Playing from the Heart

By Spoon Mike

Published on Dec 29, 2001


Hi everybody! Spoon Mike here. I hope that you all enjoyed the first part of this story. Coming at you with part 2!

First, however, I'd like to thank MT. I love you honey! You make my life complete, and I don't know what I'd do without you! Also, big thanks to Khiem for encouraging me, and giving me some really great ideas. Khiem, you're the man! Please go read his story, Umm.Whatever, also in the Boy Bands section here.

Also, I'd like to give a plug for some of my favorite stories here on the archive (in no particular order):

Boy Bands section Celebrity section College section High School Section Forever Just Together Dan the Man Not Always Easy Intimate Stranger RA Adventures Opposing Forces JC's Hitchhiker Working at the Club My Surprise Romance The One

DISCLAIMER: All of the following characters are pure, unadulterated fiction. I do not pretend to know N'Sync, Ben Affleck, or any of the other celebrities that appear in this story. I have no idea what their sexual or even food preferences are; so don't look to me for the truth. If you are a minor, scram! If this type of material offends you, why the hell are you here at this site in the first place?


Playing from the Heart - Chapter 3 By Spoon Mike

The ceremony was so cool! I didn't get to participate or even watch much, since we were playing pretty much the entire time, but it was just really cool to be here! Justin and Britney were so happy and in love. I made me kind of sad, because I don't have such a love in my own life. Oh well.

Now, there's a serious party going on! Stars of all types are dancing away and congratulating the new Mr. and Mrs. Timberlake. Jeff, Molly, Gretchen, Bill, and I, having packed up our instruments and storing them inside our cars, went out to join the party.

Molly, upon entering the garden, saw Lance. "Lance! Over here, Thanks for inviting us!" She dragged Bill and Gretchen over with her to talk to Lance.

"Typical Molly behavior, huh, Mike?" Jeff asked while surveying the party.

"Definitely," I replied.

"Whoa! There's Katie Holmes! I've got to go meet her! But how?"

"Jeff, she's not dancing with anyone right now. Go over there and ask her to dance!"

"Are you sure? Do you think that she'll really dance with me? I also don't want to just leave you here, all alone, with no one."

"Ah, just shut up and go talk to her!' I said, pushing him in her direction.

Jeff glared at me for a moment, then relented and went over to the unsuspecting Ms. Holmes. Katie seemed rather happy with Jeff's attention, and soon they were dancing the night away. Feeling very happy for him and satisfied about a job well done, I went over to the refreshment table to get something to eat. When I go there. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I spun around and was face to face with JC Chasez of N'Sync! Calm down, Mike, this is no time to hyperventilate!

Let me tell you all, pictures and television do the man no justice at all. This guy is just SEXY. Dark hair, blue eyes, lithe form. Oh, he's talking to me! "Huh?" is all I can say. Real smooth, Mike!

"I just said that your quintet was really good! I was impressed!" JC said.

WOW! JC Chasez, international pop star, was impressed with our playing? "Thanks," I said, a blush creeping into my features.

"No need to thank me, you were excellent tonight. Do you play professionally?"

"Well, sort of. I'm a senior at New England Conservatory, but I play in the Canterbury Philharmonic Orchestra. All five of us are in the orchestra."

"You must be a really good player to play with a professional orchestra like that one!"

"I guess so." The blush just continued to deepen.

"Well, I'm pretty sure that you know me as JC, but please call me Josh. What's your name?"

"I'm Mike. Glad to meet you." We shook hands, and I think I saw something in his eyes! Could it be interest, in me?

"You too, Mike. I have to get going now, but is the orchestra going to be performing soon? I'd love to come hear you play! In the orchestra, that is." Whoa, he wants to come to hear ME play!

"Well, we have a concert next Friday night, 8pm, at Canterbury Hall. It'll be an all Richard Wagner program; you're more than welcome to attend."

"That sounds great! I'll definitely be there, and why don't we plan to go out for coffee afterwards, so we can talk some more?" He wants to talk some more?

"Sounds good. Meet me backstage after the concert finishes, and we'll decide where we'll go to then."

"Cool! Well, it was nice meeting you, and I'll see you next Friday night at the concert."

"I'll see you then, too. Have a good night, Josh!"

"You too, Mike." Josh left.

Wow, not only did a hot guy like Josh introduce himself to me, but we practically have a date in a week! I'm floating here! But, calm down. It can't be a date. Josh can't be gay, and even if he was, why would he want you, when he could have practically anyone he wanted? I look to the side and see Jeff still dancing away with Katie. The both look so happy and carefree. Why can't life be simpler?

Playing from the Heart - Chapter 4

Since it doesn't look like Jeff and Katie will be separating anytime soon, I grabbed some food and went to sit at a table. What could Josh possibly see in me? Why is he so interested in coming to hear my orchestra play? I took a bite of cake, but didn't really taste it. There was another tap on my shoulder, and I looked up to see who it was.

"Do you mind some company?"

I almost started hyperventilating again. Ben Affleck is standing behind me, smiling widely. Wow! Two gorgeous stars in one evening have come to talk to me personally!

Ben folded himself into a chair across from me. "So, Mike, your group sounded really good. I'll have to hire you guys to play for me sometime!"

"Thanks a lot, Ben." I took out my wallet and pulled out a card. "Here's my card. Call if you need us for anything."

Ben seemed to study the card for a while. "Mike Russell, huh. It says here that you teach as well as perform?"

"Well, I'm available to teach. I don't actually have any students yet, but I want some. I need teaching experience before I graduate from NEC in May."

"I just might be able to help you out there." Huh? He can? "My agent sent me a script for a new movie, "The Benny Goodman Story", in which I would play Benny Goodman. It's a great part, but I know nothing about the clarinet. Playing Benny Goodman, who was one of the greatest clarinet players of all time, would be pretty tough if I didn't even know how to hold the instrument!"

"Okay, then, I can help you out. I'd love to give you lessons!" What's with that look on his face? Oh, well, it's gone now.

"Great, then. Your card has your telephone number on it; I'll call to set up a lesson time soon. I've got to run now, though. Matt's ready to go. Ben looked towards the parking lot. Sure enough, Matt Damon was waving to him from there. "Mike, it was nice meeting you, and I'll talk to you soon."

Ben and I shook hands, and then he left with Matt. I felt a vibe coming from Ben that I can't describe. I sat at the table for a minute, wondering had just happened. Jeff came to the table at that moment, very happy.

"Mikey! I just got Katie's cell phone number and email address! She wants to see me again! I'm so happy! How about you? I saw you talking to Ben and to JC! Did you get either one of their numbers?" Jeff was really bouncy tonight.

"Well, no, but Josh's coming to our concert next week, after which we're going out to talk over coffee. Ben wants me to give him clarinet lessons and took one of my cards."

"Whoa, both of them? Calling JC 'Josh' already? Mike the stud muffin! I didn't know you had it in ya!

"Jeff, it's not like that! There's no way that they like me in that way! Come on, let's go, it's getting late. Where are Bill and the girls at?"

"Bill and Gretchen went home a while ago, and Molly went off to visit with Lance and his family. We're all set to go. Nice subject change, by the way."

We went out to our cars. "See ya tomorrow, Jeff," I said to Jeff.

"See you tomorrow, loverboy!" Jeff peeled out of the driveway and went home. Sometimes, I wonder why he tire isn't left behind. Talk about Gone in Sixty Seconds!

I followed at a much more leisurely pace. Getting on the highway, I decided to put on some music. I turned on the CD player, and N'Sync instantly filled the car. I had left Celebrity in the CD player, and the song "The Two of Us" came on. My mind instantly became filled with thoughts of Josh and Ben.

Jeff couldn't have been right, could he? Could they both have been interested in me? What should I do? Why can't life be simpler?

END Chapters 3 and 4

To Be Continued...

So what'd y'all think? Please email me at Suggestions? Questions? Threats? All are welcome! Remember, if one person responds, I'll continue. I have the story mapped out, but you can influence changes. Hope to hear from you soon!

Also, do you like the way that I jumped from one character's mind to another character's mind, as I did in Chapters 1 and 2? Or would you rather have me keep it all from Mike point of view, as I did in these two chapters? I was thinking of changing to specifically Mike's point of view. Stop me if you like the other way better.

Spoon Mike

Next: Chapter 3: Playing from the Heart 5 8

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