Plain Forward Blackmail

By george Robinson

Published on Mar 4, 2016


Plain forward Blackmail ch4 .1

Sunday morning duly arrived with the sun rise at it's very best. The warm glow of this heavenly body at 5am inducted Zac to sit at his table in the back garden and enjoy the peace and quiet. He was following the instructions and was naked, but at that moment in time, it was perfection. Everyone was still in bed and he could just sit there with the heat of the sun bleaching down on his nakedness as his drank his coffee and ate his croissants. This was luxury and at that moment in time, he didn't have a care in the world, Once his tormentors were up and about he'd be servicing one or more of them and he knew that was a certainty but at that moment he was in a different place and was enjoying this brief interlude in his somewhat nightmare world He'd had thoughts, so many thoughts of how to escape this nightmare. He had spent endless sleepless nights trying to work out some scheme that would rid him of these little bastards.

Then, without any warning, an idea jumped into his head. What had to happen for him to be free? Zac suddenly realized that the way to escape was to use good old fashioned logic and doing that was the answer. The evidential photos had to disappear, but how? kIt was as if a light had come on inside his head. All the abuse.the pain and the shame had blanked logic out of his mind, but now the logic was the key to success. Without the photos the little bastards had no hold over him. The question was ,how to get his hands on those damning photos .The nucleus of an idea was forming in his head and if he got this right he would be free of this perverted group of adolescents that had reveled in his ignominy by forcing him to suck cocks and have cocks rammed up his arse with no consideration for his wellbeing. They'd even pissed on him and forced him to drink piss. He knew that all photos ever taken of him were on Dan's phone and Ryan's phone and possibly transferred to their computers, He'd never seen anyone else taking photos. They were so eager to abuse their teacher that to take time to photograph him, even if he was stark fucking naked. The secret was going to be just how get into their devices.. how?

Zac decided to approach a fellow teacher, and to covertly get the answers to some tricky questions. A fellow teacher. Tim Oldershaw, was head of the IT dept. Dan was one of his students on Tuesday and Thursday, as he was studying for top marks in computer studies so he could go to university to major in computers. Dan was a natural when it came to computers and the like. He was only attending the IT course because to get to uni you had to have the results in writing and the only way of getting them was to take the exams but exams to Dan was only a formality.

Zac spent time with Tim in the teacher's dining room or whenever it was possible to quiz Tim on various aspects of computer technology. He pursued his quest for weeks to find to right answer to his query and one day the very thing he needed came gently out of Tim's mouth......Synchronization. Zac knew the theory was good but he needed some info on what type of devices the lads had...make..model, phone number, internet provider etc: everything he could get on their phones and computers. He was now planning to sync his devices to their devices, and if all when well he could, using synchronization, delete the incriminating photos once and for all.

After analyzing every aspect of his plan he decided that today was the day to implement his bold plan. During his discussions with Tim, he had come clean about being blackmailed and Tim had offered him every assistance to right this wrong and to eventually bring these teens to some sort of justice. That fateful day had come and the two teachers put the plan into action. It didn't take long for the syncing to do it's work. There on the screen of Zac;s computer was information about everything that was on Dan and Ryan's phones and laptops . All of the photos, the txts, emails were now in the hands of Zac. Tim, being the expert, proceeded to erase any and all incriminating material. After only minutes, Tim announced that there was no evidence of any sexual content featuring Zac on any of the lads devices and that Zac was now free from the purgatory that he had been subjected to for so long.

His [Zac's] excitement was palatable as he struggled to contain it. He couldn't ruin this now and he wanted so much to demonstrate to Dan and Ryan that he was their superior. He offered Tim a drink, a double scotch, but Tim declined the offer as he had an appointment in town. After Tim had left, Zac had another drink and contemplated just how he was going to tell Dan and co that their disgusting little game was terminated, over, finished, discontinued. He phoned Dan and told him to come over as their had been a major development in their relationship. As Dan started to blast Zac for having the audacity to ring him (Zac had been told to never ring either of them) Zac simply hung up. If that didn't bring Dan hurtling around, nothing would....other that an urgent need to fuck or get sucked. Sure enough in the matter of seconds, Dan burst into Zac's sitting room with a face like thunder and started to lambast his teacher " Have you loss your fucking tiny fucking mind!!!!! you really want to go to fucking prison you pathetic little prick do you want be branded a fucking pedofile!!!!!....and why the fuck are you dressed!!!!!!!!!!!" exploded Dan. " well it gives me great pleasure to inform you that your disgusting little game is over. I have erased all of those photographs and video, so you no longer have any hold on me....and your life will now become a miserable existence. at least until you leave get out of my house and leave the key on the hall stand in you know what'sgood for go!!!!" screamed Zac.

"you are a disgusting little boy!!!!!!" retorted Zac Dan stood for a moment with his mouth wide open trying to come to terms with what he had just witnessed. The looks of disbelief, of shock, left his face as he searched for his phone. The former expression was now replaced by the normal smug, arrogant smile. Dan pressed a few buttons on his phone. Zac got nervous again wondering if he and Tim had overlooked some element in their plan. He (Zac) knew that this should not be the expected reaction from someone who had just been beaten at his own game. Dan spoke " hi bud....the cunt thinks he's done us over....have you still got hard copy of you know what....could you bring them over now...Cheers Ry see you shortly" Dan looked at Zac and simply said " you really think you're free of us you fucking pathetic little you really believe that we would rely on electronics to preserve valuable information. ....anyone with two brains cells to rub together knows that you always....yes cunt ALWAYS!!!!! have hard copy are in so much fucking trouble it's unbelievable you are going to know what disobeying your master's costs are going to feel pain like you never felt it before and there'll be other forms of punishment to follow. A short while later, Ryan exploded through Zac's front door. "hi you go" handing Dan an envelope with the same smug grin as Dan was wearing. Dan held up in front of Zac's face a photo of him, naked. sucking a 14 year olds cock. " well cunt...this one photo will be enough to send you to prison for quite a number of years and we've got a bundle of get fucking naked and stay fucking naked!!!!!!" screamed Dan. Zac was ashen faced as he stripped all of his clothes off. He was totally downhearted that his plan had blown up in his face because he didn't take logic to it's final conclusion. Both teachers had concentrated on the IT facet of the plan, never considering anything that was as simple or as obvious as to backup evidence with the written word or image. Once Zac was stripped and on his knees, both lads proceeded to piss on him starting at his head and working their way to his bollocks. He was then instructed not to wash or shower until told to by Dan or Ryan. He had to go to school smelling like a public bog and if anyone complained about the smell he had to tell them to fuck off regardless to who they were.. "Right cunt....." bellowed Dan "while you're on your fucking the fuck did a thick shit like you manage to sync with my don't understand computers like I do so you must have had help....i want the fucking truth or your arse is going to suffer more that it's going to suffer so far" With abject fear printed on his face, he blurted out " Mr Oldershaw" and continued to cower at Dan's feet. " I should have known" uttered Dan "he does have the know how and cunt and him have been seen together quite a lot recently....the gossip was that they were both gay and having it off but I know that cunt is straight ....there again ...that gives me an Idea...We need to talk in private Ry...fuck off cunt into the garden and close the door behind you". Zac quickly complied with the order only to hear a neighbour in the next but one garden, mowing his lawn. Zac crouched down in an attempt to hide his naked person. A few minutes later Ryan called Zac back into the house.

"Right cunt" Dan uttered..."we've decided that Oldershaw is to be punished for helping you...we haven't formulated a plan yet...but you will convince Oldershaw that your plan was 100% successful....If he finds out that your plan when belly up you will suffer to the point of total distraction..blood will it's in your best interests to make him believe will continue to meet with him and find out as much as you can about the he straight or gay, where he drinks and lives....everything.....and don't be so fucking stupid as to hold back will fucking you understand cunt" "yes Dan...everything" whimpered a dejected and beaten, Zac Byron

The days rolled by and Zac passed small bits of info regarding Tim, to Dan. Then one day, Zac mentioned to Dan that Tim was in fact gay but not seeing anyone at the moment. Dan's brain powered into life as an evil smirk rearranged his handsome face " right cunt...nice piece of info pathetic pile of shit, will start up a relationship on the pretext that you are gay too and that you've fallen in love with will suck and fuck as well as rim his arse...convince him that you must be with you understand " " yes Dan.

Zac started to date Tim, knowing full well that he was as straight as a die, but followed his orders to the letter. The two men fucked and sucked each other and Zac also rimmed Tim several times to add credit to the deception.

Then the day came when Dan's plan was actioned.........

Next: Chapter 5

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