Please publish this as "Q sub

By Gregory Gordon

Published on Aug 5, 2024


So when we get back to Jeffrey's frat house he sends me off with Marty to "show him what a good cocksucker you're becoming."

Marty didn't say much at lunch but he's surprisingly talkative with me. "I really dig the ambience Jeffrey created there, and fuck you really do look like some young kid we had to bring along, especially when he bossed you around and ordered your food and then fuck! when he wiped the whipped cream off your nose . . . . I almost creamed my jeans. The whole idea that you are most definitely and completely low on the totem pole. How Jeffrey keeps you there, especially when he sent you to suck off that hot waiter. Always the fucking slut slave cocksucker. He making you take his piss, too?"

I guess I must had made a face. "yeah, that's gonna be rough. just in the beginning. Once when you've swallowed a couple mouthfuls you'll just get used to doing it without thinking about what it is you're gulping down."

Fuck! "That sure wasn't making it any easier for me," I blurt out, stupidly.

"Hey, at least I'm honest. But think what it means, Q."

"What do you mean?"

"This Master is taking charge of you, both inside and out, your body and your mind and every trace of pride in being a man. It all gets taken away. You're nothing, naked, on the floor, maybe you got beat or other things done to you, and now That Master will claim your last shred of decency as he pisses in your mouth and turns you into his urinal. Could anything be more humiliating than that, as you eagerly gulp it down because you need to be used this way by the man who claims you."

"I I get the picture. Thank you, Sir, for what you said. It really will help, I think."

"So the day will come when you'll be able to thank me by gulping me down as well. But don't bother thinking about that. One thing at a time. First, Jeffrey is gonna claim your gut. I'm sure of it."

He's stripping naked while he's saying all this to me. I pull off the shirt and shorts so I'm naked. Then I get down on the floor and kind of grovel there.

"You know your place, Q. Good. So lick my feet and work your way up to my balls. I'll let you know if I want to speed you up or slow you down. Start by doing what good slaves do for Masters."

He's content with my licking and sucking. Twice he stopped me to spit in my mouth cause I was getting dry. But once I got one of his balls in my mouth I started salivating again and I tried to swallow his entire sac until finally he just said, "get the cock, faggot!" and I took him into my mouth and licked the head of his dick and swallow down all the precum that had accumulated.

"Okay, faggot. Now jerk me off using your mouth and throat like a fist. Like a fleshlight. Work my dick. Milk it quick!" Of all the things guys tell me to do to their dicks, this is the thing I like doing the least. I'm much more of a passive guy in every way, I know. I just wish Marty would talk to me some more while I'm milking him. I like the way he thinks.

"It's so cool having you around, Q. I hope Jeffrey gets you out here more often. Shit. Look how I'm using you, faggot, making you fuck your own mouth with my hard cock getting ready to take all my slime down your queer throat and into your gut. My protein becomes part of yours, faggot. That's' why we Doms make you drink it all down. You need the nourishment. Lots of it. . . . . . That's just the right pace, boy. You're milking it just right, letting me use your body for my own pleasure. You're such a slave, and you know that Jeffrey plans to break you down even more tonight. I'm sure of it."

And then with a big shout, he cums and floods my mouth with cum that's almost a little sweet. Tastiest ever, IMHO.

But he's not done with me yet.

"Stand up and bend over. Let me see your ass, Q. Wanna see how you took that whippin'." A further indignity and dammit he's not shy about touching and squeezing even the sorest parts. Twice I yelped.

"Shit, boy, you got off easy. Only a few marks showing now. Isn't it something, slaveboy, the ass whippins are an ordinary part of your life now, along with the sore nipples and aching balls and someday you'll get a real back whippin all tied up while some guys watch you take it and hear you scream and cry. Too much for you now, I'm sure, but you'll get built up to it. I guarantee you, slaveboy. I hope I get to sit in on some of your little training sessions."

I guess I was being distracted by what he was telling me, because once he stopped talking, all of a sudden I realized that he's got his finger up my ass and he's exploring me in there. "I like checking out a slaveboy's pussy," he tells me. "I wonder if Jeffrey has any plans for it tonight. Is he gonna give it away or rent it out or keep it for himself? Will he plug it up? Jeffrey ever fuck you before, boy?"

Before I get to answer he adds a finger and I start to moan. "You moan like a whore on drugs, Q. It's clear that you've been claimed, probably a while ago. I wonder who's had a taste of this pussy, who's gotten to shoot a load up there inside you, slaveboy. They gonna make you into just a cumdump? So many possibilities. I hope you get to live out all of them, at least until someone takes complete ownership of you. then all decisions about you are his. Never yours, Q. Get used to that idea. You don't get to vote. You don't have a choice. Some Master will decide what your life will be like."

I think the most frustrating thing about all this is that I really have no idea how truthful he's being with me. Is it all being made up just to keep me turned on? Is it all true, even the idea that I will lose the right to plan out my life? Would I really go that far? Shit! I'm only a few weeks into my freshman year of college. Will I get to finish ever? Will someone have the power to make those decisions for me? Could I handle that? Would I want to handle it, never have to make any decisions. Just obey?

What is fantasy and what is reality? Shit. The only reality I know at this point is that after Marty gets tired of me I go back to Jeffrey's room. From then until Sunday night Jeffrey is calling the shots. Good practice, getting used to surrendering myself to a Master's decisions about me. And besides, I really like Jeffrey and trust him. He even keeps Matt in check.

It's not all about sex. When I get back to Jeffrey's room, toss off my clothes again and crawl to where he's at his desk printing out something. "I have to hand in this paper on Monday," he says, as he takes the pile of pages from the printer. "Proofread these. You can walk to the kitchen table and sit there. But make us some coffee first. You can have your own cup while you're working on my paper. Oh, and here's a pen you can use." He waits until I'm standing again, always watching me struggle and enjoying the sight, he hands me the pages and the pen and slaps me on the ass, dismissing me.

Even though I'm a smart guy, I'm a fucking slave. I only get to exercise my intelligence when it's in direct service to the Master. I put the stuff on the table and put on a pot of coffee. He comes in and fixes himself a cup then lets me do the same. He leaves me sitting on a dish towel protecting the seat from my naked ass---first time I've been allowed on furniture except for his own bed since I came here. And so naked, I read and make corrections—not too many, he's a pretty smart guy himself. Can't say too much about what the paper is about. It's for a philosophy course and sounds a bit too dense for me at this time. Kudos to the guy, however, for taking a philosophy course. I wonder if there has ever been a study done of the relative intelligence of bdsm'ers as compared to the general population.

Once that's done, he puts the paper back on his desk without a word of thanks. Then he says something that really gets to me. "I'm going to finish the paper now. I have no reason to make use of you for the next couple hours so I'm going to put you away. Get back on the floor where you belong and come with me."

He leads me through parts of the house I never saw before, to a room set up with different equipment—kind of a cross between a home gym and a torture chamber. He leads me to a back corner. There's a fucking dog cage there---we'll not actually a dog cage, but a cage-type thing with solid steel bars all around and a mat on the floor. "Get in," he says, with another swat on my ass. AS soon as I'm all the way in—and it's very small so I have to be folded up somewhat, he shuts the door and I hear the lock close. "Matt may stop in for a blow job. He can stick his dick between the bars. We've done it like that before. Oh, and there's a panic button over in the top corner—the red one. Try not to have to use it. You'll be whipped if you do. I'm turning on a camera, so I'll be able to check up on you."

And that is that. He turns around and leaves me alone there. He turns off the lights on his way out. And here I am.

Initially I'm turned on by the whole idea, but ideas are not like reality. the reality is that I'm pissed off, disappointed, bored as hell, it's not very comfortable in here. just caged like a useless animal because he doesn't have any other work for me to do. what a fucked-up day! Laundry all morning. pissy bath and I still smell a little. treated like a little brat a lunch. lick the stinky crotch of a waiter, got mentally worked over by Marty. and now? Nothing. Useless. "Put away," like he said he was going to do.

You know what? The thing that is hardest to take is that he never lets me know what's going to happen to me. I mean, after he ever rescues me from this, what's next? I don't know. He doesn't care if I know. Not sure about this. Could I imagine being owned by him all the time and this I the way things are, me never knowing. . . Maybe I don't want to be owned so soon anyway. Maybe I've got a lot to learn about all this before I make any commitments. And shit! I always thought it was sensual to get beaten by a Dom. All they do to me is punish me and that really hurts.

Fuck! How can I turn off my mind? I can't even fucking jerk off. I can't, I can't, I can't. And I've still got something else to face: the big P. Maybe I'll just call it quits before that happens.

I have no idea how much time has passed when I hear voices approaching. The lights go on and several guys come in. I recognize Matt's voice, so they must be friends of his. "Look what we have here! Jeffrey's faggot from Dunstun. Nice and snug in its cage," says Matt and the other guys make suitable unkind remarks. "Help me pull the cage out from the wall so we can stand around it," he says, and I'm dragged out of the corner and into the light. Five guys are looking down on me.

"Hey Q. Fix yourself so we can give you something to drink. Get your mouth open between the top bars." It's hard to move around but I manage. "Thirsty?" Matt asks. Against my better judgment I answer, "Yes, Sir."

"Okay, guys. Let's lubricate the slave," he says, letting a glob of spit form on his lips then he lets it drop into my open mouth. "Swallow and thank me, faggot," he says.

"Thank you, Sir."

"Okay guys, it's open season. Go for it."

I'm bombarded with spit and not all of it lands in my mouth or even on my face.

"Can I give it my piss?" one of them asks. "No," answers Matt. This one's not broken for that. Not yet." Those last two words burn into me!

"Hell, the last guy you had here was a fucking urinal. WE all pissed in its mouth!" one of the says.

"But you know what? This faggot is an excellent cocksucker! Good at sucking toes too, guys, so be my guest!"

Someone shoves a hard cock through the bars on the side and I squiggle around to get my mouth in it, but "too late, faggot!" The cock is pulled out and he spits at me. Another one hangs from the top and like a fucking animal I try to get myself up there to taste it. Success!

"See how hungry this slut is for our bodies, guys. Feed it good!" Dicks and balls and fucking toes keep getting shoved through and they seem to get off on watching me squirm around to taste what they shove at me like a sex-crazed fucking pervert. Total utter degradation. Can I go any lower?

Eventually they get tired of me and leave talking to one another. I come up with this theory that all this is actually planned out well in advance, maybe even some kind of system they have to help subs like me find out if we really want to be serious about it all. Or maybe just a carefully devised plan to break our spirits. And shit, I know that Jeffrey can tune into everything that's happening to me, so he's letting it happen.

Little did I realize that as much as I want to be set free from this cage, I'll be going from the frying pan into the fire, so to speak.

But first it's wonderful. When Jeffrey finally comes down and unlocks my cage (fuck, I'm thinking of it as MY CAGE!!!!), he carries me in my arms back to his rooms, gives me a nice warm shower and then brings in someone who's a masseuse who gives me a full-body massage unlike anything I've ever experienced before. And he doesn't even make me suck him off after he's done with me!

What's next?

An hour later, I'm squatting on the floor at Jeffrey's feet. Heavy weights have been attached to my ball sac keeping it low between my legs. I'm so close to toppling over but Jeffrey told me I'd be whipped if I do not maintain my position while we "have a chat about things." I've never been whipped before except by that stupid thing Matt uses on me which only stings. I'm terrified what it would be like with a real whip. So as painful as it is, I'm struggling to maintain my position and trying my best to answer Jeffrey's questions.

---What made your little dick fight in its cage trying to get hard? Take you time answering. I'm in no rush. I want you to think back and look at yourself being trained as a slave. What makes you want this? What made you understand that you're meant to be a slave?

"answer: When you told me that you were going to start beating me because I needed it. Never your actions, Master, always the way you talk to me."

---When have you thought about quitting?

"answer: When Marty told me that the Masters will decide what my life will be like. I panicked, Master, thinking that I'd get pulled out of school against my wishes."

---You really want to finish college. Is that it, Q?

"answer: Yes, Master,"

---You do have a certain amount of control over that, boy. You can just continue living like a slut, getting passed from one Master to another, never surrendering to being owned by one Master. As far as being owned, no one can claim a slave that way against its wishes. If you want to finish college, just live like the slut, just as you have been. That would be a shame, however. You need guidance and control, Q. That includes academically. Shit, you are undeclared, just like most freshmen are. It's not time to decide on an eventual direction. That will come in time. Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you?"

"answer; I think so, Master. I just always figured that I'd have decisions to make."

---Maybe you don't. You're a true submissive, Q. You can't direct your life. You'll only fuck things up. You need someone over you who will take charge, make sure you don't fuck up. Do you have any idea who that might possible be, Q?

"answer: Can't say for sure because I haven't met many Doms yet. So far, the only Sirs I think could run my life would be you or Danny."

---Well then you have to get out there and get more experience. Keep surrendering yourself to any Alpha who looks you over. Think like a sub at all times. Obey even simple things. Keep your eyes down most of the time. Be the last to go through doors. Always let others go ahead of you. Speak very politely, like you would to any Master. Suck dicks and get fucked expecting nothing in return. Act like a slave and the right Alphas and Doms will appear and be inspired to act as your Master.

"yes, sir."

---Now get your mouth on my feet, faggot. Lick em, suck em, clean `em. Keep doing it until I give you permission to stop.

As Q slobbers over Jeffrey's feet, Matt comes over and starts lashing the slave's back with that thin leather whip he has. After one painful lash, the slave pops up and tries to rub its back with its hands.

"What the fuck!" Jeffrey yells. "Get back down there faggot. Do what you were told to do. Take the pain without resisting it. This is how you learn what it means to be our slave. Eat my fucking feet, faggot, or I'll let Matt have at you with a thick leather strap until you're screaming and sobbing."

Q's tears land on Jeffrey's foot and it dutifully licks them up. "Why am I putting up with this?" he asks himself. "Why?"

Jeffrey answers his question even though he didn't ask it out loud. "You are a born slave, G. We're just bringing it out of you. It's time for you to become what you were meant to be. And that means that a lot of things will happen that you don't like. Tough. You've a fucking slave. Take it. Obey."

So that's all for now. Hope you like how it's developing. My name's Greg. Write me any time, please?

I've selected pics to represent Danny, Jeffrey, Matt, Craig, and the sub. Tell me about your reaction to the story and I'll send a couple to you. The more you tell me the more pics I'll send.

I'm on Facebook as Gary X Gordon. Friend me.

I'm also on Telegram. Email me and I'll give you my account name.

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Next: Chapter 19

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