Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Oct 30, 2006


This story is not completely fictional. Nor is it the truth and nothing but the truth. The names have definitely been changed to protect the guilty. We are all disease free and stay that way by protecting ourselves whenever we play with anyone but each other. Descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional because I'm imaginative and not stupid.

You know the rules... Don't read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay or BDSM expression. Don't even think about reproducing or publishing it without my permission. Remember, I have sadistic friends who like to punish people! <>

NOTE: I know it's been a long time between chapters and I'm really sorry for that. Thank you for your patience. I've gone back to school and I'm taking writing courses. I'm working with two publishers on two different projects. I'm really getting into this writing thing!! Thank you all for your encouragement!

I promise, I will see this story through to the end!

Chapter 30

The weeks had rushed by and the closings had all gone smoothly. We'd managed to get the whole interior of the new house painted and all the minor repairs done. There were some significant renovations we wanted to do in the future but it was perfectly livable until we are ready to tackle them.

I couldn't believe moving day was finally here and a small army of family and friends had shown up to help. Steven took one rental truck and a crew to his house and I took another rental truck and a crew to mine. We all met back at the new house and began the unloading process.

Steven gave the plan. "You," pointing to me he continued, "stay inside and tell everyone where to put everything." With everyone helping the stuff poured into the house and I went from room to room telling them where things went. I couldn't believe how fast and smoothly things were going. By three o'clock the trucks were both empty.

We gathered in the kitchen and I passed out beers and snacks to everyone.

My brother pointed out, "You'd better fucking serve us after we busted our asses off while all you did was bark out orders." He was kidding around but he was enjoying trying to humiliate me a bit like he always does.

I can dish it out as well as the next guy, "Hey, I did my part. It's not my fault you're a grunt and I'm management."

He continued the banter. "Oh you did not just fucking say that. Steven, are you going to let him talk like that or are you going teach him how to behave?"

"Don't look at me. This is between the two of you. You want him to treat you with respect then you teach him a lesson." Steven joined right in the mix.

"The way I see it he just dissed us all." My brother easily solicited the others into his corner.

"Then call it as you see it and handle it accordingly." Steven took a sip of his beer as he relinquished responsibility and abdicated control of the situation to my brother and the others.

I'm smart enough to know when to cut my losses and I took off like a bat out of hell out of the kitchen cutting through the garage and out of the house toward the back yard with my brother in hot pursuit and the rest of them right behind him. I'd taken enough spankings from them to know that although it was all in good natured fun and sibling rivalry it was going to hurt like hell.

He tackled me at the back of the yard just as I'd reached the woods behind the house where I might have had a chance of eluding them until they were tired and lost interest. I struggled to get away and would have if the others hadn't joined in. I continued struggling as they dragged me back toward the house. I wiggled out of my shirt and got away for a couple seconds until they tackled me again. Grabbing me by my arms and legs they lifted me up and carried me back toward the house. I continued struggling and apologizing and begging them to let me go with promises to behave but I knew it was useless.

Back in the garage they hit the button and the door closed. They dumped me on the floor knowing I had no escape. I tried to charm my way out, "Come on guys let's be adult about this. We're not kids anymore. You can't just spank me."

"Yes, we can." My brother said simply. "And we're going to."

"Oh come on! Not with all my friends watching?"

Craig jumped right in and added, "Oh we're not going to watch. We're all going help."

They move in quick and pull me up and over the work table. My feet are on the ground but my body is laid across the table. They hold my arms pulled over my head and pin me down. My oldest brother lands the first crack across my ass and I quickly remember how hard he hits. He lands several good ones before giving my other brothers their turns. Everyone laughs as I squirm. They continue laughing and teasing as the others take their turns as well. It's all good natured fun at my expense, and although it is humiliating and hurts like hell it is far from the worst I've ever taken.

They finally let me up and I stand there rubbing my very sore ass thinking it was over. Steven pipes in, "Show us your ass. We want to see how red it is." I look around the room, especially at my brothers. "Drop your pants and show us your ass." They're all looking at me. I try to figure out which way to face to give myself the most privacy but they're standing all around me. I especially don't want my brothers to see my boner. I pull down just the back of my pants keeping my cock and balls covered as I show them my beet red ass. "I said drop the pants. Since you didn't listen now we'll do it for you." David moves in quickly to grab me in a full nelson from behind and Steven depantses me. My sneakers came off with my pants and underwear and I'm left standing there in just my socks with my big dick at full attention in front of me.

David lets go but I'm still standing there buck ass naked in front of everyone. My brother adds to my embarrassment, "He's popped a boner every fucking time we've spanked him. I see nothing's changed." They all laugh but he doesn't stop there. "Then he'd go beat himself off. I swear, every time we spanked him he'd pop a boner and jerk off. It was so fucking unbelievable."

"It hasn't changed. He still does that. If anything it's gotten worse." Steven tells them all as I blush with embarrassment. I reach for my pants as he holds them out but he tosses them to David and calls, "monkey the middle." David holds them out for me but tosses them as I reach for them again. They continue tossing them around the garage as I try to intercept them. Steven finally offers me an end to the game. "Go in the closet and jerk off. Catch your cum in your hand. When you show us your load you get your pants back. Not before."

They all jeer and tease me more. I have no other way out so I go into the small broom closet and close the door behind me leaving me standing in the dark. I jerk off hindered by them standing out there waiting for me and teasing me through the closed door. That's a lot of pressure but it doesn't take that long before I shoot my load in my hand. I stand there a minute composing myself and letting my cock go down a bit before stepping out.

I step out and show them my load in my cupped hand and they tease me more about it. My brother, as usual, goes ahead to humiliate me more. "Funny thing is he jerked off in the bedroom but never had a load to dump. Always figured he just ate it. Is that what you do? You eat your own load after you shoot?"

Steven's command is given with a smile on his face but is no less a command. "Show them. Eat it."

I didn't think I could be this embarrassed anymore, but I am. I lift my hand to my mouth and lick my cum out and swallow it all. A collective groan escapes them.

My brother continues, "Oh fuck! I can't believe he still jerks off and eats his cum."

"That's nothing. He eats mine too." Steven laughs as he says it.

"And mine." Adds David.

"And mine. Adds Craig.

Then it's like a fucking chorus as half the guys in the room say "and mine" simultaneously.

My brothers not quite believing what they're hearing all laugh and one of them says, "Now that's not funny." Everyone laughs as Steven passes me my pants and I pull them on.

Steven takes charge again. "You go order pizzas, make a salad and set the table. We'll take the trucks back while everyone else takes a break. Dinner better be ready when we get back or we'll really paddle your ass." He lands a solid crack to my bare ass as I pull my pants up.

Dinner is just fun! It's easy and casual eating with a bunch of guys, chowing down on pizza off of paper plates, and drinking beer out of the bottle. The teasing and dissing each other is funny and witty. It's so good to be in our new home surrounded by good friends and family. Things wind down after dinner and my brothers leave along with some of our friends. The usual crew of David, John, Craig, Josh and Joey are left and we move into the living room.

Steven's voice is sharp. "Strip and kneel." I pull off my clothes and drop to my knees as they take seats. He spits on the floor. "Clean it up." I crawl over to it and lick it up. Before I'm even done he spits again in the other direction. "Now that one." I crawl across and lick that one up too. David opens his pants and squirts a line of piss across the floor. I sigh before bending down to lick it up too. "What did you just learn?"

"That it's my responsibility to clean up, Sir."

"Very good. Now crawl over and kiss everyone's feet." I do as I'm told. "What did you just learn?"

"To welcome our guests and to treat them with the proper respect."

His eyes show his approval. "And what do you think you're going to do for them now?"

"Whatever they want, Sir."

"Exactly. Go up to the guest room and wait. We'll decide who goes first. Each one gets exactly what they want from you. Each one does exactly what they want to you. Now move."

I go up and wait. I figure I'll be giving a couple of blow jobs and maybe get butt fucked a couple of times. I'm not nervous but wonder why it's taking so long for anyone to come up. Finally Joey comes up. He's the last one I'd have expected to come up first. He pulls his shirt off and drops his pants. Coming to me he tells me, "Lick my ass out. Rim me out and get your tongue all the way up my ass. Loosen me up." He climbs right up on the bed and straddles my face and lowers his asshole right over my mouth. The little fuck! Who does he think he is? Someone should teach him his place. He's just a boy. Where the fuck does he get off?

"I said rim me out. They want to fuck me downstairs and I want my ass clean and open for them." His hand slaps down on my stomach. "Get your fucking tongue all the way up there." I do it because I figure if he's doing this it's because they told him to but turnaround is fair play and I look forward to getting even. Besides, it's no fucking fair that they're going to fuck him downstairs while I'm just hanging out up here by myself. I go ape shit on his asshole and push in deep and hard and bite lightly at the flesh around his hole. I don't want to hurt him but I don't want him to enjoy this quite as much as he could. He moans in pleasure, the little fucker is enjoying it.

He slides back. "Suck me off now, get me really hard. Yeah. That's it, suck me all the way down. Oh fuck yeah. That's it. Perfect. Now follow me downstairs in case anyone needs fluffing before fucking me or cleaning after fucking me."

Fuck! Now all I am is a fluffer. Fuck them all. I follow him downstairs trying to hide my feelings. I follow him down the stairs and toward the playroom. I figure we're going to play in there because the room is still basically empty. I can't fucking believe it and I'm shocked with surprise when I walk into the room. There in front of me is one of the finest pool tables I've ever seen. Holy shit! They're all standing there watching me and my reaction to the table.

Steven speaks up, "This is so you can practice. There's a charity pool match coming up. You'd better win it. I've got a lot riding on it." I understand exactly what he's talking about.

Next: Chapter 31

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