Please publish this as "Q sub

By Gregory Gordon

Published on Aug 22, 2024


. . . Christmas Eve . . .

Q was at Craig's for the winter break. He wasn't surprised about how nice Craig's family has been to him. After all, they raised Craig, and he had to be one of the nicest people he'd ever known. Even when the guy began to realize how good it made him feel to be taking charge of Q's life, Q found it so easy to give him that power. Craig had shown him time and time again that he was completely committed to Q's well-being and had been from the day they first met back in August.

The kindness was comforting, because Danny had graduated early and had moved away shortly after Thanksgiving. Danny tried to make it as painless as possible, but he could only do so much. At one point Q asked him to give him the roughest thrashing he had ever received so that the outside of his body could drain some of the pain from the inside of his body. "That's not the way things work, faggot," he told him. "you'll only get through it if you let go and feel all the hurt just like you do when I whip you." That had made matters even worse. All the work that had been done this semester training the slave had gone right out the window.

Danny had planned to take Q out for a farewell dinner, but Q was being so pig-headed and obstinately childish that he took boy over to Zeke to get punished like the brat he was. After Zeke thrashed the daylights out of the boy, Danny came and took the sobbing slaveboy into his arms. He held Q until he calmed down. The last thing he said before he turned around to leave was "if you write me I'll answer." He left Q with Zeke after that. That was a good decision. Zeke knew how to work with slaves when they got all dysregulated. He was the ultimate Master in all regards.

Q was in much better shape when Zeke brought him back to the dorm. He had asked Q to call Craig to come fetch him so he didn't have to walk to their room alone in case someone would make trouble for him. After all, he was naked and caged and his ass showed how severely he'd been punished. Zeke would simply not walk through the dorm himself. He's much older than these kids and someone might realize he was the one who had whipped the boy's ass.

Craig came down, of course, and took Q off Zeke's hands, thanking him for helping deal with all the drama. "If you don't start crying again I'll let you suck my cock," he promised. It worked, and this time Craig did not follow up by pissing in the boy's mouth as well. Craig was nothing but the totally supportive, totally compassionate, caring and loving parent to his roommate who, he had learned, would never be anything but a boy. A boy needing firm direction.

It really helped. Now Craig had a more clearly defined role in Q's life. A multi-faceted role, to be sure. Craig was the boy's parent, his protector, his caretaker and his Master. Maybe it's because Craig was studying to be an engineer that he could deal with multifaceted aspects of a situation. For the first week or so after Thanksgiving Craig was probably even more a Daddy—or maybe even a Grandpa—for his buddy. Check out his picture if you haven't asked for it yet. He is the epitome of laid-backness. The only thing that has ever ignited his wrath was someone hurting Q without permission. Word was out about in the dorm about this, so things stayed nice and even until the end of the semester. They both did well in their exams so Craig treated Q by taking him to a pre-holiday 18+ night at the local gay BDSM club, walking around with him on a leash, but allowing the sub whatever to get involved in anything that interested him.

Much to Craig's surprise, he wasn't the least bit weirded out by what he saw going on. Just a year ago he and his brother had watched a gay-themed movie that had a lot of bdsm in it and they both decided to turn it off. But now . . . after everything that's happened. . . . and when he realized what it did to Q to get involved in the things he was involved in, he understood what it meant. Craig being Craig, he will keep all this in mind and it will probably have some effect on his own evolution as a Master. But would he ever want to be a Master to another boy? Never. He was quite sure about that. This is all about Q and him and the chemistry between them.

Needless to say, once Q had gotten through much of his grief, Craig informed him that he would be spending the Christmas vacation and New Year's as well with him and his family and that they were all very excited to meet him, especially his older brother Chris who is fascinated by what's happening to Craig since he met Q. And yes, Craig schooled the entire family well: "His name was Q. Just Q. Please don't ask why." And so that's what happened.

Craig had a younger brother, Markus, a sophomore in high school. Markus is super straight but he's also active in the SGA at his school. Craig has a much older sister, Madeline, married with two adolescent boys. She's living in Paris at the moment on an exchange program and her whole family is there with her. This is the second of a three-year program. Craig calls his mother "mommy" and his Dad "pop." He tells Q—and the family—that Q will call his parents "mama" and `papa." And that is that.

For several years now the family had been spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at an lgbt shelter for kids thrown out of their homes. They had twenty-two residents and ten staff. Craig had told Q about this when they were still at school and Q is excited about it, although also apprehensive that anyone might know what he's been up to. Craig told him to stop worrying or he'd get a spanking. Of course, that didn't do any good at all.

Oh, by the way—Q had told Craig about Danny taking him to Evander's, so Craig wanted to see the place himself and maybe want to buy a few things. He asked Danny to take him. Danny agreed, provided that it's just the two of them. Q was to stay home. This was fortunate because it gave Q a reason to get angry with Danny. Hopefully that will help when Danny leaves. Craig came back from their visit with a lovely leather case with a golden `E" on the front and filled with things Craig bought while he was at the store.

The first thing he showed Q was a soft leather collar, very black and very comfortable, that locked in the back. He had Q wear it all the time the last two weeks of the semester. By then nothing he did would shock or disturb anybody so this was no big deal at all. It was really attractive so it might not seem like anything odd. The only problem with it, William the salesman had told Craig, was that there was no way to attach a leash or any other binding to it. That line had been discontinued and this was the last available specimen.

A few things jiggled in the case from time to time, so Q was dying to find out what Craig had bought to use on him some day. Two days later, Craig decided to take Q back to Evander's. He had the slave wear the new collar and, of course, he made Q ride there naked and stay there for the entire visit. "There's something I want to show you," he told Q when they got there. He led him into a room off to the side and had to pass through heavy velvet drapes on the entrance to get inside. The room was filled with some heavy bondage equipment, but that's not what had interested Craig so much. It was the cages. Many styles, sizes, materials, purposes.

Craig was fascinated by them and Q was a little apprehensive even though he knew Craig would never do anything to hurt him. "Think of how safe you'd feel, it you were caged for your own safety."

Sounds like a sales pitch, I thought to myself. "It would be a punishment," I dared say to him. "Hmmm," was his reply. "Like an overnight after a good whipping," he whispered on Q's ear and Q almost fainted at the thought. He had them try out a couple sizes. He wanted Q to be able to curl up in it but also be able to kneel up. Q had to admit that it turned out be fun as he tried getting locked into a couple of thecages.

"Would I let him do this to me?" he had to ask himself. "Not so sure about the answer. Check back with me in a couple years."

"Holy shit!!! I realize that I just spoke as if this whatever-it-is-between-us is already something permanent," Q thought to himself. "Something that's gonna last for a long time. Maybe even all the way through college. Fuck!"

Craig and Chris talk at least twice a week, so Chris had followed the entire Craig-Q story. Craig has even told him about the Dom/sub nature of things for Q. Chris was fine with that as well. He's been learning a lot on his own. What really impresses him about the way his brother is handling the entire situation is that Craig's supremely important priority was always Q's well-being. Chris hasn't been in a long-term relationship yet, but he really hopes he can emulate his younger brother's example. But that's another story all-together.

Oh, by the way: Craig has his own modest apartment on the lower level of the house. Very private. Extremely private. Sound-proofed, more or less. How stupid could I be? When he said we'd be staying at his house I figured he has a room on the second floor along with his brothers and parents. So I figured that there would be no fooling around between us, at least not the kind that makes any noise—which rules out everything I like. Guess again.

The first night there I got a "welcome" thrashing from him. He saved it until after we'd made the trip. Damn. That time he pulled me up on his lap again and made my lay my sore ass against his groin while he dribbled into my mouth and toyed with my nipples. When I looked into his eyes, I almost said the "L" word. Nope. Not gonna. Not even when he took out the nipple clamps he had bought. Basically they were ordinary clothespins died black and separated by a silver chain that had hooks in it so weights could be hung from it. He's played with my nipples lots of times, as I already told you, but this was the first time he ever used clothespins on me. Damn, they could really end up hurting after a long time.

Finally I had to beg him to take them off me, but I didn't cave in and use my safe word. "Come on, faggot. I want them sore. Hang on a little bit more, okay, baby?" ...dribble,...dribble...dribble... I was too busy swallowing his spit to be able to give him any answer.

Finally he asks "Mine?"

"Yours, Sir."

He takes one off and waits for the pain to subside. Then the other one. Then he gives me this big smile which says "You're such a slave. I'm so pleased with you." And that was the best thing ever.

We went Christmas shopping a few times as a family—Mama, Papa, Craig, Chris, Markus and me. We weren't looking around to buy presents for each other. We were looking to get presents for the kids at the home. Wow! That was so much fun! This whole family is just fun. They even wanted to know if I had any suggestions about what to get the kids. Me, I was thinking of creative things. There were these nice writing kits I would have loved to have when I was a teenager. We got three of them. This was the best Christmas season I ever had. No, I didn't wear the collar at his house. Craig didn't even let us bring it on the trip.

Oh, and I almost forgot: We were sitting in Craigs place and Craig told me it would be a good time to write Danny a letter, let him know I'm doing okay and so on. "Nothing heavy," he says. "Just a light hello."

"Really? Isn't it too soon?" I wondered.

"Um, whose role is it to make those kinds of decisions? The slave's or the Master's?"

"Sorry, Sir. I'll start right away."

"Just write something that's between the two of you. Don't mention my name. no need to tell him where you are. He'll figure it out when he sees the return address."

So anyway, I think for a while and then get started . .


I wanted to say hello before all the holidays begin and let you know that I'm doing fine and I'm actually looking forward to Christmas for the first time in a long time. Of course I miss the hell out of you and had a few rough days after you left, but some friends were really good helping me get through it all. And let me tell you, Zeke' thrashing really did me a lot of good. I don't think you realized just how much good. I guess it says a lot about me that corporal punishment really helps straighten me out. I know what you'd probably say to me: that of course it helps, because I'm a natural born slave. Thank you for all the wonderful things you taught me, Sir.

Merry Christmas!



. . . I finished it and right away gave it to Craig to review. He looked at me over his reading glasses when he got to the part about punishment. But he said he approved and made sure it got in the mail the next morning. I wonder how long it will be before I get an answer. Damn, I wish I knew what he was doing now!

One thing I was going to say but decided not to was the fact that I had realized even before he went away that I no longer wished he'd become my Master. That's all I'll say for now. I wouldn't say anything like "I've moved on." Nope. Gonna try to keep this all drama-free. We'll see how well I do.

SO MUCH FOR THIS CHAPTER; SORRY IT'S SO SHORT! My name's Greg. Write me any time, please?

I've lifted a few pics to represent Danny, Jeffrey, Matt, Craig, and the sub. Tell me about your reaction to the story and I'll send them to you.

I'm on Facebook as Gary X Gordon. Friend me.

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Next: Chapter 30

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