Pool Table and My Balls

By NiteSearcher2000

Published on Jan 31, 2005


This story in not completely fictional. Nor is it the truth and nothing but the truth. The names have definitely been changed to protect the guilty. We are all disease free and stay that way by protecting ourselves whenever we play with anyone but each other. Descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional because I'm imaginative and not stupid.

You know the rules... Don't read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay or BDSM expression. Don't even think about reproducing or publishing it without my permission. Remember, I have sadistic friends who like to punish people! <>

Chapter 5: Upping the Stakes

I wake up well rested and feeling pretty good except for some soreness and tenderness. My leg hurts and I struggle not to favor it because I know that will only make it worse. I look at myself in the mirror; I do that a lot now. I have lots of marks and bruises from last night added to what I already had. Some belt marks are clearly visible and a number of welts are very red. Some of the black and blues are fading to a sickly yellow and green.

I like it. It might not make sense but I find it really hot! It might be arrogant but I know I'm good looking and I have a good build and a great set of jewels. I'm not going to hide from the world, but I know I'm going to have to endure a lot of embarrassment and humiliation to continue in this lifestyle. I'm determined to keep my life in good order. I've worked really hard to get where I am and I'm not going to give it up or fuck it up now.

I head out to the gym. I see the guys staring at my bruises as I change into my usual workout clothes of shorts and a muscle shirt. A couple of them ask what happened and I put a big smile on my face and tell them. "Let's just say I lost a bet, and it was a hell of a bet." A couple of guys give me a thumbs up or a nod to show they understand. I go looking for David. I find him in his office, "Got a minute?"

"Sure. Come in and close the door." He looks at me and I can tell he's checking out the bruises.

"Did Steven explain things to you yesterday?" I ask.

"He didn't have to. Between the collar around your neck and the bruises all over your body it was pretty easy to figure out. Some of the yahoos around here might not understand but I'm no yahoo." He leans back in his office chair. I notice he hasn't asked me to sit down like he always has in the past when we talk.

"Okay, so you understand. Would you have any problem with being my trainer?"

"Listen man, it's your life. I have no problem with how you choose to live it. You're an adult. Honestly, I really respect you for having the courage to be yourself. I know all about bodies and I know what you had to have endured to bruise like that. You're a better man than I am. I couldn't take it. I'd be honored to be your trainer." I feel a great sense of relief. "Go do your cardio and I'll put a routine together and catch up to you." I turn to leave but he calls me back, "Hey, you've been honest with me so I'm going to be honest with you. I'm into the scene. I'm really jealous of Steven. I'd love to get my hands on you." My hands instinctively go to my crotch.

I have to learn the language and how to flirt and make contacts in this lifestyle and this seems like a good place to start. "The way I see it's your right and privilege as a man." He's definitely intrigued.

"What about Steven?" he asks.

"I honestly don't know. I'm too new to this; I don't know how it works. He and I have been friends since we were kids; but we're not a couple or anything. We just discovered this new interest and are going with it. You can talk to him. I think he wants others involved. I know I do. I'm sure it will settle down but right now I can't get enough."

He nods his understanding. "Get to work before I kick your ass!" He says with a big smile and I walk out feeling great.

Steven comes in while I'm on the treadmill. I greet him joyfully calling him Sir.

"Are you okay?" He's never talkative in the morning.

"I'm good." I answer honestly.

"No long sleeves and pants today?"

"Nope. I figure I better get over it. I have a question. David is into the scene and interested in getting his hands on me. Is that okay?"

"Fuck yeah! I wanna watch though!" David happens to walk over at that moment and Steven extends his hand to him, "Happy to have you in the program! The more people making him suffer the better I like it. All I ask is that you be a friend and let me watch sometimes."

"I'll be happy to. I've put together a routine for him, Interested?" Steven nods. "You need endurance and flexibility. Lots of stretching and cardio. We want your muscles defined but not bulging. You're going to have to eat to keep some body fat. It will make it better to absorb some of the beatings you're going to be taking. The muscle and the fat will protect your internal organs. The stretching and flexibility will allow for more creative and long term bondage. Sound good? It must sound good. You both have happy pants."

The workout is tough, but doable. I have to leave more time in the morning so I'm not late for work. The day goes great and I have a very productive day at work. Even my secretary commented that I was on my game today. I laughed when she said she was glad I started wearing long sleeve shirts and ties because they made me look more professional. She'd die if she knew what I was covering up.

I had lunch with Jimmy on Wednesday and we had a good talk. He wants no part of the scene. I told him that was cool and I understood. I told him he didn't have to like it or understand it I just needed him to accept that I did and to be supportive. He readily agreed and we had a good lunch like always.

I got a bunch of stuff done around the house and made sure I connected with family. All in all it was a good week and I was definitely looking forward to getting together with the guys to shoot some pool. I hadn't seen or heard from Sir all week but he'd given me no indication that I would and no invitation to contact him. I was secretly hoping, longing, praying that he'll be at the pool hall. I laugh to myself. I haven't exactly been racking up the dates in the last year or two and now I'm looking at several possibilities. Life is good.

I'm high energy on Thursday! Great work out, great day at work, feeling good! I'm horny as hell because Steven had said no every time I asked him if I could masturbate. I asked a lot! It was a turn on to hear him say no to me. I laugh at myself and how fucked up my wiring is.

I'm all showered and dressed waiting for them to arrive when the phone rings. I know it's him and respectfully say hello. He tells me, "I want you naked and on your knees when we get there." I have no chance to respond or ask any questions. I take my clothes off and listen by the window for his car. I drop to my knees and wait for them to come in. Him and John enter together and take a seat. I feel so self conscious being naked in this situation.

"How are you feeling? Most of the bruises are gone." Steven notices.

"I'm good." I tell him.

"Let's go then." I crawl over to my clothes and remain sitting to pull on my jock and pants over it. I reach for my socks and shoes and he says, "No." I reach for my shirt and again he says, "No." I'm confused. I can't go out without a shirt or any shoes. "Give me your wallet, your money, and your keys." I hand them to him. He opens the door and motions for me to leave. I look down at my stuff and follow him out the door. He uses my keys and drives my car. John makes me sit in the back. I know what they're doing but it still ticks me off.

My anxiety level jumps a few notches when he turns in the opposite direction of where I thought we were going. Part of me is excited but part of me is disappointed because I was really looking forward to shooting some pool. It is one of my favorite things to do. I have no idea where we're going as he pulls into a driveway. I figure we're going to play here. Steven jumps out of the car and goes into the house. He comes out with David a minute later.

David approaches the car and says, "There's no fucking way I'm riding with this fucking low life piece of shit." It doesn't do my ego any good that the guy I was hoping would ask me out won't even get in the car with me.

"Of course not; get in the back asshole." Steven barks. It's my fucking SUV and I'm put in the cargo area with the cargo cover pulled over me. I wonder what his neighbors think when this half naked guy is put in the back. I try to figure out where we're going but I'm disoriented leaving from David's. They stop and shut off the car so I know we've arrived. I have no idea where we are. It's a private club and there's a guard at the door but he knows David is a member and lets us in.

The fucking place is awesome. It's a dungeon like something you'd only read about. My mouth hangs open and my anxiety level jumps way up. I'm not really surprised when I see Sir sitting at the bar and I'm struck again by how good looking he is. Everyone exchanges greetings, but not with me. Sir looks at me and points to the bathroom, "You know where to wait for us." He has got to be kidding! "Now!" He commands. Dammit! This really sucks! I go into the bathroom by myself and get on all fours and stick my head in the toilet bowl. I can hear them laughing and joking around out in the bar. John walks in and says excuse me while pulling my head from the bowl. He pisses in it and then pushes my head over it again and rejoins the others. I'm feeling sorry for myself being in here alone. I'd rather be in there suffering than in here alone. How sick is that?

I jump as the toilet flushes and they all laugh. "Come on asshole, let's play some pool." I follow Sir through the bar to where the pool tables are. There are a bunch of guys and they all look pretty rough. "Since there are five of us, we'll take bank shots to see who plays. The best four takes it, and gives us the playing order. The game is twenty one." Sir gives the directions. We each take a bank shot. I take first! Yes! I rule at pool! I think to myself. I try to hide my excitement. John comes in last so he has to sit this one out.

John looks at me. "Spread your legs asshole, I want to kick you in your fucking nuts." He gets my full attention and the attention of some of the others who stop what they're doing to watch. I quickly come down from my high. Fuck! What was I expecting? I spread my legs for him and he takes his shot! OH FUCK! I double over from the pain. I've learned to take deep breaths and try to relax to make it pass quicker.

"Come on. Take your shot." Sir tells me. I compose myself and make the break, landing two balls. I call my next shot when John gets up.

"Wait. I feel like kicking you in the balls again." Oh shit! I spread my legs again and he drops me with a solid kick to my balls. I pull myself up and take the shot I called and land it. John is already moving toward me. No one says anything as I spread my legs for him again. He drops me again! I sure as shit can't keep up this pace. Several guys are milling about watching. I call my next shot and miss it on purpose.

"That'll cost you." Sir says moving toward me. "Every time you miss it's another kick in the balls." What the fuck? I get kicked if I land it and kicked if I miss? I can't take this all night. I spread my legs again and take another wicked shot to the nuts. I come to the realization that we're not shooting pool tonight.

I clutch my balls and walk to John and hand him my stick. I drop to my knees and kneel before them. They gather around me. "It took you long enough asshole. Lose the pants and underwear. " I take them off. Steven and David bend me over and hold me while Sir shoves the butt end of his pool stick up my ass. It hurts so bad! Impaled with my ass on his stick I'm lead around the bar in front of everyone. He pulls the stick high so I'm on my toes and moves fast. I struggle to keep my balance. He has everyone's attention at this point.

"Okay gentlemen. You know the game and you know the house rules. Take your turn at our boy here. Who's in?" He pulls the stick out of my ass and points to the floor where I kneel down. Handing his stick to Steve he comes up behind me and yanks my balls back up between my legs. I drop my hands to the floor to keep my balance and he whales a couple of sharp cracks of his hand across my ass. I stay on all fours.

The first guy comes up holding a butt plug shaped like a big uncut cock. "Let's start this out right." He pushes it against my hole and I can tell by how cold it is that's it's lubed. He pushes it slow and steady never easing on the pressure. It feels like he's trying to push a fucking freight train up my ass and despite my best efforts and all my skill as a bottom it still hurts going in.

The next guy immediately pulls me up by my balls and fastens a very tight ball splitter around my balls with another strap bending my cock down between my balls. Nipple clamps bite into the tips of my nipples sending pain through them. A ball gag is strapped into my mouth. The next guys fasten a leather collar around my neck with straps behind it that my arms are fastened into holding them pulled up high behind my back. I'm backed up into a two sided box where I'm made to kneel again. My ankles are tied to each side spreading them apart. A round pole is slid though the sides of the box behind my knees making it where I can't move them at all. I'm pushed into a sitting position and another pole is slid through across the top of my thighs locking me in tight from the waist down. I'm bent all the way forward and a pole is slid in behind my neck making it where I can't get up. I try to move different parts of my body and I realize I can't move at all. To say I'm uncomfortable would be an understatement. I fight back the panic and try to stay calm.

I can't really see anybody or what they're doing. I don't know what I'm feeling but it feels like stickers are being put on me. It takes awhile as they're doing whatever they're doing and I'm miserably uncomfortable. All of a sudden I know what they did! They attached electricity to the tabs they applied and I'm racked with electrical stimulation! My muscles contract and release making me twitch and jerk around uncontrollably. My muscles are fighting my restraints and I'm taking a beating with no one even touching me. I fight the panic of having no control over my own body. My muscles are cramping and hurting causing a deep pain like I've never felt before.

It stops and it takes a minute or so until my muscles stop twitching completely. Sir leans close, "Okay. Now that you know what it feels like we'll do it again. Hold on bucko." I try to scream but nothing comes out as he starts it again. The pain goes completely through me and I abandon any hope of getting them to stop it and resign myself to enduring it for as long as it lasts. It lasts way too long.

I have to be helped out and I'm stretched out on the floor face down when it ends. The butt plug and the gag are still in place and my arms are still restrained. "Welcome to the big time." Sir says. "This is what it's like in the pro circuit. Do you want to play here or go back to the minor leagues? There's no shame in it if you can't handle it. Most can't. To be honest I think you can. In fact, I don't think you'll ever be happy if you don't at least try. Your choice, you can leave now or stay. You leave you don't come back. You stay you take whatever we give you and do whatever we say. Do you want to stay?" I nod my head yes. They all clap. It's the only affirmation I'm going to get.

I'm put back in the box. This time I'm on all fours with my wrists, elbows, and upper arms strapped tight to the sides. My knees and my upper thighs are also strapped to the sides. My ankles are pulled up and clipped to my upper thighs. A pole is slid through under my hips and another under my upper chest. Another pole is slipped in across my stomach but it's higher than the other two so my back is arched. It makes it a little tougher to breathe because I can't take a deep breath. A heavy collar with a chin guard is strapped around my neck totally immobilizing it. This is bondage I never even knew existed. The ball gag is replaced with a dildo gag that completely fills my mouth stopping just before the back of my throat. The butt plug is replaced with a bigger dildo attached to the metal rod of a fucking machine. I'm left impaled on it. My balls are tied and pulled down tight toward the bottom of the box. This has taken a long time to set up and I have no hope of getting out any time soon.

My dick is lubed and worked until it's hard. A cylinder made of PVC and lined with sheepskin is slid over it and attached to a piston which slides it slowly up and down the length of my shaft. It's the only thing that feels good. The fucking machine is turned on and it moves in long slow strokes into and out of my ass. The flogging begins. My back is fully exposed and I can't move at all. It becomes increasingly more painful as it goes on. I try to lose myself in the pain I feel everywhere. I give no thought to it stopping and resign myself to just being in it and with it. I tell myself over and over to embrace the pain and be one with it. The flogging increases in intensity but it's not brutal. I adjust to this new level of pain. I know it will increase again and invite it to in my head. I plead in my head for it to get worse. It does and I struggle to accept it. I'm fighting back the fear of the pain. I tell myself that this kind of pain doesn't cause any damage. I'm in pain but I'm perfectly fine.

The flogging becomes brutal and I lose control of my head space. The pain overtakes everything else. I want to scream out Steven's name but I can't because of the gag. I hear his voice. He's holding my face in his hands. I realize the flogging has stopped. So has the fucking machine. "It's okay. Calm down, It's okay. You're okay. Relax. Breathe. Take as deep a breath as you can. That's it. Breathe slowly." I calm down. I relax some of my muscles.

He continues talking to me, "Listen, man. You're doing good, but we're not done with you yet. You have to take more." I start to panic again. "It's okay. You can do it. This is what you were made for. You're supposed to suffer like this. It's your place. It's what you're supposed to do." the fucking machine is turned back on. God, my ass hurts! "Concentrate on your dick. It's still hard." The piston slides the tube up and down my cock and I concentrate on it. "Make me proud of you." He pulls away and the flogging starts at the brutal level. I take it this time. I take it until they stop it; until they're satisfied.

I'm let out of the box and again stretched out on the floor. I'm given a drink and allowed to rest a few minutes.

"Okay asshole. Get back on your knees." I pull myself up. The guy talking to me is a mean looking mother fucker. He's right in my face. "We just proved that you're nothing more than a fucking piece of shit to us and you just proved to all of us that you don't deserve to be treated like a man. You're just a fucking piece of property to us to do what we want to. Get up you dumb fuck!" He drags me into the men's room and throws me down on the floor. He hits and kicks me a bunch of times. "Get your fucking face in the toilet! Do It! Get your face in every one of those shit pots and lick that porcelain. He drags me into very stall and pushes my face into each bowl and makes me lick it. "Now the urinals! Come on guys take a piss so he can lick it out of the urinal and really know his place." I'm forced to lick the back of each urinal after someone has pissed in it. It is so disgusting I almost gag. The same guy yanks me up by my collar and pulls his dick out right in front of my face. "You're lower than a piss pot to me. That urinal deserves more respect than you, so I'm using you to piss in." He pushes his dick in my mouth and lets his piss flow into me. I swallow in fear of the punishment if I don't. "That's only one end. You need piss in both ends! Who wants to make a donation?" David pisses into his beer bottle and I'm pushed down to the bathroom floor and the open end of the bottle is shoved up my ass. I can feel it draining into me. While it's still emptying into me they piss all over me. One after the other takes a leak all over me. I'm covered in their piss. A towel is thrown on the floor and I'm ordered to clean up the bathroom floor. I have nothing but the towel and I have no choice but to wipe up the piss and wring it out with my hands. I've never been lower. I didn't know I could sink this low. There's a shower and I rinse off before going back out and dropping to my knees again.

I'm taken to a smaller, very dimly lit room. I'm bent over a table and strapped down to it. One strap goes across my lower back and is locked in place. The other is across my upper back and locked in place. My ankles are secured to the floor. My hands are tied in such a way that I have a limited range of movement. A blindfold is placed on me completely blocking out my sight.

They go out and leave me alone, but not for long. They come in and they fuck me. They fuck me in the ass. They fuck my mouth. They come in one or two at a time and fuck me over and over again. They dump their loads in both ends. Some of them piss in my mouth after cumming in me. I don't know who did what to me. I don't even know how many used me. I just know they fucked me and I was nothing more than a hole to fuck to any one of them.

When all of them were done I was taken back out to the main room and put on the floor. The guys who were left stood in a circle around me. "Jerk off. We want to see you cum." A disgusting amount of lube was poured all over my cock. I stroke my dick. It hardens immediately. It is so fucking hot to be made to jerk off under their stare. The humiliation is so intense. I decide to go for broke. I look Steven right in the eye, "Please Sir, make me hurt. Please. I need to hurt." Their hands are all over me! They slap, pinch, and punch me. My balls are squeezed, twisted and pulled. My nipples are tortured. I move toward an orgasm. I'm thinking this is so perfect! This is exactly how I want to get off! This is my fantasy come true! I shoot my load. It's so intense I scream out as I cum! My body is racked with all the sensations. They go from ecstasy, to hell because they don't stop hurting me after I cum. They continue to torture me until I'm screaming. I lay panting and crying when it's over.

They drive me home. As I'm walking into my house Steven calls to me, "Hey, I'll be on my cell phone." I go straight upstairs and look at myself in the mirror. My back is all red and welted. My asshole is all puffy. I have marks on my arms and ankles from the restraints. I have red circles from the electro tabs that were attached to me. My dick is hard again. I ease into the hot wet luxury of my Jacuzzi. I wonder how long I can keep this up.

I call Steven's cell phone. Instead of answering the phone the three of them walk into my bathroom. He tells me to get out of the tub and lie on the bathroom floor to jerk off. They stand over me and watch. I jerk off in front of them and orgasm for the second time in an hour. David wipes his boot in the cum on my stomach and puts it over my mouth. I don't wait for him to tell me, I lick my cum off the bottom of his boot. He uses the same boot to crush my balls between my legs.

"Don't make any plans for the weekend." I nod in agreement. They leave.

Next: Chapter 6

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