Pine Valley High

By Adam

Published on Jan 1, 2002



Um, if you read the first chapter then you know the story plot and all that. So basically, accept homosexuality and you can read this story. Oh yeah, and be over 18 or the legal age in your area of residence, so basically yeah, that's it...hope you enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 2

Cleaning seemed to take a little bit longer then usual, but he finally got it done around 9. His sister had called and asked if he'd like her to stop over. He told her he was feeling tired and would just get to bed early. He was also pretty sure that she didn't believe that, but on the other hand she hadn't pressed the issue and let him go with a quick I love you and good night. And the more he thought of it, he figured he might as well prepare for an early night. He was already in his boxers, it was much easier to keep cool when working hard at cleaning if he wasn't fully clothed.

Taking a seat on his couch, now that it was clean enough to sit on he flipped on the tv. He knew something good had to be on tv, it was a Sunday night and there was always some type of television show on.

Knock Knock Knock

Adam flipped off the tv with annoyance. Apparently his sister had decided to stop in with or without his consent. Walking over to the door he opened it to find Jared and not his sister.

"Can I come in for a little bit?" Jared asked shyly, a quality that had never possessed the bold teenager before.

"Sure, make yourself comfortable." Adam shut the door and followed Jared to the couch, taking a seat. He was aware that he was only his boxers, but he figured Jared had seen it all last night, and it really didn't matter what he wore now.

"Um, I kinda figured we should talk about, well yeah, your party." Jared replied, again he seemed to be in an awkward situation.

"I guess we should." Adam replied regretting having said something so stupid, and feeling as though it might have sounded harsh.

"Well, see, here's the thing. I'm not really good at this kind of stuff. I mean, I'm not really good at this kind of stuff with girls, so I assume I wouldn't be good at this kind of stuff with guys either, which is certainly coming off that way as right now, because I'm definetly rambling on and on. So I'll just get to my point, and if you could just let me say everything I have to say before you interrupt or say anything yourself I'd really appriciate. Okay, I had a really great time at your party, and I wasn't drunk or anything when we went up into the bedroom, I was all there, and I know you weren't, so I don't know if it meant anything to you, but it definetly rocked my world. That's a little corny, sorry, um, yeah, I'm not gay, I'm not straight, I guess I'm bi, and I definetly think you are a big reason for that. So what I'm about to do is going to be a first for me, cuz, no means to brag, but I've never had to ask any one out and all, so yeah, this is new for me. Alright, to the point...Adam I really like you and I was wondering if you would like to be my boyfriend."

Adam sat speechless through the whole speech, still speechless when it was done too.

"Um, okay, I'm done now. So yeah, you can talk now, I mean, yeah." Jared replied with a hopeful smile.

"Yeah, I'll, yes." Adam replied with a smile of his own.

"Cool, cuz I was worried for a second you were gonna say no for some reason. I didn't know why, but you didn't answer and you were just sitting there and I was getting a little worried is all." Jared laughed to himself. "So, I was hoping we wouldn't have tell any one until I could kinda figure out what I'm doing here. I mean, I like you and all, alot, but I'm not ready for the whole school to know that I'm, well, ya know, gay or bi...or whatever. So maybe we could just tell the guys and then see how things go from there."

"Sure." Adam replied, he was new at this too, and he wasn't really sure what to say to the whole thing. "I'm sure they'll be cool with it, they don't have any problems with me, so why should they have a problem with me dating you? And as for the school, most of them won't care, and if any one does I'm sure you can kick their ass."

"Yeah, me too." Jared laughed. "So, what were you doing when I got here?"

"I was thinking of watching a movie or something, but I'd rather just settle in for bed. I'm actually really tired." Adam didn't have to lie on that one, because as soon as he finished speaking a yawn followed.

"You definetly look comfy, maybe I could join you?" Jared's mouth had formed into a bright smile, and Adam felt himself blush again. "Your cute when you blush."

"Thanks, um, I don't know about the whole bed thing. Cuz, well, it's different, I mean, now that we're um, dating and all. I don't know if I just wanna have sex all the time, it feels different now." Adam replied without meeting Jared's eyes.

"Dude, I really just wanna sleep. All you think about sex?" Jared laughed to himself as Adam blushed at his own stupidity. "Seriously though, I know I've probably got some clothes left here from one of your parties or something, I can just shower and change here for school in the morning. I can drive too." Jared replied with a smile.

"Sure." Adam smiled and stood. "And I think about a lot more then sex."

"I know babe." Jared kissed Adam on the cheek and watched his new boyfriend blush. "I think I need to get a little more comfortable myself." With that Jared slipped out of his pants and then his shirt, now only clad in a pair of tight fitting boxer briefs. Adam couldn't help but admire Jared's body, his six pack and muscles could have kept him up for hours with admiration. And the bulge he sported was enough to make him regret what he said about not wanting to have sex. "Ready?"

Jared snapped Adam out his stare and smiled. "Yeah, ready." Adam smiled and followed Jared up the steps. Once in his bedroom, Adam climbed into the bed, and Jared followed. It wasn't until Jared pulled him into his arms and he cuddled into a warm chest and soothing hands that Adam realized he was some one's boyfriend. It was at that realization that he smiled deeply, breathed in Jared's scent and quickly went to sleep with peaceful dreams.

Ring Ring Ring

"You're lucky, you were almost late." Jamie laughed as Adam took his seat next to her.

"For hall?" Adam asked sarcastically as he flipped open his notebook. "Not like I haven't missed this class a hundred times over and over again."

"Yes, but most of the time you miss first period by yourself, and you usually do it because your sleeping in. But today, well today I'm pretty sure you came to school with Jared, and I have a hunch you were late for some other reason then sleeping in." Jamie laughed to herself.

"First off, yes, I did come to school with Jared. He drove us here because he stayed at my house last night. Second, we were late because we got up late and had to shower, ya know, I'm use to only having to wait for myself to shower, not some one else too. So I didn't exactly set my alarm clock appropriately. And third, don't hint that I had sex with him cuz I didn't." Adam replied with a smirk.

"If you weren't having sex then why did he stay at your house?" Jamie asked as though she had out did him.

"He came over, after dinner, I guess when he dropped you guys off or whatever. Either way we got to talking, he asked me out, and we went to bed. Nothing sexual...ask him yourself." Adam replied, hoping, although he knew, that Jamie wouldnt' realize the whole thing about asking him out.

"So in other words nothing sexual, sleep, and you and Jared are dating?" Jamie asked with a bright smile.

"Did I walk in on something?" Brent took a seat at the table, he was late, but then again, so was just about every body to a first period study hall, at least those he chose to attend.

"Um, no, I was just telling Jamie that Jared and I are a couple now. But I was also about to tell both of you that Jared doesn't want the whole school to know, so he and I would like it if you two didn't go and tell any body except for the group. I mean, you can tell Megan, and Jenny, and Brittany, and Nick, and Jimmy, but no one else. Please..." Adam asked with a pleading face.

"No prob, count on me." Brent laughed and put his head down. "Wake me when the bell rings."

"I'm happy for you, I mean, seriously, you deserve it." Jamie smiled and smacked Adam on the shoulder. "But seriously, you guys had sex didn't you?" Jamie smirked at Adam and winked.

"No, we didn't have sex, I thought he wanted to, but yeah, we just went to bed. I wasn't in the mood for it, I was tired, he was tired, and it's different. I mean, we're dating now. Before, I mean, Saturday night it was just sex, now it's, I don't know, things have got to be romantic or something." Adam replied with a smile.

"I'm trying to sleep here and all I get to listen to is sappy love stuff." Brent picked his head up. "Dude, it's bad enough with the girls, now I gotta listen to you and Jared talking about all this shit about loving and crap like that. Dude being one of two straight guys in a group of like 8 or something sucks. "

"Yeah, being in a group with four girls and two guys would suck wouldn't it." Jamie laughed, she apparently being the only one who got her own little joke. Adam just groaned at it, while Brent shook his head in agreement, he was defintely not sure of what he was shaking his head to though.

Meanwhile, across the school in the math department section, Jared was busy taking notes, but still had the chance to talk to Jenny and Jimmy.

" were almost late to class today. Any special reason, or um, ya know, any good, juicy reason?" Jenny smiled at him as she sucked on the end of her pen. Jared could tell by the expression on her face that she knew who he had arrived to school late with. He knew lying would just make it worse.

"To tell you the truth I might have something juicy. I was late cuz I Adam's place. You guys can't tell anybody though, I'm not really ready for, ya know...the school to know that I'm gay. But Adam and I are officially a couple now, so that's why I was late." Jared replied with a smile gracing his face.

"That wasn't juicy, I was expecting sex, and sex details, not I slept in." Jenny laughed.

"As long as I don't have to hear those details then I'll keep your secret bro." Jimmy laughed too and gave Jared a quick five.

The coughing of there teacher drew them back into class, because notes definetly weren't done yet.

Fastforward about four hours and enter the lunch room of Pine Valley High. The group of friends, lucky enough to all have lunch together are seated at a large table, the events of the night before carrying the lead attention of them all.

"Alright, alright, so we can't tell anybody, but you know it's gonna get out some time. I'm sure we weren't the only ones that saw the two of you go off together after the party, and I'm also sure that they just didn't decide to keep quiet about it. Rumors go through this school like chicken through my mom." Nick laughed, everyone else just frowned, having heard Nick use that expression hundreds of times in the recent past.

"We know that it will eventually come out to the school, but I'm just not ready right now for a huge outting. I'll gradually tell people, like some of the guys on the football team, and then ya know, let it spread from there. I'm not afraid of the reaction, most of the school will be cool with it, I'm just worried about how it's gonna affect everything. I mean, things are so different now. Like...I was homecoming king, and now I doubt I'll be prom king, it's just shit like that that's gonna get to me." Jared replied with a forced smile.

"You never know. You're still a candidate, no doubt. You just won't have Adam as a queen, I mean, yeah." Nick didn't know how to get himself out of his comment, so he chose to stop talking.

"I know what you mean." Adam laughed a little.

"Good, cuz I wasn't trying to be insulting or anything. I'm sure you'd make a great queen, if you had breasts or a cunt or something."

"HEY!" Jared wasn't pleased with the comment, but every one else, including Adam got a laugh out of the situation.

"Sorry dude, I was only joking. Even your boy got a laugh." Nick apologized with a tone of red on his cheeks and a small smile he couldn't remove.

"Whatever, just don't make comments like that. I don't care if it doesn't piss him off, it pisses me off." Jared replied, Adam trying to calm him with out being noticed by others, slowly stroked his leg.

"Let's just drop the conversation and move onto something else. Do you plan on telling your parents Jar?" Jamie moved interest towards another topic. One that she was not the only to have been questioning.

"They'll understand it. I mean, god they love you all, they love Adam, so I wouldn't see why they wouldn't. But not yet. My dad will take time to understand it, and I'd rather not spring it on him right now, he's been swamped with work and throwing this on top of that would just drain him of everything. My mom, she'll be cool with it. Afterall she never did really like any of my old girlfriends." Jared laughed.

"If you'd even call them girlfriends." Nick laughed, at first Jared was ready with a comeback, but he dropped it and laughed along.

"I didn't know your parents loved us all. Since when?" Jenny asked inquisitively.

"Um, in case you didn't notice, all of our parents love all of us. Well, except for Adam's because they dont' know any of us. But as for the rest of our parents we're all like distance relatives that have to come and visit often." Jamie replied in a matter of fact tone. "My parents like ya'll more then they like me."

"Ditto that." Brent laughed.

"I'm sure if my parents knew you they'd like ya'll more then me." Adam smiled and laughed.

"Do your parents even know your gay?" Megan asked.

"My sister does, I told her about a year ago, bout the same time I told ya'll. But not them, my dad would disown me, and my mo would just try and change me. My sister completely understood, but she also agreed that I shouldn't talk to parents about it, that they wouldn't be so willing to accept." Adam replied in a not so happy tone of voice. Jared just smiled at him, no one having anything to offer as words.

"How is your sister?" Megan asked, changing topic.

"Yeah, I haven't been to Mrs. Klein's office in awhile." Jimmy laughed.

"That's a good thing honey, that means you aren't goofy anymore." Jenny laughed and kissed her boyfriend on the cheek.

"My sister is fine, and you don't have to be goofy to visit her office." Adam laughed. His sister was the school guidance counselor for the 11th and 12th graders, frequently the group was known to go hang out in the office as an excuse to miss classes. Even if they did have to hang out with a late woman in her twenties it beat going to classes, and they had to admit that she was pretty cool.

Ring Ring Ring

The class bell interupted conversation as the group split for their classes. Adam was off to gym, none of his friends in the class, at least, none of the friends he hung out with out of school. But being popular meant there was always some one willing to hang out with you, and Adam was friendly with almost all the kids in the class.

As he undressed though, he was interupted by a shove from one of the few kids he could not stomach. Andrew Kombs. His attitude towards Adam had always been ignorance and cockiness, that also summed up his whole personality in two words as well. The kid had the ego of a superstar, and Adam usually tried to avoid him if possible. Gym class was one of those places where it was almost impossible to avoid someone. The locker room couldn't have been much smaller, about thirty lockers, and a small shower room fit for three people at best with six shower heads.

"Hey fag, heard you had a party this weekend?" Adam ignored him, knowing that talking to him would just prolong the conversation. Instead he pulled on his gym shorts, and pulled out his gym shirt. "Yeah, you don't have to answer me. I already heard about it. Too bad I wasn't there, I could have fucked you good and hard little boy."

Adam continued to ignore him as he tied up his tennis shoes. It was at that moment that he could ignore no more because Andrew was positioned right behind him, and Adam could tell that the asshole's own dirty talking had gotten himself aroused. Adam could tell because Andrew was in a position that left nothing to be undecided. "Come on, every one is already dressed and in the gym. It's just you and me, and I've had just about all the pussy this school has to offer, it's time I get a piece of your boy pussy."

"I don't think so." Adam pushed Andrew, not having much of an effect, but enough to get far enough away that if he made noise others would hear. Andrew shrugged and flicked him off, slipping out of his own clothes to get dressed. Adam walked into the gym, taking his place in the role call line hoping he wasn't too late.

Gym class wasn't so bad on most days. Today for examply they were given a free period in the weight room, to do whatever they pleased with partners. Adam usually chose to just toss around the weight ball with a group of people, but today he had decided to head back to the main gym and shoot hoops with Lindsey Chomps, a friend who happened to be on the girls basketball team.

"So, I happened to hear a to fess up if it's true?" Lindsey asked as she made a three point shot.

"Sure, why not?" Adam replied with a shrug as he missed a shot from the foul line.

"I over heard something going on in the locker room when I walked by..." Adam frowned, he thought she was going to ask about him and Jared, but the conversation was leading towards something more recent. "and I think I heard you and Andrew doing something not so school appropriate." Adam shook his head furiously.

"No, you are definetly wrong. He's a fucking asshole, and he tried something with me, but no go." Adam replied.

"Why? He's hot." Lindsey replied with a smile. That couldn't be dispelled so easily. Andrew truly wasn't a bad looker. His dark skin and well built frame were worth the attention that he got from many of the girls, it was the way he spoke to people that was a surprise. Adam would never find interest in someone with such a personality.

"Nah, he definetly isn't my type." Adam replied as gym class continued.

As gym class ended, well, ten minutes before it ended Adam slipped into the locker room. He figured he should shower before Andrew came in, knowing that if he was showering it would make it easier for Andrew, he was much bigger then him, to cause more of a problem. Under the warm water of the shower he washed his body and quickly washed his hair. He knew the longer shower he took the more people would file into the locker room and cram in the shower, he didn't like all that conduct so he turned off the water and dried his body slowly. With the towel around his waist he walked back to his locker and clothes.

He was met with an unpleasant smirking grin.

"All I have to do is get that towel off your body and I could make you mine." Adam took notice that Andrew was already dressed from gym class, taking it that he must have been waiting for him. He also noticed that Andrew had kindly put his boxers and jeans on the top of the lockers. A place Adam could only reach if he stepped up onto the bench. And with five minutes left before gym class truly ended he had no help to get them down. "oh, you wanna get dressed?"

"I'd like that." Adam replied in a bitter voice.

"I don't know, I kinda like you like that. But if you wanna get dressed just get up their and get 'em down." Andrew stepped back and Adam eyed him wearily. He knew it wasn't wise, but he really didn't wanna wait, so he stepped up onto the bench and grabbed his clothes. On his way down Andrew's hands were on his waist, and the towel was quickly on the floor. As said before, Adam had been naked in front of many a people. Including Andrew frequently in the gym locker room, but this was definetly a different situation.

Standing in a locker room, with a guy much taller and stronger then you, his hands on your naked body, the situation was definetly different. Andrew's arm was quickly around Adam's body, holding one arm down while his other hand pinned over Adam's mouth. Adam fought hard, but with only one arm in an awkward position, he didn't have much of a fighting chance.

With ease Andrew dragged Adam into one of the stalls used for kids who didn't like to change in front of others. Adam was trapped and Andrew had the upper hand.

So, that was chapter two. I hope you enjoyed. Let me know what you thought by sending an e-mail to I got a lot of feedback from the first chapter and I wanna let everyone who sent me an e-mail that I really appriciate it. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I know this was sorta out there, Andrew being a completely new character, but this is where the story leads.

Let me know what you think should happen...good or bad.

Next: Chapter 3

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