Picking Up the Pieces of My Life

By JC Fanfic

Published on Sep 2, 2005


A Work of Fiction by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications Copyright 2005

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

E-mail me at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Picking the Pieces of my Life: Chapter 22

From Josh's point of view.

"Kevin hold still!" Don scolded the consideralby taller man. "You want to look good for Orlando don't you?" Kevin sighed and did what he was told. Don continued to work around Kevin with the fitters and Kevin endured the torture very patiently.

Ok ok let me set the stage for you. Don has informed Kevin and Orlando that he will be helping them with the wedding. And he was helping Kevin and Orlando get fitted with their tuxedoes. And yes it was fun to watch my sweetie get on his caffine high and mess with color schemes. I just sat back and watched. Oh I could've spent the morning on the slopes but no way, this was way more fun. Kevin looked guilty as he picked up a red cumberbun when Don's back was turned looking for his coffee. Kevin winked at me as he slipped it on. I just shook my head. I knew what was comming next. Don turned around and looked at Kevin and--- well--- here goes.

"Oh no!" Don exclaimed throwing his hands up in the air. "That is so not going to work! Put the red thing down!" Oh yea he is such a drama queen. But in a cute adorable way.

"Why not?" Kevin demanded mock glaring at him. I had warned him about getting Don all riled up. But would he listen?

"Because sweetie," Don said glaring back. "Red is so not your color!" He picked up and purple cumberbun and held it up to him. "Now purple is your color. You and Orlando will look so hot in Purple."

"I don't want to wear purple!" Kevin argued rolling his eyes. That is about as far as Kevin will go for throwing a hissy fit. "That is the only color that they used to try and force me to wear in the group!"

"But purple is so sexy for you," Don continued to argue. "And as Orlando's husband you have a duty to be very hot and very sexy for him!" Kevin raised his eye brow and glared at him again. "You know I am right so stop glaring at me cause it is not going to work," Don replied with a wide grin as he took a huge sip of coffee. Kevin sighed and slowly nodded. "Good boy! Now be good and send that really sexy brit Orlando in here!" Kevin stood up and hugged Don and walked out of the room. A few seconds later Orlando was pushed into the room by Kevin, Orlando had this really scared look on is face. "Strip!" Don ordered. The look on Orlando's face was so priceless. I tried not to laugh but failed. "Come on hurry!" Don ordered poor Orlando. "I don't have all day! Josh and I do want to hit the slopes some time today! And not to mention I want to have sex with my sexy husband too!" Orlando shook his head in disbelief but proceded to do as he was told. Two minutes later Orlando was stark naked in in the dressing room and had managed to sport a hard on too. Even I had to admit that Orlando was such a hottie. I couldn't wait for Don's reaction. And I didn't have to to wait very long. Don wasn't really paying attention and he took a huge sip of coffee as he turned around. The coffee went flying out of his mouth. "AAAAUUUUUGGGHHHH!" Don yelled. "What are you doing naked?" Don demanded. I was laughing hysterically. "What is he doing naked?"

"Well you did tell me to strip!" Orlando said giggling. Oh yea Orlando was catching on so fast.

"I meant to your boxers!" Don yelped. "All though you are a real hottie, I don't feel like getting beat up by your husband to be. Now tell jr. to calm down and put your boxers back on!" Orlando winked at me and slipped on a pair of boxers. The little stinker knew what he was doing. "Now on to getting you all hot and sexy for Kevin." Orlando whimpered softly. "Oh stop silly," Don praddled on. "You know you want to look all hot and sexy for Kevin." Orlando looked at me for help. "And don't look at Josh. He is just here to look pretty and get me my coffee and oh yea look pretty." Oh yea he was really hyped up on coffee. I decided to play a trick on him earlier. I switched the coffee to decaf. He immediatly caught on and scolded me something awlful and promise to punish me later. I was looking forward to my punishment. After all I was his husband and I had to behave. Yea right, I snickered to myself. "Where is my Coffee!" I sighed heavily and refilled Don's coffee. He smiled up at me. It was that really nice sweet smile that he usual smiles at me. You know that ones that makes you fall in love all over again. "Ok now go stand over there and continue to look pretty!" Don ordered me. I tried hard not to laugh at him but failed. "Take off your shirt!" he ordered me. Oh dear now he was horny as well. Kevin and Orlando was going to get a very interesting wedding. Put together by a guy who was definately overdosing on Caffine and horny on top of that. I smiled as I took off my shirt. He frowned when he realized that I had on a sleeveless tee on underneath. I smiled and leaned against the counter. "That too," he instructed me. I sighed and stripped that off too. "MMmmmm Yummy!" Don said happily. Orlando choked back a laugh. "Behave!" Don ordered. "Or I'll call Kevin in here."

Two hours later we were done fitting every one. Now I got to have my Don all to myself.

"So what do we get to do now?" I asked Don.

"Well I want to check on Donny and Aiden first. Than I want to hit the slopes. And than I want to eat dinner at the lodge, and than I thought we go dancing, and than sit by fireplace and snuggle with you all night long. Oh yea and when we go to bed tonight I get to punish you for switching my coffee," Don said really casual. Oh yea he was still hyped up. We finally got the room and opened it. We could hear Donny squealing with laughter and little Aiden's giggles too. I looked at Don and he shrugged his shoulders. We opened the door and stepped in.

"Hi Daddy!" Donny said in his usual loud voice. "We painting!" I looked at the floor and saw that it was covered with a large sheet and Donny and Aiden was dressed in old clothes. and had paint all over. I had to admit that they looked cute. Don had to smile at me when I had to grab the camera and start taking pictures.

"Yea it is non toxic and we thought it would be fun," Ben said grinning. He had on old clothes too and had paint all over as well. Jesse, well Jesse looked completely normal. That was until Ben decided that his lover needed some more color in his life. It was cute. Oh yea Ben was back to normal. His cold was gone and he was a wild ball of energy. It was cute to watch him run around with Jesse. Jesse made the mistake of suggesting that they go shopping. Four hours later Aaron and Ben were laughing at poor Jesse. Jesse was so tired. Than Ben decided that they needed to go snowboarding. Jesse went and was so tired when they got home that he went straight to bed. So Aaron and Ben decided to stay up all night long and play video games. Needless to say it was a long couple of days. Ben was still going strong. He would crash some time soon. But right now it was fun to watch him go nuts.

"When is he going to crash?" Jesse asked looking up at me with tired eyes and blue paint on his cheek. "I mean he has been going strong like this for two days now!"

"Don't worry sweetie," I said grinning. "He will crash some time soon." I looked over at Don and groaned. He had decided to paint too. "Oh well I guess hitting the slopes will have to wait."

Later from Don's point of view.

"You my dear are a mess," Josh scolded me. I smiled as I slipped off my shirt. Josh licked his lips.

"And you are still going to be punished for giving me decaff," I scolded him back as I started to unbutton my pants. Josh swallowed hard as I let my pants drop. I had decided to go comando today. His eyes lit up as he saw that I was already hard. I laid down on the bed and raised my legs. "Well what is my bad boy husband waiting for! Make love to me!" I demanded. Josh smirked as he quickly stripped off his clothes. I whimpered loudly because I felt that he wasn't fast enough. His cock was erect and dripping with precome. I wanted him in me so bad.

"You want this don't you?" Josh said smirking at me as he jerked his cock a couple of times.

"Stick it in me now!" I demanded.

"Why?" Josh asked smiling as he laid down on top of me. The feel of his hot flesh against mine made me shiver. "You like that don't you? You like my hot body against yours don't you?" Some how the roles got reversed. I was now being punished and not my bad boy husband. Josh seemed to be enjoying himself.

"Yes," I moaned out. I tried to reach for his cock only he slapped it away.

"Oh no my love," he breathed into my ear as he bit down on it making me whimper with pain. "This is my game now. And I have you right where I want you. I'm going to drive you nuts with lust!" I growled at him and ground my crotch against his leg. I wanted my husband's cock up me only he was being a bad boy. Josh slid down my chest stopping at my nipples to suck on them and nibble on them causing me to moan again. I wanted to taste Josh's flesh but he wouldn't let me. My cock was so hard that I knew that I wasn't going to last long at this rate. By now Josh had moved to my abs. He was so close to my cock. Than he looked up at me with that naughty look in his eyes and slid back up so that he was looking down at me. I growled again. I wanted release! "What's wrong baby?" he asked with his eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Fuck me!" I growled at him. Josh giggled again as he pressed his body to mine. "God Josh!" I whimpered. "Please Josh!" He giggled as he finally gave me what I want. I shivered and groaned with lust and pain and pleasure as he finally rammed his cock into me. He wasted no time in starting to fuck me hard and fast. The sound of his hips and balls slapping against me drove me nuts. His sweat dripping onto my flesh exited me.

"Fuck!" groaned Josh as he begin to power fuck me with slow and hard thrusts. With each thrust he scrapped across my prostate gland sending waves after waves of orgasmic pleasure through me. I reached down to jerk myself off only to have my naughty lover slap my hand away.

"Jooosh!" I whined loudly. "Please let me cum!"

"Not until I do," Josh giggled as he started slamming into me fast and hard. I could tell he was getting close. He was doing the usual high pitch yelps that I love. His body was drenched in sweat. I could feel the heat radiating from his body. "Ohh God!" Josh yelped out. He started to shudder as I felt his cock swell in him. The first shot seared into me. I loved the feeling of his cock firing shot after shot of hot cum into me. I whimpered loudly as I too came shooting my cum in between our sweaty bodies. This was where I wanted to be. Laying here allowing my lover to make to love to me. this was my duty, this was where I wanted to be. Oh yea I already said that. But hey! What can you expect when I'm all horny and in love with Josh! Oh yea I have to get back to him. Josh was busy covering my face and neck and chest with feather kisses. "Hey beautiful," Josh smiled down at me. His poor hair was all messed up. I reached up and tried in vain to smooth it down. "What are you doing?" Josh asked sleepily.

"I'm trying to make you all pretty again," I replied. "Now let's get into the shower so I can get you all clean and than I'm going to tuck you into bed and let you take the longest nap."

"I wanted to go skiing," Josh said while yawning. I giggled as I kissed his nose.

"We will go skiing," I promised. "After you are all wide awake!" I pulled on his arm and gently pulled him up and led him to the bathroom. Soon we were both under the hot jets of water. And a few minutes later we were all clean. Josh was under the soft comforters looking so comfortable. I had my arms wrapped around him. I spent the next half hour looking at my husband. I heard a light knock at the door. I growled softly as I slid on my big fluffy robe and padded out to the living room and opened the door. Kevin was standing there. He smirked at me. "What?" I said with a small pout. "I'm on my honeymoon thingy!"

"Yes you are," Kevin said smiling at me. "I wanted to thank you for all you are doing for Orlando and me."

"You two deserve a great wedding," I replied wrapping my arm around his waist as I guided him into the living room. "Now sit down and I'll get us some coffee."

"You know if you hadn't pushed us into settng a date we wouldn't be here today," Kevin said softly. After getting the very complicated coffe machine working I walked back into the living room and started the fireplace and the music and I sat down and snuggled up to him. Kevin laid his head on my shoulder. "You know if Josh or Orlando saw us like they might start thinking that something is going on between us."

"Well they would be wrong," I replied grinning up at him. "Josh knows I like to cuddle and you are a very cuddable person."

"Is cuddable even a word?" Kevin asked grinning down at me. I shrugged my shoulders. "So Orlando and I was wondering if you would do him a huge favor." I heard the knock at the door. I moved to get up. "No let me." Kevin got up and opened the door. Orlando walked in. Kevin and Orlando sat down in the loveseat across from us.

"Hey!" I said with a pout. "Come back here. You have not been dismissed from being my cuddle buddy." Orlando choked back a laugh. Kevin sighed and walked back over to me and sat down next to me. I quickly snuggled back up to him. Yea I was in a snuggly mood today and whoever was handy usually had to pull cuddle duty for me. And right now that was Kevin. Orlando walked over and sat next to Kevin and snuggled up to him on the other side. "So what was the favor?"

"Umm well I was wondering if well ummm well would you be my ummm best man?" Orlando blurted out.

"Me?" I asked shocked. "Sure!"

"We really appreciate all that you are doing," Orlando said softly.

"Well you two deserve it," I replied happily. "So what are you two doing for dinner?"

"Haven't really made plans," Kevin said. "Why?"

"Well you have to let Josh and me take you to dinner," I pleaded. I made sure that I threw in the puppy dog eyes for full effect.

"Ok," Kevin chuckled softly.

"Well can anyone join this party?" a sleepy voice asked. I looked up and grinned up at Josh.

"What are you doing up?" I sked sitting up. Kevin kissed me on the forehead.

"Cuddling with Kevin huh?" Josh asked.

"Yea well you see he came by and I was in a cuddly mood and well so I cuddled with him," I said smiling at Josh. "Well you were in bed all sleepy and stuff you know because I wore you out." Kevin and Orlando snickered.

"I know sweetie," Josh said softly. "And what are those two doing here?" Josh asked Kevin and Orlando.

"I asked Don to be my best man," Orlando replied.

"That is so nice of you," Josh replied. "Just make sure he doesn't drink any coffee before the ceremony."

"Hey!" I yelped out crossing my arms across my chest and pouting. Josh laughed and kiss my pouty lips.

"You know that I love you," Josh said as he touched his forehead to mine. I shivered with delight.

"Did you get enough sleep?" I asked looking into Josh's green eyes. Josh nodded as he gently kissed me on the lips. I Loved Josh like this. All cuddly and after he took his nap. I pulled him down on the love seat and snuggled up to him. "Well after we have dinner with Kevin and Orlando we are going to drag them skiing with us."

"Oh really?" Kevin asked looking a little worried.

"Yes and since I'm the boss right now on pre wedding activities I don't want to hear any arguments from either of you," I said sternly. "You two never have enough fun. You are way too serious!"

"Hey!" Kevin said in protest. "I can be fun!"

"Yea me too!" Orlando said.

"Good now all you have to do is take some time off and play," I instructed them.

"It looks like we don't have much of a choice," Kevin said leaning against Orlando.

"Nope!" I said grinning happily. "Now lets make sure that Donny and Aiden are taken care of and then we can go to dinner."

All in all we had a very good time. We had a nice dinner with Kevin and Orlando. We all sat down at the table talked and laughed. We also talked about making plans about the rest of the year and the beginning of the next year. We were so looking forward to it. We all wanted this next year to be a good one. After Dinner as Don promised we all hit the slopes for some night time skiiing. We had a blast. To see my lover and husband all cold and sexy and cute on the slopes all decked out in ski gear made me so horny and I wanted to make love to him all night long. Well when I got him alone---, well let's just say Don slept like a baby.

The next day was the wedding. It was sweet. And yes we managed to keep Don away from the coffee for part of the day but then he bribed Ben for some and well you know the rest. So things went as smooth as they could with Don in charge. The vows were said just before midnight so that Kevin and Orlando kissed right at midnight. The new year had began. It was a very nice wedding. After the wedding the next day We all packed up and left the resort. It was time to get back home and start living our normal lives again.

Four Months three weeks later From Josh's point of view.

Well it has been almost five months since the famous ski honeymoon. Don is as happy as ever. I of course am very happy too. Little Aiden's vocabulary has grown considerably as you will find out later. Ben and Jesse are still going strong. Arron has been spending alot of time with Ben and Aaron. We know that Ben and Jesse are having sex with Aaron. Don wasn't to happy about it. But after talking to Aaron and Ben and Jesse about it we decided that they were very happy. Ben was trying to find Aaron a boyfriend. He made a cute match maker. It was fun to watch. Poor Aaron had been on several Ben organised dates. To see Ben running around acting all crazy as he got poor Aaron ready for one date after another was a bright spot in our lives at poor Aaron's expense.

Don was very busy too. He was going nuts getting Justin ready for his next movie. Justin was busy with his latest movie too. He kept Don hopping from one event to another. There was a sad part in all of this. Justin, complaining about soarthroats all the time finally had it checked it out. He had nodules on his throat and was scheduled for surgery to have them removed. He was not going to be allowed to sing for several months after the surgery. I could tell that Justin was worried about the "Big C word" but he hid it well. Danny wore this scared shitless look on his face most of the time now. It was the same scared look that Don wore when little Donny was sick. Don worked overtime to convince that Justin was going to be fine. Donny was still in pre-school. His leukemia was in remission. But there was a problem with the little guy. He was in this new phase. A naughty phase. Don was upset about it because he had to be the one who punished the little guy. Some of the stuff Donny pulled was really funny but we didn't dare laugh at his little stunts.

"I want cookies!" Donny demanded. I shook my head and looked down at him. "Where are my cookies!"

"You don't get any cookies until you apologies and say please," I instructed him.

"You are not my daddy!" Donny shouted at me. That hurt me. "Where is my daddy?"

"Your Daddy is at work right now and won't be home until tomorrow at the latest," I sighed.

"I want him home now!" Donny shouted at me as he stomped past me. That's the way it was. Eversince Don had left on his publicity tour with Justin Donny has been a very bad boy. It was plain to me that something was bothering him and it was time to find out what was bothering my adopted son. I walked up stairs and knocked on his bedroom door. "What?" he demanded. I opened the door and walked over to his bed and sat down. Donny was laying on the bed glaring up at the ceiling.

"That behavior is not acceptable," I said sternly. "And you know it young man." Donny looked up at me with his sad little eyes. "Now you and I are going to talk about what is bothering you."

"I don't want to talk about it!" Donny said in a harsh voice. "I wanna be a lone!"

"Well I am sorry," I said sternly. "I don't deserve to treated this way. I love you Donny. I love you like I love little Aiden." His little lip started to tremble. "I want to help buddy." Donny sat up and looked up at me with those incredible eyes of his before launching himself into my arms. He started to sob and I held on to him for dear life. After about five minutes I gently pushed him away so I could look into his eyes. "Now why don't you and I have a talk."

"Matthew says I'm a fag boy," Donny sniffled. "He says because I don't have a mommy and I have two daddies than I am a fag boy. He calls me fag boy all the time at pre school." So it had finally happened. Donny had entered the world of teasing and hazing. Tears filled my eyes as I looked down at him. I could see the range of emotions raging through him.

"I'm so sorry Donny," I said sadly. "I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. Do you want me to talk to his mother?" Donny shrugged his little shoulders. "Why don't we talk to daddy about this when he calls." Donny nodded silently. Donny wrapped his little arms around my neck and hugged me with those special little hugs that he gives all the time. I decided to tickle him and I did. Soon the room was full of his happy little giggles that I loved to hear.

"What time is it?" Donny asked wiping his little eyes.

"Almost noon," I replied.

"Uncle Kevin is on TV!" he said grinning. "Can we watch Uncle Kevin and the rest of the Backstreet Boys?" I had to smile at him. He was definately turning into a small version of his Daddy. Donny would call "Uncle Kevin" every day to talk about the Backstreet Boys. Donny wanted to know everything. Nick and Kevin and Brian even set up a conference call with the little guy. They talked for hours with the little guy. Donny also had all of the copies of their previous CDs. So needless to say the house was full of the Backstreet Boys music. Donny was so excited about watching their new video. I took his little hand and led him down stairs and turned on the tv and switched it to mtv. The phone rang and I picked it up.

"Hello?" I asked softly.

"Hey Josh," Kevin's voice sounded from the other end.

"Hey Kev," I smiled.

"Is he watching it?" Kevin asked.

"Oh yea," I smiled. I heard a little growl from Donny. Oh yea small version of the drama queen. It had seemed that I was talking a little to loud for him. I quietly walked out of the room. "Oh and thanks for sending him all the CDs."

"Hey it's the least I can do for my favorite adopted nephew!" Kevin snickered. "Hey I called to find out if Nick is there. He said he was coming by your place to find Aaron."

"Haven't seen him yet," I replied. "Aaron is here."

"Do you know what is bothering him?" Kevin asked me. "I mean he has been extremely hostile to his family for a while now. Nick is on his way over to talk to him and try to get him to reconcile with his mother."

"Are you sure that his wise?" I asked concerned. "Aaron is very young and head strong." I heard the door bell ring. I got up and walked to it and opened it. Nick was standing there. "Hey Kevin Nick is here," I spoke into the phone.

"Let me talk to him please?" Kevin asked. I handed the phone to a confused Nick. I had a feeling that things were going to become rather interesting around here.

From Ben's point of view.

Aaron slammed into me one last time. His nine inch cock shot its load into my bowles. Jesse moaned loudly as he shot his load into my mouth. Aaron collasped on top of me. His still erect cock slid out of me making me whimper softly from the loss. "God Ben," Aaron moaned softly. "You are so fucking hot." Jesse's mouth pressed his lips onto mine.

"I love you baby," Jesse said softly as he kissed me lightly on the nose. I snuggled up to him and wrapped my arms around him. Aaron wrapped his arms around me. I felt so comfortable.

"I love you too sweetie," I cooed up at him. I latched onto his nipple and sucked on it for a while. Jesse and Aaron talked about a song that they wanted to do together. I continued to suck on Jesse and I was happy to give him as many hickies as he would allow me too. And since he was talking to Aaron and not paying attention to me I got to give him many hickies.

"Umm are you enjoying yoursef?" Jesse asked grinning down at me. By now I had decided to get him all hard again.

"Yes I am," I replied grinning happily up at him. "Now be a good boy and continue talking to Aaron while I ravage you."

"I think you had better listen to him," Aaron giggled.

"Actually I got a better idea," Jesse purred as he gently thrust his hips forward and drove his cock deeper down my throat. "Come on Aaron slide into him." Aaron laughed as he grabbed my hips and slid his now erect cock up me again. I was still tendor from Jesse and Aaron's assault on me from before. But I loved it! I loved Jesse and Aaron using me for their own pleasure. Whenever Jesse would make love to me he was always soft and gentle. With Aaron it was rough and fast. I liked it that way too. Aaron loved to suck on my neck and back too and with the sucking he would nip at me with his teeth. "You like that don't you?" Jesse whispered down at me. I looked up at him and shivered with lust as he smirked down at me. "You like Aaron's big cock up your ass don't you?" I nodded as I continued to accept his cock ramming down my throat. The slapping of Aaron's balls against me sounded throughout the room. The smell of male sweat was thick and heavy. The sounds of moaning and whimpering filled the room too. It sounded like a gay porno. Aaron's cock was so long that I felt as if he was trying to fuck me in my stomach. His grunts and groans drove me wild too. But what I really loved was Jesse's soft moans and whimpers and the few times he would talk dirty to me.

"Fuck oh fuck!" Aaron growled as he pounded into me harder. "I'm so fucking close!"

"Shoot in him Aaron," Jesse spured him on. "Fill him full of your cum!"

"You want that boy?" Aaron taunted me. "You want my cum in your ass?" I whimpered loudly. "What was that? I didn't quite get that?" Jesse pulled his cock out of me and slapped me in the face with it. I tried to get it back.

"Not until you answer Aaron," Jesse smirked down at me.

"Yes!" I growled at him. "Cum in me Aaron. Please Aaron! I need it!"

"Yea?" Aaron growled out. "Oh yea! Oh fuck! Here it comes!" He pounded in me harder and faster. Jesse shoved his twitching cock back down my throat. "Ohhh Jesus!" Aaron moaned out. The first hot searing shot of Aaron's cum slammed into my tendor ass. The stinging sensation made me cry out in a mixture of pain and pleasure. Jesse growled a long series of swear words as he too begin pumping his cum down my swallowing throat. Finally they pulled out of me. "Wow! That was fucking hot!"

"How are you baby?" Jesse purred down at me.

"Tired," I sighed. Jesse kissed me gently on my lips. His tongue slid into my mouth and ravaged me for a few minutes for letting me up for air. His eyes sparkled with love.

"Want to take a shower?" Jesse asked. I nodded and he took my hand and helped me up. Aaron followed us into the large shower and they started to pamper me. Jesse and Aaron took turns kissing me and washing my tired body. After making sure I was showered and clean I decided to take a nap. After making sure I was all snuggled in bed I fell asleep. I would find out later for myself just how bad it really was for Aaron Carter and just how it would affect Jesse and me.

From Jesse's point of view.

Haveing sex with Ben was great as usual. He was such a great lover. Aaron had a lot of fun too. I could tell that he was a little sad because he didn't have a boyfriend yet. But that was so not Ben's fault. Ben had a knack for finding the cutest gay boys about Aaron's age and setting him up with one date after another. And Ben watched them like a hawk making sure they didn't hurt Aaron. Yes Ben and Aaron were good friends and I was happy about that considering how their friendship started out. I heard Ben's soft snore and looked down and smiled. Ben was out like a light. Aaron and I had really worked him over good. My plan was to get him to sleep most of the afternoon. I hoped I had succeded. Ben had a habbit of not getting enough sleep. I was worried about him. I hoped my plan worked. I gently eased out of bed trying really hard not to wake him. Now all I had to do is find Aaron.

"Yo Aaron where are you?" I asked looking around. I heard him cough and followed the sound outside and was shocked to see Aaron my buddy taking a hit off a joint. "Aaron what are you doing?" The look of guilt on his face was almost laughable but I reframed from doing it. "Put that shit out!" I hissed at him. "Do you know what Josh will do if he finds out that you brought a fucking joint into his home?" Aaron rolled his eyes and dropped the joint on the side walk and stepped on it. "When did you start doing that crap?"

"Leave me alone," Aaron said rolling his eyes.

"No I won't," I hissed at him. "You come into my lover's home and start smoking that shit! You either stop that or you get the hell out!"

"Fine!" Aaron sassed back. "I don't need you! I don't need anyone!"

"That's not true and you know it," a voice sounded from behind us. I winced as I realized that my plan to get Ben to sleep a few hours didn't work. I turned and saw a distraught Ben standing in the doorway. "We care about you Aaron and we love you. Why are you doing that stuff?"

"I just need to chill out is all!" Aaron shouted. "Everyone is expecting me to be this perfect guy! I'm not perfect!"

"I don't expect you to be perfect," Ben said with his bottom lip trembling. "I want you just the way you are. You're cute and very sexy and very nice. You're killing yourself doing that stuff."

"Fuck off!" Aaron screamed at Ben. Ben stood there shocked for a minute. Tears flowing down his angelic face. He turned and ran back into the house. Silence filled that air. "Umm look I'm sorry," Aaron stammered.

"Look nothing," I muttered! "Either you get clean or you get out!" I turned and stomped away from Aaron. "Stay away from Ben!" I ran back into the house and down stairs into Ben's aparment and into his room. I found him laying on the bed looking up at the ceiling. Tears were flowing down his angelic face. "Ummm Ben?" I asked softly. Do you want some company?" He shrugged his shoulders. I sat down next to him. Ben wrapped his arms around me and I pulled him close. I knew he was upset. Aaron had yelled at him. Ben wasn't used to people yelling at him. He was so gentle and so kind. My shirt got a little wet from his tears. I gently pulled his face up to mine and I gently kissed his lips and then gently wiped his tears free from his face. "I'm sorry he yelled at you," I said softly. "I told him to get clean or get out. And I told him to stay away from you."

"Why did you do that?" Ben asked in a harsh tone. "Aaron needs our love and our help. He doesn't need to be tossed aside." Ben sat up in bed. "I'm going to convince him to stay."

"I don't think you should do that," I replied.

"He is my friend too!" Ben shouted. "He needs our help! And we are going to give it to him!"

"But what about us?" I demanded. "What is this going to do to us?"

"Nothing!" Ben shouted back. "I love you!"

"I love you too!" I shouted back.

"Good!" Ben shouted. "Now come on and let's go find Aaron." We didn't have to look very far. Aaron was still in the back yard sitting in a chair. "I want you to stay."

"I'm sorry," Aaron said softly. "I didn't mean to yell at you."

"We can help you," I said softly. "We can get you the help you need."

"I would appreciate it," Aaron said softly. I could see the shoulders shaking. Ben moved quickly and wrapped his arms around him in a hug. Aaron laid his head on Ben's shoulder. For the first time since Ben and I got together I felt a surge of jealousy rage through me. I quickly pushed those thoughts away from me. Ben was being sweet and loving. That was the way he was. Always putting his needs ahead of everyones elses. I sat next to Aaron and wrapped my arms around him too.

"We will get through this Aaron," I said softly.

"Aaron there you are!" Nick's voice sounded from behind us. "Why haven't you returned our phone calls?" Aaron tensed up. Nick looked down at the ground and saw the butt of the joint. "What the fuck is this?" Nick yelped. "You've been smoking pot again!"

"Don't yell at him!" Ben hurled at Nick pulling Aaron closer to him. "He needs help not you shouting at him!"

"This is none of your business!" Nick shouted at Ben and pushed him away from Aaron. It was a hard push and Ben ended up on the ground. That was when Aaron went off.

"Don't push him!" Aaron screamed. "He is just trying to help! And that is alot more than you and Dad have been doing!"

"I'm sorry I pushed him," Nick quickly back paddled. "But you are my responciblity. Not this Ben person and not Jesse!"

"They are my friends!" Aaron replied still glaring at his older brother. He got up and went to Ben. "Are you ok?" Aaron asked softly. Ben nodded as he too glared at Nick. Nick looked guilty when he realized that Ben was more than just a fan. Ben was obviously a close friend of Aaron's and me. Than it dawned on him who Ben was. Ben was Josh and Don's foster son. And Ben was my boyfriend.

"I'm sorry," Nick said to Ben softly putting his hand on his shoulder. Ben shied away from him. "I don't want to hurt you."

"Than leave us alone!" Ben hissed at Nick wrapping his arms around me and glaring at poor Nick.

"Sweetie," I said softly. "Nick is just trying to help his brother."

"Well he has a really fucked up way of showing it!" Ben retorted glaring at Nick.

"What would you have me do?" Nick demanded. "I was sent here to get Aaron and take him back home with me. Dad is worried about him."

"Dad is not worried about me. Dad is just worried that I am going to make money on my own!" Aaron hissed at him. "You're afraid that I am going to get rich and famous with out your's or dad's help!"

"Aaron that is not the case and you know it!" Nick sighed. "We just don't want mom getting back on your side. Remember when she stole all that money from you? Well she found that you were on your own and she flipped. She has hired a group of Private investigators to find you and get you back to her."

"Why doesn't she just leave me alone," Aaron said sadly. He wiped a tear from his face. It was now that I got a good idea just how much Nick loved his little brother. Aaron leaned against Nick and Nick wrapped his arms around his little brother. "I just want to do my thing with out all this bullshit," Aaron sobbed.

"You can AC," Nick said softly. "But you got to keep in touch with Dad and me. Remember when you used to get all upset when I would forget to call you?" Aaron nodded and sniffled. "Well I get the same way. I love you little brother. And I don't want this crap with mom to get in between us."

"Can I stay here?" Aaron asked with hope in his eyes.

"Yes you can but--," Nick started.

"No!" Aaron started but stopped at the glare that Nick gave him. He hung his head pouting like a child.

"There are some conditions," Nick said sternly.

"Like what?" Aaron asked in a snotty tone of voice.

"Cut the attitude!" Nick barked at him. "I'm your older brother and I deserve some respect!"

"Sorry," Aaron mumbled.

"Apology accepted," Nick smiled. "Now all we want is for you to keep in touch with us. A nightly call so we know you are all right."

"That's all?" Aaron asked shocked. "I mean all I have to do is call you?"

"Yea and stay away from the pot and drugs and no booze!" Nick said sternly.

"But you drink," Aaron started to argue with Nick.

"Yes I drink," Nick replied still using the stern voice. "But I am over 21. I am legal and I am allowed to drink with in reason." Aaron nodded with out saying anything. I could tell that he was not convinced. "And you have to promise me you will stay away from the drugs."

"I promise," Aaron said softly. Nick held out his arms and Aaron walked into them and they hugged eachother for a minute or two. Ben walked up to me and I wrapped my arms around him.

"You ok?" I asked softly kissing the top of his head. Ben nodded and nuzzled closer to me. I looked over at Aaron. "How about you?" Aaron nodded looking down at his feet. "So umm where do we go from here?"

"What do you mean?" Nick asked frowning.

"Well Aaron," I gestured at him. "Do you have a problem with drugs?"

"I don't think so," Aaron said softly. "I only use the stuff to relax. And it is not that often. Maybe once a week if that."

"So we can trust you not to smoke pot here?" Ben asked. "I mean this is Josh and Don's house. There are children here. We need to make sure you can handle this."

"I can handle it," Aaron said softly. "If I feel like I have to smoke it I'll come to you guys for help or Nick."

"That's what I want to hear," Ben said grinning his cute sexy adorable grin again. I loved to see him smile like that. After we got that little problem settled Nick and Aaron left for pizza and Ben and I walked back into the house. Ben smiled at the sound of Aiden babbling about something. Little Aiden had learned several new words. He knew how to say Ben. And he sorta knew my name. I was named JJ by him and Justin was also known as JJ so it was really confusing at times. I couldn't help but smile whenever I heard him call me JJ and hold up his hands to be picked up. He also knew the word no and used it on a regular basis. It was so much fun to watch JC asked him if he wanted a cookie and he belt out "no!" and mean yes. He was such a cutie!

"So you want to go up stairs and see what Aiden is up to?" Ben asked.

"I would rather spend some time with you. I have some stuff we should talk about," I said kissing him on his neck.

"Is this bad news?" Ben asked frowning.

"Well it is good news for me," I said. "I'm going on tour here in a little while. Actually about two weeks from now. So I was wondering if umm maybe if you wanted to umm come along?"

From Ben's point of view

Well the whole world stopped for me right then and there. Jesse, my lover, just asked me to go with him on tour with him. Part of me wanted to squeal with happiness and go nuts on him and say yes. But there was a problem that we had to face. Actually several problems. First problem. I was a foster child with Josh and Don. If I went treking off on a whirl whind tour with Jesse how would that affect my arrangement with Josh and Don. Second Problem. How would it affect our relationship. I knew with out ever being on a tour that tours were very very busy. We would not have alot of time together. Would our relationship surive? Jesse being in toned to me must've read my mind.

"Yes it would," Jesse replied smiling softly down at me. "I love you baby, and I know you love me too. Together we can get through anything."

"But what if Josh and Don say no," I said frowning. "I want to go with you on your tour thingy."

"Thingy?" Jesse asked grinning.

"Ok so it is not a thingy persay but--," that was when he stopped me from saying anything else. His lips pressed up against mine and he proceded to kiss me breathless. Yea I had it so bad for him. I loved him so much.

"Ben?" Josh's voice sounded from behind me. I turned around and smiled at little Aiden. He called out my name and held out his arms. Josh put him in my outstretched arms and true to baby form he rubbed his nose on my shirt. He was such a cutie. "You finish your homework?"

"Yea dad," I smiled. "I finished it this morning. I've already turned it in. My tutor is preparing my final excams! Hopefully by tomorrow I will be done with school for the summer!"

"I'm happy for you. Do you think you could watched little Aiden for me?" I of course nodded quickly and hugged the little guy to me who in turn giggled with glee. "Ok I am going to do some work in my studio and don't want him playing with the buttons," Josh said winking. Yea we all know that little Aiden loved to push the buttons in the studio. We tried really hard to stop him but it was hard. He was a fast little dude and when he wanted something, well there was no stopping the little guy.

"Ummm when is Dad comming back?" I asked. "I kinda sorta want to talk to you and Dad about something kinda sorta really important."

"Kinda sorta really important?" Josh replied grinning. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms and pouted. "Ok he will be back later this evening maybe tomorrow morning."

"Ummm I leave next monday," Jesse said frowning.

"Does this have anything about you going on tour with Jesse and Kevin and Nick chaperoning the trip?" Josh asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

"How-- what-- did you?" I stammered.

Josh laughed at me. Jesse giggled too. Ok so now I really started to pout. Jesse hugged me and kissed me on the forehead. "Kevin, Don and me already talked this over. Since the Backstreet Boys are going on tour with Jesse we decided that it would be ok. But there are some conditions," Josh explained. After discussing the conditions I had to agree that this was going to be a lot of fun. Now I got to spend more time with Jesse and that made me really really happy. I had to call Grampy and let him know. I picked up the cell phone and dialed his number.

"Hello?" answered the voice that I loved so dearly.

"Grampy!" I exclaimed happily.

"Benji!" Grampy laughed out. he knew I hated to be called that but he did it any way because he knew he was the only one that could get away with it.. "How is my favorite Grandson?"

"I'm great Grampy!" I exclaimed happily. "I'm going on tour with Jesse this summer!"

"I'm happy for you," Grampy replied. I could almost see him smiling. "So when is my favorite grandson and his boyfriend going to come and visit me?"

"What are you doing tonight?" I asked. "If you're not to busy we can stop by to see you."

"Well not to night Ben," Grampy said softly. "I'm feeling alittle tired today." Right away I got all worried and started to panic.

"What's wrong? Have you been getting plenty of rest? Have you taken your medication?" I prattled on. Poor Grampy couldn't get a word in. "Are you eating right? Not having to much stress?"

"Benji!" Grampy said frocefully. "Calm down. I'm fine. I'm just tired is all."

"Are you sure?" I asked wiping a tear from my eye. "I don't want to loose you."

"Yes I am sure and you are not going to loose me yet," Grampy sighed. "Why don't you two come over some time this weekend. Brad will be spending the weekend."

"Cool!" I said grinning widely. "It will be soo good to see Brad again!"

"Good than it is all settled," Grampy replied. "I'll call you later and set up the time."

"I love you Grampy," I said softly.

"I love you Benji," Grampy snickered.

"Ohhh Grampy!" I whined.

"I know I know," Grampy laughed. "You don't like to be called that. I have to go son."

"Ok see you in a few days," I said and clicked off the phone. When I hung up I looked for Jesse. I found him in the livinig room looking at the television set. There some kind of special on the news regarding Proms and how to keep kids safe. I noticed that Jesse looked kinda sad. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He leaned back and I kissed his bare neck. "What's wrong sweetie?" I asked softly.

"Nothing," Jesse mumbled.

"Oh no sweetie," I replied. "There is something that is bothering you and if you are bothered than so am I."

"I don't have a prom to go to," Jesse mumbled.

"Is that all?" I smiled hugging him tighter.

"I know it sounds silly but it is like a right of passage. I'm a senior this year. I'm getting ready to go out on my own. And well I not going to have a prom to go too," Jesse sighed. I didn't know what to say. I just held him and was close to him. At some point a plan started to form in my head. Over the course of ten minutes I had a plan. I tried so hard to keep my face neutral. If Jesse saw a hint of what I was planning my surprise would be ruined. Now all I had to do is get about an afternoon off and away from my sexy lover. I would need Josh's help on this. Oh and Aaron too. I kissed him gently on the lips and trotted off to get my plan in action. I couldn't help just a small giggle. Jesse looked at me like I was nuts. I found Josh in his study/studio. He was banging away at his keyboard. He was going shirtless. I was again strucked at how good looking he was. No wonder Dad had it so hot for him. If Josh was single and looking I might be tempted to go after him. EWWWWWW he is like my Dad! Ok no more thinking about him like that. Bad Ben that's a bad bad Ben! I waited until he was done with his music.

"Um dad?" I asked softly. He jumped slightly. and turned around and grinned at me. "Umm can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure son," Josh said grinning. "Let me shut down the computer and let's go into the kitchen. I have to feed little Aiden." Phase one of my plan was starting to come together. Again I couldn't resist a small naughty giggle. "You're planning something aren't you?" I grinned at him trying to look innocent. "Oh dear," Josh said while grinning.

From Don's point of view.

"He is never going to beable to sing again!" Danny sobbed into my shoulder.

"You are getting carried away," I said as soothingly as possible. "And you are starting to panic too."

"Starting?" Danny yelped out. "I've been panicking all day!"

"Ok first things first. He is just getting them removed. It is a simple surgery. The real trick is going to be is to keep him from singing or using his vocal chords to much," I said as I wrapped my arms around him. I kissed him on the cheek. "Trust me little brother, Justin Timberlake, your very sexy boyfriend is going to be just fine."

"Daniel Smmith?" a voice asked from behind us. We turned around and looked back. "Mr. Timberlake is asking for you." Daniel nodded and turned and headed into Justin's hospital room. The two towering body Gaurds stood at either side of the door. They looked imposing but they knew who Danny was and they knew who I was too. They nodded as we walked into Jusitn's room. Justin was laying in bed with the head of it inclined. He looked so tired. He had an iv in his right hand.

"Hey sweetie," Justin said in a rough voice.

"Doctors say no talking," Danny scolded in a worried tone of voice.

"Sorry," Justin whispered winking at me. Danny walked up to Justin's bedside and Justin tenderly slid over to allow him to slide in beside him. Danny carefully laid down beside him and snuggled up to him.

"Ok Boss," I spoke up. "I'm going to leave you two alone and I'm going to make sure that everything is going smoothly. What do you want me to say if the press asks about you?"

"The doctors are taking care of the press conference for me," Justin whispered. "So you don't have to worry about that. Just keep track of my messages and correspondance and stuff."

"Ok Boss," I smiled down at them. They did make a really cute couple. "I'll leave you two love birds alone." With that I quietly left them alone and phone for the limo to take me back to the hotel. I was in some serious Josh time on the phone.

From Josh's point of view.

"Oh and we have to rent a ball room. I want Jesse's private prom to be really really really special," Ben prattled on. He was going non stop for over three hours. He had drug me to the tuxedo store so he could rent a new tux for him and for Jesse. He had also insisted on renting the coolest limo too. Oh and he had insisted on paying for everything. And he wanted Don and me there too. I was already trying to figure out how we were going to get Don home. I'm sure that Ben had that figured out. I heard him squeal happily at the sight of the limo he had chosen. It was fun to watch him go crazy. But it was very tiring too. He wore me out! And to think that I thought that Don was the shopping monster. Right now I really wanted to hear my sweetie's voice. I missed Don something awlful. "Hello!" Ben said to me waving his hand in front of my face. "Where were you?" I smiled softly at him as I realized that I was looking at a future version of what Aiden was going to go through when he got to be Ben's age. I was so looking forward to helping little Aiden do all he things that Ben and little Donny was doing.

"I was just thinking about how fast kids grow up," I said softly. "I mean look at little Donny now. He is getting ready to start Kidnergarten next fall." I sighed heavily. "Sometimes I just wish you could make the world stop and time stop for just a few years so we could really enjoy our children." It was at that time that the phone rang. I reached into my pocket and looked at the caller ID and grinned happily. Ben rolled his eyes as he drug me to the jewlerly store so he could find something sexy for his Jesse.

"Hello sexy," I purred into the phone. "I miss you so much."

"I miss you too love," Don purred back. "Wanted to let you know that Justin is out of surgery and doing well. Danny is staying with Justin right now and I'm back at the hotel giving them some space. So what have you been up too?"

"Donny has been naughty," I said frowning sadly. "Turns out there is this kid that is calling him names at Pre school."

"What kind of names?" Don asked in a worried tone of voice.

"Well since he has two daddies this kid Matthew thinks Donny is a Fag boy," I replied. I winced as I heard Don sniffle. "I'm sorry that the little guy has to be exposed to that kind of hate at such an early age," I muttered as my eyes got wet with unshed tears as well. I was surprised to feel Ben's hand on my shoulder. "I'm going to go to Donny's school and have a little talk with Matthew's mom or dad."

"Please be careful," Don urged me.

"Don't worry love, I will," I purred at him. "Oh I need you to come home tonight if it is possible."

"Why?" Don asked as his tone of voice took on a worried tone.

"Ben is planning a private prom for Jesee and he wants you there too," I explained.

"Awwww that is soo cute!" Don cooed. I rolled my eyes again. "Well it is!' Don scolded me. He could always tell when I was rolling my eyes. "Listen Josh. I'm done here and I can borrow Justin's jet and be home in about an hour." I was very happy now.

It was at this point that I realized that Ben was panicking. "Don sweetie, Ben is having some kind of fit. I have to go." Don giggled as he told me he loved me and hung up.

"Dad!" Ben whined as he hopped from one foot to another. I rolled my eyes as I came to his rescue. "I can't decide what to get Jesse."

"Well what does he like?" I asked.

"I don't know!" Ben yelped out. "You're supposed to know this stuff! That is what foster dads are for!" Oh yea Ben was in rare form today.

"Ok let's take a look at what you have," I said calmly. After a few minutes we picked out two very nice rings. They were matching and ver simple. Obviously they were mens rings. Ben wanted to do something special for Jesse. He wanted to let Jesse know how much he loved him. So I suggested promise rings to him and he of course jumped on it. Now that Ben was done paying for them he was now gently pulling on my arm to get me follow him. He had decided that it was time to get home and get ready and than get Jesse to get ready too for a night on the town but little did poor Jesse know, he was going to be kinda sorta kidnapped and taken to his own personal prom. Teenagers, I sighed to myself. They certainly were a handful and cute too. Two more hours later when we finally pulled into the drive I was relieved to see a limo sitting there. That would be Don. He had made it in time. I rushed inside and could hear Donny babbling to his daddy. I could tell that Donny was so happy for his Daddy to be home. He was such a sweet little boy. I smiled when I heard little Aiden squealing with happines. I peaked around the corner and smiled at the sight. Don was holding Aiden up in the air and Aiden was wiggling with glee and giggling his happy little giggle.

"Hey," I said softly leaning against the wall trying real hard to look casual. Like that would work. What I really wanted to do is pounce on Don and rip his clothes off and have my way with him. Don looked at me and grinned his happy grin. He quickly put little Aiden down in his play pen and walked into my open arms. I shivered and let out a soft whimper as his body touched mine. Once again Don, my husband was home. And I was so happy to have him home. My hungry lips sought his and finally he allowed my lips to come in contact with his. I was happy again and so was Don if the hardness of his crotch was any indication. I reluctantly pulled away. "Later sweetie. Right now we have a teen age foster son who is going nuts right now getting him and Jesse ready for Jesse's private prom." And speaking of the devil I felt a tapping on the shoulder. I looked behind me and saw Ben litterly bursting with hyper teenage energy. "Yes Ben?" I asked looking all innocent.

"Come on Dad!" Ben urged me as he pulled on my elbow. "I have to get ready!" I laughed as I allowed myself to be pulled along by the hyper teen. He was a cutie.

"Ummm what do I do?" Don asked looking helpless. He turned to see Aiden and Donny being swept away by Orlando. he had agreed to babysit for us.

"Go to Jesse's room and make sure he is getting ready," I hollered back. Oh yea this was going to be a very interesting.

From Don's point of view.

Home coming was always an adventure around here. Why? well you never quite knew what to expect. Today as you well know Ben had decided to get the whole house involved with Jesse's private prom. It was cute to watch Ben in action. Ben new percisely what he wanted and usually got his way about such things. And it helped that he had his trust fund to tap into when he went nuts like this. I stopped at Jesse's door and lightly knocked on it. "Come in," a frazzled Jesse's sounded from the other side. I opened the door to find Jesse standing there in his boxers and staring at the tux.

"Hey," I said softly. He jerked his head around. "He can be a little over whelming can't he?"

"This has got to be the biggest thing he has done yet," Jesse said with a small smile. "Any idea where he is taking me?"

"Oh no, it is not that simple," I laughed softly as I started to help him get ready. This was the first time I had been this close to Jesse with him being almost naked. He was a hot! I mean really hot for his age. I could see why our little Ben was so taken with him. But I also knew that Jesse could be a little rough around the edges. I had read the rumors. "You and I should have a very serious talk." Jesse looked a little afraid. "Don't worry sweetie, we're just going to have a little talk is all." I patted the bed beside me. Jesse sat down still looking alittle worried. "So you love Ben?"

"Of course I love him," Jesse replied shocked that I would even ask something like that. "Why do you ask something like that?"

"I've heard some stuff about you," I said softly. "When you were in dream street and when you started on Summerland."

"What kind of stuff," Jesse asked squirming.

"Well you were pretty wild," I said cringing. "Justin found some stuff and he wanted me to talk to you about your very active sexual life style before you met Ben."

"Yes it was true that I led a very active sex life," Jesse said almost deffensively. "But I'm a good looking guy and I get approached alout."

"Have you ever cheated on Ben?" I askes sternly.

"No!" Jesse exclaimed. "I love him. I would never hurt him like that." I could see that Jesse was getting really upset. "I would never hurt him. You gotta believe me!" By now tears were flowing down his face. I couldn't help it. I gathered him in my arms and comforted him.

"Ok," I said soothingly. "I believe you Jesee." I looked into the young teen's eyes and saw the complete honesty in them. He was incredibly good looking. Ben had fallen for him completely. "Ok let's get you ready."

"Where are we going anyway?" Jesse asked. I laughed softly. "What?" Jesse asked looking all innocent.

"You are not going to get the information out of me," I snickered.

"He is up to something isn't he?" Jesse asked me trying really hard to look stern. I had to laugh at him. Jesse wsa such a sweetie and he could never do stern even if he tried. "I'll find out."

"Ok well in the mean time get your white but in the bathroom and make yourself all pretty for Ben," I ordered him.

"Hey!" Jesse complained looking at his ass in the mirror. "I have a tan!"

"Yea yea whatever," I giggled as I started to lay out the tuxedo that Ben had picked out. Tonight was going to be a fun one.

From Josh's point of view.

Just about the time we were ready to take pictures at Ben's orders I heard a frantic knock at the door. I sighed and walked over to the door and opened and saw an unusual sight. I saw Joey in tears and he had Bri in his arms. I quickly opened the door. "God Joey," I gasped out taking the crying child. I could tell that Bri was really scared. She had never seen her daddy like this. I cradled her to me and ushered Joey into the room. Once inside he stood there looking completely lost. "Joey?" I asked softly. That seemed to startled him out of his trance. "Dude what is wrong?"

"She left me," Joey said softly looking down. "She said she couldn't take it anymore. She doesn't want to be a mother anymore or a wife anymore." He looked at me with so much pain in his eyes that it tore me into two. "God Josh, what am I going to do?"

"First thing we are going to do is get you and Bri in side," I said with forced cheerfullness. "Hey Bri," I said smiling at her. "Are you hungry?" She hid her face in my chest playing shy. "Well let's you get something to eat."

Five minutes later Ben and Jesse was safely on their way to Jesse's private Party. We were getting ready to head over to the ball room too. We had finally gotten Joey settled and little Bri was sleeping soundly in the guest bedroom. This was obviously going to be a very hard time for them. And as Joey's brother I was going to make sure that he got through this.

"So how in the world did you and Ben pull this off?" Don asked me as he snuggled up to me.

"Well when you have a hyper teen who is hell bent on pleasing his young lover and you kidnap your foster dad to help the sky is the limit," I replied. "And as his foster dad I have to say he is a sweetie to do this for Jesse."

"Well than a special foster daddy is going to get something really special tonight," Don cooed in my ear. He ran his hand along my crotch and I moaned softly. "Now let's go."

From Jesse's point of view.

"Ok Ben out with it," I said in my most stern voice. "Where are we going all dressed up like this."

"Sorry, that is a secret," Ben giggled as he kissed me on the cheek. I decided to get naughty myself. I reached for his pants and opened them and quickly pulled out his cock. He moaned softly as my hand begin to gently stroke it. In a matter of seconds it was rock hard and dripping with precome.

"So you going to tell me?" I asked licking my lips. His cock was so hot that I wanted to slip his rock hard dripping cock into my mouth. So that is what is what I did. In no time at all Ben's sexy cock was buried down my throat and I was bobbing up and down fast and hard. It wasn't long before I had him right where I wanted him. If his moans and whimpers were any indication of my cock sucking abilities I would have the information I wanted in a matter of minutes. Just before he was ready to blow his sweet tasting load in my mouth I pulled off. The frustrated growl was cute. "What?" I asked all innocent. He growled again. "Oh you want me to continue?" I asked. His whimper was so cute that I almost gave up and continued but oh no I was on a mission. "Nope," I giggled.

"But Jesse," Ben whined. "I'm all hard and exited and stuff."

"Tell me where we are going?" I bargained with him. I could see that Ben was starting to come around.

"Nope," he said as he gently kissed my lips and stuffed himself back into his pants. "That is a surprise and I'm not telling and besides we're here any way." I looked out the limo window and saw that we had pulled up to a fance hotel. Ok now I was really confused. The driver got out and opened the our door. Ben was first out and handed him a wad of cash. I shook my head. Ben was always generous with his cash. The driver opened his mouth to argue and I stopped.

"Dude," I smiled patting him on the shoulder. "You're fighting a lossing battle here."

"But I've already been paid with tip included," the Driver explained still trying to give it back.

"Sorry," I laughed as I was pulled towards the door by a very hyper and excited Ben. When we got in the manager was there to meet us.

"Good evening Ben," the manager said. "Mr. McCartney," he said knodding to me. I knodded back. "The ball room is ready and the staff is at your disposal." Ok Ben was really going all out wit whatever he was doing. Ben thanked the manager and shoved more cash into his hand. The manager looked at his hand and sighed and placed it in his pocket. It had seemed that this manager had had this fight with Ben before and had probaly lost. Again I was being pulled by Ben and I didn't dare stop. I let him pull me along and laughed all the way to the double doors. He stopped and stuffed his hands in his pocket and looked down. Oh dear Ben had decided to get all shy. He was sooo cute!

"Ummm I kinda did something for you," he stammered. "Well I wanted to do this for you. I mean I wanted you to be as normal as possible you know with you turning eighteen and all."

"Ben what did you do?" I asked starting to get a little worried.

"Well I kinda went a little crazy and all," Ben said still looking down. He pushed the doors open and soft music flowed out of a very nicely decorated ball room. Ben smiled that really sweet smile that he only reserves for me. He pulled me in and leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips. Than he leaned into my ear and whispered. "Welcome to your private Prom." Tears welled up in my eyes. I never expected this from anyone. Ben gently wiped the tears from my cheek. "I love you Jesse McCartney."

"So this what you and Ben have been up to," Don's voice sounded from behind us. I turned and saw that Josh and Don were dressed up in tuxs too.

"This is ummm well umm-- wow," I stammered.

"Ben loves you Jesse," Josh said sternly. "And we are kinda found of you too. But I have to give you this warning. Don't hurt our Ben."

"You know I won't," I replied. "I love him very much.

"Good, than let's go in and enjoy your prom," Don said lightly punching Josh in the shoulder.

Ben smiled like a kid on Christmas Morning when the streams of a song started to play. I had to dance with him. Everyone stopped dancing to watch us. It was really kinda embarrassing but very cute and sweet in a Ben sorta way.

It seems like yesterday when I said I do And after all this time my heart still burns for you If you don't know by now that you're my only one And take a look inside me and watch my heart strings come undone I know I promised you forever Is there no stronger word I can use? To reassure you when the storm is raging outside You're my safest place to hide Can you see me? Here I am I need you like I needed you then When I feel like giving up I climb inside your heart and still find You're my safest place to hide You see colors no one else can see In every breath you hear a symphony You understand me like nobody can I feel my soul unfolding like a flower blooming When this whole world gets too crazy And there's nowhere left to run I know you give me sanctuary You're the only truth I know You're the road back home Can you see me? Here I am Standing here, where I've always been And when words are not enough I climb inside your heart and still find You're my safest place to hide My safest place to hide I know I promised you forever There's no stronger word I can use To reassure you when the storm is raging outside You're my safest place to hide Can you see me? Here I am Standing here, where I've always been When I feel like giving up I climb inside your heart and still find You're my safest place to hide Oh, yeah You're my safest place to hide

When the song was over Ben gave me a simple kiss on the lips. "That was a gift from Kevin and the rest of the guys. Kevin decided that it was high time that we had a song."

"So he picked this one for us?" I asked. "I thought we were supposed to pick out own song?" I asked grinning.

"Kevin said we were taking to long," Ben explained. "And he said we had enough time to choose so he picked one for us."

"He has good taste," I said licking my lips. I bent down to kiss his lips again and that was when my stomach started to growl. Ben giggled softly.

"See?" I said with a pout. "You should've let me finish in the limo. Now I'm hungry." Instant blush! I laughed fully out as Ben lightly punched me on the shoulder. We walked off the dance floor and over to the tables laden with food. After grabbing a plate for each of us we went off to our little private corner and ate in some what peace and quiet. After eating dinner Ben grabbed my hand and led me into the bathroom. We hurried into a stall and he quickly undid my pants and freed my cock. Ben was on a mission. In no time at all he was on his knees with my cock down his swallowing throat. It happened so fast that I almost blew my load right than and there. But he slowed down to make the sweet pleasure last for as long as possible. I stood in the usual blow job position, legs spread apart, hips and crotch thrust forward and chest and abs flexed. Me staring down at him and looking into his innocent eyes as he did what he enjoyed doing so much. I knew that Ben loved seeing me in that position. It made him so horny. And horny is what I wanted him to be for as long as possible. He looked up at me with his very cute and adorable eyes as if checking to see if I approved. I reached down with my hand and gently ran my hand and fingers through his hair and I was rewarded with a cute whimper from him as he continued to bob up and down on my erect cock. I could see the grin in his eyes as he continued to suck my cock. I was so close and I wanted to cum so bad but you see Ben was being naughty now. He pulled off and leisurely licked the length of my cock stopping at the tip. "Come on baby," I whined softly.

"Please what sweetie?" he asked me so innocently.

"Let me cum?" I begged as I jerked my cock a couple of times bouncing it off of his tongue. He giggled as he gently kissed the tip and than went on to kiss and tongue my abs. This time I growled softly. I knew what he was doing. He was paying me back for what I did in the limo. I tried to shove my cock down his throat but he just giggled and leaned back. He seemed to enjoy watching my cock in sweet torture. A huge drop of precome slid down my shaft and he eagerly licked it up.

"MMm yummy," he cooed at me. "Wonder what else tastes good?" he asked grabbing my cock and started to lick it like a lollipop.

"Continuing with what you are doing and you are about to find out," I smirked. "You like that?" He whimpered softly as he started to bob up and down on my shaft. Some thing you should know about Ben. He knew how to deep throat. He could take Aaron's cock all the way to his balls and Aaron was hung like a horse. I loved feeling his throat muscles swallowing around my shaft sending waves after waves of pleasure through me. I was about to shoot and I wanted to watch my cum shoot out of my cock and land on his tongue. I pulled out so that only the head was resting on his tongue. He jerked my cock hard and fast and I let out a moan and started to shoot my cum. I watched in amazement as it landed on his tongue. Than Ben quickly worked his tongue and lips as he quickly swallowed every drop of my cum. After he was done he gently licked me clean and gently tucked me back inside.

"Now when this prom is over I am yours," Ben said with those incredible eyes of his. "I'm ready to do what you've wanted to do for a long time."

"Are you sure baby?" I asked. My heart was pounding in my chest. For the longest time I always wondered what it would be like to double team Ben with Aaron. Both of our cocks up his ass at the same time. Ben was afraid to do it. Aaron was raring to do it and so was I but I would wait for as long as Ben wanted to. And tonight just may be that night.

Later from Josh's point of view.

I looked over my shoulder to see if I could see Don. I spotted him talking to Ben's Grandfather. Speaking of Ben I looked around for him and Jesse. If I knew them they were hold up somewhere having a quickie. The door opened and Ben and Jesse walked back in. Jesse looked really confortable. Ben looked really happy with himself. I walked over to the couple. "So you enjoying your prom?" I asked Jesse. For some reason Jesse blushed and looked down. Oh yea I knew what was going on. "Well I'm umm going to snatch Don away from your grandfather."

"Grampy is here?" Ben asked grinning widely looking around with his wide expressive eyes. Even Jesse had to grin foundly at Ben's eagerness. I guided the hyper teen towards his grandfather. "Grampy!" Ben exclaimed as he launched himself into his grandfather's arms. I had to smile at Ben's happiness. It was Don's idea to invite Ben's Grandfather here. After all Everyone should experience Ben's antics. I felt some one tap me on the shoulder. I turned and smiled softly.

"Hey," I said softly allowing Don to lay his head on my chest. "So what do you think of Ben's craziness?"

"He is a cutie," Don replied. "But right now I want to know how my sweetie is doing."

"And who is your sweetie?" I asked grinning. By now his hand had found it's way under my shirt and was gently rubbing my nipple. I was getting aroused really fast.

"You are," Don said with that usual innocent grin on his face. The one that drove me nuts and wanted me to lay him down and make love all night long. Well I had a right too. Don was a bad boy and had been gone for so long. And he knew he was driving me nuts with his seducing arts. "Some on love," Don said with his usual naughty grin. I knew what was comming. In no time at all I was going to be in his bed and inside him making love to him.

Back at JC's and Don's home.

From Joey's point of view.

"I need you to watch Bri for me," I asked Orlando. "I'm sorry, I know you have your hands full with Little Donny and Aiden but I have to take care of something."

"Well since little Aiden is asleep and Donny is sleeping too I don't have much else to do," Orlando said holding out his arms. Bri eagerly walked into his arms and soon they were both laughing and giggling. Once I knew that Bri was safe I headed out. I climbed into my suv and headed out for a night on the town. I needed to get drunk really bad.

From Don's point of view.

"Oh Don!" Josh groaned out. "I love you!" Josh was pounding into me fast and hard. I loved the way his body acted when he was making love to me. His body was tight as hell and every muscle showed in his hot sexy body. His body was wet and slick with sweat and his hair was plastered down on his forehead. His quivering lips came crashing down on mine and his tongue dove in past my opened lips and he proceded to kiss me rough and hard some times biting my tender lips causing me to whimper. His considerably longer cock kept pinging my prostate gland sending waves of pleasure through me. I had missed this so much. Being on the road with Justin and Danny all that time and having Josh all the way home taking care of the kids and working on his cd made me very lonely. Josh continued to make love to me fast and hard. By now I too was covered in a shean of sweat and the room was full of my moans and Josh's pants and grunts. I had to say it sounded so hot.

From Josh's point of view.

Don was stretched out below me and his legs wrapped around me holding me tight in him. I loved him like this. Trapped like a butterfly in a collectors clutches. I shoved in and out of him fast and hard. This was the way he really loved it. I growled softly as I attatched my lips to his quivering neck and started to suck on it hard and fast. My teeth nipping at his tanned and tender skin causing my lover to whimper softly. I loved making him make those noises. It was so sexy to see him under me as I made love to him. Yes this was how I loved Don the best. Laying on the bed with his legs spread and my cock driving in and out of him giving him the pleasure he craved from me. My pleasure took a back seat to his. My needs didn't matter. Only Don's pleasure mattered. Don let out a soft squeak and I relished the way his tight body convulsed under me. I felt the warm pulsing of his cum shooting out of his cock inbetween our bodies. The fact that I made him cum like that took me over the edge as well. I yelled out his name and blasted my seed deep into him as well. Soon both of us were convulsing and quivering as we allowed our orgasms to overtake us.

"Baby?" Don's tired voice drifted through my post orgasmic haze. "You still with me?" I looked up and smiled softly at his crooked grin. "There you are," he giggled softly kissing me softly on the lips.

"Where do you think I would go?" I asked snuggling up to him. I noticed how yummy his nipple looked so I slipped one into my lips. I gently sucked on it until he was all hard again. "Oh my," I cooed down at his very hard and very attractive cock. "Look who is all exited and ready for more action."

"I'm tired," Don whined softly. But I noticed that he wasn't too convincing.

"Well I'll just have wake you up," I giggled as I slid down so that I was eye level with his erection. I slid his hard cock into my mouth and moaned softly as I allowed his erection to fill my mouth and throat. I loved the feeling of his pubic hair against my nose and the feeling of his heavy balls resting on my chin. I had him under my control. When Don was like this I could get anything I wanted. But right now the only thing that mattered was my sweetie. And right now giving the amount of noise he was making he was definately feeling very very good.

In the other suite From Jesse's point of view.

"God you are so beautiful," I breathed out as I looked down at Ben. His body was tight and his pecs and nipples begged to be kissed and sucked. His hint of a six pack demanded that I cover them with hickies and kisses. "What did I do to deserve you?" I asked as I laid down beside him. Aaron was laying beside him too all naked too. Ben had convinced us both that he wanted to do this. Aaron had been wanting to try us both up Ben at the same time. I was exited about it too but there was no way I was going to do anything that would hurt Ben. I leaned down and pressed my lips to his. Ben whimpered softly as Aaron's lips caresses his bare shoulder. Aaron's eyes locked onto mine and I shivered at the lust in them. Aaron's hand found my cock as he stroked me until I was almost ready to cum. He let loose smirking. He was ready and I was ready too. But was Ben ready?

"I want this," Ben's soft timid voice drifted up towards me. I smiled softly down at him and kissed him again. I reached for the condoms and he shook his head no.

"But," I started.

"No," Ben said softly. "I want this. You and Aaron are both clean. I'm clean. If we are going to do this than let's do it like mother nature attended. With nothing between us but are bare skin."

"But both us shooting in you at the same time?" I asked softly kissing him on his cheek. "Baby it is going to get messy."

"Than you and Aaron get to spend the rest of the night spoiling me and taking care of me," Ben smirked.

"Well in that case let's get started," Aaron said with a smirk. He slid in behind Ben and slid his cock up into him. Ben moaned softly as Aaron's cock filled him. He begin to thrust in and out of Ben and Ben was really started to enjoy it. Ben looked up at me with pleading eyes. I pressed my body up against his and than slid my cock up his ass along side Aaron's erect cock. It was hot and slick with Ben's juices and felt so good sliding against mine. I moaned loudly.

"God, can feel your cock against mine," Aaron groaned out.

"I feel so full," Ben grunted out. "This is so fucking hot!"

"Ok Jesse let loose!" Aaron commanded as he begin to power punch his cock in and out of Ben's ass. I begin to slide in and out of Ben too. Ben was going nuts with lust and desire as Aaron and I both used him to get off. He wanted this. He loved letting us use his body to get off. So tonight I decided to let him have his way. Right now this was all about Aaron and me. Aaron and I continued to litterly fuck the shit out of Ben. Over thirty minutes later after three orgasms from Ben Aaron and I were still going strong. It was like Aaron and I were feeding off of Ben's lust. Finally I had pity on poor Ben. He wanted me to shoot my load up in him and I had been holding off for as long as I could. I bent down and pressed my lips to his and released my load into him. He whimpered loudly. The reaction from Aaron was almost immediate. I felt the underside of his cock pulse. As he too shot into me deep and hard. I could feel his hot cum flooding around my cock too. I could feel his cum leaking out around my still shooting cock. It was by far the most intense orgasm I had ever had. Ben was going nuts too. He was moaning as he was shooting for the last time. Finally all three of our orgasms subsided and Aaron was the first to pull out. He slid up and offered Ben his cock to lick clean. I couldn't resist. I began to lick Aaron's cock clean too. Than it was my turn and Aaron and Ben licked mine clean too.

"Wow," Ben breathed as he basked in the after affects of our hot sex.

"Ditto," Aaron breathed out too. All of our bodies were covered with a slick sheen of sweat. Ben looked so hot with his body covered in my and Aaron's sweat. His face was flushed from the exertion of the sex. His neck and back shoulders were covered with hickies and red marks from Aaron's lips and teeth. His lips were bruised and swollen from my hard kisses. Yea he looked hot. I just laid back and concentrated on breathing and getting my senses back. Finally I was aware of Ben's lips on my chest. I had to smile at his way. After everytime we made love he would spend a few minutes covering my chest and neck and abs with feather kisses. It was his way of worshiping my body. I loved it when he did that. It was at this point tha I realized that there was another pair of lips on me as well. I looked up to see Aaron was busy working my limp cock. I started to resist but decided to let him have his way. After a few minutes I shot another load and Aaron and Ben shared the load equally. Finally I managed to get Ben and Aaron up and into the shower. There Aaron and I cleaned Ben up. I was shocked and surprised to see Aaron licking out Ben ass. Ben was in heaven and I just held him and kissed him and carressed him unitil Aaron had worked him up into a body shuddering orgasm. I eagerly caught his precious seed in my hand and brought it up to my lips and licked it clean. By now I was hard too. Ben gave me those incredible puppy dog eyes as he knelt down on his knees and took my cock and slid it into his mouth. Aaron's mouth was right there too but I stopped him with a look. This was what Ben wanted to do so I let him. Needless to say by the time we were done poor Ben was so tired. Hell we were all tired. I all fellinto the bed and I shivered with delight as Ben wrapped his arms and legs around me. In a few minutes Ben was sleeping soundly. I could Tell that Aaron was sleeping in the other bed. I stayed awake as long as I could just enjoying the feeling of Ben's body so close to mine. In a week we would be on tour and we would be sleeping together every night. I was so looking forward to this. As I fell asleep I had no idea just how much Ben would need me in the coming weeks. So much that it would prove to me beyound anything that I was the right person to love Ben as he deserved.

Later that night I woke to a knocking at the door. I got up and slid on my boxers. I walked to the door and opened it. Josh and Don were there. By the looks on their faces they were not happy. "Hey," I said softly as I showed them in. "What's wrong?"

"Is Ben awake?" Don asked softly.

"No he is still sleeping," I replied. "What's wrong?" I asked again.

"It is his Grandfather," Josh said softly.

"What's wrong with Grampy?" a sleepy voice asked. I looked up and saw a very sleepy Ben standing there in his boxers.

"I'm sorry baby," Don said softly walking up to him and wrapping his foster son in his arms. "Your Grandfather passed away in his sleep." I watched as Ben's face broke into a million pieces. I watched as tears flowed down his angelic face. I wanted to hold him so bad. Don nodded to me and I was holding him so fast. His little tight body was racking with sobs. I was helpless. I didn't know what to do. "Just hold him. Let him know you love him and you're not going anywhere," JC said softly as his arms joined us.

"We were going to spend the weekend with him," Ben said softly in a gruff voice. He had pretty much cried himself out. "I was going to get to see Brad too."

"You still will get to see him," I said soothingly.

"No I won't," Ben whimpered. "My parents won't let me be anywhere near him. Because I might hurt him."

"Do you know when the funeral is going to be?" I asked softly. It was at this time that Ben smiled a softly little wicked grin. "Oh dear," I said softly.

"Well Grampy didn't want them to mess up his funeral. He had it put in his will that I get to plan his funeral," Ben explained. "That way they can't stop me from going to his funeral."

"Won't it be hard for you?" I asked softly. "I mean seeing your father again and your mother."

From Ben's point of view.

"They actually called," I replied. "They want to meet with me."

"More likey they want to get access to your new found money," Jesse sneered. "Are you going to meet with them?"

"I'm not sure," I replied honestly. The door bell rang. I winced at the sound. Jesse's lips graced my lips gently.

"You going to be ok?" Jesse asked me looking down at me with those incredible eyes of his.

"Yea I'll be fine," I replied. I opened the door and looked at my father. I looked at my mother. And I looked around for my twin brother.

"He is not here," my father said. "We have a long way to go before we get back to where we were before."

"What do you want?" I asked.

"We need to talk about your future and your Grandfather's estate," Dad said bluntly. He was hostile and arrogant. "And we'll talk to you alone." He said glaring at poor Jesse. Jesse swallowed hard.

"He stays!" I commanded. "And this conversation is over!" I moved to slam the door in his face only my mother's voice stopped me.

"You look well," Mom said softly. "Please Ben, it's been so long. Can't we just talk?"

What was I going to do? My Parents are at my door and wanting to talk to me. I knew what my father wanted. He wanted the money. And Mom? Well we'll see.


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