Please publish this as "Q sub

By Gregory Gordon

Published on Jul 19, 2024

  1. OUCH!

"So what do you think, Danny? Think the kid's had enough? Should we send it home?"

Fuck. I'm ready to beg them not to send me away but I'm afraid they'll get pissed if I say anything. It's so fucking humiliating, them making me kneel in the corner like a naughty boy—a naughty hairless boy. I'll spend the rest of my life jerking off remembering this. I can't control myself. I don't want them to give up on me.

"Please, please, oh please don't send me away. I promise I'll do better. Please, Sirs? "

"I know what it needs," says Scott. "A good thrashing with that belt laying on the floor. Whip the slaveboy's ass with its own strap. That will teach it not to disappoint us." Scott is obviously the one who thinks corporal punishment can help train a slave how to behave.

"I'm afraid that might scare the kid away, Scott."

"I bet it won't. I bet the brat's kneeling there hoping to find out what it's like to get whipped by a Master. Either that or it will run away. If it runs away, it will save us from wasting any more time. If not, it might find out just how much of a slave it really is. I say it's worth the risk."

"Okay, Scott. Let's try it your way."

Scott raises his voice. "Turn around, faggot, and face us. Keep your hands behind your head. Stare at our cocks."

I do so.

"Look at the hairless little boy just begging to get its mouth on our dicks. How much to you want them, boy?"

"A lot, Sir."

"Enough to take the punishment you deserve, faggot?"

I hesitate, but damn, I want this. All of it.

"Yyyyes, SSSir," I answer.

"You sure, boy? It's gonna hurt."

"Sure, Sir."

"Do you realize how much you deserve to be punished for disappointing us?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Tell me, faggot."

"I deserve to be punished, Sir. Please, Sir. Anything."

"Then crawl over here on all fours, cocksucker."

I approach them.

"Get your head down. Put your mouth on Danny's feet and kiss them. Hold your ass high in the air."

Nervously, I do what he told me to do. Scott stands up, bends over and picks up the strap. My fucking strap.

"I'll go easy on you this time. Six of the best. Put Danny's toes in your mouth to keep you from crying out. It's gonna hurt a lot. It's supposed to hurt. You're being punished. Do you understand that I intend to punish you for backing off before?"

"Yes, Master, I understand."

"Then beg me to punish you and tell me why."

"Please, punish me, Master, so I can learn to serve you and Master Danny better. Please punish me, Master, so I can learn to be a better slave."

"You understand that it's going to hurt?"

"Yes Master. Please hurt me so I learn to obey you."

"Raise that tender ass in the air, faggot."

I'm very scared but I put all of Danny's toes in my mouth and raise my ass.

THWACK!!!! Holy shit that hurts. Holy fuck I have to force myself not to bite Danny's toes. Tears come to my eyes and I moan out loud.

"The next lash will land below the first."

I brace myself and tighten my wrists.

THWACK!!!!! I open my mouth and let out a large OW and the tears start flowing. It hurts so much. Why the fuck am I letting him do this to me?

"If you cry out like that again, faggot, the lash won't count. Does it hurt, boy?"

"Yes, Master, it hurts more than I've even been hurt before. I never even got spanked growing up."

"Too bad. You should have been getting spanked a lot. That's why you're such a loser now. So why am I punishing you, slave? Tell me."

"Because I was a bad boy, Master. Because I backed off Master Danny's cock when he choked me with it."

"That's right. Do you really want to learn to be a good cocksucker, faggot?"

"Yes, Master, please train me."

"That's what I'm doing, faggot. That's why I'm whipping your ass." THWACK!!!!!

OMG. Why the fuck is this turning me on, all this awful pain, all this humiliating treatment? I want to put my hands back and rub my ass but I don't dare. Come on, Gary, only two more to go!

"This is the only way we can train a boy like you to become a good cocksucker. The only way we can teach you to behave like a slave. Do you understand, faggot? Just shake your head."

As soon as I shake my head yes it comes again. THWACK!!!!!!!!!!! I bury my face in Danny's feet and whimper like a whipped puppy. Shit, that's what I am! A whipped pup.

"One more, faggot. As soon as I hit you I want you to dive down on Danny's cock and choke yourself on it. Don't come up until I tell you to. Understand, slaveboy?"

I shake my head yes and I hear the strap fly through the air and land THWACK!!!!! HOLY FUCKING SHIT IT HURTS SO MUCH. I'm sobbing as I get up off Danny's feet and dive down on his cock. Strange but the sobbing makes it easier for me to take his entire dick in my mouth. Danny helps me by holding my head down on his dick. I choke again and I feel like I'm going to pass out. I can't fucking breathe.

"Okay, faggot. Up!"

I spring off Danny's dick. "Put the head of my dick back in your mouth, faggot. Just the head this time. Keep it there until I shoot my cum into your mouth. Then when I tell you to, swallow all of it."

I'm trying not to sob too much. I put the head of his dick in my mouth again. I realize how good it feels there in my mouth. I realize I'm really meant to be doing this. I hold it there while Danny strokes himself. Finally, I feel his dick tense up. "Here it comes, faggot. Your first taste of my cum. Hold it until I tell you to swallow."

It fills my mouth. Thick, bitter and salty and a little voice inside tells me that this is what I'm meant to be doing.

"Swallow me down, cocksucker. All of it!"

I swallow and have to fight the urge to vomit it up again. Danny hugs my face to his crotch and starts stroking the back of my head. "Good boy. You're gonna become a good cocksucker." Danny is so much sweeter to me than Scott. Danny hasn't whipped me. Only Scott whipped me. It doesn't matter who whipped me. My ass is aching and burning. Tears and snot are covering my face. The taste of Danny's cum is still in my mouth. Is this really what I'm supposed to be doing? Right now, I'm not so sure, but it sure does feel good the way Danny is stroking the back of my head and holding me.

I feel a flash of light. Scott just took a pic of my ass with his phone. He orders me to kneel up again. When I do he shows me the pic. Bright red welts mark up my virgin ass. "See how good you look? See what a naughty slave's ass looks like?"

I just keep weeping without saying anything. Scott isn't going to let me get away with it. "Thank me for punishing you, faggot."

I mumble out the words while still crying. "thank you, Master, than you for punishing me."

"You gonna be a good boy for us next time, faggot?"

"Yes, Master."

"do you promise?"

"yes, Master, I promise to be a good boy for you next time, Master."

"then stand up and put your clothes back on. I'll walk you back to your dorm. You're in French Hall with the other freshmen?"

"Yes, Master."

"Does your roommate know you're a faggot?"

"Oh no, Master. Please don't tell him." I struggle to get to my feet but I'm so wiped out I can't manage. I fall to the ground again.

"Don't worry, boy," says Danny. "We won't give you away. We gay boys have to look out for each other, both Masters and slaves." Then he looks at Scott. "I think we should give the little faggot a reward. I like the way he serviced my dick and swallowed my load."

Scott goes and sits on the bed next to Danny. "You're right."

He touches my face with his bare foot. "tell you what, cocksucker. Jerk off. Let us watch. Jerk yourself off. Learn how good it feels to jerk your cock after your Master whips your ass. Connect the pain with the pleasure while we watch. This is the way we train faggots like you."

I hesitate.

"Go, faggot. Jerk that dick!" This time Danny give the order and all of a sudden Danny doesn't sound as sweet as he was before. "Jerk that little dick of yours, that little hairless dick, while you taste my cum in your mouth and feel the pain in your ass from the way my friend punished you. Taste the cum and the pain. Jerk that little dick, boy, and be quick about it. Do it NOW, faggot!"

I start jerking myself and jerk faster and faster, almost out of my mind with the pain and the humiliation. "that's right, cocksucker," says Scott. "Jerk off. Show me how turned on you get from me punishing you."

I jerk like crazy and quickly shoot my load all over my hand. Some of it drips onto the floor.

"Lick your cum off your hand, faggot. Learn to love the taste of cum. Quickly. Don't hesitate or I'll pick up the strap again!"

Trying not to think about what I'm doing—I never ate my own cum before---I lick my hand and fingers clean as fast as I can until it's all gone.

"Now lick up what you spilled on our floor, slaveboy. Lick up the rest of your cum. From now on always lick up your cum when you jerk off."

"Until we don't let you jerk off any more," says Danny. I'm not sure how they could stop me. I'm still pretty naïve. Quickly I bend down and lick up the cum I spilled on the floor. I won't dare get them upset with me again.

"Good slave. Good little boy."

Scott comes behind me and helps me stand up. The two of them help me put my clothes on, but they keep my socks and make me put my sneakers on my bare feet. Then Scott picks up my belt, the one he beat me with. He threads it into my pants again, all the way around, then pulls it shut. This feels wild, him putting my belt back on my pants after he used it to whip me! If I hadn't just cum I would probably be getting hard all over again.

Meanwhile, Danny quickly puts his own clothes on. "I'll walk the kid back to his dorm. I want to get a look at his roommate," he tells Scott.

"Hold on a sec," says Scott. He goes into the bathroom and runs the water again. He comes out with a wet washcloth and uses it to wipe my face clean of the tears and the snot. "That's the best I can do. Good thing it's dark outside because everyone will know you've been crying like a little boy." He says this half mockingly.

Shit. It hurts to walk. Danny takes me by the arm and helps me out of the room and back down the stairs. As we're walking he takes out his phone. "Tell me your phone number, Gary." I tell him and he enters it into his phone. "I'll call you when I want you to blow me again," he tells me. "Probably in a couple days."

It's clear to me that I'll be sucking his cock whenever he wants me to. I don't seem to have a choice, but that's fine. I need opportunities to serve men like a good sub.

We walk back to my dorm in silence. My mind is blown and Danny knows it so he doesn't try to get me to talk. By the time we get back to the dorm I'm walking a little bit better. "What's your room number, Gary?"

"312, Sir."

"Hold off the Sir for now, boy. Don't want to give anything away."

We walk into the dorm. A few guys are hanging around. They say hi to me. One of them asks what happened. "You look like shit, man," he tells me.

"Rough night pledging a secret society," explains Danny. "He'll be okay in the morning."

When we get to my room he asks me for the key. "I can let myself in," I tell him. He stands there and looks at me and lightly swats my behind, igniting all the pain again. Fuck. I hand him the key. He unlocks the door and opens it. I walk into the room and he follows me in. Shit, shit, shit!

Craig is sitting back on his bed doing homework. "What the fuck happened to you, man?" he says. I'm about to say "nothing" but Danny speaks up.

"He got into trouble with a couple of guys in a frat he's trying to join," Danny says. He turns to me and pierces my frightened eyes with his intense ones. "Drop your pants and show him your ass, Gary."

"Oh man, come on."

"Do it."

Fuck. I turn my back to Craig and open my pants, dropping them down to my knees. "Holy fucking shit, dude. Remind me never to go near that fucking frat!"

"Why don't you strip down, Gary. Lay in your stomach. I've got some stuff in my pocket that will help with the pain." It's clear to me that I have no choice but to obey him. I give up fighting the inevitable. I chuck off my shirt and kick off my sneakers, then drop my pants and leave them lying on the floor. I quickly lie down on the bed before Craig can see that my pubes have been shaved off. Shit! How am I going to face everyone in the showers in the morning? Maybe I'll just skip showering tomorrow, at least until no one else is around.

Craig is a decent sort of guy. "You gonna be okay, dude?" he asks me.

"What I've got will help a lot," Danny tells me. "Don't mind us. It will only take a little while."

Craig decides to get up and leave the two of us alone.

Danny takes the tube out of his back pocket and turns on the light over my bed. He gets up on his knees on my bed straddling my legs, He squeezes the tube onto my blistered ass. Very gently, he rubs it in. It's cool. He's right. It does help. He lovingly takes care of my welted ass. "I'll let you blow me again Friday night. Scott will be away for the weekend. It will be just you and me there," he tells me as he takes care of me. You know something: I find myself wondering if he'll let me sleep in his arms after I suck his dick.

By the time he's done and turns off the light, I'm almost sound asleep. I'm too tired to brush my teeth and get the taste of his cum out of my mouth. Danny takes my top sheet, wipes his hands clean with it then lays it over my body. He leans over, kisses the back of my head and leaves the room. My last waking thought is that I might as well get used to having the taste of cum in my mouth. It's probably going to happen a lot.

So that's all for now. Hope you like how it's developing. My name's Greg. Write me any time, please?

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Next: Chapter 4

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