Plain Forward Blackmail

By george Robinson

Published on Mar 6, 2016


Plain Forward Blackmail ch5.1

Dan sent Zac a text, an instruction to come to his house and to be naked. His family were away and he had the house to himself. He wanted his cock sucked and he wanted it sucked right now. He also had orders to be implemented in the very near future. Zac complied and, naked as ordered, rushed over to Dan's place.

On Zac's arrival Dan immediately pushed Zac to his knees and rammed his rampant cock straight down Zac's tortured throat with the instruction to suck like a sludge pump. It took only the matter of minutes for Dan to be engulfed into ecstasy and to sent a load of spunk gushing down Zac's aching throat. " right I've gotten that out of the way, I have some orders for you....listen carefully and get it right first time or else" the threat was clear and unmistakable. " You will invite your fucking boyfriend over for dinner on friday night. You will ply him with enough drink to get him nicely to the point where his inhibitions don't interfere with his desires. you will drink non alcoholic drinks cause I want you clear headed. You will leave the front door off the latch as a young lad will be joining you after Oldershaw has lost his inhibitions. When the young lad: his name is Mark, comes in you will obey his instructions to the fucking letter. After you have eaten, you will take your lover up to your room and get him and yourself naked while you make out and fuck each other. When Oldershaw reaches the point where all his inhibitions have abandoned him. you will text me and I will send Mark over to do his magic. I want Your lover to be pleasantly intoxicated, but not totally drunk. I needs to act and look sober. When the lad arrives, he will be in charge... do you understand...can you remember all of that" exclaimed Dan " yes Dan that's all very clear" replied Zac. everything was in place. Oldershaw would become a sex slave to a bunch of teens just as Zac was and he would pay for his interfering in Zac's attempt to escape their clutches.

Friday night and Tim's car pulled up outside of Zac's house. Tim was dressed in a pink silk shirt, a pair of white hipster slacks with all the accessories. Zac was waiting at his front door dressed in beige slacks, a light blue silk shirt and again, all the sartorial accessories. He welcomed his dinner guest and offered an aperitif, while he contented himself with an orange juice as per instructions. The night proceeded well and after the meal Zac started some heavy petting on the couch. Shirts were quickly discarded as the sexual pace increased. Zac knew he had to get TIm to his bedroom, so taking the half naked man's hand, he guided him up stairs where the sex continued. the alcohol was taking effect on Tim and his inhibitions were all but a memory and lust had taken it's place. While Tim was eating Zac's arse out, Zac reached for his phone which he'd kept within hands reach all evening. He serendipitously sent a text to Dan... NOW.. and continued his sex session with Tim. A few minutes after sending the text, a very sober Zac saw a naked boy enter the bedroom. He looked to be about 13 or 14 years old and had a cock that a grown man would be proud of. He approached the couple without Tim realizing that someone else had joined the party. Mark gently buried one then two of his fingers up Tim's exposed arse and sending him into multiple augasimic fits. Tim's inhibitions had most certainly abandoned him as he looked around to see a sweet faced boy giving him so much pleasure. Mark moved to get between Zac and Tim and offering his arse to Tim. Mark looked at Zac and whispered in his ear "fuck off now". Zac complied to the lads order and retreated to his living room. Tim had lost all self control and was pounding Marks hole like there was no tomorrow. For quarter of an hour, Tim plundered the 14 year olds arse without any consideration for the child's welfare. It wasn't until he'd deposited a deluge of spunk deep inside Mark's tender hole that he stopped, withdrew his still stiff dick from Mark's orifice and realized that he'd just fucked a minor. He flew into a blind panic. He pleaded with the lad on bended knee to forget what had just happened. He literally begged Mark to say nothing of the incident. The panic subsided when Mark said " It's time to pay me fag....I was hired to come here....Didn't you realize that I,m a fucking rent boy...I do this for fucking money not fucking pleasure so pay up...that'll be 100 pounds" Tim was still very nervous but he knew that rent boys visited thousands of homes every year to satisfy sex starved perverts which didn't say a lot for him. He was just about to put his boxer shorts on when Dan and Ryan appeared in the doorway of Zac.s bedroom. " Hi cunt mk2" said Dan. Tim's panic returned momentarily until realizing that the inappropiate events had finished prior to their appearance so they could not have seen anything, " sorry to barge in on you Cunt mk2...but I need to retrieve something so I can work on it tonight" Dan moved towards a bookshelf and lifted an object down. " my video camera..extolled Dan. The police are going to love seeing this are so going to regret helping way or another your fucking life is going to belong to us or the prison service" gloated Dan. Still naked, Tim lunged at Dan to try to get the video camera but Ryan barred his way and with an evil, malevolent grin, Dan started to leave the room saying " Zac's got my me at 11am tomorrow and we might be able to keep you out of promises mind. ..not 1 minute before or 1 minute after 11 am. get my fucking drift...pedo" and then Dan followed by Ryan left.

Right on time, Tim phoned Dan only to have Dan deliberately allow the phone ring the full cycle of rings allowed.

The phone had no sooner stopped ringing that it started to ring again. Dan and Ryan were pissing themselves at the mental picture of Tim starting to panic. At tim's third attempt Dan answered.but said nothing. " that Dan" Tim asked " is that cunt mk2" replied Dan with that now common malevolent smile on his face . " It's Mr Oldershaw" "wrong fucking answer...I'll give you one more chance to get it right then I head for the cop shop...Is that cunt mk2" teased Dan " yes"answered Tim " you need to say yes it;s cunt mk2 you thick prick" replied Dan " yes it's cunt mk 2 " said Tim. " that's right " said Dan" "it's nearly midday and the sun is shining and you are going to strip and get yourself over to Zaac house pronto...if you're spotted by Zc's neighbour...hard shit.. on yes ..and bring your move your fucking arse and get here" Dan and Ryan walked over to Zac's place to wait for Tim's arrival. Needless to say but Zac was on his knees sucking cock when Tim arrived, The scene was inconceivable: two fully grown men,both teachers, stark naked standing before two 16 year old boys, one of the men sucking a teens cock.

" right cunt mk2...listen and listen fucking good if you want to stay out of prison...give me your phone" snapped Dan to Tim. Tim promptly handed his phone to Dan. Dan messed about with it for a short while then returned it to Tim. " there.... I've put a bit of video of you fucking a 14 year old kid in your phone...I've put it in several unrelated files to make it difficult for you to remove....though after saying that..slut...I will be checking on a daily basis that all of the files are intact... Oh and just in case you hadn't noticed...your name is now slut...all of my classmates will call you slut...Cunt will call you slut...and in the not too distant future your class will be calling you will refer you will call your self that clear" declared Dan, still with that evil smile attached to his face but with added supremacy. Dan turned to look at Zac " oh while were told to buy a cat of nine tails...did you comply with the order" "yes Dan ..I went to the sex shop in the mall and bought one there" bleated Zac. "good...go and get it now...and fucking fun" screeched Dan. In no time at all Zac was presenting Dan with a brand new leather strap with nine tongs at the end. Dan handed it back to Zac saying" you got slut involved so you are going to whip the bastard ...then he is going to do the same to you for getting him involved...poetic justice...we'll try it out here but the main event will be in school" declared A very dominant Dan. " right slut...we'll do 5 of the best for now.. touch your toes...if you stop touching your toes the count starts again " he then directed Zac to take his position and lay 5 strokes on slut;s arse as hard as possible, with the caveat if he didn't lay them in hard then he [Dan] would lay them hard on him{Zac]. Zac took position and on the order to start brought the first blow down hard on Tim's arse. Tim grimaced at every stab of pain but remained in his position so that the ordeal would pass as quickly a possible. Dan inspected slut's arse to see what such a punishment weapon could do. There was multiple slash marks across both cheeks with a few of them bleeding. " that must have fucking hurt and it was only five...i.m planning at least ten at school....that's going to shred your fucking won't be able to seat down for yonks...oh boy the fun gets better and better." stated Dan. He then instructed Zac to touch his toes and for Slut to whip Zac's but. Zac was literally shaking with fear but knew he had to comply. " just to give you an incentive not to hold back....this sniveling little cunt shopped you to us ..he spied on you to get info on you and it was him that told us you were gay go to it he's all yours for 5 strokes" Tim's face metamorphosed into what could only be described at animal like. He proceeded to bring each stroke down on Zac's arse with increased venom. Zac was in tears because of the pain inflicted on him. but more so because his treatise and his cowardism had been exposed. After 5 strokes, Dan took the strap and handed it to Zac saying " put this in your briefcase and carry it wherever go go"

Next week at school was going to be a little different than the normal routine...........

Next: Chapter 6

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