Play Ball

By Talin C

Published on Nov 9, 2005


Alright guys so I know its been a while sense the last chapter and I'm getting death threats that I should continue. OK not death threats but very intense pleads for a new chapter. I'm glad everyone has enjoyed it thus far and thank you for all of your feedback. As usual the same disclaimers applied if you are under 18, get your parent permit ion before you KY your little cock up! And if it's illegal to read this wherever you are...than you live in a fucked up place and move! Hope you guys enjoy chapter 3.

I couldn't figure out what was going on. Was he watching me last night was he helping and it wasn't a dream? He knew something, but how much did he know? Then I began to think, "So what? Every guy jerks off. As long as he doesn't know I was jerking off to him." I mean the guy is so out about being naked why would he care if I jerked off? I instantly began to feel better because I am pretty sure as long as I didn't say his name while jerking off he wouldn't know what I was thinking about. I definitely needed a shower. I started to get undressed down to my boxers and went into the bathroom. I started the water running and went to grab a new pair of boxers. I heard a knock on the door. I walk over, open it and it was Eric. He was standing in a pair of work out shorts and a gray t-shirt with his black hair spiked. He had a work out bag with him. I invited him in and he set the bag down as he came in.

"Hey man what's up?" I asked.

"Hey man I'm sorry did I wake you up?"

"No man I just was about to jump into the shower. I just got back from a run." I noticed Eric's eyes were going down my body but he tried to cover it up.

"Well I was going to go for an early work out before the gym gets too busy. And I'd go with Mike, but he's having breakfast with Dennis so I figured maybe you wanted to come. I hate working out alone cause I usually need a spotter for my lifting."

"Yeah man, let me go turn off the shower and put some clothes on." I turned around to go turn off the shower and I could feel Eric's eyes on my body. I turned off the shower and then went back into the room to grab a pair of shorts.

"That's a cool tattoo on your back." Eric flashed a really nice smile.

"Thanks it's a family tattoo all the guys have it."

"I really want to get one, but I've been kind of nervous about it. Did that one hurt?"

I tried to remember because I was actually pretty drunk when my dad took me to go get it. "It hurt some especially when they got near my spine, but you gotta expect some pain. It is worth it in my mind, but I wouldn't get one if it didn't mean something big for you because it's gonna be there for good."

"Yeah I want to get a baseball with my name on it somewhere on my arm. Baseball has pretty much been my entire life so I think it's a fitting tattoo." I threw on some basketball shorts and an undershirt. Grabbed my keys and we headed out to the gym.

The gym was on campus but it was across campus and a good fifteen minute walk, which on its on in this heat was a damn work out. As we walked we talked and go to know each other. I was surprised at how close he and Mike were as they grew up with each other. They had both come from pretty fucked up families and they had become each other's family over the years.

"It must be really nice to be able to come to a college across the country and still have one person to remind you of home. I wish I had that."

Eric gave another small smile as he squinted into the sun, "Yeah it's nice having Mike here because it's nice to have someone who understands me here. But we both agreed that we couldn't just isolate ourselves and be happy with that. We need to get to know other people cause we are both pretty social guys."

"Yeah I can understand that." We finally reached the gym. Eric through his bag into a locker and we jumped onto two stationary bikes to get some cardio in first. While we were on the bikes Eric told me about his mom being killed by his step dad when he was ten and how he lived with Mike fore almost six months before his dad could be found and convinced to move back into town to take care of him. I told Eric about my family and life back in Kentucky. After a little while I switched the conversation to music because I didn't think we should stay on family for obvious reasons. We talked about our favorite bands and Eric was more of a punk and "emo" music kid (big surprise with his hair spikes). I am more into country and harder rock but we found some bands we both liked. After about twenty minutes on the bikes I figured we were warmed up enough to go do some lifting. I was surprised how much Erin could actually put up; he looked like he was in good shape but no very strong. But he was and he almost kept up with me in lifting. I did my usual which isn't that great in my mind but I guess is impressive for an 18-year-old pitcher to be able to do. The gym was pretty deserted but I'm sure every kid took advantage of no classes the first week and slept in. After about an hour of lifting I felt like my legs were going to give out. I spotted Eric for some more bench presses and then we decided to call it a day.

"I think its time for that shower you were talking about before." Eric grabbed a gym towel and wiped the sweat off of his neck. We went back into the locker room and around the corner there was a huge shower room with about 20 showerheads. Eric stripped down with little hesitation and threw his clothes on the bench near by. There was no one else there and I'm used to showering with other baseball guys so I didn't think much of it as I took my clothes off and walked into the shower. There was a basket of soap next to the entrance and I grabbed a bar. I started one of the showerheads near the far wall. The water was already warm which felt really good on my muscles. I closed my eyes and let the water run down my head. All of a sudden I heard the showerhead next to mine start up and I looked and Eric was standing under it. I started thinking, why the hell is he taking the one right next to me there's so many others?" I didn't say anything and just started soaping my body and tried to keep my eyes on the wall.

"You know for a guy who's played ball a while you get real tense around other guys in the shower." Eric's voice echoed in the empty shower.

"I'm not tense I'm just tired as hell." I turned to face him while I was watching my back. I let my curiosity get the best of me for a second and looked down as Eric was soaping up his cock. It was almost to complete attention and I'd say it wasn't bad maybe about six and a half inches but a little wider than usual. I think I might have looked a little longer than I should've because I put my head up quickly and locked eyes with Eric and for the first time I noticed his sky blue eyes and how incredible they looked.

"You like what you see? I mean its not a monster like yours, but I've never gotten any complaints before." I couldn't take my eyes off those blue diamonds, but I know I was turning red from embarrassment.

"See too tense. It's curiosity bro believe me I don't care." Eric gave a few tugs on his soaped up member, flashed devilish grin at me and then washed off. We both finished our showers and grabbed some towels off the rack and dried off. I put my workout clothes back on, but Eric pulled a fresh pair of boxers and jeans out of his bag in the locker. As I was sitting on the bench waiting on Eric his cell phone rang.

"Hello this is Eric..... right now?...Yeah I can make it where are you located at again?.....Ok I'll be there in like five minutes Mr. Sanders." He hung up and through on his extra t-shirt and through his work out stuff into the bag. "Hey bro do me a huge favor."

"Yeah sure man what can I do?" I had no idea what was going on.

He threw his gym bag at me and I caught it, "Bring the bag back up to my room I gotta go meet with my advisor they moved up my appointment cause he has to leave early for some personal stuff. The fucking door should be unlocked, Mike and I never locked it up north so it's a habit, plus Mike loses keys so much."

"Yeah man sounds good." We started walking out of the gym and I left back to the dorms as Eric headed the other way to the advisors offices I guess. The walk was almost too much for me to take with my legs feeling the way they were. It was hard but I finally made it back to the dorms. I walked in and felt the AC blast almost knocking me over. There was no way I cold take the stairs so I hopped onto the elevator and the feeling started to return to my legs. I walked out of the elevator and down the hall to Eric's room. I pressed on the handle and sure enough it was unlocked. I started to open the door slightly when I caught a glimpse of Dennis sitting on the bed with his t-shirt behind his head and his pants and boxers around his ankles. In between his legs was Mike naked with his bad to me. Dennis' head was back at he was breathing heavy and I could see Mike's blonde mop top bobbing up and down as I could only figure he was giving Dennis a blow job. I stood there looking at Mike's bare back and tight ass. I wanted to look away but I couldn't as Mike kept on sucking Dennis' meat. I even felt my own cock getting rock hard and stretching the fabric in my shorts. Mike started going at a fast pace as Dennis' breathing got deep and deep. He kept his head back but started bucking his hips to get his cock deeper into Mike's mouth. Their pace got extremely quick and rough until Dennis' body went stiff and I could hear Mike swallowing, what I could only guess was spurt after spurt of Dennis' man juices. I slowly put Eric's bag on the inside of the door trying not to make any noise at all. Mike kept sucking Dennis' deflating cock. When I looked up from putting the bag down I was met with Dennis looking straight at me. I froze and didn't know what to do. He had a huge smile on his face and just gave me a quick wink as he tousled Mike's hair while Mike was busy licking Dennis' now empty balls. I shut the door as quietly as possible and sprinted across the hall to my room. As soon as I opened the door I jumped onto the bed and ripped my shorts off. I don't know what came over me but I had to jack off right there and then. I pumped feverishly at everything that had happened today. Thoughts of Eric in the shower, watching Dennis get a blowjob and even Dennis catching him watching. I didn't care that I was thinking about other guys it was all I could think of until I erupted and stream after stream flew high into the air. I cold swear one hit the ceiling. It came down on my nose, my face, and even some landed in my red hair. I could barely move enough to grab a towel from beside my bed and wipe myself off. I slide my shorts back on and I couldn't move from a combination of working out too much and the most intense orgasm of my life. A minute or two went by and then I heard Dennis walk in. He was completely dressed and had a huge smile on his face. He went and started a shower; he walked back into the room and took off his clothes. I looked up and he still had some remains of cum on his stomach, probably Mikes. I hadn't said anything, but Dennis knew what I was thinking.

"So did you enjoy the show?" Dennis chuckled a little. I didn't respond... how the hell do I respond to that? "I'm sure you did. I mean can you blame me? There's nothing like a pair of hot lips wrapped around your cock. I know you can relate." With that he gave a final wink before he went into the bathroom and jumped into the shower.

OK guys there you go! I'm sorry it took so long between classes, my own weird sex life, and family bullshit writing has been the last thing on my mind but if this chapter gets the same kind of feedback as the last two and I promise there will be more to cum! Hope you guys enjoyed. You've got my email let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 4

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