Pop Star

By Chase Donovon

Published on Oct 27, 2001


Let's play catch up, because it's been a very long time. In fact, you should probably just read the first five parts of the story over again (except for part 3 which is stupid, pointless, and really not a part of the story) as well as reading 'Vida Loca' because 'Pop Star' is a sequel to that story.

Okay, now for our 'last time on Melrose Place' moment. Our hero, Chase Donovon, was a random fan of Ricky Martin who was lucky enough to meet him in a bathroom during a public appearance. One thing lead to another and they had a fantastic night of sex. Chase, encouraged by some things Ricky said, decided to pursue his music career.

He was signed and began to work on his first alubm and found himself with the perks of an emerging pop star, which include meeting hot celebrities. He's so far met Jordan Knight, who's become a close friend and fuck buddy, and in our last chapter flew to New York for the TRL debut of the video of his very first single. In the green room after his appearance, he met the flirtatious guys of Blink 182 and discovered that they were staying in the same hotel.

That about catches us up to speed. My intention with this story (except for when I wrote part 3!) has always been to write hot sex stories about hot celebs who get overlooked in most stories on Nifty. I've taken a very long break for a variety of reasons, but I'm back.

I've also written another story in the meantime, called 'Welcome to Salem', which is about Days of Our Lives. If you're a fan of that, I know you're proably wondering when the hell I'm going to write some more. Soon, I promise. :)

And now, Pop Star 6. Enjoy! :)

***Note: This story is completely fictional. I've never met any of the real life versions of any of the people mentioned, so I can't honestly speculate on their sexualities, but the events I'm portraying all come from my mind and nowhere else.

I felt like I was floating on air all the way back to my hotel. The high of having just been on tv in front of millions of people, of having them see my very first video and hear my single for the first time, was pumping through my veins and pounding in my ears. No matter what happened from this point on in my attempt at pop stardom, nobody could take away the afternoon I'd just had.

I got all the requisite congratulatory calls from people involved with my career, my cell phone buzzing the entire ride to the hotel. All the words really blended together and I don't think I actually listened to what anyone said. There was too much on my mind.

Not only was on the brink of being accepted or rejected by the ever influential teen audience of TRL, I also had the possibility of a wild night ahead of me. I kept thinking of the conversation in the green room, with a couple of guys known as Blink 182.

Mark had been very flirtatious, even to the point of actually pinching my ass as he left the room. The best part was that we were all staying in the same hotel. The possibilities were endless.

I got back to my room and collapsed onto my bed, staring up at the ceiling and replaying the whole interview with Carson Daly over in my mind. What had I said? How had it looked? My manager was sending me a tape, of course, so I could see for myself, but for now I could just wonder how I had come off to all the people watching at home.

My cell phone rang yet again. For a minute, I stared at it, wondering if I could just turn it off for awhile, escape from all the business talk. What I really wanted right now was to just enjoy the moment and not get bogged down in details. Still, business was business.


"Chase? It's Jordan," the familiar voice was low and sexy in my ear.

"Did you watch the show?"

"That's why I'm calling. You were fuckin' awesome. You're in, my man. All those little teen girls were probably creaming themselves watching you. And I'm sure quite a few of the teen boys were, too," Jordan laughed.

"Did I really come off okay? I was so nervous! I knew I would be, but when I was actually up there, it was nuts," I said.

"You came off great, don't worry about it," Jordan assured me.

"Speaking of cumming, guess who I met in the green room?" I asked, smiling.

"Don't expect me to be impressed if Carson Daly put the moves on you, man. That tool would sleep with anything with a pulse," Jordan laughed.

"Not Carson, no. I met the guys from Blink 182. I think Mark was pretty into me, too. They're even staying here in the hotel. So what do you know about them?" I asked. Jordan kept his ear to the ground about things like this. He knew who was family in the business and who wasn't.

"Blink 182? From what I hear, they're all pretty much into chicks. But sometimes, if the mood is right, they can get a little wild," Jordan said.

"Well then, let's hope the mood is right tonight! I'm so pumped up after today, I need to get laid," I said, meaning it. My balls were already starting to turn blue.

Jordan laughed and wished me good luck. I hung up from him and jumped up, heading for the shower.

I decided not to wait around the room for a call that might not even come. One way or another, I was getting laid tonight.

I was on my way out the door, planning to head to a club, when the phone rang. It wasn't my cell phone this time, but the actual hotel room phone. I was pretty sure that meant only one thing- Mark was making good on his promise to call.


"Is this Chase?"

"You got him. Who's this?" I asked.

"It's Mark Hoppus, dude. From Blink." I smiled at the reply and felt myself getting hard already in anticipation.

"Oh, hey man. What's up?" I asked, striving to sound cool.

"We're gonna have some people up to the room, just have some fun, chill. You interested?"

"Hey, sure. Sounds like fun," I looked across the room into the mirror, checking already to make sure I looked okay.

"Great, man. I'm looking forward to getting to know you a lot better," Mark said. Was it just me, or did he emphasize the word 'lot'?

He told me the room number and to come on up whenever I was ready. I thanked him and hung up, my heart racing and my dick throbbing in my pants.

I waited about half an hour, just so I wouldn't look too desperate. When I stepped off the elevator on their floor, which was reserved just for the three of them, I was greeted with loud music and the noise of a party in progress.

I followed the sounds and soon found myself swallowed up in a group of about fifty people, most of them already drunk, high, or on their way to being both.

I wandered in and out of conversations for awhile, nursing a beer, keeping my eyes out for Mark or either of the other two guys. There wasn't a familiar face in sight, though.

Before I even knew what was happening, I found myself trapped in a corner with a girl who had flaming red hair and was wearing next to no clothes. She began coming on strong, trying to figure out just how well I knew the guys and if I could get her in to see them. By the time she slipped her hand down my pants, I knew I should be getting out of there and finding something else to do with my evening.

I excused myself as nicely as I could and started for the door, feeling disapointed with how things had turned out. Obviously, the guys in the group extended invitations to a lot of people and it was really nothing too personal. They weren't even with their guests. From what I'd gathered from Red before I made my getaway, they were stashed off in a bedroom in the suite with a small group of people important enough to actually party with them.

I was almost to the door when I felt a hand grab my arm. I swung around, fearing that big Red had decided I was just too good to let get away. Instead, I found myself face to face once again with Darren, the overprotective biker type who served as personal security for the guys in Blink.

"Come on," was all I got out of him. He clearly did not like me one bit, but I'm glad to say that the feeling was one hundred percent mutual.

I followed him, my hopes starting to rise once again. Maybe something would come out of this, after all.

Darren lead me to another room in the suite, where I was met by the sight of the guys in the band all lounging around and talking with a few other guests that included a few big breasted, cheap looking women and a couple of other guys who I'd never seen before in my life.

Tom looked up and smiled when I walked in, then went back to talking to one of the bimbos. Travis looked at me without any expression on his face, then seemed to dismiss me altogether. It was Mark who jumped up and shook my hand quickly, giving me a little half hug.

"Hey! Glad you could come, dude. I'd like you to meet... Niki," Mark paused for just a second before saying the name of the bimbo who'd been sitting with him, making it obvious that theirs was a new aquaintence.

"Niki, this is Chase Donovon. He was on TRL today. He's like the next big thing," Mark said, smiling at me.

I smiled and thanked him for the compliment as I shook Niki's hand.

"Have a beer and make yourself at home," Mark smiled and slipped his arm around Niki's waist in a way that cleary indicated that he planned to make himself quite at home with her in a short while.

Feeling my heart sink I grabbed the offered beer and began to think of ways to excuse myself quickly. Jordan had warned me that these guys were pretty much into women only and it certainly was looking like the evening was going to be a complete bust if I didn't manage to head for a club soon.

Half an hour passed slowly. I chatted with some of the ladies present and every once in awhile Mark or Tom would shoot a question my way. If I hadn't been so set on getting laid, it would have been an awesome experience. As it was, though, my dick was doing the thinking for me and I needed to get out of there.

I was just about to make my excuses when Mark caught my eye and motioned to the side with his head. Curious, I stood up at the same time as he did and we met off to one side of the room, a few feet from everyone else.

"Dude, I'm really glad you came tonight," Mark's words were low and filled with an aura of confidentiality.

"Yeah, man, so I am. Thanks for inviting me. I was just thinking, though, that I should get going," I tried to look suitably disappointed.

"What? No, man. The fun hasn't even started yet! Listen, Niki thinks you're hot," Mark grinned at me.

"Really?" I asked, trying not to show just how little I cared about what his bimbo of the evening thought about me.

"Yeah! So, listen. She's up for a little fun," Mark explained, the grin never leaving his face.

I stared at him for a few seconds, silently, wondering if he was suggesting that Niki and I hook up, or if by 'a little fun' he meant something else.

"What do you mean?" I finally asked.

"You know. You, Niki, me. A little fun," Mark punched me lightly on the shoulder. I felt my dick stir a little at the thought of what he was suggesting, but at the same time I didn't really want anything to do with Niki.

"Mark, it sounds like it would be a great time, but I'm really not into women. Just guys," I explained.

Mark looked at me and smiled even wider than before. "Dude, that's okay. C'mon, let's have some fun!"

That's okay? Promising words. I smiled back at him and nodded. "My place or yours?"

more to follow shortly. Write me at chase_donovon@yahoo.com

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