Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Jan 24, 2006


This story is not completely fictional. Nor is it the truth and nothing but the truth. The names have definitely been changed to protect the guilty. We are all disease free and stay that way by protecting ourselves whenever we play with anyone but each other. Descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional because I'm imaginative and not stupid.

You know the rules... Don't read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay or BDSM expression. Don't even think about reproducing or publishing it without my permission. Remember, I have sadistic friends who like to punish people! <>

Chapter 20

The day is uneventful. If not for looking forward to the night with Steven it would have been downright boring. I think back to not too long ago when most days were dull and uneventful. Not anymore. I never know what's coming now. Arriving at the house, I rush through what little cleaning and straightening up there is to do. Listening carefully for his car, I rush to my corner when I hear him pull up. I smile to myself realizing that my heart is beating just a bit faster as I look forward to his coming in.

I hear him puttering in the kitchen for a couple of minutes. I'm slightly disappointed when I hear him go upstairs without saying hello or anything. I hear the shower go on and assume I have a couple of minutes before he comes back down. I stay in my corner but relax my position. I've nothing else to do but daydream and my cock gets as hard as it can encased in the plastic device. I fantasize about all of the possibilities. I pull back up to a kneeling position as I hear him come out of the bathroom and down the stairs.

"Good boy. Have you been on your knees the whole time?"

Fuck! Busted. "No, Sir. I relaxed my position while you were showering." I feel so stupid talking into the corner.

"Did you think that would please me?"

"No Sir. I'm sorry Sir. I had no idea how long you'd be."

"I don't know what that has to do with anything. From now on, you ask yourself what would please me more. Ask yourself, `would my Master be pleased that I made myself comfortable waiting for him or would he be more pleased that I would accept discomfort in my effort to please him?' What do you think you should have done?"

"I should have stayed on my knees for you, Sir."

"When you're faced with the choice of doing what's easy or doing what's right, I want you to do what's right. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Sir. I'm really sorry, Sir."

"Okay. You'll have to pay for that, but for now just come over here." Of course I crawl to him and bow with my forehead between his feet. He moves his foot against my face and I kiss it in sincere appreciation of him. I kiss the other one as well. "I'm feeling restless tonight. I want to go out. Go get showered." I crawl toward the stairs. "Wait, you know what? Let's take that thing off of you so you can clean yourself." He follows me up the stairs and bends down to take off the chastity device while I kneel before him. "Whew! A little ripe in there." I cringe in embarrassment as the smell of pre-cum and piss hits us both. "Clean up good, but no playing with yourself. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Sir." The shower feels wonderful! The water cascading over my dick feels great. It's super sensitive to the touch and rock hard the whole time. I have to be careful washing it because I'm very aroused and could cum easily if I'm not careful. Drying off after the shower I walk into the bedroom and drop to my knees totally surprised at seeing him there.

"I laid out your clothes. Get dressed." Jeans, jock, button down shirt, shoes and socks. Casual, but nothing special. The only word to describe it is bland. Definitely not mine but I've never seen him wear it either. He's dressed much nicer. While I'm dressing he watches closely and continues talking. "I don't like what you did yesterday morning." A lump forms in my throat as I listen and watch his expression. "You dressed in your best suit and your only reason for it was to recover your pride." He's a master at letting the silence hang thick in the air while my mind races trying to figure out if or how I'm supposed to respond. It's not for you to decide when you can have your pride back. It's for me to decide. I take it away; I give it back. Understand?" I say nothing but my body language gives him the answer that he wants. "There have to be consequences when you misbehave. You know that, right?" Again, there's no reason for a verbal response. "From now on I decide what you wear, not you. You've lost the privilege of choosing what you wear. Do you like that outfit? I bought it at goodwill just for you." He let's the impact of that sink in. I'm really into clothes. I always have been. My wardrobe is legendary. It's taking all of my self-discipline not to argue or complain. The real bitch is I know he's right. It's exactly what I did. "That should teach you a lesson. The beating you're going to get for it is just to reinforce that lesson."

The silence just hangs there and the tension is awful. I hang my head in shame and despair. I become aware of my growing erection as I think of the beating I'm going to get. Without even thinking, I spread my legs anticipating, no... wanting, inviting a kick to my balls. He's staring at my crotch with a knowing look on his face. I'm uncomfortable in the silence and sheepishly reply, "Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

"Of course the beating for that will be nothing compared to the beating you're going to get for asking me to fuck you, for having the nerve to expect me to fuck you on demand." My heart sinks. I drop to my knees. I tell him over and over how sorry I am. He lets me go on without any response. I want and need a response so I try harder. I beg him for forgiveness, but it's really the punishment I want. He waits it out until I run out of steam and just hang my head in silence.

He finally breaks the silence, "I'm starving. Let's go out to dinner." I'm careful to walk behind him, open the doors, anything to show him respect and to try to redeem myself.

We go to a casual sports bar. He orders for both of us. We split an appetizer; have a couple of steak hoagies with onion rings and fries. He drinks soda but makes me drink water to remind me of my place. We enjoy a few good laughs watching sports bloopers. We also have a few quick conversations with some mutual friends and acquaintances. It's still early when we get done.

He suggests, "Lets go shoot a couple of racks of pool." My smile beams. We go to our usual pool hall, get a table and he orders a beer. The beer looks so good and I realize I've had nothing but water to drink for months now. Oh well, its just part of the price I pay for being a boy. He jokingly gives me permission to beat him. We shoot eight ball and I win four games in a row. In two of the games he never gets to take a shot. "Okay, I've had enough of getting my ass beaten. Let's go to the club where I can beat your ass." His grin is wicked. I follow him out to the car silently. I figure I've had a really good time so he certainly deserves to have one as well, even though this is no longer the headspace I'm in.

Getting in the car he commands, "Lose the shirt, the shoes and the socks." I obediently strip down to just my jeans and ride half naked and semi erect. I'm trying desperately to get myself into the right headspace for what might be coming. I spread my legs as he reaches for my crotch and grow hard beneath the pressure of his hand.

I recognize a few cars as we pull into the lot. David's, and Michael's are among them as well as John's, and Craig's cars. I don't recognize any of the others. I admit to myself that I'm nervous. That unbelievable combination of dread and desire hits me hard. A stern warning from Steven tells me not to fuck up as he puts a collar and leash around my neck. I have no intention of fucking up.

I follow him in with my head down and my hands behind my back. He stops to lock the door behind us when we enter and for some reason that makes my heart skip a beat. Entering, we find David, Michael, the president and vice president, and the arrogant fuck from the showers at the gym, as well as couple of other guys I don't know standing together at the Bar. There are a few others standing around the perimeter of the dungeon area.

No greetings are exchanged. The silence is eerie. The dread overtakes my desire. The others walk into the dungeon space and take seats, leaving me, Steven, Michael and David behind. Their nod to each other makes my breath catch in my throat. Michael leads the way with Steven following and leading me in on the leash. David walks behind me. I'm stopped in the center of the room and Steven removes the leash, but leaves me standing there with everyone staring at me. Without direction, I assume a submissive position with my legs spread, knees and waist bent, and arms behind my back with my head down. I begin to sweat.

In one easy motion Steven lands a solid kick to my balls. I lose my breath but maintain my balance. I compose myself and try to get ready for the next one. The next one is just a bit harder than the first, but I stay standing. Every muscle in my body tightens in response. I look around the room as I get back in position. The mood is intense but obviously being enjoyed by everyone watching. The third kick drops me to my knees and a couple of guys including Steven smile. I pull myself back up into a standing position. The fourth kick drops me to the ground again. The ache in my stomach is intense. I get up slower, more hesitantly.

As I rise to my feet David locks me in a full nelson. Steven lands two really quick kicks straight to my gonads but David doesn't let me fall. I crumple into his arms as another kick lands soon after. I take comfort being held in his arms. I lean back into him and rest my cheek against his as another kick lands to my balls. I sag against him.

Steven grabs my face in his hand and makes me look him straight in the eyes. "You need to learn that your cock and balls are there to give me pleasure, and you pain." His knee comes up and connects hard with my balls again. He doesn't allow me to break eye contact. "Thank me, bitch." His look and tone are stern. I hear the quiver in my voice as I thank him.

David holds me tight giving me a strange sense of security. Michael and Steven put wrist and ankle restraints on me. My arms are spread and attached a bit above shoulder height to chains from the ceiling. A spreader bar keeps my feet about shoulder length apart. As David let's go he whispers into my ear, "Just cowboy up and take it. We all believe in you." I'm left alone and hanging there determined to take whatever they dish out.

I watch Michael take his boots off. I know he likes to be barefoot when he kicks. Michael steps up, lands a solid kick to my balls, and follows it with a rapid jab to my gut. I want too pull my arms in and curl up on the floor but can't because of how they're restrained. I can't even drop to my knees because my arms are stretched too tight. His voice is loud and commanding, "Stand up! ... Now." I struggle to obey him. He grabs my balls through my pants and massages them. "Thank me, bitch." I do thank him. "Now ask me for more. You know you want it. Beg me for it." My cock is getting hard in his hand. He rubs his thumb over the head of it. "Come on you sick fuck. If you have any hope of shooting a load tonight you'd better beg for more." Desire edges out the dread and I do beg him for more.

The kick is followed by two rapid jabs to my gut and I tighten up pulling my legs up toward my stomach and holding my breath. Hanging by my leather wrist restraints, I feel like I'll never be able to breathe again. I try to remind myself that the pain is very temporary. It goes away fast, no damage has been done to me, and none will be done. It's just pain, not injury. Mentally I try to spread the pain out so it's not all focused in one place. I ease my legs back down as I become aware of the pain in my arms from supporting my entire weight. Michael grabs me by my hair, which has gotten long, "Personally, I'd shave this all off, but since it's here I might as well make use of it." He pulls my face toward his, "Want more?" His other hand is massaging my hard on again.

Oh fuck! I hate this! I'm so caught. "Yes, please." As soon as the words are out of my mouth the balance between desire and dread shifts. His victory smile tells me he just got what he wanted.

He steps back but his eyes don't leave mine. "Tell me when."

Oh fuck! He just stands there waiting. I take a couple of deep breaths before saying, "Now." He waits. He leaves me waiting for it to come. I hold my breath in anticipation. Eventually I have to breathe and as I exhale a solid kick lands in my gut forcing all the air out. Before I can take a breath his knee comes up in my crotch. With no air in my lungs I collapse against the restraints. I vaguely hear the cheers of the guys watching, but I'm too caught up in myself to pay any attention to them.

The adrenaline rush hits. The endorphins kick in. Its almost like I'm buzzed. My head spins a bit. I tune everything out and concentrate on what I'm feeling. I pull totally into myself. I feel the next kick to my balls and shiver as the sensation of it travels through my body. I don't even try to stand up straight again. My body is so limp the next kick moves me back and some of the impact is absorbed as I just move with it. He gives me a couple of kicks in the gut, but not with the same force as before. It hurts like hell but doesn't knock the wind out of me. The next kick to my balls does. Oh Fuck! I'm pulled from my headspace with the intensity of it.

Steven steps up, takes off the spreader bar, and opens my pants. He yanks them and my jock off in one good pull and I'm left naked in front of everyone. My cock is full, though not quite hard, and its definitely dripping pre-cum that's milky since I haven't cum in almost a week.

He grabs my balls and stretches them out while David attaches a parachute tight around them. I have really big balls and they look even bigger stretched out in the parachute. A big and very heavy metal ball with a short chain is attached. It's too heavy for me to lift off the floor so I have to stay crouched with my arms stretched tight. Still my balls are pulled tight in their sack by the weight of the ball. This is so fucking uncomfortable. My arms are stretched tight but if I try to straighten my legs my balls are pulled by the weight of the ball. It's hard on my legs to maintain this crouched position.

Coming back to me, Steven is carrying a flogger. He holds it in front of my face and lets the flays slide through his fingers taunting me. "Kiss it." He tells me so I do it. He rubs it across my face. He looks at David and instructs him, "Gag him." David places a bit gag securely on me. The bit part is heavy rubber with shiny metal clamps and a leather belt that clasps behind my head. My tongue has nowhere to go inside my mouth, as the bit lies straight across it. David grabs a handful of my hair and pulls me forward while Steven grabs the chain around my balls and pulls me back. This gives him a better angle at his target, which is my back.

The first few strokes with the flogger are almost soothing. They are slow and heavy rather than forceful. Steven is good with a flogger and I know he's just warming up both of us. The strikes are more forceful as he continues. He covers my back. I try to stay still to avoid pulling on my arms or yanking my balls. It gets harder to do as the intensity and speed increases. This flogger is heavy and the thud and impact of it is hard. It's like a big punch landing over a large area. When he hits my ass with it I can't help but move forward yanking on my balls. He occasionally stops to pull the metal ball back again as I make it inch forward when I pull on it.

I'm taking a beating. The power behind his swings creates a strong impact. My shoulders, down my back, and across my ass are aching. My legs are starting to cramp from being crouched. My arms are aching from being stretched and my balls feel like they're in a vice. I'm soaked in sweat. I'm willing to bet he is as well.

Finally, he takes a break. Stepping in front of me I can see him soaked with sweat. Someone tosses him a towel and he wipes himself dry. He pulls his shirt off. The hair on his chest is matted to him. He dries that as well as his armpits. He uses the same towel to wipe my face. I can smell him on the towel and feel his wetness mix with mine.

He selects a different flogger and I fill with dread. I was hoping this was over and I'd be released. He rubs this one across my face as he did the last one. I try to brace myself for what's coming as he steps behind me again. The flogger lands and I jump! This one is much lighter but has a much greater sting to it. Less thud, less impact, but more biting. He covers my back with it and really lashes it across my ass. My ass feels like its on fire.

It doesn't last long before he stops. I'm so relieved because it really hurt. He and David release my arms and lower me down to all fours. I rest for a second and resist the urge to move and stretch out my muscles.

The flogger slashes across my ass and I yelp in pain and surprise. Another slashes across accompanied by Steven's command, "Move! Crawl across the room!" Just as I begin to move another slash lands. "Faster!" I try to move but the fucking ball is heavy as hell and yanking the shit out of my aching balls as I try to drag it across the floor. Another crack with the flogger motivates me to move but obviously not fast enough to please him. Another crack is accompanied by him yelling and commanding me to move it faster.

David gets in my way and makes me detour around him. It delays me enough for another couple of cracks across my ass. The ball doesn't handle the change in direction well and actually rolls the wrong way yanking my balls sideways. Some of the guys are yelling and cheering as I try to get across the room.

As I pass Michael, he uses his foot to knock me over and then lands a kick to my gut. It doesn't slow Steven from using the flogger on me and making me move forward even as I'm trying to get back up.

I'm almost to the wall when the guy from the shower steps in front of me. I try to go around him but he moves to block my path. I go in the other direction but he just follows. FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! My ass hurts like a motherfucker from the slashing of the flogger and this fucker won't get out of my way. I decide to put some muscle behind it and just push him out of the way. I back up a little to get some force in motion and move forward fast and hard. The pain is intense as the fucking ball chained to my balls yanks them hard and I stop dead in my tracks. I drop down and look back to see Steven standing on the chain making it impossible for me to move the ball. While I'm looking he cracks the flogger across my ass again. I get back on all fours and pull forward. It fucking hurts like hell but I won't give up. He steps off the chain and I crawl to the wall where he stops hitting me.

"Knees and nose against the wall. Don't fucking move!" I scramble to obey him motivated as much by fear as my desire to please him. I clasp my hands behind my back and can feel the heat coming off my back and my ass from the flogging I've gotten. I'm shocked when I catch myself wondering if he's ever tried this position and if he even knows or appreciates how uncomfortable it is to maintain. My knees, my nose, and my erection are the only parts of me touching the wall. "Stop humping the wall you sick horny fuck!" I pull my groin further back so my dick's not touching, making it even more uncomfortable.

He talks to the guys there, "Anyone who wants can come play." Some of the guys move away from the wall to join him. "I'm gonna make him crawl through your legs so spread yourselves out and make an obstacle course. Feel free to paddle his ass as he crawls through. That should make him go faster. Lets make it a competition to see who hits him harder. The winner gets to butt fuck him and the runner up fucks his face." He grabs my hair and pulls my head back to look at him. "You count each guy as you crawl through their legs and remember the number of the two that hit you the hardest. Now turn around and get on all fours. Go when I tell you to."

I turn around and see a bunch of guys lined up to play. Some are holding paddles or belts. I plan my course to make sure I'll go through every pair of legs because I'm smart enough to know that if I miss any I'll have to do it again. He begins the countdown, "Get ready, get set, go!" I take off as fast as I can drag the stupid fucking ball and chain still attached to my balls. I go through the first guy's legs pretty fast but he still lands two or three good cracks across my ass. The second and third guys are about the same. The fourth guy uses a paddle and lands three hard cracks as I scurry through. The fifth guy lands two really hard ones with his paddle and I move as fast as I can to avoid a third resulting in pain shooting through my balls. It was still a better choice rather than have his fucking paddle smack my ass again. The sixth and seventh guys use their hands, which can't compare to the paddles. Number eight has a belt and hits my shoulders, my middle back, and my ass as I go through.

The ninth guy traps me between his legs. Squeezing them tight he holds me in place and wails his hand down on my ass a bunch of times while everyone laughs, claps and cheers him on. I squeeze my way through and number ten and eleven let me off pretty easy.

I see the bare feet of number twelve and know its Michael. I paid no attention to whom the other legs belonged to but I recognize Michael. I aim for between his legs but he closes them as I reach him. I can't possibly get through and I don't think I'm supposed to go around him. I look up hoping for some direction but he just stands there with his arms crossed with a belt in one hand. I don't know what the fuck to do. I figure it out and bow before him staying in place and offering him my ass to beat and torture. He wails my ass with the belt giving me twelve hard cracks. I make no effort to move. In fact it takes all my effort to stay in place.

When he's done, Steven, John, Craig, and David come grab me. Flipping me on my back they pick me up by my legs and arms. My balls are pulled down hard by the weight of the ball hanging from them as they pick me straight up from the floor. They lay me on a small table and using the wrist and ankle restraints they clip my wrists and ankles together above my chest. Attaching them to a chain and pulley they pull me up tight, but still leaving the bulk of my weight on the table. Removing the ball, they secure a rope through the parachute and attach my balls to the same pulley my wrists and ankles are attached to. Even though its uncomfortable its better than the ball was. They finally take the stupid bit gag out of my mouth and I swallow my spit and flex my jaw. I'm embarrassed as all hell hanging like some side of beef. I'm more embarrassed when David pours lube down my crack and pushes it up my hole with his fingers.

Steven gets in my face. "So sucker, who hit you the hardest? Who gets to butt fuck you?"

I'm smarter than to call Michael by name but he definitely hit me the hardest. "Number 12, Sir." A bunch of guys clap and cheer when I say it.

"There's no way I'm putting my cock up a slave's ass." Michael refuses the chance to fuck me. I know it makes me feel like shit but I wonder how Steven feels because he fucks me all the time. With all that's happened to me I'm still annoyed that Michael thinks he's too good to fuck me but it's all right for Steven to do it.

"Who were the next two? I'm sure someone wants to butt fuck a slave and get a blow job." I think about it. Number nine hit me a lot so it hurt badly, but number five hit the hardest.

"Number five hit the hardest and then number nine." Number nine starts hooting and hollering and I realize with a sense of dread that it's the arrogant prick from the shower. Dammit! I'd have picked someone else if I knew it was him. He moves quickly and comes to stand at the head of the table where my head is hanging over the end. He rubs my face in his crotch.

Steven calls out again, "Whose number five? Who gets a piece of his ass? There you are! Come on over here." The guy must be walking slowly because it takes him a minute to reach me. He stands at my ass and I look at him between my arms and legs. My heart stops. My stomach tightens and I almost vomit. My whole fucking world crashes in! Standing between my legs looking down on me is my boss! I can't fucking believe it! His look is serious and he doesn't say a word. Steven has never met him. David has probably met him at the gym but never realized that he's my boss. My mind is racing trying to remember who was there that day at the gym when he saw me cleaning the bathrooms. I remember I wasn't able to find either Steven or David. Oh fuck! I am so screwed! I have no idea what to do. He must have known it was me crawling around and he didn't say anything. What the fuck is he thinking?

Without flinching or hesitating, without taking his eyes from mine, my boss opens his pants and pulls his big dick out. In one easy motion he pushes it straight up my ass while looking me straight in the eye. He pulls back, shoves it into me again as the other asshole pulls my head back by my hair, and pushes his fat cock into my mouth. They fuck me at both ends and they both fuck me hard. I can't believe my boss is butt fucking me. I can't help but wonder what will happen to my job and my career. I mean we're both here, but look at what I've done tonight. Fuck!

I feel my cock swelling. I feel it bouncing as I'm getting fucked. I'm aware of my balls strung up with my legs and arms. I can't see anything but the pubic bush in my face which reminds me that I'm waxed smooth around my genitals and my ass and my boss is looking right at it all as he fucks me. A whole new wave of embarrassment floods over me. I'm not paying attention as the asshole just fires his load in my mouth. I swallow hard but some still spills and I choke on it a little bit. To his credit he lifts my head to help me swallow and I'm looking directly at my boss again.

His look is intense and a little cocky. He smirks as he fucks me harder. He tells the guy at my head, "Hold his head up. I want him to watch me fuck his ass. I want him to remember who fucked him so every time he sees me he thinks about it again. I want him to remember who was crawling on the floor and who was paddling his bright red ass. I want him to remember who the stuffed pig was hanging from the ceiling getting plowed and who the man was that did it to him." My cock is raging and I'm near cumming at the verbal abuse he's giving me. I am so fucking turned on! I clamp my asshole around his cock as he fucks me harder. He smirks again knowing what I did and shoves his cock hard up my ass. I close my eyes to concentrate on the feeling in my dick but his hand slaps across my thigh forcing me to open them again and watch him fucking me.

"Don't you dare close your eyes or look away. I want you to see what a real man looks like when he fucks a slave." I look right into his eyes as he plows my ass. He pulls out completely, pushes back in hard, pulls out again, and shoots his load straight up my chest. Some even lands on my chin. Another rope of cum follows and lands on my stomach and chest. His third rope lands on my balls and ass crack. He pushes his hand straight up my body smearing and gathering his cum and then wipes his cum soaked hand straight up my face smearing his load all over it. I'm covered in his cum. Everyone claps and cheers.

The reality of what just happened settles over me as my lust diminishes. I'm hoping we're done as Steven comes back to me. "Now you've seen how men get off but they need to see how slaves get off." He holds up a tube of Capzasin ES. Oh fuck! That stuff is like ten times hotter than Ben Gay. He squirts a wad of it on my cock and balls and with a gloved hand rubs it into my scrotum and all up and down my dick. I know it will slowly get much, much hotter and I dread what's coming. He squirts a bunch of it in the palm of my left hand, which surprises me because I'm right handed. He releases my two hands and my balls but not my ankles. Using the pulley he and David lift me much higher by just my ankles and take the table out from under me leaving me hanging upside down. They clip my right arm to my collar so my arm is fastened behind my neck. By this time my cock and balls are really starting to heat up and I know that very soon they will burn like hell. They take the rope attached to the parachute and tie that to my collar as well pulling my balls hard down toward my face.

"Now jerk yourself off. You don't get released until you cum for us. Show everyone how a slave gets off." I use my left hand, that is covered in more capzasin as my cock and balls start screaming with an angry burning sensation, to jerk off. Each stroke makes me knock into my own balls, which are very sore from all of the abuse they've already taken. I'm so fucking horny but uncomfortable as all hell. My whole body hurts. I jerk off furiously with Steven and everyone else watching. Steven pulls out his dick and a good-looking guy gets right down and starts sucking him off. I'm hit with jealousy and anger watching him get a blowjob from someone else. He just looks at me and laughs. "Men fuck and get blow jobs. Slaves get fucked and give blowjobs. They get beaten and humiliated. They Then they jerk themselves off while they're being tortured. It's just the way it goes so you'd better get used to it." I realize he's right. I suck off and get fucked by lots of guys. Why shouldn't he? I still don't like it though.

Michael and David stand next to him and take their dicks out. Within seconds guys get down to suck them off too. I watch the three of them enjoying blowjobs while I hang upside down with my cock, balls, and hand on fire trying to jerk off with my left hand. I really go at it because I really want to cum and if I don't do it now I don't know when he'll let me again. I watch them get sucked off using the visual as stimulation to bring me closer. Steven pulls the guy off his dick and shoots his load on the floor in front of me. He zips up and sits back to watch me struggle.

David shoots next. He joins Steven to watch me. Michael just stands there watching while the guy sucking his dick does all the work. Michael barely shows any reaction as he fires his load into the guy's mouth. I only know he came because the guy swallowed it all and then got up wiping his mouth. Michael just walked away when he was done.

My cock and balls are in full burn sensation as I try to jerk off furiously to cum. I'm afraid it's just not going to happen even though I'm so horny. Steven threatens, "I won't wait much longer. If you don't cum soon it won't happen for at least another week." I jerk off faster trying to make it happen. "I know how to make a slave cum. You just need some help." He turns to the other guys, "Who wants a blow job?" Craig pushes his way through and pulls his cock out right in front of my face. He puts his hard dick in my mouth and I suck it like crazy making believe its Steven's. It's such a turn on I move quickly toward and orgasm. I pull off Craig's cock and warn him I'm going to cum. He steps aside to get out of the way and I shoot a huge load on the floor in front of everyone. It is so fucking awesome and intense! As soon as I'm done shooting, Craig steps up and puts his dick back in my mouth. I suck him off until he fires his load in my mouth. I gather it all and do one big swallow. It's hard to swallow upside down. With no distraction my cock and balls burn like all fucking hell! I can't help but twist and squirm until it starts to subside. They lower me down and release me as the burning sensation eases.

"Lick up the mess you made." Fuck. I look at my stringy cum load on the floor. The last thing I want to do is lick it up, but I'm not going to risk pissing him off so I just do it. "Now mine." Shit. I crawl over to his wet mess and lick it up along with David's load. I look up as I finish to see my boss talking to Steven. Now that I've cum I'm really concerned about the possible consequences of his knowing about me. On one hand, he was here tonight also and participated. On the other hand, I was the slave who was beaten, humiliated, and fucked at both ends while he was one of the men who did it to me. Besides, he owns the company. I just work for him.

"Get over here." I follow them to the corner where the plastic tub sometimes used for water sports is kept. "Get in. I want you kneeling, hands behind your back, mouth wide open." This just keeps getting worse. I get in position as I was told. By now others have wandered over to see what's happening. I watch as my boss takes his dick out slowly. He takes aim at my face and I watch him work at getting his stream started. I look at his cock to avoid looking into his eyes, which I can feel staring at me.

His voice is that same strong and familiar one I hear at work. "It's been a good night, at least for me anyway. I got to paddle your ass, fuck you, cum all over you and rub it in your face, and now I get to piss in your mouth. What more could a man want?" A short stream of piss shoots out of his cock and lands on my face. Then another. Then his flow starts and he aims his stream of piss straight into my mouth. I swallow a little but most of it runs out of my mouth and down my body. "Yeah boy, drink my piss and remember the taste of it because it won't be the last time you drink it." What the fuck does that mean? Is that a good sign or a bad sign? Finishing up he shakes the excess all over my face and tells the others to take their turns. Several of them piss all over me, some aim into my mouth. He, Steven, and the others stay around and watch.

When they've all finished he looks at Steven and asks, "May I?" As soon as he gets approval he grabs me by the back of my hair and pushes me down face first into the piss pooled at the bottom of the tub. He rubs my face back and forth in the puddle of urine. "Stick your tongue into it. I want to see your tongue and lips covered by piss. That's it! Now stay that way until you're told to move." This is beyond humiliating. Some bastard comes over and pisses all over my back while I'm still in this position. The piss tastes awful. The others chat amongst themselves as I'm left here.

The crowd begins to disperse. I'm told to empty the tub outside and to rinse it and myself off with the garden hose out there. The water is cold but its better than being covered in urine. I wash my mouth out a bunch of times but the taste of urine lingers.

I put my pants on over my soaking wet body when Steven hands them to me. I remain silent as he says his goodbyes to everyone left there including my boss. I follow him out to the car and sit silently as he drives home. "Are you okay?" He asks me truly concerned.

"I don't know." I answer him honestly.

He pulls right over to the side of the road and stops the car to give me his full attention. "What's the matter?"

"The guy who fucked me and pissed on me... That was my boss. I work for him." I look at him with despair to see the shock in his face.

"Shit! Why didn't you tell me?"

"When? I didn't know he was there until he came over to fuck me. By the time the shock wore off he was banging me up the ass. What was I supposed to do?"

We sat in silence for a couple of minutes. "Considering everything, I think you handled it really well. Want to go back to talk to him? Want me to talk to him?"

I think about it. "No. Let's see what happens tomorrow. The worst he can do is fire me. I can always get another job. Right?" I feel better coming to this realization.

It's short lived. Steven chuckles as he pulls back into traffic, "Unless he paddles your ass when you fuck up or has you sucking him and his buddies off during your coffee breaks. Maybe you'll be the new ass-wipe in the executive bathroom. I sure as hell wouldn't want to be you." He actually seems to be enjoying this.

"What the fuck do I do if that happens?"

"Do what you do best. Obey!"

"You can't be serious!"

"I am very fucking serious!" His look and tone affirm just how serious he is.

Next: Chapter 21

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