Plantation Road

By Curt Young

Published on Oct 9, 2006


Plantation Road

by Nick Stark

Chapter 3

Captain Nick Stark glanced up and down the river road. In each direction, two of his men headed out at a steady pace, booted feet and hard muscled asses visible on each pair, big packs on their shoulders. Quinn and Davison were heading south, and DeRossi and Kowalski heading north. In several ways Stark was glad to see the men head out, it meant he could have some alone time. He was nursing a brutal hangover from his activities the previous night in New Orleans, and his nipples were raw and chafing from the abuse they'd taken. Stark shook his head in mock misery, a half smile on his face in remembrance of the previous night. He didn't often tie one on and get wild, that meant losing his inhibitions which he didn't usually like to do. However there was some element of coercion involved in the activities, which made Stark's cock stiffen a bit at the memory. He reached down to adjust his equipment in his olive jockstrap. Today, he was suited up the same as his men, even down to the military issue athletic supporter, which usually did a poor job containing his endowment. His big balls usually tried to spill out the sides of the pouch, and if the Captain was even half hard, as he was now, there simply wasn't room for it all. Straightening up from adjusting himself, he straightened his shoulders and shrugged off the camouflage shirt he was wearing, tossing it in the jeep. This left the captain clad from the waist up only in his skintight olive drab tank top, which hugged every muscle from his wide chest and thick pecs down to his hard flat belly. The Captain reached his hands over his head, clasped them, and stretched his big body, trying to loosen his spine, which was tight from the position he'd spent hours in the night before. He closed his eyes and turned his face up to the sun. Lowering his arms, he winced briefly in pain as the tank top fabric tugged at the band aids covering his nipples. Never modest, and with no plans to see anyone, much less anyone official for most of the day, Stark quickly yanked the garment out from his waist, and peeled it off over his head, tossing it with the camo shirt. Thick dark hair swirled up the Captain's belly in a wide treasure trail, fanning out over his pecs up to where the chest muscle joined the shoulder. Nick had a beautiful chest hair pattern on his front, and just a patch of dark fuzz at the base of his spine on his back. Nick cupped his pec, and bent the nipple up to see it better. Smears of Vaseline were visible around the band aid that covered it. He bent his head over, and gently started to remove the band aid, wincing painfully as it pulled at his chest hair and irritated the bruised nipple hidden in the swirls of dark hair.

Pieter Rusafov was watching the Marine Captain's every move through his powerful binoculars. He couldn't figure out exactly what the big man was doing, probably just inspecting his body, as he was obviously very fit. Pieter had already signaled the main house to tune in to the closed circuit TV monitor to see what Pieter had spotted. Assuming he knew what the answer would be, Pieter had quietly and efficiently loaded a dart into his long range rifle. It was a German manufactured weapon, originally designed for a clean kill with a bullet, but since the demise of large scale warfare had been modified to deliver a powerful dart with deadly accuracy.

Stark finally had the first band aid off. He gently massaged his nipple with his thumb, moaning at the combination of pain and pleasure. It felt good, he could feel it healing up. He went to work on the second one, again cupping his pec and peeling off the band aid.

As expected, the instant message came through with a simple "take him." Rusafov grinned a tight grin. He didn't care what the old Southerner did with his prey, but Rusafov was glad to be able to use the expertise he had been trained for, instead of pandering to ragheads like he had been forced to do for years, guarding royal palaces set in wastelands of sand, cursing his existence as his skills got rusty. Not taking his eyes off the Marine's broad back, Rusafov reached for the German rifle. He swapped the binoculars for the vision finder on the rifle. In the mere seconds it had taken him to swap, the Marine had climbed into his jeep and engaged the ignition. He cursed under his breath as the bare-chested Marine swung the jeep around and made a U-Turn to the south, back down the river road.

Nick loved the feeling of driving in the open jeep with his shirt off. The sun was on his back, the cool air felt good against his face and chest, soothing his painful nipples. He drove with one hand, and idly tweaked his own tits with the other. The memory of the previous night came back, and with it a stiffening of Nick's cock. That damn Charlie; Nick had gone thru basic training with Charlie Evans, a big strapping blond. They had instantly become fast friends, excelling at their training and both entering the intelligence sector of the Corps based on their bodies and brains.

Nick and Charlie had turned to each for sexual relief more from lack of other options than any proclivity to homosexuality. It went part and parcel with placing their trust only in a fellow Marine, to turn oneself over for gratification and release. Initially only jerking each other off, it gradually escalated to cocksucking; each would take the other's shaft into his mouth, not because he liked it but because he knew it meant he would get his own sucked in return. Both hated swallowing, and would usually release the head and finish the job with a few quick jerks. Obviously that didn't always work, and each man had tasted the other's semen before long. Assfucking wasn't far behind, and neither man took to it willingly at first. Nick was so tight he bled the first time, and after that he only let Charlie hump his hard butt and ejaculate onto Nick's lower back. Charlie however soon was taking Nick up the ass regularly, getting his prostate pounded and taking Nick's seed.

After several years they had graduated and gotten their assignments, unfortunately in different parts of the world. At graduation time, Charlie forced Nick to agree to a scene that he knew Nick needed, whether he knew it or not. Nick was always the take charge type, and had de facto taken control of his and Charlie's sex life. Any man in a position of power occasionally enjoys giving up control, and Charlie knew this. He laid down the law to Nick, and demanded that Nick strip down and let himself be tied face down on Charlie's bunk. Once in position, Charlie reveled at the awesome body laid out before him, muscled limbs spread wide and secured. He pulled Nick's cock and balls down below him, then pulled his head up and secured a cloth gag in Nick's mouth. Nick tensed, but allowed it to happen. Over the next hour, Charlie slowly lubed and loosened Nick's tight butt with his fingers. Nick didn't moan in pleasure, but he did settle in and enjoy it enough that this muscles relaxed, and he buried his head in the mattress, resigned. After nearly an hour, Nick was drenched with sweat and Charlie was fully erect. He slipped into Nick with hardly a whimper. When he was buried all the way, Nick's ass tensed and he immediately released his load, which splattered the bunk below his thick cock. After that Nick relaxed while Charlie rode him, in and out, for a long time. Charlie seeded Nick then pulled out, and bent over and removed the gag. Nick turned his head and the two men kissed passionately. Not a word was spoken of it then or afterwards, but they both knew a new realization had entered their reality.

Soon after that, graduation and new assignments separated them. Since then, they had hooked up whenever possible, which usually meant the rare instance when they were both on the same continent. They were both surprised that while they still enjoyed sex with each other, companionship was the stronger tie. Often they would spend more time recounting their adventures and sharing a few beers and a lot of laughs than they would in the sack. That was the case this most recent time, when Nick was in Louisiana for his training assignment. Charlie had gone to LSU, so this was his home turf; he was spending a few weeks with his family. Nick happened to be in Louisiana for a short stint as a trainer; he was typically too valuable to do anything other than the covert overseas missions he was trained for, but it worked out with a 6 month break between assignments, and Nick liked training the young men, not only because he liked seeing them gain confidence and learn, but also because out of each batch of young bucks there were always a couple who could easily be persuaded to take care of Nick's needs.

Charlie was always spouting off about the LSU football team and how unbeatable they are. Nick always liked taking him down a few pegs on that topic, so the two of them had placed a bet on the LSU -- Auburn game. It was a `winner take all' bet, where the loser had to submit to whatever the winner wanted.

Nick had been kicking himself for agreeing to the bet, as he was led blindfolded and naked down the hall, Charlie's guiding hand on his shoulder since Nick's arms were restrained behind his back, his cock and balls swinging free. The two men had watched the game in question in a bar in the French Quarter, sharing several pitchers of beer. It soon became obvious that Nick was going to be the loser, and Charlie taunted him with clues about his fate that night. Nick downed a fair amount of beer, suspecting he would need it to brace himself for what Charlie had in mind. After the game, Charlie led Nick to an unmarked door just off Bourbon Street where it crossed St Ann. It was obviously some sort of gay sex club. After paying their entrance fees and being buzzed in, Charlie led Nick to the locker area and told him to strip down all the way. Nick did as he was told, then was spun around and handcuffed. A blindfold, gag and collar were added, and an armband buckled tightly around his right bicep marking his as a bottom. Charlie possessively cupped Nick's hard butt, admiring the muscled ass and thick hair on his asscheeks, getting denser towards the crack. Charlie led his muscled captive down the hall, guiding him to the playroom. Some of the other men present were more than happy to help secure the big stud with his arms over his head and his legs spread, stretched to where they barely touched the floor. Once he was in position, the first thing Charlie did was lube up Nick's tight hole and insert a fairly large plug. Then Charlie went to work on Nick's tough body. Clamps on his tits, weights on his balls, gut punches, flogger, you name it and Nick took it. After an hour Nick was sagging in his bonds and drenched in sweat. Charlie knew it was time. Again he enlisted the help of the onlookers to take Nick down from his bondage. "Careful with him, he may need our help supporting him when we take him down," Charlie cautioned. Sure enough, Nick leaned heavily on the men due to his leg muscles being cramped. The big hairy stud was led over to a sawhorse and bent over it face down. Quickly his wrists and ankles were secured to the four legs. Tits still clamped, balls still weighted, Charlie pulled out the plug. Nick moaned, a bitch bottom boy in heat. Charlie stepped up, put his hands on Nick's hairy asscheeks and spread them. Nick's hole was barely visible in the thick dark hair, but it was clearly lubed and ready. Charlie grinned and breached Nick's tight hole with his thick eight inches, barebacking the big stud. Nick moaned and a fresh sheen of sweat broke out on his body. Charlie slammed into Nick for a good twenty minutes before depositing his cum deep inside Nick. He pulled out, his cock still mostly hard, the remains of his ejaculation still dripping from his cock. Charlie looked around the room. "Who's next?" he asked. The men circled in closer as Charlie handed out the condoms. "Noone else gets to bareback him, understood?" The men nodded, assuming that Nick and Charlie were a couple. Over the next four hours Nick was gang raped by every single man in the sex club, including the young kid who manned the coat check. One by one they shed their rubbers in a sticky pile behind Nick's bound body. Charlie supervised, even instructing the kid to work Nick's thick tits to keep him distracted from the pain in his ass. The kid sat on the floor under the big bound stud's pecs and did his job well, mauling Nick's hairy nipples. Hence their need for some healing the next day.

Nick's mind returned to the present, and he realized that his cock was fully hard as he drove down the river road. He cursed Charlie for bringing that part of him to the surface, but the powerful ejaculation he had at Charlie's hand, still bound in position after the gang rape had been made more powerful by his submission to Charlie's will. It wasn't something he did often, and certainly wasn't a position that his men could ever see him in. Nick parked the jeep in the parking lot for the headquarters of the wildlife sanctuary, essentially a patch of dirt filled partway with service vehicles used by the park rangers and maintenance staff.

Nick knew the game wardens pretty well, and figured he'd shoot the shit with them for a bit, then ask to use their men's room so he could piss and jerk off quickly to relieve the hardon trapped in his jockstrap. He got out of the jeep, not bothering to put his shirt on, and walked over to the low boxlike building that served as park office and maintenance facility.

During the time Nick had driven the couple miles downriver, Rusafov had placed two calls to his men in the field, then reported in via text message to his employer in the manor house. His instant message was short and to the point: `visual confirmation prey escaped; plan initiated to recover'

to be continued...

Next: Chapter 4

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