Playing from the Heart

By Spoon Mike

Published on Jan 8, 2002


Hi everybody! Spoon Mike here; with part five for your viewing pleasure. Sorry for the long wait, but I've been hit by both burnout and writer's block at the same time. My creativity is music, not words! Thanks Clarke, for getting the fire relit for me!

I have to take a moment to plug my favorite story on the Nifty Archive, JC's Hitchhiker. If you haven't read this one yet, PLEASE do yourself a favor and go read it! You WON'T be disappointed! Writer Boy is SUCH a fantastic writer! Many thanks for the inspiration and comments! Other great reads include Search and Rescue, JC Dreams, Not Meant to Be, The One, and Intimate Stranger, all found here in the Boy Bands section.

MANY thanks go to my fans, cheerleaders, and everyone who's sent me an email: Writer Boy, Mike (a.k.a. Nick), Khiem, Christopher, Jimmy, Ray, Clarke, Howard, Rdr, Jade, Kelz, Ry, Half Pint, and Ron! I love my fans, and I'll try to write more, just remember that this story WILL be updated eventually. I have NO intentions of stopping anytime soon.

And, a very SPECIAL thanks goes out to Mike (a.k.a. Nick), my trusted (or at least tolerated) proofreader. I have a STAFF! Yay! Ya mule, ya! Just kidding!

DISCLAIMER: This story, along with all of the following characters, is pure, unadulterated fiction. I do not pretend to know any member of N'Sync, or Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, or any of the other celebrities that have appeared or may appear in this story. I have no idea what their sexual or even food preferences are; so don't look to me for the truth. Any and all songs used in this story belong to their respective artists and labels. Mike Russell is a completely fictional character and any resemblance to any real person is strictly coincidental. If you're a minor, scram! If this type of material offends you, why the hell are you here at this site in the first place?


Playing From the Heart - Chapter 12 By Spoon Mike

My date with Josh tonight was so wonderful! Josh is just such an incredible guy. I can't believe that such a wonderful, caring, sweet person actually likes me! Entering my apartment, after a very memorable night spent with Josh, I spun around once, and settled onto my couch. I picked up a pillow, and hugged it, imagining it was Josh.

What an evening! First, we went to this quaint Italian restaurant. Josh, being a celebrity, was able to get us a very private booth, were we wouldn't be disturbed. We placed our orders, and then tuned to each other. I was so nervous!

Sure enough, Josh said, "You seem nervous."

Whoa! Is he psychic or something? "Is it that obvious?" I asked.

"Well, I could kind of tell from the way you're twisting your napkin. Let it go, it didn't do anything to you!" Josh said, smiling gently at me. Oh, his clear, deep eyes.

Just then, the waiter came up to the table. He moved so quickly and softly, I didn't even notice him until he was at our table. He took our orders and left in the same manner as he approached. Gotta love a discreet restaurant!

We started to talk about ourselves, everything from our families to what exactly it is that makes us both love music so much to pursue it professionally. Soon, the conversation turned to us.

"You know something, Mike?" Josh asked.

"What is it, Josh?"

"Ever since I met you at the wedding, I haven't been able to get you out of my mind."

I practically melted after hearing that. "Really?" I asked.

"Yes, and I knew that I had to see you again. But I wonder, how do you feel about me?"

"Josh, I'm not going to lie. You are definitely one of the handsomest guys that I have even met. But that's just what's on the surface. You're also so sweet and caring."

"That's exactly what I was thinking about you, and so much more." Josh's eyes became very serious. "Mike, I want to ask you something. Will you go out with me? I mean, will you be my boyfriend?"

I was so surprised and choked up that I couldn't respond for a moment. I composed myself as quickly as I could. "Yes, I will, Josh. I'd be very happy to be your boyfriend."

After that, the night was very relaxed. We ate a delicious meal, making faces at each other the whole time. The show we went to see, which turned out to be a night of improvisational comedy, was very good. It may have been an unconventional idea for a date, but it was very sweet. I hadn't laughed so hard in a long time, and having Josh there made it all the better.

After the show, it was kind of late, so we decided to head home. Josh drove me back to my apartment, and he walked me up to my door.

"I had a wonderful time tonight," I said.

"I did, too."

"Good night, Josh."

"Good night, Mike," Josh said.

Then, he leaved over and gave me the gentlest kiss on the lips. I was frozen in place for a moment, in heaven! Josh just smiled at me, waved and left.

After a night like that, there was nothing I could do but go to bed. I got ready for bed, made sure that Kitty was fed, and went to bed, all the while dreaming of Josh.

Playing From the Heart - Chapter 13

The next week, I was floating on air. Josh was so perfect! He called and emailed me every day, just to say that he was thinking of me. School even flew by. It was like I got a new outlook on life, which I guess I did.

By Thursday morning, I was sure that there was nothing else that could make my life any better. Thursdays are slow days for me; I just have my clarinet lesson and chamber music rehearsal in the morning. My lesson went extremely well (My teacher wondered where I found all the deep emotions and love that I put into my playing today) and quartet rehearsal went well. Jeff kept winking at me all the way through, and I had no idea what he was up to.

After rehearsal was over, I was free. I said goodbye to Molly, Gret, and Bill, and walked with Jeff. We were going over to the residence hall to say hello to a friend of Jeff's. As we got closer to the door, Jeff got this really big grin on his face.

"Jeff, why are you smiling like that?" I asked. "You look like you're up to something."

"Oh, me? I don't know anything about anything," Jeff said, whistling and making a point to not look at me.

"Oh, come on, Jeff, you can't fool me. I've known you for your entire life."

"It's nothing, now come on, let's get going!" Jeff smiled even wider and pushed me outside.

` "What." I started to say, but froze in mid stride. There, leaning against the wall, was Josh.

"Is that anyway to greet me? I'm beginning to wonder if I just should've stayed home." Josh said in a hurt voice.

I composed myself quickly. "No, Josh, it's not that! I was just surprised to see you." I gave him a quick hug; after all, we were in public. "How did you know where to find me?"

"Well, I ran into Jeff yesterday at the store. He told me that you both got out of rehearsal at that time, and that you were free after this time. I decided to stop by and visit."

So that's what the looks and smiles from Jeff were about! I turned to him. Jeff just shrugged and smiled.

"Listen guys, I have to run, I still have classes. I'll talk to you later, Mike. Have fun!" Jeff took off towards the residence hall, almost knocking over a girl carrying a violin. That Jeff.

"So, Mike. Now that I'm here, show me around! I want to see where you study and play at!"

I proceeded to give Josh the grand tour. I showed him all of the recital halls, and my classrooms. We came to some practice rooms, eventually.

"Play something for me!" Josh was jumping around like a little kid.

"Alright, but I'm not really that good of a player." I protested, while assembling my clarinet.

"Don't kid me, you're an awesome player! Now play something, anything," Josh said, finally settling down into a chair.

Hmm, what to play? Most of my music was parts for Wind Ensemble or the orchestra that don't really stand alone very well. Even a lot of my solo music was actually written with piano accompaniment. I finally decided to play Claude Debussy's First Rhapsody for Clarinet. It's a beautiful, flowing piece that can stand alone at times.

I played like I haven't played before. All of the emotions were coming out in the lines, and I felt at one with the music. All because Josh was sitting there, listening to me play. I reached the end, and ended the last few notes with a flourish. Looking up, I saw that Josh was riveted to his seat, tears in his eyes.

"I love Debussy's music," he said, "but I've never heard that piece before, and you played it so beautifully. I can see why you play in the orchestra."

"You're just being nice. It really wasn't that good."

"Yes it was! Seriously!"

"Okay, whatever. You have to say that now since you're my boyfriend." It still felt weird to say that, 'My boyfriend'.

Josh started to pout. He looked so adorable like that!

"Aw, quit with the pouting! Now, it's your turn. Sing something for me."

"Alright." Josh settled himself down at the piano, and warmed up a bit. "What would you like me to sing?" he asked.

"Can you sing 'Sailing' for me? That's my favorite song of yours."

"Okay," Josh answered. He played the introduction to it, and then began to sing.

"Well, it's not far down to paradise (at least it's not for me), and if the wind is right you can sail away and find tranquility. Oh the canvas can do miracles just you wait and see. Baby, believe me.

It's not far to Never-Never-Land (no reason to pretend), and if the wind is right you can find the joy of innocence again. Oh the canvas can do miracles just you wait and see. Baby, believe me.

Sailing takes me away, the way I've always heard it could be. Just a dream and a wind to carry me; sooner I will be free.

Fantasy; it gets the best of me, when I'm sailing. All caught up in a reverie, every word is a symphony. Won't you believe me?

Sailing takes me away, the way I've always heard it could be. Just a dream and a wind to carry me; sooner I will be free.

Well, it's not far back to sanity (at least it's not for me), and if the wind is right you can sail away, and find serenity. Oh the canvas can do miracles just you wait and see. Baby, believe me.

Sailing takes me away, the way I've always heard it could be. Just a dream and a wind to carry me; sooner I will be free.

Sailing takes me away, the way I've always heard it could be. Just a dream and a wind to carry me; sooner I will be free."

When Josh finished singing, I was already in tears. I really love that song, ever since I heard the original version years ago. I went over and gave him a big hug.

"Oh, Josh, that was beautiful. I love that song, and you really seem to also."

"I do, Mike, and part of what inspired me today was the fact that you love that song."

"We hugged a while longer, just enjoying each other's company. Of course, however, it had to end. Josh broke away after a few minutes.

"I'm really sorry, Mike, but I have to have a conference call with Joey and the guys soon about our future plans, so I have to run."

So soon? "It's okay, I understand. I'll see you later, alright?"

"You can count on it!" Josh gave me a kiss, and was gone.

I packed up my stuff and headed home, with a spring in my step. All Josh has to do is be near me, and my day instantly becomes brighter. What more could I ask for?

Playing From the Heart - Chapter 14

I got home in under a half hour (which is a slight miracle in this rush hour traffic), and checked my messages. Finding none, I went to go fix myself some dinner. Kitty was waiting for me in the kitchen, and we enjoyed a quiet dinner together.

I teach lessons tonight. First, the new guy, Nick Desaro. I wonder what he's like? He's a fellow musician, though, so I'm sure he'll be cool. Then Ben will be over. I hope that he's doing better. He seemed so depressed when he left here after his lesson last week.

I went to the music room to get set up for Nick's lesson. I had just finished with everything when the doorbell rang. Answering it, I found a very cute guy who was about a year younger than me standing on the doorstep.

"Hey," he said. "Are you Mike Russell?"

"Yes, I am. Nick Desaro?"

"That's me."

"Come in." I led Nick to the music room, and we started our lesson. Unlike Ben's lesson where I had to explain a lot of basics to him, Nick was already a musician and knew how to read music. I showed him how to put together his instrument properly, and then taught him how to blow into the instrument and how to play a few notes. Being a saxophone player, Nick caught on relatively easily. The instruments are very similar to each other.

We finished the lesson about 15 minutes early, so we just sat and talked for a while. I told Nick about myself, and then Nick told me about himself.

Nick lives nearby, and goes to Boston University, another school in the area. As a saxophonist, he plays a lot of jazz, mainly, and his jazz band director is the one who suggested to him the possibility of playing it pit orchestras. Since I love to play for musicals, I told him a bit about how the orchestra works, how we play music for scene changes and for audience entertainment, as well. We became good friends very quickly.

Nick stood up and stretched. "It was really good talking to you, Mike, but I should get going. I have a gig tonight, playing for a friend's party."

"It was nice talking to you, too, Nick. I'll see you next week at the same time for your lesson, but you have my phone number and know where I live. Call or stop by sometime, maybe we can hang out sometime."

I walked him to the door and opened it. We were startled; there was person outside who was poised to ring the doorbell.

It was Ben.

"Oh, wow! You're Ben Affleck! I didn't know you were one Mike's students as well!" Nick seemed excited see Ben, but at least he wasn't falling all over him like a groupie.

"Yep, that's me," Ben replied. "I'm taking lessons to prepare for a role in an upcoming movie. Oh, I didn't catch you name, by the way."

"I'm Nick. Nice to meet you," Nick said, shaking Ben's hand.

"It's nice to meet you, too." Ben had a large smile on his face.

"I really hate to interrupt, but I think that we should start our lesson soon. It's already past seven." I said.

As soon as I spoke, Ben looked at me, and I noticed his face drop. He then made his way to the music room. Hmm, I wonder what's wrong. Nick noticed it, too, and looked at us.

"I'll be heading home now. Bye, Ben! See you soon, Mike!" Nick let himself out the door.

"Bye!" I went to the music room, where I found Ben sitting, all set to start. He still looked really down, however. Something really must be wrong. Oh, boy, this is not a great way to start a lesson.

"So, Ben, let's begin, shall we?" I asked.

To Be Continued...

So what'd y'all think? What do you think of Nick? Ready to kill me yet for keeping you guys waiting? I really am sorry, but the story just wasn't coming to me.

Please email me at Suggestions? Questions? Threats? All are welcome! I have the story kind of mapped out, but you can still influence changes. It's been so great to hear from everyone who's contacted me, and I promise to reply as soon as possible. Don't be afraid to write. Hope to hear from you soon!

I PROMISE that the wait for the next chapter will NOT be this long. My writer's block is gone!

Spoon Mike

Legal Stuff --

'Sailing' - from N'Sync's self-titled album, c 1998. Written by Christopher Cross, c 1979.

Next: Chapter 6

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