Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Oct 10, 2005


This story in not completely fictional. Nor is it the truth and nothing but the truth. The names have definitely been changed to protect the guilty. We are all disease free and stay that way by protecting ourselves whenever we play with anyone but each other. Descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional because I'm imaginative and not stupid.

You know the rules... Don't read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay or BDSM expression. Don't even think about reproducing or publishing it without my permission. Remember, I have sadistic friends who like to punish people! <>


Fortunately, cleaning the bathrooms at the gym lasted only about a week and a half, but I gotta say that a lot of good came out of it. First, the owner of the place gave me a three-year free membership for helping out in a pinch while the maintenance man was out sick. The maintenance man gave me a great fruit basket for preserving his job. My boss at my real job was impressed that even with my big promotion I didn't leave the gym in a lurch and still gave them notice to replace me. Last, but not least, David was made facilities manager because of how easily and smoothly he handled things there.

Time seemed to fly by. Work was going great. Steven and I were working at finding our niche together. There were times he was brutal. There were other times when he was loving and supportive. He managed to stake his claim to me without being at all possessive. It was very obvious to me and everyone else that he liked the group and public play. There seemed to be little he liked more than to humiliate or punish me with an audience. The more people there, the lower he pushed me. He liked to see me in pain. He liked the writhing, the whimpering, and the begging. But most of all he liked the tears. The tears that would just stream down my face as I did everything I could to tolerate whatever it was he wanted to inflict. He was the most tender and loving when I was the most desperate for relief.

We'd gone to dinner with family and friends. The night was great. We ate at this restaurant right on the water and the food was excellent. Everyone seemed to be getting used to us as a couple. The transition from friendship was smoother than anticipated. It almost seemed like everyone but us knew it was inevitable. My family thought it was great, but then again they didn't know the true nature of our relationship. He'd been my friend since we were little kids so they'd watched him grow up and we were always close. His parents were very distant, but that had little to do either with me, or the fact that their son was gay. They were just distant people. They are even more distant with Craig than they are with Steven.

We all said our goodbyes as the night wound down. Steven was driving and I never knew if we'd end up together at his house, my house, or if he'd just drop me off. It went however the mood struck him. As we headed toward his house I figured I'd be spending the night there. A quick thrill ran through me. I love spending the night beside him. Walking in he steps to the side to let me enter and closes the door behind me. He crosses his arms and I drop to my knees before him.

"Get undressed." I strip out of my clothes and kneel before him naked this time. He slips his belt out of his pants slowly. My stomach knots. I wasn't anticipating this and my headspace is reeling. I'm tense with anticipation not knowing where this is going. "Put your forehead to the floor and your ass in the air." I do as I'm told and he straddles me, squeezing my rib cage tight between his legs. He lashes his belt down across my left cheek. The sting is sharp and tight. Then he slashes it across my right cheek. He's slow and methodical, but relentless. He doesn't even break a sweat, while I on the other hand am soaked with sweat and racked with pain. The backs of my thighs and my entire ass are burning hot and hurting like all hell.

Finally he stops and backs off of me. "Look at me." I get up on all fours and look him in the eyes. His eyes are dancing and his grin is wicked. The bulge in his pants says it all. I resist the urge to feel my ass to see how hot it is and how badly it's welted. He rubs his thumb down the length of his shaft through his jeans. "Crawl into the garage." I move toward the garage as his belt lands hard across my back. He follows me beating me with his belt as I crawl as fast as I can across the ling room and dining room, through the kitchen and laundry room and out into the garage. There's piece of rubber mat laid in the center of the room and I move to it remaining on all fours. He lands several more lashes with the belt.

"Lay on your back." I flip over onto my back and lie out flat. He kicks my legs far apart. Stepping between them he bends over and grabs me by the balls. Using both hands he works my balls into the bottom of my sac. He squeezes and lifts slowly and steadily. The pressure increases and I slowly lift my ass off the floor in an effort to relieve some of the pain. He squeezes tighter and I can't help but turn my head to the side and squeeze my eyes shut tight. "NO! Look at me! Don't take your eyes off of me." I struggle to look back at him. His eyes don't even shift from mine for a second. Mine flinch from him as he makes a fist with his other hand and makes it obvious that he's going to hit me in the balls. Using the side of his fist like a hammer he bangs down on my balls. I yank them hard as I buck under the force of his blow. He lines up a second shot. I cringe as he waits building the tension. He slams them a second time harder than the first. The moan bursts from my lips as I twist and squirm. He tightens his grip and the pain wraps around my body. The third shot to my balls shoots through me. He releases me and I drop to the floor and instinctively roll onto my side and into a fetal position.

"Did I say you could move?" I stammer out an apology, as I will myself back into position with my balls open and vulnerable to him. "I was already in the mood to make you hurt; now I have a good reason." He gives my balls a solid kick.

I sob out another apology. I beg for forgiveness and mercy. A smile spreads across his face but his eyes don't warm at all. I know it's pointless but I can't stop pleading. Even as I plead with him he pulls my big balls tight and ties them tightly with rope into the very bottom of my sac. Pulling off his shoes and socks, he pulls one sock over my balls and stuffs the other one in my mouth shutting me up instantly. He straps my ankles into a spreader bar holding them apart. Using the bar he pulls my legs up toward my chest and straps my wrists to it as well leaving my balls and my ass completely open and vulnerable to him. Past experiences with him have taught me that the longer he takes to set things up the longer it lasts and the worse it is for me.

Grabbing some lube and an inflatable dildo he kneels at my ass. Using a lot of lube he works the dildo up my ass. It's not too bad because it's not inflated yet. Standing up, he grabs a chair and places it at my bottom. Never taking his eyes from me he slowly pulls off his clothes as he asks, "Have you figured out what's going to happen yet?"

My voice quivers, "No, Master."

"But you know you're fucked. Right?"

He drops his pants and his cock is rock hard. "Yes. I know it." I watch him walk naked to the workbench and get out his wood clamp vice. Coming back toward me he picks up his belt again. He drops them both between the chair and me. He sits in the chair with his legs spread and strokes his hard and dripping cock.

"Let's see who lasts longer, you or me." He pumps the air pump a few times inflating the dildo up my ass to discomfort. I tense a bit. I tense more as he picks up the belt. My asshole contracts with every blow of the belt across my cheeks, it contracts tighter when he hits my balls with the belt. My whole stomach cramps. He places the wood vice on my balls and slowly tightens it until I sink into the pressure. Sitting back in the chair he places his feet on the backs of my thighs and pushes my knees further into my chest. He slowly jerks off looking at me. I'm uncomfortable, but okay. He plays a while before taking it up a notch.

My asshole hurts like hell as he pumps more air into the dildo up my ass making it bigger than anything or anyone I'm used to. The vice crushes my balls as he makes it much tighter. I'm fighting for control already and the belt slashing across my ass puts me into a frenzy. "Take it fuckwad. I'm nowhere near done." I struggle to get used to it as he sits back and jerks off some more. From his sitting position he uses one hand to jerk off and the other hand to hit me with his belt. I moan and writhe beneath him I cling to the feeling of his feet on my legs to be connected to him in something other than the pain.

"I love to see you in pain. I get off on watching you squirm. I love the sound that escapes your throat when it hurts so bad you can't stop it. I love the way your eyes beg, the look of wanting and dread at the same time, and the look of panic that flashes across them when the pain first hits you. But most of all, I love the way you keep coming back for more, the way you crave attention from me. Any kind of attention as long as you get it. The way you'll do anything to get my approval." He rubs a foot across my lips and I kiss them the best I can with the sock still stuffed on my mouth. "That's it. Kiss my foot. Show me you love me." I worship his foot.

He uses the same foot to press the pump and fill the dildo. My insides fill with pain. I moan in pain and beg through the gag. I all out sob as he tightens the vice more. My balls radiate pain from my knees to my chest. He snickers as he picks up the belt and I try to beg through my gag. Folding the belt in half he hits me hard and steady across my ass and the back of my thighs. The tears are rolling down my cheeks as the pre-cum drips from his cock. He brings himself to the edge as I suffer. I choke in despair as he stops before cumming because I know it won't stop until he shoots. I want to cry as he gets up from the chair and comes to sit where my head is.

"I'm going to pull the sock out of your mouth. I don't want to hear a sound until I tell you. Do you understand me?" I nod that I do. He pulls the sock out but holds my mouth open. "You must be thirsty." He slowly lets his spit drool into my mouth. Slowly lowering his mouth to mine he kisses me deeply and passionately. I'm hurting like hell but still sink into the kiss. "Do you like that?"

"Oh yes, Master. Please kiss me again. Please." My emotions explode as he kisses me again.

"Do you want me to kiss you more?"

"Yes, please. Please." I'm begging while I'm fighting against the pain.

"Here's the deal, you want me to kiss you more, and I want to hurt you more. Can we both get what we want?" He brushes his lips across mine as I try to think. "Hhhhmmm? Do we have a deal?"

"Yes--Yes." My lust overrides my judgment.

"So you can take more?" I'm shaking my head no as my mouth says yes. His smile is wicked and his eyes flash cold as ice. My stomach sinks as he moves back to the chair. Two pumps of the dildo make it feel like my ass is going to explode. Tightening the vice makes my balls feel like they're going to cave in. A deep rumble screams from my throat as I struggle to even breathe. His stroke on his cock is fast and steady just like the belt landing on my ass and thighs. I writhe beneath him and sob out begging for mercy and relief. This pushes him over the edge and he fires his load all over me. I'm soaked in his scum. I lay there sobbing softly waiting for him to release me. He relaxes back in his chair.

"So, here's the deal." Oh fuck him! I'm in agony and he's still making deals. He fucking came already so what the fuck does he give a shit. "I can release one of your hands and you can jerk off for me. I really want to see you cum. Or, if you want I can just release you and you can go home. It's up you what happens next." He hesitates a minute. "If you give me what I want you can stay all weekend. If you decide to leave you won't hear from me again until Monday. So?"

"I'll do whatever you want me to. Oh shit! I hurt so bad. Please, I can't stand it anymore. Please." He leans forward and unclasps my wrist. He sits back and watches as I stroke my dick. It makes my balls ache as I stroke my cock slow and easy. He eases back and starts stroking his dick again. He rubs both his feet across my face and slips his toes in and out of my mouth. He rubs his toes in his cum on my chest and feeds it to me off of his foot. I lick them clean as I keep jerking off. He picks up his pace jerking himself off and I try to copy him but my balls are killing me. The dildo up my ass hurts like hell. I don't think I can cum like this and tell him so.

"Well, if you don't cum, I'm going to turn your ball sack into a fucking punching bag. So, you'd better make it happen." SHIT! I can't fucking believe it but I know he'll do it. "Here, let me help you." He comes back to the floor and leans his head close to mine. He eases in for a kiss and a jolt goes through me. He moves in deeper and I stroke faster. He's working his dick as I'm working mine. I start moving toward an orgasm. The pleasure begins to override the pain. He's watching me intently. Without easing out of the kiss he tightens down on my balls slightly more and I just jerk off faster to compensate for the increase in pain. He pumps the dildo up and I stroke faster still. He moans into my mouth as he kisses me and I take a giant step closer to cumming. He moves his foot over my balls and I scream out in pain even though his mouth still covers mine. I hear him moan back and feel him shoot a second load on me. He eases back and rests on one elbow to watch me. "Do it baby. Cum for me. I want to see you cum. Do not disappoint me or I'll have to really make you hurt." He rubs his finger in his cum puddle and puts it in my mouth for me to suck it clean. I stroke fast and steady and feel my load getting ready to shoot out my cock. I scream out as fire shot after shot. The pain is unbearable as I come down from my orgasm.

He stays propped on his elbow looking down on me. "Fuck, you must really be hurting now. The problem is it's going to hurt like hell when we release you. But, you already know that. So, lets get it over with." Sitting up, he releases the valve on the dildo and it quickly deflates. He leaves the dildo in but it is such a relief. He refastens my wrist to the spreader bar and slowly loosens the vice on my balls. Tears roll down my face and he licks them off. I love the feel of his tongue caressing my face. He pulls the sock off in one quick motion and it sends a shockwave through my balls. He unties the knot of the rope binding my balls torturously slowly. "This is going to hurt so fucking bad! I'm so glad I'm not you." I take a deep breath as he pulls the rope, untwirling it quickly from my balls. I scream out in pain. He laughs at me. "Pussy. This is what you were made for."

Rising to his feet he stands over me and spreads his legs. Holding his cock in his hand he aims his piss on me. The warm liquid is actually comforting and soothing. I just let myself enjoy it not even thinking about the reality that someone is pissing all over me. I just let it feel good. He moves his stream up my chest and I open my mouth as he takes aim at it. I swallow some and let the rest drip down my face. He finishes by shaking the last few drops on me.

He unclasps my wrists and lets my legs drop back down. He takes off the spreader bar and I curl up to ease the pain in my muscles and body. "You're a fucking mess." I look up at him and see a huge smile across his face. "Get cleaned up. I'll see you in bed." My heart jumps at the thought of sleeping with him. He looks me in the eye, "You know I love you." I simply nod because I know he does. "Bring the belt. We might need it again." That feeling of desire and dread hit me all over again.

Next: Chapter 13

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