Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Nov 10, 2005


This story in not completely fictional. Nor is it the truth and nothing but the truth. The names have definitely been changed to protect the guilty. We are all disease free and stay that way by protecting ourselves whenever we play with anyone but each other. Descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional because I'm imaginative and not stupid.

You know the rules... Don't read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay or BDSM expression. Don't even think about reproducing or publishing it without my permission. Remember, I have sadistic friends who like to punish people! <>

Chapter 15

The silence hangs between us. My shame grows as the minutes tick by. I know better than to talk so I remain silent. In an effort to communicate how badly I'm feeling to him, I try to maintain an even more submissive position. I keep my knees spread and bent. I make sure I'm bent at the waist, head down, hands clasped behind my back. I don't dare look up as he rises and moves around the dungeon. I'm startled when the door opens and the others walk in. My shame and inferiority deepen as they walk in and see me naked and kneeling as they stand around me.

"Stand up," is Steven's simple but stern command. I quickly rise to my feet and assume the same submissive posture of my legs spread, knees and waist bent, hands behind my back, head bowed.

"I didn't realize this piece of shit had such a big set of balls." Tom comments as he grabs my balls and rolls them roughly between his fingers. My dick instantly starts to rise. Grabbing my cock roughly he continues, "and a cock to match. Do you ever let him fuck anyone?"

"No. He's pure pussy." Steven responds.

"So his cock is completely useless. A total fucking waste." He grabs my cock hard and pulls it out and away from my body. I try to keep my balance and stay in place. "And these big fucking balls... why would a cunt have balls anyway?" He grabs my balls and pulls them forward like my cock and I begin to stumble forward. David grabs me from behind to steady me. He pulls me tightly into a full nelson. "Why do you have balls, boy?" I have no idea what to say, so I say nothing. "I don't think you know. I think we need to teach you why a cunt like you has balls." With that he lifts his knee directly into my balls. The pain rips through me and it's only David holding me that prevents me from dropping to my knees. "Now you know why you have balls. It's so we can have the pleasure of torturing them." His knee comes up slamming into them again. David tightens his grip as I struggle and squirm in a reflexive effort to protect my aching balls.

"Stand up!" Steven's voice is strong and steady. I look into his eyes as I steady myself. He moves in front of Tom and I'm hoping it's to prevent another knee to my balls. Instead, he gives a quick back kick connecting directly to my gonads. A deep guttural groan escapes from me as I try to suck in breath to recover as quickly as I can. His face is a stern warning that I'd better not fuck up. He lands another kick that's not quite as wicked and I maintain my composure better. I can see the approval in his eyes as he steps away and tells Michael to take a turn. My stomach drops at this déjà vu experience of how we first met.

Michael stands directly in front of me staring me down. I try to be strong but I know that I have a look of dread and pleading on my face. His calm and relaxed demeanor unnerves me more. With perfect balance he raises his foot slowly and brings the ball of his bare foot directly to my balls making light contact with them and holding it there. With split second timing he pulls back and slams it into my balls with enough force to knock the wind out of me. David holds me fast in his grip. "One." Is all Michael says. He stands there bare foot and bare chested with his arms crossed over his magnificent chest.

I look over at Steven and do a fleeting comparison between the two of them. They're both gorgeous. Steven is lighter in coloring. His brown and straight hair is a bit too long. His beard is heavy and his tight muscular chest is covered in hair. He's sexy as hell! Michael is the classic tall, dark, and handsome. Hairy like Steven, but all of his hair is coal black and coarser. He's a bit bigger than Steven in every way. Looking back at Steven, the look in his eyes tells me he caught me checking out Michael. He clearly mouths, "Now you're dead, fuckwad." I swallow hard.

I'm totally distracted and unprepared as Michael kicks my balls up into my chest. My air gushes out of me and my knees buckle. Again, David saves me from falling to the floor. "Two." Shit! Oh shit! I struggle to regain my composure but I'm panicking at the thought of more to come. The moment is intense with all eyes on me. I know Michael will wait until I'm ready and I'm trying to prepare myself for him.

Not as patient, Steven moves forward again. Landing a solid kick he gives me a harsh command. "Suck it up!" He says to me. "He's ready!" He tells Michael who doesn't hesitate before landing another quick blow. David lowers me to the ground and releases me so that I can roll around whimpering. Without giving me any time to recover, Steven and David strap me into leather ankle restraints and attach them to a spreader bar. As they do that, Michael lowers a hook from an electric pulley attached to the ceiling. Quickly the bar is attached to the hook and I'm hoisted by my ankles upside down from the floor. It takes me a couple of seconds to adjust to hanging there upside down. My wrists are put into leather restraints and tied spread eagle from my torso.

I hang there a minute anxiously wondering what will happen next. Tom and Douglas pull their shirts off and now they're all bare chested. David is the biggest and most muscular. Tom is tall, lean and muscular. He's a mean looking motherfucker. Douglas is small and lean. He's light in coloring and smooth. His tattoos are beautiful and intricate and cover most of his body as far as I can see. He seems to be grinning and enjoying the whole experience.

Tom steps forward with a small terse flogger. The leather strands are spaghetti thick and maybe eight inches long. He slashes it across my balls in a downward motion. The pain is sharp and stinging. He lashes it across my balls a number of times until they're stinging and feel like they're on fire. Upside down, it's hard for me to focus or concentrate. I can't get away from or into the pain. All I can do is take it. It hurts like hell but it's very surface pain. There's a lot of sting, but no ache. I can look up enough to see that my sac is a deep red, almost purple.

Stepping back, Tom allows Doug to step forward. He gets down level to my face with a big smile. He's holding a simple twelve-inch wooden ruler. He waves it in front of my face and I cringe because I know how much a simple ruler can hurt me. Standing, he taps the ruler against my balls. It doesn't hurt but I'm not stupid enough to think it will stop there. He lightly hits my perineum. He hits it fast and repeatedly. The sensitive skin heats quickly and stings. Hitting harder he takes the pain level up several notches. It's relentless and he keeps it up until I let out a high pitched scream. He stops for a second and a feeling of relief washes over me but it doesn't last. He slaps it down on my balls. The sting and ache are instant. His rhythm is slow and steady. Each blow is slightly harder. I grit my teeth and hold my breath against the pain. I breathe in gasps.

When he stops I use the time to focus and try to brace myself for what's coming. I know there'll be more. David steps up to play holding a simple table tennis paddle. He uses it in fast and consistent blows all over my thighs, my pelvis, and my ass. It hurts but I can stand it until one of the blows is directly to my balls. Oh fuck it hurts so bad. It breaks my concentration, the rest of the blows seem more intense, and then another cracks across my balls. As he's hitting me, I dread the one that ill hit across my balls. When it does I yelp in pain. After a short time I'm whining and begging for it to stop. It doesn't. I'm reduced to whimpering as it continues.

This time when it stops I use my energy begging for mercy and making empty promises to behave and serve. It's so fucking frustrating in that they don't even listen or pay any attention to me. They take drinks and sit quietly watching me hang there. I grow increasingly uncomfortable tied this way upside down. I close my eyes in an effort to escape my surroundings. M eyes fly open as I hear a familiar swishing sound. I instantly panic and start begging and crying as Steven slashes his favorite rubber wand across my balls. I plead uselessly as he does it again, and again, and again. Even though it hurts like a motherfucker I'm relieved when he slashes it across my thighs or my ass but scream when it cuts across my sac or down the center of my perineum. When that happens I feel the slash from my asshole to my cock. He pain exhausts me to the point where I hang there hopelessly.

Finally stopping, he sits on the floor in front of me. He leans his face against mine. I absorb the comfort from him. I sob lightly against him. He asks quietly, "Do you love me?" I sob out a yes. "I know you do. I know you love me. You're showing me how much you love me by behaving well for me." He gently rubs my face. He leans in for a tender kiss. He leans in again for a deep kiss. He leans in again and invades my mouth with his. I sink into him. "I'm just starting. I need you to take a lot more. I'm so fucking turned on by you. I need to go further. I need to keep going. You understand right? You'll do this for me, right?" He doesn't give me time to answer as he kisses me again. He rises and moves away as soon as he ends the kiss. I take a deep breath as I prepare for more.

Michael comes forward holding a flogger. He presses a button and I rise further off the ground. My arms are pulled tighter against their restraints and my ankles ache from the increased strain. He circles my body with the flogger striking me as he goes. The strikes increase in strength as he continues to circle me. The flogger strikes me front and back. He goes slower, but hits harder. I grunt against each hit. I have enough time to suck in a breath between each blow. They grow brutal. You can hear the thud as it blends with the grunt that I can't stop from escaping me. Each blow knocks the wind out of me. My whole body is screaming. I beg for mercy. I yell out in pain. I promise to do anything. I scream.

Steven comes back and holds my face again. He gently strokes it. "Stop. Just stop it." I think he's talking to Michael but he's talking to me. "Shhhh. Quiet. Calm down." I do. I calm down at the sound of his voice. "Good boy. Good boy." I feel so good as he talks to me. I don't even realize what he's doing as he eases a ball gag into my mouth. I moan when I realize it's already in place and he's strapping it on. "It's better this way." Better for who is my only thought. My arms are untied and attached to each other at my wrists hanging below my head. I swing free and swirl around.

They all step up carrying their instruments of pain. "One." Michael says and I panic instantly. "Two." My heart races. I gasp in a breath as he says, "Three." And the assault begins. They all hit me at once and the pain explodes everywhere! I spin around as they hit me over and over and their blows land all across my body. The pain is everywhere and the only time I can distinguish it is when one of them catches my balls and they explode in agony. I scream into the gag. Without even realizing it I double up in pain and fold myself in half. They continue as I hold myself up in this more protected position. Finally they stop. Steven grabs me by the shoulders and eases me back down. He pulls me back as I'm lowered enough to rest my shoulders on the floor. I'm gasping for breath and sobbing at the same time. I'm relieved thinking it's over, but it's not.

Doug steps up and greases my asshole. He slips a couple of fingers in spreading the grease as David walks in with a two-liter bottle of water. Placing it against my whole he turns it upside down as he pushes the neck of it up my ass. It obviously has an air hole in the bottom as it begins to slowly empty into my ass. As that is happening, Tom slips a nut crusher around my balls. First he tightens the part that pushes my balls lower in my sack. Then he tightens the part that crushes my balls against it. He tightens it until the pressure is really hurting. The pain radiates up my stomach. David holds the air hole closed and squeezes the bottle sending a gush of water up my ass. He does it again as my bowels are filled with water. Tom tightens the ball crusher and my whole crotch, pelvis, stomach, and ass are cramping in pain. The bottle is removed as it's just about emptied up my ass.

I'm hoisted back up. I'm left hanging with my face about crotch level and Doug pushes his cock into my mouth. Holding my head he moves me back and forth on his cock as I suck him. He stands still as he fucks my face by moving me back and forth. His dick is rock hard. It feels smooth and tastes sweet. His precum oozes onto my tongue. The movement agitates the liquid in my gut and my balls are flopping back and forth in the crusher. They fucking hurt like hell. He fucks me until he shoots his load in my mouth. I swallow some but it's hard to swallow upside down and some dribbles up my face.

"Sir, Sir, I can't hold it in much longer. Oh Sir, please, I have to go to the bathroom. Oh please, Sir." I beg them in desperation so I don't make a mess.

"Don't you dare. Not until you're told to. I swear I'll make you lick up every drop if you don't hold it." Michael threatens me. I'm quickly lowered and released. In front of all of them, I'm made to place my ass over a small plastic garbage pail as the water gushes out of me. I'm totally mortified with embarrassment doing this in front of them. They give me no privacy at all and watch as I evacuate. They even watch as I wipe myself clean and then wash my ass wish those premoistened ass wipes. . When I'm done I'm ordered to lie on my back and I'm hoisted into the air again.

Again, a two-liter bottle is emptied into my ass. The ball crusher is tightened more. The ache wraps around my whole body. Tom pushes is big cock into my mouth and face fucks me like Doug did, only rougher. I gag as his big fat cock pushes against my throat. His cock is meaty with lots of extra skin even though he's cut. I fight to keep my ass clamped tight so I don't leak. He fucks me ferociously and pulls out jacking himself at the end to shoot his load all over me. I feel his cum dripping along my face.

Again, I'm lowered and allowed to squat over the pale to empty myself out. The water gushes out of me in spasms. My balls are killing me. Again I'm told to lie down. This time both my ankles and wrists are attached to the hook. I'm raised up by both my ankles and wrists and I'm hanging folded in half. Stripping naked, David and Steven stand behind me. David pulls my ass toward him and pulls me onto his cock. His fat cock pushes into my ass. I sway in the air as he fucks me partly thrusting his hips and partly pulling me against him. He does it for a while and then pulls out and passes me to Steven who fucks me hard. He slides me forward and then pulls me back hard against him as he pounds into my ass. They take turns fucking me up the ass until David shoots his load deep inside me. Steven goes at it with a vengeance fucking me really hard until he shoots his load inside me as well. My balls are aching! My wrists and ankles are getting sore.

"Do you want to use him?" He asks Michael.

Shaking his head Michael says no. "For me he has no purpose other than to suffer. He's nothing more than a fucking slave to me and I don't have sex with slaves, only men." His words really sting. He's never let me suck him and has never fucked me. I'm hit hard by the realization that I'm not good enough for him.

I'm lowered and allowed to lie on the floor as they clean up and pull their pants back on. Standing all around me Tom asks, "Do you ever let it cum?"

"Sometimes." Steven replies. "But not unless he's suffering. Men get to feel the pleasure of an orgasm. Shit like him gets to feel pain and suffering. Orgasms have to hurt. It reminds them that they're just shit."

"Let's do it." Tom suggests. A big plastic sheet is laid out and I'm positioned in the center of it on my back. Tom and Doug pull my legs up and David again empties a two-liter bottle of water up my ass. I'm told to hold it as I'm lowered back down. A wedge is placed under my ass and a fucking machine is positioned. It's moved into place and the dildo end is very slowly driven deep up my ass pushing the water around and deeper. It creates a plug preventing any leakage.

The ball crusher is replaced with a ball splitter, which is tied to a pulley from the ceiling. They're pulled high and tight. They hurt like hell. Nipple clamps are put on me and the pain goes deep into my chest. The ball gag is placed in my mouth again. Using a rubber glove, David smears this cream all over my cock and balls. Heavy leather gloves without fingers are put on my hands. David explains, "Here's the deal. In about five minutes your cock and balls are going to burn like hell. It will be a pain like you've never felt before and there's nothing that can be done to stop it or alleviate it. It will last for about twenty minutes. You have twenty minutes to cum. If you cum too soon the pain will be unbearable. If you don't cum, we'll do it again. If you still don't cum we'll use your balls for a punching bag until you vomit or pass out." My cock and balls were beginning to heat up and it's very uncomfortable.

"I can see from your face it's starting to hurt. Go ahead. Jerk yourself off." The pain is increasing rapidly and he was right. It's a pain like I've never felt before. It burns so badly. Knowing there's no way to stop it, it scares the crap out of me. I try to jerk off but the gloves are big and clumsy. I concentrate as best I can but the pain is everywhere and overwhelming me. My nipples hurt. My balls are aching. My stomach is clenching. My ass hurts. My cock and balls are on fire. I jerk off frantically trying to cum. They turn on the fucking machine and it slowly rips into me and sucks out my insides as it withdraws.

I slowly move toward cumming. The pain blends with pleasure. My cock and balls are burning like hell. I look up to see them gathered around me watching me jerk myself off in the most humiliating way I can imagine. My body tenses as I start to get close. I'm distracted as I feel Michael pissing on me. That moves me closer to cumming. The others join him and piss on me also. I'm soaked in their piss. I jerk of frantically. I move toward a powerful orgasm. Doug uses his ruler and hits me in the balls as I jerk off. Oh man I ache! I don't stop. I keep jerking off as hard as I can and finally go over the edge. I shoot a massive load all over myself. As my orgasm recedes, the pain overtakes me. My cock and balls are ablaze in burning pain. The fucking machine up my water filled ass is causing my stomach to clench and spasm. My balls are killing me from the beating they've taken and they're still tied to the fucking pulley. My nipples are screaming from the clamps on them. I'm soaked in piss and scum.

Reaching out, David again covers my cock and balls in that fucking cream. Reaching back he smears it on my ass and puts some on the dildo, which pushes it up my ass. My wrists are clipped to my ankle restraints so I can't move or touch myself. "Enjoy." Is all David says. I tighten and clench as the pain lasts. My asshole sears as the cream coats my ass ring. They get comfortable, eat snack foods, and drink beers as I suffer in agony. I scream into my gag and writhe and squirm in agony as they watch on. They laugh and compliment each other on what a good job they each did. They talk about how great their blow jobs were and how good their fucking was. They talk about what a great thing they've done to teach me my place and purpose in life. The next half hour is the longest of my life.

Eventually, the burning eases. I scream in agony as the nipple clamps are removed. The rope is undone from the pulley and my balls are released. They're so sore. The fucking machine is turned off and the dildo is pulled out of my ass. The water floods out behind it. I can't control it at all. My ankles and wrists are released. I curl on my side in the wet mess absolutely exhausted.

Steven speaks softly, "Make sure this mess is cleaned up before you meet John tomorrow." They all leave me there. I curl up to sleep. I'll clean up later. I'm too tired to move.

Comments and suggestions are always appreciated. One of the best parts of writing this is the friends I've made all around the country. Thank you to everyone!

Next: Chapter 16

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