
By Kevin

Published on Sep 19, 2000


AUTHOR'S NOTE(Please Read!):

This one is a little shorter then the other ones, but it has alot of content so I figured i would take it slow! Thanks ALOT for all the E-mails! I love getting E-mail, so thanks to everyone who sends it. Questions? Comments? Anything? Once again, its NOT themissingpiece its themissingpeice, i accidently misspelled it, but oh well. Just dont want the wrong person getting the mail! So once again, i hope you enjoy the story!


Yeah the normal stuff, don't read this if your not 18(as if you are honestly going to close this if your under 18 anyway) :) Umm, i dont know N'Sync, so don't base your hopes and dreams on this, its just a story! Other then that, I think that is about it. So here it is! Enjoy!

Chapter 4:

The next few hours was hell has we prepared for our show. Of course, it always was. I loved performing, it was just the boring meetings and pre-shows that made the job sometimes very trying. At 7 o'clock it was time to stop practicing and get dressed. As we all entered the dressing room I noticed Justin was doing all he good to get JC to talk to him, but JC was blowing him off for the most part. I had to smile. I knew the bet was mine.

"How's it going JC?" I asked curiously after Justin walked into the bathroom.

"Good, he is trying so hard to talk to me. This night is going to be fun." JC laughed.

"What are you guys whispering about?" Chris yelled from across the room.

"Just talking about the tour." JC lied.

The rest of the pre-show was fine. Surprisingly, there was no meet and greet at this concert. The best reason I could come up with was it was supposed to be our last stop on tour. The concert went mostly without hitch. We really do mess up a lot. It's hard to notice for the most part, we try to play it off. After we finished performing we went backstage and got changed. I noticed once again that Justin clung to JC like a child to his mother. I had to laugh. If only he knew.

By the time we were able to leave the arena, it was already eleven thirty, there was no doubt in my mind, I won the bet. Justin only had a half hour, and there was no way he could win in that amount of time, considering JC was, for the most part, ignoring him. We pulled out of Hershey Park and began to head towards our next destination.

"How you doing Justy?" I teased when I passed him in the kitchen.

"Screw you. You had to pick the coldest person possible." Justin said, pouring his glass of milk. I had to laugh at Justin's broke ego.

"Well, you have 30 minutes and counting. Better work your magic." I laughed and walked away. I could almost imagine the scowl on Justin's face.

Approximately twenty nine minutes and fifty nine seconds later it was official, I had won the bet. Justin, now sitting on JC's lap with his arms around JC's neck. JC sat limp, watching the TV in the lounge, ignoring Justin's constant touching and flirting. Justin was sweating from desperation as he climbed off of JC's lap, giving up.

"Fuck off Lance" Justin yelled towards me when he saw I was watching him.

I smiled from the other side of lounge where I had observed the last few minutes of Justin's pathetic attempt to get to JC.

"Just fuck off." Justin repeated and stormed out of the room in frustration.

As soon as he was out of earshot I looked towards JC, "Thank you JC, you got him so good." I complimented JC while standing up to go annoy Justin some more.

"No problem. Like I would have had sex with him anyway." JC said laughing before directing his attention back towards the TV.

I walked towards the front of the bus and noticed Justin sitting at the booth with his head down. I felt bad, knowing that I was the cause for his depression. But then again, he was the one who was so full of himself. "Hey Justin," I said putting on my warmest smile.

"What do you want, Lance?" Justin replied coldly, not to my surprise.

"May I sit down?" I politely asked, hoping he would give a simple yes or no answer.

"Why?" Justin asked, answering my question with a question.

I knew he would have to be complicated. "Will you at least look at me?"

Justin raised his eyes to meet mine, "What?"

"Can I sit down?" I asked again, this time with a little more annoyance in my voice.


I sat down across from him and tried to read his expressionless face. "Are you mad at me?" I asked, not really worried if he was or not, I knew he would get over it.

"Yes." Apparently Justin was a big talker.

"I didn't do anything wrong Justin. You made the bet, you have to suffer the consequence." I said trying to hold back laughing. I had something in mind that was sure to make Justin hate me. But I didn't care, he lost, he had to suffer.

"What's the consequence?" Justin asked, now remembering that not only did he loose the bet, he had a price to pay too.

"You know, I thought it over and over. I couldn't think of anything that would be meaningful. I mean, if you won, you would get me, and I think I'm worth quite a bit. So I have to make you pay a high price too, don't you think?" I asked with a hint of devil in my voice.

"Umm, yeah I guess." Justin managed to say, redirecting his gaze from me to the floor.

"You guess?" I asked. I wasn't going to make this easy. After all, did Justin ever make anything easy for me?

"Yes Lance, your worth a lot." Justin groaned.

"Thank you Justin. That is just too sweet." I said sarcastically, now letting my smile shine through.

"Well, what do I owe you?" Justin asked impatiently, making eye contact once again. Justin was quickly growing tired of my game.

"Well, during the time I watched you squirm, trying to get JC into the sack, I was thinking, sex is such a powerful motivation, don't you think?" I asked.

"Lance just fuckin tell me what you want from me!" Justin shouted. This time it actually scared me and I visibly jumped. I decided I better say what I wanted before I lost my authoritative position.

"Fine, don't shout," I said looking behind me to see if Justin had woken Joey or Chris. "Since the whole bet was about sex, why would I make my part of the bet any different? So, since you seem to love sex so much, I'm going to take that from you. I decided since the last 30 minutes of your seduction act was the most pathetic, you can't have sex with anyone for 30 days." I said as Justin gasped. I tried to console the laughter building up inside of me.

"Oh my God Lance. No way. That's way to harsh." Justin said getting antsy in his seat.

"Justin, I'm worth at least 30 days, aren't I?" I asked him while looking deep within his extremely wide blue eyes.

"Umm, Yeah...yes, I mean, but...Lance! That's thirty days! I don't think I can last that long! Please don't do that." Justin begged with every bit of effort he had left in his body.

Maybe it was too harsh. "OK, fine, fifteen days, but that's the lowest I go." I said crossing my arms to further my point.

Justin sighed, "Thanks, I guess. That's still a long time." Justin paused and sighed again, "I can't believe your doing this. But thanks for not making it even longer." Justin said returning to his depressed state. We sat in silence for a while and I noticed Justin seemed more depressed then he should have been.

"What's wrong Just? Besides the obvious." I asked with genuine concern. I could tell something other then the bet was bothering him.

"Nothing. Just tired." He said obviously lying, but I figured I was the last person he wanted to open up to tonight.

"OK, well I'm going to sleep. Goodnight Justin," I said standing from the table.

"Night Lance. See you in a few hours." Justin said, before letting out a long sigh. I frowned knowing that I couldn't help him. It was his own fault.

I walked past the bunks and into the lounge. JC had fallen asleep on the couch. I couldn't help but admire his curled up body. Everyone always said how skinny JC is, but he looked average to me. He really did have a sexy body. I stood in the doorway staring at how his white wifebeater clung to his muscular chest. His beautiful legs. I used to dream of JC when I first joined the band. To wake up next to him would have been the best part of my day. Even now I sometimes wished JC would show even a spark of interest in a relationship.

His feet. Even his feet were so sexy, just the perfect size. And I can't deny another area of his body that his shorts highlighted perfectly. I must say, the bulge was a quite considerable size. Many times I had imagined what his shorts held under the bulging material. Not that I hadn't seen him naked before, but never long enough to actually take his beauty in. It was always a glance here or there in the dressing room. Maybe someday something would come of us. But I knew he didn't want a burden of a relationship right now.

I decided I probably should wake him so he could rest comfortably in his bunk. I walked to him and knelt down beside him, before shaking him gently. "Hmm?" He mumbled as his eye fluttered open and he slowly came out of his nap.

"You better go to your bunk before you get a stiff neck," I said standing up and staring down at him. God he was sexy. There was nothing more I wanted then to tear his clothes off right then and there.

"Oh, I guess I was more tired than I thought," JC smiled and sat up.

"Well goodnight JC." I said abruptly as I walked off towards my bunk. I had to get away from him before I did something I would probably regret the next day.

"Goodnight Lance." I heard him say and I noticed the light go off behind me. I noticed Justin's curtain was drawn on his bunk, so I assumed he was inside.

I laid down in my bunk and began to rethink the events of the day. It had definitely been a confusing day. The worst part of the day was that I actually felt bad for making Justin feel bad. I didn't think too long though, and it wasn't that much longer until I felt myself drift off to sleep. Silence had taken over the bus.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 5

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