That way we can't be tempted to come home. This is supposed to be a break for us. You know our honeymoon," I reminded him. "So you going to help me?"

"How did I end up being your personal assistant?" Justin asked giving me a mock glare.

"Because right now I need you more than you need me," I said grinning my most innocent grin.

"Fine but you so owe me for this!" Justin finally agreed.

From Ben's point of view.

"Um Josh?" I asked. "I was wondering if well I was wondering if maybe I could take Jesse somewhere."

"Like where?" Josh asked as he pulled of his shirt. I could see why Don loved this man. He was so beautiful. I swallowed hard and tried very hard to concentrate on the task at hand. And that task was to get Jesse all to myself for a week.

"Like maybe ummm a ski resort?" I asked giving Josh a hopeful look.

"Away from us parental type persons?" Josh asked. I could see his grin behind his frown. "I mean a whole week from Don and me?"

"We'll call every day," I added. "Please? I love to ski. And I haven't done it all season."

"How does Jesse feel about this?" Josh asked.

"I don't know," I replied. "I don't even know if he can ski. But it will be fun. We can do all sorts of things besides ski."

"Oh trust me," Josh giggled. "I know all about those ski resorts. Justin is always trying to get me up to one of those. I know all about the fireplaces, hot tubs and big beds and all the shops."

"Than you will let me go?" I asked hopefully.

"We have to run it by Don," Josh replied. "But I think we can come to some sort of arrangement." I was so happy that I hugged him. He just laughed and reached up and messed up my hair. I of course had to throw a hissy about him messing up my hair. Now all I had to find out is did Jesse know how to ski.

Much later at the airport I was sitting in the same coffee shop sipping on my favorite caffine drink waiting for my sweetie to meet me. I was deliberately dressed in ski stuff. This was going to be so much fun.

"Hey," the voice of my lover drifted over me. I looked up and smiled.

"Hey," I replied. "When did you get in?"

"A few minutes," Jesse replied as he ran his hand over my new ski jacket. "So you planning on going skiing?"

"Ummm yes," I replied.

"When?" Jesse asked looking a little worried.

"Some time after Christmas," I replied. "I was ummm kinda sorta wondering if maybe you wanted to umm go with me?"

"Ummm I can't ski," Jesse said looking worried.

"I'll teach you," I replied sliding my hand into his. "And it will be so much fun turning you into my own personal ski bunny."

"Ski Bunny?" Jesse asked giggling.

"Yes I think you will make a very adorable ski bunny. All cold and with snow on you. And than after that we can snuggle in the resort. They have these private hot tubs and huge beds and lots of shops," I said looking hopeful

"Ummmm ok?" Jesse replied looking worried.

"It will be so much fun! You are going to look so cute and sexy all dressed up in ski gear!" I said grinning. "Now all I have to do is convince Don to let us go."

"Do you think he will let us go?" Jesse asked looking concerned.

"I have Josh on my side. He will talk to Don about it," I replied. "Now let's get home. Donny is feeling so much better. He even got to come home for the holidays!"

"You really love that little guy don't you?" Jesse asked as we headed towards the exit.

"Yea it is like having my own little brother," I replied. "I've always wanted a little brother to hang out with."

"Yea and I can tell you are going to make a great older brother," Jesse said looking a little sad.

"What is wrong sweetie?" I asked. He looked so vulnerable right now and I really wanted to hold him and make everything all better.

"I just wish I could go home with out mom throwing some kind of fit about me being gay," Jesse said softly. "I mean she is not even giving you a chance. She thinks you are going to be some sort of gold digger or something." I snorted back a laugh. "Yea I know you are going to be worth millions."

"Does she know that?" I asked Jesse asked as we climbed into the limo. Yea I had conned Josh into letting me use the limo.

"Yea I told her that," Jesse sighed as he leaned agaisnt me. I loved the feeling of him leaning agaisnt me. "She says there is more than one type of Gold Digging. She says you might be looking for fame."

"Does she know what type of person I am?" I asked kissing Jesse on his forehead. "I bet if she met me she wouldn't think that."

"Do you think it will work if you met her?" Jesse asked looking hopeful.

"Maybe," I replied shrugging my shoulders. "Hey I have an idea! why don't we go to see her on News Years?"

"Do you think that Josh and Don would go for that?" Jesse asked.

"Well I am going to be around your parents," I reasoned. "I think that they will be ok with that."

"How are you going to get Josh and Don to let you go with me alone on our ski trip?" he asked snuggling up to me. For soem reason Jesse was really snuggly today. Not that I minded. I loved to snuggle with him. It just felt so right.

"That might be a little harder," I replied. "I think that maybe they are planning on a trip later. Maybe we can tag along. Josh already said that he would talk to Don about it. Josh is ok with it." By now we were pulling up to the house. After unloading Jesse's stuff into the guest room. He was still upset and didn't want to be alone in his apartment. And Don wasn't too comfortable with the idea of me staying there alone with him yet. So Jesse got to stay with me. "You hungry?" I asked as we finished putting his stuff away. We walked past the nativity scent. He frowned at it. "Oh yea Donny always adds some of his toys to it." From what I heard from last year he had added his star wars figurines and space ships. They were up on the fake mountain over looking the manger scene.

"Donny loves Christmas doesn't he?" Jesse asked as he looked at the tree. True to form most of the ornaments were towards the bottom of the tree. Finally we made it to the hall way. I paused and looked up. He looked up and smirked his very sexy grin as he bent down and kissed me on the lips. Than we walked a few more feet and I stopped and looked up again. Jesse laughed. "Ok whoes idea is this?"

"That would be Josh's," I giggled. After getting through the alley of mistletoe we finally made it to the kitchen. I made Jesse some dinner and some for me too. After sharing a nice dinner with Jesse we went back down stairs to spend some time together. I knew that Jesse was still very upset about what had happened to him and his mother. The only thing I had to do is get him to open up and talk about it. I had a feeling that it was going to be harder than it looked. I looked at him sitting on the bed. He looked up at me with those incredible eyes of his. I could see the hurt in his eyes. I could see the pain in his eyes. Everything in my being wanted to hold him and make it all better. I sat down next to him and he leaned against me. It was a good feeling. I relished for a few minutes before sighing. "You know we are going to have to talk about this." He nodded as a few tears started to flow down his angelic face. Yep I was right. This was going to be harder than it looked.

The next morning From Josh's point of view.

Ok I was keeping a secret. A deep dark secret. Well not really a dark secret. More like a secret that might change the way we are. I had found out a month ago. Yea I am pretty good at hiding things. Well now everything has been set in motion and there is no avoiding any longer. Don has a right to know. He has a right to know that someone very important is about to come into our lives. And I hope that Don will still love me as much as I do.

I slid out of bed and looked down at Don. He was out like a light. He was tired and I really couldn't blame him. He was really working over time trying to get Donny home. And not to mention he was working over time to get him well too. Seeing him sleeping like this and seeing his face free of the worry lines and the peacefullness and happiness in his eyes did my heart a lot of good. A light knocking on the door brought me back to attention. I opened it and saw that it was Justin. I stepped out into the hall. "So how is he?" Justin asked.

"He is doing so much better now that Donny is home," I replied as I followed the noise of the whimpering. I trotted down stairs and saw Spot sitting at the door with his little but wiggling. I had to smile at him. We had finally gotten him house broken. I opened the door and let him out. The yard was fenced in. So I knew that he was safe. "So you ready for this?" Justin nodded. "Than let's get this done." We both headed outside and got into Justin's Escalade. I wasn't in the mood to drive my Jag. Justin's Escalade was nice and roomy and right now that was what I needed. For what I had to do next involved me being able to relax. We finally pulled up to the office.

"Now let me ask you again," Justin said looking really serious. "Is this what you really want to do?"

"Yes Justin, it's the right thing to do," I replied. "I'm not going to keep this from him either."

"Is he going to understand?" Justin asked. "I mean he has been through so much crap is he going to be able to take this too?"

"I know," I sighed. "I just have to figure out to break this too him. I mean it is not every day you tell your lover something like this."

"It's not like you're telling him that you are dying," Justin teased me. "All you're doing is--."

"I know what I am doing," I snapped at him. I saw the hurt rage through Justin's eyes. "Look I'm sorry, Justin, it's just that I whish that he would make it easier for me."

"Trust me," Justin said putting his hand on my shoulder. "Don will understand."

"I hope so," I sighed. "Come on, let's get this over with."

From Don's point of view.

"Daddy!" Donny called out. I groaned loudly as I turned over and looked at the clock. I was shocked to see that it was already past noon. I slid out of bed. I noticed that I had on a pair of pajamas. Leave it too Josh to make sure that I was dressed so my son wouldn't freak out.

"Come in," I called out. The door flew opened and two dogs and one hyper boy came running in and hopped up in bed. "Good morning son," I said welcoming his hug. I looked at him and saw the he was looking really good this morning. His little bags under his eyes were almost gone. "You feeling better?"

"I wanna play video games today!" Donny announced. "You want to play with me?"

"We'll see," I smiled kissing him on his cheek. Truth be told I couldn't operate a game controller if someone paid me too. "You hungry?"

"Nuh uuuh," Donny said shaking his head. "Jesse and Ben made me breakfast and lunch!"

"Both at the same time?" I asked pertending to be shocked.

"No daddy!" Donny giggled loudly. "I had breakfast first and than I had lunch at lunch time! Come on Daddy I wanna play video games!"

"Let daddy shower first and than when I get something to eat than I'll play with you," I said giving him another one of my hugs. He hugged me back. I loved hugs from him. They were so special. "Where is Daddy Josh?" I asked looking around the room.

"Uncle Justin took him some where," Donny said shrugging his little shouulders. "He said it was very portant!"

"Important," I corrected him. "I'll be down in a few son."

"Ok Daddy!" Donny said very loudly as he ran out of the room with Trixy and Spot following. I had to admit that having Donny around and almost well was very nice indeed. I stripped out of my clothes and stepped into the shower. I moaned loudly as the steaming water hit my bare skin. Now the only thing missing. That was my Josh. Usually we took a shower together. My cock was already hard and Josh wasn't here to take care of me. Oh well, Jr. will just have to wait. After a shower I stepped back into the bedroom and looked at my clothes and tried to decide what to wear. Than it hit me. I didn't have anywhere to go today. I giggled to myself as I drug out a pair of pajammas. Yes I was going to spend the day in my pajamas. After I was all dressed I trotted down stairs to get something to eat. I walked passed Ben and Jesse. They were all snuggled up on the couch watching a movie. "Hello love birds," I said cheerfully.

"You going to get dressed?" Ben asked me smirking at me attire.

"I am dressed," I replied with a grin. "I am going comfortable today." Ben just rolled his eyes as he turned his head back to the TV. Jesse and Ben looked so cute together. I noticed that Jesse looked a little rough. I had heard from Josh that Jesse had had a fight with his mother and came back home early. I also heard that Ben was not happy at all about Jesse being upset. Josh had to talk Ben into not calling Jesse's mother and chewing her out.

"Daddy!" Donny whined loudly. "You have to eat so we can play video games!" I turned around and looked down at my son. He was standing there with his hands on his hip glaring up at me. It had seemed that Donny had decided that I needed to be bossed around.

"Ok ok," I replied. "I'm going to eat breakfast now."

"Good!" Donny replied obviously very happy.

After eating breakfast or lunch or brunch. All of these names for different meals were really confusing and I haven't been awake long enough for that much confusion.

"Daddy!" Donny yelled from the living room. I could hear Ben and Jesse laughing.

"Ok!" I sighed. "I'm comming!" I walked into the living room in time to see Donny bossing Ben and Jesse around who were very busy hooking up the play station. "Ok what game are we playing?"

"Lord of the Rings!" Donny announced as he handed me the controller. Yea I knew it was going to be a long day. "Ok Daddy your turn!" Sighing I started playing. Ok now how do these controllers work? Three hours later I was still loosing. At least Donny was having fun. I had to admit that it was fun to watch him laughing and grinning at his Daddy's attempt to master Video games. I never was very good at video games. Donny was a natural at them. I heard the door open. I looked up to see Josh standing there with a bemused look on his face.

"Hello love," I said grinning up at him.

"Didn't quite get all the way up did you?" Josh asked still grinning.

"I did get up," I replied as I got up and walked into his waiting arms. "But I didn't want to dress in normal clothes today. I wanted to be comfortable."

"You look comfortable," Josh laughed softly. "Ummmm I have to talk to you."

"Ummm ok," I replied. "Is it good news?"

"Ummm yea it is in way," Josh replied. "Let's sit down."

"Well first of all I have to put Donny down for his nap," I reminded him. "After all he is still recovering." Josh nodded. I left him long enough to put Donny down for his nap. Once I made sure he was all snuggled in bed sleeping I headed down stairs to find out what Josh had to tell me. I had a feeling that this was going to change our family in ways that I couldn't even imagine.

From Josh's point of view.

God I was so nervous. I actually felt sick to my stomach and I thought I was going to throw up breakfast and lunch.

"Ok I'm here," Don said making me jump. He sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around me. "Now what does my sexy lover want to tell me?"

"First you have to understand that I love you very much," I started. "I would never do anything to hurt you or our family."

"Josh I know you love us," Donny said with his face creased with worry. "You're starting to scare me."

"I don't mean too baby," I quickly added. "But you have to know how much I love you. I don't want what I am about to say change this."

"It won't," Don said grabbing my hand.

"Let me tell you what happened and you can decide that for yourself," I continued. "About a month before you and I met I had an affair with another person."

"That was before we met," Don spoke up. "I'm not going to hold that against you."

"I know you won't. But there is more to the story. This person was a girl. And well about a month ago I found out some news," I replied. "Baby she got pregnant." I could see the wide range of emotions raging through him. I tried to pull away only he didn't let go. For some reason that made me happy.

"So you are a father," Don said softly looking down. "So what did she have?"

"A son," I replied. "His name is Aiden."

"So you are a Daddy," Don said smiling softly. "That would make me a Daddy too."

"Umm sweetie," I said grinning sheepishly. "You already are a Daddy."

"No I mean, well what I meant was well that is if you want me to be," Don stammered. He was being so cute about this. I couldn't help it. I leaned forward and kissed him. It was my usual take his breath away kiss.

"Yess sweetie," I smiled down at him. "I really want you to be a major part of Aiden's life."

"But what about his mommy?" Don asked suddenly scared. "I mean how does she feel about you being gay?" That was when my face fell. I had to tell him that like his son, my son Aiden would be growing up with out a mommy. "Oh now," Don said with tears in his eyes. "What happened?"

"A car accident," I replied. "Thankfully little Aiden wasn't hurt. But she died just a couple of months ago. I've spent the greater part of a month arranging custody of my son. Now that I have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am his father I was given full custody of him. Her parents were not happy about it at all."

"Have you met him yet?" Don asked looking up at me with those incredible eyes of his. "I mean do you know what he looks like?"

"Yea I do," I replied. "Do you want to see a picture of him?"

"Of course I do," Don replied. I pulled my wallet out and handed a picture of him. Aiden had blonde hair, and blue eyes. He was so cute. "Where did he get that blonde hair?"

"Obviously not from me," I replied grinning.

"But he does favor you," Don said pointing to the picture. "He is a cutie."

"Yea he is isn't he?" I asked proudly. "Umm how are we going to break the news to Donny and Ben?"

"Well we should have a family meeting and tell them at the meeting," Don suggested.

"When?" I asked.

"Well when are you bringing Aiden home?" Don asked back.

"Tomorrow morning," I replied.

"AuuuugghhH!" Don yelped. "We don't have the house ready!"

"Baby," I said grinning at Don's panic attack. As usual it was really cute. "Don't worry about a thing. Justin and Danny and Kevin and Orlando are helping with that."

"Are you sure?" Don asked still looking worried. "Aiden has to have everything!"

"And he will sweetie," I said kissing on his very cute and adorable nose.

"Can I do anything?" Don asked still looking worried.

"Of course you can," I replied. "You can be his other daddy." Silence racked the room as Don looked up at me with tears in his eyes. "Ummm that is uless you don't want to be his other--," I was stopped right there as Don pressed his lips to mine. After a few seconds of very intense kissing from my lover he broke away. "Uuummm I guess I will take that as a yes."

"Of course that means yes!" Don replied smiling his sappy grin. "Now we have to get ready."

"Ummm ready for what?" I asked suddenly worried.

"We have to get ready for your son," Don said happily. "But first you have to take care of some very serious business."

"Ummm what kind of business would that be?" I watched as Don slipped off his shirt. His very toned chest and abs pressed up against me. He than took my hand and brought to his crotch. He was rock hard. I slid my hand down his pants and took hold of his cock and relished the soft moan. I gently eased his pants down exposing him to the world. I looked down at his cock as it begged me to take it in my mouth. I knelt down at his feet and looked up at his pleading face. I could feel the heat from his cock as it was just a mere inches from my face. I let out a soft whimper as I slid his cock into my mouth. Almost immediately my taste buds woke. I bobbed up and down on his shaft sucking hard. This elicted a series of groans and whimpers from him. His hand rested on my head and his fingers ran through my hair sending waves of pleasure through me. I noticed that his hips were slowly pumping in and out of me. Suddenly I wanted him to move harder and faster. I pulled off long enough to let him know. "Harder and faster," I urged him as I plunged down on his shaft. The head of his cock slammed into the back of my throat. I could taste the precome that flowed from his trembling cock.

"Ohhh god Josh," Don moaned out. "This feels so good." I giggled up at him as I watched his abs tense up. God he was so hot. I heard a noise and looked past Don to see that Ben and Jesse were standing there watching. I panicked first than realized that they had left just a quickly as they had appeared. By now Don's urgent thrusts were becomming more frantic. His balls were tight and drawn up agains his body. "Ohhh Josh!" Don whined. "I'm so close!"

"Give it to me Don!" I comanded him. "Shoot your cum down my throat! Let it go baby. Let it all loose." Don let out a cross between a groan and growl and his cock begin to shoot it's precious load down my already swallowing throat. I wanted to cum so bad but some how I restrained myself. After all I had other plans for my load. Finally the shooting stopped and Don's moans turned into soft and very sexy whimpers. After gently licking my sweetie all clean I stood back up and allowed him to lean against me. I held him while he caught his breath. "You all better?"

"Wow!" Don said lookign still alittle frazzled. "But what about you?" I was already sliding my jeans down. "Ohhh!" Don said looking down at my hard cock. "You're all exited! Now what are we going to do about this?" He took a hold of my cock and stroked it a couple of times.

"Oh no," I teased him. "I have other plans for this."

"And what will that be?" Don asked giving me his puppy dog eyes.

"I'm going to fuck you so hard that you won't be able to walk straight for a week," I growled at him as I pushed him down onto the soft sofa. I lifted his legs and spread them leaving Don open for me. He looked so beautiful all exposed to me and ready for me to take him. I leaned down and captured his lips in mine. Than I groaned loudly and pushed into him in one plunge. Don raised up and whimpered loudly as my cock filled him. "You like that?" I asked. "You like my cock filling you up?" Yea I was talking dirty. I pulled out and plunged in again. I looked down to see his cock rock hard again. "Yea you like it!" I rasped out as I pounded into him fast and hard. The light from the fire place cast a golded haze over our already sweaty forms. His hands were raking along my back. His nails scraping against my wet skin causing me slight amount of pain. The mixture of pain and pleasure drove me further on. I wanted to stay in him forever. I could feel my orgasm approaching fast. "Fuck!" I grunted out. "You're so fucking tight!"

From Don's point of view.

"I love you Don!" Josh yelled out as he continued to drive his cock deeper and deeper into me. I loved Josh like this. He had turned into this shuddering thrusting sex machine. His sweat dripped on my body mixing with mine. His lips came crashing down on mine. His tongue plunging in and out of my mouth in time with his urgent plunges. "I'm so fucking close!"

"Cum in me Josh! Fill my ass with your seed!" I urged him. Josh let out a strangled yell as his entire body trembled, I felt his cock swell in me. "That's it baby!" I urged him. "Shoot your load in me. I need it so bad." I felt Josh's cum fill my rectum. It was so hot and soothing. It shot up agaisnt my prostate gland sending me into an immediate Orgasm. My load shot up to my chest and covered my abs. I watched in lust and desire as my lover continued to quake in the throes of his orgasm. Finally he collasped onto my sweating and heaving body. My cum sealed us together. I breathed heavily as I clung to my lover's body. His lips graced my shoulders and chest with gentle feather kisses. "You were great!" I breathed. "What came over you?" Josh looked up at me with those incredible loving eyes of his.

"I was horny," Josh quipped. "And you were horny too. So I thought that maybe we could be horny together." I giggled at his playfulness. That was so like Josh. "Now we have to go shower and get all clean."

"And than what?" I asked taking his hand and letting him pull me up.

"Than we get ready for our son to come home." Josh replied.

From Ben's point of view.

"Man do they do it all the time?" Jesse asked me as we walked into my room. I patted the bed beside me and he sat down next to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Oh yea are like bunny rabbits," I giggled. "I've walked in on them twice now. That is something that I don't want to do again." I shuddered at the memory. Jesse snickered as he gave me that wild look he always gives me. I pouted for a few minutes. "Stop picking on me. Now I am going to be traumatised."

"Really?" Jesse asked. "Will we be doing any of that stuff?" I knew that Jesse was horny. And well, as his lover, it was my duty to please him. In about five seconds I was naked and very busy stripping off Jesse's clothes too. I eagerly kneeled at his feet and immediately took his already growing cock and slid it into my mouth. Jesse let out a whimper and began to thrust in and out of my mouth. I loved it when Jesse had sex. He was so beautiful. His abs were flexing making him look even hotter. "That feels so good," Jesse gasped out. I giggled as I sucked harder and reaching up to massage his chest muscles. He grabbed my hand and shoved my fingers into his mouth sucking on them. I could tell that Jesse wasn't going to last long. I wanted his cum down my throat so bad. Jesse had other plans as he tried to pull out. I growled at him and he smiled sheepishly and slid back in. His pumping motion became more and more urgent. "God I'm so close!"

"Feed me your cum," I urged him. I watched as his chest muscles tightened even tighter. His stomach muscles were really hard too. Now Jesse wasn't really all that built. But he looked hot naked and even hotter in the troes of sex. A light sheen of sweat covered his chest. Jesse let out a moan and the first shot hit me in the back of the throat. I whimpered loudly as I swallowed quickly. The took each shot that Jesse gave me. I loved the feel of his hot teen seed shooting down my throat. I loved the sounds that he made when he came. I loved the feel of my lover shuddering out his orgasm. And the thought that I was the one who brought him that pleasure made me so happy. Jesse knew it too as he watched me lick him clean. I was horny as hell and Jesse wanted to relieve me too. He reached for my cock and I allowed him to ravage me as the way I had ravaged him. All to soon we were wrapped up in each other's arms sleeping. I was happy. Jesse was happy, and that was all that mattered to me.

Later I woke to find that Jesse was in the shower. I grinned as I slid out of bed and joined him. I loved watching him all wet as he cleaned himself off. "Hey," I said suddenly shy. He looked up at me with that crooked grin that drove me wild. "Want some company?" He opened his arms and I walked into them. I allowed his arms to surround me and pull me close. "God this feels so good," I moaned as I felt his limp cock brush up against me. I latched my lips onto his shoulder and sucked and nibbled on his shoulder. He moaned too as his lips found my neck too. I could tell that by the way his sucking that I would soon have a hickey. That thrilled me. I wanted to be marked by him. It told everyone that I was Jesse's. Jesse's lover! After a few minutes of some intense sucking he broke off.

"Hmmm looks really good," Jesse giggled. Than the playful look in his eyes left and what was replaced with lust and desire. "I want you so bad."

"Than take me," I said as I turned around and offered myself to him. I felt his cock probing for my hole. He found it as he always did and pushed forward. The head of his cock popped past my ring and I shuddered as his length filled me. I arched my back agaist his chest. "God I love you!" I moaned out. Jesse blurted out something that I couldn't understand. Another five minutes of him slamming in and out of me was pure heaven and worth every second of it. When it was all done we cleaned ourselves off and dried off and dressed in comfy sweats and were curled up on the couch snuggling basking in the after glow of lovemaking when my foster parental units came back into the living room. Donny was up trying to get his daddies to play video games. I could tell that Josh had something really important to talk about.

"Ok family meeting time," Josh said seriously. Jesse moved to get up. "No Jesse you can stay." Jesse nodded and sank back down next to me. I of course happily wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. "We have some really important news to tell you all."

"There has been some new news for our family," Don started. "And well--, I'll let Josh fill you all in."

"About a month before I met Don," Josh started. I could tell that whatever Josh had to say wasn't going to be easy for him. When Don took his hand I knew just how much those two loved each other. Josh swallowed hard as Don snuggled closer to him. "I had a love affair with a Woman. And unknown to me she got pregnant and had a child, a boy, named Aiden. A couple months ago she was killed in a car accident. Aiden survived and well now he needs me. And I want to bring him home."

"I want him home too," Don added. "Aiden is Josh's son and he has every right to raise his son and to be a part of his life. And given the chance I would love to help him like he has helped me."

"If Aiden comes to live with us than that will mean that I will be a bigger brother," Don said putting down his game controller.

"Yes you and Ben will both be bigger brothers," Josh agreed.

"I've never been a big brother!" Donny said looking alittle worried. I decided to step in and help out.

"Don't worry Donny," I said grinning at him. "I'll help you." Donny grinned back at me with a sense of big brother worship. I was suddenly worried that I wouldn't be up to the challenge.

"So when is the little guy comming home?" Jesse asked.

"Tomorrow morning," Josh replied. "So that gives us less than 18 hours to get this place ready for a Year old baby."

"Well let's get started," Don pipped up as he immediately started handing out assignments.

Later from Don's point of view. I walked into the nursery. Well it used to be upstairs Guest room. I looked lovingly at Josh as he sat on the floor trying to put together a swing. He looked so cute sitting there with his very tight wifebeater on and all the parts of the swing laying around him. Donny was sitting next to him helping him hold part of the swing. This was such a precious moment that I slipped back out to get the camera and snapped a picture of the two of them. Josh looked up with a mildly scolding look. I smiled as I walked into the room and sat down next to him and wrapped my arms around him. "This is going to be the best Christmas ever," I said softly. "We get to bring little Aiden home and Donny is getting better and we are getting hitched." Josh smiled at my comment about our wedding. "What?" I asked all innocent. "We are getting hitched!" Josh laughed softly as he walked into my arms. I pressed my lips to his and all to soon Josh was a prisonere in my arms. We would've loved to kissed all night long but a certain four year old boy made it very clear that what we were doing was well as he put it, "Yuckie!" We broke away grinning sheepishly. "Should we give Donny a break?"

"Yea I guess we can," Josh giggled. "I think I'm a little in over my head here," he said gesturing to the swing.

"Well let's see if we can work together and put this thing together," I suggested.

The next morning we were all up at dawn. Josh was a nervous wrek. Aiden's court appointed attorney and social worker was on their way to the house. Josh had been in the nursery several times this morning making sure that everything was all set for little Aiden's arrival. I finally took him in our room and well took care of him. Now he was more relaxed. Oh I had fun relaxing him. The doorbell rang. "Oh God," Josh blurted out as he took off the bathroom. I shook my head and quickly followed him into the bathroom. There was my sweetie bending over the toilet.

"Josh sweetie," I said rubbing his back. He was so tense. "This is going to all right."

"What if I mess up?" Josh asked with tears in his eyes. "I mean I'm not perfect like you are."

"What makes you think that I am perfect?" I asked shocked. "You should've seen me when we brought Donny home. I was a mess. I couldn't hold him right. The first time I fed him he threw up on me." It got the results that I wanted. He smiled at me. After cleaning him up we walked back out to the living room. Two women were standing in our living room. One of them held a baby. I smiled as I recognised him. This was little Aiden, Josh's son.

"Mr. Chasez?" the attorney asked looking at Josh. "This is the social worker and this little fella is Aiden Chasez." The little guy looked up at Josh with huge eyes. He gurgled at Josh and held out his hands. That was all that it took. Josh's eyes filled with tears as he reached for him. That was when the miracle took place. You know the kind I am talking about. The Miracle had played out eversince the very first father took his child into his arms for the first time. The time when a man becomes a father. I reached out and touched his shoulder. He looked back at me and grinned. I had just witnessed a part of Josh that would bound us together forever. Josh looked so much at home with his son in his arms. I wrapped my arm around his waist and pulled him to the sofa where we sat down. For now the rest of the world ceased to excist for us. It was just Josh and me and his new son. I don't really know how long we sat there with Aiden. But at some point we realized that we had an audiance. I looked up and smiled at Donny. His anxious face was looking down at his new little brother. Ben was there too and his lover Jesse was there too. "Mr. Chasez?" the attorney asked softly. "There is some paper work that we need to complete." This seem to shake Josh out of this "New Daddy" trance.

"Will you hold him?" Josh asked me. Yea like I would give up a chance to hold little Aiden. I reached for him and Josh gently placed him in my arms. I sighed happily as I watched as Aiden gurgled up at me with a grin. Oh yea I was in love all over again. I held little Aiden close to me as I watched Josh work with the social worker and the court appointed attorney. Josh looked so serious sitting there signing the paper work. After a few minutes it was all done. Aiden was with his daddy. Josh eagerly took his son from me as I politely showed them the door. When I came back to the living room I was met with the cutest sight. There was Donny hovering over Aiden. He was explaining to Aiden who he was and he was already making plans. It was so like him. I sat next to Josh and leaned against him.

"Hey daddy," I said softly kissing him on his neck.

"I'm going to love that word," Josh said with a slight blush.

"Yea I know," I giggled. I watched as Aiden stuck his hand in his mouth. "Oh oh," I smiled pointing at Aiden who was now sucking on his hand in earnest. "It would appear that little Aiden is hungry. Come on Daddy, let's go feed him." Soon we were in the kitchen warming a bottle of formula for Josh's son. He was a little over a year old so we added some cerial in his formula. Aiden seemed to really like the stuff. After a few ounces and a good healthy belch he let out a huge yawn. "Now it is nap time," I smiled down at him.

It didn't take too long to put the little fella to bed. Josh watched me in amazement as I put his son to bed. I made sure this diaper was all dry and he was snuggled in his new bed. Donny had to make sure that Aiden had a teddy bear with him. It was so cute to watch Donny explain to Aiden just how important a Teddy Bear was to a little brother. But little Aiden wasn't really interested in Donny. He was to busy sucking on his little toes. It was cute. I gently pulled little Donny out of the room to give Josh some time with his son.

"Daddy?" Donny asked.

"Yes son?" I asked back. His eyes were so big and so honest.

"Am I going to make a good big brother?" Ok so that was not the question that I was prepared to answer. I quickly led him into his room and sat down on the bed and pulled him up in my lap. He wrapped his little arms around me.

"Oh sweetie," I smiled softly down at him. "You are going to make a really good big brother."

"I don't know how to be a big brother," Donny said with a worried expression on his face. "I don't want to mess this up."

"I promise I will help," I promised. "After all I was a big brother and I still am."

"How do you do it?" Donny asked.

"With help from my mother, and my father," I replied. "And Josh and I are going to help you so you can be the best big brother that there is. But right now I know a certain big brother that has to take his afternoon nap."

"Than I can play with Aiden?" Donny asked looking hopeful.

"Of course you can play with him," I said kissing him on his cheek. After making sure that Donny was sleeping soundly I walked back out into the hall way I peaked into the nursery and smiled at the sight. Josh was sitting next to the crib watching his son sleep. I remembered doing that to Donny when we first brought him home. I walked quietly in and wrapped my arms around Josh. "Hey daddy," I whispered to him as I kissed him on his bare shoulder.

"He is so beautiful," Josh said looking at me. "I feel like the luckiest man on the face of the earth."

"You are," I replied watching as Aiden reached for his Teddy. I moved it closer to him and smiled as his little arm pulled the stuffed annimal to him. "Now why don't we go down stairs and get ready for Christmas?"

"Oh yea we still have so much to do," Josh replied. "We have to go Christmas Shopping for Aiden."

"Are you going to be ok with leaving him alone?" I asked.

"He is going to have Ben and Jesse here," Josh replied. "They already begged to watch him while we go finish our Christmas Shopping."

"Ben is such a sweetie," I sighed.

"Jesse is a sweet heart too," Josh added. "He loves Ben so much."

"Yea I see that," I smiled. "They seem to have a very healthy sex life too."

"Does that worry you?" Josh asked.

"As long as they are happy and they don't hurt each other," I replied. "Ben is happy, and Jesse seems to be happy too."

"And they make an adorable couple," Josh added. By now we were down stairs and we walked into the living room and saw Ben snuggling up to Jesse. Jesse was kising Ben on the lips. Ben looked so happy as he let Jesse ravage him. "Ahem," Josh coughed softly. They looked up with guilty look in their eyes. "Umm we are going to go shopping now."

"Ok take your time Parental units," Ben said grinning. "We will spend time with Aiden and start to spoil him." Suddenly Josh got this scared look on his face. "Don't worry Dad," Ben giggled. "I was just kidding!" Josh breathed a sigh of relief.

"Of course he is kidding," I quipped. "It is my job to spoil him." Josh shot me a scolding look you know that one that drives you nuts. "And no that is not going to work. It is my duty to spoil him and make him feel loved. After all he is your son. You very cute and adorable son." By now Ben and Jesse were giggling as Josh begin to look really worried now. "Oh don't worry sweetie," I giggled. "I have no intention of spoiling Aiden."

"Well we can spoil him just a little," Josh said grinning a little sheepishly. The shopping trip was the funnest one I had ever taken with Josh. We spent over two hours in the toy departmen. Josh would spend so much time trying to find out everything about every toy. Finally the toy shopping spree was over. And there was alot of toys. Thank god we brought the Lincoln Navigator. It was full and barely had room enough for Josh and me. After the shopping spree we headed over to the IHOP for lunch. After a nice lunch we headed back home. After all we had a bunch of toys to wrap and we had the finishing touches to put on the wedding. It was hard to believe that Christmas Eve was tomorrow. As soon as we got home and unloaded all the baby toys Josh made a beeline up stairs to the nursery. I followed him as I remembered how I was when Donny was that little. True to form Josh stopped at the doorway and looked in. Little Aiden was sleeping soundly in his little crip. I watched as the expression on Josh's face turned into this beautiful fatherly expression. The love and devotion that he felt for his son radiated from him making him so incredibly beautiful and sexy. I wanted to drag him into our bedroom and let him make love to me forever. But right now Josh needed to watch his son. I kissed his lips and rested my forehead on his.

"Take your time sweetie," I whispered kissing him again. Josh grinned a very happy grin. I walked out of the room and headed down stairs. Josh was in the nursery sitting next the crib and watching his son sleep. Yea this was great times for us. We were really starting to come together as a family. Now the only thing I had to do is talk to Ben about his plans for the next two weeks. Josh had explained to me that Ben wanted to take Jesse on a ski trip. I had planned on taking my Josh on a ski trip too. So I decided to combine the trip. We would take the whole family on our honey moon. Yea I know it sounded very strange. But with little Aiden around I knew there was no way that Daddy Josh was going to want to be apart from his son. And I wouldn't dream of making him go away on a trip with out him. And besides if Donny was truly in remission than I wanted to spend some time with him and hopefully Donny will turn into that cute little carefree little boy that we all knew and love. Ben was happily in love with Jesse. But it was such a wirl wind of a romance that the newness of it all still hadn't sank in. Ben needed us to talk to him, guide him through this very exciting time of his life. And besides as cute and adorable as Jesse was I still wasn't completely convinced that Jesse was right for Ben. Oh yea I was taking my Foster Dad thing really seriously. That was me I took things very serious. I rounded the corner and saw Ben and Jesse watching a movie together.

"Can I talk to you two for moment?" I asked softly. Ben picked up the remote and turned off the tv. "I wanted to talk about your ski trip that you want to take Jesse on."

"Can we go?" Ben asked hopefully.

"Well yes," I replied. I started to laugh as Ben got up and started to do a happy dance of sorts. Jesse looked at him like he had lost his mind. "But there are conditions." Ben's face fell. "Oh don't worry. It is all good." Ben still looked worried. "You can go. But Josh and I want you and Jesse to consider a different sort of plan. I want Jesse and you to go with Josh and I on our honey moon." Ben got this really confused look on his face. "You see Josh just got his son and I just got Donny back healthy. And well we want to turn our honeymoon into a family vacation. And we want you and Jesse to come. We're going to need some help with Aiden and Donny."

"Where are you going?" Ben asked.

"A ski resort in the state," I replied. "Don't worry it has the snow boarding that you love to do and it has full resort facilties for you to use."

"Shopping, and spas and luxory suites?" Ben asked.

"Yes Ben," I sighed. "So you and Jesse to spoil the heck out of each other."

"What about you and Josh?" Ben asked. "Is this where you two really want to go on your honey moon?" I could tell that Ben was worried that Josha and I had chosen our honey moon to fit their desires and wants."

"We want to go skiing for our honey moon. And I happen to know that you want to turn Jesse into your own personal ski bunny," I replied grinning. Ben immediately blushed and to his credit Jesse blushed too. "Oh don't worry. I think that Jesse will make a very cute Ski bunny."

"Help?" Jesse begged with a helpless look on his face.

"Oh you have to get used to us," I teased Jesse.

"I love you," Ben cooed at Jesse. Jesse sighed as if resiging himself and leaned against Ben. Ben kissed him on his forehead.

"So will you?" I asked.

"Of course we will," Ben replied. "Anytime I get to spend time with Baby Aiden and Donny is so worth it."

"Than it is settled," I replied. "After the wedding and Christmas we will be going to a very nice ski resort where we will ski and be spoiled and yes," I grinned a very naughty grin at Jesse. He actually crgined at me. "We will be turning Jesse into a very cute ski bunny."

"Turning who into a ski bunny?" asked a very sexy voice. I turned and saw my sweetie walking down the stairs holding Aiden in his arms who was wide awake and looking around with his wide eyes.

"Oh oh baby fix!" Ben exclaimed standing up and walking towards Josh. Josh sighed and gently handed Aiden to a very eager Ben. Aiden cooed up at Ben and Ben smiled lovingly down at Aiden. "You are so cute!" Ben baby talked to Aiden. "Yes you are!" Aiden giggled and reached for Ben's nose. Ben let Aiden squeaze his nose. "Oh I want a baby!" Ben announced. Suddenly Jesse, Josh and I got very worried. "Well I do!" Ben replied holding Aiden close to him. About this time we heard a noise. Ben's nose wrinkled and he quickly handed the baby back to Josh. "Here Daddy I think he needs to be changed." We all shared a laugh as Josh took his son back in his arms.

"I'll just change him and rejoin you all," Josh smiled. "You are a stinky baby!" Josh baby talked to him as he carried him back upstairs. "What is for dinner?" Josh asked looking back at us.

"I know what we are having!" I spoke up. "We are going to have fried chicken!"

"Yippee!" Donny exclaimed as he walked down stairs. "I love daddy's chicken!" Trixy and Spot barked as if they were agreeing with him.

"Umm fried Chicken?" Ben asked. "Ummm isn't that kinda unhealthy?"

"That is why we don't have it all that often," I replied.

"Yea and you've never had Daddy's Chicken before," Donny said.

"Come on Ben," I smiled taking his arm. "I'm going to teach you how to cook my Fried Chicken."

"What about Jesse?" Ben asked as I drug him from the living room.

"Me and Jesse are going to play video games!" Ben announced as he thrust a video game controller into poor Jesse's hands. Yea things were getting back to normal again. And that was a really good thing.

From Josh's point of view.

"Go go!" Donny shouted at Jesse. "You have to get to the sign first!"

"I am going as fast as I can!" Jesse laughed at Donny.

"We have to find Bart!" Donny urged his new Adopted uncle.

"What are you two doing?" I asked as I sat down and held Aiden close to me.

"We are playing Simpson's," Donny announced. "Uncle Jesse is winning!"

"Indoor voice buddy," I said smiling. "Where is your dad and Ben?"

"In the kitchen," Jesse replied. "Don decided that Ben needed to learn how to cook Chicken."

"I wonder if he is going to make his pasta salad for dinner?" I asked softly.

"Yes dear," Don's voice sounded from behind me. "We will be having pasta salad too." I smiled lovingly up at him. I had to laugh because he was covered with flour. So was Ben. "Ummm we kind of had a fight with the flour."

"Who won?" I asked grinning.

"He did," Ben replied. Jesse snorted back a laugh. It was very obvious that Ben did loose the flour war. "I'm going to take a shower. You want to join me?"

"Why does Uncle Jesse need a shower?" Donny asked looking confused. Jesse blushed and Ben looked down at the floor. "Are you going to get mushy?"

"No they are not," Don said. "Jesse is going to help me in the kitchen and Ben is going to shower."

"And what do I get to do?" I asked wincing as Aiden grabbed a hold of my chest muscle through my shirt and squeazed really hard.

"You get to spend time with your son playing with him," Don said leaning down and rubbing noses with me. Aiden cooed up at Don and Don leaned down and kissed Aiden on the cheek. Aiden squealed with happiness. Everything about Aiden made me so happy. He was so cute and adorable. His little nose was so cute. And his eyes were so expressive. He looked up at me with those incredible eyes of his and I was sooooo hooked on him. "And than later we will be spending some very special quality time with each other." Ok I understood that. For some reason that made me blush. "You're cute when you blush like that." His lips came crashing down on mine. The urgency of his kiss told me percisely what he had planned for me later. I was hard immediately. "Oh yea you get the picture," he giggled. He walked out of the room leaving me with my son and a raging hard on. I couldn't wait until we got upstairs tonight. The cooeing of my son brought me back to my senses.

"Hello little one," I smiled down at him. "Why don't we get to know your older brother?" Donny's eyes lit up at the prospect of spending time with his little baby brother.

From Ben's point of view.

"But I want a baby!" I said with a pout.

"I know you do sweetie," Jesse giggled. "But don't you think you are a little young to be thinking about babies?"

"Aiden is so cute," I said sighing happily leaning against my Jesse. "We can practice making a baby." Jesse busted up laughing.

"You know that is impossible right?" Jesse asked looking at me with his incredible eyes of his.

"I know but it is soo much fun trying," I quipped rubbing his crotch.

"Are you serious about wanting a baby?" Jesse asked.

"Yea I'm serious about wanting a family. But not right now. I have a lot of growing up to do and a whole bunch of stuff that I want to do first. But in the mean time I can spend time with Aiden," I replied snuggling up to Jesse. We had just finished making love and both of us were just holding eachother. "Now we can make plans for our Ski Trip and of course my secret mission." Jesse looked at me with his usual cute confused expression. "You know the one where I get to turn you into my personal Ski Bunny."

"Ummm sweetie?" Jesse asked grinning at me.

"Yes love?" I asked as I decided that I wanted to suck on his very yummy looking nipple. He gently but firmly pulled my lips off his nipples. I pouted because he was taking away my fun.

"That reallly isn't a secret mission anymore," Jesse said as he let me continue my mission on ravaging him.

"I know, so now I have a new mission," I giggled.

"Oh and that would be?" Jesse asked looking worried.

"Giving you a hickey," I replied casually as I latched on to his neck. I was rewarded with his usual cute moans. Oh yea tonight definately had promises.

In orlando Florida in Lances bed room.

"Oh Usher!" Lance moaned out as he clunged to Usher's plunging body as he continued to slid in and out of Lance. Lanced continued to hang on to Usher as if his life depended on it. Usher's rockhard abs scraped against Lances hard dripping cock. "I'm so close!"

"Cum for me Love!" Usher groaned out as he too was getting close to releasing his cum into Lance. "God I love you!" Usher's body convulsed violently as he began to shoot his copious load into Lance's whole. Lance groaned out as he too begin to shoot his seed inbetween their hot and sweaty bodies. Usher's lips came crashing down on Lance's trembling lips as they both allowed their orgasms to overtake their bodies. In the few fleeting seconds that the orgasm lasted the love of the two men glowed just for a fraction of an eternity.

"Was it as good for you?" Usher started. Lance giggled softly. "What?" Usher asked looking all innocent.

"You are so cute," Lance replied snuglging up to Usher. "You all packed?"

"Yea," Usher replied. "When do we leave?"

"Nine tomorrow," Lance informed Usher. "I can't wait to see little Aiden."

"Aiden?" Usher asked surprised.

"Yea Josh's son," Lance replied.

"I didn't know he had a son," Usher said looking serious. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"We just found out a month ago," Lance said casually.

"And you didn't think of telling me a month ago?" Usher harshly. Lance could tell that Usher was getting upset. "I thought we were lovers!"

"Don't get all upset sweetie," Lance replied casually. "I was going to tell you. When the time was right."

"When the time was right?" Usher yelped. "What the hell does that mean?"

"You're getting upset," Lance said in a patronising voice. "We don't want to get upset now do we?"

"Don't get upset! Don't get upset!" Usher shouted. "I thought we shared everything! I thought that we were in this relationship because we wanted to share our lives together!" Usher got up and walked out of the room. Lance heard him start the shower. Lanced grinned and got up and followed him only to see that the bathroom door was shut and locked.

"Usher sweetie?" Lanced called out. "The bathroom is locked."

"I want to be alone!" Usher shouted out. Lance heard the tremmor in his voice. For the first time in Lances life he heard the crying of Usher and he was the one that caused the tears. Tears flowed down Lances face as he realized that just maybe Usher might be thinking of leaving him. And the reason was a simple one. He had decided for the both of them when Usher would find out something that he should've told when he had first found out. Lance walked to the bed and laid down and pulled the comforter around and laid on his side and cried himself to sleep.

From Don's point of view the next morning Christmas Eve.

"Shall we wake up Daddy Don?" Josh's voice sounded from my sleep hazed mind. "Yes we shall. We shall wake up Daddy Don." I felt the weight of Josh as he sat down on the bed. I also felt the added weight of a certain little boy. I could feel him making his way up to me. I tried not to giggle as I felt his hand on my nose as he squeazed. I heard Josh laugh softly. "That's it Aiden," Josh giggled. "Wake up Daddy Don so he can pay attention to us." I opened one of my eyes and saw Aiden's smiling face looking at me. He squealed with happiness.

"Good morning Adien," I said softly. "Is your daddy teaching you to be a bad boy?"

"I am not," Josh said looking guilty. "We just go tired of waiting for my sexy lover to wake up and pay attention to us."

"Well now that I am awake leave me alone so I can pay attention to Aiden," I giggled as I hugged him close to me.

"No," Josh replied as he snuggled close to me. "I want some attention too."

"Oh I plan on giving you plenty of attention," I snickered. Aiden looked up at me with a really serious look on his face as he grabbed my peck muscle and squeazed hard. "But right now a very cute little boy needs my attention first." Aiden cooed up at me. "Yes he does," I said softly as I rubbed noses with the little guy. He squirmed with happiness. As Aiden and I played Josh watched us with love.

"You are so good with babies," Josh sighed.

"Well I guess I should be," I looked at him. By now little Aiden was making his way back to his daddy. Josh smiled and picked him up and laid him down next to him. Watching Josh with out a shirt on and just in his boxers play with his son was such a sexy and beautiful sight that I had a really hard time not pouncing on him. "After all I had lots of practice with Donny.

"Yea well as much as I am enjoying spending time with my sexy lover and cute son we have to get up and make breakfast and get ready to recieve guests," Josh sighed. "Will you be ok with Aiden while I take a shower."

"Oh I think we can find some naughty business to get into while you are showering," I said giving Josh my naughty look.

"Should I be worried?" Josh asked. I kissed him on his lips and patted him on his cheek.

"Go shower cutie," I ordered him. As I watched Josh walk into the bathroom and shivered with love and desire. Aiden's whimper brought me back to the task at hand. I looked down to see that him sucking on his hand. "Is Aiden hungry?" He just continued to suck on his hand and whimper. "I'll take that as a yes." Five minutes later we walked into the kitchen. Well I actually walked with little Aiden in my arms.

"Oh oh Baby Aiden," Justin's voice sounded. I looked into the direction of the voice and smiled at Justin as he stood there and held out his hands waiting for me to surrender Aiden to him. Aiden just laid in my arms sucking his hand. "Can I hold him please?"

"Oh look it is Uncle Justin," I said grinning down at Aiden. "Does Aiden want to be held by his Uncle Justin?" Aiden squirmed with happiness and I reluctantly handed over Aiden to Justin's eager arms. "Now be good while I make you breakfast." Aiden just shoved his hand in his mouth and continued to suck on it with earnest. I heard the door bell ring. "Ben!" I called out.

"Yea Dad?" Ben called back.

"Get the door please?" I called back.

"Kay Dad!" Ben hollered back. I heard the patter of little feet. Several little feet to be percise.

"It is Usher and Uncle Lance!" Donny exclaimed he ran into the kitchen with Spot and Trixy hot on his trail. "Now Usher can play video games with me!" It had seemed that Donny had decided that today was pick on poor Usher day. I decided to come to Usher's rescue.

"Hey Usher," I smiled up at him. I noticed that Usher was upset. "You ok?"

"Yea I'm fine," Usher replied looking down.

"Like hell your fine," I said sternly. "Come with me mister." I took Usher's arm and gently pulled him away from the crowd. I could tell that Lance wasn't to happy about Usher leaving him alone. Once we were in the living room I sat him down and and sat down beside him. "Now tell me what is wrong."

"Lance and I had a fight," Usher said with his eyes wet. This surprised me greatly. Usher didn't seem to me to be the type of guy who would cry at the drop of the hat. "He didn't tell me about Aiden when he found out."

"And this bothers you?" I asked. "I just found out two days ago."

"Doesn't that make you upset?" Usher demanded. "I mean both Lance and JC lied to us."

"Hey wait a minute. Josh didn't lie to me. True he didn't tell me right away that he had a son. But the point is he did sit me down and tell me. He was honest. I realized that he had to find the right way to tell me. Now why didn't Lance tell you?" Usher frowned as he thought about it.

"Because he doesn't take our relationship seriously," Usher mumbled.

"That is not true and you know it," Lance said behind us. I turned and saw Lance standing behind us. "Can we talk?"

"I'll be outside if you need me," I said patting Usher on his shoulder. "I'm going to go and look for my fiance and finish our wedding plans."

"Ummm you can't see him after midnight you know," Lance said with a naughty look in his eyes. "Midnight Last night."

"Oh not you don't!" I yelped out. "You're not going to make me wait until the wedding to see him!"

"Yes we are," Usher pipped up getting into the act.

"Yes and we are too," Justin's voice pipped up too. I looked over to see Ben and Jesse standing there too. I heard Josh's protests too. We were not going to win this. "Come on it will be fun!" Ben grabbed one arm and Jesse grabbed the other. "We have a kinda sorta bachelor party to through before this afternoon."

Later at a gay bar.

"Is it ok for Ben and Jesse to be here?" I asked Justin. He was busy stuffing hundred dollar bills down a very attractive young man's thong.

"Oh they are fine," Justin said winking at the cute guy. Danny rolled his eyes as he waved the dancer off. "See they are all snuggled up in the corner both smooching." I looked over and had to agree. The two young lovers did look very comfortable. "Now we have to talk about Josh."

"What about Josh?" I asked looking alittle worried as Justin's face turned very serious.

"You love him right?" Justin asked.

"Of course I love him," I replied. "I love him so much! He is my whole world. Why do you ask?"

"Just making sure is all," Justin replied. "I mean you and I have never had this conversation yet. I love Josh like a brother. And I want to make sure he is not going to get hurt."

"Justin you know I would never hurt him. I would rather kill myself than hurt him."

"Good," Justin replied. "Now let's get the crowd back to the house because we have a wedding to plan!"

Later from Jesse's point of view.

I was watching Ben strip out of his clothes. I couldn't help but getting hard. He was so hot! I wanted to make love to him right now. But right now I had to calm him down. You see Ben was throwing a hissy fit. He wasn't sure he was hot enough for me. Finally I threw caution to the wind and walked up to him and dropped to my knees and pulled his boxers down and took hold of his limp cock.

"Jesse!" Ben yelped.

"Quiet," I scolded him as I slipped the head of his cock in my mouth. "MMMM you taste so good."

"We don't have time for this," Ben said in a shaky voice. His cock was getting larger and filling my mouth. I begin to bob up and down on it. "Oh God I feel so good!" Ben whimpered out.

"Shhh!" I shushed him. "I'm busy proving to you just how hot you are." After about fifteen minutes of making my sexy lover feel good I swallowed his cum and licked him clean. Now that only hard part was getting him to get dressed. He insisted on returning the favor so to speak. We were almost late for the wedding. Note I said almost.

From Josh's point of view.

"Stop squirming," Justin scolded me as he tried to tie my tie. "I'm working here."

"I miss Don," I pouted. Justin sighed and rolled his eyes. "Well I do!" I insisted.

"Fine you miss Don. You are going to see him in just a few minutes. Than you will be married forever!" Justin reminded me. "There all done," Justin said happily. "Now you look all hot and sexy for Don."

"Justin, why do you sound like Don?" I asked frowning at him.

"I can't help it," Justin sighed happily. "I get this way whenever I am at weddings."

"I feel so sorry for Danny," I sighed.

"Why?" Justin asked confused. Justin alwayd did have the perfect confused look on his face.

"Because I am assuming that you will be getting married someday," I said. "And if you are this bad when Don and I are getting married than I don't even want to know what you are going to be like."

"Stop picking on me and help your best man get all ready," Justin said with a pout. "The wedding starts in five minutes."

Justin grabbed my hand and drug me into the living room. I gasped as I saw the room. Ben and Jesse had gone out of there way to make the room really nice. There were flowers all over the place. Red and white Roses were every where. Candles were lit all over the place as well. I noticed that Jesse was standing next to the piano and small orchastra. He had appointed himself in charged of the music. It was so cute to watch as Jesse worked with the musicians and Ben was hovering over him like some kind of worried mother hen. Jesse would patt him on his shoulder and kiss his lips to calm Ben down. This must've been Ben's first same sex wedding. It was so cute to watch him freak out. Teens could throw hissy fits and make them look so funny. "Come on!" Justin ordered me. "Your place is at the front with the preacher." Justin was throwing a hissy too. He was panicing like crazy. It had seemed that Don had locked himself in the room to get ready. He wasn't going to let any one in except for his best man and little Donny the ring bearer. The music started. "Oh god!" Justing whimpered.

"It is going to fine," I soothed him. I had to laugh at him. After all it is my wedding not his. I wasn't panicking like Justin was. It was so cute to watch Jusitn panic.

"How can you be so calm?" Justin whispered loudly to me. "This is your wedding!"

"Yes it is," I said grinning. "And I am going to enjoy it." By now we were at the front of the living room infront of the crackling fireplace.

"Hi Dady Josh!" Donny voice sounded from behind us. A rippling of laughterran through the room. I looked down at Donny as he walked down teh aisle with the rings. He was so cute with his powder blue Tux with matching blue ball cap. As Donny approached me I leaned down and hugged him. Then Danny came next as he stood at the other side of the aisle. Than the music started to swell. And I heard a voice. It was Jesse's voice. He was singing one of his songs. This was the first time I had heard him in person. I had to admit that he was good. I couldn't help but grin at poor Ben. He had the sappiest look I had ever seen and the tears were flowing. I heard the guest rustling behind me and I turned and smiled. There he was, my lover. The man I was going to swear the rest of my life too was walking down the aisle. His powder blue tux shimmered in the candle light. His black hair was all spiked up and his brown eyes bored into mine. I shivered at the intenst look of love that poured them. He smiled that same crooked grin that he always wore when he was planning something naughty. And I had a reason to believe that soon to be Don Smith Chasez was indeed planning on being naughty tonight. Finally he was standing next to me. I could feel his heat from his body. I could smell him and even though I was getting married right now and had to behave like a true gentleman I wanted nothing more than to lay him right down in front of the fire place and rip off his clothes and make love to him all night long. His hand found mine and I took hold of it.

"Dearly Beloved--,"


Next: Chapter 24: Picking Up the Pieces of My Life 20 21

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