Picking Up the Pieces of My Life

By JC Fanfic

Published on Jul 22, 2003


A Work of Fiction by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications (c) Copyright 2003 Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

E-mail me at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com mailto:JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Picking up the Pieces of my Life Chapter Seven

From Don's Point of View

I opened my eyes as much as I didn't want too. The reason I opened them was to find out what was all that racket. Don't they know that I'm sleeping here? I looked around and found myself in a hospital room. Ok, so what am I doing in here? I heard voices and looked to my right. Kevin was standing there holding his eye. I heard really bad words coming from JC. I would have to talk about his language. I saw Brian and Justin holding him back. This was getting to look like a three ring circus as me as the spectator. Than I heard more swearing. I looked to see the twinky boy being handcuffed by policemen. One was really cute! Sighing I drifted back to sleep. For some reason I couldn't stay awake. Soon the nice dream land that I was in a moment ago came back. Let's see it involved a certain dark haired beauty named Josh and he was doing all these wonderful things to me. Hey it's my dream!

From JC's point of view.

"I'm sorry," Kevin sobbed out. "I didn't mean to almost kill him! I only put in one pill! I was worried about him not sleeping!"

"The doctor said that there was about five to six in his system!" I screamed at him. "How did that happened?"

"Nathan did it!" Kevin said glaring daggers at him. "He hates Don!"

"No I didn't!" Nathan squacked back. I could see his face turning pale.

"Check the bottle!" Kevin said to the police officer. "I bet you find his prints on it."

"It was his idea!" Nathan blurted out before realizing what he had just said.

"Mr. Romer?" the officer said. "You have the right to be silent---," I turned my attention from them and back to Don. He was still sleeping soundly. After I had started his heart again he drifted into a deep sleep. The doctor said he should sleep for most of the night and part of the day. I wrenched myself from the clutches of Brian and Justin and went to his bedside. He looked so peaceful laying there. I ached to hold him in my arms. "Mr. Chasez?" the officer asked. "Do you want to press charges against Mr. Richardson?" I shook my head no. Nathan started swearing again about how this was all Kevin's fault.

"Shut up!" I screamed at him venting all of my rage at him. "You do realize that you almost killed him? Nathan to his credit decided that it was best that he not say anything. "Get him out of here!" The officers removed Nathan from the room and I turned on Kevin. "Why?" I asked with tears flowing down my face. "Why can't they leave him alone? I just want to love him and care for him." I sat down on the chair beside Don and took his hand in mine. I was planning on staying here all night long and god help the person who decided that I had to leave. >From Kevin's point of view.

"I'm here to see Mr. Romer," I said to the officer behind the desk.

"Right this way Mr. Richardson," the desk officer said as he guided me to the cells. I found Nathan sitting alone in the cell glaring at me.

"Can we have some privacy?" I asked softly. The guard nodded and left us alone. "What the fuck were you thinking?" I hissed at Nathan. "You could've killed him!"

"I thought that was the plan!" Nathan hissed back at me. "You want JC back don't you?"

"I don't want to kill him!" I replied. "I just wanted him out of the way! Now we are both sunk! We can forget the whole plan now!" I turned to leave.

"Wait!" Nathan asked pleading with me. "What about me?"

"You can rot here for all I care!" I hissed at him. I walked out listening to him ranting and raving about how he was going to get me. "Yea yea what ever!" I said in my diva voice. I climbed back into my car and headed back to the hospital. I had to make sure that JC and Don bought my story. I sure the hell wasn't going to jail for attempted murder. Well I wouldn't anyway because I only put one pill in. I had admitted to that and for my honesty JC had decided to let it go. Now all I had to do is convince Don to do the same thing.

The next morning from Don's point of view.

I opened my eyes and looked around. This time I was more awake. I saw my sweetie sitting in a chair looking so uncomfortable. Kevin was sitting in a chair too only he had a huge black eye. I wondered where he had gotten that. Than I looked at Josh's hand and saw the broken skin. Oh dear Josh had hit Kevin. This should be an interesting story. Speaking of stories. Why am I here? It was time for me to find out. "Josh sweetie?" He jerked his head up and looked at me. I saw the worry and pain in his eyes. "What am I doing here?" He was at my side in a flash covering my face with feather kisses. It was nice but I really wanted to find out what I was doing here. "Josh sweetie?" I asked again while being smothered with kisses. "What is going on?" He paused and looked down into my eyes. I shivered at the love and support I saw pouring from them.

"I was so worried about you," he sniffled. I reached up and wiped some of the tears from his eyes. "I thought I had lost you."

"Lost me how?" I asked looking confused.

"What do you remember?" Josh asked.

"I remember giving Donny a big hug and sending him down the hall to meet Justin than I was going to go and have lots of sex with you but I woke up here," I said frowning. "I take it that we didn't get to have lots of sex?" Josh laughed softly at me. "Hey! I can't help it if you do wild and crazy things to me."

"I was so worried about you," Josh said as he brushed some hair away from my face. I leaned into his touch and sighed.

"Well are you going to tell me what happened?" I asked again kissing his hand.

"Kevin slipped you a sleeping pill," Josh said softly. "Please don't get mad."

"One sleeping pill shouldn't have put me in here," I mumbled.

"Yea but Nathan decided to kill you off and dump six pills in your bottle of water," Josh added.

"I knew that tinked out little shit had it in for me," I muttered. "Can I beat him up now?" I asked glaring at the ceiling.

"Well Justin already did that for you," Josh replied.

"My hero," I sighed looking all dooey eyed. I looked hard at Kevin. "You mister have some explaining to do."

"You weren't sleeping. I was worried about you. So I slipped a sleeping pill in your bottle of water," Kevin admitted. "I had no idea that Nathan was going to try and kill you. You've got to believe me!"

"Ok first of all, you had no right to take it upon yourself to give me drugs. I have a drug problem and my sobriety means the world to me. And you just jeopardized that," Kevin cringed at the harsh tone I was taking with him. "Second I appreciate the concern. Yes I have been having problems sleeping. But that is my problem. If it gets worse I will check it out with my doctor and he will find a drug free way to manage my sleeping disorder. So I am asking both of you! No more fucking drugging me!" I said that last part really loud and really harsh. "Now that, that is said and done when can I go home." I let out a huge yawn just as the door opened and the doctor walked in. "Can I go home?" I demanded.

"Don't like hospitals much?" he asked with a grin.

"No I don't," I retorted. "I want to go home and be with my son." I let out another huge yawn.

"You are still coming down from the overdose," the doctor said with concern.

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked.

"Sleep it off," he replied.

"Can't do that at home?" I asked.

"I guess so but I don't want you alone when you go home," he added. I noticed that he glanced at Josh.

"I'll be with him all the time!" Josh blurted out. "I won't let him out of my sight!"

"Well if you promise me that you will watch him and make sure that he doesn't have anymore reactions to the overdose than I will release him into your custody." After Josh agreed to the doctors orders and I was released we all climbed into the limo and headed home. As soon as Josh wrapped his arms around me I snuggled up to him. I loved the warm feeling of him next to me. It was comforting and so warm that in no time at all I was asleep.

From Josh's point of view.

"I don't want to wake him," I said softly to Kevin. Don wasn't all that big. But big enough that I couldn't carry him.

"Don't wake him," Kevin said. "I'll carry him to your room." I watched as Kevin slid his arm under his legs and around his shoulder and slid him out of the car. I felt a small surge of jealousy as I watched Don snuggle closer to Kevin. I wanted to be the one holding him so bad. But I realized that Kevin was the best person to do this. Once we had him in our room I watched as Kevin placed him on our bed. He was so gentle with him that Don didn't even wake up. Than Kevin did something that surprised me. He bent down and kissed Don on the forehead. He whispered something in his ear. I didn't press him to find out what it was.

"Thanks Kevin," I said softly as I walked to the door. "He should sleep for most of the day."

"What are your plans for the rest of the day?" Kevin asked.

"I'm staying right here with him," I replied.

"I'll make sure that your meals are sent up here than," Kevin said as he closed the door. Once we were alone I quickly disrobed and took off Don's clothes too. I wanted him naked and I wanted to be naked too. I wanted every inch of my flesh touching his. I slid in between the sheets and immediately he moved closer to me. I shivered with delight as I felt his rock hard cock rub against my leg. I shook my head and grinned. Even in his sleepy state he was still horny like a teenager. Well I wasn't going to be able to get any sleep with Mr. Horny Toad over here. So I did the next logical thing. I slid under the sheets and slipped his cock into my mouth. Don was just a hair bigger than I was and a little more thicker. I went to work on his cock at once. Bobbing up and down on his shaft I begin to get a response from him. I thrilled at his little whimpers and moans and gasps. I looked up to see that he was just waking up. I also notice that my lover wasn't going to last all that long. Which was a good thing. I wanted his cum down my throat in the worst way. I craved his taste and I wanted it so bad. By now his cock was really throbbing and he was bucking his hips pretty wildly. The flow of precome was pretty much non stop by now. Finally he let out this really cute high pitch squeal and my mouth was flooded with his cum. I swallowed as fast as I could. My jaws were aching by now and I didn't care. All I cared about was giving my angel as much pleasure as I could. Finally the flow stopped and I gently cleaned him up and slid back up to him. He turned offered me his whole. I slid up him and felt him shiver at the sudden intrusion. Very slowly I made love to him making sure that he was in a constant state of pleasure. After another fifteen minutes I shuddered violently and shot my load deep into him. I wanted to pull out but he wouldn't let me. So I did my octopus thing and wrapped myself around him and held him until he went to sleep. It wasn't to soon after that, that I fell asleep too.

From Kevin's point of view.

Once I was away from the room I allowed myself to break down. I was responsible for Don almost dying. How could I do that to him? How could I almost kill an incredible innocent cute good looking guy? I was a monster and I couldn't stay here any longer. I made up my mind that I would leave as soon as Don was back on his feet. But in the mean time I would work over time making it up to him. There was no doubt in my mind any more. I loved Don. I know it was wrong but I couldn't help it. I loved him. It was that simple. Well not that simple at all. For you see Don was in love with Josh.

"Kevin?" Ashley's voice sounded from behind me. "What's wrong baby?" I looked at him with sad eyes. Ashley was a very good looking guy. But I didn't love him. I loved Don. I couldn't have Don. Don was in love with Josh. "Please I want to help you."

"You can't help me," I mumbled. "Please leave."

"Leave?" Ashley asked shocked. "Why?"

"Because I'm a monster!" I sobbed loudly. "I almost killed Don. I don't want to hurt you too!" I felt Ashley's arms in circle me. I tried to fight it but he wouldn't let go.

"You are not a monster," Ashley said softly. "You are a very caring and loving man. You are cute and sexy and I love you." I winced at those words. "Kevin?" he asked in a small voice. I heard a tremor of fear in it. I looked down at him. "Make love to me?" I knew that it was wrong. I knew that he loved me and I couldn't return those feelings. But I was weak. I needed comfort. I needed to feel loved. Ashley said he loved me. He was offering me his body to make love too. I knew it was wrong but I am weak. I took his out stretched hand and allowed him to lead me to our room. All too soon I was naked as he was and was making love to him. Only it wasn't Ashley Angel I was making love to. No it was Don. And for a brief moment in time I was happy. Very happy. For the longest time I thought that I wanted Josh back. But now I realized that it wasn't Josh I wanted. I wanted what Josh had. Josh had Don. I wanted Don. I knew from that moment that our lives would never be the same. I looked down at Ashley's flushed face as I prepared to slide into him. Than it hit me. He was a virgin. I knew that even though in my mind I was making love to Don I would have to be gentle and loving for Ashley. I wanted to make this as special for him. For this was probably the last time we would be intimate together. "You ready baby?" I asked softly as I kissed him lightly on the lips. I could feel him tremble in fear. "Don't worry love," I whispered. "I'll be gentle and it will be the greatest experience in your life. He swallowed hard and nodded. I made sure that I had plenty of lube on my condom and in him as well. I put the head of my cock at his entrance and begin to push in. I watched Ashley for any signs of pain. I heard him whimper in pain and saw his face. It was the most beautiful thing in the world. I had forgotten what it was like to take a cherry. His eyes were full of wonder fear and lust all at the same time. I pushed in slowly and always kept a watch on his face. Finally I felt my pubic hair brush up against him. I was in him fully. I looked down at him again and saw that he now had his eyes full of love and lust. It was a wild experience. "Are you ok?" I asked softly as I kissed his tears away.

"It feels full," he said in a shaky voice. "But good."

"You ready for me?" I asked as a surge of lust raged through me. He nodded. I pulled out and than slid back in. I was testing the waters. If he reacted the way I expected him too than this was going to be a wild ride. He shuddered and moaned and arched his hips toward mine. I had him. He was submitting completely to me. I begin to thrust in and out of him. I could feel his cock scrapping against my abs. It was a hot feeling. At some point I stopped making love to Don in my mind. Now all I wanted to do is make love to Ashley. Sure I didn't love him. I loved Don. But right now I was so into making love to Ashley and he was so tight. Every time I slid in it felt like his ass was swallowing me. Pulling me in. It felt great. I tuned into his moans and whimpers as he begged me to ride him harder. I complied of course. I loved it when my lovers got involved with the lovemaking process. I could tell he was ready. His cock was rock hard and leaking like a faucet. I decided that I wanted that cock in my mouth. I bent down, thank God for the dancing, and engulfed his cock. That was it. He made this really cute moan that drove me over the edge. The first blast hit me in the back of the throat. I jabbed in and slammed into his prostate gland and he went nuts grunting and whimpering and shooting his load deep into my mouth. His muscles contracted around my shaft sending me over the edge. I screamed out his name and shuddered violently as I filled the condom. Finally when my orgasm subsided I realized that Ashley was glaring at me. "What's wrong?" I asked gently as I reached out and stroked his face. He slapped my hand away and pushed me off. "Baby!" I called out as I watched him running around the room in tears throwing on his clothes. "Please! What did I do wrong?"

"Don!" he screamed at me with tears flowing down his face. "You called out his fucking name!" It hit me like a ton of bricks. I had called out Don's name. Silence racked the room save for his sobbing. I quietly got up and slipped off the condom and wrapped it in a tissue and disposed of it. Than I walked over to Ashley where he was sitting glaring at the window. "Tell me something Kevin," he said bitterly at me. "Did you ever love me?"

"Yes at the beginning I did," I said softly. I knelt by his feet. "I truly did love you."

"What about now?" he asked. I could see the pleading in his young eyes. God how I wanted to say yes. Just to see his eyes light up and grin like he used to do for me. To see him blush like he did whenever I called him beautiful. But the truth was that I did love Don. And I loved Ashley too but not enough. I loved Don more and I couldn`t have him. I hung my head and allowed the tears to fall. I felt him gently push me away and than watched as he walked out of my life. Once he was gone I fell onto the bed sobbing into the pillow. I realized that once again I was alone.

Later From Don's point of view.

Ok so this time I couldn't get loose. Josh had wrapped him self so tight around me that no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get loose. Finally I gave up and just enjoyed feeling his body next to mine. The enjoyment didn't last long. For you see I suddenly realized that as much as I hated it I had a problem. I was craving the drug again. Tears flowed down my face as I realized that I was unwillingly forced down this path again. The one thought in my mind was that I wanted a pill.

"Don?" a sleepy voice drifted over me.

"Yea?" I asked in a shaky voice.

"What is wrong?" Josh asked with concern filling his voice.

"I want a pill," I sobbed out. "I can't help it! I want a fucking pill!"

From Josh's point of view.

"I want a fucking pill!" Don wailed out. I never thought that those words would scare me as much as they did. Don continued to sob and shake. "I don't want this, I don't want this." It was a mantra. Repeating over and over again. I just held him until he fell asleep again. This time I did get up. I walked over to his clothes and pulled out his wallet. Don't give me that privacy crap. I was on a mission and I needed to bring in the heavy guns. I found Roger's number and dialed it. I hoped this worked.

"Roger here," a male voice answered.

"Roger?" I asked chocking back some tears. "I need your help."

A few hours later I heard the car pull up. I looked out the window and saw a very good looking man. He was much older than I was. He was even more older than Kevin was. The silver in his hair really accented his good looks. I would place at about forty to forty two. I moved quickly to the front door and let him in. I was thankful that he had brought his luggage. That meant that he was taking me up on his offer. "Roger?" I asked.

"Josh?" he asked back.

"How was your flight?" I asked.

"It was good, enough with the small talk. Show me where he is," Roger said softly. I led him to our room. I crept open the door and let Roger in. I let out a small sob when I saw poor Don still sleeping but he was shivering and shaking. "He is going through withdraws."

"With only seven pills?" I asked softly.

"Seven pills given to him in an extremely short period of time," Roger said glancing over his shoulder. "Get ready for it is going to be a rough couple of days."

Later that evening I walked into the living room where Kevin was.

"Hey," I said softly.

"How is he?" Kevin asked looking concern.

"He is addicted again," I said sadly. I heard Kevin take a sudden breath in. I looked to see tears cascading down his face. "Kevin," I said softly. "It is not your fault."

"Yes it is," Kevin sniffled. "I was the one who gave him the first one. Nathan just followed my lead and gave him the rest. The little shit actually thought that maybe we was doing me a favor by getting rid of Don. He wanted you to have me. He wanted me to be happy. So yes it is my fault. I should've never have come back."

"But you and Don have gotten so close lately," I said. "And you have a really cute boyfriend who I know loves you very much." I heard Kevin laugh bitterly. "Kevin?" I asked worried.

"Ashley and me aren't together anymore," he mumbled.

"Why?" I asked as I moved towards him.

"I don't want to talk about it," Kevin muttered.

"It might help," I stammered. I suddenly got an idea that I wasn't going to like where this was headed at all.

"Because I don't love him!" Kevin shouted at me. He turned and walked over to the bar and picked up a decanter and filled a glass with a amber looking liquid. Probably brandy. He took it down in one gulp. I saw him shudder. "I'm in love with someone else and he can't return those feelings."

"Who?" I asked as a surge of anger welled up in me. Kevin was silent. "Dammit Kevin! I asked a question. Who do you love?"

"It doesn't matter anymore," Kevin muttered. "He is better off with out me fucking up his life."

"No it does matter," I said with clenched teeth. "Now tell who is it that you are in fucking love with!"

"Don!" Kevin screamed at me glaring at me with tears flowing down his face. "I love Don!"

"You're in love with my boyfriend?" I yelped out. I really didn't know why I was sounding so shocked. I saw it coming a long time ago. The gentle hugs that constant touching and the long long games of horseshoes. And the hours that they would talk and laugh and giggle. I just thought that maybe Kevin and was just being friendly. "You fucking bastard!" I hissed at him. "You always have to try and fuck up my life don't you?"

"I didn't plan on falling in love with him!" Kevin shouted back. "I can't help it. He is so cute and innocent and loving. Hell anyone would fall in love with him!" I sighed and sat down in the couch. Kevin had a point. Don was cute and innocent and so loving and so fucking good looking. Everything about was so perfect. I looked at Kevin and saw a hurt man. A man who had lost out on love so many times. My heart actually went out to him. I heard a shuffle out in the hall and looked up to see Don walking into the living room. He walked straight over to Kevin and punched him in the nose. Blood flowed down Kevin's face.

"Fuck you!" Don screamed at him. "Because of you and Nathan I am fucking addicted again!"

"Don calm down," I said sternly as I walked over to check out Kevin. I could tell that his nose wasn't broken but I bet he would have a shiner in the morning. "Kevin was just trying to help is all."

"Well I can do without his kind of help!" Don hissed as he sat down on the sofa. "What are you doing here anyway? I mean what is here for you? Nothing! JC doesn't love you anymore! He hates you!" I knew that the drugs were talking. Don didn't mean those things. But they were mean. And hearing those mean things come out of Don was not a pretty sight. Kevin started to sob again and this time I did take him in my arms. I forgot that a moment ago I was ready to beat the shit out of him for loving Don. But now all I wanted to do is comfort him. Finally I got him to stop crying and his nose to stop bleeding. When I made sure that he was ok I turned on Don.

"That was uncalled for!" I said sternly to Don. "Kevin has made a great effort to show that he cares for you. And you insult him?"

"I'm sorry," Don sniffled. "I'm just so confused is all." I realized that he was still coming down off the drugs and this was part of the detox process. Fits of anger and fits of crying. He had spent a good hour being sick in the bathroom. Than there was the sweats and the shivers. Roger was right this was going to be a rough couple of days. But hopefully we would get through it.

"Come on sweetie," I said softly. "Let's get you back upstairs and get you back into bed."

"I don't need to go to bed!" he snapped at me.

"Yes you do!" I shouted at him. "Now get your ass up stairs and into bed now!" Don stuck out his bottom lip in a pout and stomped out of the room and up the stairs. I heard the door slam. I had to remind myself that Don was still under the affects of the drug and struggle not to laugh at him.

"I should leave," Kevin said softly.

"No you should stay right here where you belong," I said softly. Kevin went to argue but my hand on his arm stopped him. "I know we have a lot of stuff to talk over. But you are a part of my life. And like it or not Don does care about you. He may be angry and right now the drugs are doing all of the talking. So I am asking you to stay. At least until Don is through with all of this stuff and we can sit down as a family and talk this over." Kevin nodded and I gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Now if you will excuse me I have to make sure that Don is in bed where he belongs. I left Kevin and headed up stairs and into our room. I looked down on the bed and my heart went out to him. He was curled up in a tight ball shivering again. I quickly pulled the thick comforters up around his shoulder. "Oh Donny," I whimpered. "Why does things always have to be so hard on us?" I didn't get an answer but than I really didn't expect to either. Instead I just stripped down and slid in under the sheet and wrapped myself around him and held him close and got ready for a long night.

The next morning from Don's point of view.

I woke up with Josh wrapped around me and snoring softly in my ear. I was also aware of a certain part of him was poking me in the side. I sighed as I turned and faced him. I kissed his eyelids until he woke up. "Hey," he said in his cute sleepy voice. "How are you feeling this morning?"

"Like I've been on a week of drinking," I replied as I ran my fingers through his unruly hair. "Was it bad?" Josh's eyes watered and nodded. "I'm so sorry you had to see that."

"I love you," Josh said softly as his lips graced my nose. "I would go through hell for you baby. That is how much I love you." At this point it all started to come back. All the hateful things I said to him and to poor Kevin. Tears started to flow. "Hey hey," he said sternly. "Don't you dare start crying. Cause none of this was you talking sweetie."

"But I said mean things to you and Kevin," I sniffled.

"You weren't yourself," came a deep soft voice. "And most of it was true." I turned to see Kevin standing there looking said. I managed to free myself from Josh's octopus thingy he had going and walk over to Kevin and pull him in a hug.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered. "I should've never had said those things to you. I was mean and I had no right at all."

"But you were right. I had no right slipping that drug," Kevin said as a few tears started to flow down his face. "Now I am going to go now."

"No!" Josh said loudly. "You're not going anywhere!"

"But I have to," Kevin said looking down at me. "I can't stay here and know that I'm in love with Don and know that I can never act on those feelings. It will be very uncomfortable for me and you guys. It is best that I leave."

"But we can work it out," I insisted. "You're family Kevin."

"You mean that?" Kevin asked shocked. "After all the crap I put you guys through?"

"Hey I need an older Brother to keep me in line, and Donny needs another uncle to have fun with," I said grinning. "Promise you will stay?" I made sure I put in a good pout just to make sure that he fell for it.

"That pout should be a registered weapon," Kevin giggled. "Ok I'll stay." I giggled and hugged him. I looked back to see Josh looking kind of pissed. I decided that it was time to get this out all in the open. I patted the bed and sat down. Josh scooted over so that he was next to me. Kevin sighed and sat down next to me too.

"Ok now why don't you tell me what is going on between you two," I said sternly. I noticed that Josh had laid his head on my shoulder.

"He loves you," Josh mumbled out. I looked at Kevin to see him looking down. I took his chin and turned his face towards me. I saw the tears and my heart went out to him. I moved my thumb to dry off the tears.

"Oh Kevin," I said softly. "How do you get in these messes?" Kevin shrugged his shoulders. "You know I love Josh like crazy?" Kevin sniffled and nodded. "I will never break his heart. He loves me like crazy too. We were met to be together."

"I know," Kevin replied. "I can't help it. I have these feelings for you."

"But I can't return those feelings," I said sternly. "And it is not fair to me or Josh for you to expect me to return them." Kevin nodded. "What about Ashley?" I asked. "I thought things were going so good between the two of you."

"He found out that I love you," Kevin sighed. "He is gone."

"Well than you know what that means than?" I said cheerfully. Josh jerked his head up and saw my naughty grin.

"Oh dear," Josh sighed shaking his head and grinning too.

"Umm what?" Kevin asked with just a hint of fear in his voice.

"I get find you a boyfriend!" I said with glee. "This is going to be so much fun!"

"Well first things first," Kevin said sternly. "You're still tired from your ordeal. And you need plenty of rest. That is what Josh is going to make sure you do."

"But your boy friend," I stammered.

"My love life can wait," Kevin chuckled. "I'm going to unpack and leave you two alone." Kevin gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "Get some more rest."

"But I rested all---," I started. I was stopped with Josh's lips on mine. Ohhh this was nice. That was last intelligent thing I remembered. The rest was a jumble of lovemaking and lots of moans and whimpers. Soon I was snuggled back in bed in Josh's arms sleeping. This is where I belonged. Right here in Josh's arms.

Later from Josh's point of view.

I slid out from under Don and this time it was him who did the octopus thingy on me. I didn't mind at all. I loved it when Don wanted every part of his body in contact with mine. After making sure he was still sound asleep I crept down stairs. Once down stairs I was greeted with the high pitch giggles from Donny and the high pitched barking from Trixy. I walked in the living room and saw Donny being tickled by both Kevin and Justin. Trixy was running around barking and trying to rescue his best bud.

"You four having fun?" I asked as Donny managed to squirm away and run up to me an wrap his arms around my leg.

"Where is my daddy?" he demanded. "I wanna see my daddy!"

"Well your Daddy is sleeping right now. He really had a rough night and needs to sleep some more," I said softly kissing his forehead.

"I wanna see my Daddy!" Donny said with a small pout. I sighed and nodded and took his little hand and led him upstairs into the our room. There he was still snuggled deep into the comforters sleeping soundly. I watched as Donny softly walked up to the bad and climbed in bed with his daddy and pull the comforters around him and snuggled up to Don. It had seemed that Donny had decided to take a nap with his Daddy. I kissed them both on the forehead and crept back out of the room closing the door softly behind me.

"Where is Donny?" Justin asked as I walked back into the living room.

"He has decided to spend some quality time with Don," I said as I sat in the easy chair. "God, it has been a rough couple of days."

"Tell me about it," Justin sighed. "When do you think that Don will be ready to return to work?"

"If I know him he will want to return right away. But he should take a few days off," I said.

"Well than we are just going to make sure that he takes those few days off,' Justin said scratching his chin. "I'm going to leave for the venue tonight. Tell him that I said for him to take a few days off. He can join on Wednesday."

"He is going to fight it," I sighed.

"I won't give him the chance," Kevin spoke up.

"And how are you planning on stopping him?" I asked glaring at Kevin. Deep down I still blamed Kevin for what happened to Don.

"He wants to find me a boyfriend doesn't he?" Kevin asked grinning.

"Oh yea," I giggled. "I forgot all about that."

"Well than I am going to give him the chance to play match maker. That should keep him busy for a couple of days," Kevin grinning.

"Ok than it is settled than," I said sitting back. "And we have to watch him closely. There is still the danger that he is going to want a pill again."

"We are family," Kevin said. "We can all support him as he regains his sobriety."

We sat around the living room and discussed just how we were going to make sure that Don stayed off the pills. Before we knew it most of the morning had passed and it was time for lunch. Kevin said he would whip something up for lunch. I went up stairs to see if I could wake Don. Once there I could hear soft talking. I opened the door and saw Don and Donny sitting up in bed talking. Both of them had really bad cases of bed head. They looked so cute sitting there. "We're getting ready to have lunch," I said softly as I slid under the covers and snuggled up to Don. He rested his head on my shoulder and I shivered with delight at the contact. "So what are you two talking about?" I asked.

"We were talking about you," Don said softly. "Donny has something really important he wants to ask you."

"Oh really," I said smiling down the very serious looking toddler.

"Yes and I am going down stairs to join the land of the living so you two can have your little talk," Don said as he kissed me full on the lips. When he broke away he giggled at my dazed expression on my face. Once he was gone I turned to the Donny.

"So you wanted to ask me something?" I asked wrapping my arm around his small shoulders. He snuggled closer to me.

"Do you love my Daddy?" he asked looking up at me with those adorable eyes of his.

"Yes I do," I replied very seriously. "I love your daddy very much. I want to spend the rest of my life with your daddy making him happy. Is that ok with you?" He nodded so fast that I thought his head would fall off.

"Will you umm be my other daddy?" he asked suddenly.

Has anyone ever asked you a question that made your whole world come to a screeching halt?


Next: Chapter 8

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