Piracy on the High Seas

By James Jones

Published on Jun 24, 2009


This tale contains sex between males, if this isn't to your liking or you are underage or it is illegal where you reside then you should leave now.

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Piracy on the High Seas, Part 10 by justjames17.

Shots, shouts and screams sounded in the distance causing consternation and fear amongst the prisoners, everyone in the compound crouched on the ground eyes moving constantly searching for movement or the opening of the gates. Jessie and Aashish crept to the gates peering through the gaps between the thick bamboo poles they were constructed from; there was no sign of the pirates or whoever was fighting with them. Aashish whispered, "If you and I push on the gate, maybe we can force it open enough to squeeze through."

Jessie put his shoulder to the bamboo and braced himself pushing with all his strength against the smooth timber, the gate creaked and moved on the chain fastening them. The gap slowly increased and Aashish's slender body inched into the gap, a couple of the crew saw the struggle and came to help, one carrying an upright pole from one of the shelters. The pole slid between the gates and used like a crow bar soon had the gap wide enough for Jessie and Aashish to slip through and outside the compound. The firing still crackling in the hot humid air the two lads hurried to the jungle and followed the path leading towards the beach, where the firing seemed to be happening.

They crept along the overgrown track ready to dive into the thick undergrowth at the first sign of trouble, the gloom lightened as they approached the beach and here they paused hiding behind a large leafed plant peering out onto the bright sunlit sand. Several dead bodies lay still their carmine blood seeping into the white sand, Jessie recognised one of the dead, he had been on the launch that had captured him. The guns were blazing away out of sight down the beach; the lads peered out craning their necks trying to make out who was fighting with their captors, was it a military patrol coming to rescue them?

The battle raged on unabated and neither Jessie nor Aashish were daring enough to venture out into the open to see what was happening, as they his watching and waiting they heard a low moan close by. Both lads looked about the thick undergrowth and they saw some movement in the bushes on the far side of the track. Jessie crept across to see who was there and the moans led him on until he discovered who it was, he saw a bloody leg protruding from under a thick shrub. Jessie carefully crept across as he saw the leg tremble, the moaning grew in volume as he reached the concealing shrub he looked around and saw it was the good looking fit young black pirate who he'd been rooted by on Sea Hound.

Jessie felt sorry for the lad who was moaning and clutching his bleeding thigh, the bullet seemed to have passed through the leg missing the bone, but the pain made the lad moan as tears ran down his smooth shiny cheeks. Jessie bent and knelt beside the lad who flinched away at first then he saw it was Jessie and he relaxed somewhat, Jessie asked him who had shot him and the young pirate told him it was another group trying to take control of their captured vessels so they could get hold of the ransom money. Aashish crept across and joined Jessie with the young pirate, Jessie removed the youth's grubby t-shirt and began tearing it into bandages he gently bound the bleeding thigh. The young pirate groaned and winced as Jessie lifted up his long lightly muscled leg and wound the bandages about his wound tying them off with a knot. Jessie admired the youth's supple smooth ebony skin and the feel of it caused him to crack a bar, Aashish watching giggled muffling the sound with his hand.

Aashish whispered, "Jessie you fancy him don't you?"

Jessie grinned and nodded, "Yeah Aashish he had sex with me before we came to the island, it was after his rough mates raped my arse but he was gentle and showed he cared."

Aashish grinned, "He is certainly a sexy looking guy and looking up the leg of his shorts I can see he is well loaded."

Jessie nodded, "Yes he is hung like a young stallion and believe me he knows how to use that long dong."

Aashish gently ran his hand up the uninjured leg of the youth and under the hem of his shorts, the material rode up as Aashish's hand moved closer to the genitals opening the view of the partly hidden treasures. Jessie's eyes roamed over the now exposed smooth crotch, the lad's groin was either shaved or he was a very late bloomer, the bare flesh accentuated the imposing pole that was rising to the occasion like a crane's jib. The soft silky foreskin slid back slightly allowing the cock's single eye to peep out at the world and see the two teens bent over it. The crimson knob contrasting incredibly with the ebony hood, a tear of milky fluid glistened in the eye as if a tear was forming.

The youth looked up at the two captives and he suddenly realised they shouldn't be here helping him, "How is it you are here?"

Jessie put his finger to those purplish puffy lips and whispered, "Hush you mustn't raise your voice whisper."

Aashish by now was feeling up that throbbing tower of tumescent muscle and licked his lips in anticipation of tasting the lad's tool, Jessie whispered, "We escaped to come and find out what is happening after the shooting began. Do you think you can walk if we support you?"

The lad closed his eyes and bit his lip moaning softly as his erection was being gently stroked and felt up by Aashish's hand, the young pirate opened his eyes again a dreamy expression on his smooth face and he looked up into Jessie's blue eyes and nodded. Jessie whispered to Aashish to let go the new toy he'd been playing with and help get the lad up so they could move back deeper into the jungle away from the fighting as a bullet whistled over their head smacking into a tree trunk behind them.

They helped the lad up and each took an arm putting it over their shoulders, the lad stood on one leg keeping his other bent at the knee so his foot wasn't touching the ground. They turned and crept back to the track and headed inland towards the compound, Jessie's arm around the slim waist of the wounded lad as he hopped along between them. They slowly made the trek back to the clearing where the compound was, they stopped at the edge and helped the lad rest on a fallen tree trunk. He sighed and placed his hands on the log his good leg splayed out to the side his wounded one bent at the knee keeping his foot off the ground.

Aashish knelt between his legs and ran his hand up the soft smoothness of the lad's inner thigh pushing up the leg of his shorts until he located the long ebony tube of flaccid flesh, his fingers stroked and caressed the lad's organ until it was again stiff and standing tall up from his rucked up short's leg. The youth watched him through pain slitted eyes; Aashish bent down and pressed his lips to the angry red knob kissing the hot pulsating pud. His tongue licked across the slit tasting the lad's pre cum, the lad jerked and shuddered to his core at the sensation, it overpowered the pain of his wounds and he moaned sensuously.

Jessie sat beside him and reached a hand out gently clutching his ebony chin and turning his handsome shiny black face towards him, Jessie kissed the young pirate then send his tongue on an errand across those full pouty purple lips. The lad moaned at the double stimulation and opened his wide mouth to allow Jessie's tongue to invade his orifice as the two hot horny lads kissed passionately. Aashish watched the two hunks kissing as he bobbed and sucked on the huge turgid tool, the cock was leaking into his mouth and Aashish loved the taste of the sweet nectar. Jessie's fingers tweaked and twisted the firm little nubs of the lad's nipples, his tongue delved and licked about the slippery mouth rubbing on teeth and tongue as they snogged moltenly.

Aashish sucking hard on the straining schlong now fancied trying to take that incredibly long dong up his tight little quoit, he wondered what it would feel like to have that elongated erotic erection sliding in and out of his tight back passage. He needed to know and rose from his knees still sucking and slobbering on the saliva coated cock, he released the wet wand from his mouth watching it swing back slapping moistly on the ridged muscles of the lad's abdomen. He spat on his fingers and stuffed them into his hot hole lubing his tight flexing vent as he twisted them around loosening his ring. Jessie saw Aashish and knew he was going to try sitting on the pole he broke from his snogging and moved behind Aashish grasping his tight firm arse cheeks opening them wide before plunging his face into the hot sweaty crack and burying his tongue inside his friend's anus.

Aashish yelped in delight as Jessie made oral love to his arse, rimming him madly, he bent over slobbering on the awesome prick making sure it was soaking and slippery it glistened and pulsed as he slobbered over it and Jessie flooded his bum with spittle. Aashish moaned around the mouth-stuffing monster, "Jessie root me loosen me up so I can take this fearsome fucker."

Jessie leapt to the request ramming his bloated bone up the tight flexing lips of Aashish's anus, he nearly fainted as that hot silken slippery flesh encompassed and gripped his throbbing tool, Aashish's colon grasped and caressed Jessie's meat as the young sailor rammed and rooted his hole, both lads grunting and groaning as the sound of flesh slapping flesh filled the three lads' ears. The young pirate was wanking his monster, pain forgotten in the haze of lust, the long pillar glistening with saliva and pre cum as he stroked his hand up and down that tall tool. Jessie soon reached his peak and thrust hard grinding into Aashish's arse as his balls voided pumping a huge hot creamy load up inside the dark hot tube of Aashish's innards. Jessie collapsed onto his mate's back as he clung on to keep himself from collapsing.

Jambo, the young pirate, now lost in his own sexual eruption, spouted copious cum bullets from his long dong pearly pud juice spattered down across the two panting lads in front of him. The sight of Jessie rooting Aashish was too much for him he just had to blow or he felt he would burst. All three lads were lost to the world until clapping and whistling awoke them to their surroundings, there were the rest of Aashish's crew mates all standing around them applauding the sex show while most exhibited their enjoyment by the tenting of their shorts or trousers.

The men had broken free from the compound and now wondered what to do as the lads told them of the war raging on the beach where the pier and boat were. Aashish Jessie and Jambo pulled up their shorts or speedos and joined the other prisoners, a suggestion of going into the jungle in the opposite direction was discussed and the majority decided it was worth a try as they were sitting ducks here at the compound. The jungle looked formidable as they walked across the clearing but on closer inspection there was an overgrown track just visible and this they followed.

The trek along the track was exhausting as they had to crawl or squeeze through the scrub growing over the old pathway, the heat and humidity took a toll on the poorly fed prisoners and their pace was slow and faltering, the three lads struggled along behind the main group Aashish and Jessie encumbered with the wounded Jambo. The long day dragged on and the group stumbled and limped through the airless humidity, their tired bodies soaked in sweat and bleeding from myriad small cuts and nicks from the sharp edged leaves of some of the plants.

Eventually a faint lightening of the green gloom the track curved to the left around a huge boulder then straightened once more to open up a vista through the scrub. A glare from white sand was visible and their pace increased till they broke free from the tortuous trees, there in front of them was a large concrete building it was showing signs of age and had moss growing on the inland side. They stopped in their tracks wondering what it was, the captain of the tanker took off his cap whipping his sweaty brow and said, "I'll be damned its an old gun emplacement or fort of some kind, its probably 60 or so years old and was built during the second World War by the look of it."

The exhausted group walked towards the edifice looking about them and one of the crew off to their left nearer the jungle yelled, "Hoy there is water here, a small stream running from the jungle."

They all changed course and staggered to where he was kneeling on the sand lifting water in his cupped hands drinking thirstily, they all joined him and slaked their thirsts before beginning to splash the water over their hot tired bodies. Thirsts taken care of they again walked to the old building to find it was larger than at first thought, it was quite an imposing structure, the iron entry door was rusty from the salt air and half buried by drifting sand that had built up along the wall refused to open until they dug away the sand and then used a branch as a lever gradually opened the creaking metal.

Inside the air was musty but cool due to the thick walls, their hushed voices echoed about the chambers as they explored to see what they could find, numerous store rooms on the ground floor contained supplies still in their wooden or metal crates, one large room had racks of weapons stored along with ammunition and crates of large shells, everything was stamped D^D meaning Department of Defence so must have come from England. Another storeroom yielded crates of emergency rations in packages and cans everything just as it was when left by the garrison so many years past, obviously it was too expensive to ship the supplies back home and being a deserted island it had been left in situ.

The fortress had large guns that were mounted on hoists that raised them up to the firing position; the mechanisms were greased and slightly corroded but still intact a credit to their makers and the maintenance by the gunners. We wondered if the weapons were still usable and returned to the armoury pulling out some .303 rifles and a Bren gun along with a metal case containing ammunition. These were carried outside where the magazines were loaded and after checking out the mechanisms and barrels of the weapons they fired perfectly. We now felt safe and able to hold our own against the pirates, maybe even overcome them and regain our freedom leaving this island and going about our business once more.

We tried out the rations and found them still edible although rather tasteless but they filled our hungry bellies, the captain posted armed sentries on the parapets and locked the huge steel doors by sliding a rifle through the handles inside. The rest of us collapsed on the metal-framed wire sprung bunks, no bedding had been found but we slept like babes inside our safe fortress.

Back at the battle our captors slowly overpowered the invaders and the last half dozen surrendered begging for mercy, the victors looked down at their trembling captives and seeing they were the younger members of the raiders decided to have brutal sex with them before deciding what to do with them. The squeals of pain and anguished pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears as the men took their pleasure on the captives; once they were satiated they lolled about their limp victims laughing as they watched their battered twitching, shuddering bodies oozing sperm from both ends. Their leader decided the captives, if they swore allegiance, would be of use to him as he'd lost some men in the battle, he grasped each quaking lad by his short curly hair pulling their tear stained faces up as he glared into their tear wet eyes and demanded they vow to obey him. All but one gave in and agreed licking their new master's cum stained and smelly cock, the one who refused had his head ruthlessly pulled hard back as the leader's sharp blade sliced through his throat and his bucking body dropped to the sand at his feet where it twitched gurgling until dead.

The leader now ordered six of his men to hurry back to the compound and check on the prisoners while the rest buried the bodies on the beach.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 11

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