Play Ball

By Talin C

Published on Oct 15, 2005


So where to start? I guess I should describe myself. My name is Connor Balen. If you can't tell I am Irish, and boy am I Irish! Both my parents moved to America when they were kids straight from Ireland. Why they ended up in Kentucky I have no damn clue. So if you didn't get from my name I was Irish then all you had to do was look at my bright orange hair that I had cut neatly into a buzz cut. If still you weren't sure about my heritage all you had to do was look at my back which had a huge tattoo of the flag of Ireland on it with my families shield in the center (tradition for the men in my family I got it on my 18th birthday with my father). Besides being Irish I was about 6'1" and around 185 pounds of pure muscle. I was a pitcher, let me rephrase that I was THE pitcher. I was ranked third in the nation for all high school pitchers. Which is where I guess the story picks up. I was recruited to play for the University of Texas baseball team, which was huge sense they are like the Yankees of college baseball. The head coach personally came to recruit me and said I would be getting starts my freshman year, which sold me right away. So I guess we will truly begin with my trip to Austin.

The plane ride sucked it was about three and a half hours of pure torture. I mean I was going to a completely new school and state. None of my friends were going to the fucking University of Texas! But I knew why I was going, to play Baseball not make friends. Coach told me I would have no trouble making friends and getting laid. I guess he figured that was high on my list of things, but really baseballs always taken up most of my time so I've had sex, but not a lot and I didn't think about girls much.

"Ladies and gentleman we are now making our final approach into Austin the current temperature is 98 degrees and very sunny thank you for flying with us today"

Holy shit 98 degrees! I knew Texas was hotter than Kentucky and it is still the latter part of summer but man 98 degrees and he said it like it was nothing. This is going to take a while to get used to. I love to run, but I don't know if I can do it in 98-degree heat every day. We finally touched down and now my stomach was in knots cause this is where you can't turn back. I kind of wished the plane would just lift off again and send me back to Kentucky. I sat while everyone else got there bags and made there way off the plane. Even after the plane had emptied I sat there feeling like I could vomit at any moment. A flight attendant (why the hell can't we call them stewardess anymore??) came by, "Are you ok young man? Anything I can help you with?"

"No, mama. I just need one extra second if that would be alright." She nodded and left me to try to right myself. I slowly rose and let my stomach untie itself in knots. Then I remembered I was here to do everything I could to make it to "the show" (major league baseball for those who don't know the jargon) I got my carry on and made my way off the plane. As I walked off I noticed a man in a Texas Longhorns hat who seemed somewhat relieved when he saw me. He slowly approached me.

"Connor Balen?" I nodded "Oh thank god son I thought you didn't get onto the flight. Some people can't take the pressure of even the idea of coming here and I was hoping that didn't happen."

"No sir, I'm all about pressure."

"I'm Coach Townsend. I will be your pitching coach. I've heard great things son and I've seen your footage, you are going to do great things here and I smell a draft in your future."

"That's what I'm here for."

"OK, well why don't we go get the rest of your baggage, we have your dorm set up already with the stuff you sent down last week."

I had only about two big bags of clothes because I usually kept it simple and wore the same things, plus I brought some nicer clothes incase some special occasion arose. Coach Townsend grabbed one of my bags and I grabbed the other as we went to his truck. We threw my bags in the back (they were heavy enough to not blow away). On the ride to campus we chatted about a bunch of stuff. A little bit of how he would work with me during the off-season to get me ready for college ball. We also chatted about back home so he could get a sense of what type of kid he is working with. Then he mentioned I would be staying in the sports dorm and my roommate was a guy by the name of Denis Anderson and he was, like me, a top recruit, but he was actually from a small town in Texas. Coach Townsend arranged us to room together because he was going to be the main catcher I would be working with and he figured this would be the best way for us to get the bond a pitcher needs with his catcher. We finally pulled onto campus and I was speechless as we passed all the buildings. I'm not from a little town, but I haven't ever seen a college campus either so this was a very intimidating sight. We rode around the campus a little and Coach made sure to pass by the baseball field to let me get an eye full of where I'd be making history soon. We then pulled up to the dorm where I would be staying.

"There it is Connor. I am not going to lie to you, there are two things that flow like water in there, alcohol and women. I know you young Irish kids love both those things, but don't let it distract you from doing what you need to do to stay on the team and reach your potential."

He was right about me loving alcohol, I'd been drinking sense I was a little kid and dad would give me a little bit of beer to put me to sleep. I was known for my drinking in high school but not as an out of control drunk just as a kid who could drink more than the Russian army and still look sober. I've thrown two no hitters in my life and one of them was with me hung over as hell from the night before and the morning of. But then again coach was wrong about the women it didn't really concern me that much. I was sure I'd fuck a few girls but it wasn't a big concern.

We grabbed my stuff and headed to my new home. We were on the 3rd floor, which wasn't bad cause there was an elevator but it wouldn't be a hassle to use the stairs either. When we walked into the room it resembled a bigger version of a hotel room. One of the twin beds had a bunch of clothes folded on it so I assumed Denis had already been here. I threw my bag on top of my bed and coach placed the other one in my closet.

"I need to go get some stuff done, but I will see you at the team dinner tonight. 8 pm on the practice field, dress nice." And with that coach left me. I looked over at the clock and it was almost 3 so I had some time. I put my other bag into my closet and decided to just lie down and relax a little I was still feeling some jet lag. As I lay down I realized I heard a shower going. I listen to the sound of the water running for a little while and then I heard the water quickly turn off. There was some rustling in the bathroom for a minute and then a guy; I assume Denis, walked out with nothing on and a towel drying his hair. "Whoa!" I said as he realized someone else was in the room.

"Oh hey you must be Connor, I'm Denis" He reached out his hand to shake mine and then realized I was startled by his nakedness. He went on to explain that we has one of eight boys and has always shared a room with a few of his brothers so he had zero modest about being naked in front of other guys.

"I hope that doesn't freak you."

"I guess I'll get used to it. Nothing I haven't seen before I guess." I tried to act a little more comfortable about it cause this was a guy I really needed to mesh with and really I guess it's not that big a deal. As I relaxed I got a better glimpse at what he looked like. He was about my height and the same build, brown hair and hazel eyes. He was definitely a fit kid and then I slowly looked down at his crotch, which was limp and wet. He had no pubic hair (not a big surprise I shave myself too it looks better when u have a fit body) I would say limp he's about 4 inches. Then I realized I was looking for longer than I should've and I looked back up at him hoping he didn't notice but he was still drying his hair.

"I'm going to throw some clothes on and go down the hall cause there's a few other baseball guys down there if you wanna come."

"Nah I am gonna take a quick nap and then maybe go for a run before dinner."

"OK Suit yourself I'll be in room 302 though come on down if you want to."

Denis threw on a pair of soccer shorts, an undershirt and made his way out of the room. I slowly drifted off and when I woke up I looked at the clock and it was about six so I figured I take myself on a running tour of campus and see how I do with this heat. As soon as I walked outside I felt like I was in a damn desert. Usually my run can last up to an hour and a half but this one went about twenty and I was about dead. I slowly jogged back to the dorms and made my way up stairs. Denis must've still been in the room with the other guys so I decided I should take a quick shower and then get ready. As the shower started running and was the right temperature I striped down.. I loved looking at myself naked in the mirror. I never intended to have a good looking body it just came with the work I did to stay fit in baseball. I noticed the heat was making my balls hang a lot lower than they usually do. A slight breeze from the AC went by and made my cock stand up at attention almost instantly. I was always proud of myself when I was hard. I was a nice nine inches and probably a little thicker than usual, I didn't see many other cocks so I wasn't sure. It had been a while sense I jerked and I could feel my mushroom begging for a little attention so I figured a quick jerk in the shower should calm me down enough t get me through tonight. I jumped in and soaped my body up like I usually do, but then I made an extra trip to my cock. I made put some of my shampoo on my mushroom and spread it around. I started to stroke slowly making my body shutter with each stroke. I never usually thought of anything specific when I jerked off, but this time I kept remembering seeing Denis come out of the shower and seeing his dick. I had to stop for a second and try to forget that happening. I went back to beating my rod and after a little while the thoughts of Denis crept back in but I was to into it to care what I was thinking about cause I was getting very very close. Finally my feverish pumping paid off as I gave a shiver and my knees buckled. I leaned against the shower wall as I gave about 4 or 5 good shots that hit the other side of the shower. I kept pumping not wanting this feeling to go away until I finally went limp and it was too sensitive to touch it. I let the water run down my body as I felt my strength return to my body. I haven't had an orgasm like that sense I had my first one when I was twelve. Finally I turned off the water. I wrapped a towel around my waist and made my way out of the bathroom and Denis was there. He startled me a little bit as he was just in his boxers. I stared at him a little bit more than I probably should have. I turned because I could feel myself getting hard again for some reason. I grabbed a pair of boxers and slipped them on under the towel.

"Wow that's an awesome tattoo."

"Thanks it's a tattoo all the men in my family get our family shield in the center." I grabbed a pair of black dress pants from one of my bags. I dropped my towel but still didn't turn around cause I was somewhat hard. I put the pants on and then a hunter green button down shirt. I turned around and Denis was dressed in a black button down and black dress paints with grey pin stripes. He was a very good-looking guy dressed up. I tucked my shirt in and grabbed my dress shoes. As I sat on the bed putting my shoes up everyone a couple of times I'd look up at catch Denis looking at me and then quickly look away. Finally we were both dressed and ready to go.

"We are gonna meet up with some of the guys and head to dinner so come on" He flashed a huge ear-to-ear smile and I noticed he had two huge dimples. I started getting a weird feeling in my stomach but I couldn't quite pinpoint what it was from.

"OK lets go then" And we left the room for dinner.

This is my first attempt at a series instead of one quick story so hopefully you liked the first chapter. Feel free to email me with any comments you have or suggestions. I usually get very good feedback on my stories and I hope this will be the same. There will be quite more to cum.

Next: Chapter 2

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