
By Jay Bee

Published on Mar 10, 2005


Pisspot by JompingBeeen

Ron hadn't taken it well when he'd been dumped by Josh. They'd been together for about six months, and Ron genuinely thought that Josh would be the One for him. They were both into similar things (Climbing, weights, cars, sex), both similar heights (Ron was 5'11", Josh was 5'10"), had similar outlooks on life (both were easy-going, cared about the environment, lived their lives to the full), and had got on very well with each other. Unfortunately Josh was a little uncomfortable with some of Ron's deeper sexual desires. Ron had always been very kinky, and interested in experimenting. Josh, on the other hand, was very much into vanilla activities. He enjoyed their sexual adventures plenty, but felt guilty that he might be holding Ron back. Ron on the other hand was satisfied but sometimes wanted a little more. As time wore on, the issue grew and grew, until finally, one day, Josh had decided this wasn't a good match after all.

Ron had been angry, but had accepted the situation and moved on. Two months later, their lives had separated and they only occasionally bumped into each other in awkward encounters in bars and nightclubs. In this time, the two of them had had a number of one-nighters, but nothing special. Josh was even beginning to wonder if he'd made a mistake.

Friday night had rolled around again. Josh was off out to a local gay bar, a flashy, shallow place called Drool. Josh wasn't in the mood to be subtle, and neither was the bar. He picked out the night's clothing, a pair of grey sports shoes, a rough-looking pair of jeans, a red T-shirt, and a bulky grey jacket. The T-shirt had an image on the back of a measuring ruler running across the lower back, alternating between yellow and black at each inch, with each inch numbered. Just above the ruler to the right was a silhouette of a muscular man, viewed from directly above and facing to the left, aiming his huge penis along the ruler, with a vivid white spurt of liquid clearly depicted spraying out of the penis and reaching the other side of the shirt. Above the man some white lettering said "How far will you get tonight?"

Josh went out, caught a taxi, reached the club. As he walked in, the noise hit him. Dozens of men were lounging around, nonchalantly eyeing each other up and occasionally hitting on each other. Josh didn't feel entirely comfortable in this kind of environment, it was a little too pressured. Unfortunately he was getting various bodily urges that he could only satisfy one way. He began to scan the crowd.

"Too old...too tall...too skinny...too camp...damn, I just want a fuck..." thought Josh, feeling slightly guilty at his shallowness.

He wandered slowly towards the bar, thinking of buying a drink. The clutch of guys in front of him decided to go to a table, and suddenly he found himself face to face with Ron.

"Um...hi..." said Josh awkwardly.

"Hi," said Ron, glowering at him.

Josh dithered for a minute, not knowing what to do as Ron eyed him. Abruptly, Ron turned away and walked over to a group he had apparently been drinking with. Josh breathed a sigh of relief and continued to the bar. He realised his heart was thumping as he ordered a drink.

He sat down at the bar and eventually managed to strike up a conversation with a lightly-muscled blonde guy who admired his T-shirt when he took off his jacket, and they chatted about the scene and the various gay bars in the area. In fact, Josh got quite distracted by the whole conversation and managed to forget the embarrassing meeting with Ron a short while earlier. So much was he distracted that he didn't notice that Ron had in fact returned to the bar and was right behind where he was sitting. Had he been a little more alert he would also have noticed Ron quickly drop a tablet into his drink when he left it on the bar. His new friend didn't let him know what had happened either.

Josh took a swig, failing to notice anything wrong...until he realised he felt a little dizzy. He assumed it was the alcohol, but he definitely felt a bit..blurry. He stood up, making some vague apologies, grabbed his jacket, and staggered towards the door. He managed to get down the street and around a corner before he suddenly fell down.

Josh awoke to a feeling of something restraining his wrists and ankles. He groggily opened his eyes and tried to look around the dim, cold room he was now in. He was sitting on an ancient wooden chair in the middle of the floor. He realised slowly that he was tied to the chair too, and also that there was something in his mouth. A gag. The floor was made of concrete and was icy cold. There were various items scattered around, bottles of detergent, packets of paper towels, mops, buckets and brushes lying against the walls. The room itself was very small and bare, with only a single cupboard built into one wall. As he became more aware of his surroundings, Josh also became aware of two others in the room with him.

Ron stood over him with a large bag in his hand, a laptop bag. Beside him was a muscular black-haired guy wearing a black T-shirt with "Fuck Buddy" on the front. The guy leered at him and flicked his gaze over Josh's restraints. As he became more aware and awake, Josh began to realise just how tightly tied up he was. Josh could only look around as Ron explained to him exactly where he was. Apparently this was a small room behind the urinals in a public toilet that was off a busy subway under a busy city-centre street. Josh could indeed see pipes coming out of the walls at regular intervals, corresponding to the urinals on the other side of the wall. Each pipe dropped down and connected to a main pipe just above the floor. This had apparently been done to keep the layout of the toilet nice and neat, and to reduce any potential vandalism.

Ron explained that the cleaner was a friend of his, and had used this setup before. He told Josh that the cleaning equipment normally stored here had mostly been removed, and the urinal was ready for a "special" set up. As he spoke, Ron's heavily-built friend opened the cupboard and removed several lengths of piping and some tools. Ron and his friend set to work disconnecting one of the urinals from the main drain. They fixed another pipe to it, untied Josh from the chair, and dragged him over to the mouth of the pipe.


Josh tried to cry out as they secured him in place on a mat and used a barrel full of industrial floor cleaner to prop him up in a sitting position. They then pulled off his gag.

"What the fuck are you doing??"

Josh tried to struggle against his bonds, but he was tied tight. Helplessly he was pushed right up to the open mouth of the pipe, where Ron put a bondage device over his head which forced his mouth open. The pipe was connected to the opening in the bondage gag. Ron then pulled a laptop out of the bag he had brought in and turned it on.

"This will give you a nice view of everything going on," said Ron.

The machine warmed up, booted, and Ron ran a program. The screen then changed to a view from a camera. As Josh watched, the view changed, cycling every thirty seconds or so from one view to the next. It quickly became clear that several cameras had been set up in the public toilet, with various views from above, beside, and even built-into, the urinal. Ron set up the laptop on a box of paper towels right in front of Josh. He then unzipped Ron's trousers, fumbled around inside, and pulled his soft cock out.

"See you in a few hours, Josh!"

Ron and his friend left the room, locking it behind them. Josh struggled and twisted but he was tied too securely. All he could do was suck on the tube and watch the screen. It cycled to the in-urinal cam. A few minutes passed with the toilet in relative darkness, then light fell across a far wall - the door had been opened. As he watched, Josh and his friend swaggered into the public toilet, both walking straight over to the urinal.

"Can you hear me you fucker? Yeah, you can hear me!"

Ron's voice came tinnily out of a speaker inside the laptop.

"This is just a quick taster of what you're gonna get..."

The door now closed behind them, and the lights came on. Josh watched as they stood side-by-side at the one urinal, reached down for their zippers, unzipped them slowly, pushed their hands inside their jeans, pulled out their hardening cocks. Ron's uncircumcised erection was a familiar sight, and Josh's own cock gave a small twitch of recognition. Ron's friend's cock was bigger, cut, and bulged with veins and arteries. They were both becoming extremely aroused, and despite himself, so was Josh.

The camera cycled through some side-on views, displaying the length and girth of the two bulging hard-ons. Both guys were gripping the bases of their cocks and stroking them very gently. The view switched back to the in-urinal cam. As Josh watched in a mixture of horror and growing excitement, Ron's cock began spraying a stream of yellow liquid out and down into the urinal, to the accompanyment of a hissing sound from the laptop speakers. An instant later his friend's cock also began spilling its own yellow fluid. A few seconds passed as Josh's heart thumped in his chest, his eyes wide, before he felt a warm sensation at his tongue. Piss began to trickle out of the pipe and into his mouth. It tasted awful, but something in him was aroused by it. He felt his own cock stiffen and rise up from between his legs.

Josh watched wide-eyed as Ron and his friend steered their cocks backwards and forwards, playing the spray of urine left and right, up and down. His mouth was filling up with the liquid, and he had no choice but to swallow, feeling the heated juice flowing down his throat. As he gulped, Ron aimed his piss-stream higher and sprayed it full-on into the camera. Josh's view was obscured for a few seconds by yellow liquid splashing and spraying all over the camera, before Ron aimed down again. The view was now tinted yellow and distorted by the liquid on the lens, but Josh could still clearly see the two cocks pissing in tandem, and still tasted it flowing into his mouth.

Finally, Ron was finished. Josh watched him shake some drips off the end of his dick and put it back in his pants. His friend continued pissing for half a minute or so, and then also put his cock away. Ron fetched some tissue and carefully cleaned the lens, clearing Josh's view.

"This is the busiest pisser in town, Josh. I hope you're thirsty. Rush hour starts in ten minutes."

With that, Ron leered at the camera, and he and his friend strode away and out of the door. The last dribbles of their urine slid over Josh's tongue and he swallowed it down.

A few minutes passed. Josh could do nothing but stare at the screen. Finally a guy in a business suit walked in.

"Please choose another one!" thought Josh.

He squirmed. Although he was surprised he'd sort-of enjoyed Ron's little show, he wasn't so sure about a complete stranger pissing in his mouth. He'd been kinda freaked out by Ron's friend getting so much obvious enjoyment out of his dilemma, and he wondered if anyone else even realised he was down here.

To his relief, the suit chose the urinal to the right of his. The cameras still gave an excellent view of the businessman's flaccid cock relieving its pressure into the urinal. He even gave a slight sigh of pleasure as he urinated. He zipped up, turned on his heel, and walked out.

A few more minutes passed. Another suit, choosing the same urinal. Unfortunately a second suit now arrived. Josh watched him line himself up to his urinal, unzip his suit trousers, pull out his cock, and let rip. A high-pressure stream of piss positively shot out of the end of his cut dick. This guy really needed to piss badly. Almost immediately the flow reached Josh's mouth. He tried to pull away, but was fastened in tight. The bitter liquid splashed into his mouth, swirling around his tongue, gushing into him until he had no choice but to swallow.

"Fuck. Fuck. I'm gonna fucking kill Ron."

Josh could feel himself shaking. Feelings of pleasure were, despite his best efforts, beginning to make his cock harden again. The suit kept pissing and pissing.

"Fuck, man. What did you have for breakfast, two gallons of orange juice?" thought Josh.

His cock twitched as he swallowed and swallowed. Something about them not knowing he was there was beginning to excite him. The two suits walked out. Almost immediately a construction worker walked in. Josh heard his boots thumping towards his urinal. The guy had no shirt on, just a fluorescent jacket, and Josh had a perfect view of the faint traces of his lower abdominal muscles, dark curly hair running up the centre of them, ending just below his upper abs. He unbuckled his belt, and fully opened his filthy jeans. He was wearing no underwear and now Josh had a full view of his pubic hair, cock and balls. His cock was semi-erect and cut, and almost immediately after getting it out, he began pissing with a faint sigh, not even holding it, just letting it aim itself.

Josh blinked as he felt the piss reach his mouth. Each guy's piss had tasted a little different, presumably affected by whatever they'd been eating. This one was particularly bitter, but Josh was seriously enjoying himself. Out of the bottom of his eyes he could see his own cock throbbing and twitching as he gulped and swallowed. The flow stopped, but the worker just stood there for a second. He took a quick glance around as the view cycled. There was, temporarily, no-one else about.

"I've known Ron for a while. He's not too happy with you right now. He told me you were here and to have some fun with you. I expect he's told some other people too..." he said, almost as if to himself.

He gave another quick look around, making sure he was alone. Just as the view switched to the in-urinal cam, the construction worker grabbed his rapidly-hardening shaft, and began to wank furiously.

"This isn't the best wank I'm ever gonna have, but you deserve this." he gasped out.

He was obviously getting turned-on enormously, but was clearly in a hurry not to get caught. A few minutes passed as he grunted his way through the build-up, Josh getting a perfect head-on view of his thick juicy hard-on. Suddenly, his cock erupted with hot spunk, shooting down into the urinal, and sliding along the pipe.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. This is really turning me on. Shit. If only he knew. Shit. Shit!" thought Josh.

Still-hot sperm slid out of the pipe and dribbled into Josh's mouth. He felt his own cock spasm with delight as he tasted the familiar taste of fresh cum. The worker shook the last drops off his dick, put it away, and walked off without another word.

"Holy fuck."

Ron swilled the cum around his mouth as best he could around the mouthful of pipe, and chugged it down. In the distance a clock began to chime. Rush hour was now really beginning. Various city-workers from various professions began to use the toilets more and more frequently. Sometimes they chose other urinals, other times they chose Josh's.

Josh was forced to sit and view the screen, seeing up to four guys standing in a row, each pissing into their respective urinals, with Josh at the receiving end of one of them. Josh was even beginning to feel like pissing himself. Each time he saw a cock start spilling a fresh stream of liquid he felt a pull in his bladder, and he was pretty sure the mouthfuls of piss he was getting weren't helping either. After an hour of a continuous stream of guys coming in and pissing down his throat, Josh finally saw the door at the far end close.

In walked the cleaner, a lean character with tattoos.

"Shit. What if he disinfects the place?"

"Don't worry, I know about the arrangement" said the cleaner without looking up, almost as if listening to his thoughts.

He looked at each urinal in turn, noticed the camera, leaned down and gave Josh a grin. He reached over and rapped on the urinal with his knuckles.

"Doing okay in there are we? Gonna have to make sure you're comfortable, aren't we?"

With that he pulled out a flask, and poured the contents slowly down the urinal. Warm chicken soup reached Josh's mouth. His stomach rumbled at the taste and he gulped it down. The cleaner then rinsed the urinal with some ordinary water.

"Got some more fun heading your way. By the way, I used to fuck Ron before you two met. He's the filthiest bastard I ever knew and I wish I was in your shoes right now. I'd swill his piss till I drowned. You don't know how lucky you are."

Josh could only sit and blink. He watched the cleaner mop the floor half-heartedly before he opened the door and wandered out. As soon as he was out, in walked Ron, with three friends, none of whom Josh recognised. He heard the door lock again.

"Now, Josh, you're going to get an education. This is the kind of stuff I always wanted from you. I would never have forced it on you, but you got me so mad by dumping me. Lets see what you make of it."

One of his friends was carrying a bag. He put it down on the floor and pulled out four empty glass bottles. As Josh watched, each of them stood right in front of the urinal, semi-erect cocks in hand, and put their cockheads to the bottletops. They each in turn pissed until the bottles were full. It was clearly cold in the toilet, because as Josh watched them raise up the bottles, steam was rising from them. They exchanged bottles, apparently at random.

Ron sat down right in front of the urinal, and lifted his bottle to his lips, taking a long drag.

"I miss you, Josh. I won't deny it. But I am gonna make you pay. I'm gonna fill you full of piss until you piss yourself. I know you must be thinking about it, after all this heavy drinking. Once we're done here I'm coming in there, and you WILL give me what I always wanted. You WILL piss in my mouth. Then I'll let you go."

He took another long drag, then tipped the rest of the bottle slowly into the urinal. The other three did the same, Josh gulping on their mixed hot piss. His hard-on was practially screaming for more. He was having serious second-thoughts about having dumped Ron, this was so hot it was driving him crazy. I mean, Ron had always been a good guy, right? The only thing that bothered him was the kinky sex, right? Maybe it wasn't such a big deal...maybe he'd just made a big mistake.

One of Ron's friends kneeled down in front of the urinal, side-on to it. He had brown hair and brown eyes, and short spiky hair. Ron aimed his cock at his mouth, and let himself go. Piss sprayed out straight into the other guy's mouth, making him gasp. Steam rose from the stream of liquid as Josh watched. He felt his mouth begin to water. Surprised at himself, he realised he wanted to be part of the action, not just watching it.

When the spiky-haired fellow had had his fill, another replaced him, a skinhead with an eyebrow piercing. Ron again aimed a yellow stream of steaming urine straight into his mouth. The skinhead just sat with a look of pleasure in his eyes, gulping and swallowing it down. After what felt like an age of the skinhead gulping down a continuous stream of liquid, Ron reined himself in and let his other friend have a go. This guy had blue eyes and bleached white hair. Josh couldn't see much else of him from the current camera angle, but he also took a long drink from Ron's bulging cock.

Josh was, by this point, squirming on the floor, feeling his own cock twitch and throb. He watched the white-haired guy slowly suck on Ron's cock, enjoying it's flavour right in front of the urinal. Each of the three friends took a turn sucking and licking the tight hard flesh until Ron looked like he could barely take any more. His legs were beginning to shiver slightly as the tension built up. After a few more minutes of gentle teasing, Ron was clearly on the edge. He backed away and the other three took up positions at the urinal. Each of them had now had some time to let their previous drink filter through them, and were now beginning to feel the familiar tension of a full bladder.

Josh involuntarily groaned as he watched the three streams of piss hit the urinal almost simulataneously, flooding his mouth seconds later. From each camera angle he could see the three of them crowded around, looking down, concentrating on aiming their throbbing cocks. The view once again switched to the in-urinal cam, giving Josh an orgasm-inducing view of three huge hard erections, veins standing out on each of them, two circumcised and one not, each of them topped by tight rounded knobs of hot juicy purplish flesh, gleaming in the light. A solid yellow stream of fluid sprayed almost frantically from the head of each, widening as it exited the hole in their cockheads, then narrowing back down to a thin stream of steaming piss. Josh watched and watched, his hard on throbbing, gulping and swallowing. His own bladder was now full to bursting, begging for release. It was then that he realised from the camera views that Ron was no longer in the toilet.

The door behind Josh opened. Unable to move his head, he waited until Ron walked around in front of him.

"Ready? You better be..."

Ron got down on his stomach underneath the pipe running from the wall to Josh's mouth. He slid his mouth over Josh's throbbing hard-on and sucked it a little. Josh almost blew his load immediately.

"Hhhhhhnnnnnnn!" he cried.

"You know what you gotta do now, Josh. Go on, let it go. I know you want to."

Obeying, Josh tensed his bowels, but nothing emerged.

"Just relax, let it come. I know you're dying for a piss now. Just pretend you're in the bathroom."

Josh tried, picturing himself standing in front of a urinal. He felt a little begin to flow, but Ron's mouth was on his cockhead again. He just couldn't do it with such a distraction. He tried again, again managing a little tiny drip.

"This isn't gonna work," thought Josh.

He tried again. Ron looked up expectanctly at him. He could still see the three guys on the screen, now wanking slowly. It was turning him on too much for him to piss. He just couldn't. He groaned in frustration. As he watched one of the guys on the screen drool some pre-cum into the urinal, Ron suddenly reached up and pressed his lower abdomen hard. His bladder suddenly felt incredibly tense, then finally began to release. Ron removed his hand, but Josh just kept on pissing. He realised he'd reached the stage of no return - had he been wearing any pants, he would have been pissing them by now.

He flicked his eyes down to Ron, who was lying stomach-down on the floor, groping his own cock, and sucking up as much piss as he possibly could. Josh could see some of it running out of his mouth, despite Ron's best efforts to gulp down every drop. Josh pissed and pissed and pissed, tensing his bowel muscles and forcing the spray out faster and harder. Ron closed his eyes and swallowed every few seconds. Finally it was done. Ron brought up his hands, now covered in his own come, and used it to lube up Josh's cock. Ron kneeled in front of him, bent his head, and began stroking and sucking it. Just as Josh thought he could stand no more, the screen showed two of the guys coming into the urinal whilst a third was again pissing into it. He felt the combined fluids reach his tongue, felt Ron's mouth sliding up and down his granite-hard cock, and simply exploded in Ron's mouth. Ron sucked and lapped up every last drop, using the tip of his tongue to probe the last dribbles out of Josh's still-hard cockhead.

Josh was left shaking and exhausted, his eyes wide. Ron stood up and unhooked him from the pipe, then took the bondage setup off his face. Josh moved his mouth experimentally.

"So....did you enjoy that?" said Ron, watching him intently.

Josh merely nodded.

"I suppose this is too much to hope...but do you want to give it another go? Us, I mean?"

Josh nodded slowly again.

Ron took him home.

Next: Chapter 2

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