Poor Little Rich Boy

By Ruben Mittermayr

Published on Jan 7, 2003


DISCLAIMER: Please note that although some items may reflect real events, this story is purely fictional and doesn't imply anything about the people (or their sexuality) mentioned in the story. I would also like to point out that all trademarks are property of their respective owners.

As the sun peaked through the closed curtains Ruben slowly opened his eyes and found out that it was almost 11 am but since it was a Saturday he could stay in bed for as long as he wanted. After five minutes his wondering mind was brought back to earth as his phone rang, after three rings he picked it up. "Hello" Ruben said

"Good morning sweetie", his favorite grandmother said cheerfully, "Hope you had a good nights sleep"

"Thanks granny, so why are you calling me this early in the morning?' Ruben said, knowing that whenever granny called before lunch he could expect that she wanted something.

"We were wondering if you could do your grandfather and me a small favor."

"Of course grandmother, what did you want me to do?"

"As you know the company of grandfather supports a couple of charities, one of them has invited your grandfather to come and see what the money is being used for and as you know your grandfather doesn't like to be in the spotlight and wondered if you wouldn't mind flying to Los Angeles on Sunday and replace him."

"It isn't my fav thing to do during the weekend but I'll guess I could do it." Ruben said sounding a lil disappointed as his plans for the weekend were completely fucked up now.

"Thanks Ruben, I knew you wouldn't let us down and don't worry we'll send the corporate Airbus to fly you to the States and to make up for your lost weekend we got you two tickets for Wimbledon in the Royal Box. Albert and Paola invited us to go with them but I'm sure you'll have more pleasure."

"Thanks granny, but you shouldn't spoil me like this" Ruben said smiling at the thought of fucking Prince William in the royal box at Wimbledon.

"Try to have a great time in Los Angeles, grandfather already told the charity that they should expect you and they said they would take good care of you", Granny said "Bye Ruben"

"Goodbye grandmother" Ruben said as he put the phone back on the bedside table.

'Ok since I'm awake now I'll better get out of bed' Ruben thought as he pushed back the duvet covers and got out of his king size bed and made his way to the pool. After his usual stretches he dived into the warm water and did a couple of laps after which he put on his bathrobe and made his way to the outside terrace where breakfast was waiting for him.

While he drank his fresh orange juice and had a couple of toasts with royal Belgian caviar which has a subtle flavor of hazelnuts he picked up the newspaper, the weekend was the only time he could relax and read the paper which in his case consisted of checking the real estate ads.

After breaking off a piece of his chocolate croissant he returned to his bedroom and picked out something to wear for the day and what he wanted to take with him to LA. After a quick shower and putting on the casual zegna suit he told Rosa, one of the housekeepers, what he needed to take to LA and asked her if she could pack his suitcase.

"Hey partner!" Isabelle yelled to Ruben as she made her entrance into his bedroom waving a Versace bikini in one hand and sun lotion in the other, "Hope you didn't forgot you promised we could go to the beach today"

"How could I forget such a thing honey" Ruben said as he remembered he might have promised it to her last week when he tried getting out of going clubbing with her.

"So are you ready? Don't forget those swim trunks I got you for your birthday sexy."

"I was just about to get those out of the wardrobe" Ruben said while he walked to his walk in closet and after 15 seconds found the pair Isabelle bought him, which were a pair of vintage swim trunks that didn't cover too much.

"So which car are we going to take?" Isabelle asked as both of them went down the stairs.

"We're certainly not taking that bmw of yours, why don't we use the bent azure my grandparents got me for my 18th birthday."

"You're such a brag Ruben and what's wrong with my beemer?" Isabelle asked

"Don't get me started on what's wrong with your z3 or we'll be here all day and if you're good girl and also choose the Bentley I'll let you drive"

"Let me drive??? Mister 'no-license' thinks he can drive himself?"

"Ok you got me there" Ruben while he flashed his killer smile at Isabelle.

Both got into the car and with a lil discusion they also decided on some driving music, Isabelle has a more popsy flavor when it comes to music but Ruben managed to convince her to put on the 70s cd he put in the cd changer with the profound argument that it was cool and went well with his flashy swimtrunks.

After one hour of cruising down the highway with an average speed of 100 miles an hour they made it to the seaside town, called Knokke. They parked the car in the Knokke-Zoute parking lot which is located 100 meters from the beach and right next to the designer stores where Bart, Raphael and Caroline were waiting for them.

Bart and Raphael were two old highschool friends of Ruben, Bart is the kind of guy that's so cute that he has to be straight, he has deep blue eyes, short brown hair and a killer smile besides the usual 8 pack and the cutest virgin ass.

Raphael on the other side has half long blond hair which he always wairs in his usual preppy style... he also got blue eyes, a perfect body and is mostly known for the fact that he told his highschool art teacher that he wanted to be a pornstar, to which she replied that from what she could see he should be able to become one...

Caroline also is 'supermodel' beautiful but just a litle bit too stuck up for Rubens taste as she really believes that having to go to the public toilet in Cannes is the worst thing in life.

"Looks who's there, aren't it the Mittermayrs?" Raphael said smiling.

"You're lucky you're so cute Raph or I would have to kick your ass for that one" Ruben said with a fake angry look on his face which quickly turned into a smile, "So I see we're the last one, so where does everyone wants to go for lunch, you all know my favorite restaurant."

"That's fine with me, as I remember there was a cute waiter the last time we went there" Caroline said while she adjusted her large Dior glasses and tossed her half long blond hair backwards.

"Everything's fine with me as long as we get going, I'm starving here" Bart said.

After five minutes of walking they reached the restaurant which overlooked the ocean and were greeted by the friendly owner of the restaurant who directed them to a corner table with a view of the ocean. After everyone ordered the season's three course menu and Ruben chose out a bottle of Cristal to start followed by his fav wine, a 2000 'Chateauneuf du Pape' they started discussing what to do in the afternoon and who's fucking who.

After lunch they made their way to the beach and after changing all 5 friends were having fun in the sand, they looked just like the fold out pages in the versace summer catalogue. As the North Sea wasn't the ideal place to go for a swim they mostly stayed on the dry side, after an hour of laying in the sun the guys got a bit bored and suggested a game of beach volley at which Raphael, Isabelle and Caroline crushed Ruben and Bart, to celebrate they all went down for some icecream, everyone chose Belgian chocolate and passionfruit sorbet except for Bart who decided to try the lemon, which wasn't the ideal thing to do.

After everyone had finished their icecream they went back to the cabins and changed back into their clothes before they went back to the parking lot to drive back home, after waving goodbye to everyone Ruben and Isabelle headed back to Rubens place since he needed to catch his plane to LA at 7pm this evening. As trafic wasn't that bad they made it back just being a lil bit late.

"Don't forget to get me a pair of Oliver Peoples sunglasses from LA" Isabelle said as he got into her own car "And have a safe flight sexy"

"Thanks Isabelle and I'll try to remember." Ruben said.

It was almost 6.30 pm and he still needed to grab his bags and make it to the airport and through customs. Good thing Rosa was waiting for him and handed him his suitcase and gave him his travel documents.

"Thanks Rosa you're a life saver" Ruben said smiling. He then rushed to the garage where his benz and trusted driver where waiting for him. "Good evening Steven we'll better hurry."

"Good evening Sir"

After a 15 minute ride the car made it to the airport and five seconds later Ruben was welcomed to the corporate hub by a vipmanager who guided him professionally through customs and into the shuttle which would take him to the private plane which was waiting for him.

After taking his bags from the vip-manager he said thanks to the overly friendly guy and greeted the two pilots that were going to fly him to Los Angeles and told them they could start the engines after which he greeted Ingrid with his usual silly smile.

"Good evening and again welcome on board of flight RM001, non stop to Los Angeles Sir Mittermayr, would you like me to take your bags?" asked Ingrid.

"Nah I'll put them away myself, as you know my bags tend to be a bit heavy. But I would like a light dinner if that's possible?" Ruben said.

"That's no problem, would you like the usual chicken with paprika sauce and three color pasta?"

"Hehehe how come you still remember that?"

"Certain things you don't forget Sir, I'll serve dinner as soon as we're in the air, but would you like a drink first?"

"A glass of fresh OJ would be nice" Ruben said as he put his trunk in the bedroom closet and tested the bed before returning to the sitting room and getting ready for take off...

After a wonderful dinner and a blueberry muffin for dessert Ruben went to his bedroom for some sleep and was woken up by Ingrid a half hour before their scheduled landing time which was 9 pm local time so he could have a quick shower and change his clothes.

It was a smooth landing as usual and five minutes later the plane had taxied to the corporate hub, after saying goodbye to the staff and thanking them for a comfortable flight he made his way down the stairs where he was greeted by an incredibly cute guy that introduced himself as Chad Michael Murray and told that he was asked by the charity to welcome him and show him around.

Any suggestions about the story and if I should continue are more than welcome, my addy is ruben_mittermayr@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 5

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