
Published on Sep 2, 1998


Three Spirits: Part Two-The Past by The Chesire Cat

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story based on the television show "Poltergeist: the Legacy." It is in no way intended to infringe on the copyright or ownership of MGM and the creators of the show. All characters, scenes, places, etc. from the show and any references to them are the exclusive property of MGM and whoever else might own them. Warning! This is a piece of slash fan fiction. It contains m/m romance and graphic sexual scenes. If you are too young to read this stop now! I will not be held responsible. You have been warned. I, the author, have not been paid in any way for this. I write for pleasure. This story may be distributed among consenting adults. It may also be posted on websites by people other than me, if and only if the person(s) doing the posting/ submitting is not out to harm the author in any way, shape, or form, the words of the story are kept the same, and the title and my pen name are kept the same. Corrections may be made, but only if a corrected copy is first e-mailed to me, the author. If you've read this far, you certify under penalty of the laws of G-d and man that you are of legal age, do not find this offensive, and are not trying to harm the author or the website this may have been found at. Now, ENJOY!

Author's Personal Note: This is the second part of my sequel to "Always the Last to Know." This story will be divided up into three sub-stories. To get a full understanding, you need to read them in order.

"Lost in the darkness, Silence surrounds you, Once there was morning, Now, endless night,

If I could reach you, I'd guide you and teach you, To walk from that darkness Back into the light.

Deep in your silence, Please try to hear me, I'll keep you near me, Till night passes by,

I will find the answer, I'll never desert you I promise you this Till the day that I die...."

-- "Lost in the Darkness" from "Jekyll and Hyde", the Broadway musical

Since Michael's departure, Nick had fallen into a routine. During the day, he would go about his work silently, but at night, he would cry, until sleep found him. Michael's absence took more than just an emotionally toll on Nick. He barely ate. In a few weeks, his weight was dropping sharply and dark circles formed under his eyes. It was apparent to everyone in the house, Nick couldn't go on like this.

"We have to do something," Derek announced, "Any suggestions?"

"Sure, get Michael back here now!" Alex said in frustration.

"I'm afraid, that is something Michael will have to do on his own. Rachel?"

"Hmmm, maybe Phillip could help. Despite past problems, he and Nick still care about each other."

Derek nodded, "I'll call him immediately and explain the situation. We'll get him here tonight."

Within hours, Phillip was at the house. Nick had gone to his room for the night and was surprised when Phillip knocked on his door and walked in.

"Phillip?" Nick said, sitting up and wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Hello Nick. How are you?"

"What are doing here?"

"I was informed about what 'appened. I came t' see if I could help you."

"Hmph, yeah right. Like anyone could really help me. I'm such a screw up. As usual, I managed to fuck up the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"Nick, look at me, it wasn' your fault. His leaving was no because of you."

Nick turned away at his words, not wanting to hear.

"Nick, look at me. It was not your fault."

"Yes it was."

"It was no' your fault."

"How can you say that? It is. I always screw everthing up."

"It was no' your fault."

Nick began crying and tried to turn away, but Phillip pulled him into a hug. Nick resisted at first, but soon held on in a lifeline grip. Phillip rubbed Nick's back, stroked his hair, and whispered soothing words into Nick's ear. He let Nick cry until no more tears came. Phillip laid Nick down and pulled the covers up over him, as Nick was exhausted.

"Y-you surprise me, Phillip. I thought if anyone would be glad about what happened, it would be you."

"Why would I be glad?" Phillip asked with a puzzled look, as he smoothed Nick's hair back.

"Because of how I was living, what the church says about it."

"Give me a break, Nick," Phillip said, rolling his eyes, "There are many religions in the world, many cultures. Who is t' say which is right, if any are truly right? I do know this, love, true love, is no' evil. No matter wha' one reliogion, even mine, may say. Men have argued over things like this for a long time."


"Wha' is it, Nick?"

Nick took Phillip's hand, "Thank you..... for being here for me, but I don't know how anyone can heal this. I feel so empty, so dead."

"Get some sleep. I promise ye this, I will no' rest until I see ye happy again. You can't go on like this, Nick. I won't let you."


"Yes, Nick?"

"Please.......stay with me. I don't won't to be alone."

"Of course."

Phillip slid into bed beside Nick. After he got comfortable, he cradled Nick in his arms, whispering soothing words, until Nick finally fell asleep. Phillip leaned his head back, while Nick slept. He thought of any way to help. Being there for Nick wasn't enough. Nick needed more. Lost in thought, sleep finally found Phillip as well.

Phillip awoke before Nick. He gently slid out of bed, smiling at the fact that this was probably the first night Nick had slept soundly in a long time. He gently brushed the hair back on Nick's forehead, before exiting the room. It was early, but Phillip needed to speak with Derek. He gently knocked on the door and heard a sleepy "come in."

"Phillip, what are you doing up? How's Nick?"

"Sleeping peacefully. It's Nick tha' concerns me. It's obvious only one thing will help 'im, Derek....getting Michael back here as soon as possible."

"We can't force him to come back, Phillip. We don't even know where he is."

"Then at least let me talk to 'im. I know ye can find out 'is location."

"I don't know if I can do that."

"Then Nick will continue to get worse. This is no sickness o' the body, but o' the soul. Michael is the only thing tha' can make Nick complete. My bein' here may barely slow his illness, but tha' is all. Nick needs Michael, the love, the forgiveness to survive."

Derek sighed and looked away, but Phillip turned Derek around to face him. Slowly, Derek nodded, giving in to Phillip.

"Come back in an hour, Phillip. Then, we'll see what we have."

Phillip nodded and went downstairs to get something to eat in the meantime. His stomach growled, reminding him of its neglect since last night. It helped, was easy to focus on something as simple as hunger.

He ate breakfast, but right as the hour was up, Phillip returned to Derek's room. Derek was still on the phone, so Phillip waited patiently. Derek sighed and put the phone down a few minutes later. Phillip did not like the look on Derek's face.

"Wha' is it?"

"Michael has severed all his connections with the Legacy. He doesn't want to be found."

"I don' care whether or no' he wants to be found. This is no' jus' his choice."

"Phillip, without some connections, there is no way to tell where he is."

"C'mon, Derek. I know ye. When you really want t' find someone, ye always find a way. Please, Derek."

"Well, the only ones who would know how to find him are his people. Michael was our only connection with them.....but when he was weak, he stayed with others of his race. They might still be in the same place."


"New York."

"Give me th' address and make a reservation. I'm leavin' righ' away."

"Be careful, Phillip. They are good people, but not to taken lightly. Their power is great and their tempers can be equally great. You must handle the situation delicately."

Phillip nodded and went to gather what belongings of his he had gotten out of his suitcase. It didn't take more than fifteen minutes and Phillip was on his way.

Nick awoke in the empty bed. He instinctively reached out, expecting a body to be sharing it with him. Finding none, he looked around. Where was Phillip? He had slept here. It was past noon and no one had bothered to wake him. A knock on the door caught his attention.

"Come in," Nick said, expecting Phillip.

"Good afternoon, Nick," Derek's smiling face came into view.

He had a breakfast tray with him. Derek set it on the dresser and sat down next to Nick on the bed. Derek had only seen Nick so alone once before. During her funeral.

"Where's Phillip? I thought he was staying here for a while."

"He had to go take care of some Legacy business. He'll be back soon. I brought you some breakfast."

"I'm not hungry. I need to go jog."



"You are not going anywhere until you finish that plate. You're starving. You haven't eaten in 19 hours. Now, eat!"

"I'm not a child Derek," Nick said getting up.

"No, but as long as you act like one, I'm going to start treating you like one."

Derek blocked the doorway.

"C'mon, Derek, let me by."

"When you eat."



Staring at Derek's determined face, Nick finally growled and started shoving food in his mouth.

"There, happy?" Nick asked between bites.

"Very," Derek said with a smile.

Nick was almost finished with the plate when he realized the food was particularly good. He has shoved it down so quickly, he hadn't taken the time to enjoy it. It did feel good to have food in him though.

"Thank you Derek.....for being here."

"I'll always be here for you, Nick," Derek said with his slight, crooked smile.

Nick pulled him into a hug, and before either one fully realized it, Nick was kissing Derek. Derek swelled quickly from the passion, and his hardness pressed into Nick's leg. Derek wanted so much to lose himself to the passion, to give himself to Nick, but he pulled away.

"Derek, what's wrong?"

"I can't do this, Nick. This isn't love. You love Michael, not me."

"I need you, Derek. Please. You already said you wanted me. Your body obviously wants me."

"No, Nick. That's lust, not love. I can offer you any comfort but that one. Believe me, I know how much it hurts, how much you want to try to fill the void with the caresses of another, but ultimately, it doesn't help when you are still in love with Michael. It will only hurt you more later if we do."

"Derek, I...."

"It's alright, Nick."

"Can you, just stay with me a while. I'll keep my distance, but I really don't want to be alone."

"Of course. I can stay until three, but then, I have some things to take care of. Rachel and Kat will be stopping by, until I get back. Then, after eight, I'll be here the whole evening."

"Thank you, Derek. I really do need to jog though. Would you care to join me?"


Phillip arrived in New York. He took a cab over to the address. The guard stopped him.

"What is your business here, father?"

"I'm here to see Elizabeth Raven and Maxwell Kronos. It's regarding a friend of theirs, Michael Nox."

"I'll ring them."

The guard talked with whichever one was on the other end, but as soon as Michael's name was mentioned, the guard nodded for Phillip to go up. He got in the elevator and the operator took him to proper floor. Stepping out of the elevator, Phillip was greeted by the pair and the site of the monstrous apartment.

"Good day, father," said Elizabeth, warmly, "Its not often we get visits from the church. How do you know Michael, if I may ask?"

"I don't. I know Nick."

Maxwell stiffened at the name, but said nothing. Instead he turned and walked into the other room, closing the door. Elizabeth shook her head.

"Not to be rude, father, but may we cut through the pleasantries?"

"I need your help, t' find Michael. Nick and him were together, but there was an attack on the house, by an assasin called Shay," Elizabeth stiffened and a scowl appeared on her face at the mention of his name, but Phillip continued, "Michael was forced to kill him. I understand they were once involved. Michael left, had to get away, but his absence is destroying Nick. He's getting worse every day. He barely eats, barely talks anymore. I need t' find Michael."

"I'm sorry for what is happening to you and your friend, but Michael obviously needs to be away, until he works things through."

"Maybe he needs someone t' help him. I can no' force him t' return, but I have t' try t' help them both. It is my duty as a priest and as a friend."

"It will take some time to find him. There is a room at the end of the hall, on the right. Make yourself comfortable."

Two days later.....

"Father?" Elizabeth asked, gently shaking Phillip awake.


"We found him."

Phillip shot up immediately.


"I already booked you a flight, father. It leaves in a few hours."

"Where is Michael?"

"He went home to his birthland.....what you know as France, but it was long before the land was ever called that name."

"Thank ye. You have know idea how much your kindness means t' me."

"There is one way to repay it, father. Help them. I saw how Michael looked at Nick. The last time I saw him look like that.....it was a long ago."

"May I ask one more favor? I need t' use the phone."

"Derek Rayne speaking."

"Hello, Derek."


"I have good news. They found Michael. I'll be on a flight in a few hours."

"That is good. I've been keeping an eye on Nick. He's not really getting better, but at least he's not getting any worse. I have been having a hard time with it though."


"Nick has been making sexual advances on me, and he knows I'm attracted to him."

"That's no' uncommon, Derek. With his world crumbling, he's lookin' for security."

"Yes, well, just hurry. I'm not sure if I can fend him off for too long. His boldness is increasing, he keeps trying to steal kisses. I'm worried he might try to catch me off guard, in bed."

"Is the mighty Derek Rayne afraid he might be taken advantage of?" Phillip laughed softly.

"Not funny. Just hurry up."

"Keep well, Derek."

"You too, my friend."

"G-d on high, Hear my prayer, In my need, You have always been there.

He is young, He's afraid, Let him rest, Heaven blessed,

Bring him home, Bring him home"

-- "Bring Him Home" from "Les Miserables", the musical.

Phillip arrived in Paris. From there he took a train to the small hamlet where Michael had gone. With a settlement of this size, it did not take Phillip long to locate Michael's small but comfortable dwelling.

Phillip knocked several times, but no answer came. Out of curiousity, Phillip tried the doorknob. To his surprise, it opened. He stepped into the house and saw Michael staring listlessy into space. It was obvious Michael had not showered or changed for a few days. Michael did not even register him, until Phillip loudly closed the door and sat down.

"Go away."

"I'm afraid I can no' do tha'."

"I don't care. Go away."

"I'm here because of Nick."

With the mention of Nick's name, Michael suddenly became more animate. He sat up on the couch and looked Phillip over with eyes made up of nothing but grief and loss and love. With a dry voice, he addressed Phillip.

"What do you want?"

"I need ye t' come back with me. Nick needs ye."

"I can't."

"Nick is slowly dying without ye. He barely eats, cries himself t' sleep each night. I though' ye loved him."

"I-I can't. It's too hard right now."

"Why? If ye love him the way I think ye do, then why is it so hard?"

"You don't know anything about this father."

"Then tell me. That's wha' we priests are here for, ye know."

"It's a long story."

"I don't mind."

Michael sighed, not having enough fight in him to argue. He started at the beginning, over five thousand years ago:

I was a boy among my kind, barely two centuries old. In my youth, I had the wanderlust. I travelled to any land I heard of. It was during these travels that I came to Atlantis. I was amazed at what had been done with the tiny island. Wizards had combined there strength to turn the desert island into a large, thriving paradise kingdom. It was there that I met him.

I had finally gained myself entrance to the king's court. Many issues were being discussed, before the daily feast began. I bumped into a rather large, noble woman. Her diamond necklace fell down her huge cleavage, as we would later discover, but she was quick to jump to conclusions. She screamed.

"Thief! Thief! He stole my family necklace! Guards! Thief!"

"Madame, I stole nothing. If you will calm down, I'm sure your necklace can be found."

The guards chose to listen to her ranting, rather than an unknown foreigner. They were trying to drag me away. Of course, I was in no real danger from them, but I could not just reveal what I was. Suddenly, a voice shouted for them to stop.

A roguishly handsome man stepped forth. I recognized him as one of my kind by his movement and his fire and amber eyes, known only to some of my kind. He ordered the guards to release me.

"You can't do that! He stole my necklace!" the woman continued to scream.

"You have no proof of that, Lady Phobias."

"I want my necklace back! He's not leaving until I get it," she said sternly.

"As you wish."

He looked her over and then, unceremoniously plunged his arm into her quivering cleavage. As her mouth dropped open in shock, he pulled out her prized possesion and made a grand show of returning it to her. The crowd that had gathered turned into a roar of laughter. The blood coloring her face, she stormed off. The laughing guards released my arms, only to have the stranger take it. Smiling, he led me into a secluded alcove. Sitting down in lush chairs, he introduced himself.

"I am called Shay. There aren't many of our kind here. I'm always pleased to run into another."

"I am Mik-hai-el. Thank you for out there. I wasn't quite ready to leave."

"You are a young one, aren't you?"

"Just over two hundred. How old are you?"

"Almost seven centuries."

"What brought you to this land?"

"I came to study magic with the wizards here. Are you here to increase your powers as well?"

"Not particularly. I'm mainly here, because I enjoy travel."

"You know, you are in my debt. I intend to collect full retribution."

"What do you want?" I asked, uncertain.

"I want you to be my date tonight for dinner with the king and to let me show you the city tomorrow."

"If I must, I must," I replied with a grin.

It was its own kind of magic. I sampled everything Atlantis had to offer in the weeks to come. Shay showed me everything, from the halls of the mystics to the flea markets and taverns. Within a few more days, the wanderlust began to claim me once more. I felt the yearning for travel.

"Will you not stay?"

"I have enjoyed my time here with you, Shay, but I want to see more of the world."

"I was hoping you might stay a while more, learn magic with me. After all, we have eternity."

"I would like to go, unless....I have a good reason to stay."

"I have only one real reason to offer."

Shay cupped my face in his hands and leaned down. Gently, our lips met. He was so warm. He tasted like toasted almonds. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer. Before I knew it, we were lying on his bed, clothing discarded.

We spent hours exploring each others bodies. I kissed and caressed every part of him, from his soft eyelashes, to his delicate feet, and he, the same for me. It was a heaven I had never known.

Finally, it was time for something more. Pulling out a vial of oil, he rolled me over onto my stomach. I felt an oily finger tease my opening. He rubbed it for a few minutes, until my anus was relaxed. Then, he slipped his lubed finger inside. Carefully, he stretched and coated me, and after I relaxed some more, added a second finger.

When I was fully relaxed, I felt his fingers withdraw. He placed his greased manhood on my opening, gently seeking entry. He took his time to work himself in, as to cause the minimum discomfort. Not that I was a virgin, but he was exceptional large, bigger than I had ever taken before.

Eventually, he was fully engulfed by my clenching, hungry hole. We were no longer two but one, joined in spirit, and now in flesh. Slowly, he began thrusting, picking up speed as I adjusted to his size. It seemed an eternity and a moment at once. I was one with everything, knowing pleasures undreamed. Finally, without even touching myself, I climaxed. My muscles spasmed in the release, sending him over the edge as well. I felt his seed empty deep within my bowels. He collapsed on top of me, his softened member still inside me.

I don't remember when I actually fell asleep, but when I awoke, it was past noon. Shay was still asleep and still inside me. I smiled and let out a soft sigh. Shay stirred at my slight activity. He began to get off me, but I pulled him back down, wanting to keep us joined forever.

"My love," he whispered, "we have to get up sometime."

"I know," I groaned, wanting to make time stand still.

Slowly, we separated. As he stood up, I leapt out of bed to pull him into an embrace, my lips seeking his, before he could do anything else. He entered the kiss, but soon pulled away.

"If we keep that up, we'll have to go back to bed, again."

"Fine with me."

"I know, but I have a class today."

I pouted, poking out my bottom lip. He laughed slightly and gently sucked on the lip.

"I won't be gone long," Shay managed between kisses, "Why not go buy yourself anything you want at the market, on my account?"

"The only thing I want is going to class."

"You are incorribile," he mock scolded, before stealing one more kiss and heading to the baths.

I tried to follow but heard him shout, "Don't even think about it. I'll never get dressed and I must go to class!"

A while later, he emerged clean and dressed.

"Don't look at me like that. I'll be back soon. You might try to find a way to occupy your time. Why not sign up for one of the enchantment classes, other than the one I'm in, of course?"

"What is that supposed to mean? You don't think I can handle your class?" I said, growing annoyed.

"No, that's not it," he replied with a laugh, "It's just that neither one of us would ever get any work done."


"Until this evening, my love."

For months we stayed there, making love every night. I did sign up for the classes. It was easier than just pacing, waiting for Shay's return. Naturally, I advanced faster than the human students. Eventually, I advanced to the highest level class, for which there was only one teacher. Due to this, Shay had no choice but to have me there, for he was the one to encourage me. He graduated a month before me.

"It's time for us to leave, love," Shay announced the day of my graduation.

"Why?" I asked, puzzled. The wanderlust no longer plagued me, since my time with Shay.

"There is nothing more for us to learn here. There is a powerful, ancient human in the hills of Ilmar. We could learn much from him. Will you come with me?"

"For all times."

We spent centuries, going from teacher to another, pushing our power to new limits with each new spell, no matter how small. I had never known such content. Then, one day, it all unravelled, in the hills of what is now Scotland.

I had finally mastered a summoning spell that had been giving me trouble. I went into our hut to celebrate with dinner and lovemaking, but Shay wasn't there. He hadn't mentioned going out. I used a scrying spell in a basin of water to locate him, but no image appeared in the water. The only way that would happen is if Shay had put up blocking spells, but why would he do that?

Worried, I concentrated all the harder and cast incantations, until I was able to at least discern his whereabouts. He was in a cave not far from our home. I rushed there, immediately.

As I entered the cave, I realized what Shay was doing, and I saw why he had hidden it. The cave was covered with dark runes, and in its center, a conjuror's circle. Shay was trafficing with the dark spirits of the Abyss. Then, the smell hit me. Blood.....human blood. Shay had been sacrificing people to open the gateways. I saw him re-enter this reality through the circle, covered in some poor soul's blood.


I trembled and stepped back. I had never seen this side of him before, never knew it existed. He ran up to me and hit me. Then he forcibly dragged me out of the cave and through me in the mud.

"GET OUT OF HERE!" he screamed.

"Shay?" I asked, not wanting to believe it was him.

His eyes bore into me, seething anger. I could not find the love I had always seen in those eyes.

"What?" he sneered in annoyance.

"I love you."

"Go away."

He turned and walked back into the cave. I don't remember going back to the hut, but I did. The next memory I have is Shay gently waking me up.

"Shay?" I prayed what had happened was a dream.

"I'm so sorry, love," he said with watered eyes, "I never meant for you to see that."

The love was back in his eyes, but the pain was still in me. Pain of varied shades. Betrayal. Heartache. Love. They were all there.

"How could you Shay? How could you?"

"I'm sorry I hit you. I just lost control."

"Not just that. How could you do such things? You lied to me, murdered people, practiced the forbidden, made deals with the dark. How could you?"

"I never meant for you to find out. Please, just let me hold you."

"Don't touch me," I said, jumping back.

"I'm sorry, love. Isn't that enough?"

"We need to talk," I stated, fighting back tears.

Shay nodded and asked if we could walk. He enjoyed the night air. I agreed. we had walked quite a bit when we came upon an old stone bridge, linking the two sides of the valley. I stopped there.

"No further, Shay. We need to talk, now."

"What do you want me to say? I'll say it."

"You have to make a choice. Me or the black arts. I remember how you were, how we were. You can't have both."

"No, don't make me choose."

"You have to. I can't live like this. We can't live like this."

"Then I choose my magic," Shay said sternly, his eyes becoming cold, "It is and always will be my true love."

"Shay, think about this. Is all we've had, could have, mean nothing to you?" I said in tears.

"My bed does not mean as much as my magic. I care for you, but it is my magic that I love."

"No," I begged.

"Yes, now leave here. I don't ever want to see you, again. If I do, I will kill you."

"On my own, Pretending he's beside me. All alone, I walk with him till morning. Without him, I feel his arms around me. And when I lose my way I close my eyes And he has found me!"

-- "On My Own" from "Les Miserables" the Broadway musical

I didn't know what to do. I left all of my possessions save what I needed to survive. I wandered aimlessly for months. That is when I met Elizabeth and Maxwell. They helped me feel alive, again, and as painful as it was, they took me before the council of elders to testify. I told my story to them, told them my heart. They all felt my loss, but for practicing the black arts, Shay was branded a traitor and outcast, no better than our vampire cousins. He could never rejoin my people.

"Now do you see why I had to leave, father? I still loved Shay, despite it all. That night, I chose Nick over Shay's life. Do you have any idea how hard that was?"

"I understand ye would have problems, but why leave?"

"Because if I didn't, I might wind up despising Nick, for making me love him, for making me kill another that I still loved."

Tears fell from Phillip, as he put a comforting arm around Michael. Michael accepted the much needed tenderness and let out all the emotions he had kept inside. Though he barely knew him, Phillip knew the man needed comfort, and he was a priest. Eventually, as Michael's tears began to lessen, Phillip straightened him up.

"Please, Michael, will ye come back with me?"

"I don't know if I can."

"I didn't want t' do this, but I see this may be the only way. I have t' show ye what your bein' gone is doin' t' Nick. I'm not trying t' give ye guilt, jus' t' show ye that your problems must be worked out at home, with those tha' care for ye, with Nick."

Phillip produced a recent photo of Nick he had printed from the security. It was a little blurry, but the effect was easy to see. Nick had lost weight, and his eyes, so full of life were vacant. The mere sight of it caused Michael to collapse.

"Oh what have I done? I have killed one love, and now, I'm killing another."

"It's not too late t' set this right. Come back with me."

Michael nodded and stood up. He looked in the mirror.

"Do you think we could take a late flight? There are some things I need to gather, and I need a shower and shave."

Phillip nidded and let Michael go about his task.

"Derek Rayne," Derek stated as he answered the phone.

Nick was walking up behind him, when he actually caught some of the conversation.

"He's coming back with you? Wonderful. Yes, I understand he'll have a lot of issues to work through, but the important thing is he'll be back. When are you leaving? Tonight. Tell me what time you arrive and I'll have Nick and I there to pick you up. This is the best news I've heard in long time. Nick will be overjoyed. Goodbye, my friend. I'll see you soon."

"Derek?" Nick asked, startling the older man.

"Nick. I was just coming to get you.

"W-who was on the phone?" Nick asked, hoping, praying he had heard right.

"It was Phillip. He's bringing Michael back with him.Their plane arrives here in San Francisco, tomorrow, late afternoon."

"Michael?" Nick repeated, thinking this a dream, "but how? Phillip was on some assignment."

"Yes, he was....to bring Michael back and make the two of you whole, again."

"I--I don't know what to say."

"Then don't say anything. Just be happy....and stop trying to pinch my butt," Derek said with a wink.

"Oh G-d! Derek! What I tried....why didn't you clock me," Nick asked as his senses fully returned to him.

"I considered it, but I understood what you were going through. No more worries, though. By this tomorrow, Michael will be back. Both of you will still have a lot of issues to work through, but you'll do it together."

That morning, while the plane was on its way to the USA, Derek sat eating breakfast. Nick was pouring a cup of coffee, when the fork in Derek's hand clattered to the floor. Suddenly Derek's mind flashed with images, so many he could barely make a few out. He saw a plane, an island, arcane markings on the ground, Phillip tied, naked and spread eagle in a circle, fire, and blood, a lot of blood. As soon as it left him, Derek stood up.

"Derek, what is it?" Nick asked with concern.

Derek did not answer but picked up the phone. He called the airport and requested a check on the flight.

"When?" he croaked, trying to keep the fear from his voice, "I see, thank you."

"Derek?" Nick asked, begging for answers, no matter how horrible to kill his not knowing.

"They lost contact with the plane when a storm hit. I saw it. It went down. Michael and Phillip are alive, but I don't know who has them. I'm only sure they are not friends."

To be continued in Three Spirits: The Future.....

Want more? If you want this story to continue or if you have any comments, good, bad, suggestions for improvement, etc. e-mail me at Maddhatcat@aol.com. I may or may not write sequels, depending on your response.

Les Miserables, a musical by Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schonberg based on a novel by Victor Hugo. Lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer; original French text by Alain Boublil and Jean-Marc Natel with additional material by James Fenton. Produced in association with The John F. Kennedy Center For The Performing Arts; original London production by Cameron Mackintosh and the Royal Shakespeare Company.

Next: Chapter 4: Nick and Philip

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