Pimped Out by Dad

By Sumanth Raju

Published on Jan 9, 2023


Pimped out by Dad

Chapter 3: Next Day at school

Cast Me ->Steve Dad -> Brad 9th graders -> Jeremy, Ron, Paul, Brian, Ethan, Nate, Kaleb, Pete 10th grader -> Mica My girlfriend -> Adrian Teacher -> Scott Setting -> School

Recap - Last chapter ended with my first induction into gay sex. I took 5 men for the 1st time and that too had craziest shit done to me. The last I remember is going to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of the alarm. It was 6am. My ass and tits were sore from yesterday. I needed to sleep some more but I can't afford to miss school today. We are about to dissect a frog for the 1st time. Oh Shit I forgot to finish the preliminary report on the anatomy of a fuckin frog. Mr. Scot the teacher is the meanest bitch and acted like he was always on periods and I have no fuckin clue how this is gonna pan out. He dosen't give a damn about being sued as he had already won a few lawsuits for punishing students inappropriately and the school can't do shit about it.

I finished my morning routine and there were pan cakes, coffee and scrambled egg on the bed with OJ. This is quite unusual.

I made it for you Stevo. You are such a great asset to me and I am gonna take care of ya. From now on you take good care of your body, concentrate on exercise and I will take care of the household chores.

I felt like puking looking at this gesture from my Dad, but atleast he was like he had something to live for now." Nice pimp", I thought to myself. So it's the price I earn for putting it out for him and his buddies. But eh I loved it so what is there to complain. I loved the breakfast. It was perfect and tasted good.

After school we can both do some research on BDSM on the internet and whatever sick shit that there is. It will help us satisfy our customers Stevo.

Dad I think we should ask Mike to be our kink consultant and we can pay him the usual way you know what I mean. He is fuckin brilliant.

Dad immediately shot back, "No one uses that word in this house. Do you understand you faggot? If you do I will have to clean your tongue with soap."

I was surprised that I said fuck but this is nothing compared to what happened yesterday . I looked at my Dad with utter astonishment and sarcasm. We both broke into laughter.

Anything goes man just take good care of your body ayight.

I finished my breakfast and was on time for my school bus. As usual there were the 9th graders. They think they are so fuckin macho. What an attitude. Besides me and Mica there was hardly anyone from my class in the bus. This kid Jeremy was always staring at me as if he wants my ass. Although I was a star athlete and honor student I felt like I was shit after yesterday. But I am really enjoying this attention. In their mind I must be what they aspire for. As soon as I boarded the bus Jeremy's group of 8 guys just stopped talking and they were all staring at me. I thought Jeremy was cute. Blue eyes, blonde hair, good height, smooth face yet looked macho. What a strange combination? Actually the entire group was cute as hell but Jeremy stood out.

There was lot of mumble jumble, hustle and bustle in the school hallway as usual. I quickly took care of the locker business and closed it and saw Jeremy standing right beside me. I didn't even notice that he was there being so absorbed with my own thoughts. He just had a nice smile.

Hi, Steve how are you?

I quickly gathered myself. I was pretty surprised as this was quite uncommon.

What's up Jeremy?

Oh you know my name, huh.

Just like you knew mine.

The entire school knows who you are. I just wanted to know if you were good with math. Me and my buddies want some help on taking advanced math.

Yea sure. Why don't we have a chat after class.

I could see his group was a lill away and those guys were looking at us and smiling.

I could smell something quite fishy going on.

Do you like dudes? Jeremy just brought this up out of nowhere.

No man why would you ask. Are you queer or something?

Yea we are and we like you.

I didn't know what to say. All this was happening too quick but I wanted to be guarded. School was going quite well for me and this will ruin everything.

I am sorry man I don't swing that way. This stuff is nasty. Keep your heads where it should be that's all I can say. I am getting late for my class.

Are you still meeting with us after class?

Nope sorry.

I just walked off and he kept looking at me with a slight disappointment and surprise. His buddies walked to him and I am sure they discussed this at length.

Mr. Scott turned up on time. To my demise the 1st thing he asked was the prelimnary report on anatomy. There were 2 of us who stood up for not having completed it.

Excellent. I am not like them other teachers. I believe in "Spare the rod, spoil the child". It does not matter which grade you are in. If you aren't grown up enough to finish your assignment you aren't grown up enough to be spared the rod.

What's your name boy?

I was in utter disbelief and once again my dick stood up straight. Jeremy and his guys skipped their classes and were in my class and no one asked them anything, not even Mr. Scott.

Come here Steve, I will teach you a good lesson, you aren't gonna get away with this. If enough of you were disciplined we wouldn't have too many students dropping school and ending up losers and our educational system being ridiculed worldwide. Sue me all you want, I know the drill but you ain't getting away with this.

I was made to face the board with my hands on the table. Mr.Scott had a huge cane and asked me to drop my pants.

You can't do this shit you know that.

The cane soon hit my behind and I was turned on but I screamed.

Now drop your pants. I helplessly did the same.

Drop your underwear aswell. I looked at him in surprise. The entire class was watching this. I didn't know why I complied but I did. I was wondering if my hard on would declare who I really was to the class. With my girlfriend Adrian being in the class it turned me on and scared the shit out of me. My sore ass was exposed completely naked to the entire class to see. Adrian was surprised but she didn't say a thing.

Mr.Scott continued with his punishment. I was weeping uncontrollably.

Stop you idiot. I won't sue you but I will do the same to you right now if you don't stop.

Mr.Scott stopped immediately. And what's your name young man?

Jeremy you fuck. This is my friend and if your cane touches him anymore I will kill you.

Mr. Scott continued canning my butt.

Jeremy and his buddies stormed towards him and hit him so hard. They then ripped him of his cloths and held him with his bare ass facing the entire class. Jeremy took the cane and beat the shit out of him. The entire class was laughing. They were all screaming, "Yea. You go stud cane the shit out of him". Then there was a continuous chorus. "Jeremy, Jeremy,...".

Brian smeared the duster all over Mr.Scott's butt. Nate took a sharpie and wrote TEACHER and FAGGOT on both the butt cheeks. The class was laughing hard. Kaleb exposed his pennis and shot a round of piss straight into Mr.Scott's hole.

Will you touch any of us anymore?

Ok. I won't you piece of shit.

Then came the next strike. What did you call me?

There was no more words but Mr.Scott was crying like a small girl.

"I won't", he shouted.

"I won't what".

"I won't touch any of you".

Then came another strike. "I won't touch any of you Sir" that's what I wanna hear.

Mr.Scott screamed, "Fuck you."

Jeremy spat on Mr.Scotts face and continued his canning.

Mr. Scott for all the tough man he was fell to the ground and passed out.

I soon put on my underwear and pants and was weeping badly. Jeremy came to me and hugged me. I pushed him off and ran away.

The rest of the day, I don't know what really happened in the school. I just climbed the school bus on time and was back home. I liked all the sex and humiliation but this didn't sink well with me. Jeremy and his dudes were not present in the bus. I wanted to thank him and kiss him all over. I didn't speak a word to my Dad who was as usual with his bear and smoke watching TV. I slammed the bedroom door and put on my ipad and just refused to think about anything, lying on my bed.

At 8pm there was a knock on the door. My Dad attended the door. There were lots of discussion going on. I didn't give a damn I could hardly hear it. It must be Dad's buddies again. My Dad came into my room and told me that we had customers. I thought it was a good way to get over whatever happened. He took me to the bathroom and blind folded me while he stripped me off all my cloths. He said it was something he saw on the internet.

He brought me to our bedroom. I could sense there were some people in the room.

He is all your's boys.

I didn't know if I heard it right he said boy's. I just kept quite as it really didn't matter.

"I don't want any of you to touch him", came a voice from one of the customers. It sounded like Jeremy.

He belongs to me and me alone.

Fuck you, we paid for this too and we want him so bad for so long.

It could possibly not be Jeremy and his buddies. How do they even know where I lived or I even did this kind of thing.

Dad can you please open my blind fold.

It wasn't my Dad that opened my blind fold but what I got to see was Jeremy's face and he was sad. I was shocked. It was his buddies all eagerly waiting for action.

Steve please don't do this. You don't need to. I will take care of you.

I didn't say a thing.

He didn't say much and went and sat on the couch turning his face away in utter disappointment.

One of his buddy caught hold of my hair. School superstar, Heartthrob and not a fag huh. Now you will be our bitch. We will all ride you. What you gonna do boy?

All his buddies laughed except Jeremy.

Bring him hear man, my rod is waiting for his mouth and sweet lips. I wanted to do this bitch for a long time. Never knew it was selling its body. Craigslist rocks man.

I put two and two together and understood that Dad was being quite busy on the internet. I wondered if he had put my pic up there. My lips soon touched his dick. Stop pig, first pray to my dick that you would be allowed to serve it. I just closed my eyes as if I was praying. Ron gave me a quick spank. I knew him from one of our soccer games with the 9th graders.

Is this how you pray? Aren't you a christian. First hold your hands together look into my dick and repeat after me.

"Holly dick of Master Nate. The epitome of perfection. Bless me with your semen and satisfy my hunger. Accept my sweet lips to make love to thee. For thou alone are worthy, thine is all the glory. To you I humbly submit my mouth and all my holes."

Everyone broke into a huge laughter. Even Jeremy was laughing. I laughed hard and was spanked hard for the same.

Pig this isn't a joke. Unless my dick accepts you, you can't have it and punishment will follow for you being unworthy of it.

I repeated the whole prayer and didn't know what other fantasy would ensue forth from these 9th graders.

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